Divine Perfection ~ Feminine Goddess Returns to her Throne of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Majestic Galactic Star Warriors of our Universal Alliance of Light
As we continue our Journey through the Lions Gate Portal we are being inundated with a higher influx of Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Light directly from the Great central Sun.
Our local Solaris released multiple C Class solar Flares again today and 2 more M Class with the most powerful maxing at M 2.04 at 4:4o UTC. 444 Flowing in.
Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun receive more Codes of Freedom and Peace from the most High, Mother Father God Source Creator. We had a huge blast of white Light on the Schumann Charts at 90 hz and then a blackout followed by amplitudes of 17 hz, 20 hz and 24 hz. As we Rise and Ascend in the Glory of the Holy Fire and at the same time descend with the Holy Waters into the Void of Time and Space, the Holy Spirit is with us. This is the Rise and Fall of the Sine wave of the One Law of the Universe. The inbreath and outbreath, the pulse of Life.
We call in our Higher Self to connect and merge with our 3D Temples of Light as we navigate in between worlds with one foot in Heaven and the other upon Earth and merge the Two in Unity through our Rainbow Bridge of Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind. the Awakening of Human Consciousness has reached a New Precipice in our Ascension Journey as we break through all barriers and gates that keep us from our Divine Destiny.
Keep anchoring in the Crystalline Codes of the Christos Sophia and let go of all that no longer serves yourself or the collective as we make our final preparations for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness in the Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life….A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 24°18′ Capricorn, Sun at 8°20′ Leo
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals.
Sabian Symbol for 9º Leo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 9º Leo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
An oriental rug dealer in a store filled with precious ornamental rugs.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Capricorn
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Capricorn.
UPDATE. Super Full Moon on approach. An auspicious moment of light & high vibes. Your work is being rewarded. This is a collective success. You deserve this. Your constant devotion to the path is paying off. Joy. Receiving. Tension easing to be replaced by more light.
Incoming HIGHER FREQUENCY of DIVINE NEW ENERGY is Inviting us to Ascend to HIGHER Levels and BE of Service for the HIGHEST and the GREATEST GOOD for ALL Concerned!
Immense things are happening on galactic levels with regard to this planet and inndeed we will be witnessing this now on many levels.
The time has come.
All souls on this planet come from the original 12 Master galaxies who cocreated the Earth. All are here now to see the old into completion and fully establish the new.
You come from the stars and it time to reclaim your true galactic heritage with love
Big weekend for those who made a jump to the ascension timeline this month. Initiates received keys and instruction sets for their next roles as they stepped through the gates again Saturday night ( after multiple initiations, mostly around the level of Integrity one can walk in). Around July 13th there was a convergence where Higher aspects dropped in. Council called this specific juncture ” a change of the guard.” As new roles have been assigned, many have officially left the karmic overlays as well as ancient contracts while others agreed to another “round.”
The rearrangement of contracts vs Soul agreements stabilized this weekend. The return of the Holy Grail, The True Essene, The Restored Paliadorian covenant, True Maji Kings and Queens ushering in New Earth grid activations, and the Law of One established/ anchored within all lower realms/ bandwidths. Now that the next wave of guardians have stepped fully into their roles, I see many others feeling the release of their previous roles to their physical monad, and aligning with their chosen parallel trajectory. June was the release and purge of the toxic masculine personally as well as collectively.
July was the same for the dark feminine..August brings Union within and without. Take what resonates..I work specifically with my own grid assignments, monad and oversoul as far as what’s seen in the field of the collective consciousness and instructions being dispersed within my specific tribe in council.
“When I painted Death Dealer and Silver Warrior back to back, I had been sitting on my laurels, just going through the motions. Then there was a rumor that really disturbed me. People were saying I was washed up and that I hadn’t produced anything in years. That was the loyalty I got? It made me decide to crush them and show them the old spirit. I sat down and bam, Death Dealer and Silver Warrior were born. They were both better than anything I had ever created before. It’s a crazy game I like to play”
7/31/23: As July comes to an end it appears that many are very happy to see it go. But July’s mission was not to enable us to rattle on as usual. It was, in fact, to shake us and bake us. Because only then will we change. Only then will we let go. July revealed the truth, that’s it. Today is for wrapping up your business with it.
If possible, don’t leave things hanging or loose ends to trip you up. Maybe you can’t act yet, but you can definitely see where action is needed, so plan for it. Tomorrow launches a month of busyness, balancing, consequences, and real progress. Your Right Action today is to face forward and get ready to grow.
Dear friends, the energetic influence of the first full moon of August is already arriving into our planet. The climax of this energy wave will take place on the first day of the new month, however, the full moon codes are already flowing in and will be affecting us all of this first week of the month.
Unlike a regular new moon and full moon, which are famous for bringing change and abundance with them, supermoons add a boost of luck, positivity, and a big burst of energy to the planet when they occur. When a supermoon graces the night sky, it offers up the chance for you to release the things that are holding you back. (During a supermoon, tides can vary up to 2 whole inches when compared to more regular tides!).
This first Supermoon of August takes place in the air sign of Aquarius. This special full moon will reveal the ways you are being called to innovate and revolutionize parts of your life that have been slow, restricted, and stagnant for too long. This energy will help you to intellectually make sense of the new directions you need to take during the rest of the year. It’s time to make space within yourself, out with the old, in with the new.
Emotionally speaking, old and new fears may resurface so you can face them and move courageously ahead. The energy of this Supermoon will assist you in finding the answers you need and the ways to move past these fears.
Shortly after this Full Moon reaches its peak, we will find ourselves walking into the Lion’s Gate climax in August 8. As we have mentioned in previous posts, Lion’s Gate is an energy portal that honors the rising of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun. As our Spiritual Sun rises, it is reborn, and we too, can feel the rebirth of our own Spirit energy under this portal. This energy, which is already flowing, together with the two super full moons of this month will make August an incredible time period for self-healing and soul enlightenment.
Have a wonderful week, and an amazing month of August. Much love
For some, a profound transformation is currently underway…
This transformation is being felt in the body with many pulses and sensations moving through various parts of the body. With these sensations, there is often a releasing of emotion- often experienced “unexpectedly” or bringing with it also a “memory” of some kind.
This experience may also include ringing of the ears, extreme sensitivity to light, extreme sensitivity to sound, periods of vertigo, a feeling of various “spinning” sensations, dizziness, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, exhaustion, intense “electrical” sensations, headache, inability “to think straight,” as well as various sensations of “contraction” and “expansion” in the brain…
Along with these physical sensations, some are being thrust through a myriad of emotions that feel “uncontrollable.” And some of this is accompanied with “lifetime memories”… or even “ancient visions”…
Indeed, some are moving through a very holy corridor at this time. If you resonate with anything here, then you KNOW.
Precious hearts, all is well!
It truly is!
Some have asked, “Am I going to make it? I don’t know if I can make it through this.”
Dear one, you ARE moving through this sacred passage… and there is nothing happening beyond your ability to move through it! It is true. We are never given an experience beyond our ability to process.
YOUR HEART KNOWS and holds within it all the guidance you require to fulfill this holy endeavor!
There is much that can be said about all of this, but for now…
Let’s BE in SILENCE together in our HEARTS.
Relax deeply.
Release the need to “figure anything out.”
Nurture your body as it flows through this process and resist the compulsion to label or judge what is happening.
Dwell in the sacredness of each breath moving deeper and deeper into the PEACE within your HEART.
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick message for you.
The Divine says since the Divine has shifted the planet to a higher realm lately, the planet now has settled and feeling comfortable in this new location. The Divine and the company of heaven are now switching gears and focus on the establishment of the Divine government again.
The Divine says that the planet needs the Divine government to manage the ascension process. Humanity, too, is eager to have the Divine government on earth so that humanity will have the Divine parents on earth and feel the Divine connection through its Divine parents on earth. Gaia is also very eager to have the Divine government to be established so that her ascension can be protected and succeeded.
The Divine says right now, the Divine is working on the leaders of the Divine government on earth. The Divine says that most of the leaders and members of the Divine government are ready and in their position now. However, there are a few of the critical leaders who are still somewhere else and did not show up to their mission after the Divine duty calls. The Divine says it is time that the Divine focuses on these souls and gets them to the position.
The Divine says currently, there are a lot of light workers who have not been on duty. Some abandoned their light work completely. Others are hiding behind the scenes and not willing to come forward and do their job. The Divine has called these light workers consistently but no avail. So now, the Divine has decided to bring in more light workers and replace the ones who are not willing to do the light work. The Divine says that the newcomers will arrive shortly. And they will start their light work after the arrival.
Besides the light workers who have not performed their job. The Divine says that there are critical light workers who are an integral part of the Divine government on earth. These light workers have to participate in the establishment of the Divine government. The Divine is focusing on these light workers and making sure that they carry out their mission.
The Divine says that once these light workers are in their position, the Divine will start the final stage of the unfoldment of the Divine government. The process is supposed to be quick so that the Divine government can be brought to our reality in a matter of months. The Divine is determined to establish the Divine government on earth and the Divine says that the process has gotten to the last steps. The Divine and the company of heaven are extremely excited about the process, and want to thank light workers for a job well done. Great accomplishment indeed.
Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
“This Gift can turn the whole of our life into a blaze of presence and peacefulness. Retreat does not have to be something we do after we’ve been in action. The retreat can be in the action itself. That is a Gift from heaven.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
I’ve received a new communication from the Galactic Federation to deliver to you. I am delighted to share the following message with you:
“Greetings, we are the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds. We greet you in love and light. Many of you are experiencing tremendous upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies at this time. It is part of a process that many call ascension, where you shift from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
The Galactic Federation, comprised of many benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations, is a federation of sentient beings from all over the universe who have come together to help humanity and Mother Earth on our journey into the light.
This message is part of telepathic communication from the Galactic Federation. It is being delivered through a number of people around the world who are communicating with us on behalf of their groups and followers.
We are pleased that so many people have responded to our message.
Our mission is to inform humanity about the changes taking place on your planet and encourage everyone to step into their own power in order to become true masters of the physical world—and ultimately, spiritual masters as well.
We understand that this transformation will take some time for most people. We want to offer you guidance about what’s happening right now, so you don’t have to figure it out alone.
We are all part of the same infinite Creator. There is no separation between us. In fact, there never was. We are all one.
We are here to share our wisdom and help guide you through the coming days so that you can enjoy your journey on planet Gaia.
We are here to help you heal and to help you remember who you really are–so that you can move forward with your life in a positive way.
This process is about your evolution into light beings, and we want to help you find your place in the great light family of the cosmos.
You are all magnificent beings, full of great love and compassion, courage and passion. You have come into this existence to experience life and all that you can be. We wish to help you achieve your highest potential as you move into the new age of enlightenment, which is now upon you.
The first step to having a clear mind is letting go of all the negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that don’t serve you.
It’s not easy. It’s even painful at first, but you have to do it if you want to make any progress.
You have been through an intense purging process, and you have experienced multiple fears, anxieties, doubts, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Now you are experiencing many physical symptoms similar to when you were going through puberty.
Many people are being guided to eat more protein-rich foods like meats or take protein shakes or buy vitamin B or C supplements because they feel weak, tired, and run down.
The galactic gateway that recently opened is causing tremendous upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It is ushering in a huge wave of cosmic energy that will continue coming in throughout this year and well into the next. The influx of energy is causing dramatic changes in your DNA that will help you ascend from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
The fear you have of the future is based on the past. The fear you have of the past is based on a future that hasn’t happened yet.
If you can let go of judgment, then there’s no need for fear.
Have you ever noticed that many of the so-called “negative” emotions are actually quite positive? For example, anger is really a sign of passion or love. And resentment is often an indication that you care deeply about something.
The key to transforming negative emotions into positive ones is to understand that feeling something strongly does not necessarily mean being negative about it. It just means you feel it strongly.
And once you realize that, you can take action based on your feelings instead of trying to deny them and bury them deep.
Anger can be very good for you when it’s channeled into doing something constructive, like taking action against injustice. Resentment can actually be a sign of caring too much—if you don’t feel resentment toward someone who has hurt or betrayed you, then their actions might not have affected you as deeply as they otherwise would have if you had cared less about them.
And fear can be a sign of wisdom and self-preservation — it’s just not always easy to see that when we’re in the middle of feeling afraid or anxious.
The Divine Light will lift you up, out of the world of illusion, into a new reality of unconditional love and understanding. People who cannot let go of the past or forgive themselves and others will not find the peace that they long for.
Forgiveness is probably one of the greatest tools that we can give you at this time because without forgiveness; there is no true freedom. You cannot be free.
You can do it by getting in touch with your feelings and the cause of those feelings. Then you can forgive yourself and others too. Forgiveness is a process, but once you let go of the pain, you can move forward with love and light.
You are loved. You are beautiful. You are enough. You are powerful beyond imagination.
The war is over, and you won! You won! It’s all over. The light has come in, and you’re in the new world now! Say it with confidence: “I’m in the new world now!” ”
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
For Many Are Feeling the Intensity of Now, the Way Point of Rapid Light Assimilation, coupled with the transformational narrative of your world.
We ask you to take a moment to perceive the great perception of Now. Realise this Light Energy is paving the Way for the Future.
We ask you to See This Now Moment as a path of Preparation. For you are individually and collectively preparing for the future Catalyst of your World.
Many are Feeling the Ripple Effect of this Light Narrative The Future Timelines integrating coupled with the Light Preparation of your Mission, Now reaching a Maximum point of accelerated growth. Simply and exponentially preparing you for the next phase of Human Evolution.
Be Conscious of this Message, For Dimensional preparations are Ongoing, as your World continues to Awaken.
Ground on Mother Gaia
Find the Power of Gratitude to Rapidly Manifest the path before you.
For the Light Pioneers are paving the way for the Collective Frequency of Humanity. For your Light Advancement is accelerated in your Light Field, striving forward, our activated light fields activate the New Light Codes.
With the Full Moon we are being asked to release the limiting ideas about ourselves. This is the end of letting negative thinking hold us back any longer. Take action on the intuition guiding you to make new decisions based on the information surfacing. We have the opportunity as Conscious Beings to own our sacred life force power, and soar in creating our very blessed life.
Surrender to more joy. Align with the knowing that your needs are always met. Enjoy fun and pleasurable experiences with your Family and friends. Doing so will help cultivate this new understanding about yourself and who you are.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
On Monday, July 31st, the Moon, ruler of our emotional fluctuations, is in Capricorn, sign of the Goat. Throughout the day she will connect with Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and traumas, Uranus, planet of epiphanies and revelations, Venus, ruler of relationships and self-worth, Neptune, planet of illusions and fantasies, and Pluto, ruler of power and transformation. The energies are growing in intensity as we approach the Full Moon in Aquarius, the next sign of the zodiac, on Tuesday.
We are also in the Lion’s Gate Portal right now. So, everything is magnified. There are evolutionary changes that are happening within us, and outside of us. Our psychic perceptions are heightened, our emotional sensitivities greater, and death and rebirth energies stronger. Pay attention to signs, messages and spiritual guidance now. Pay attention to the inner calling within your soul! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Moon, ruler of our emotional fluctuations, is in Capricorn, sign of the Goat
Lunar Aspects – Busy, busy, busy. I clean the window until it squeaks, the smell of vinegar strong in my nose. So much to do, so little time. I’m tempted to push harder, work faster but the glass forces me to slow down. Less resistance means more flow. But irritation blooms like little cracks in my resolve.
Perhaps this is you, trying to smash through as much work as humanly possible on a Monday morning, starting early to get ahead of the day. Lunch. Too many carbs for a quick boost, more work, a slump, exhausted on the commute home then suddenly wide awake ten minutes before you’re meant to be asleep so that you can do the same all over again tomorrow. Somewhere a small voice screams, this is madness!
Take time out to gaze at the sky to bring a sense of space and distance. Root your feet into the Earth to ground any anxiety. Acknowledge what you’ve already accomplished. Monitor your energy levels and adjust accordingly. Alter your routine to create greater efficiency. Free up time for passion projects to give you inspiration and a feeling of fulfilment. Trust that your efforts will make a difference. Success is one part motivation and nine parts consistency. Reframe.
Note – The Moon is forming a fleeting Grand trine with Mars and Jupiter
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. It’s day ten of the White Dog wavespell and this is the Perfect Storm. No running or hiding from this powerful energy, you will get blown away! The number ten represents manifesting and the Storm symbolizes changes and so they go together really well. In fact they are perfect. Think about what you set out to achieve on day one. Today is the day when you really can manifest results. Tomorrow is the eleventh day when we release and the wavespell energy begins to dissipate. So, if you don’t make it happen today, that ship is going to set sail and you’ll miss an opportunity. Remember, the Dog wavespell is about love and heart and tenacity. Use this tenacity today to succeed in your mission.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self -Generation, Catalyst and Energy’. If you are brave and ride this perfect Storm and can harness its energy, you can achieve incredible – life changing things. Most folk can’t cope with the disruption and the craziness, and if you are one of these people all you can do is seek shelter and find comfort in knowing it will all blow away by tomorrow.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand, the healer. Yesterday the Blue Hand was in the challenge position and today it guides us. This means the need to heal will guide our actions, motivate us to seek treatment. Ironic for a perfect storm day. Seriously though, it’s the perfect day for healing and making huge changes with your healthcare. Also, when the Hand guides – instead of holding your hand and guiding you to the right direction, it can yank you along quite violently. This is where the ambitious side of the Blue Hand comes out because one of the keywords for the Blue Hand is ‘accomplishment’.
The Challenge is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. No one gets any rest or relaxation today. The Storm is too intense. If you are a Red Moon, my thoughts are with you today! If you know one, show them some kindness. For the rest of us, when the Moon is weakened we can find surrendering really hard.
The Occult power is the White Wind which is always the best part of a Blue Storm day because there is always a consolation prize of magical communication! Despite the chaos, magic still has potential to happen. Expect good news to blow you away.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When the Storm is over the Sun will come out and help clear up the mess. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will be sorely needed today. If you don’t have one you can ask for help, then just try to be like one and that’s smile and be sunny.
KIN 179 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breath-Out Breath
Another UBER significant day where we are manifesting majikal Planetary transformation, through PURIFICATION leading to greater LOVE on our PLANET .
Today’s PLANETARY STORM is another pivotal day for our PLANETARY EVOLUTION..Tremendous transformative POWER is being catalyzed, to accelerate our collective manifestation of BLISS ON EARTH through HARMONY, PEACE and UNIFICATION.
Day 10 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we have very ACTIVE energies .. HUGE transformation is being catalyzed through this opportunity today. This energy provides for action packed MANIFESTATION. We are catalysing great change in our physical world, in order to PERFECT the production of unconditional LOVE.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with our beloveds today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter!
Today holds incredible codes for PURIFICATION, TRANSFORMATION and PLANETARY EVOLUTION so let us pray and hold the intention that GAIA fully catalyzes these cleansing energies to restore her PRISTINE LIFE SUSTAINING and ENHANCING blueprint.
TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today and the WINDS of great CHANGE to catalyze the tremendous PEACEFUL changes that our PLANET needs.
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation, and manifest HEALING in my world?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of positive, life-enhancing transformation.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY STORMCAUAC key themes are – transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunder beings who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE – Ariel Spilsbury
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything that is not in alignment with PURE unconditional LOVE.
This powerful PLANETARY STORM will clear away any flotsam and jetsam, debris from the past that got brought up in THE STORM. Keep eyes OPEN for more reveals today – as the mud is stirred up.
We are in a new harmonic cycle of the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD – guided by SPIRIT through his HEART, so these OLD PARADIGM patriarchal energies cannot hold on any longer!.. We MUST keep moving towards PEACE and HARMONY – it is written in the codes!
The intensity of today’s STORM depends upon how readily you have LET GO of the old attachments and your willingness to MOVE ON!! BRING IT ON!
After the STORM comes the RAINBOWS.
P.S. NOTE: There is a high probability that we will witness physical STORMS usually through THUNDER and lightning – on our planet today as evidence of this powerful catalytic STORM energy.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today. BLUE HAND is catalyzing tremendous change through generating physical energy that is guided to accomplish and heal . What a BRILLIANT duo as MANIK enables the STORM to GET THE JOB DONE!
We have the power to CREATE whatever we choose to MANIFEST. This is one very powerful STORM – that means business!
As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body and our lives.The PLANETARY tone facilitates great opportunities for healing our PLANET on a GLOBAL scale.
MANIK works synergistically with BLUE STORM to cleanse, purge, purify and transform dis-ease and dis-harmony into wellness. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from Spirit to bring the much needed healing panacea.
We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Break it down step by step and attend to that TO DO LIST you have had on hold! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk together through these transformational gateways.
A very special day to give your beloveds a HUG and extend that to our PACHAMAMA. BIG PLANETARY HUGGIES
Here is a GIFT of beautifully powerful Solfeggio frequency medicine to heal your body, mind and soul.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds as the radiant light codes streaming forth from our SUN activating our evolution through grounding greater LOVE, compassion, humility, grace and Wisdom , through our Planetary en-LIGHTEN -ment!
Yesterday’s SOLAR MIRROR reflected back to us much needed Solar Ascension Rays to heighten our illumination.
This BRIGHT SUNSHINE is highlighting any SHADOWS, so that the STORM can cleanse and purify any density, working in tandem with the SUN to LIGHTEN our day and our world. The PLANETARY SUN – magnifies our environment so we can clearly SEE what needs to change.
Today we are integrating these Solar rays, in so doing we are healing cell-ves and our beloved PLANET. Sun gazing and bathing in the glorious sun rays as we bask in the great outdoors in beautiful places that spark our creativity, imagination and our connection to the majesty of pure MAJIK!
Our physical bodies are the transducers, feeling and holding the changing frequencies of our PLANET’s electro-magnetic energies, as they are transformed strongly by solar flares. We are the Divine conduits through which these evolutionary energies flow.
We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE our LIGHT, as co-creators seeding the NEW TIME, and our collective planetary Dreaming code, being manifested into form. You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. All that has passed has served the purpose of advancing our planetary evolution back to our natural state of unconditional love.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND IK brings forth the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater LOVE within your soul. . Catalysing great change with the messages from Spirit guiding our healing journey back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us as we align with Divine Will and allow Spirit to express itself through us as Divine conduits. Inviting the power of GREAT SPIRIT to clear all the SMOKE HAZE and illusions that have been both physically and metaphorically polluting our skies and our lives.
LISTEN for the messages to allow SPIRIT to help you in shaping your new reality.
The SELF-EXISTING WIND has the SUPERPOWER today to manifest DIVINE WILL into form!
SPIRIT is guiding spaceship EARTH to a beautiful new sacred space! TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED PLANETARY MOON MULUC brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life. Allow the flow and purification of your physical space, manifesting greater FLOW in your life.
Open your HEART more fully, to allow the love of the GODDESS to flow through your being, and your HANDS today.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT, the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Open and ACTIVATE the FLOW of unlimited healing and accomplishment in your life today on this super Cosmic FLOW day!
The PLANETARY GODDESS will redirect our PLANETARY FLOW today – ensuring we are on a LOVING PATH of unification and HARMONY.
Today holds incredible codes for PURIFICATION, TRANSFORMATION and PLANETARY EVOLUTION so let us pray and hold the intention that GAIA fully catalyzes these cleansing energies to restore her PRISTINE LIFE SUSTAINING and ENHANCING blueprint.
TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today and the WINDS of great CHANGE to catalyze the tremendous PEACEFUL changes that our PLANET needs.
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation, and manifest HEALING in my world?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of positive, life-enhancing transformation.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
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