The Awakened Ones : The Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie
The Merging of the Portal Openers
The Expansion of Unity Consciousness
A Problem With The Lost Ones
Sri and Kira
The moment at hand is CALLING EVERY “BE-ING” to discover the Gift of AWAKENED PRESENCE and the RADIANCE of their divine nature.
A moment that is unlike any other and one that
UP-LEVEL energy abundantly available!
YES! You are in the middle of yet another jet-propelled EXPANSION and the Profound Shift energy of February in combination with the CHOICE energy it carries will begin to CLEARLY REVEAL EVEN MORE this coming week!
The week ahead invites us all to the journey of the FIRST Mercury Retrograde in the two year expansion and up-level EXPERIENCE.
This Tuesday as beloved Mercury “stations” in its retrograde position the MASTERY MOMENT WILL GET EVEN STRONGER!
FEAR NOT…for the next two years these are the moments of Up-level that are inviting you to Pay attention and RECLAIM ALL THAT YOU ARE!
Gene Key 30
Feb 14 through Feb 18 2020
Desire – Lightness – Rapture
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –
Celestial Fire
Magical Hologenetic Gene Keys Geometry
SIDDHI: Rise into Rapture
GIFT: Lighten up and shine bright
SHADOW: Fire clings to what we feed it
This week no Gene Keys interwoven.
“When you surrender to the helplessness of being a normal human being, then something remarkable occurs — you experience a shift in frequency of your whole being. You begin to lighten up. The 30th Gift is a new operating wavelength for humanity, and it really involves an inner surrender that cannot be forced or faked.”
ing the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its key words are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. Today is a Portal day, the tenth day of the Red Moon wavespell. Things happen on ‘Planetary’ days, they seem just to manifest out of thin air. Focus on what you need to materialize in your life and see if you can tune into today’s perfect energy.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. At the last Crystal Court we discussed ‘shapeshifting’ and how living with the Tzolkin has much in common with this practice. When we pay attention to what day it is; and tune in to it’s energy, we ourselves embody that characteristic regardless of our own Kin. I am reflecting this truth to you today as I am a Mirror… but you too can share the truth today with anyone who needs to see it. As it is a Planetary day, its a perfect day for ‘reflecting truth’.
The Challenge is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. The star shines so brightly it dazzles itself when looking in the mirror. The truth isn’t always ugly, so don’t be afraid to look. You may find that you’re beautiful but didn’t know it because you were afraid to know the truth.
The Occult power is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreaming and Abundance’. The Blue Night has a terrific imagination and when boosted by magic, this imagination knows no bounds. Dream big today, you never know they might come true.
The Ally is the Red Dragon who reminds us to create space for self nurture in our so we may lay the foundations for self reflection and deep thought. Out of theses moments of meditation we are able to reinvent ourselves in small ways over and over again.
Christina Papageorgiou
15 FEBRUARY 2020
Producing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the Planetary tone of manifestation
I AM guided by the power of death
15 – Charisma/Magnetism/Alchemy
6 – Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Family
3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
KIN 218 = 11 – 11 also represents THE MIRROR – PORTAL – GATEWAY
11 = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Polarity
✨✨✨A powerful MAGNIFYING MIRROR MANIFESTATION CODE✴ on a PLANETARY LEVEL.🌎 It is also a GAP DAY 💥– so we have added ROCKET FUEL to propel our MANIFESTATIONS into HYPER DRIVE!!! 💪 Beautiful CODES offering much HOPE, optimism and wondrous opportunities!
Today is a BRILLIANT day to ENERGIZE the dream of collective ABUNDANCE💰🌞🍎💓 for all Planetary kin…. you can also visualize this on a personal level too… choose a number that resonates with you – $10,000 , $100,000, $1 million or whatever you desire… ask that this be deposited into the bank accounts/hands of our collective Planetary family – with harm to none- for the highest good – in accordance with the Divine Plan.
NOTE: Money is just ENERGY – neither GOOD nor BAD – it just IS. So with today’s PLANETARY MANIFESTATION CODE we have a BRILLIANT opportunity to anchor this collective dream! KEEP BELIEVING AND HOLDING THE VISION👁 and FEEL that IT IS DONE – visualize the money/food/resources/JOY and wellness throughout our entire bountiful planet. Every time you see 11:11 or any 11’s – 3.11 4.11 etc or any combo of 8’s eg. 88 or 888 (or 2 or 22 – building a foundation) you are reminded by the UNIVERSE that this desire HAS MANIFESTED and is on it’s way to you!! 💰💰💰
(p.s. If you have the belief that money is evil – then feel free to opt out – no judgement – just free choice!)
Day 10 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our flow. Today we MANIFEST through the Art of Surrendering all attachment to the physical plane. Becoming wholly present and receptive to the fantastic opportunities flowing our way as we PERFECT the Art of MANIFESTATION. Powerful MANIFESTATION potentials arise today!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire. PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with our Divine Creator today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter! It is time to PERFECT the Art of receiving all our pure heart’s desires!
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE MIRROR🛡– ETZNAB reflects the patterns, in order to integrate them into the joy of our creations. Seeing that every pattern that we have resisted thus far, actually has a gold lining that points to our greatest gifts. This resistance is born through a subconscious FEAR of some type, seeking to keep us hidden from sight and becoming our greatest glorious self. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know the TRUTH. Anything that is not in alignment with the FLOW of prosperity, happiness and success in your life will be stripped away and discarded. The sword of truth cleanly cuts away all distortions, purified with the Universal waters of the Goddess leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build. You can now align yourself with your HIGHEST TRUTH. As you reflect on what is missing in your life, do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe. Remember to give GRATITUDE focusing on all the GOOD in your life so that more can FLOW to you..
The MIRROR star glyph also represents a Mayan PYRAMID – from the top view looking down. The pyramid AMPLIFIES energy so together with the GAP day and PLANETARY MANIFESTATION tone we have very potent energies! The PYRAMID can be inverted and joined at the base with another pyramid to form an OCTAHEDRON which is a brilliant, clearing, energizing and manifestation tool.. just visualize your creations spinning inside a golden octahedron vortex of creation! Or you can use physical crystal/orgone pyramids on top of a piece of paper with your desires, or in a crystal grid/mandala.
We can also utilize Gaia’s planetary Grid by focusing on the Cosmic energies activating Earth’s pyramids and power vortices. VISUALIZE the RAINBOW PLASMA in the centre of the Bosnian pyramids to activate your manifestations.
HIGHER SELF: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈– CIMI Seals the store of Death! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER! SURRENDER through REFLECTING on what is being revealed to you in the HALL OF MIRRORS. SURRENDER the old ways, old world and old paradigm…. create SPACE for the new to enter. WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Connecting to new realms to access new resources and prosperity. Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in!
SUPPORT: RED DRAGON 🐉– IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing our creations and MANIFESTATIONS today. Birthing better, purer and more Divine fulfilling lives for ourselves and our planetary kin. By stepping into the void of creation – the Dragon’s den, to manifest our needs we are nurturing our-cellves, and in turn can nurture others, through sharing our prosperity with our planetary kin.. We are perfecting the Art of b-Earth-ing our desires onto the physical plane. We experience more joy and bliss through the Majik that is birthed through us and our creations. Reflecting on the many gifts flowing to us, that consciousness provides through Divine creation.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE NIGHT 🌃– AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today. Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE. Are you resisting the INFLOW of ABUNDANCE through feelings of unworthiness? Or do you still hold the outmoded belief from past experiences that “that money is the root of all evil” ? – CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE all that this brings up in all timeframes, realities and dimensions! WHOOOSH –🚿 let the Goddess purify those beliefs! Allow AKBAL to reveal your deepest desires and dreaming. Take the time to REFLECT on your DREAM in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective abundance today. CLEAR THE WAY for ABUNDANCE TO FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY! 🔑 IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST TREMENDOUS PERSONAL & PLANETARY PROSPERITY, BLISS & JOY!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW STAR 🌟– LAMAT allows the pure luminous reflection of the gifts of creation to SHINE through us today, raising our BLISS 💟 barometers! 🌡 . We are integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns so that we create from a pure, clean palate – new creative and beauty filled lives that assist us to continually b-Earth a new better and BRIGHTER version of our lives and our NEW REALITY. PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY… a beautiful divine trinity..
✨✴✨So beloveds another very DIVINE and precious day gifted to HU-MAN-ity. LET GO and LET GOD, allow the DIVINE abundance to effortlessly flow into your bank accounts and into your lives. Aho! And so it is x a Godzillion!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old illusions, aligning with my highest TRUTH, in ORDER for my LIFE to reflect more ABUNDANCE, beauty and FLOW?💰🌏🌈
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for PERFECTING abundant manifestations today/ READY, SET GO GO GO!! 🚦🚤🛳🚁
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: Bosnian pyramid of the Sun DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
OMG!!!!! This morning spirit guided me to a post confirming the POWER of the BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS in Manifesting… they are fully SWITCHED ON and ready to activate your desires with focused intent – with harm to none according to the Divine Plan!
1) There are temples in Bosnia that are hidden in plain sight. Each one activates extra senses for our original 5 senses. This can create miracles upon earth in abundance and excess if we do this correctly.
We can activate the five Bosnian pyramids by using rainbow plasma in the center of each pyramid. The interesting thing about this assignment is that it’s almost like a voting booth, that lets Gaia know how many of us are actively choosing to move into the next frontier of human evolution.
Source: DIVINE GRATITUDE…/goodbye-valent…/
If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

95 Tzolkin since the Discovery of Pakal’s Tomb.
Today’s Kin 218 (Planetary Mirror / 10 Mirror) is the Prophetic Kin of the Discovery of the Tomb of Pakal the Great, the legendary Maya King of Lakamha’ (Palenque). His tomb was discovered on 15 June 1952 (Kin 218 and 13 Kib’), when it was possible to pierce the door of his funerary chamber located at the base of his Pyramid “Temple of the Nine Sharpened Spears” (formerly known as the “Temple of Inscriptions”). Therefore, today marks 95 Galactic Spins (95 Tzolkin) since the finding.
As mentioned yesterday, Kin 218 is the second Kin under the Harmonic 55 of the Crystal Matrix, which codes the shift from the 4th Dimension of Time toward the 5th Dimension of Prophecy. Along with the first Kin 217, both represent the Primordial Twin Archetypes of the Telektonon Prophecy:
Pakal Votan (Kin 218) and Bolon Ik (Kin 217 in the Dreamspell).
The Unified Time for today is equally relevant:
DreamTime: 10 Mirror (Kin 218)
RealTime: 3 Eb’ (Kin 172)
= 218 + 172 = 390 – 260 = 130
Kin 130 (13 Ok = 13 Dog)
• Kin 130 is at the centre of the Tzolkin and the Harmonic 33.
* Kin 130 is the Unified Time of the Ascension of Valum Votan:
Kin 89 + Kin 41 (2 Imix) = Kin 130.
• Kin 130 transcends the Wavespell of the Mirror, coded by Kin 118 which is Pakal’s Ascension Code (Birth 8 Ajaw or Kin 60 + Death 6 Ezt’nab or Kin 58 = Kin 118 Magnetic Mirror).
Therefore, today we complete 95 Tzolkin since the Kin 218 of the Discovery of Pakal’s Tomb, synchronising with the Power of 33 (11+22), which is manifested through the Unified Time of Kin 130 (Tzolkin Centre = Harmonic 33).
Let us also remember that the Power of 33 + 22 = 55.
Exactly, Number 55 (33+22) codes the 5th Dimension of Prophecy, which is inscribed on the Dreamspell Tzolkin through the Harmonic 55 that we are traversing Right Now… Aho!

* Discover more Harmonic 55 = 5D
15 February 2020 ~ NS1.32.8.9
Wavespell Blog:
KIN 218: White Planetary Mirror
Galactic Activation Portal
I perfect in order to reflect
Producing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of death
I am a galactic activation portal, enter me
Harmonic 55: Crystal Matrix
Self-regulate Universal Fire of Cooperation
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 218. Column 11 of the Rhythmic Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Red Moon: Day 10.
– Planetary Chamber (Tone 10): Manifest Challenge.
– Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of Synchronization
– Galactic Season of the Serpent. Red Blood Element of Life Force.
* Kin Synthesis: 10 Mirror
Solar Seal 18 = Mirror
– Action: Reflect
– Essence: Order
– Power: Endlessness
Galactic Tone 10 = Planetary
– Function: Manifestation
– Creative Power: Perfect
– Action: Produce
* Oracle:
– Guide: 10 WorldBridger (Kin 166)
– Analog: 10 Dragon (Kin 101)
– Antipode: 10 Star (Kin 244)
– Occult: 4 Night (Kin 43)
* Root Race:
– White Family of the White Root Race.
– The Refiners. Keynote: Spirit.
– White Members: Wind, WorldBridger, Dog, Wizard, Mirror
* Earth Family:
– Signal Family: Unravel the Mystery.
– Members: Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night, Yellow Star.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Blue Sky Clan.
– Position: Solar Plexus. Action: Receive.
* DreamTime:
Galactic Maya Dreamspell Tzolkin Count
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
Under Fair Use:
For educational and memorial purposes only, and not for profit.
* RealTime:
Ancestral Maya Sacred Tzolkin Count.
Original Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 3 Eb’ = 3 Human, Kin 172
– Eb’ = Road, the Sacred Path, the Dew.
– Ok Trecena = Dog Wavespell
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #1320Matrix #1320Frequency #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin218 #PlanetaryMirror #10Mirror #PacalVotan #Harmonic55 #3Eb
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