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descends from your Cosmic Monad into your Crowns

Essenes Mystery School ~ Our New Harmonic Destination * Complete Metamorphosis ~ High Order of Melchizedek

Essenes Mystery School ~ Our New Harmonic Destination * Complete Metamorphosis ~ High Order of Melchizedek



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Holy Spirits of our Divine Union Legion of Light

As we sit in the Stillness of Eternity holding the Threefold Flame of the Ascension Ray in our Sacred Heart Centers. We call in our highest timeline of the Fifth Dimension of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Prosperity and Joy and live our Truth of Unity Consciousness forever more.

All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are feeling through all timelines, dimensions and Stellar Portals as we merge all into our One True Ascensione Timeline and complete our Divine Missions of full and total Planetary Liberation.

We have Transcended through all obstacles, veils and barriers to our Freedom in the Light of Infinite Source Creator. All separation programs and interference patterns are being resolved in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha of Awakened Consciousness.

The Thunderbeings and Bodhisattvas are with us Now to bring in the full Power of the Five Elements of both Heaven and Earth amd transform our Rainbow Tribe into the 5D New Earth Avatars and our Sacred Lands into Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, Mothership 33 of our Celestial Fleet of the New Jerusalema…A’Ho!







Do not be afraid to open yourself to another, for nothing during this time of great awakening and transformation is to be avoided. There is nothing that can truly hinder you on your path of evolution, other than limitation. Do not hesitate to open the door into your soul’s depths and explore the fullness of your experiences and emotions. Do not hesitate, in a loving and supportive way, to hold that same space for another. There is much clearing that must take place, much purification, before you will be able to enter the higher vi- bration you so desire and form communities of the heart.


great awakening and transformation
great awakening and transformation




Your zero point is the moment after the out breath and before your next inhale. This is a state of pure beingness. No contraction, no expansion, only neutral beingness. When you are breathing in, you call back your creations and restore balance. When you pause, you allow and prepare for new creations. When you breathe out, you are sending out energies for manifesting new realities.
2025 is a Game Changer.
I write in my book BETWEEN WORLDS – INSIGHTS FROM A WARRIOR OF LIGHT about the game and all its CONstructs. How we are living in a SIMulation and the evidence of that. How to create your own reality within the Quantum Structure and how to live your version of New Earth. Plus all about the Matrix CONstruct and all the programs and systems that make it up. As in, it’s all made up. An illusion. And I show you how to TRANSC END it. End the trance. Rise above it.
My guides have come in with a message as we near the gateway of this passage of time.
The portal within the TIME FRAME 2024 to 2025.
“You won’t know yourself by the end of the year!”
As in, you will have a complete metamorphosis.
All the caterpillars will have come out of their chrysallises and been reborn.
New wings will be aWARDed. As reWARD for your hard work and dedication to the CAUSE.
You were the CAUSE all along.
There is no thing outside of you.
Only projections and reflections.
The energy of 2025 is one of RENEWAL. REBIRTH. REGENERATION.
Look at the word RE GENERATION.
We are FORMing a new GENERATION.
One built on love, compassion, empathy, joy, happiness, creativity, abundance and FREEDOM.
The OLD programs are OUT DATED.
Leaving the old world behind.
9 is endings. Out with the old and in with the new.
The universe supports the change, and will also support everyone’s GROWTH.
YOU make a difference.
Your energy. Your happiness. Your love. Your positive effort into creating the new, impacts and fuels the MOMENTum.
Each NEW MOMENT being carried onto the next, so that by the TIME we reach the end of 2025 and near 2026…we will have come full circle…to completion.
10 to 1.
And we will all be flying FREE.
As is God’s will.
Peace x



1/8/25: You will witness the use and abuse of power this year. Some intentional, some simply the result of testing the growth we experienced last year. All, as the old saying goes, will “come home to roost.” No one is free of the ripples they created in the past and continue to create now. Today contains both resolutions and rewards. It can be pricey for some and profitable for others. Right Action is to be very transparent in all your dealings while double-checking everyone and everything else. Be smart, be honest, be clear.  Use your 2024 tools of self-mastery. You can make great gains at this time.



New earth energy
New earth energy



Beloved Ones,
Divine reunions will be of utmost importance this transitional year into our new harmonic destination. Many of you will begin to recognize yourselves as sovereign beings, starting an individual journey towards self-reconnection and mission integration, leaving behind all toxicity whether in your relationships or in your old lives.
Others will cut cords with everyone who has fulfilled a purpose in their lives, with great love, appreciation, and blessings for all you learned together, realizing that is now time to continue establishing new co-creations, with new souls that are now navigating the same way that you are.
Many of you have already passed through these stages, and are now embodying the monad, stepping into balanced reunions or already immersed in one, becoming more united as you too become more whole and healed. For those of you who are yet reticent to let go of old relationships, be compassionate towards yourselves, understanding that our ego finds it sad and scary to let go of what we have considered to be our soul mates, fearing the “isolation” that comes after letting go, which is a void we all need to pass through.
When we experience these stages our ego will create many excuses not to let go of a relationship, for it fears embracing a more illumined state of being, as it means its gradual dissolution. Be loving and kind towards yourselves in these stages, focusing on self-love and compassion can help you move through these stages, as what the ego does not want, it procrastinates. Our task is to find ways to avoid procrastination, for we cannot avoid being who we are.
For those of you who are already immersed in a harmonic divine reunion, whether soul mate or genetic equal, you will experience ultimate soul unification, after you first do so with your polarities. When this process is complete you can see a little light, like a star, a luminaire that descends from your Cosmic Monad into your Crowns, a light above your head when you come together, which becomes an infinity symbol, that as you move links both of you perpetually, within Divine Love and Unity, even though fragmented into two bodies.
When you both are in sacred partnership, this is a sign that you both have reached unity within your polarities, activating the mission you brought together and the purpose of your existence as One Soul, feeling a Divine Strength, and remembrance, like never before in your human trajectory, for now you walk in unity.
Remember that feelings are the highest forms of guidance to know where you are, whether on an individual level or in a sacred partnership. We do not always need to see or hear to trust, believe, and know through feelings what IS.
Feelings will let you know where you are, who you are, and what you truly feel towards yourselves and a certain relationship or situation in your life, for we are constantly being given signs. However, as humans, we do not always perceive them.
Feelings never lie. Our minds and egos are the ones that create confusion and many delusions to justify what we truly are feeling, especially if it means leaving the familiar behind.
You know who you are, your mission, and the truth in your heart about every relationship and experience. To move forward, you just need to have the courage to accept and embrace your feelings.
May you embrace the courage to recognize your Divine Path and Power, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
descends from your Cosmic Monad into your Crowns
descends from your Cosmic Monad into your Crowns






Dear friends, the 1:9:9 portal climaxing on January 9 2025 is a numeric resonance gateway that embodies the transformative energies of spiritual growth, humanitarian awakening, and global consciousness. As we journey through this portal, we’re immersed in a unique blend of energies that amplify our capacity for selflessness, compassion, and unity.
This potent gateway awakens our innate desire to serve humanity and the planet, inspiring us to contribute our unique gifts and talents to the greater good. It’s a call to action, urging us to embark on a path of humanitarianism, cultivating empathy, kindness, and understanding towards ourselves and others.
As we navigate the 1:9:9 portal, we’re also invited to release outdated patterns, relationships, and limitations that no longer serve us. This energy of completion and release encourages us to let go of the old, making way for the new and innovative solutions that will propel us forward.
The numerological significance of the 1:9:9 portal is profound. The number 1 represents new beginnings, individuality, and leadership, inspiring us to trust our intuition and pioneer fresh paths. The number 9, however, holds a deeply sacred and symbolic meaning across various ancient cultures and world philosophies.
In many spiritual traditions, the number 9 is considered a humanitarian number, associated with global awareness, compassion, and selflessness. It’s a number that represents the completion of a cycle, marking the end of one phase and the transition into the beginning of another. This is reflected in the fact that the ninth month of pregnancy marks the completion of the gestation period, and the birth of a new life.
In ancient Greece, the number 9 was associated with the nine Muses, goddesses who embodied the arts and sciences. The Greeks believed that the Muses inspired creativity, imagination, and innovation from the higher realms, qualities that are essential for personal and collective growth.
In Hinduism, the number 9 is considered sacred, representing the nine planets, and the nine forms of Devi (the divine feminine). The number 9 is also associated with the concept of “nava,” meaning “new” or “novel,” reflecting the idea of renewal and transformation. In many indigenous cultures, the number 9 is associated with the nine directions in space, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of honoring the land, the ancestors, and the spirits.
As we pass through the 1:9:9 portal, we’re invited to tap into the profound wisdom and symbolism of the number 9 and the new 2025 frequencies. We’re encouraged to cultivate compassion, empathy, and selflessness, recognizing our interconnectedness with all beings and the planet. By embracing the energies of this portal, we can elevate our consciousness, contribute to the greater good, and co-create a brighter future for all.
As we undergo this energetic adjustment, we may experience a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. These can include feelings of fatigue, dizziness, or disorientation as our energy fields adapt to the new frequencies. We may also experience vivid dreams, increased sensitivity to our surroundings, or a heightened sense of intuition. Emotionally, we may feel a sense of restlessness, anxiety, or emotional release as we confront and clear outdated patterns and limitations. Spiritually, we may experience a deeper sense of connection to ourselves, others, and the universe, as well as a greater sense of purpose and meaning. By acknowledging and working with these symptoms, we can facilitate a smoother transition and integrate the transformative energies of the 1:9:9 portal.
We are nearing the end of these energetically important first 11 days of the year, from January 1 to January 11, and then on January 13 the first full moon of the year will mark the official entrance into the fully formed 2025 frequencies. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue navigating these divinely guided new beginnings.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Horses are powerful
Horses are powerful

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

The Ascending are transcending beyond their human limitations The very essence of who they are is shifting and the limitations of being human are no longer defining them, this is far more than just a mindset shift , it’s a metaphysical and energetic transformation.
The ascending will begin to experience life in New earth energy in ways that will leave them speechless , now understanding how this new earth energy works aligns them with this planetary earth shift , to fully step into self’s true divine nature , the knowing that the world we live in is not the only reality that exists , experiencing realities from distant stars , cosmic spaces and planets , experiencing truth beyond what the human mind can begin to comprehend , this is the soul’s awakening , urging the self to break free from the human and linear perceptions and false programming , this is a universal call to something much greater than what the mind may think.
This is how first contact with extra terrestrials will begin to occur : Everything in our world is truly about to change from now Into the next two years , specific UFO events will continue to increase in numbers. Many will witness extraterrestrial ships appearing above their ocean. Offshore vessels will stay giving you time to adjust to their presence and the realisation that this marks the onset of profound changes on earth and within our society gradually many will notice more orbs of light as they begin to descend.
Other ET’s will remain stationary providing a non-threatening presence. This allows you to observe discuss and begin to grasp that they are indeed here for this phenomenon will become a regular part of ascending reality expanding your understanding of what reality encompasses between the alien ships in the orbs. Many ascending now have opportunities to truly contemplate the future as we see more spacecraft and orbs of light , remembering everything on this planet is about to change.
The Ascending are transcending out of the constraints of time and linear processes, surrendering the old narrative once keeping the self small , the illusions of separation that once defined them are beginning to fade , awakening to the profound unity in all things , no longer are they just a human struggling to survive , they see the self now as a divine being that is connected to everything and everyone , in ways never thought possible .
The very energetic fabric of the Universe is waiting for you to know your role in this grand tapestry , this awakening is not just about realising who you are , it’s about remembering the truth of who you have always been , it’s about reconnecting to the divine essence within , and realising that your soul is ancient, eternal and powerful , the reason you are here is in the sound and essence of your soul remembering its true purpose , the embodiment of rising into the true self’s expression , recognising the divine potential , now living on this planet in a time of profound and radical change .
This transformation is deeply personal as the world shifts from the dense and limiting 3rd dimensional reality into the expansive and luminous 5th dimension , self is invited to transform from the linear ways of thinking and being , the outer world we once knew and lived in is now crumbling and breaking apart , in its place a new earth reality is Emerging one where fear , competition , comparison and domination no longer operate , this shift is not just about external circumstances changing , it’s about your internal reality changing , transforming the false indoctrinated belief systems , that have kept you grounded in the lower earth energy frequencies , they are now dissolving and as you rise into higher consciousness you begin to be consciously aware that you are not just a physical self , your potential is infact limitless and expansive , it is forever eternal.
The universe it self is alive within and you are a vessel for which it flows to transcend the 3rd dimension is to embrace the fullness of your metaphysical nature , it’s to recognise that you are not bound by the constraints of time and space , you are not defined by your past experiences, history or circumstances, instead you are stepping into your true essence of a divine being capable of manifesting your highest potential .
This is the dawn of a new golden age , and the ascending on this planet are leading the way , every limitation you have ever believed about your self is an illusion , every fear , every doubt , every restriction felt in self is in fact not a part of your true essence , but a false construct designed to keep you limited you are meant for greatness , you are meant to shine with the brilliance of the divine .
in 2025 it is time to step into that truth , breaking free from perceived limitations begins with shifting your internal perceptions , recognising that the boundaries you believed in were never real , they were merely the product of a limited human consciousness , as you awaken to your divine nature you will begin to become aware of not being bound by your past experiences and circumstances, the power to create and manifest the life you desire resides within , waiting to be unlocked
By embracing the divine essence you align with the universal flow of energy , you in turn become a powerful conscious creator , capable of shaping the preferred reality on this transforming planet , stepping into the life you were always meant to live , the time has come for the ascending to release limitations from the past , to expand into the boundless potential within self .
The universe is ready and preparing the ascending to reclaim their true divine essence and birthright power .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️

Huge shifts are happening which are unprecedented.

I have had the most amazing downloads today, as well as huge energetic shifts, one of them in the Giza pyramid, the chamber above the King’s Chamber, where I was shown what is opening now: –
The High Order of Melchizedek, as well as the original Melchizedek pyramid temples in ancient Jerusalem always had a powerful lineage of women High Priestesses, the Seraph. It was Lord Melchizedek who later established the Essenes Mystery school many thousands years before the Great Flood and the Fall of Atlantis, and here the High Priestesses served alongside their male counterparts. They later changed their names from Seraph, to Miriam, the Mary, meaning “The Anointed Sacred One”. A title, not a name.
The women have served through many lifetimes and as patriarchy took control, so often faced severe persecution.
All these ancient lineages have fully returned and now, through this immense shift, being actvated to remember and to now fully stand in their truth and power and to serve with great love and joy, through the sacred chalice of the wide open sacred hearts and souls.
This is bringing in greater balance, harmony and the full sacred conception of the New Golden Age.
Art: @DeepDiverQ
High Order of Melchizedek
High Order of Melchizedek

Simply Believe To Achieve

The Path Of 2025 Provides Much Insight
Accellerated Light Growth As We Awaken To The Light Changes Before US
As Ambassadors Of Light, We Are Brought Forth Now Awakened In This Light
A New Year Is Before Us With Much Anticipation For The Future, Yet Great Clarity Is Within Our Light Field.
For The Multidimensional Realms Provide Great Tools To Assist The Current Reality.
As Awakened Beings, We Have Graduated To The New Light Phase Of Wonderful Light Accelleration.
How We USE These Light Codes Is A Personal Journey With Your Light Field And The Universe.
Our Role Is Unconditional, Like A Great Ancient Tree Imprinting Its Light Role For Many Years. We Each Have Considerably Achieved Much In Our Hu-man Time To Date.
We Are Simply In The Light Acceleration Years Of Wonder And Insight 🙏
We Are Simply Asked To Expand Our Antenna Of Light
Feel Into The Cosmic Presence Within The Upper Reaches Of Your Crown Chakra To Expand The Great Presence Of Light.
Our Light Family Is Closer Now To Our Physical Reality, As We Pave The New Way On Planet Earth 🙏
We Love You Unconditionally 🙏
Thank You For Your Service
You Have Completed Many Tests And Obtained Great Outcomes
Play In Light, Be In Light, Awaken In Light
The Upgrade Of The Hu’man Experience Is Before You
Sending Love For Your Day 🙏
Cosmic Light Alliance
Together In Light
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Separation of the Masculine and Feminine is almost over. Resolutions are bringing results, unifying them as one. Keep growing, learning and evolving about your relationship, as this is what is bringing the results. Realign your focus from distractions onto your truth and desires of having purposeful love and union.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Divine Union
Divine Union
Heading toward next week’s Full Moon in Cancer (Jan 13), the current week concludes with a square between the Sun in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries as Mercury in Capricorn also squares the Moon’s nodes just before they switch signs (Jan 11) into Pisces/Virgo.
Part of our experience over the past ~18 months has been trying to achieve a ‘balance’ between our own unique independence and our obligations to others with an emphasis on ‘releasing’ stagnant patterns around codependency in order to refocus on our sovereignty and, therefore, our authentic contribution to others.
And, right now, we are being presented with life scenarios that are ‘bringing up’ opportunities to face our old habits and to make more appropriate choices in real time which will set the standard moving forward and solidify the ‘work’ that we have been putting in over this period…
The next ~18 months are going to tempt us into old patterns of control, worry and obsessing over details as we are being challenged to ‘let go’, trust the process and to maintain our faith in the bigger picture of life which can produce far better results than attempting to ‘direct’ every little piece of our situations!
We have a better sense of our boundaries now, and this will assist us in better navigating, not only our relationships with others, but with our acceptance of the limits of our human contribution to our divine plan.

On Wednesday January 8th, Mercury, the Messenger, shifts into hard working Capricorn, the Goat, where he will stay until January 27th. While here his thoughts, ideas, perspectives and communications are more grounded, focused and practical. He will take the steps necessary to move towards his aims and goals. The Sun, ruler of our expression, is also in serious Capricorn and today will be in a challenging square connection to Chiron, ruler of past wounds and traumas, in restless Aries.
This may bring up our insecurities, self-doubts and lack of confidence, especially as it pertains to our Life Purpose and direction in life. Stay strong within yourself….make a plan, even if it is just a plan for today. The goat needs something to aspire towards.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, the Messenger, shifts into hard working Capricorn, the Goat
Mercury, the Messenger, shifts into hard working Capricorn, the Goat
Mercury enters Capricorn and square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra – Mercury’s entry into Capricorn after an extra-long stay in Sagittarius may feel like a jolt back to reality. Now we’re no longer thinking of adventures. Instead, it’s work, responsibilities, the relentless requirements of adult life, duties, practicality. Perhaps for a moment, we resist, balk at the instruction to slow down, struggle against commitments. But slowly we conform, find sanctuary in a conventional approach, realise where we’ve over compromised and not allowed ourselves space for personal projects.
Here is the last stand before the Nodes shift signs, a karmic instruction to use your voice, speak up, express your ideas, walk your talk, live your truth, take your thoughts seriously. What people need right now is authenticity, the real deal, humans with integrity. When we use our real voice, it gives permission to others to do the same. Tell your story.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 00°Cp00′ – 10:29 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – An Interesting Story by Eugen Von Blaas
An Interesting Story
An Interesting Story

Kin 185 ~ Red Electric Serpent

‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The third day of any wavespell activates whatever day it falls on. Imagine there is a big red button with the words GO written on it. Press that button and activate the day. Service is also a keyword and this reminds us that we are on duty, and we do serve the greater good. On Electric days, it’s good to remember to be of service to others.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. Serpent is such a slippery critter it is hard to pin down its message. A serpent can bite you, squeeze the life out of you, or show you how to reinvent yourself by shedding your old skin. People born on Serpent days have this natural ability to throw out the old and take on a new persona or lifestyle. If your life has become stale or stagnant, take this opportunity to renew yourself. This is a very profound, shamanic process and you may feel like you’re in a trance today but stick with it and by the evening the transformation should be complete. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, we are activating this process.
The Guide today is the Red Moon, the flowing energy that insists when it is guiding, that we all take a chill pill and let events unfold naturally. Don’t interfere with what is already set in motion. The Serpent is very sensitive and uses his senses to work out what is going on around him. The Moon insists that any information you instinctively receive from Serpent, you take in your stride.
The Challenge is the Blue Eagle which means all the activity today is happening on the ground. This means that instead of seeing things from high above, we look at the world from the Serpent’s view. This is because no one has a closer relationship to the Earth as the Serpent, representing a closer perspective. If you are an Eagle, you may not fly high today nor have any visions.
The Occult is the Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning, Intelligence and Fearlessness’. When in this position, the Warrior invites us to go on a magical mission. This energy really helps the trans-formative process today. The Warrior encourages us to ask questions and use our intelligence. When in this Occult position the Warrior insists that the questions we ask are of a magical nature. Because the Warrior is an intelligent character whenever he influences the day, he insists we use the integellience that we have been gifted. In this respect, today use whatever Occult knowledge you do have, it may come in very handy.
The Ally is the White Wizard who is a very willing and helpful Ally to have around today. If you need assistance or a good teammate, your best bet is to find a Wizard. If you are a White Wizard, cast a friendly spell on anyone who comes to you for assistance today. If you don’t know one, take a leaf out of their book of spells and use you charm today to achieve your goals.
Kin 185
Kin 185


8 JANUARY 2025




Bonding instinct
I seal the store of LIFE FORCE
With the Electric tone of Service
I AM guided by the power of Universal Water

8/1/2025 = 8/1/9 = 9/9=18 =9



8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 185 = 14=5 Change/Transformation/Freedom/Liberation


A very powerful planetary DESTINY code today to ACTIVATE our DIVINE SERVICE through enhancing our LIFE FORCE..
The DREAMTIME PORTAL opened 2 days ago, and now we witness the RISE of the RAINBOW SERPENT.🌈🐍. who brought forth all of CREATION through the DREAMTIME… absolute MAJIK happening now!!✨🎇✨


Today’s code KIN 185 -occurred 63 moons/months (7 Galactic spins) ago on Jan 13, 2020 as the RED ELECTRIC SERPENT⚡🔌🐍 was ACTIVATED 💥 during the Solar Umbilical Cord☀🔌 reconnection at ULURU during the Grand Planetary Alignment! Remember THAT event?? Has it truly been that long ago?

Today we are REACTIVATING and energizing this POWER💥 through the wormhole! We are POWERING up ULURU,🔥🔥🔥 the planetary SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, and BOOSTING GAIA’S GRID.🌐🌏

The STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS 🌞– are en masse claiming their POWER💪💪💪 during this LIBERATION GATE and 9.9 DESTINY PORTAL! 👑👑👑

The Solar 🌞Umbilical Cord 🔌 was RECONNECTED in the early dawn of Jan 13th, 2020 whilst the Anunga people danced and performed a sacred ceremony at ULURU.

As the Sun🌞 rose from the shadows to bring the LIGHT, 🌅
the ELECTRIC SERPENT⚡🐍 was born and takes FLIGHT…
bringing forth the SUPERCHARGED Electrical⚡⚡ POWER from our SUN ☀️and the GREAT CENTRAL SUN ☀️.. reconnecting us to our origins🍥 and the great cosmic wisdom stored in our DNA.⚛.

Our TIME has come, and the GRID🌐🔥 is pumped up for maximum capacity – rocket fuel BOOST for our planetary kin now!

Today’s code is extremely STRONG, RAW 🔥and potent as the ELECTRIC🔌⚡ SERPENT 🐍 is the most “charged” 🎇 Serpent of them all! This ROCKET FUEL🚀 will propel our Planetary forward momentum and success!

A definite ‘TESLA” DAY!! 🌩 amplifying all this super charged ELECTRICAL POWER⚡⚡⚡ through this LIBERATION DESTINY portal. KABOOM!! 💥💥💥

NOTE: As always on powerful SERPENT days, keep an EYE 👁 on GAIA’S🌏 expulsion of excess POWER💥 through our Planetary Grid system🌐 – particularly Volcanoes 🌋 and SOLAR FLARES🔥🔥🔥 today!


We have entered the DREAMTIME🌃 portal and today is day 3 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD🌈🌏 into reality!

Today we are activating our LIFE FORCE🔥 and ABUNDANCE 💰☀through our intuition and instinctive responses. Our original Australian wise ones were in the global spotlight 63 moons ago, to lead us into the “New way” of dreaming and they continue to regularly hold ceremonies to transport us into this new golden era.

Divine and infinite gratitude for these guardians of Gaia🌏 who have safeguarded our Planetary DREAM… through 65,000+ years! 🙏🙏🙏

What a superb commendable achievement.👏.. full planetary recognition to these beautiful people – leading those of us who have “forgotten” back to Eden.🙏💟🙏💟🙏💟

NOTE: This rocket boosting ELECTRIC SERPENT🔥🐍 is preparing us for entrance to the ✨NEW TIME✨ through two successive ✨STAR-GATES✨ in the coming 20 day transition from the 11 Jan to the 31 Jan 2025 – through to the COSMIC STAR.🍥🌟

Have you got your GOLDEN TICKET🎫 ready for admittance?



ELECTRIC 💡is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on ACTIVATING and being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING,👫 that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.

This ELECTRICAL POWER⚡⚡is brilliantly harnessed and DIVINELY ILLUMINATED through today’s LIBERATION GATE, SUPER ACTIVATING us to get moving on our MISSIONS!! 💥💥💥🚀🚀🚀

ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK🎇 for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER💥 to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.

Today we may experience close BONDING💏 in divine/destined relationships👫 with our kin 👭👬 in order to ACTIVATE the collective DREAM of planetary abundance and realize our own personal dreaming.

An absolutely BRILLIANT tone of creation as we bond with our Planetary kin👭👬👫 as ONE WORLD🌏 – praying, meditating, singing, dancing, celebrating and anchoring these potent electrical – life restoring energies to fuel our personal and Planetary mission – providing the potent force needed for us all to step fully into our destiny as Galactic citizens.

ELECTRIC 💥 people can accumulate great WEALTH, POWER and RESOURCES 💰💰💰– so use this explosive TESLA POWER today to FUEL your GENIUS and accelerate your Success and that of our PLANET!.

NOTE: Elon Musk is an ELECTRIC⚡ WORLDBRIDGER and DJ.TRUMP is an ELECTRIC⚡ HAND – the ELECTRIC⚡ tone is able to amass great WEALTH!.


CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC SERPENT💡 🐍 – CHICCHAN – energies relate to the lower three chakras, survival, instinct, kundalini, vitality, life force, POWER and PASSION! 💕

RED SERPENT represents FIRE 🔥energy and when we couple this with the ELECTRIC TONE in the emotional realm – we have very combustible ROCKET 🚀 FUEL.

Electricity🔌 and FIRE🔥 can be a very dangerous☢ mix if not directed with caution and wisdom. Channel these electrical conduits in the direction of your DREAMS, remember to fully ground this through your intuitive guidance to fully ACTIVATE your manifestations.


✨✨✨NOTE: If you are a RED SERPENT🐍 or have CHICCHAN anywhere in your signature code you MUST ensure you GROUND and discharge any excess electrical energy today (or visualize it charging up Uluru/Katu Tjuta’s battery which stores this life force)🔥🔥🔥 – you will be supersensitive to these currents…

Any kin with the ELECTRICAL 🔌code must do the same. The BLUE NIGHTS🌃 will be fully anchoring the PLANETARY DREAM today which is their role, whilst YELLOW SEEDS🌾 – will be sowing and fertilizing this new beginning…. the RED DRAGON🐉 tribe will also feel the potency as they are close kin with the Serpent tribe and they will be B-Earthing the New world…

BLUE EAGLES👁 will strongly hold the future vision of divine perfection and project this from the DREAM… Worldbridgers🌉 will be fortifying and connecting the Rainbow bridge which the Rainbow Warriors🌈🏹 will fearlessly lead us through to the New World, of course the SUN – AHAU 🌞tribe will be fully illuminating our journey …..

All AWAKENED kin will be super active and involved in their own unique and specialized way according to their Galactic signature and mission during this evolutionary passage.

Tune in and ASK your higher self – HOW can I be of Planetary service today?

RED SERPENT🐍 and RED MOON 🌛👸 belong to the RED BLOOD❤ clan. The RED BLOOD clan are the INITIATORS, they take what is RAW and make it more palatable. This clan sees the potential of the NEW in the prevailing energies, seeking to assimilate the new to transform and upgrade the old.

This is RAW🔥 primal life force energy available today. We will be FEELING and sensing our raw impulses flowing through our bodies, and our planetary body – chakras, meridians – as we intuitively respond to the day’s energies.

NOTE: As we are adding ELECTRICAL🔌 FIRE🔥 this increases the INTENSITY of the day. Primal FEARS may be activated and often arise to be cleared and transformed through the power of the Serpent🐍 to shed its skin, and be born anew. Our CORE fears, beliefs and conditioning are all being stripped away and released.

If you are BALANCED and in the LIGHT side of RED SERPENT🐍 you can attune to the more positive aspects of the Serpent giving you more vitality and life force to fuel🔥 your PASSION,💃 whether that be of a romantic nature, or of a creative expression focus, with the emphasis on attracting ABUNDANCE and your primal desires!.

The SHADOW of Red Serpent🐍 can arise today bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, particularly in regards to financial and emotional issues, wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER. Dissolve this fear through transforming it into your PASSION🔥 and drive through your creative expression.

CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus, so utilize this panacea for your wounding today. WE can visualize the caduceus being released through our antahkarana channel, and Gaia’s, to restore balance and heal any dis-ease, revitalizing our cell-ves.

CHICCHAN, the spiralling serpent also symbolizes our DNA ,- so we have potent ELECTRICAL energy to supercharge our cells and IGNITE💥 our dormant DNA… all engines switched ON 🚦and firing! 🔥🔥🔥


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED ELECTRIC MOON💡 🌜👸– MULUC is leading the way, bringing forth the feminine nurturing, healing and wisdom codes of the Goddess as our higher guide today.

Muluc is infusing this RAINBOW SERPENT 🌈🐍day with the POWER of the Goddess to restore PEACE throughout the land. Muluc is seeking to purify and cleanse your vessel (and Gaia’s) of all limitations and FEAR based thinking in activating your perfected Wellness Divine goldprint and Universal Abundance Code!

Using the power of the Goddess👸 through her Universal Waters🌊 to PURIFY your emotional and instinctive responses, integrating this purity and flow from pure unadulterated consciousness. The purer and more balanced your emotional state, the more space exists for wisdom and inspiration to FLOW through.

If your focus for today is on abundance, housing, security or clearing FEAR from your body then you can utilize the RED CLAN energies to provide a safe haven to grow these desires.

The RED ELECTRIC🔌SERPENT🐍 plummets into the watery depths of the Universal waters💧💧💧 flowing from the Planetary Water vortex in New Zealand and the sacral womb of the depths of Lake Titicaca, Thailand and Glastonbury – through our collective unconscious and e-motion-al bodies to retrieve and ACTIVATE the DREAMS of Health and Abundance for all beings’.


SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD💡🔮 – IX – we have VERY POTENT MAJIKAL energy today through the DOUBLE overlay of WIZARD energies with the OVERTONE WIZARD. Woot woot!! 🎉🎉🎊🎊

The ELECTRIC WIZARD is the most HIGHLY CHARGED ( and dangerous!!) wizard of them all – so make sure you STAY CALM and grounded to use this POWER safely!! The key is to be STILL and tap into the Wizard’s connection to timelessness throughout all realms.

IX provides the power of timelessness, giving you patience, and creating a calmer environment rising above the intensity of today’s energies. We surrender attachment to the busyness by relaxing into stillness, in the present moment. tuning into our intuition. Tuning into the cosmic solar codes and the whisperings of Spirit and Mother Gaia.

As we become more receptive, we can realize a greater and deeper connection to our roots and to the ancient wisdom able to flow through our veins – reconnecting to the DREAMTIME and remembering our collective great DREAMing.

The WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD is a potent ally and will help you take command over these UBER powerful forces today, utilizing this majikal manifestation energy into more desirable creative outcomes. ELECTRIC IX activates your WHITE MAJIK powers today breaking the hypnotic spell of the dark DREAM-SPELL.

How will you direct the great ELECTRICAL🔌 SERPENT🐍 today?

Charge up your MAJIK WANDS!! 💫💫💫


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR🌀🌈🏹 – CIB gives us the courage to purge our primal FEARS as our hyper sensitivity today reveals what lies in the unconscious realm of AKBAL. The SPECTRAL WARRIOR is a powerhouse to dissolve and release all that is not of the DREAM, in order to LIBERATE our UTOPIAN VISION for the future.

YELLOW WARRIOR urges us to FEARLESSLY focus on our QUEST for FREEDOM. The FREEDOM gained through FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE and the final realization of our incubated DREAMS. Liberating all that energy that had been bound within you, unleashing your POWER,💥 your PASSION💋 and your VITALITY☀ to create a new life and New World.

The fearless Rainbow Warriors take charge and lead us back HOME over the glorious rainbow bridge 🌈🌉 to claim the Holy Grail. 🏆🏆🏆

POWER💥 and the PASSION 💋– Midnight Oil…


CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE💡 👁👁– MEN beckons us to TRUST our VISION of the bigger picture, and the New Way Dreaming- our BRILLIANT New future.

3 MEN is the coding for when the nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima💣 This EAGLE holds the EXPLOSIVE 💥 NUCLEAR POWER to END WARS!! 💥 This combination is very combustible seeking to LIBERATE humanity from the old paradigm WAR timeline with a BANG! 💥💥💥 ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.!!

We are likely to witness the proverbial RUG pulled out from under our being – FORCING us to take a NEW PATH!!! By hook or by crook – the UNIVERSE will have IT’S way!

We are in the process of FULLY closing the OLD cycle, and claiming our COURAGE, POWER and SOVEREIGNTY through this next chapter, ready for the NEW to begin.


BLUE EAGLE challenges you to greater AWAKENING 💥 through the emotional space that has been liberated. Allowing for greater EXPANSION✨ and witnessing how energy is transformed through spaciousness.

As we have the capacity to SEE the bigger picture, we can then set our intentions to manifest those new horizons. Feeling, sensing and intuiting when it is time to leave the nest and take that MAJIK FLIGHT! 💫

The BLUE EAGLE TRIBE – will fly ahead and guide us – into grounding the greatest DREAM for our Planetary AWAKENING.💥✨💥.

So beloveds TODAY IS A VERY INTENSE🔥 and SUPER ACTIVATING 🎇, SPECIAL PLANETARY DAY with a hyper-sensitive, creative genius electrical 🔌 flow.

How will you direct this current today?❓


Today’s questions are “How can I harness the POWER of the ELECTRIC🔌 SERPENT🐍 to restore VITALITY,☀ activate ABUNDANCE 💰and manifest my greatest Dreams?” 🌴🏝

How can we assist Gaia in restoring and anchoring this LIFE FORCE in our Planetary Body through our collective service?

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings, ENJOY the RAW CHARGE🎇 of renewed LIFE FORCE,🔥 VITALITY☀ and PASSION 💋💃throughout our Planetary Body – the DREAM of PEACE on EARTH is unfolding now!

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions



Paul White Gold Eagle

A Call for Mighty Victory’s Golden Armour


My Beloved Mighty I AM Presence within, above and surrounding me, Beloved Mighty Victory, I call upon you and your Legions of Angels with all the love in my heart to come to me and envelop me in your Cosmic Golden Armour. Let this armour be made of the Light Substance and Energy of the Ascended Masters, creating an impenetrable barrier where no worldly interference can penetrate.

Beloved Mighty Victory, Radiant Being of Triumph and Divine Light,
I call upon your presence now.
Wrap me in your Golden Armour of Victory,
A shield of strength, protection, and unwavering power.

Let your golden light blaze forth,
Encircling me with the energy of invincibility.
Fill my heart with the courage to face all challenges,
And the wisdom to overcome with grace and confidence.

Beloved Victory, instill in me the unshakable knowing
That success is my divine birthright.
May your Golden Armour deflect all negativity,
And transmute it into the radiance of pure love and light.

With each step I take, may I embody your energy,
Walking the path of triumph, truth, and divine purpose.
I accept your blessings now,
As I align with the vibration of eternal victory.

So it is, and so it shall be.

Closing Affirmation

“I am clothed in the Golden Armour of Victory,
Unstoppable, radiant, and divinely empowered.
With Mighty Victory’s light, I triumph in all things.”


This invocation can be spoken daily or during moments of challenge to call forth the empowering energy of Mighty Victory’s Golden Armour. 🌟

A Call for Mighty Victory’s Golden Armour
A Call for Mighty Victory’s Golden Armour

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