You are currently viewing PROMISE OF THE EMERALD COVENANT ~ Cycles Within Cycles Ending * Light Body Integrations ~ Remain in the Eye of the Storm
Prayer for the Amazonian Rainforest

PROMISE OF THE EMERALD COVENANT ~ Cycles Within Cycles Ending * Light Body Integrations ~ Remain in the Eye of the Storm

PROMISE OF THE EMERALD COVENANT ~ Cycles Within Cycles Ending * Light Body Integrations ~ Remain in the Eye of the Storm







Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Heavenly 5D Creators of New Eden on Earth

We continue to have massive waves of Higher Energetics flowing in through this Eclipse Equinox Corridor. After yesterday’s powerful Harvest Full Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces we are really feeling the shift accelerate into a higher gear of transformation.

Over the next two weeks all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 will be receiving major downloads and activations in preparation for our Great Awakening Ascension Process and Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new hue-man species of homo-Luminous.

Synchronizing with todays powerful portal we have, on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, Galactic signature Kin 73 Red Galactic Skywalker encoded with our 73 into the 37 code of Heaven on Earth. This solar seal holds the power of prophecy and the key to majick in the cycle of 52 years holding exactly 73 Tzolkin Cycles, with 73 chromatics holding the resonance of the biomass constant.

The frequency of 73 also symbolizes the Path of Freedom and the Key to the Doorway of Heaven on Earth. Today this door is fully opened and we Now step through and through and through into the Pure Land of Eternal Life.

The Emerald Covenant is enacted as the One Law Pulses through the Sacred Vessels of our New 5D Avatars of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!









🌬The winds of change are blowing in bringing all that no longer serves to the surface for release Remain in the eye of the storm, peace within the chaos🌀💙🌀💙🌀

Lisa Renee

Cycles within cycles ending

~ 9~9 to 18/9~9
Preparing us for Autumn Equinox 🌸
the return of the Emerald Order that is liberating this planet from its prison wardens now.
This moment of pure self – realization and consciousness awakening is referred to as the Dawn of Aurora,the exact moment of epiphany on the ascension destiny path when our ancient spiritual sight and memories are fully restored in the eternal light and truth,and we fully recognize our God creator.
massive upgrade
massive upgrade


All that is transpiring now is leading to the further separation of realities. People are being offered guidance and opportunities for growth, with signs everywhere showing them that you are no longer in the world you were in just a few years ago. And you will not be in the current timeline only a few months from now. An open mind and an open heart are needed if one wishes to understand what is unfolding on Earth. And the willingness to release the old ways of going about life, letting go of what no longer serves your wellbeing. It is time to reevaluate your decisions, and seek to elevate yourself to higher states of consciouseness.
higher states of consciouseness
higher states of consciouseness

The Energetic Alchemist

We have gone through a massive upgrade since August. Many have gone through a quantum leap and the light body needs integration.
This is not the same ascension energy as 2015 or 2020. This is very accelerated. Surrender will be the path of least resistance for the rest of 2024
Alchemy has been a dominant energy in 2024
Yet it really began to pop off in early August.
The wayshowers are being inducted into a higher level of balance, integrating at new levels, the discernment of when to use their voice and when to us their power.
Divine masculines are finding themselves rising from a long battle of the mind over the heart. They have new clarity coming into the fall and a renewed vision of their life. They’re being initiated into something new.
Divine feminines are making peace with their inner balance, finding deep sacred honor in the oracle that they are. Balancing out any blindspots or leaks in their energy field. They’re being initiated into something new.
We are on the verge of massive collective change, it’s time to gather yourself, find your bearings. Many may not feel the energy shifting as fast because they didn’t feel the transformations before. There was much less body consciousness activations and you generally had months to move through energy clearing. It is moving very very rapidly now.
We are ready. 🤍🔥🤍
Holding space
Holding space
9/18/24: As the energy of the supermoon continues to sweep over you, you won’t yet sense everything it’s doing on your behalf. You can’t yet appreciate what’s being created within you. And you won’t yet understand all that’s being removed. This is as it must be so that you don’t try to automatically revert to old ways of thinking and feeling.
For now, it’s enough, and it is Right Action, that you simply hold space for change. Holding space means that you stand clear of the process in faith that you’re getting exactly the upgrade you need and that you will soon be seeing the results. Today could feel like another upward surge of old conditioning… an aftershock of a powerful shift. Let it rise up and out. It should get easier with each internal push.





Last week as I was swimming in the Aegean sea the nature of my navel was deactivated.
I was told that at this stage we are being free from the energies and information that the navel, via the umbilical cord, was holding.
Through it, information was transferred from generation to generation and attachment was imprinted in the human subconscious making it almost impossible for the human to be free from the ancestral chain, its characteristics, patterns and attachment traits.
I was told that this part of human biology was connected to the land and the need for survival on it.
As Posidonia is emerging the nature of our biology that is connected to fish, is also emerging.
The biology of the Waters is very different.
Fish is part of the earlier biology.
Fish hatch from eggs and do not have navels.
They do not carry an attachment to the mother and the family chain information.
This development is an important key to the process of liberation that we are undergoing and it will greatly change the function of all three human brains.
We all came from Water and we are being guided to swim again freely in the waters of Life.
The human mind set is changing greatly as many limiting and entrapping beliefs are naturally falling away.
These beliefs were also transferred from generation to generation via the umbilical cord and we are aware that it was the belief systems that were holding us bound to the old 3d reality and its structures.
By releasing the limiting beliefs, we are releasing the loops and hooks!
Today and the next four days will unleash very powerful energies disrupting the ways things used to be on different levels of human nature and society.
It is because the Mother is singing her electric song, clearing the deceiving songs of the Sirens and the energies of false patriarchy from within everyone.
This is Her call of remembrance and alignment to the true destination/destiny!
The Wheels have turned and the doors have opened.
Beautiful blessings are here for all.
We are deep in the transformational switching of the cycles.
Some things might not make sense anymore, this is normal.
The world of the Ocean hides many mysteries.
As the Waters are coming in, they are also affecting human biology.
As we are moving through the waves of the free Waters of Posidonia, we are moving through different phases of remembrance.
We are remembering a core part of our being.
Everything comes from the Water and its mechanics.
These mechanics are re-emerging in order to be felt and understood.
Be observant of what you will feel these days and dive into it without fear, repulsion or disappointment.
Be close to nature if possible.
Let go of control.
Get to know yourself.
The Waters bring the biggest initiation.
This is the Baptism.
We have to go through the Waters in order to reach Uranus.
May everyone be safe and happy during these changes 🙏🏼❇️
Blessings from the Waters!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Planetary alignments
Planetary alignments

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

This recent Lunar eclipse has been a significant astrological event symbolising transformation, closure, and shifts in personal and emotional life, marking the beginning / continuation of metaphysical evolution.
During the period leading up to September 22nd . The Solstice energies are creating significant shifts in timelines and altered trajectories are occurring, bringing together past, present, and future soul paths. It can be helpful to stay grounded to prioritise what is meaningful and truly matters. This is an opportune moment to align Self with the broader rhythms and flow of the Universe.
The Equinox energies have created a clearing out of the old energies, which can At times feel heavy and dense for the physical body , prioritising rest and self-care during this time. Some may experience vivid dreams, intense emotions, bodily aches, and heightened insights as part of the releasing process. This release creates space for personal expansion. All ascending can use this opportunity to focus on areas of life that need more harmony and to manifest inner balance during this time .
During this Solstice Season, justice and power are highlighted . This event has been building since the previous years , The Equinox in March, April, and May of 2023. Throughout this time, the ascending have been setting clearer and stronger intentions and boundaries, raising their birth right expectations and making improved choices for a more aligned and abundant life on ascending Earth .
The intentions the ascending have planted are now starting to manifest into physical reality . Perceived obstacles on the path are brought to the conscious surface and released during the upcoming Solstice energies . The Planetary alignments during our next Libra Season are part of the restructuring process for the foundation of New Earth Reality, which continues to unfold and expand over the next six months Autumn – Spring Equinox .
The Ascending are now expanding in higher light frequencies and vibrating from a strong and healed heart-centered energy. Many have healed the attachments from the past and broke the chains previously holding them back .
Starseeds possess incredible powers that extend beyond the physical form, this is called the Cosmic Lattice , it is made up of pure conscious intent. The conscious Intent is like a radio beacon it is affected by synchronicity.
The ascending can Expect expanding ascension attributes to now enhance and expand into conscious awareness , higher self is presenting many unknown self discoveries in the very near future .
The Ascending have agreed to shift the earth to a higher level of consciousness by expanding their light of love, freedom, knowledge , wisdom , understanding and healing .
Major collective awakenings are occurring through the process of their metaphysical Activations to reach self discovery and actualisation which enables them towards their purpose .
AKASHIC DNA: When we entered this reality, our consciousness uploaded the akashic data into the mind-body avatar complex, developing heart coherence through internalising polarity.
This akashic data is encoded in every cell of the being, waiting for it to awaken into multidimensional consciousness . The heart serves as the portal for Akashic Data to come online, and as we open up to the stirrings in the heart , this creates a transformational shift that unfolds in divine timing.
Individuals on the ascension journey are moving into a consciously evolved stage infused with loving and harmonious energies. This transition activates the creation of a fresh timeline unburdened by the past. As we engage in healing and self-exploration, we progress toward greater wholeness, gaining insight into our current state and envisioning our desired future along the path of evolution.
If there is an area in life that isn’t going as desired, it indicates that beliefs in that area may need to be transformed. To bring about significant changes, replacing out dated patterns with new ones aligned with higher self goals. By setting clear intentions and releasing any lingering debris , this begins to shift internal energy and direction. simplicity in all processes can be most powerful and effective .
By taking responsibility for our thoughts and emotions, this empowers self to become a powerful transformer. thoughts and feelings create a magnetic field that attracts similar vibrations. As we evolve, we contribute to the upliftment of humanity.
During the Autumn / Spring Equinox, Higher Cosmic frequencies are present, marking significant chapters in Ascension that propels the ascending into the next phase of conscious evolution . It is a profound opportunity to release and experience quantum timeline shifts .
The Starseed collective assists in redirecting planetary energies towards fulfilling personal destinies. This planetary phase signifies the end of the conscious poverty timeline, as the power of the Light brings in new opportunities for expansion, free from obstacles and challenges. The activated Solar Codes will further align many ascending with this new trajectory during the Solstice window.
During the upcoming weeks Libra energies bring in a sense of balance , harmony, vibrational alignment , love, and abundance to our planet , to all ascending Starseeds .The rays of truth, justice, love, and harmony are expanding into our planet Our DNA is composed of photonic light, the light of the divine source. The intensity of this light is increasing due to Activated solar flares .
Libra season, along with the equinox portal, amplifies the magnetism of light. Our magnetic fields work together in tandem as we serve to anchor the light here for the ascending humanity, Gaia, the multiverse energy within , this is incredibly amplified in this particular process. Momentum is building for intense lightbody activations assisting in planetary liberation.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
: By Ascension LightWorkers .©️


For The Quantum Codes Of Light Are Presenting New Formats Of Cellular Regeneration, New Alignments To The Cosmic Understanding Of Your World.
It Is Brought Forth With The Great Quickening Of Now 🙏
The Great Realisation Of Light Arriving In Your World.
New Earth Dynamics Is A Multidimensional Description Of The Great Cosmic Download Reaching All Species And Providing The Physical Changes You Are Experiencing.
We Wish To Highlight The Soil Bacteria And The Fungi, which Cover Large Domains Of Your Surface Reality.
The Assimilatory Emergence Of Light Is Achieving A Heightened Momentum Intergrating All Species. To Reach A Consensus View Of Your New Reality 🌿
I Am Shown The Building Of A Home, Like Building Solid Foundations, The Current Light Dynamics Are Reaching New Grounds Within The Deep Regions Of Gaia.
It is A Solid, Crystalline State Of Light Initation, Connection, Amplification. To Reach This Now Moment In Your Physical Reality 🙏
Providing You With An Innate And Deeper Connection To The New Earth Dynamics Of Now ❤🙏
Rest Assured In The Progress, The Great Light Assimilation Is Underway Within The Deep Caverns Of Mother Gaia.
Like Deep Within Yourself, The Great Stirring Of Light Continues, Reflecting In Many Aspects Of YOU 🙏
The Great Metamorphosis Of Light Is All Around You ❤
Deep Within You 🙏
The Complexities Of Unity Consciousness Is Now Uprising, As The Great Divisions Of Your World Provide Many Opportunities For Mass Insights.
As This Message Is Light Encoded, Feel Into Certain Sections That Resonate 🙏
Much Is Unfolding In Light 🌿
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love ❤
New Earth Alliance
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Together In Light



Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

An eruption of suppressed emotions and anger may be coming up and out for you to get your health and innocence back. The Full Moon Eclipse energies can be releasing any remaining fragments from the Piscean age that been stuck in the 5 bodies. Change is happening for you to let it all go and move into the New World. Remember who you are, a star!

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you Love Carolyn

New World
New World


On Wednesday, September 18th, we are officially in Eclipse Season with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that happened yesterday at 10:34pm EDT. This morning we started the day with Mercury, the Messenger, in discerning Virgo opposing Saturn, the Task Master, in changeable Pisces. We may have had a lot on our minds, either consciously or subconsciously, regarding the healing process of old situations, relationships, perceptions and patterns.
Coupled with the Eclipse energies, many of us may have had difficulty sleeping or focusing on the tasks at hand. The Moon, ruler of our emotions, has now moved from sensitive Pisces to assertive Aries at 5:24am today. She will challenge Mars, the Warrior, shifting our demeanor from nostalgic to passionate! We have entered the portal of endings and new beginnings, with the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2nd adding to the mix. However, this time period may be more subtle with its energies of transformation and transition because of the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in dreamy,  Pisces. We now have to have faith and trust that what is unfolding is exactly where we need to be going.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Eclipse Season with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Eclipse Season with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn retrograde in Pisces – We’re coming down from the eclipse high tide. Head bobbing above the waves. Waving not drowning…but maybe sputtering water just a little! After ethereal vibrations, strange incantations and cosmic pointers as large as a mountain, now we must come back. Back to reality, back to the work, back to the problems. Back to the things that don’t go away no matter how much we wish them to disappear.
It’s time now to put the work in – to let go of negative thinking; to release those vague plans that were never going to see the light of day. It’s time to sit down and think, have a serious talk, work with what you have, cast around the problem for solutions. For some, the Mercury-Saturn conversation could mean no conversation, a dialogue gone quiet, waiting for an answer, a simple no. Sometimes we just have to wait for the tide to turn. Still the mind and be patient.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 15°Vi15′, Saturn 15°Pi15′ R – 09:50 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Breton Fisherman by Paul Gauguin
Breton Fisherman
Breton Fisherman



On the Tzolkin count of 260 DAYS, today corresponds to KIN 73 Red Galactic Skywalker. The Skywalker holds the power of Prophecy and is coded by Seal #13, and the Galactic tone of Integrity corresponds to #8. Both #8 and #13 hold the 6th and 7th positions on the Fibonacci Spiral sequence: 5:8:13
Precisely every 52 YEARS there are EXACTLY 73 Tzolkin cycles. This is the point in time when the Galactic count of 260 DAYS synchronizes again with the Solar+Lunar count. As we have been highlighting for the past several years on this page: since the human gestation period corresponds to 260 days, the Tzolkin is the holographic time container for LIFE encoded within our DNA.
Arguelles defined #73 as the “Biomass Constant.”
“To unlock the memory patterns contained in these codes is the primary task of the present moment in human history. By unlocking these memory patterns human intelligence may arrive at an initial understanding of the construction of the mystic planet body, which the Maya called ‘Kinan.'” These were the words that I wrote in 1986 or 1987. Since then I knew that was the statement of my mission. So I was able to understand how to continue to work with these codes so that we could bring forth what we call the Dreamspell.
Now, I would like to go further with the Tzolkin, because we have here, as we know, also the pattern that we see in green {showing the 52 galactic activation portals}: You see that we have the colors: red, white, blue, yellow – which create the harmonic – and then the fifth color, which is green. This represents the Fifth Force. The pattern that you see here I described in The Mayan Factor as “the Loom of Maya.” This pattern was the key to holding the whole structure together. This pattern actually consists of 52 positions: 26 on this side, 26 on the other side. […]
Every 52 years there are exactly 73 Tzolkin cycles. We know the number 73 – because every year there are 73 Chromatics [ 5-DAY cycles ]. So we have every year 73 Chromatics to 52 weeks, and in a solar-galactic cycle, 52 years with 73 Tzolkins. This is why we say that by following the Thirteen Moon Calendar we will be able to go to the perfection, because now we understand the mathematical order of the fourth dimension. We have made it conscious. You can meditate on it, study it yourself and understand that radial fractal principle: for instance the 52 weeks – 73 Chromatics/52 years – 73 Tzolkins represents a perfection of measure and form that is absolutely real. We can fully enter into it through our mind and spirit. If we submit our mind and spirit to the radial fractal perfection of form, than our mind and spirit will evolve into perfection of radial fractal mind and spirit. This is why we say this is the next evolutionary step.
This is the reformulation of the human mind. What we see with the Tzolkin here is that this is the basic mapping of the fourth-dimensional time, which we established also in the form of the Dreamspell, and that time is a radial matrix.”
Jose Arguelles
“28 Meditations on the Law of Time”
Meditation 6/28
As introduced back in 2020, number 73 (the biomass constant) also coordinates the Venus + Earth Pentagonal cycle. How is this? It takes Venus and the Earth 40 cycles (5×8) of 73 DAYS each to complete one PENTAGONAL cycle.
Last 3 June, 2020 on KIN 65 13 Serpent, we closed the 8-YEAR pentagonal cycle since the rare Venus Transit (2012-2020). This was the first out of 5 pentagonal cycles contained within 40 YEARS (2012-2052) These 40 YEARS are distributed in 5 stages or cycles coded by the 5 colors of the Cosmology of Time within the Venus Star Matrix:
1. RED PENTAGONAL CYCLE (2012-2020) – Input
2. WHITE PENTAGONAL CYCLE (2020-2028) – Store
3. BLUE PENTAGONAL CYCLE (2028-2036) – Process
4. YELLOW PENTAGONAL CYCLE (2036-2044) – Output
5. GREEN PENTAGONAL CYCLE (2044-2052) – Matrix
The VENUS PENTAGRAM STAR MATRIX is a fractal chronograph designed to track the 5 STAGES of CREATION of the Venus+Earth Star Pentagram during their 8-Year Synodic period (2920 days). The 8-Year Venus Pentagram STAR Matrix is a function of the redemptive process of the dissolution of the “Old Time” and the entrance into the “New Time” or 2nd CREATION (Baktuns 14 to 20 of the ancient Maya Long Count ~ 2012-4772).
“Clearly a manifestation of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl, the coming of Pacal Votan in A.D. 631 was indicated by the completion of the 36th Venus great cycle from the initiation date, 3113, B.C. The Venus great cycle represents the conjunction of 104 solar years of 365 days each, with 146 sacred calendar cycles of 260 days each and 65 Venus cycles of 584 days each. The total number of days or kin in such a cycle is 37,960. The fractal 3796 represents the number of tun elapsed between 3113 B.C. and A.D. 631, and the number of solar years elapsed between 3113 B.C. and A.D. 683.
The 52-year cycle—A.D. 631-683—representing the duration of Votan’s life activity on the planet corresponds, of course, to the “calendar round:” the conjunction of 52 solar years with 73 sacred calendar cycles. The next significant Quetzalcoatl avatar, 1 Reed Quetzalcoatl, also lived 52 years, from A.D. 947 to 999.”
– Jose Arguelles –
“The Mayan Factor”

Kin 73 ~ Red Galactic Skywalker

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Modeling’. This number oozes peacefulness. ‘Galactic’ days are great for making music, making up with someone you’ve fallen out with and generally restoring harmony in your life. Whatever day this number combines with, it adds a little sweetness and calms down any difficult energy. Integrity is also a keyword and on number 8 days, it is good practice to check yours. You can’t possibly restore harmony in your life when there is disharmony going on within you.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Exploring, Wakefulness and Space’. This day is all about going on adventures and plucking up some courage. This is perfect for doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Skywalker teaches us that if we explore our minds we may wake up. So, feel free to space out! As it is a ‘Galactic’ day, this suggests that ‘thinking outside of the box’ or doing things in a different way can restore harmony in your life. If you have been struggling with an issue perhaps you are approaching it using the same old tactics. Expand your mind and try a new approach! The Skywalker is a fun guy and he can be quite impulsive too. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself unable to resist going on an adventure.
The Guide today is the Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. This is a great guide for today, showing us that by restoring harmony through tapping into our adventurous nature, can lead to an evolutionary leap. If you are a Red Earth, show others the way forward today as ‘navigation’ is your middle name and therefore you make a great natural guide.
The Challenge for today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. It may be hard to make your dreams come true today but we should still strive for them. If you are a Blue Night, you struggle with Skywalker’s adventurous invitation – so today will be hard for you but very rewarding if you rise to your challenge. For the rest of us, don’t dwell too much on your dreams today as there is too much adventuring goin on.
The Occult power is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Elegance and Art’. Yellow Star energy is all about appreciating the beauty in the world and when it is in the position of magic, expect beautiful magical moments.
Today is an ideal da, to get out the paint brushes and either create some beautiful art or redecorate your home. Expect the results to be quite magical! The Skywalker has such an open mind that it really facilitates making art.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger which is also the wavespell we are in. If you need assistance today find a Worldbridger as they can be very helpful. What does it mean when the wavespell energy is also the Ally? It means the wavespell energy is friendly to us all today! If you don’t know a Worldbridger, you can take a leave out of their book by being diplomatic in all your undertakings.
Kin 73
Kin 73


8 BEN – KIN 73
I harmonize in order to explore
Modeling wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of navigation
18/9/2024 = 9/9/8 =9/17=9/8=17 =8
✨17.17 IMMORTALITY code
18- Social upheaval/conflict/Endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joyy
BOOM!! 💥🦁💥 WHAT A COCKTAIL of ROCKET FUEL energy propelling us forward 🚀🚀🚀 through this SUPER – FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE..
A beautiful MAJIKAL and DIVINE code today for NAVIGATING our way to new realms of BLISS. ❤❤❤
Day 8 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges . How DIVINELY PERFECTO that CIMI is bridging the gap between this potent passage – supporting us in this HUGE energetic transition from DARK to LIGHT..
Today we are LETTING GO of all that does not serve us, in order to open to the EXPANSIVENESS of the NEW opportunities and BLISS that is ours to experience. 😍✨💞
If we CHOOSE to LET GO 🥾 of the old and everything that no longer serves us – then we can reap the benefits that this next chapter promises.
It is extraordinary SPECTACULAR🎇🎆 that BEN the SKYWALKER is joining CIMI his mate, were the two buddies who lead us into this NEW YEAR in 2024 and now here they are AGAIN for a reprisal on this 9 month gestation point… ready for NEW ADVENTURES, NEW OPPORTUNITIES and NEW levels of BLISS and ABUNDANCE.. How EXCITING!!
KIN 73 the RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER is the signature energy for the ENTIRE GREGORIAN YEAR of 2024🎇🎆🎇🎆🥳🎊🎉🪅… what a BLISSING indeed as we build the bridge between HEAVEN and EARTH!
Take heed of what BEN 🚶– the SKYWALKER is GIFTING🎁💝🎁 us this year!
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. 2024 is an 8 frequency and we commenced the year with the 8 tone.. The 8 is a higher octave on a whole new level.. This gives us an 8.8. FREQUENCY – double ABUNDANCE ensuring our SUCCESS..
Today we have an code – with the 18 day code. 8 universal month code, 8 year code and final day total 8!!! Quadruple ABUNDANCE GATE on this potent ECLIPSE portal.
The GALACTIC TONE has its ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonizes, ESSENCE – integrity. These are the qualities of this entire 2024 YEAR – Modelling – authenticity, integrity and transparency leads to greater HARMONY.. Those beautiful evolved souls who EMBODY these traits will be the ones who reap the harvest of ABUNDANCE flowing from SOURCE… fully supported in their DIVINE MISSIONS to serve humanity.
Revisiting the GALACTIC tone today invites you to CHECK-IN and see how you are doing in embodying these traits.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis. The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being? Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies.
Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority. At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
The GALACTIC SKYWALKER is seeking to model Wakefulness, through expanding his MINDSET.. opening to new ways of thinking and being, to create more HARMONY in our world.
What a PROFOUNDLY responsible code to shape our behaviour for 2024!
Today’s question is “Does my Divine Mission model my EXPANDED and awakened MINDSET, to EXPLORE new frontiers and ways of manifesting PEACE, JOY & HARMONY on Earth?
How can I BREAKTHROUGH all barriers to experience BLISS ON EARTH? ♥️💞
Divine blessings for NEW opportunities arising, to EXPAND your reach and beneficially impact our world.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
9 MOONS AGO – Last Galactic spin – KIN 73 occured on NEW YEAR’S DAY – 1ST January 2024..
and this is what I wrote on that post…
HIP HIP HOORAY 🥳🎊🎉🪅🎆– ALL our ducks are in a ROW!🦆🦢🦆🦢
2024 has a very special code – 22-4 = 44= 8 44 is a MASTER number and it represents structure, foundation and building something SOLID.. The 4 represents EARTH energy and we have a double dose to herald in our NEW EARTH.. 44 is also associated with the ANGELIC REALMS and thus is the first link in our DIVINE CONNECTIONS this year..
44=8 which is extremely fortuitous.. we have left behind the spiritual tests and trials that the 7 challenged us with in 2023.. And now in 2024 the Spiritual initiates have graduated in their mastery as conduits for Spirit.. The 8 promised a closer CONNECTION to our SOURCE – as the energy FLOWS consistently back and forth. Spirit has our back this year and much more support will be prevalent in the form of guidance, abundance and opportunities.. The 8 represents INFINITY – infinite supply coming from SOURCE.. Those STAR BLISS SUNS that are ready to STEP UP in their DIVINE MISSIONS will be well supported by SPIRIT to achieve SUCCESS..
We start this new year – with a code and a 10.10 MANIFESTATION code – all wonderful to SUPERBOOST your intentions for the year.. The great news is that both MERCURY and JUPITER travel DIRECT now- how BRILLIANT – lots of forward momentum to enhance our success..
GET READY for accelerated GROWTH🌱🌲 in 2024.. ✨⭐✨⭐
Today marks the 9 month gestation point since ✨NEW YEAR’S DAY ✨– the time to BIRTH 🐣these potent intentions seeded through these codes.. And surprise, surprise – TODAY – KIN 73 occurs on a SUPERMOON – FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in PISCES – the sign of spiritual devotion, psychic abilities, empathy, compassion and Higher LOVE. Beautiful codes aligning with our GALACTIC SKYWALKER who will BLAST through all impediments blocking our BLISS..
After 16 days of being housebound (due to malefic planetary transits hitting my Astro. chart) I finally found some strength and COURAGE to venture out to the park to soak in the SUN🌞 RAYS and do some EARTHING/GROUNDING. To my de-LIGHT I found a white feather from a yellow crested cockatoo that inhabits this park.
The COCKATOO is a powerful spiritual symbol in Australian Dreaming and is often associated with auspicious outcomes including emotional freedom, joy, contentment.
Cockatoos represent illumination – the sentinel guard and guide through darkness; they speak of commitment to partnerships and to the importance of the safety of one’s group; and they represent comedic relief with the spark that mischief and curiosity bring to life!
The revelations of light touching darkness, the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo eliminates mysteries and shows the path of opportunity. This bird also symbolises new beginnings – the potential that a new day brings.
All very well aligned with this WHITE WORLDBRIDGER cycle!
This FEATHER was not the usual contour feathers that I find but rather a superb FLIGHT FEATHER – which I call a STEERING FEATHER – used to set the flight direction.
The message I received from Spirit was – “We are headed in a totally NEW DIRECTION!”
And then I commenced today’s post – revisiting what I wrote 9 moons ago and the first line I saw was…
BOOM!!! ⚡⚡⚡⚡ SHAKALA!! ⚡⚡⚡
This ECLIPSE season is setting a NEW COURSE for humanity – severing the PAST pain and starting AFRESH!!
Aho me hearties – set the mainsail!! ⛵⛵⛵⛵
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER ☁🚶 BEN is the ANGELIC MESSENGER who seeks to bring HEAVEN to EARTH.. How perfecto with the 44 Angelic code for this year.. BEN is the conduit, the vessel between the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.. BEN is the faithful DIVINE SERVANT who anchors BLISS on EARTH.. What a noble MISSION as the solar seal for this year..
BEN sets the BAR for us to achieve our MISSION this year – to finally realize NEW EARTH – to break FREE from the dark nightmare – and LIVE the NEW DREAM.. to realize our beautiful UTOPIA.. the DREAM is within our reach now as HEAVEN will pull out all the MAJIK to support us in realizing the DIVINE PLAN for GAIA.
BEN invites us to EXPLORE our options for this NEW YEAR, NEW TIME and NEW ERA.
❓❓❓What else is possible for you?
❓❓❓How can you EXPAND your mission and reach a greater audience? Go BIG or go home!
2024 is the YEAR to come out of the DARK closet and into the LIGHT!! ✨ DARE TO SHINE! ⭐✨
We must EXPAND our thinking and our MINDS!
EXPLORE all the different options and opportunities that arise.
Which avenue will you take?
BEN is your guide and will navigate your journey, so that you are following the path with the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for all involved.
EXPAND💥, EXPAND,💥 EXPAND💥 – How can you reach more people?
❓❓How can you navigate through a more harmonious path of Service?
We are seeking to explore new territory and business models, for living through integrity and the higher principles of awareness, for the new Earth that we are co creating.
The GALACTIC SKYWALKER beckons you to THINK BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS💕 and VOICE beautiful words 🌬🎶. Focus on the BEAUTY 🌹in our world and contribute to this BLISS through your expanded Mission.. No more WORK!!! That is so passe’.-
Our “WORK” now needs to become our PLEASURE❤ – and we must align our MIND with our PASSION💋 – to be fully congruent. The Universe will totally REWARD us for following our BLISS and doing what we LOVE.. that is the way forward.
❓❓Why devote your lifetime to WORK?
Your PASSION💋 is your GPS, and will help you navigate to a path, where your creative expression weaves a beautiful tapestry for your life. Embrace the NEW and spread your wings in the unfolding of this New Harmonic Matrix. ✨✨
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED GALACTIC EARTH 🌏🏳 CABAN assists you in getting in sync with the natural flow. RED EARTH will guide you to LISTEN for the right moment to act, in order to optimize your results. How PERFECTO that our beautiful wise PACHAMAMA is the higher guide this year in 2024. SHE decides which way we need to GO to model HARMONY on our planet.
The GALACTIC EARTH will ensure you are in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME, to discover these wonderful life enhancing OPPORTUNITIES that are flowing your way NOW..
NOW IS THE RIGHT TIMING to move forward into new territory, and new blissful adventures and projects.
LISTEN for the signs, messages and synchronicities pointing you in the right direction. Integrate what you gather through your mind and express it in the perfect timing, ready for the moment to make your greatest impact.
❓❓Are your new business models eco-friendly and sustainable? Do your products use natural non-toxic materials that are easily recyclable?
❓❓Is your idea beneficial to Gaia/humanity?
Tune in to the natural harmonic flow of life, and allow Gaia to guide you to brilliant solutions, which bring more harmony to our planet and her children. Step up and become the brilliant LEADER👑 in order to become a role-model for others following your lead.
The Galactic Wayshowers are modelling the lifestyle we need, to create the NEW Heaven on Earth. 💒🌎
SUPPORT: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌉 🌍– CIMI asks you to SURRENDER the limitations of your MIND, and what you THINK is possible. SURRENDER all the pain, suffering, misfortune, trauma and failures… GIVE IT TO GOD! Surrender the FEAR and separation, and focus on LOVE💞 and connection! EXPAND your MIND and your perspectives taking note of the people that present today and in the near future. .
We have DOUBLE WORLDBRIDGER energy today with the wavespell energies, so DOUBLE the opportunities flowing your way.. STEP UP and look ahead.
BRILLIANT energy to SURRENDER your past hurts and pain… DISSOLVED as the shadow eclipses the moon.
❓❓❓WHO is connecting to you and assisting you in building bridges to a better world?🌈🌉🌏.
Be willing to cooperate with others, forming teams and cooperatives, working together for the common good. 👫👬👭
The old paradigm of abusing and exploiting our planet, resources and people is OVER and DONE with!!!! Make sure you are on the right track to reverse and repair this old Matrix programming – anchoring and modelling the new Higher Mindfulness for all of Creation.
Our NEW COMMUNITIES and soul tribes will have a MAJIK DIVINE hand in UNIfying us through a common cause – to benefit HU-MAN-KIND.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR ✨ – LAMAT The focus of LAMAT is peace, harmony and beauty. RHYTHMIC LAMAT is seeking to harmonize the energies, through creating ORDER and Balance, in our physical environment, home, PLANET and in your mind.
Through SPACE clearing, clutter clearing and reorganizing, you can create SPACE for the NEW to enter. The Universe abhors a vacuum – so LET GO and SURRENDER anything that obstructs your new harmonious lifestyle.. then focus on Manifesting SOMETHING BETTER to fill the void.
It is a good time to PURIFY, smudge and CLEAR the energy in your home, your body and the SPACES you occupy.. CLEAN and CLEAR to allow the NEW to FLOW in.
LAMAT will reveal to you any discordant MENTAL thoughts and patterns that are limiting your possibilities for EXPANSION.
❓❓What mental constructs have created walls that have affected your INTEGRITY?
SURRENDER and RELEASE your FEARS of competition, lack or insecurity.
The RHYTHMIC tone seeks to model EQUALITY, by recognizing the soul essence of all beings through UNITY consciousness. Through Equality and acceptance we quell many of the social and racial issues, that have kept us separated from a unified HU-MAN race.. 👫👬👭
Once all separateness and division is transcended, we can all model PEACE and Harmony in our communities, freeing us to appreciate the BEAUTY of each unique soul and our Mother Gaia.
TRUST in the signs of CABAN to lead you back to balance and harmony, in the NEW TIME where LIFE has a dreamy FLOW!
🎼Merrily, merrily, merrily – LIFE IS BUT A DREAM! 🎶
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT 🌃💰 AKBAL challenges us today to integrate our capacity to move forward on our Divine Missions, by trusting and ACTING upon our intuition. When your ideals are aligned with the new eco-friendly🌿 life enhancing principles of the New Earth 🌈🌍🌎🌏– natural Abundance will FLOW freely💰🌻🎆..
Instead of focusing on PROFIT🤑💰 or Money making 💸– the new focus is on SERVICE🕊 to all – helping our fellow man to have a better life, creating SOLUTIONS and better ways of doing things in a different way.
How can you GIVE BACK to our planet and your community?
We need to think outside of the box📦 and have a different perspective on life in this NEW ERA… The best way to do that is to RELEASE and LET GO of trying to FORCE anything, simply MEDITATE and be STILL.
FEEL whether the thoughts, ideas and projects are aligned with the greater GOOD.. Do they EXCITE you and beckon you to SHARE your ideas and DREAMS with others?
AKBAL will provide you with all the clues you need to fearlessly move forward, attaining abundance and achieving your greatest DREAMS. 🌻🌻🌻
AKBAL the MAJIK GENIE – is the GIFT and BLESSING of KIN 73 enabling us to MANIFEST the NEW WAY DREAMING – our shared collective DREAM of realizing HEAVEN ON EARTH through ABUNDANCE for ALL.
We have an massive ABUNDANCE GATE today – streaming forth through this Eclipse portal so get ready to RECEIVE.
Model your TRUST in this collective DREAM of ✨ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS✨ achieved through each soul’s expression, of their unique Divine Mission, as an expression of their Divine purpose.
Aho beloveds – what a MAGNIFICENT combination of altruistic and benefic energies to fuel our journey to the BLISS realms..
GOD SPEED our JOURNEY into the LIGHT. ⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨
Today’s question is “Does my Divine Mission model my EXPANDED and awakened MINDSET, to EXPLORE new frontiers and ways of manifesting PEACE, JOY & HARMONY on Earth?
How can I BREAKTHROUGH all barriers to experience BLISS ON EARTH? ♥️💞
Divine blessings for NEW opportunities arising, to EXPAND your reach and beneficially impact our world.
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 15th – September 21st 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





🌈🌳Prayer for the Amazonian Rainforest🌳🌈

“Great Spirit of the Amazon,
Breath of life that flows through every leaf, every branch, every root,
We humbly bow to the sacred dance of your creation.
Bless the waters that wind through this emerald heart,
The rivers that carry the whispers of ancient wisdom,
May they flow pure and free, nourishing all beings.
Bless the air that rises from the canopy,
The breath that gives life to our world,
May it be fresh and clear, carrying the songs of the forest spirits,
Lifting our hearts and minds to a higher plane of understanding.
Bless the life teeming within this sacred land,
From the smallest insects to the grandest trees,
May each creature be protected,
And may we learn to live in harmony with all that you sustain.
May the Amazon, this cradle of life and spirit,
Be a beacon of balance and a sanctuary of peace.
May the rain fall gently and the sun shine warmly,
Fostering growth, renewal, and the eternal cycle of life.
We ask for wisdom, humility, and strength,
To be guardians of this sacred place,
To honor the sacred waters, the pure air, and the abundance of life,
In gratitude, we offer our hearts, our prayers, and our deepest love.
Great Spirit of the Amazon,
In your embrace, we find our connection to the Earth,
And in this unity, may we be blessed,
Today and always, in all the realms of existence.
Prayer for the Amazonian Rainforest
Prayer for the Amazonian Rainforest

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