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We have the Ancestors Eighth Fire Living Within Us ~ Codes of Light * Gene Key 50 – Cosmic Order ~ Sacred Torch Bearers

We have the Ancestors Eighth Fire Living Within Us ~ Codes of Light * Gene Key 50 – Cosmic Order ~ Sacred Torch Bearers



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Prime Meridians of Gaia’s Luminous Angels on Earth

Our local Soualris continues to send Light Packets of Higher Information into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator, releasing today 8 C Class Soular Flares and another 2 major M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 6.52 at 6:56 UTC.

Our Divine Goddess Cosmic Mother is pouring forth her Crystalline Diamond Love codes into every living Heart of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 blazing all life with the violet and pink rays of our Holy Ascension.

In the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha Consciousness we resolve all things perfectly and bring all vibration and resonance into the balance of the five elements and the harmony of the Music of the Spheres.

As we reach the zero point of the space time continuum we break through the barriers and veils of separation and into our Freedom in the Light of Great Spirit, made manifest in this NOW.

We are in the final phases of our Ascension Journey as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo-Luminous and the New World of Heaven on Earth… A’Ho







New energy of the Earth is moving through all the existing networks of the patriarchal system to override and transform the old paradigm.
The codes of light that will be embodied will help give birth to a new free and sovereign world.
And will awaken the true potential of who you really are! 💎🤍🌈
codes of light
codes of light


Melissa Lyran

The energy is shifting FAST! Our light collective is preparing something huge! The mystery keeps it safe. It’s ENcoded on the wind. Ride the waves of divine intelligence flowing. Heart expansion & quantum flow. All that CRAZY HEAVY restriction past few days IS GONE AND LEAVING. ALL GOOD THINGS NOW & ALL NEW

Gene Key 50 – Cosmic Order

October 19th – 24th 2024

Corruption – Equilibrium – Harmony

“Everything that happens to us is for our higher benefit. We’re here to learn to live with Equanimity. Even shock has the capacity to lift us with Grace to another level of consciousness. As our equanimity, our Equilibrium becomes truly stable, we become unshakeable. We become truly peaceful. Our life opens up to a higher reality – a Harmony that lies hidden from view, but that’s communicated continuously to us from every cell within our DNA. As this Harmony expands inside us, we begin to function through our higher bodies.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 50 – Cosmic Order
Gene Key 50 – Cosmic Order
10/19/24: the karmic debt number, today’s 19/1 energy bears a heavy personal burden. Swinging between rabid autonomy and a desperate need for worldly approval, this number’s debt runs deep. Beginning within the self and its natural egoistic qualities, this energy must move through the denser atmosphere of the 9…
perfectionism, criticism, and righteous self-judgment toward the 9’s higher expression of tolerance, understanding, and unconditional love. Debt is incurred when self will not give way to Self…
when Free Will becomes self-serving and loses its humanity. The debt is paid when Love freely flows from earth (1) to heaven (9) and back again. When number 1 no longer struggles with its own power and shares it willingly and without expectation.
New Heaven on Earth
New Heaven on Earth

The Return of the Dragon Mother Oracles

These feminine oracles were once the sacred living spirits that wove the umbilical cord between the heavens and the earth.

They resided in the temples of living light that held the resonance of the purest imprints of Creation.

Their role was to bring through the plasma flow of energy that became the wisdom to sustain the civilization they were guardian over.

These living temples were arrayed across the planetary grid and hummed with the harmony of biogenesis creation. They were energetic waystations that imprinted the divine blueprint of peace, abundance and health.

This healing network was the bindi point from which life as a civilization unfurled around it.

The Grail Kings and Magi knew of the paramount need to provide this sacred space for the Mother’s and as master builders created and sustained the infrastructure of the Dragon Priestess Temples. These were living spirit temples, alive in all ways.

This network of support to the Divine Feminine Oracular Wisdom later translated to the King’s Rite Initiations, where the Grail King would, by his ritual union with the High Priestess as the vessel for the Goddess, be blessed in his rulership of the lands and endowed with Divine Authority.

These ancient archetypes are being restored and coming to life beyond mythical fairy tales and ancient stories. These patterns of life have existed upon the Earth throughout time, in eras come and gone and long forgotten in the mists of fragmented minds and hearts.

As the descent of divine power fell into the hands of tyrants and thugs the feminine oracles were eradicated and their energy enslaved, and the lands fell into scarcity, poverty and desolation.

As the covenants are fulfilled these ancient rites of the true Divine Sovereign Template of Sacred Union are returning.

As the Mother Dragon Christos Queens and Solar Father Christos Grail Kings remember, so shall it become our way once more.

Where are the Ancient Temple Builders? The Master Architects that built the inexplicable power of the towering glorious cathedrals of light and frequency we find as mere remnants and relics of their former glory and splendor?

You are being called to rise again.
Remember why you came here.

Elaine Marie Rose

artwork: Lotus Spirit Vision Elaine Marie Rose
Lotus Spirit Vision
Lotus Spirit Vision


~ Joseph White Eagle

It is said that the seventh generation from Crazy Horse will have the ancestors eighth fire burning in their soul. They will be the sacred torch bearers that will usher in the great purification, so Mother Earth can shed what does not serve her.
The seventh generation is now here, and we are the ones we have been waiting for. For we have the ancestors eighth fire living within us.
The sacred tree of life is where the seventh generation will gather, and it will shield us from the chaos that will be occurring on Mother Earth.
For anyone who will not have the eighth fire (spiritual awakening) burning within them will not survive the purification. With the seventh generation the sacred circle of life will be repaired and humans will take their seat again with all other life.
Everything is coming to fruition and it was the beginning of 2020 when this prophecy started. It is thought we went through a portal, and now we are in a different timeline where this prophecy will be a reality.
Nothing is impossible in this simulation, and our consciousness is the software that runs this matrix. May the Great Spirit bless us all. Ekosi. 🙏💕🙏
Sacred tree of life
Sacred tree of life

Eirini ~ Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy


Another monumental development took place tonight! The repositioning of the seat of consciousness in the human system began & this ignited a big chain reaction! Deep gratitude to everyone who did this work 🙏🏼🌿


OCTOBER 19 2024


Imagine that dimensions are like ports.
Now imagine yourself, the time traveler, as the ship/vessel.
The time travelers are going from one port/dimension to another upon free will!
Upon the arrival at each port, if chosen, the anchor will be released again.
This is connected to the personal torus field and the torus field of each dimension.
All this process that begins only upon free will, has certain steps of very deep metamorphosis and self knowlegde.
There is a real destination in the overall system that is given by the future self.
Those who still see earth as a ball floating in space have great difficulty understanding their own system because they have been misguided and cannot find correlation.
The human system is the same as the overall system of earth.
The opening of the Earth’s c,./,a is a great and positive development that is also liberating the human c,./,a and this will result to the true liberation of all of those who are ready to exit.
In today’s session we will work with the many clocks of the system diving deeper to the true nature of the Self and Earth.
True Awakening away from illusions and false paradigms only begins now!
These are the times that all the time travelers have been waiting for as the true mechanics are being remembered and understood and all false perceptions and programming, are being overturned.
The Twin Flames now have entered a period of deep karmic rebalancing, liberation and correction which includes their tests, battles and training for the greater power and many abilities that are here for them.
All the days up until Pluto’s exit from Capricorn (Nov 19th) are very important and offer life lessons on getting to know the self and how to restore and handle power in new and upgraded ways.
This is very powerful!
Eyes on all the true goal!
”Eros invincible in battle”
Antigone, Sophocles
Blessings of karmic liberation!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Dear friends, the energetic landscape of this weekend seems relatively quiet, however a few moderate solar flares and minor geomagnetic storms are still stirring our energy fields. 2024 has already been an intense year for many of us who are energy sensitive, but things may turn more intense next year.
NOAA and NASA just announced this week that Solar Cycle 25 has officially reached solar maximum. The next year, 2025, should see some of the highest sunspot and solar flare activity of the current cycle.
The solar cycle, also known as the Schwabe cycle, refers to the periodic changes in the Sun’s activity and magnetic field. This cycle lasts approximately 11 years and consists of two main phases: the Solar Minimum and the Solar Maximum.
The Solar Minimum is characterized by the lowest sunspot activity, a weaker magnetic field, reduced solar radiation, and fewer solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). During this phase, cosmic rays penetrate more easily, leading to increased cloud formation and historically associated with cooler global temperatures, even mini ice ages. Solar irradiance decreases by about 0.1%, contributing to these cooling effects.
On the other hand, the Solar Maximum to take place in 2025 is marked by the highest sunspot activity, a stronger magnetic field, increased solar radiation, and more frequent solar flares and CMEs. This phase results in reduced cosmic rays penetration and decreased cloud formation, leading to warmer global temperatures. Solar irradiance increases by about 0.1%, contributing to these warming effects.
The solar cycle significantly affects various aspects, including space weather, Earth’s climate, satellite communications, power grids, aurora visibility, and of course our human circadian rhythm and energy fields. Understanding these cycles is crucial for predicting, preparing, and understanding our process of inner and outer transformation.
As we approach the Solar Maximum, humanity is poised for a transformative awakening. This peak in solar activity brings intensified light and energy, catalyzing an evolution in collective consciousness. The increased solar radiation and magnetic field strength will stimulate our minds, hearts, and DNA, fostering a deeper connection to the universe and each other. This celestial event invites us to elevate our awareness, expand our compassion, and unlock our full potential.
Embracing the Solar Maximum’s energizing influence, we can anticipate breakthroughs in innovation, spirituality, and global unity. Together, we’ll rise to meet the radiant possibilities of this cosmic moment, illuminating a brighter future for all. Have a great weekend, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Beloved Ones,
We are moving into a powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries, in alignment with the Healer Chiron and the Aurora transmissions that we are embracing again. A time for us to heal, and honor the Divine Feminine within us. The aspect of us that connects from within with All That Is and has ever been, reconnecting us to the love, wisdom, and power that we all carry within and that is often hidden or ignored, following outer sources.
It is now time for us to reconnect to our female essence, allowing it to guide us to our new destination, for She knows the detours we need to take to be where will be for our highest good and that of All.
This passage is ruled by Scorpion energies, inviting us to move inward, as the only way to clear all that is keeping us from embodying higher levels of consciousness. Scorpio is a sign that is precisely about the descension of more love, wisdom, and power, something we can only achieve through stillness, clearing, and conscious integration.
This passage is an important one that introduces us to the energies of 2025, a year of conclusion, and beginnings, and a year that introduces many of you to the next level in your ascension journey: physical emancipation, something we all are working with, as we continue crossing the veils of illusions.
This time is one of deep introspection and liberation. My Guides remark on the importance of working on the embodiment of the female principle at this time, which reminds us that all is within and that all we wish to create, remember, or expand comes from this inner Divine Space.
As you reclaim the female within you, you too reclaim your wisdom, activating your mission as a Divine Feminine Wisdom Keeper, for many of you are here on a mission to retrieve the ancient wisdom of the feminine.
Many of you are descendants of the Aquamarine races coming from the Andromeda portal through Sirius B. Your assistance is key to helping seed the Female Codes now descending upon Earth plane, a mission supported by the auroras and scorpion energies, at a more physical level.
Scorpion frequencies will also assist us in clearing false timelines, programs, and especially our brain complex, from implants, and inserts, especially in the thalamus, and pineal gland, which connect to our thymus and Higher Heart.
Scorpion energies will facilitate this inner work, clearing our eight monadic chakras of false connections, especially false twin flames cords, which we create out of our romanticization of what an authentic twin reunion is, and the magic influences that many use to create energetic and psychic cords to keep us enslaved, energetically, mentally and emotionally, which occurs when we consciously and unconsciously give our power away to fear, and then to others who take advantage of us.
This is a time of great distillation, and stillness, as we adapt, as this Water sign does, to all the changes we are still embodying from the many planetary events, and above all, our God Self transmissions, and continue recalibrating and adapting ourselves to this new energy influx.
With Scorpio and the current Aurora transmissions, we are invited to restore the female, by moving inward and reconnecting with our God Source, without intermediaries, without outer false sources, and without anything that can diminish our power and inner guidance.
The process of Consciousness integration is achieved through the removal of all that no longer serves us, as this is how we allow a Higher Intelligence to manifest through us.
It is only then that all we wish to create, love, abundance, and expansion can occur in our physical reality, for we no longer are attached to false energies and sources that create for us.
During these last months of the year, it is time for us to clear separation, and the soul isolation that comes when we are fragmented from our soul, as we are moving towards an important year for us to conclude cycles, and start moving into physical emancipation, which can only be accomplished when we first let go of who we used to be, and embrace who we are now.
Our personal task at this time is to continue achieving energetic and spiritual sovereignty, being the only ones governing our bodies, minds, hearts, and lives.
May you continue living within Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Divine Feminine Wisdom Keeper
Divine Feminine Wisdom Keeper

I have just had the most profound vision of the heart-opening of humanity, such as never happened before.
The return to the core of Love, where the realization dawns that in truth, there is only Love.
Love in its profundity.
Love in its highest healing power, as the final veils of illusion are stripped away, all the acting roles fall away, as souls are stripped of all masks, all pretence, all personas, everything, and only the true, soul self remains. And now finally they can see themselves with the true Divine seeing and unconditional, all embracing love.
For in core of soul, infinite Love is omnipresent.
Once the true seeing returns, everything shifts.
For in truth, you are Love.
I AM Divine Love.
And so are you!
We are LOVE!
The ONE and the Many.
The Many are the One.
And so it is!
Love is omnipresent
Love is omnipresent


Awaken To Your MISSION
Your Core Mission is NOW
An Easy Flow of Light Initiations, Thoughts And Light Imaginations.
Awaken The Seeds of Light 💥
Rapidly Expand This Concept 🙏
Draw and Play in Light, Bring Through Light Ideas in This Reality 🌿💥
We Ask You to see the Light in every soul, focus on the creation of life & the magic of the Universe. For true happiness is here for all who choose to see the Higher Perspective of your World.
Awaken to the intelligence of your Heart – a portal of rapid Healing, Alignment and Manifestation.
Know we Love You ❤ SHINE 💥
Sending waves of Cosmic Love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika❤ xo
Goddess Energy Transmission
Goddess Energy Transmission
On Saturday, October 19th, the Sun, ruler of our radiant Self, in the partnership sign of Libra is inconjunct Neptune, ruler of mystic Oneness with Source, in ethereal Pisces. The Sun in Libra is in love with the concept of “Love”, but that love must be harmonious and balanced with a sense of equality.
When connected to Neptune, it can show us the fantasy, filled with illusion and the intangible. However, if we make some adjustments in our mind-set, and take off the rose-colored glasses, we can also be inspired in our relationships, and escape into the the energy of Unconditional Love. We can see beyond the “humanness” and, instead, see the soul! We can transcend lower patterns and perspectives, and see each other in the True Light of our Divinity!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Sun, ruler of our radiant Self, in the partnership sign of Libra is inconjunct Neptune
the Sun, ruler of our radiant Self, in the partnership sign of Libra is inconjunct Neptune


Pluto in Capricorn square Hygeia retrograde in Aries. Sun in Libra quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus – Complications, urgent matters to attend to. Yet lacking in energy, lacking a reason, lacking a why. ‘Got to get out of my own way’ – an inner chant, meant to motivate but instead manifesting as a damning hand swiped at the ego. We duck, chide, start again. Spitter-spatter, stop-start. Creeping anxiety. Why can’t things just be simple!!!
But they can my dear, they can. Let your soul shine through. You matter. You matter to this world. You are matter made from star stuff so how could you NOT matter? Let go of blaming yourself or your brother for the toxic problems at the top. Instead, let’s unite and fight and find a better way. Let’s cleanse our energy first so we are stronger, braver, freer. Then let’s take preventative action to ensure a successful mission. Every day is a fresh start, an opportunity to embrace more of who you are, a chance to live a little lighter in this world. With a slight adjustment of perspective, your hidden powers are revealed.
Degrees and Times
Sun 26°Li22′, Uranus 26°Ta22′ R – 07:40 (BST)
Uranus 26°Ta21′ R, Vesta 26°Vi21′ – 14:39 (BST)
Pluto 29°Cp39′, Hygeia 29°Ar39′ R – 19:30 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Portrait of a Young Woman by Umberto Boccioni
Portrait of a Young Woman
Portrait of a Young Woman

Kin 104 ~ Yellow Cosmic Seed

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. The number 13 is very powerful and to the Maya it was sacred and a fundamental component of the calendar. The 13th day of a wavespell concludes the journey and today we must ‘Endure to Transcend’. This symbolizes progress through hard work – nothing is handed to us on a silver platter. Contemplate today what you have learnt from the Yellow Human wavespell and consider the next journey that we are about to embark upon.
Today is Yellow Seed and its keywords are ‘Targeting, Awareness and Flowering’. These days are all about sharing wisdom and planting seeds of knowledge. As it is a number 13 day, we may have to endure to successfully complete this task. The ‘Cosmic Seed’ could be seen as the human race itself…we have been planted here to flower, to become aware. The process is a struggle just as a flower must push through the soil to emerge into the sunlight, we must ‘Endure to flower’ or another way of seeing it is that we must ‘Transcend Awareness’.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Elegance and Art’. This is a lovely aspect, lightening the day with a twinkle, Yellow Star sparkles and illuminates the way to the stars. To be guided by this pretty energy, means that we should be motivated by beauty today. See the world, this garden where you have been lovingly planted for the beautiful place that it is.
The Challenge is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. Wizards have issues with Sowing Awareness, sometimes they have trouble grabbing people’s attention and they are not always taken seriously. Usually, they can enchant folk to get them to notice but when the Wizard is in the Challenging position, their spells don’t have enough power to work. If you are a Wizard, you may find today tough because it is also the 13th day and that is never easy for anyone, especially whichever poor bugger is stuck in the challenging position.
The Occult Power is the Red Earth which is the symbol of ‘Evolution’. When in this magical position, the Red Earth is powerful and can bring about unexpected progress. This is a perfect match for the Yellow Seed, as seeds are planted in the earth! This symbolizes our evolution beautifully.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. Blue Eagles are awesome to have around today with their ability to see things from a higher perspective, they are so helpful. They are creative when it comes to problem solving as well and so consult one if you are lucky enough to have one in your life. If you are a Blue Eagle, expect to be in high demand just like yesterday when you were the guide for the day.
Today is the last day in the White Northern Castle of Crossing. A Castle contains 4 wavespells, one of each color. This one began on Red Skywalker, then we had White Worldbridger, Blue Storm and finally the Yellow Human.
Kin 104
Kin 104


13 KAN – KIN 104
19 OCTOBER 2024
I endure in order to Target
Transcending Awareness
I seal the input of Flowering
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I AM guided by the power of Elegance
19/10/2024 = 10/10/8 = 10/18 = 1/9=10=1
✨10.10.10, ✨ MANIFESTATION portal
✨1,1,1, ✨ NEW BEGINNINGS portal
1-9- Alpha to OMEGA
19 -Prince of Heaven/Fulfillment/Honour/Happiness
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 104 – 5 – Change/Transformation/Freedom/Liberation
A HUGE DAY of COSMIC🍥 proportions to complete our journey of acquiring HIGHER DIVINE WISDOM!
Today the COSMIC SEED is ensuring we plant new SEEDS to scatter throughout the COSMOS – THINK BIG!!!
Day 13 the FINAL day in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance.
Today we graduate as WISE ONES, as we focus on FLOWERING and reaching our Highest potential, forever evolving on our soul’s journey.
COSMIC 🍥is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns and transform them by your pure presence through the Higher Divine Wisdom you have acquired.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 🎆🎆
Today we have transcended our lower human egoic mind and evolved to that of DIVINE HU-MAN – GOD CONSCIOUSNESS.✨✨✨
Today’s question is “How can I express the HIGHEST potential of my Divinely perfect SOUL Essence?
What VISION do I hold for HUMANITY’s greatest attainment?
We bid adieu to YELLOW HUMAN, who was our guide to evolving our WISDOM through alignment with Divine Will. Many truths have been revealed facilitating greater realizations allowing us to evolve in our journey. 👏 We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways, and hopefully we are now much WISER, calmer, more intelligent beings, able to teach what we have learnt and experienced to those we influence.
We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey.
GET READY beloveds, tomorrow we commence a brand new INTENSE😲😲😲 Wavespell, with CHICCHAN 🐍🐍– the powerful and passionate 🔥🔥RED SERPENT🐍 as our guide, as we venture into the SPINE of the sacred TZOLKIN, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Buckle up BELOVEDS it’s time to SHED OUR SNAKE SKINS!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Divine blessings for the beautiful FLOWERING expression of your Highest Divine self! 🌷🌻🌺🌼🌹
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC SEED 🍥🌱🌸– KAN is the seed that holds all the vital ingredients to allow us to GROW into our highest potential. To be the best HU-MAN that we can possibly be. More intelligent, wiser, kinder and more compassionate. Bringing all this new found WISDOM into our world and influencing all of those in our PRESENCE to be the very BEST version of ourselves that we can be.
Through COSMIC AWAKENING we are focused on the HIGHEST potential timeline for our planet and our communities. Holding the focus for a new culture built on a higher intelligence and harmony.
Through your own process of living and learning, you generate and plant🌱 various intentions and desires. As your natural growth pattern is catalyzed and awakened, your truth germinates in wisdom, emerging into the LIGHT ✨ in which all seeds flourish. Thus, as you plant your own truth, more truth comes to LIGHT. In this way, you create ever more fertile ground in which to explore and express all that you are.
After our 13 day journey with the YELLOW HUMAN we have acquired more WISDOM and experience and have EXPANDED our SEED packet 💐 to incorporate this new information. Our Divine Father/Mother God/Goddess/Spirit is now our Gardener, and will provide the fertile soil and environment for us to truly BLOSSOM and SHINE🌻 🌸🌺💐🌸🌺💐🌻
The SEED relates to our process of AWAKENING, not only by seeking HIGHER INTELLIGENCE, but through upgrading and evolving our DNA. Expanding our genetic innate coding to S=T=R=E=T=C=H and express latent codes, whilst majikally IGNITING through the process of holding more LIGHT. 💡
The COSMIC SEED is a potent code for our individual and COLLECTIVE ASCENSION.🚀🚀🚀
Get ready for UPGRADES and the REACTIVATION of your higher soul gifts and talents.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC STAR 🍥 ✨– LAMAT guides us to FOCUS on all the BEAUTY 🌹and HARMONY, and EXPAND that out into the Universe. LAMAT is a STARGATE which opens a doorway to other realms, galaxies and star systems connecting us to our Galactic ancestry. ..and
✨✨✨The COSMIC STAR is a super STAR-GATE 🌟✨ 🌟
This is an EXPRESS train to SUPRA-CONSCIOUSNESS … All the WISDOM in the Cosmos is available for you to access today!
We also have a 10.10.10 PERFECTION code and a 1.1.1. PORTAL code today EXPANDING the COSMIC doorways through LAMAT and the COSMIC tone … HUGE OPENINGS for our COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION! ✨💥✨💥✨
LAMAT the beautiful diplomatic PEACE MAKER, holds the codes for New Earth. The waning gibbous moon is in TAURUS today and the SUN is in LIBRA – both VENUSIAN ruled signs, compounding the energies of LAMAT.
Today we are FOCUSED on HARMONY and creating a world filled with BEAUTY and ELEGANCE – rejecting all that is disharmonious, chaotic and working against the Natural Harmonic Order of the Universe. A perfect coupling for this month focusing on relationship HARMONY.
LAMAT enables all beings to flourish and flower,🌸🌺 offering their unique gifts and talents to express beauty, elegance and abundance in our world. LIBRAN energy encompasses the VENUS qualities of beauty, elegance, love and ABUNDANCE amplified through LAMAT today. We have a SUPERCHARGED IGNITION of ABUNDANCE, HARMONY and the NEW TIME today through these energies.
LAMAT enables us to all SHINE BRIGHTLY today, expressing our own unique soul’s goldprint. A beauty-filled day to express TIME as ART, and thus elevate our lives to a supreme MASTERPIECE! 🎨🖼
COSMIC LAMAT is amplifying our access to the ✨HARMONIC TIME MATRIX✨ through the portals and flowing into the NEW TIME. We are transcending the 12:60 frequency of ARTIFICIAL TIME and evolving to the natural time resonance of the Mystical 13 vibration. The frequency of the GODDESS and COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS! 13 holds the KEY to our destiny!
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE 🍥👁 – MEN allows us to hold a greater VISION as we travel into the future. The CRYSTAL EAGLE yesterday brought us the VISION of our greatest DREAMING, which we are collectively co-creating. Today the COSMIC EAGLE – EXPANDS that VISION raising our Planetary mind from the Planetary perspective – to the higher COSMIC realms.
EXPAND, 💥 EXPAND,💥 EXPAND💥 – keep growing your VISION to continue your exponential soul growth…
The COSMIC EAGLE has infinite SIGHT into all realms – as a SEER 🔮and PROPHET, gifting us with the ability to find wonderful solutions to our problems. SEEING the GOLDPRINT of a creative culture, enhancing beauty and harmony as a priority. A world where our children can thrive in beauty, artistry and divine love, where there is no lack or suffering, but in its place infinite ABUNDANCE, joy and glory .
The COSMIC EAGLE🍥👁 beautifully supports the COSMIC SEED 🍥🌱 through SEEDING ✨🍥COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS🍥✨ in the MINDS of MEN. A great AWAKENING of the masses is possible with this code.
The COSMIC EAGLE🍥👁 is flying HIGH, targeting a greater awareness for many souls, by LIFTING them beyond their limited perceptions. EAGLES thrive in lofty realms – so seek the HIGHER GROUND, lifting your AWARENESS, PERCEPTION and mental prowess to that of the COSMIC realms!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:RED MAGNETIC EARTH –🌏 CABAN provides the rich fertile soil for our seeds to take root and GROW. The MAGNETIC EARTH relates to ULURU, our Planetary Power center. This was REactivated yesterday through the CRYSTAL NIGHT – bringing us together, UNIFIED in our mission, to create BLISS ON EARTH through these powerful gateways.
This SUPER MAGNETIC POWER is UNIFYING us all as ONE HEART – to cocreate our true heart’s desires – our greatest DREAMING at the RIGHT TIME..
The MAGNETIC EARTH is MAGNETIZING our DREAM, and accelerating its manifestation in the physical realms. One by one as we AWAKEN to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS🍥✨ and aim higher, we elevate our planetary family and what is possible for the human race.
We each are seeking to attract all that is needed to achieve our higher purpose, through optimizing our living conditions on this beautiful planet we call HOME.
CABAN is the support that nature provides for us all, as creative Art-ists. Living as ONE with the natural kingdom and being in sync. with all the kingdoms of Gaia, flowing with the natural rhythyms and cycles of Mother nature. Allow CABAN to point the way for your SEED to lean towards the HIGHEST LIGHT!
Our Planetary G.P.S. is pointing us towards UNITY through this COSMIC AWAKENING. ✨💥✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC WIZARD 🍥🔮 – IX challenges us today to follow our EXPANDED DIVINE COSMIC HEART.❤ To tune in and know which way to GROW and EXPAND!.
Using our free will and intelligence to transcend our powerful egoic mind and soften somewhat, becoming more receptive to the natural synchronic order. As we sit in stillness we become receptive to the wonders of the Universe, basking in the beauty and soul expansion through our pure presence.
WHITE WIZARD gifts us with much MAJIK today to REACH FOR THE STARS ✨with our VISION.👁
AIM higher to achieve STELLAR🌟 STAR🌟DOM! ✨✨✨
IX reveals how to be the most present HU-man possible, leading us into the potential of higher spiritual realms, bringing forth greater LIGHT and wisdom to share.
Bask in the pure state of PRESENCE today feeling your POWER and connection to ALL THAT IS! ✨👁
Today’s question is “How can I express the HIGHEST potential of my Divinely perfect SOUL Essence?
What VISION do I hold for HUMANITY’s greatest attainment?
We bid adieu to YELLOW HUMAN, who was our guide to evolving our WISDOM through alignment with Divine Will. Many truths have been revealed facilitating greater realizations allowing us to evolve in our journey. 👏 We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways, and hopefully we are now much WISER, calmer, more intelligent beings, able to teach what we have learnt and experienced to those we influence.
We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey.
GET READY beloveds, tomorrow we commence a brand new INTENSE😲😲😲 Wavespell, with CHICCHAN 🐍🐍– the powerful and passionate 🔥🔥RED SERPENT🐍 as our guide, as we venture into the SPINE of the sacred TZOLKIN, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Buckle up BELOVEDS it’s time to SHED OUR SNAKE SKINS!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Divine blessings for the beautiful FLOWERING expression of your Highest Divine self! 🌷🌻🌺🌼🌹
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 20th through 26th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 20th through 26th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE to for the Special Transmissions , Astrology Report and Guided Meditation




“In the name of the Divine Presence I Am, I invoke here and now the Cloak of Invisibility of Archangel Michael, so that I may be filled with extra protection against all and any evil.
Archangel Michael and Legions of Light: place on me, on (mention the names of your relatives) and on (mention where you most want the mantle: car, house, animals, etc.) the Sacred Mantle of Protection, making us invisible to all evil, at all times, levels and dimensions.
I decree that the Mantle of Invisibility remains activated throughout the day and all night as I manifest God in the Earth.
Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen! ”✨️

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