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Mt. Shasta Activities

NOW a GRAND SHIFT is Taking Place! Emerging Earth Star Elders * Children of the One Heart Race ~ Celestial Lineage

NOW a GRAND SHIFT is Taking Place! Emerging Earth Star Elders * Children of the One Heart Race ~ Celestial Lineage


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Crystalline Code Holders of our 12 Tribes of the New Eden

Our local Soularis has become very active again today Soular Flashing pulses of Gamma Mother Plasma Rays of Adamantine Light releasing over 17 C Class Soular Flares and a M Class Flare maxing at M 1.1 at 15:13 UTC.

We also had 2 higher resonance spikes in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 12 and 15 hz. Holding the Codes of our New Earth Manifestation within her Crystalline Heart Core.

A Ripple of Awakening is flowing through the Quantum Field of Consciousness building into a Tsunami of Great Change. The Butterfly Effect of Benevolence is growing like a Fractal Code through the Holographic Universe creating a Collective Shift Change of Immortality for all Sentient Beings of the True Way of Peace.

Love, Joy and Truth are the Way to Freedom through the Unkown Waters of Eternity and into the Unknowable Source of Infinite Creation, our True Nature of the Original Mind of Buddha Consciousness, our Awakened State of Pure Awareness.

Brave Spiritual Warriors of Terra Nova Gaia, continue to journey within yourself in this Now as you make your Conscious Breakthrough through the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of your being and into your Eternal Bliss Consciousness of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!












The Elders you seek are seeking You
Children of the One Heart Race Rising One Heart One World
Our Wise Elders
Our Wise Elders
Intensity of INCOMING ENERGIES today/NOW. Best to relax, allow, just flow & BE. Otherwise it may & will in some cases, destabilise the Mental Mind (body) of self or ‘others’. Being Love is Key 💜
Love is Key
Love is Key
WE have Entered into a NEW SEASON of DIVINE Love. . . Peace. . . Abundance. . . and Joy!
NOW a GRAND SHIFT is Taking Place in Every Area of our Lives!
ENJOY It to the Fullest Dear Ones!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Photo: Mt. Shasta Activities. . . credit unknown
Mt. Shasta Activities
Mt. Shasta Activities


✨ He Came from the North, Bearing the Bones of Kupe around his neck ✨

He arrived with red feathers blazing, a guardian of the ancient ways— traveling by waka from the sacred shores of Taputapuātea, Ra‘iātea, Tahiti, with an ancient lineage of Ngāpuhi ki te Hokianga.
His purpose: To open the stargates through ancient karakia, standing firm with the 12 pou of the Mu gates, preparing the path for our great awakening, of the One hearted People to enter.
Tohunga Tangaroa resurrected the sacred bonds of our ancestors, weaving the threads of whakapapa through powerful recitation—sharing the Celestial Lineage of the three waka that carried the star-born souls to these lands.
At the Council of Elders, three sacred seats were offered—an acknowledgment of the mahi carried by the Galactic Grandmothers of Mu, who walk this path in tautoko of our Peace Mission.
A special honouring was given to my own Ngāpuhi whakapapa, as we tread the ancient Waitaha trail—where we ALL belong.
This is a call to remembrance, a call to unity.
We are One people. One lineage. One heart, do you remember ?
✨ The time is now. This is the real deal. Its happening. The gates are open. Are you ready to walk through with us ?✨
Love T x
Sacred Elders
Sacred Elders
TODAY’S ORACLE. A new dawn feels imminent. We are going through immense shifts individually & collectively. What was holding you back is vanishing in the air, as well as outgrown attachments. It’s like they have lost their power, their draw onto you. This is a liminal space, where new blessings are coming to fill in the space, maybe at a faster pace than you thought. The thing is, you have already done the work. You have seen truth many times, face dead ends many many times, released it many times throughout the years up until this now where you are about to be freed & the weight is about to fly in the air. After years of back and forth and loops, your sense of freedom is about to grow. It will be a complete new level now. Release a little more, allow a little more the new in. Life is meeting you halfway.


2/17/25: Today we cycle back to you as your own point of power. Back to your choices and their consequences. Back to your free will. Back to your ability to create and destroy. You are the determining factor in your daily life. Today is about forward motion with a touch of karmic balancing. As you continue to monitor your core energy this month, consider that it is from there that you will manifest your next steps. It is your perspective, desires, intentions, and compassion for others that the world will reflect back to you. This makes you the most potent force in your life. You are meant to be the main attraction of your own show… literally the magnetic one.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction

Planetary Parade 2025

The line up of planets occurs between late January and early March, beginning with
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Love and Pleasure
Growth and Opportunity
Assertion and Action
Authority and Maturity
Change and Liberation
Imagination and Transcendence
Joined later on 28th February by Mercury to add a seventh theme of
Communication and Learning
On March 14th we see a Total Lunar Eclipse.
On March 29th we see a partial solar eclipse.
A line up of 6 planets normally occurs roughly every 100 years, but a line up of 7 planets is an extremely rare event. However we last saw this in 2022.
Many of us will be called to feel a sense of rebirth and new starts as the stars above us seem to want to show a mark in time.
Creating an arch across the sky these planets are drawing a line between the old and the new, giving many a fresh start at a point of transition within their lifestyles and routines.
All of this has the power to affect, work, love, finances, location etc and can be the celestial messengers of a new calling.
This new calling is that of the New Earth living and is showing a close down of old ways of being which do not align with higher frequency realities.
This may be a difficult time of challenge to those who’s life paths are calling them to new fated direction as well as for those resistant to change.
In general we are all likely to witness a sense of death across 2025 at various points, as we lose our identities with the way things used to work and look to step into the way things are aligning.
This may be a more difficult experience for those who are awakened to higher frequency source energy as we witness the resistance of those who do not possess six sense vision or higher dimensional sensory abilities. We might feel pulled back by the darker energies of the fears that come with change and may even feel further separated from a connection with the local and global communities.
Do not be troubled by sensing a false identification with the split in dimensions. Those who feel more deeply may have the sense of the shift away from 5D and experience a false belief of being left behind in the 3D realm. This is a temporary experience caused by the huge shift in cosmic dynamics happening at this time, including the movement within the transition of death, by which many souls are reaching higher frequencies upon their immediate passing, due to the upgrades felt and undergone during their earthly life.


Dear friends, as the Sun leaves the innovative and humanitarian realm of Aquarius, it dives into the dreamy, empathetic, and spiritual waters of Pisces (February 18 – March 20). This shift brings a profound change in the cosmic energies, preparing us for the upcoming eclipses in March.
Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a serene lake, feeling the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. The energies of Pisces are like this soothing water, calming our minds and hearts, and inviting us to dive into the depths of our own inner world. It’s a time for introspection, self-reflection, and connecting with our intuition.
As we navigate this mystical realm, we’re encouraged to let go of attachments to things that no longer serve us, making space for new experiences and perspectives. This is a beautiful opportunity to release emotional baggage, forgive ourselves and others, and surrender to the present moment.
To support your emotional well-being during this season, consider the following: take time to meditate, practice yoga, or engage in other mindfulness activities that help you connect with your inner self. This will allow you to tap into your intuition and navigate the dreamy waters of Pisces with greater ease. Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, or enjoying a creative pursuit, remember to be gentle with yourself and honor your needs.
As Pisces is a water sign, it’s essential to stay hydrated and listen to your body’s needs. Drink plenty of water, eat nourishing foods, and get enough rest to support your emotional and physical well-being. Emotions may become more sensitive, intuitive, and empathetic. You may feel a stronger connection to the subconscious mind, leading to increased creativity, imagination, and dream activity. The nervous system may be more prone to feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or spaced-out, as Pisces’ energies can blur boundaries and make it harder to distinguish between reality and fantasy. It may become a bit harder during this week to organize your daily schedule and tasks, be patient with yourself.
The Pisces season is also an excellent time to practice gratitude and cultivate compassion. Reflect on the things you’re thankful for, and offer kindness and understanding to those around you.
As we flow through this mystical season, we’ll be more resilient, adaptable, and open to the transformative energies of the upcoming eclipses. Remember to breathe deeply, trust in the universe’s plan, and allow yourself to be guided by the gentle whispers of your intuition.
Have a wonderful week, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

Beloved Ones,
As our planet transitions into a new harmonic dimension, many of you are sustaining this shift into a new timeline. As New Earth’s Anchors, your mission is to incarnate simultaneously in the 3D, 5D, and 7/8D future Earths, for as you know, you/we are an extension of a greater Soul and Monad, fragmented into many bodies.
Your task is to help reconnect and anchor these harmonic timelines. You are literally an interdimensional portal to help in dimensional reconnection.
Part of your mission at this time is precious as I am seeing in some of you, for it is time as we continue stepping into this Aquarian Cycle, for you to help reconnect all parallel timelines, through the work with the fabrics of time and space, and other structures involved. so the souls who are now exiting the planet can too transcend into Earth’s future timelines.
This is something that is supported and directed by our Aurora family, Arcturians, and many other benevolent beings within Creation, as our mission is humble and it is achieved more from our physical perspective.
Many of you need to consciously connect to your parallel selves, and act as One, to be able to communicate through time and space. Your parallel selves are often from future Sirian timelines, the first Essenes incarnated on our planet. They are what you/we often feel as our Guides team, which are in truth future selves of yours.
This is a very important time on our planet for those of you who are awakening to your Essence/Cathar lineage, as we are gradually retrieving our Earth’s original template, for as he New Earth’s Anchors, you too carry within your DNA the original Earth’s design and coding. Many of you are needed to help in this planetary task, and in helping the souls who are still trapped in Cathar massacre timelines, helping them liberate their consciousness, through soul retrieval, so they can go to where they truly belong.
As Guides remind us, the most important inner work to do for us to be able to communicate to our parallel selves and retrieve our mission, is to continue healing, balancing our brain-heart connection, activating, and reconnecting as well our light body and DNA, as we cannot navigate through these harmonic dimensions if first we have not awaken and restored our DNA time codes and rehabilitate the correspondent DNA strand dimension we wish to have access to.
Each DNA strand you rehabilitate gives you access to its correspondent timeline, something that does not occur in one day, and that is an arduous task, for we have been manipulated for a long time. However, once we awake to who we are, and decree our intention to continue becoming our true selves, this organic process begins.
During this nine universal year, many of us are feeling the intensity and acceleration of this transition, for after many years of inner work, we are finally transitioning into a new frequency band. A new timeline in which everything that vibrates at another frequency will be repelled, which is why many of us are feeling old ways of being and living crumbling, as we continue choosing to ascend.
Let it all go, reconnect to your Divine Self, to receive authentic guidance. The Truth is always there for those who are brave enough to embrace it. There is nothing ever hidden within Creation. It is us the ones who create veils of illusion not to see the Truth.
Everything is heading into a new way of being and so are you, for you are now existing in new ways, creating new habits, harmonic and balanced relationships that now resonate with who you are, at a soul level, and that respect your ascension choices.
All of you, are becoming who you truly are. You are not retrograding, just because everything is being reorganized. Do not let your ego confuse you. There is no such thing in the universe as regression. You are finally leaving behind years of mental limitation, soul disconnection, and ego control.
Leaving all behind, even old aspects of who you thought you were, is essential to continue stepping into fifth-dimensional harmonic timelines, and becoming a free sovereign being, for you were never meant to be governed by others or outer forces.
The more responsibility you take for your personal reality, creations, and outcomes, the more you master the art of creation and divine alignment.
As you embrace this organic shift, you too will start remembering your purpose, for you are now ready to act from a space of unconditional love and neutrality to All.
All it takes is your continuous choice to remain in your Higher Heart, in love and service to All.
All of you are equally important and valued, for All of you in your unique way contribute to our current transition.
Thank you for choosing the path of Love Beloveds.
Thank you for all that you do to contribute to this planetary shift.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Art by: deepdiverq
New Earth's Anchors
New Earth’s Anchors

We are all getting pushed and very rapidly, out of our comfort zones, and it is all good.
When you get your buttons pushed, for whatever reason, instead of hitting back, breathe deeply, clear your energy fields, thoughts, etc with the violet flame which transmutes, and now quietly ask, from your heart center, which memory banks within you are being triggered and why.
Once you have identified the trigger, then ask yourself, “Where did this originate from? Myself, my parents, family, schooling, society, media? Then, is this the truth, and the only truth for ME? And then, how is this serving me?”
For if you are honest, a lot of what is now triggering are thousands of years of false programming, belief systems which keep us stuck in duality, judgement of self and others, separation from our highest soul self, and the truth within.
Your own soul and higher guidance will always bring you moments of crystal clear clarity, when the heart opens, and you can finally see clearly and from the higher soul self. This opens the petals of the heart rose, as forgiveness comes, also ancestral, not only for others but self as well.
You finally can see that there never was separation, and that for every upside, there is a downside, and vice versa, and in truth every soul on earth is given the opportunity now, to leave the past behind forever, and to transcend all the old patterns, etc and to be finally freed.
Choosing to transcend, and be transfigured into a totally new existence, unity and oneness.
It is your own choice, and with every choice comes the challenge to let go of the old and to be born anew, in love and through love.
As you change, so does the the outer world.
It is not what the others are doing or not doing. It is what you are doing, energetically broadcasting, lovingly creating which counts.
As you shine, you give others permission to do and be the same.
In the end, we are all One.
What is it you truly wish to create?

opens the petals of the heart rose
opens the petals of the heart rose


The Arcturians
See the great Importance of NOW, this Infinite moment of Light Creation.
The transmission of this Light message, reaching through the Universe, to make this moment of Light Connection.
A light language of multidimensional resonance, reaching you in this dimension, the many timelines, interconnected with your soul, your Higher Self, Light Alliance Team.
To realise, the Light Keeper you are dear one. Intrically woven in this dimension to play your role. To Know that multidimensional freedom is apon you as you weave your light effortlessely in a higher light format.
As your Light Future is before you, see this moment interconnected to the myriad aspects of you.
We ask you to tread lightly on your path. See the big picture of this now moment, as the collective resonance of your world expands.
The change you are seeing is the virtual concept of inner growth and light expansion. As many join the dots and see. Feel and BE.
Simply BE in the now moment. The simplicity of your world is the light view to reach.
Seek the sensitivity of Light, the resonance of creation.
Sending waves of Cosmic Love
In Unity and Light Awareness 🙏💥
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

There are many messages downloading into the consciousness. The guidance is to take a chance and do something different. You’ve been working hard towards manifesting love and happiness. You are very close, however some things need to be released. This is breaking a cycle that you are here to break as an Earth Angel. Release and let the energies transmute and transform into something better and new. Complete the pilgrimage into the new paradigm. Journey into your soul’s calling.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Monday, February 17th, we start the day with the Moon, ruler of cycles, in Libra the Scales in difficult connection to both Uranus, planet of liberation and rebelliousness, and Neptune, planet of psychic sensitivity and the intangible. We are needing to make adjustments within ourselves in order to maintain our balance emotionally, while the Universal energies guide us to realign.
Then, the Moon will create a positive connection to the Sun, ruler of our life force, in the last degree of independent Aquarius. This supports us in breaking free of stubborn mindsets that may be keeping us from finding the equanimity within that we seek. However, Luna will then shift into the mysterious energies of Scorpio and make a challenging square to Pluto, ruler of metaphoric death and rebirth.
The doubts and fears of the “shadow” may surface from the depths of our subconscious in order to be transformed and transmuted, so that a rebirth can occur. Know that healing work is being done, and your spiritual helpers are supporting you.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of cycles, in Libra the Scales
the Moon, ruler of cycles, in Libra the Scales
Mercury in Pisces semi-square Chiron in Aries – Here’s a line of poetry, a lyric, a remembrance from long ago. It’s on the tip of your tongue, almost heard then dances away on the notes of a fiddle. Tripped up by a thought, displaced by a notion, too many wrongs making rights. We push past, force thoughts of wonders but the ache in the soul says ‘it’s hard to be me’.
Poetry and prevarication. It’s all words and concepts – nothing real and tangible. Just a conversation floating on the waves of time or the world broadcasting a golden record to outer space, a gilded anecdote of our history. And here in the quiet, a thought that refuses to leave, a conversation on repeat. Oh what could have been. If only I’d said…
Stop your thoughts from harming you. Your tears from way back when now support dolphins at play. Make peace with yourself and your history. Soon these broken thoughts will gather meaning and knit themselves into new dreams.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 05°Pi04′, Chiron 20°Ar04′ – 06:20 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – A Girl Seated by a Bowl of Goldfish by George Henry
A Girl Seated by a Bowl of Goldfish
A Girl Seated by a Bowl of Goldfish

Kin 225 ~ Red Self-Existing Serpent

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. The fourth day of any wavespell is about definition, looking at the path you are on in finer detail. Take measures so you can more accurately proceed. In any wavespell, how you begin the journey really affects the outcome. Day one you set a purpose, day two you deal with problems, day 3 you activate the journey and on this day, day four – you better know precisely which way you are going and that entails scrutinizing all aspects of this journey.
Today is Red Serpent and key words associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life force’. Serpent reminds us that we can heal ourselves. Imagine you are shedding your old skin and with it, all your negativity too. You`ll emerge renewed and refreshed. This ability to heal itself in this way, is why the serpent has long been a symbol of medicine. When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘define to survive’. To summarize; today is about looking at the details, reading the small print, getting all your facts straight before you move forward. The Serpent is very sensitive to what is going on and this suggests that new information will come to light which will help a great deal.
Today’s Guide is Red Dragon which represents ‘birth and nurturing’. The dragon has great motherly energy and when guiding us it is urging us to take better care of ourselves. It is also a symbol of birth and this goes very well with the Serpent energy. Cavetime is definitely recommended and this will aid the shedding of the old and the transmuting of poison.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity and Vision’. If you are a Blue Eagle, you will find today potentially exasperating. You may find flying high difficult and grounding unsatisfactory. It doesn’t hurt for you to pull your head out of the clouds from time to time.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When in this position, Warrior likes to go on magical quests which can lead to trips down the rabbit hole. The Warrior is intelligent and asks questions. The Occult power aspect means the Warrior is asking questions about all things magical and trying to get to grips with ideas that are metaphysical in nature.
The Ally today is the White Wizard. If you need a friend today and you happen to know a Wizard, ask them for support. If you are a Wizard, expect to be in demand today for your spells and charms. Otherwise, today you can be a friendly Wizard and be charming to all you encounter.
Kin 225
Kin 225


17 FEBRUARY 2025



I define in order to Survive
Measuring Instinct
I seal the store of Life force
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Birth

17/2/2025 = 8/2/9 = 8/11=8/2=10=1


17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
10- Manifestation/Power/Authority/Perfection
1- New beginnings/leader/Original/Independent/Unique

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 225 – 22/5 – CODING for BUILDING 5D Earth!!!

225 = 9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Grace/Closure

✨✨✨ Another HUGELY significant evolutionary milestone as we build our DIVINELY ordained New Earth, founded on GOD CONSCIOUSNESS! – A better LIFE and a better Earth!


Today is Day 4 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the Great WHITE WIND 🕊who holds the power of Spirit and is bringing forth the BENEVOLENT WINDS of CHANGE! We are learning to embody Spirit by becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work Divine MAJIK through our being. 💫💫💫

Today we are honing, fine tuning and reDEFINING our personal and Planetary kundalini channels to allow for greater conductivity for the BREATH of Spirit 🌬🌫 to FLOW through our vessels (and that of our Planetary body) as devoted divine emissaries of LIGHT ✨✨✨

We are enabling this powerful majikal ✨GOD FORCE✨ that animates our being, to take hold and lead us into a realm where GOD CONSCIOUSNESS is evidently expressed as the norm!


SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.

Today we delve into the MENTAL realm and use our MINDS to align with our HIGHEST POTENTIAL for channelling SOURCE energy.. so that we can THINK and ACT from the perspective of an intelligent and evolved Ascended being, living our lives through the EYES of Spirit.

We are in the process of REDEFINING OUR WORLD as we knew it, and DEFINING WHO we are in that world, and what that would look like as Spirit’s Messengers. SELF-EXISTING tone 4 was the previous Yearly TONE in 2022 :as the RED SELF-EXISTING MOON which helped us define and construct our new world based on COMPASSION, LOVE and sensitivity for our fellow brothors and sistars.


Today’s question is “How can I DEFINE and B-Earth a higher DIVINE foundation for our new World?

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for upgrading our grids to optimum GOD POWER!💥💥💥 Let the SPIRIT FLOW freely!🌫 🕊🌫

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
❓❓🤔 What do we wish to build in our life.
❓❓🤔 What FORM will our life take in the future?
❓❓🤔 What HOPES and DREAMS do we wish to manifest?

Defining how we can access more elegance and FLOW in our lives, using our FREE WILL and God given talents.
Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of elegance, and PEACE through your PURE MIND..
A beautiful alignment of DIVINE DESTINY codes to accomplish this.
Go forth and BUILD this new foundation for our New World to take FORM! 🌍🌎🌏


CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SELF-EXISTING SERPENT📦 🐍 CHICCHAN – energies relate to the base chakra, survival, kundalini and PASSION! 🔥
Red Serpent invites the purifying spark🎇 of the sacred fire,🔥 the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit.

We have just recently commenced the Lunar New Year – of the YIN WOOD SNAKE🌱🐍.. and so we have DOUBLE SERPENT🐍🐍 energy today – for massive SHEDDING of our skins, which is the THEME for this 9 year of completion in 2025!


It is day 4 of the WHITE WIND wavespell so utilize the breath of Spirit🌬 to help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras to clear and align them, and thus become a pure vessel for Spirit.

The serpent also represents the caduceus, the symbol of medicine and healing. The double serpents represent our DNA helix and the cosmic dance between our masculine and feminine energies within our bodies. Call on the RED SERPENT to bring about healing, and return you to wholeness today. The PURER the channel, the greater the Spirit messages can FLOW..

RED SERPENT’S energies are very re-active, providing the power and force through our instinctual desires and motivations in which to take action.

The SERPENT may just lash out and sink its teeth into any perceived enemy or threat to its survival. That perception is usually based out of FEAR, and the need to protect its own territory. In order to curb this reflex action of retaliation, the SERPENT needs to feel safe and secure, then it can relax and be FREED from the adrenaline “fight or flight mode”.

❓🤔What is it that you need to BUILD in your life, in order to feel SAFE and secure? Perhaps you need to relocate, change your career, redefine your purpose?

Once relaxed the SERPENT 🐍 can begin to feel more sensual💃 and passionate.💋 AWAKENING its store of kundalini force, upwards through the chakras, in an effort to become wiser and more enlightened. Thus the SERPENT mimics the soul’s journey from the unawakened soul through to the enlightened Avatar.🐍🐍✨🌞

❓❓🤔 At what stage of the journey are you? What do you need to redefine, to accelerate your AVATAR path?


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON 📦 🐉 IMIX Today we are preparing to B-EARTH the new. New body, mind and soul – new life and New Earth. Absolutely PERFECTO on this very special Ascension passage. New beginnings, new path, new life, new reality, new world!

The RED SERPENT and RED DRAGON symbolize our PLANETARY SERPENTS/DRAGONS🐍🌏🐉 that energize the DRAGON/LEY LINES 🐉🌐 with vitality and LIFE FORCE. Call on QUETZALCOATL- the fiery FEATHERED SERPENT🔥🐍 and our female RAINBOW SERPENT🌈🐍 to boost your Health, Vitality and CREATION POWER. 🔥🔥🔥

IMIX represents our MOTHERS and the feminine ancestral bloodlines. Today we BLESS and honour🌹 all those beings who have birthed us in the cycles past. As we MEASURE how far we have come, we begin to define what we need to build upon, in order for our own lives to be a match for this new 5D reality. Through redefining ourselves, and how we operate, we collectively are redefining and constructing the B-EARTH of a better world.🌎

The RED DRAGON today brings in an overlay of the divine feminine -Mother Goddess creation energies, in union with the White Wind – the divine masculine -Father God aspect of SOURCE. We have both of our DIVINE parents blessing us today.

The RED DRAGON assists us in finding comfort and nurturance in the SAFETY of our Mother’s den, helping us to define and form more loving and harmonious relationships with our kin. Creating a nurturing and supportive home base in which to build a beautiful new life.

IMIX also holds the keys to CREATION – giving us the POWER, PASSION and LIFE FORCE to MANIFEST our desires within the sacred womb of our Mother. The POWER of B-Earth today provides the SPARK for NEW ideas, projects and DREAMS to take FORM..and GROW…

NOTE: If your focus for today is abundance, housing, security or clearing FEAR from your body then you can utilize the RED DRAGON energies to provide a safe haven to grow these desires.


KIN 225 is a very potent signature as we have both the RED SERPENT🐍 and RED DRAGON🐉 energies which symbolize our Planetary Serpents – the Rainbow Serpent (feminine)🌈🐍 and Feathered Serpent/Quetzacoatl (masculine) 🐉 which refer to GAIA’s Dragon ley lines. 🌐

❤❤❤ The RED clan are the initiators who hold a store of CREATION energy, raw primal LIFE FORCE providing the FIRE🔥 and FUEL🎇 for our desires to take FORM. 📦

✨✨KIN 225 occurred 63 moons ago on the 22 FEBRUARY 2020 – which was the 22/2/22 🌸🌺🌹– 5D GATEWAY🌈💒 for defining and constructing our NEW EARTH foundation of PEACE..and here we are7 Galactic spins later – REDEFINING what that B-EARTH will look like, as we embark on this new Golden Age of Aquarius!🤔🌏🌎🌍🌈


Today’s code is LINKED to a succession of SERPENT🐍 PLANETARY🌍🌎🌏 ACTIVATIONS which opened planetary GATES🐍🌎🎆 linking to the DECEMBER 21ST, 2020 SOLSTICE 🌞 PLANETARY ACTIVATION.

RED SERPENT is always clearing, adjusting and energizing our Planetary Grid 🌐 preparing to embody more POWER🔥 and higher Ascension frequencies, for the Groundcrew to utilize in their Divine Missions.

✨13 Jan, 2020 – RED ELECTRIC SERPENT 🐍day (ULURU ACTIVATION – Solar Umbilical Cord – Saturn/Pluto/Mercury conjunction)

✨2 Feb, 2020 (22/22 GATE) RED PLANETARY SERPENT🌍🐍 day



✨29 NOVEMBER 2020 = 11/11/22 = 22/22 – RED SPECTRAL SERPENT🌀🐍 – LIBERATING our NEW Planetary Systems.

On 16 AUGUST 2021 the RED SPECTRAL SERPENT – aligned with the 34th anniversary of the ✨HARMONIC CONVERGENCE✨.. on August 16, 1987. A very significant PLANETARY PEACE portal date!

In 20 days time on 9 March 2025 – the DOUBLE SPECTRAL SERPENT🐍🐍 💥💥 returns to LIBERATE PEACE and FREEDOM on our planet. Spectral Serpent aligns with the day of SOLSTICE last year 22 JUNE 2024 – so its a BIG ONE! Stay tuned, much DIVINE MAJIK is brewing for our glorious 🌞 PLANETARY ASCENSION. 🌎✨🕊

NOTE: 22 January 2025, marked 5 years since the historic SOLAR🌞🔥 UMBILICAL CORD ACTIVATION at ULURU on ELECTRIC SERPENT DAY..💡🐍

Today KIN 225 activates our Planetary Serpents – the feminine Rainbow Serpent 🌈🐍and Feathered/Plumed Serpent🔥🐉 – Quetzalcoatl, both partners are entwined in their continuing dance as we “fine-tune” the crafting of our NEW EARTH🌈🌎 Planetary Grid 🌐.

This is like upgrading from old rusted copper wires, to the new translucent DIAMOND “fibre-optic” cables – capable of holding a much higher VOLTAGE.🔌 It now has much greater and more efficient conductivity too…

Our Planetary Grid🌐 is now holding higher frequencies of Rainbow Plasma🌈🔥🌞 flowing through the meridians and arteries, from the Solar Cosmic infusions, entering through the beams, transmitted to the apex of all our reawakened and reactivated pyramids, sacred sites, temples and vortices..

They now, as do our physical vessels, carry and TRANSMIT a more refined frequency of GOD LIGHT✨✨✨ – the GOD codes✨✨✨ – carried through the breath of Spirit 🌬– blowing out the old cobwebs🕸 and creating SPACE – for the New life, Majik and Miracles to FLOW through our Planet.

It is also potent to note, that as well as RED SERPENT🐍 energies, we have the higher guide of RED 🐉DRAGON today! As Quetzalcoatl is a Feathered Serpent – he is often associated with the form and mythology of a DRAGON🐉 – and hence the ley lines are often referred to as DRAGON lines…

We have both Serpent🐍 and Dragon🐉 energies very active and prevalent today – AWAKENING💥 and UPGRADING as we redefine, polish💎 and hone our powerful new SUPERHIGHWAY – 🌐

We have just evolved from landline phones,☎ to telepathic communications throughout space/time!! 📡🛰

GOD WI-FI is switched ON and transmitting!!📻💎💫


SUPPORT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD📦 🔮 IX provides the power of timelessness, giving you patience and creating a calmer environment, in which to connect with the messages that Spirit is bringing forth from all dimensions and timeframes. Your MIND can become STILL in order to access the Divine wisdom that is required to construct a better FORM of reality.

IX beckons us to channel Spirit through our higher HEART,❤ expressing our creations through this GOD CONSCIOUSNESS, which is benevolent and life enhancing, bringing forth DIVINE MIRACLES. 💫✨🌟

White Wizard gives you the POWER of enchantment today, enabling you to be like the snake🐍 charmers and en-trance the erratic and somewhat volatile Serpent🐍… You can use your hypnotic😵‍💫 charm to befriend the Serpent🐍 to access the wisdom, passion and vitality required to birth your new Divinely inspired creations.


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR 🌏 🌈🏹– The fearless YELLOW WARRIOR beckons you to QUEST-I-ON the old structure in order to redefine the New WORLD.

The RAINBOW WARRIORS are called on their unified QUEST today – defending the NEW PARADIGM as we unequivocally REJECT the illusion of the old narrative trying to keep holding on.

We are Questioning -HOW can we build this new, safe, secure and solid foundation?.
❓🤔 How will you create more harmonious relationships with your kin in these new communities?
❓🤔 What measures do you need to take, to support and improve your health and well being?
❓🤔 What are the stepping stones to get to where you want to be?

The RAINBOW Warrior is coded to build this New World, and Spirit will provide all the answers you seek providing the blueprint for its Heavenly construction.💒🌈🌎

CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING EAGLE 📦👁 MEN beckons you to focus on the BIG PICTURE 🖼, that is, your intended out -come.

❓❓🤔 Is this the most beneficial outcome for all souls concerned? Raise the bar and act for the highest good of all.

The SELF-EXISTING EAGLE holds the BLUEPRINT for the New World through the Planetary MIND.

✨✨✨ Re-imagine a world with the highest, most benefic outcomes for ALL Planetary kin – Infuse this VISION into our planetary Grid.🌐
A VISION of an abundant world, filled with kindness, beauty, compassion, grace, and RESPECT for ourselves, each other and our Planet.


✨✴✨So precious hearts, today we BREAK OUT💥 of our old FEAR box 📦 and DEFINE a NEW PARADIGM – as ordained by Mother/Father God!

The POWER of SPIRIT is flowing rapidly and SHAPING our NEW WORLD according to the Divine Plan for HU-MAN-KIND! AHO! 🌍🌍🌏🌐🌹🌈

✴✨✴NOW IS THE TIME – WE ARE ALL moving to a BIGGER – paradisiacal BOX! 🌴📦


Today’s question is “How can I DEFINE and B-Earth a higher DIVINE foundation for our new World?

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for upgrading our grids to optimum GOD POWER!💥💥💥 Let the SPIRIT FLOW freely!🌫 🕊🌫

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 Past Life Regression Guided Meditation 🕉

Unlock Your Soul’s Hidden Memories with my Sacred Condor 🔥



With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.

🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding

✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike

🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation

💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.


CLICK HERE for the Past Lives Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Invocation for the Law of Attraction

Divine Universe, Source of Infinite Abundance,
I open my heart and mind to the limitless flow of prosperity, love, and joy.
With every breath, I align myself with the highest vibrations of gratitude and trust.

I call upon the Law of Attraction to manifest my deepest desires,
Drawing to me all that serves my highest good and divine purpose.
I release doubt, fear, and limitation, knowing that I am worthy of receiving.

As I think, so I create.
As I believe, so it becomes.
As I feel, so I attract.

I am a magnet for miracles.
I welcome financial abundance, radiant health, fulfilling relationships, and boundless love.
Every day, in every way, my life unfolds with divine grace and perfect harmony.

Thank you, Universe, for the blessings already on their way.
I trust, I receive, I am.

And so it is. 💫

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