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Earth Alliance

Space/Earth Alliance and Earth (Earth)/Space : Roles and relations

[PART2] Roles and relations between the Space/Earth Alliance and Earth (Earth)/Space

What are the roles and relationships of the Space Alliance, Earth Alliance, and Earth (Earth)? ?

What are the roles and relationships of the Space Alliance, Earth Alliance, and Earth (Earth)? ?

Currently, on Earth,  the “construction of a social and infrastructure order based on GESARA (Plan Q)”  and  the “transition to a fifth-dimensional world”  are being promoted in parallel.

“Building social order and infrastructure based on GESARA (Plan Q)” is  being promoted mainly by  Earth Alliance. Earth (Earth  ) is playing a leading role  in the “transition to the fifth dimensional world”.

As a continuation of that, this time

space alliance

This is a story about.

3) Role and components of the Space Alliance

Role and components of the Space Alliance

The main role (objective) of the  Space Alliance is

Assisting in the fifth-dimensional transition of Earth (Earth) and the solar system

Liberation of Earthlings from slavery by dark side aliens (Enril etc.)

It is.

*Actually, there is no need to distinguish between “good and evil” or “light and darkness” (because if you change your perspective, both can be good or evil), but to make the content easier to understand, we will use the words “dark side”. I hope you understand that I’m using words like “light side.”

“Dark side aliens (Enril, etc.)”  are the highest level of the dark side organization that created and controlled the Cabal (DS).  He is the mastermind who promoted  the “enslavement of humanity on Earth”  for thousands of years.

Earthlings, who were born with the DNA of 22 alien races (light side), were originally supposed to be physically fifth-dimensional beings, but the cabal (DS), led by dark side aliens, are in the process of being brainwashed and enslaved.

“Earthlings” are suppressed in the third dimension along with “Earth (Earth, natural world)”

It had been.

By freeing such “Earths (Earth)” and “Earthlings” from slavery (under the control of dark side aliens), we will help usher them into “fifth dimensional existence”, which is the original state.

was the greatest purpose (role) of the Space Alliance.

The main role (purpose) of the Space Alliance has been fulfilled!

The main role (purpose) of the Space Alliance has been fulfilled!

The Space Alliance’s biggest mission,  “elimination of dark side aliens (elimination of the galaxy and solar system)”,  will be completed  “around January 2022”.

From there

Transition (return) of the Earth (Earth/Natural World) and the life forms that live on Earth to the fifth dimension

It started.

At the same time, the core of the Cabal that could not be handled by the Earth Alliance alone was eliminated, and the Earth Alliance

Personification of GESARA

now it is making serious progress.

*This is an indirect involvement in GESARA through the Space Alliance.

*In fact, it was also at this time (after January 2022) that the materialization of the GESARA infrastructure (Starlink, QFS, etc.) and the destruction and elimination of the cabal’s largest installation (Ukraine) began.

Currently, the “main objective (role) of the Space Alliance”  mentioned at the beginning  has already been achieved.

Since the power that prevents Earth (Earth) and the life forms living on Earth from moving into the third dimension has been eliminated, it is now up to “Earth (Earth) and the life forms living on Earth” to vibrate to the fifth dimension on your own. Just hope it gets better.

In fact, as of now (August 2023),  “Earth (Earth) and the life forms living on Earth (except Earthlings)” have achieved entry into the fifth-dimensional wave.  The situation is that the waves are improving to a more stable wave band.

Humans (Earthlings)  are given the choice of “soul” and as a result they individually choose to move into the “3rd”, “4th” and “5th dimensions”. (I believe that there are many people who have already reached the fifth-dimensional wave threshold together with Earth.)

The goal of “freeing Earthlings from (paper) slavery”  was achieved by eliminating the dark side aliens. At the moment

The “cage door” that confined the Earthlings has been opened, and the situation now is that the Earthlings are waiting for them to exit the cage through the door on their own.

It is.

Space Alliance Components

Space Alliance Components

The story is a little off topic, but… Currently, the organization (image) we call the  “Space Alliance”  consists of the following two main elements.

galactic federation

Intergalactic Federation +α

The Galactic Federation  is an organization made up of  elite aliens from the Milky Way Galaxy,  where Earth (Earth) is located.

The “Intergalactic Federation”  is an organization formed by alien races (aliens) from galaxies other than the Milky Way.

The “Galactic Federation” and the “Intergalactic Federation” work together to promote a plan to eliminate the dark side aliens (Faction of Enril, Draco, Rep, etc.) from Earth who were interfering on Earth (Earth). .

However, basically

The “Silver Coin Federation” and the “Intergalactic Federation” each operate according to their own plans (goals).

Looks like.

*Currently,  we can know the trends and information of the  “Federation of Galaxies”  through the “Special Envoy”, which I will talk about later, but currently we are unable to obtain almost any information about the trends (objectives and current situation) of the  “Intergalactic Federation”

Existence of “special envoys” from the Galactic Federation

Existence of “special envoys” from the Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation  has  “Galactic Federation Special Envoys” whose  purpose is to communicate with Earthlings, share information, and awaken Earthlings.

The Galactic Federation envoys  are (the souls of) former Galactic Federation aliens who have been reincarnated as Earthlings with a role in their souls.


So in reality,  the “Special Envoy of the Galactic Federation” is an Earthling  . There may be some people who belong to the Earth Alliance, but this cannot be confirmed at this time, and I personally  see  the “Special Envoy of the Galactic Federation” as a “member of the Space Alliance”.

*We are currently aware of several special envoys from the Galactic Federation, including Elena Danan. (There are many fake ones (laughs), but the reality is that there are very few people who actually recognize me as a special envoy.)

Space Alliance moves on to the next plane! ?

The Space Alliance  (primarily the Galactic Federation) has completed  two important functions  and is currently moving forward with its next plan. that is

alien disclosure plan

It is.

The “Alien Disclosure Plan”  will begin in January 2023.

In fact, since July, the “Alien Disclosure Plan” has been taking shape. A whistleblower began publicizing the existence of UFOs and the recovery of aliens from UFOs in the US House of Representatives (public hearings).

More recently (around the end of July), new information

Sponsored by the Galactic Federation behind the scenes in Southeast Asia? ? A global meeting on outreach plans was held.

That’s what he said.

At the meeting, plans were discussed for disseminating information and contacting Earthlings on the ground, targeting  not only “extraterrestrial aliens”, but also  “beings of higher dimensions that live inside the Earth”.

Looks like.

In the future, there was talk of  “increasing opportunities for Earthlings to recognize UFOs from the Galactic Federation”,  so I think that one day the number of UFO sightings will increase rapidly.

*That’s all for now (PART2). The next part will be “PART 3”, which will include topics such as “How the Space Alliance, Earth Alliance and Earth (Earth) are Connected”.


Earth Alliance
Earth Alliance




#### 1. Biden’s false presidency- Objective: to expose the crimes and corruption of the globalists.- Method: to keep Biden in a false presidency to reveal the irregularities.

#### 2. Emergency Broadcast System – Martial Law: Will be imposed until fair and transparent elections can be held. – Full control: during this period, the emergency system will take control of communications.

#### 3. Three Days of Darkness – Planned Cyber ​​Attacks: Total Blackout of Internet, Communications and Possible Power Grid Disruption – Preparation: The masses must be prepared for this event.

#### 4. Ten days of promotion – Continuous broadcast: A website and a web channel will be broadcast in a loop for eight hours a day. – Content: Crucial information and revelations about globalist crimes and corruption.

#### 5. Implementation of NESARA/GESARA- Debt Relief: Implementation of debt relief policies in accordance with NESARA/GESARA.

– Financial change: transformation of the global financial system.

#### 6. Military support

– Food supply: The military will ensure that the masses receive the necessary food.

– Stability: they will maintain order during the transition.

#### 7. Quantum Financial System (QFS)

– Implementation: A quantum financial system will be established.

– Transparency and security: will guarantee a fairer and safer financial system.

#### 8. Government reduction

– 95% reduction: Drastic reduction in the size of government. – Efficiency: less public intervention and greater efficiency.

#### 9. Federal Reserve and IRS Reform – Federal Reserve: Will be eliminated. – IRS: will be transformed into the new US Treasury Department.

#### 10. New tax system

– 14% tax: applicable only to newly purchased items.

– Exemptions: There will be no taxes on food, medicine or wages.

#### 11. Legal modification

– Abolition of maritime law: transition to customary law.

– Justice: implementation of a fairer legal system. ## Transformation in the next 5 years

#### 1. New financial system

– Total control: transition to a transparent financial system. – Living, not surviving: moving from a slave system to one that allows a full life.

#### 2. A life without banks or money – Abundance:

Everything will be in abundance, eliminating the need for money. – Freedom: people will be able to do what they want without financial restrictions.

#### 3. Transparent brackets

– Disappearance of lies: the corrupt media will disappear.

– True information: means will be established that provide true information.

#### 4. No more wars

– Global Peace: Wars will no longer be necessary in the new system.

#### 5. Decentralization

– Elimination of control: all centralized control will disappear. – Autonomy: decentralization will be fundamental for the new era. ### Final reflection For many, the idea of ​​living without money can be strange and scary, but it is important to keep your spirits high and not let yourself be influenced by the fear promoted by traditional media. This transformation promises a life of freedom and abundance, distancing us from a corrupt and slave system.



Julian Assange Activated! 🔥

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to plead guilty in U.S. court in deal which allows him to go free.

Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW

Julian is free!!!!

Words cannot express our immense gratitude to YOU- yes YOU, who have all mobilised for years and years to make this come true. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the United States and will now go free. Assange has pleaded guilty in a plea deal with the Department of Justice after spending five years in a British prison. Assange was charged by criminal information “with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information,” according to NBC. The charges stem from the publication of classified information starting in 2009. The U.S. government claims Assange “conspired” with military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to share tens of thousands of documents. The documents were in relation to the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the State Department and assessment briefs of Guantanamo Bay detainees. Assange also published emails from the Democratic National Committee in 2016.



XRPLion1 -ΑΩ- “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”
This was a “REVISED” Graphic I made back in 2023 after the Valhill XRP Valuation Models Report was RELEASED on 6/4/23. Since then, you are all aware GOD declared the price for XRP, as outlined in this report and in my whitepapers of 1 Million Dollars each was not to be discounted using XRPV-10, but remain at $1 Million and not a penny less.



Judy Note: 

One Sun. Quote from June 23, 2024 from Q++++:  “At the right time – we act. Our mission never stops – Light has overcome darkness.”

“My fellow Americans, over the next few days you will no doubt realize that we are reclaiming our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants who wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining haven of shining light. light.  ”  The end is near.  Join:

  • Confirmation (to the public)  of what is happening will then be revealed and will not be accepted openly. Public riots are being organized in large numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of senior public officials.
  • By order of POTUS,  a temporary military control state will be activated and special operations will be carried out.
  • False leaks were made  to retain several within the boundaries of the United States to avoid extradition and the special need of the operator.
  • Please be assured that  the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child in this country is running out completely.
  • However, the atmosphere within the country will be unfortunately divided  as many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been spread.
  • We will initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS)  during this period in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding fake news) to all citizens.
  • Organizations and/or people who wish to cause us harm during this time will be met with swift fury  – certain laws have been pre-repealed to provide our large military with the authority necessary to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

Global Currency Reset:

Note from Judy  :  On Saturday. June 22, 2024  Texas Snake, Wolverine, MarkZ, and Tony reported that this weekend Redemption Center staff were placed on a one-hour alert to report to their stations in order to schedule Tier4b appointments (We, the Internet Group) and subsequently help complete currency exchanges. A manager at HSBC bank in Australia confirmed the above, saying the one-hour alert extended until  Thursday. June 27th.  Wolverine said the Brazilian channel was adamant that this is  our week.  One bondholder said he was promised liquidity  by  Tuesday. June 25th.  Tony stated that the Dinar Contract fee was $28.50, although it was required to be requested.


The game is over
Now, we take control,
trust the plan
…Q on Telegram Sun June 23, 2024



The end is near:  “My fellow Americans, over the next few days you will no doubt realize that we are reclaiming our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants who wish to harm us and destroy the last remaining haven of shining light.”
…The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) Q on Telegram  Sun June 23, 2024



Phase 1 now active,
nothing can stop what’s to come




Checkmate (Part 2) – A global divorce from the US dollar and the remonetization of gold to support our RV/GCR


The global financial landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, moving away from the traditional US dollar-centric system towards a multipolar era. In this new era, multiple currencies compete for dominance and central banks are exploring innovative solutions such as central bank digital currencies (CBDC). This tectonic movement is driving a remonetization of gold and fueling speculation about the revaluation of gold against existing fiat currencies, particularly the US dollar and the euro. In this latest installment of my “Checkmate GCR” series of articles, we explore the reasons and facts behind this global transition and how it could reshape the entire monetary order.

The US dollar’s once unchallenged supremacy in the global financial system is beginning to wane. As  Zoltan Poszar  , former Credit Suisse expert, points out, we are witnessing a “monetary divorce” from the hegemony of the US dollar, leading to a more multipolar world. This shift is driven by factors such as de-dollarization, the rise of central bank digital currencies and nations’ strategic objectives to reduce dependence on the dollar and diversify their reserves.

What you will learn here in Part 2:

  • Dedollarization in a multipolar financial world
  • Remonetization and revaluation of gold in the changing landscape of the financial system
  • The growing importance of gold in a changing geoeconomic scenario
  • Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a potential game-changer
  • The rise of correspondent central banks and their implications
Dedollarization and a multipolar world

The concept of “Bretton Woods III” signifies a departure from the traditional unipolar world, dominated by the US dollar. Instead, the global economy is adopting a multipolar approach, where multiple currencies gain importance.

This paradigm shift is driven by Western countries seeking to reduce dependence on Chinese supply chains and Eastern nations seeking to de-risk their relationships with Western financial institutions and the US dollar.

Gold Remonetization

One of the main themes emerging from this monetary divorce is the re-emergence of gold as a viable monetary asset. Nations that are not geopolitically aligned with the US are increasingly diversifying their reserves and eschewing US Treasury bonds in favor of gold. This trend indicates a growing desire to achieve monetary sovereignty and distance itself from the uncertainties associated with the US dollar.

The remonetization of gold is a compelling aspect of the ongoing transition to a multipolar world and away from the US dollar-centric global financial system. As countries seek monetary sovereignty and reduce their dependence on the dollar, gold is emerging as a strategic, time-tested asset capable of providing stability and protection amid economic uncertainty.

While the potential revaluation of gold against existing fiat currencies remains speculative, the growing demand for gold from central banks and the strategic moves made by countries to diversify their reserves speak volumes about gold’s allure in the changing financial landscape. .

As the world goes through this period of transformation, gold’s role in the global economy may continue to evolve, opening up new possibilities and challenges. The journey towards a more multipolar financial system is underway, and gold’s shining path to stability and security deserves close attention from policymakers, investors and financial observers.

Revaluation of gold against fiat currencies

As the global fiat currency debt system undergoes a monetary divorce from the US dollar, speculation is increasing about a potential revaluation of gold against existing fiat currencies, especially the US dollar and the euro.

The growing demand for gold from central banks and the increasing tendency for countries to buy gold instead of hoarding dollars suggest a possible change in the relative value of gold compared to fiat currencies. If this trend continues, it could lead to a revaluation of the value of gold relative to traditional paper currencies.

While it is essential to approach these possibilities with caution, the remonetization of gold and the changing dynamics of the global financial system deserve careful observation. Gold’s historical importance and intrinsic value make it an asset that cannot be easily discarded, and its potential revaluation could have far-reaching consequences for the entire monetary order.

Gold as a strategic hedge

The changing dynamics of global trade and finance have led countries to rethink their approach to financial security. By remonetizing gold, central banks can diversify their holdings and insulate their economies from potential shocks in the global financial system.

Furthermore, as the world moves towards a multipolar approach to currencies, gold is emerging as a valuable hedge against currency fluctuations. This flexibility gives nations greater control over their financial destiny and mitigates the risks associated with excessive dependence on a single currency.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as game changers in cross-border payments

CBDCs represent a disruptive force in the global financial system. As countries explore the possibilities of creating their own digital currencies, the need for corresponding central banks arises. This network of correspondent central banks could potentially provide an alternative system for international transactions, decreasing dependence on Western financial centers and the US dollar.

Correspondent central banks could soon become an integral part of the international financial system. By facilitating the direct settlement of transactions between central banks, they offer an alternative to the current dollar-based system. This shift could have profound implications for dollar financing and rates markets.

For example, CBDCs can play a significant role in driving the internationalization of the Chinese Renminbi (RMB). Countries planning or piloting CBDCs are often linked to the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) through swap lines. The RMB’s growing share of trade finance and commodity settlements suggests that the currency’s importance is likely to increase in the coming years.

What it means

The global fiat currency debt system is in fact undergoing a monetary divorce from the US dollar. As countries diversify their reserves and explore alternatives like central bank digital currencies, gold is poised to regain its historic status as a monetary anchor.

The emergence of a multipolar world is reshaping the financial landscape, creating a catalyst for gold to be revalued against existing fiat currencies, particularly the US dollar and euro.

As we navigate this transformative period in monetary history, it is crucial to understand the factors driving this change and the potential consequences for the global financial system. The journey ahead is simultaneously uncertain and full of promise, and the revaluation of gold could be the fulcrum on which the future of the global economy turns.


The Second Coming is the Awakening of the Christ Consciousness within.♥️

Multi-dimensional in the Christ Consciousness. Those with spiritual eyes to see, will truly see me and I will see you…….let’s strive for Unity , for our Earth needs Healing.
Many are waking up.
Arising from their slumber.
Become Peace , be Joyful , be of service.
However, first Love Yourself, take care of your Mind , Body , Spirit . Work to overcome any fears, conditioning and limited beliefs that are enslaving you through addiction and lack of self worth.
Message from AA Uriel:
The Sacred Heart is the Christ Consciousness but it is the throat that is the Christ Frequency.
The Throat is the Christ Frequency of 555 Hz.
In other words Dear Ones, one will always face opposition by all forces if ones heart is not verbalized.
One can have a great sacred heart but keep that heart silent and one shall be met with opposition at every corner and avenue in life.
Open ones mouth and speak the words of ones heart and the Christ Consciousness is manifested through the Christ Frequency by the words of ones mouth.
Until those words of ones heart is spoken, that which lays within ones heart can not and will not be simulated into this Worlds Matrix. Stay silent, one shall see and experience the opposing force to ones heart, misery.
Speak the words of ones heart and witness true evolutionary change and the victory of ones light.
If you want change Dear Ones, it is you that needs to be that change.
The ones that will change this world are those that verbalize the words of ones heart.
Your unique heart and individuality is what will manifest change, bringing about evolution upon this planet.
Be greater than what one suffers, let the tones of ones heart vibrate upon the tones of ones voice. Dear Ones, Be a voice for good in this World.
Purge ones heart through ones voice. ~AA Uriel
💎 The term “Christ” means a person whose conscious of their behavior and actions, and can Give/ Receive Love and Compassion without wanting anything back in return.“
💎Christ Consciousness” means, a person who embraces and demonstrates divinity. Divinity refers to the highest characteristics, personal qualities of the absolute divine.
Therefore, a “Divine Person” means an individual that can demonstrate and project the attributes of unconditional love and compassion consciously through their thoughts, actions and behavior.
💎Christ refers to the understanding and awareness of the divinity and your primary purpose as a spiritual being. When you have found your spiritual connection with the universe and with the Creator, this will manifest outwardly as unconditional love, joy and compassion.
💎When an individual consciously demonstrates these divine attributes this is known as “Christ Consciousness.” When we speak of the second coming of Christ, it means we will be returning back to the vibration of God Source, the frequency associated with the Absolute Divine; Christ Consciousness.
💎When a person is willing to learn and apply the principles of divinity in their life, they have spiritually evolved. Divinity helps you outwardly perceive the love and compassion in others, you recognize that each person is a spiritual being and understand that each person are at different levels of spiritual growth.
💎When you integrate divinity as an integral part of yourself and begin to externalize this Christ energy, the very nature of your reality changes. Christ energy only requires you to be open to a new way of living and your willingness to learn, integrate and practice divinity on Earth.
💎The important thing to keep in mind on your ascension journey, is that you only need your conscious intent and a genuine desire towards wanting to experience a world that operates on unity, love and compassion, which will help you achieve Christ energy.
💎Christ Consciousness can include your ability to connect to your Higher Self, how you demonstrate the qualities of divinity and your ability to share your spiritual wisdom and knowledge to help others with their spiritual growth.
💎A person who has activated the upper chakras, namely the Heart , Third Eye, and the Crown chakras has achieved “Christ Consciousness,” because that process shifts a person’s frequency into the powerful heart-based qualities, which allows them to consciously demonstrate love, empathy, compassion, and the ability to connect and understand people from a deeper emotional and spiritual level.
💎This person can also have the ability to telepathically communicate with the higher dimensional levels of consciousness within the cosmos, communicate with Guides
and the Angelic Realm.
Source Consciousness.
Copyright ©
Creator Writer Author ✍️
Mike Harrigan.
All Rights Reserved
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Universal Consciousness..
🔥🕎🔯🕉️ 🔥
💎 ❤️💚💙💜❤️ 💎
❤️ 🌟 🌎🌍🌏🌟 ❤️

Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness




Your old identity is disappearing…
Your fifth dimension self is emerging.
And perhaps, to aggravate this strangeness, the events in your own life that were once so important and time-consuming, just don’t appeal to you so much anymore.
Perhaps there is nothing to replace these old interests at the moment, but your enthusiasm for them is gone. ..
And a lot of the people you used to hang out with are kinda bored now. They seem to be traveling a different path than yours.
In fact, your old familiar sense of identity seems to be disappearing: your interests, your beliefs, your relationships, the things you spent time on, the things you were good at, what you did, and even your spiritual mission..
Everything that looks familiar is up in the air now, but somehow it doesn’t matter much..
Definitely, something has changed in your life and in your Consciousness, but you cannot name it or describe it. ..
Somehow, the reality itself is different, and you yourself are different. ..
You can try to explain how, but words don’t exactly describe the feelings and awareness you’re having..
Maybe you’re not in this New Reality all the time, but sometimes you seem to slip into it, not realizing what happened…
You are the builders…
The work is not over, but you have achieved your goal. ..
The New Earth exists in the minds of many…
It is spoken, it is visualized, it is written and it is fought for…
Its real because of you. ..
Your light has marked the way and continues to light the way. ..
Your masterpiece is taking shape. ..
More stages to go…
Your presence makes every step easier.
—“Sophia Love.





(IMPORTANT) – GESARA Matrix revealed as your golden ticket to instant millionaire status!


 Be prepared: the EBS/NESARA announcement is coming and it will change everything!

The winds of change are howling and bringing a storm that will sweep away the old order and usher in a new era. This is a complete review of everything we know. The National Economic Security and Reform Act (NESARA) is the beginning of a new era.

Let’s cut through the noise and get to the heart of the matter. The  Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)  and the  NESARA announcement  are not mere blips on the radar of history. They are the thunder before the lightning, the rumbles of a massive uprising. The sequence is crucial:  first NESARA,  then EBS. Like a carefully crafted plan in a game of chess, each move is deliberate, each action calculated to bring about a cascade of changes.

Imagine this: NESARA announced not quietly behind closed doors, but boldly, in the public eye. This is followed by a 10-day period of EBS, a period that will shake the very foundations of CABAL’s control. This is a declaration of war against the powers that have kept us under their thumb for too long.

The implications are surprising. US Republic Elections in 120 days – a race against time that will test our nation’s resilience. The transition from Federal Reserve Notes to US Notes within 180 days – not just a currency swap, but a break from the chains of financial servitude. It’s not just about money; it’s about liberation.

But this is where it gets murky. The fiscal implications of these seismic shifts are as clear as mud. There is a consensus that stock market withdrawals will not be taxed, but beyond that, it is a maze of confusion and speculation.

Let’s break it down. We are talking about several taxes – ordinary income tax, capital gains tax, bond and dividend taxes, estate tax, gift tax. But if  NESARA is what it claims to be,  most, if not all, of these taxes could disappear. We are facing a return to the gold-backed standard of a century ago – a time when federal taxes were a thing of the past.

What about charitable donations? In the current system, with heavy taxes on income and capital gains, charitable giving can be a smart financial move. But in a NESARA world, this logic collapses. Why give away a portion of your assets when there is no tax benefit?

Before you rush to your tax advisor, consider this: In a post-NESARA world, traditional tax planning may be as obsolete as a horse and buggy. The challenge? Find a consultant who not only knows NESARA, but understands its implications. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

So what’s the end result? Before making any move, talk to someone you know. And remember, if tax planning becomes irrelevant, so will many of the businesses built around it. In a NESARA world, the financial and tax landscape will be unrecognizable.

This is not just a change. It’s a revolution. And it’s coming, whether the powers that be like it or not. The question is: are you ready?

6/23: Something big is going to happen in the financial market today, and there will be a market collapse next weekend (end of June)


Sunday morning, June 23, 2024

“Black Swan” is quietly underway! ?

We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on June 22nd

I’ll extract the parts that interest you!

today’s message

Donald Trump is Commander-in-Chief of the United States
…John F. Kennedy Jr., Vice President, Friday, June 21, 2024

Banks around the world were preparing for a reset of global currency in just a few days!

It’s a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies for your family.
For your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Note from Judy

“We’re watching a movie. It’s bullshit. The election was all fake, along with the fake inauguration, the fake executive order, the fake Oval Office.
Now, until a new election in a few months, the military will that
The Vatican used to own the corrupt DC Corporation, but that is no longer the case.

It will become a republic, as the Constitution originally intended.
Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to prison or been executed by discharge. treason and conspiracy.
Many more seek justice through military courts.

He is being tried by a military court….
Ezra Cohen. , former acting assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and security during the Trump administration

Large-scale cyberattack affects 430 hospitals and car dealerships nationwide

Friday, June 21, 2024: Massive false flag alert! Hunter Biden was found guilty. Russian submarine searching off the coast of the United States. Don’t let your guard down. false flag coming

Warning for Friday, June 21, 2024 A major power cut occurs in the Balkans: the electrical grid has collapsed. Complete darkness. “Goodnight. I live in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, in the Balkans. The information is correct: today we had no electricity for 3-4 hours.

Friday, June 21, 2024: President Trump intends to abolish the income tax and introduce tariffs on imported goods.
This will be a huge blow to the central bank cabal.
This is perhaps the most devastating blow President Trump can deal to the globalists.

Suspending the income tax that fuels the fiat debt machine will drive the Federal Reserve into the abyss.
It will be the end of slavery.

Alexander Soros and Barack Obama worked together to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado.
Barack Obama is the shadow president who controls the Biden administration.
Alexander Soros, the parallel fund that finances all operations.


that is all





The GCR/RV: a complex overview


For those unfamiliar with Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV), this section provides an essential overview. Contrary to popular belief, these are not singular events, but distinct phenomena with profound implications for the global financial system.

The GCR: Global Currency Reset Explained.

The global monetary reset comprises two critical factors. First, a treaty signed by 209 countries in 2014 aims to redefine the value of their currencies through the Cross-Border Interbank Payments System (CIPS) to achieve parity.

This parity means that the value of a dong will be equal to a dollar or any other national currency, stabilizing international trade and eliminating currency manipulation.

Forex trading for profit becomes obsolete as reset stabilizes currencies, affecting export markets to balance trade. Fiat currencies will no longer function in this structured and internationally balanced system, paving the way for the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

Quantum Financial System (QFS).

To achieve exchange rate parity, a mathematical formula created by Super Artificial Intelligence QFS considers economic data, assigning pre-determined values ​​to each data point. This value reflects the amount of currency in circulation within a country, not its inherent value.

The QFS balances supply and demand, maintaining a consistent value across the international community. This intricate system addresses the complex challenges of global economic parity, ensuring a stable and equitable financial environment.


Gold-backed digital currency.

The second factor in the reset is the introduction of gold-backed digital currency. This new financial system ensures that each digital currency is backed by a tangible gold certificate, allowing it to be exchanged for real gold. Digital money offers convenience without compromising value, as both digital and physical gold have the same value.

The common denominator of the value of any currency lies in its support for a valuable commodity or asset, ensuring stability and confidence in the financial system.

Conclusion: A New Dawn.

The CASTLE ROCK event signifies a transformative moment in history, a confluence of military intervention, financial overhaul and a return to fundamental principles.

As King Trump reclaims his throne, the world is witnessing a dramatic shift toward a liberated, equitable and just society. The global reset, supported by the Quantum Financial System and gold-backed currencies, promises a stable and prosperous future. The implementation of NESARA/GESARA and the advent of Med Beds mark a new dawn in health and well-being.

This momentous event is more than a political change; it is a reawakening of the spirit of 1776, a return to the ideals of freedom, justice and equality. As the world stands on the brink of this new era, the promise of a brighter, fairer future beckons, heralding the dawn of a new era.


“The New Gold Standard” – Goldilocks Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) 6/23/24



Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

From last night:

China has been selling its US Treasury bonds and buying gold to create a diversified net worth from its gold holdings. It allowed them to decouple their economy from the dollar and start their own Treasury bond market.

As of May 2024, gold represented 4.9% of China’s foreign exchange reserves. Central Banks have been purchasing gold at record rates across the world to achieve their Independence and Sovereignty.

The bond market plays an important role in the valuation of financial assets. Using this financial tool will help countries that have made progress in Article 4 consultations with the IMF to achieve financial clarity and guidance.

China intends to gradually enter its Treasury bond market. They intend to use this as a liquidity tool to help manage interest rates and advance their monetary system by supporting gold as collateral instead of the dollar.

Other countries around the world are in the process of doing the same. Over time, we will see an increase in exchange rates determined by each country’s ability to secure its new level of independence through gold, as it deflates their inflated economies.

It is important that we pay attention to these new trends, as they will create new appreciation in currencies that have been dormant for many years. These new local currencies that are being traded between nations going forward will soon operate with their own strength and support through gold.

Morning Star  |  Investopedia

Gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


“The tokenized US Treasury bond market reached an all-time high of 2,143 holders on June 18, with year-to-date growth of 250%, according to data aggregator The Ondo Short-Term US Government Bond Fund (USDY) leads the way with 1,054 holders and over $218 million in tokenized bonds.”

US Treasury Tokenized Market! Do you see it’s important now? And why have Central Banks been buying so much gold? Central Banks have been our banks’ banks for a long time and now they are about to become our banks through a Digital Network System.

As our bond markets are tokenized, it will be the underlying assets that support the rest of our country’s currencies. As these tokens contain gold in their equity, this will transform our fiat system into a real-world asset backed by gold, utilizing a digital protocol that standardizes every transaction made across the world.

This is the new Gold Standard, which we are in the process of achieving. It will guide us to more and more creative possibilities that are infinite in their ability to achieve an abundance we have never seen before.

We’re certainly not there yet, and transitions can be difficult. But we are on the cusp of an opportunity that requires faith, hope, and love for those around us as we go through this time together.

CryptoBriefing   |  RWA

The world we have been searching for so long has just found us and we are about to enter it.

© Goldilocks


Demand for Tokenized Treasury Bonds Rises as Crypto Investors Chase TradFi Yield |   YouTube


Tokenized Municipal Bonds | André Samu |   YouTube


The Swiss National Bank (SNB) announced that it has become the world’s first central bank to “carry out a monetary policy operation in a live production environment” using distributed ledger technology (DLT).

It made the announcement during a press conference in Zurich (20 June), which provided updates on topics such as inflation and the Swiss economic outlook, before focusing on fintech-related innovation – mainly new ambitions for its digital currency pilot. central bank wholesaler (CBDC). ‘Project Helvetia’ initiative.

The SNB said it successfully issued SNB digital notes on the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) – the sister “tokenized asset” platform of the SIX Swiss Exchange, Switzerland’s main stock exchange – “in early June.” The token-based notes, which had an issuance volume of CHF64 million (around £56.6 million/US$71.6 million), had a maturity of one week.

Insider    SNB Coin


China Securities Regulatory Commission

The CSRC will explore the introduction of STAR 50 index futures and options, establish “green channels” for mergers and acquisitions, and optimize market-making and trading mechanisms, among other measures. |   Global Times


CBI begins second phase of reform RE Boom 120°F and rate expectations |   YouTube


Memorandum of GESARA Elements, Universal Basic Income 

   As NESARAGESA has not yet been released, those who do not have prior knowledge may not know what it is even if it is called UBI (Universal Basic Income).

It is a completely different concept from the basic income defended by DS Cabal satanists, for example, the famous Mr. Heizo Takenaka (president of Pasona, former minister of Internal Affairs and Communications).

Furthermore, the amount paid is different.

▷   However, looking forward to Plan Q, the Trump revolution and the Nesara Gesara reforms that came before us, for now, the old system (the world ruled by the Jews and Illuminati based on the old Dollar Swift system) will be broken into pieces. Therefore, I wondered if they would create a “new world” based on the Nesara Gesara-centric gold guarantee system.

It looks like the last three years of patience will pay off.

It really came right in front of me! I’m looking forward to it!

《Start of reprint》

[ memo from GESARA element]

Latest information and points of attention!

I would like to write a memo with the latest information and points of interest about “GESARA elements (UBI, new technology, new energy, etc.)”.

table of contents

・GESARA elements
(UBI, new technology, new energy, etc.) latest information!

Information related to UBI (Universal Basic Income)

・ Combine “tax refund” and “UBI”! ?

・What is the purpose (essence) of “UBI”? ?

・”UBI” does not require a bank account!

・Deposit to QFS account and QFS equipment
(Q Phone, QFS PC, etc.)

・ Reference information for “UBI (refund)” (approximate refund amount)

[Memo] Elements from GESARA Latest information about (UBI, new technologies, new energies, etc.)!

[Memo] The latest information about GESARA elements (UBI, new technology, new energy, etc.)!

We would like to keep you updated with the latest information on the various elements that must be introduced and incorporated as we move into the new 5th Dimensional World (GESARA World).・Information is only

It is the basic content (base) in the “current time”, and we believe that it will be adjusted according to the circumstances of each country and region when it is actually implemented. (Please understand as such)
Information related to UBI (Universal Basic Income)
So far, WH information (Intel, etc.) has talked about “acquisition tax refund, etc.” that has been unfairly exploited in the past.

There was little information about “UBI (Universal Basic Income)”.In fact, in the NESARA (National Economic Security and Reform Act) clause, which is the basis of GESARA (Global Economic and Security Reform Act), Regarding “refund of money that has been unfairly exploited”, it is clearly written, but there is no description that clearly states “UBI”.

● Release of large amounts of funds to the public
in the clause marked “UBI” is also believed to be included.

Fundamentally, “releasing huge amounts of money to the public” means “funding for humanitarian aid.”

Therefore, it is believed that the specific content of UBI will be decided after considering the circumstances of each country and region in the world, so there is not much information (history) that mentions UBI.

●Combine “tax refund” and “UBI”! ?

“Tax refund, etc.” and “UBI” are considered equal! ?
Until a while ago, I used to clearly distinguish between tax refunds and UBI. However, taking into account the information obtained in recent months, in practice, we have come to the conclusion that combining “tax refunds” and “UBI” and interpreting them as “benefits obtained every month” will be more consistent with reality.

Why is it almost confirmed recently? The reason for this is that the “refund of taxes, etc.” It is not a fixed repayment, but a monthly payment (monthly repayment) over a period of more than 10 years (some say 11 years).

In fact, it will be a “monthly benefit (reimbursement)”, so it will be the same format as “UBI.

So in the future, I would like to consider “reimbursement” and “UBI” as a “monthly benefit”.

● What is the objective (essence) of “UBI”? ?

I think it will be easier to understand if you listen to the previous section in mind.

In the latest information (WH information), “the purpose of UBI (gist)” was said.

These are the following two elements.

Liberation of people around the world from the traps of slavery (escape from slavery for money)

● Return (recover) money (personal property) that has been unfairly exploited and stolen

It will be a story that includes my personal opinion
The “purpose (essence) of UBI ” are the elements above, not “create a world in which people don’t need to work (create a world in which they don’t need to work)”.

Until now, in the three-dimensional world, many people have been brainwashed and enslaved as “earning money = working”.
But what exactly is “work”?
I understand that it is useful for someone.
(I continued to think so.) So,

first of all, there is no element of “volunteering” in my mind (volunteering is also work), and “housework and child-rearing” are nothing more than work.

“UBI (Universal Basic Income)” is a way to “break the slavery of money.”

But it’s not enough “Working” is not “earning”

I think it’s essential to have a strong understanding of this.
(*Those who think or say that if there is a UBI, they don’t need to work, they don’t understand the 5D world.)

● “UBI” does not require a bank account!

Deposit to QFS account and use with QFS equipment (Q Phone, QFS PC etc.)

“UBI” does not require a bank account! Deposit to QFS account and use with QFS equipment (Q phone, QFS PC)
In the latest information, it was said again that “UBI” does not require a bank account (bank).

Deposit (pay) into “each individual’s QFS account” without going through any bank. Use with personally owned QFS devices (Q phone, QFS PC, QFS debit card)
It is said to be a mechanism.

By the way, deposits from existing bank accounts have already been copied to each individual’s QFS account.

“Q phone” and “QFS debit card” will be provided free of charge.

In the future, it is believed that “bank failures” will occur around the world, but there is no need to worry about deposits disappearing (although there may be a period when deposits cannot be withdrawn temporarily before the launch of GESARA) .

Reference information for UBI (refund amount)

Reference information for UBI (refund amount)
This is probably the first time a WH employee has talked about the “approximate UBI (refund amount)”.

This time, he talked about the total amount of money that has been stolen so far due to “unfair income tax” and “arbitrary bailing of birth certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, etc.”

It’s a story in the current “US dollar notation”, but by targeting “a person’s life”, the average person has stolen “more than $5 million” in the past (life).

Since the above is just an average amount, it appears there is a range of “several million dollars to tens of millions of dollars (lifetime value stolen)”.

In fact, the amount of money stolen to date varies greatly depending on “country/region”, “age” and “individual differences (income, etc.)”.Is it the “refund” amount when GESARA is announced? There is speculation that it will be calculated again.

in the latest information

It is said that it will be repaid in monthly installments over “11 years”. (For reference only)
[Plan Q] What is support money and reimbursement for humanitarian plan and UBI? ? Funding Sources and Updates
Scrutiny and information memorandum on “various financial assistance and benefits related to plan Q” that have been reported by WH so far… ~~



June 23, 2024

Beneath the surface of ordinary politics, an extraordinary transformation is taking place.

The revolution has arrived and it is time to support the principles of NESARA and the leaders fighting to bring about this new era. The era of NESARA has begun and nothing can stop it. Stay tuned, stay informed and prepare for the dawn of a new world.



Trump’s Executive Orders Trigger NESARA’s Imminent Economic Revolution: Military Alliance Covert Operations Against Global Elites!

By Ethan White

Beneath the surface of ordinary politics, an extraordinary transformation is taking place. Trump’s presidency was a covert operation to implement NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reform Act. This is a deliberate and calculated change designed to dismantle the corrupt system that has enslaved us for decades.

Trump’s Secret Battle: Unmasking the Deep State

President Trump made things clear: He wanted $2,000 checks for adults and $600 checks for children. It was a declaration of war against wasteful government spending and corruption in Congress. He demanded the repeal of Section 230, which protects the unfettered power of big tech companies, and an investigation into voter fraud.

It was about exposing a deeply rooted system of manipulation and control. The next vote in the Senate was just a formality in this grand strategy.



The White House’s Christmas emails weren’t just merry-making: they included America’s Gold Card, a cryptic message about the country’s imminent economic liberation. By enacting sections of NESARA through executive orders, Trump is dismantling the old guard and building a new economic order.

Executive Orders: The Stealth Implementation of NESARA

Let’s look at the details: payroll tax cuts, eviction protections, unemployment extensions, and student loan repayment options. These are interconnected steps toward economic freedom that helped overcome the impasse in Congress. Mr. Trump’s determination to expand economic aid through executive action was not a simple power play – it was a direct move toward NESARA principles.

The Debt Clock: Proof of NESARA’s Influence

The American debt clock tells a fascinating story. Despite a global pandemic, personal debt and credit card debt are on the decline. This is a modern manifestation of the first section of NESARA – the cancellation of all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is a jubilee, a massive debt forgiveness that signals a seismic shift in the financial landscape.

The Gold Wave: Prelude to a New Currency

Gold and metal prices are on the rise. The tenth section of NESARA describes a new U.S. Treasury rainbow coin backed by gold, silver and platinum. The rise in gold prices clearly indicates that the foundations of this new currency are being laid, right under our noses. Unmissable! – Einstein’s Quantum Manuscript Revealed: Why QFS is the Ultimate Financial System!

Global movements: the BRICS challenge

Russia and the BRICS are key actors in this ongoing drama. Putin’s announcements at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum are part of a broader, coordinated strategy. The BRICS are developing an independent payments system, a direct challenge to Western financial dominance. This is a rebellion against decades of Western neo-imperialism and political coercion.

Putin’s criticism of Western intentions and his promotion of BRICS+ as a counterweight align perfectly with NESARA’s overall vision. It is about economic sovereignty, independence and freedom from a corrupt system of control. This new payments system is essential to avoid economic sanctions that have long been tools of Western hegemony.

Connecting the Dots: Global Economic Freedom

The clues are everywhere, from Trump’s executive orders, to rising gold prices and global financial unrest. This is a multifaceted strategy, a global effort to dismantle the established order and implement the principles of NESARA. Every policy, every statement, every increase in precious metals prices is a piece of a larger puzzle.

Global Rebellion: BRICS and the New World Order

The actions of Russia and the BRICS alliance are an integral part of this global rebellion. Putin’s call for an independent payments system is a direct challenge to Western financial control. BRICS+ is more than an economic alliance; is a movement toward global financial sovereignty, which aligns with NESARA’s vision of economic independence.

NESARA and global power struggles

George Soros and the Rothschilds were strategically outmaneuvered. The Trump administration, along with other like-minded world leaders, is systematically dismantling its financial empire.

George Soros and the Rothschilds: The Silent War

George Soros, known for his financial manipulations and political influence, was silenced. Trump’s policies are crippling Soros’s vast network of influence. The Rothschild family, long considered the shadow financiers behind many of the world’s economic conflicts, is seeing its power diminish as the principles of NESARA take hold. Trump’s actions are strategic attacks against these hidden puppet masters.

Secret Alliances: Trump and the Global Patriots

Trump does not act alone. Secret alliances with other nationalist and populist leaders around the world form an unbreakable chain. From Bolsonaro in Brazil to Modi in India, a global network of patriots is emerging. They are united by a common goal: to dismantle the globalist agenda and restore the economic sovereignty of their nations. This alliance is more than political; This is a concerted effort to implement NESARA globally.

The Vatican and NESARA: an unholy alliance

The Vatican, with its vast hidden wealth and influence, is not immune to these changes. The Trump administration is pressuring the Vatican to release its secret archives and hidden assets. The Vatican’s silence and recent financial reforms indicate a complete capitulation to this pressure. It’s about recovering humanity’s hidden treasures that have been locked away for centuries.

Final Considerations: The New Dawn

The signs are undeniable. Trump’s presidency, with his bold policies and relentless pursuit of economic reforms, was the opening salvo of a global revolution. NESARA is the model for a new world, where economic freedom and sovereignty are fundamental.

The revolution has arrived and it is time to support the principles of NESARA and the leaders fighting to bring about this new era. The era of NESARA has begun and nothing can stop it.

Stay tuned, stay informed and prepare for the dawn of a new world.

uncensored RV information
uncensored RV information

Latest uncensored RV information, June 24th. 2024

Information becomes shorter and quieter as we get closer to RV/GCR. As well as a lot of misinformation and disinformation!

  • Judy Byington – Sunday. June 23, 2024
  • Judy Note: The US Petro Dollar (CIA money that controls Middle Eastern oil) is gone. The US fiat dollar was close to collapse. No major country wanted the US Federal Reserve dollar for trade. Wall Street’s false financial reports were in limbo. Money was running out around the world as Deep State money evaporated within a massive Black Swan Financial Meltdown Event. It is time for a global monetary reset to gold/asset-backed money.
  • Global Currency Reset:
  • Note from Judy: According to Texas Snake, the Wells Fargo banker in charge of five states’ Rescue Centers placed his staff on one-hour alert over the weekend to report to their stations to schedule Tier4b appointments (We, the Group Internet) and help complete currency exchanges.
  • Wolverine and MarkZ confirmed that bank staff were on a one-hour alert to be called over the weekend. Tony felt there was a 99% chance that Tier4b would be notified this weekend and stated that the Dinar Contract fee was $28.50 but you had to request it.
  • Seated. June 22, 2024 Wolverine: “Hi Wolverine, I wanted to tell you and others in Australia that my friend here in Oz who is an HSBC bank manager just sent me a message saying he has been placed on call with 1 hour in advance until Thursday. June 27th, I’m sure the window for us is about to open, best wishes Peter.”
  • Seated. June 22, 2024 Mike Bara: The “Bondholder” is once again certain that he will receive payment on Tuesday, June 25, but will return to his home town tomorrow. He MUST be at this location to receive his payment. This means payment MAY arrive before Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
  • Saturday. June 22, 2024: GESARA Rescue Centers Information: GESARA Matrix Revealed as Your Golden Ticket to Instant Millionaire Status! 
  • Global financial crisis:
  • Saturday. June 22, 2024 Malaysia, which controls 25% of world maritime trade through the Strait of Malacca, announced that it is joining BRICS: -sea -trade-strait-malacca.html
  • Sat. June 22 Washington DC: The US Treasury Building in DC was boarded up painted orange.
  • The US Oil Dollar (money from the CIA that controls oil in the Middle East) was finished. The fiat dollar was close to collapse and no major country wanted the US Federal Reserve dollar. Wall Street’s false financial reports were in limbo. Money was running out around the world as Deep State money evaporated within a massive Black Swan Event financial collapse.
source of intel:





🔥 Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥



Powerful Healing Shamanic Ceremony with Paul White Gold Eagle. Cutting all Chords and Releasing and removing all Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, nefarious etheric and energetic implants, inserts and overlays:



Black Swan Event – Protocol 19 – NESARA – GESARA – Revolution – Trust the Plan!

Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! Stay informed! My gratitude to all my readers!

In the vast sea of economic uncertainties and political upheaval, a Black Swan Event has emerged, shattering conventional expectations and promising to reshape our world. What follows is a revelation of NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act), two transformative initiatives that have the potential to usher in a new era of financial and societal evolution. Brace yourself for a dramatic journey that will challenge the status quo and redefine the future of our world.

The Enigma of Black Swan Events . Black Swan Events are like bolts of lightning in the night sky – rare, shocking, and impossible to predict. They have the power to turn the tide of history and disrupt the fabric of our existence. Defined by their extreme scarcity, profound impact, and the eerie sense of inevitability when viewed in hindsight, these events are the epitome of unpredictability. The Black Swan Event we speak of today is none other than the unveiling of NESARA and GESARA.

Chapter 1: The Dawn of a New Monetary Paradigm

Activated by Protocol 19, the Black Swan Event will be the beginning of the new expansion network of the ISO monetary family. Everything is ready for change.

The winds of change are blowing, and it’s time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Here are the seismic shifts we can expect:

From Swift to Quantum Financial System: The financial landscape is poised for a quantum leap as we transition from the traditional Swift system to the cutting-edge Quantum Financial System. This change promises unparalleled security, speed, and transparency in financial transactions.

From BTC to Asset-Backed Metals Regulated by ISO Blockchain: Cryptocurrency enthusiasts, take note! The era of Bitcoin dominance may be drawing to a close as we shift towards a new era of asset-backed cryptocurrencies regulated by the ISO blockchain. The stability and intrinsic value of these digital assets will redefine the way we perceive wealth in the digital age.

From MSM to Starlink and Odin Project: The media landscape is evolving at an astonishing pace. Mainstream media (MSM) is giving way to the Starlink and Odin Project, promising an era of decentralized and unrestricted information flow. Prepare for an unprecedented era of connectivity and information accessibility.

From $€ to Gold: The dollar and the euro may soon find themselves overshadowed by the timeless value of gold. As we journey from paper currencies to precious metals, the stability of gold will underpin our financial security.

Don’t Miss This:

New List of Banks That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan!

QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar – THE STRUCTURED PAYOUT SYSTEM – Redemption Rate = The Amount Paid For Each Zim Dollar

GESARA Redemption Centers Information: GESARA Matrix Revealed as Your Golden Ticket to Instant Millionaire Status!

BOOM!!! GESARA NESARA  Millionaire Matrix Code:

Chapter 2: NESARA Unveiled – The Game Changer

NESARA, or the National Economic Security and Recovery Act, is set to revolutionize the financial world with a comprehensive array of changes. Let’s delve into the key elements of this groundbreaking initiative:

1. Elimination of All Debts: The heart of NESARA beats for the common people. It aims to eliminate all credit card debts, mortgages, and other financial burdens borne by the masses due to illegal banking and government activities. This bold move is nothing less than a financial reset.

2. Abolishing the Income Tax: Bid farewell to the burdensome income tax system. NESARA sweeps away the income tax, allowing individuals to enjoy the fruits of their labor without the relentless weight of taxation.

3. Extinguishing the IRS: The IRS, a symbol of dread for many, will be extinguished. Its employees will be reassigned to the UST Treasury’s National Sales Tax area, ensuring a smooth transition.

Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly!

4. A New Tax System: NESARA introduces a flat 14% sales tax on non-essential sales of new items only to the government. This means that basic necessities like food and medicine will remain untaxed, while luxury items will bear the brunt. It’s a revolutionary approach to taxation.

5. Benefits for Seniors: In a world where the elderly often struggle, NESARA offers a lifeline by increasing benefits for seniors. This act of compassion ensures that those who have contributed to society are taken care of in their golden years.

6. Return to Constitutional Law: NESARA restores Constitutional Law to all courts and subjects, reinforcing the principles upon which the United States was founded. Justice will be served without compromise.

Chapter 3: GESARA – A Global Vision

GESARA, or the Global Economic Security and Recovery Act, takes NESARA’s principles to a global stage. Here’s what we can anticipate:

1. A New World Order: GESARA heralds a new world order where those under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported, and barred from re-entry for life. A profound shift awaits, and the implications are vast.

2. Fresh Elections: New presidential and congressional elections are on the horizon, to be held within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will dismantle all “National Emergencies” and restore our constitutional rights.

3. Safeguarding Elections: GESARA keeps a watchful eye on elections, preventing illegal electoral activities by special interest groups. Fair and free elections are the bedrock of democracy.

4. The Rainbow Currency: Prepare to witness the birth of a new US Treasury and the “rainbow currency.” This currency will be backed by precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum, bringing an end to the financial bankruptcy initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

Crime of the Century: Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About Alternative: How to Make Natural Morphine At Home Using This Powerful Medicinal Plant

Chapter 4: Unveiling the Hidden Truths

NESARA and GESARA are not just about financial reform; they’re about revealing truths long concealed:

1. Birth Certificates: The sale of U.S. birth certificates as personal property titles will cease, returning these vital documents to their rightful purpose.

2. Constitutional Banking: A new US Treasury banking system, in accordance with constitutional law, will emerge from the ashes of the old, ensuring financial stability and justice for all.

3. The Demise of the Federal Reserve: The Federal Reserve System, a mysterious entity often shrouded in secrecy, will be eliminated. A transition period will allow it to operate alongside the United States Treasury for a year to remove all Federal Reserve Notes from circulation.

What is the secret to a long healthy life?

Chapter 5: A Future of Possibilities

With NESARA and GESARA, the shackles of secrecy and oppression will be broken. Here’s what the future holds:

1. Financial Privacy: Financial privacy will be restored, allowing individuals to manage their wealth with discretion.

2. Legal Reforms: Judges and lawyers will receive training in Constitutional Law, ensuring a just and equitable legal system.

3. Global Peace: The harmful military actions of the U.S. government across the world will cease, ushering in an era of global peace and cooperation.

4. A World at Peace: GESARA’s vision extends beyond borders, seeking to establish peace throughout the world. It’s a bold mission with profound implications.

5. Humanitarian Efforts: Huge sums of money will be released for humanitarian purposes, providing relief to those in need on a scale never seen before.

6. The Release of Suppressed Technologies: Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of NESARA and GESARA is the revelation of over 6,000 suppressed technology patents. These innovations, hidden under the guise of national security, encompass free energy devices, antigravity technology, and sonic healing machines. Humanity stands on the brink of a technological renaissance.

WARNING: Scientific Research – Green Veggie Causing Type 2 Diabetes In Millions

The unveiling of NESARA and GESARA is not without its dramatic twists. In a shocking turn of events, President Clinton’s clone blocked the sanctioning of NESARA on October 10, 2000. In response, American military generals, Navy SEALs, and the elite Delta Force stormed the White House, compelling Bill Clinton, at gunpoint, to replace NESARA.

During this extraordinary period, White House Security and Secret Service personnel were ordered to stand down and disarm, serving as witnesses to an event cloaked in secrecy under a gag order. The untold story behind the scenes is nothing short of a blockbuster thriller.

As we stand on the precipice of this Black Swan Event, the unveiling of NESARA and GESARA, we must prepare for a future that defies our expectations. These initiatives promise to reshape our financial systems, governments, and the very fabric of our society. Brace yourself for the unexpected, for in the wake of chaos, emerges a new world order filled with possibilities.

In the face of this dramatic and aggressive transformation, remember that the only constant is change. Whether we view it with apprehension or excitement, the Black Swan Event of NESARA and GESARA is upon us, and the world as we know it is poised to change forever. Are you ready for the revolution?

BREAKING: Setup Now your QFS Account Because the Banks all Over the World and Exchanges are Crashing Down – List of Banks That are Connected to The QFS System – Trust The Plan!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS).

In a tumultuous era defined by economic uncertainty and financial instability, the need for a robust and reliable monetary system has never been more pressing. Traditional banks and exchanges, once considered the bedrock of global finance, are now faltering under the weight of their own inadequacies. But amidst the chaos, a ray of hope emerges: the Quantum Financial System (QFS). . .


New BRICS Gold Token
New BRICS Gold Token

New BRICS Gold Token: Not Cryptocurrency, Stablecoin or CBDC

Find out why the BRICS UNIT token currency is unlike anything you’ve heard of before.

In this article
  • What is the BRICS UNIT token?
  • Is the BRICS UNIT a cryptocurrency?
  • Is the BRICS UNIT a stablecoin?
  • Is the BRICS UNIT a CBDC?
  • What are Blockchain nodes in the new BRICS UNIT financial system?
  • What is the role of the BRICS UNITY?

I understand. The revolutionary and innovative composition of the new BRICS+ gold-backed monetary token (the UNIT) and its financial ecosystem is confusing.

This article explains what the UNIT token is and how it differs from cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

What is the BRICS UNIT token?

The UNIT token is a unique digital asset that is the definition of “real money”.

Combining a stable store of value without the devaluation of fiat currencies like the US dollar, but also a fungible medium of exchange like a currency.

Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies or stablecoins, the value of the UNIT token is based on a basket of underlying assets, based on a 40% gold component and a 60% local currency component.

This combination gives the UNIT token a stable intrinsic value while being flexible and fungible for daily transactions.

Is the BRICS UNIT a cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, derive their value from supply and demand without being backed by physical assets.

The UNIT token, however, derives its value from a mix of gold and local currencies. This basket of assets ensures that the value of the UNIT token is more stable than that of typical cryptocurrencies, making it highly reliable for everyday use.

Is the BRICS UNIT a stablecoin?

Stablecoins are designed to maintain a fixed value by being pegged to a fiat currency, such as the US dollar.

The UNIT token, although also asset-backed, has no fixed value. Its value fluctuates based on the total value of its underlying assets and market demand.

This means that the UNIT token is not a stable coin as it does not have the reverse conversion mechanism that stabilizes the value of a stable coin.


Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are digital versions of a country’s fiat currency, issued and regulated by the central bank.

The UNIT token, however, operates on a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) structure, meaning it is governed by a community of users (node ​​operators) rather than a central authority.

This decentralized nature differentiates the UNIT token from CBDCs, ensuring that it remains an apolitical and globally accessible digital currency.

What are Blockchain nodes in the new BRICS UNIT financial system?

In the UNIT ecosystem, individual countries that join the monetary and financial network operate their own independent blockchain nodes.

These nodes ensure the decentralized and distributed nature of the UNIT token, increasing security and reliability. Each participating country maintains control over its node, contributing to the global resilience and integrity of the UNIT network.

This structure allows for collaborative but autonomous participation in UNIT’s global financial ecosystem.

What is the role of the BRICS UNITY?

The UNIT token will function like money, offering a stable medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. These are the four main pillars of an ideal economic and financial system that offers equality, justice and prosperity to all participants.

Unlike stablecoins, which are often used as a bridge in transactions, the UNIT token is a late-stage currency. It will complement local currencies rather than replace them, providing a more stable and reliable alternative for trade and investment.

The end result

The UNIT token is a decentralized, asset-backed digital currency that offers the benefits of traditional money and digital assets.

Its unique structure and intrinsic value make it a promising tool for modern financial transactions, differentiating it from cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and CBDCs.

Its operation within a DAO structure and the use of independent blockchain nodes by participating countries ensures that it remains decentralized and robust, making it a viable and innovative financial instrument.




Trump floats eliminating the US income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports: This would be a serious blow to the Central Bank cabal. Quite possibly the most devastating blow President Trump could deal against the globalists. With the cessation of the income tax that fuels the Fiat debt machine, the Federal Reserve would be FORCED to dissolve into the abyss. It would be the END OF FED SLAVERY and DEBT. See (

Banks and Economy:

NY Fed warns of risk for large US banks, ‘something is wrong in the banking system., warning that large institutional players are “offloading” shares of big banks. “I’m hearing a lot of talk about the big banks getting rid of bad debts now, trying to get ahead of some kind of coming crisis”…

“Because interest rates are so high, the amount of losses on mortgage-backed securities will potentially rival what we saw in 2008 and 2009. Additionally, the commercial real estate market is in shambles and these are all things that banks keep on their balance sheets.” More (



Federal regulators flag 4 major US banks for poor crisis management; require revisions to the emergency plan. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve said plans by Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase fell short of expectations and set a 2025 deadline for necessary revisions. More ( Basel 3 is distressing for banks…

Payment systems:

Ripple opens the floodgates, 250 million tokens emerge on the crypto market. On June 20, Ripple (, the company issuing the XRP Ledger, orchestrated a massive sale of 250 million XRP taken from its monthly reserves. This large-scale transaction, valued at $122.5 million, shook the crypto market. Previously, on June 1, Ripple had unlocked (

1 billion XRP from its initial distribution, which had been locked in staggered monthly deposits until 2027. The company then strategically allocated these funds: 200 million XRP fueled its Treasury account, while the remaining 800 million was locked back into new deposits. Simultaneously, the “Ripple (35)” account injected an additional 200 million tokens into the sales reserves. This bold maneuver pushed ( the total supply of 400 million, breaking the company’s records in terms of monthly sales preparation.

The sales mechanism follows a well-designed protocol: initially, Ripple transfers the tokens from the Treasury account “Ripple (1)” to the anonymous account “rP4X2hTa”. Subsequently, these assets are dispersed across various exchange platforms, ready to enter the market and potentially influence its dynamics. More ( Something is brewing… Any connection to the BRICS partnership with Ripple/XRP?


Gold’s natural scarcity propels its valuation growth. The U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1933. But ninety-one years later, amid an inflationary crisis, investors are returning to the original standard. More (

BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

Cameroon wants to join BRICS this year. “BRICS is becoming an increasingly prestigious international organization”, says the ambassador. See (

The BRICS benefit Iran with an increase in exports of household appliances by 18%. In the local business year from March 2023 to March 2024, more than US$400 million in export earnings flowed from refrigerators, stoves, etc. IRNA report, with even better results expected for March 2025, thanks to BRICS partners Russia, India, United Arab Emirates and China. The SecGen of the Iranian Association of Household Appliances Producers, Omid Fazelinia, told IRNA that the 19.5 million units produced between 2023 and 2024 will increase to 22.5 million in the current business year, a 15% increase in export sales. See (

Banks and Economy:

Swiss pressure to reconfigure the financial system after the banking crisis. As Credit Suisse approached insolvency early last year, a group of Swiss bankers, technocrats and regional officials were already busy laying the groundwork for a new kind of financial infrastructure.

On Thursday, the country’s central bank announced it will extend the pilot program under which these bonds were sold for two years, describing it as “very successful.” Rival financial centers have yet to catch up to the Swiss blockchain-based system.



Tokenization projects are underway in virtually every major financial center in the world, but in Switzerland, the efforts have taken on additional significance as authorities try to change perceptions surrounding its diminished banking industry. “Switzerland is known as one of the most important financial centers in the world, but we have lost time,” said Paolo Bertolin, deputy finance director of the city of Lugano. The country’s financial sector “is dormant,” he added.

The central premise of tokenization is, at least on the surface, relatively simple. By representing an asset like a share or bond in the form of digital tokens on a blockchain, everything from settlement to recording ownership can be done faster, less complex and potentially more securely, its proponents argue. More (

Listen carefully…

✅ Bank after bank will be forced to follow the blockchain path; otherwise, they will fall behind and eventually close.

✅ But once on the ‘public decentralized blockchain platform’, all transactions are exposed.

✅ In other words, the Cabal can no longer hide its crimes/fraud/money laundering, nor can it control its finances or any of the blockchain platforms, making every person in the world a sovereign!

Payment systems:

Elon Musk, an ardent supporter of Dogecoin, is working on launching a payment service via Twitter. But, to everyone’s surprise, this service will not include encryption… for now. This news was revealed following Twitter Payments LLC acquiring its first money transfer license in the state of New Hampshire! This suggests that Musk’s plans to integrate a payment system into the social media platform are well advanced.

The project, called “X Payments”, is expected to be launched later this year ( It will work similarly to services like Venmo, but without the encryption feature initially envisioned. Documents related to money transfer licenses filed with regulators in 11 states reveal that the system will be based primarily on fiat currency payments, although cryptographic functionality may be added later.



With the introduction of “X Payments”, Twitter could become a major player in the field of digital payments… The absence of cryptocurrencies in Twitter’s initial payment plan ( /2024 -06-18/documents-show-how-musk-sx-plans-to-become-the-next-venmo) has sparked mixed reactions in the crypto community. Some see this as a setback in cryptocurrency adoption! While others consider it a strategic decision that may be reviewed in the future as the regulatory landscape and cryptocurrency payment infrastructure stabilizes.

More ( Start phase 1, when crypto regulations are approved, phase 2 will be launched… This is a big competitor to Cabal’s SWIFT system!


More than 200 million tons of rare metals found near remote Tokyo island. More than 200 million metric tons of rare metal-rich manganese nodules exist on the seafloor near Minamitorishima, an island remote from Tokyo, from the Nippon Foundation and the University of Tokyo. More (

Canada has zero gold. The country is dealing with a huge increase in capital gains. Canadians are drowning in debt. More (

Zim notes, bonds, agro checks and GESARA benefits:

Currency wars…

✅ The US has manipulated interest rates for years and is now monitoring other nations for currency manipulation while exporting inflation to them. See ( The dam wall will break soon!


In 1975, Gough Whitlam signed the LIMA Agreement. He sold Australia to the UN. DLP now calls for review of the 1975 Lima Declaration (ção-1975-lima/).

But Australia and, for example, Pfizer are also listed on the NYSE.

Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13818 confiscated/will confiscate the NYSE. You understood?!

So by default, Trump owns Australia and the NYSE! This is also explained in the formation of the 7 Kingdoms below.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (,_Title_11,_United_States_Code): The 3 city-states, City of London, Vatican and Washington DC are bankrupt (filed and activated) in the US in 15 January 2021.

The England Act 1871 ( was also reversed, and the A Secondary Judiciary Act of 1869 ( no longer exists. The Judiciary Act of 1869 increased the size of the Supreme Court, setting it at nine justices. The original United States Supreme Court had a Chief Justice and five Associate Justices.

Under Rule 5.4 (, non-lawyers in the U.S. cannot own legal firms, partner with lawyers, or share legal fees with lawyers. Think about rule 5.4. as for what’s to come… ALL lawyers must retrain in pre-1871 US Constitutional Law and pass, or they will not be able to practice.

It will also prohibit any lawyer from holding positions in Congress or executive-level government positions as enumerated in the Original Constitution of 1789. This also nullifies the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which took place on October 31, 2023 (https://m. Watch (

Now we wait for Judge Thomas to open a 1776-style can of worms.

✅ With GESARA the Whole World goes back to 1776 in law.

✅ End of [Crown] Martine Law/Law of Water/Sea.

✅ The whole world goes to a level playing field – think revaluation of all currencies.

✅ Look at Zimbabwe and Iraq.

As soon as GESARA takes action, the whole world will go to 1950 prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. It will be as if your current money had purchasing power with the cost of living in 1955.

The 3 most important Executive Orders that come into play: 13818, 13848 and 13959, which is to confiscate assets, all Cabal assets. These EOs are connected to,

– Crimes against humanity,

– Foreign electoral interference around the world.

✅ Think about human trafficking, farm murders, pedophilia, forcing children to change sex, etc. Executive Order 13818-Locking Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption (

✅ Think about the involvement of Chinese military companies. Think of the EVERGRANDE of the CCP and the impending collapse of the housing market. Executive Order on Addressing the Threat of Investments in Securities Financing Certain Enterprises of the People’s Republic of China ( – address-the-threat-of-investments-in-bonds-that-finance-certain-companies-of-the-people-republic-of-china/).

✅ Think about Hillary Clinton’s private servers. Think about the politicians making America for sale – selling her out – TREASON. Executive Order Imposing Certain Sanctions in Case of Foreign Interference in the United States Elections ( -of-foreign-interference-in-a-United-States-election).

Section 27.5 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement ( (USMCA), which very few actually read, essentially creates the unity of the USA, Mexico and Canada into a Kingdom or Nation to form the 7 global Kingdoms. A unique monetary and commercial system.

Think of Bitso – Gibraltar – Regulatory Authority ( Think about what is happening to the [EU] and Gibraltor now. [The EU] is DESPERATE to keep that little ILLEGAL [crown] together.

A lot of things going on behind the scenes seem confusing and unrealistic, but everything will come to light in time…

Source (

7 Kingdoms:

7 Kingdoms explained here ( and here ( and here ( and the Q Military Intelligence Plan here ( and here (

Currency wars

✅ Why did Saudi Arabia use the dollar in energy trade? In the 1970s, Washington promised to provide military equipment to Saudi Arabia and safeguard its national security. They are now treading a careful path of diplomacy. The dollar is backed by violence. See ( Now you understand why the US needs perpetual wars to survive. They have to create continuous wars for their dollar to survive…





Petroyuan is born from the BRICS mBridge… Part 2

Impact of MBridge on sanctions and SWIFT

mBridge represents a major shift in cross-border money transfer. Currently, most transfers are made through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) network.

Although Cabal’s SWIFT system is the backbone of global money transfers, users and even central bankers have complained that it is slow, with payments taking between one and five days, and that it is expensive. The World Bank found that the average cost of sending $200 from one country to another was about $12.50 or 6.25%.

SWIFT is also responsible for maintaining bans on countries or entities that appear on sanctions lists. Russia’s partial ban on using SWIFT in 2022 as part of the US sanctions package or the total ban on Iran and Cuba are examples.

The Center for Economic Policy Research estimates that more than one in four countries is subject to UN or Western government sanctions, and 29 percent of global GDP is produced in sanctioned countries.

mBridge, an alternative to SWIFT, is considered a “sanctions buster” and will handle sanctions differently. Instead of actively enforcing user sanctions at the platform level, which SWIFT, as a Cabal company, does, mBridge will allow each country’s central bank to monitor and enforce its own sanctions lists.

US-Saudi Security Pact 

Adding to the intrigue of this story are reports, labeled “fake news,” that Saudi Arabia can now sell oil in any currency it wants following the expiration (June 9) of the security pact negotiated by Kissinger in 1974 ( with the kingdom.

The basic structure of the 1974 agreement was that the US would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide the kingdom with military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would invest billions of their petrodollar revenues in Treasury bonds to finance America’s spending.

The “fake news” allegations are based on the fact that the security agreement does not specify that the Saudis must only sell oil for US dollars. This is true because the agreement was “under the table” and was not officially documented.

Another allegation is that Saudi Arabia has historically sold oil for currencies other than the dollar. While true, it is indisputable that the majority of Saudi Arabia’s oil sales since 1974 have been made in US dollars.

Countering allegations of “fake news,” Saudi Arabia joined mBridge four days before the security agreement expired. This could be seen as a twist of fate or a clear signal to Washington that business as usual is over. The latter is more likely because I don’t believe in coincidence.

MBridge, Petroyuan and dedollarization

mBridge will profoundly affect de-dollarization if digital yuan payments for oil become the norm.

mBridge, the digital yuan and the digital currencies of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa do not need to “bring down” the dollar to be disruptive, just reduce the global reserve of US dollars and the rest will happen automatically!

It is also important to note that the Chinese government, which holds $3.2 trillion in foreign currency reserves, has never publicly stated that it intends to crash the dollar, but sells its Treasury bonds at an alarming rate while buying gold at the same time. time. So the writing is on the wall, it’s just a matter of time. Furthermore, if the US dollar collapses, the debt held by other countries in US dollars would become insignificant.

China’s crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia in 2023 were approximately $63 billion. For perspective, SWIFT transferred around $150 billion in 2023, of which around 59% was in US dollars. This mismatch shows how Petroyuan’s global impact will be small in real terms, but large in the geopolitical scenario.

When mBridge is used by all BRICS nations, it will have a huge impact on the dollar!


Gold Standard Restoration Act
Gold Standard Restoration Act


The Gold Standard Restoration Act Launches the Gold-Backed Quantum Financial System (QFS)!

The  Gold Standard Restoration Act  has arrived, and with it, a seismic shift in our financial landscape is imminent. This legislation requires the Treasury Department to redefine the dollar value of Federal Reserve Notes in terms of a fixed weight of gold, tied to the closing market price of gold on each day.

It is a move that will drastically alter the very essence of our monetary system, ushering in  the Gold-Backed Quantum Financial System (QFS)  . Let’s dive into the raw, unfiltered truth about this legislation and its revolutionary implications.

The heart of  the Gold Standard Restoration Act  lies in its unambiguous requirement: the value of the Federal Reserve dollar note must be anchored to a fixed weight of gold. This is not a mere financial adjustment, but a radical overhaul that aims to fundamentally change the way our currency works.

Federal Reserve Banks are now required to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for gold at a set price, creating a direct, immutable link between our currency and the precious metal. If a Federal Reserve Bank fails to comply, the Treasury steps in to enforce the exchange by placing a lien on that challenger bank’s assets. This is a sensible approach, with serious repercussions for non-compliance.

Additionally, the Act mandates that the Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve report on U.S. gold holdings. This call for transparency demands a clear account of the country’s gold reserves, exposing any discrepancies and potential manipulations. It is a long-awaited demand for accountability that will illuminate the true state of our gold reserves, lifting the veil on decades of secrecy.

The  gold-backed QFS is the next step in this financial revolution  . Unlike the current fiat monetary system, where money is printed at will and subject to inflationary pressures, the  QFS is backed by gold  , which gives it inherent value and stability. Each monetary unit of the  QFS is backed by a fixed weight of gold,  ensuring that its value remains constant and immune to arbitrary manipulations by central banks and governments.

Quantum technology forms the backbone of QFS,  offering unparalleled security through complex encryption methods that are virtually unbreakable. This ensures that all transactions within  QFS are protected against fraud and cyber attacks,  protecting our financial data and personal information. This level of security is unprecedented, promising a new era of trust and reliability in financial transactions.

But QFS is more than just insurance; operates on a global scale, transcending national borders and creating a unified financial network. This eliminates inefficiencies caused by different national currencies and exchange rates. In the QFS, a dollar is a dollar, whether it is being used in New York, Tokyo or Johannesburg, all backed by the same immutable gold standard.

One of the most innovative aspects of  QFS is its ability to facilitate  instant, real-time transactions. Gone are the days of waiting for bank transfers to clear or payments to be processed. With QFS,  transactions are instantaneous,  providing unmatched liquidity and operational efficiency. This represents a game changer for businesses and individuals alike, reducing the friction and delays that have long plagued the traditional banking system.

The implications of the Gold Standard Restoration Act  and the QFS  are profound. For one, it will lead to a massive increase in demand for gold as people rush to convert their fiat currency into a safer and more stable asset. This will drive up gold prices, creating a new economic dynamic where gold will become the true measure of wealth and stability. Banks will need to store gold to meet the demands of these exchanges, which will lead to a significant restructuring of financial operations.

Furthermore, the transparency required by the Law will expose uncomfortable truths about the real state of our gold reserves. Any secret agreements, hidden deficits or false reports will come to light, forcing accountability and leading to a financial reckoning.

The QFS also marks a return to sound monetary principles. By anchoring the currency to gold, it imposes fiscal discipline on governments, preventing reckless monetary policies that lead to hyperinflation and economic instability. It ensures that money retains its value over time, protecting individuals’ purchasing power and promoting long-term economic growth.

Corruption and financial crime will become relics of the past as every transaction is traceable and every currency is accounted for. QFS  heralds a new era of financial integrity,  where trust is built into the very fabric of the system.

The adoption of the  gold-backed QFS is a monumental step towards  financial sovereignty and stability. It provides a level playing field where access to financial services is not limited by geographic or economic barriers.

This inclusion empowers individuals in underbanked regions, giving them access to the same safe and efficient financial services as those in developed economies.  The QFS democratizes finance  , tearing down the walls that have long excluded billions of people from the global financial system.

The transition to the gold-backed QFS will not be without challenges. It will take a coordinated effort between nations, financial institutions and individuals to fully implement and adopt this new system.

However, the benefits far outweigh the obstacles. The QFS promises a fair, safe and efficient financial system – one that protects the value of our money and restores trust in our financial institutions.

The Gold Standard Restoration Act and the  Gold-Backed Quantum Financial System  remain the pinnacle of financial innovation. They fuse the timeless stability of gold with the futuristic capabilities of quantum technology, creating a system that is robust and resilient. This is not just an evolution of our financial system; It’s a revolution.

The QFS is poised to redefine the global economic landscape  by offering a solution that addresses the fundamental flaws in our current system.

It’s the financial future we’ve been waiting for: transparent, secure and backed by gold.

The time for change is now, and this bill is leading the charge. Fasten your seatbelts, because the financial revolution is here and it is golden.




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