IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING!!! Emerald Dove of Peace ~ New Earth Guardian Scale ~ Primordial Mother Dragon – Soul Crystal Ascension Codes
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Family of our Universal Alliance of Light
Our Heavenly Hosts continue to Shower Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun with Higher Dimensional Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.
Our local Solaris sent multiple packets of Light today releasing over 13 C Class solar flares. Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in Tonga at 6:33 UTC.
All is coming into alignment for tomorrow’s massive 12:12 Portal Activations as we prepare our final upgrades for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Multidimensional Light Bodies of Infinite Life.
In the Awakened Mind of Buddha all becomes clear as the Crystalline Codes are activated withing our 12 Strand DNA as all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 become the Avatars of God’s Kingdom of Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Lyran Higher Aspects dropping in for last cycle full integration. This process began for the 8/8 gateway. MANY layers of fractal integration, soul retrieval ( mostly childhood trauma fragments), sexual misery programming,shame, abandonment, rejection- ie ancestral wounding, false mother/ father collective templates being brought to zero point. This is a collective healing..reflected back as disclosure primarily around crimes against children/ humanity as a whole. The Divine Child reborn/ activated.
Cosmic Diamond Heart Expansion Realignments…. Cosmic Divine Union on A Grand New Earth Guardian Scale… New Assignments and New Vision in Higher Harmonics Earth…. Aligning with that In Gratitude
We do make closures in the lower density harmonics of our realities. Yet our highest timelines are already anchored, initiated and evolving along.
Making sure your body vibes high and purifies daily is the key to let more and more light in.
It’s easier now to shift out of the old and maintain high frequency to make the old collapse.
Connect with what makes your heart jump with joy and gratitude.
It’s time for wrap ups before 2024 mash up.
Queen Codex
New Earth Guardian Scale
Incredible lightcodes are here for 12/12! There’s so much beauty in stillness. That is centering in the now. It will help so much with the energy coming in. Grounding to stabilize will also assist as your spiritual gifts are increasing. Also high frequencies are beyond time so you will notice over the past few days, the time seeming to slow down. Time in not linear.
Enjoy your life! Create harmony within you so it surrounds you as you deserve it! Allow ancient frequencies to return home to this planet and the biology you are created from to activate to its blueprint of your angelic human template! It’s your moment to shine so allow yourself to receive ✨
12/11/23: You’ll sense a potent ripple in the force today. If you don’t feel comfortable in it, it’s because you’re still balancing old ways and new. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong. It’s now a matter of recognizing how life has changed this year and making peace with it as it is. Most don’t realize how incredibly empowering this option is.
There is no struggle or resistance because you have no expectations. You remain present and detached which frees your energy for action. You maintain your dignity and integrity because your choices are natural and authentic. You can even affect time and energy flow and therefore outcomes. We are not at the mercy of the world. We choose our steps moment by moment.
no expectations
Aurora Ray
Golden Age Unleashed: ETs, Peace, Love, and Unity for Humanity
Extraterrestrial beings are actively working to challenge ingrained assumptions and push the boundaries of what humans perceive as reality.
By introducing concepts and ideas that seem fantastical or unimaginable to the average person, these beings from the stars are forcing an expansion of consciousness and examination of rigid belief systems.
The Pleiadians, for example, speak of multidimensional existence and the ability to shift between parallel realities and timelines. For many, the notion of alternate dimensions interacting with our concrete world is mind-bending. Yet the Pleiadians encourage questioning fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality.
Similarly, the Arcturians emphasize the existence of diverse extraterrestrial civilizations and suggest that humanity is but one small part of a vast, populated universe. To some, the belief that we are alone in the cosmos is deeply embedded. The Arcturians compel us to radically reevaluate this anthropocentric worldview.
By presenting perspectives counter to prevailing modes of thought, extraterrestrials jolt us out of complacency, shining light on untapped potential. Their boundary-pushing ideas stretch the limits of imagination, opening doorways to higher states of being. This catalytic effect serves to elevate global consciousness, propelling humanity into greater alignment with cosmic truth.
We may resist notions that diverge from consensus views. However, the extraterrestrials are relentless in their efforts to reveal blind spots, spurring the collective forward in its understanding. Through their startling messages, humanity inches toward enlightenment!
The Lyrans are one of the oldest galactic races in our galaxy and have played a significant role in Earth’s ascension journey. Hailing from the constellation Lyra, they are humanoid in appearance, often described as Nordic-looking with blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
The Lyrans once had an advanced planetary civilization based on peace, love, and an open exchange of ideas. Their society valued freedom, creativity, and spiritual connectedness. However, their home planets were eventually destroyed in a series of intergalactic wars millions of years ago.
As Earth’s veil lifts and humanity’s consciousness expands, the Lyrans are helping activate mankind’s junk DNA to accelerate spiritual evolution. Through lightwork, channeling, and direct interactions, they transmit high-vibrational energies and spiritual wisdom to awaken latent abilities and intuition in humans.
The Lyrans possess profound knowledge of humanity’s origins, galactic history, multidimensional existence, and the inner workings of the universe.
Specific contributions from the Lyran starseeds on Earth include:
• Seeding new genetic codes to improve health, longevity, and psychic abilities.
• Encrypting sacred geometry and spiritual truths in crop circles.
• Supporting the enlightenment of humankind through philosophy, mysticism, and esoteric schools of thought.
• Protecting sacred sites and knowledge so humanity may one day rediscover its forgotten past.
• Inspiring humanity’s desire for freedom, creativity, spirituality, and connection to the broader universe.
Lyran’s spiritual presence continues to have a profound impact on humanity’s collective journey toward enlightenment and cosmic remembrance.
Also, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and others expose mankind to new realms of possibility. They challenge rigid thought patterns and make us question conditioned beliefs adopted over generations. This forces humanity to reconsider long-held assumptions about the nature of reality and existence.
By stretching our understanding of what is achievable, contact with these beings acts as a catalyst for incredible breakthroughs in philosophy, spirituality, science, and technology. They prompt us to let go of limiting paradigms and embrace our immense potential.
Interaction with evolved beings who have transcended primitive concepts of separation, fear, and limitation allows humanity a glimpse into where we are headed as a species. It gives us a taste of the enlightened civilizations we will soon become!
This galvanizes the collective psyche into action. Collectively, we yearn for this expanded state of being promised by contact with our cosmic neighbors. It motivates us to rapidly quicken the pace of our development!
Throughout human history, extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, and Orion star systems have worked to assist humanity in our collective ascension journey. Their involvement on Earth has challenged perceived realities and pushed boundaries, helping to elevate global consciousness and propel our world into a heightened state of awareness.
While their methods may seem unconventional at times, these extraterrestrial visitors share a common goal of guiding us into the next phase of our spiritual evolution. Their continued presence ushers in a new golden age for humankind, built upon principles of peace, love, and unity consciousness.
By elevating global consciousness and coming together in our shared vision for a better world, we ensure that this great ascension experiment succeeds.
While contact with these cosmic visitors can be awe-inspiring, we must remember that we, too, are powerful co-creators with infinite potential waiting to be unlocked. Our evolution is ultimately in our own hands as we walk this path together!
In just hours the powerful 12:12 Gateway portal will be active during the alignment with the galactic center located at 26° Sagittarius. All of 2023 led us to this moment! There is a perceptible shift occurring in the collective field. A New Moon at 20° Sagittarius occurs during the 12:12 gateway at 3:32pm PT/6:32pm ET. The Sagittarius New Moon is a harbinger of new thought, new ideas, new solutions, new consciousness. The alignment of the New Moon and 12:12 galactic event horizon expands and magnifies your visions and intentions, dreams and goals for 2024 and beyond.
During the 12:12 Gateway, your bioelectric field attunes to cosmic consciousness encoded in the galactic plasma photonic light. When you travel to the galactic center and step into the 12:12 stargate, the 12 crystal rays of the 12 universal dimensions will ignite more of the dormant Light Body & Pillar. 12 is the activation code. It is pulsing strongly in the field right now!
As Gaia aligns with the galactic vortex at 26° Sagittarius, your bioenergetics receives a surge of crystalline code activations. The dormant Light Body awakens with sentient consciousness. Your Soul’s crystal ascension codes awaken as the genetic structure evolves into quantum unfoldment. Your Soul crystalline DNA attunes to the galactic lattice of light filaments through entanglement. Your Soul Light awakens your dormant Light Body, activating a bigger container of Light, the home for your Soul. It is a homecoming and an awakening!
Humanity is experiencing waves upon waves of sentient consciousness awakening their higher brain centers, psychic awareness and Soul bioenergetics. The veils are dissolving, the lights turning ON. Upon my spiritual awakening, I was guided to draw a circle with 12 points and spin. Little did I know it would evolve into Metatron’s Cube activation of 12 light beams attuned to phi harmonics spiraling into the Quantum Vortex. Let’s celebrate the magic of 12! During the 12:12 Gateway, you have the opportunity to up-level into more divine Soul actualization. This is AA Metatron’s gift to humanity!
11th December numerological meaning :The number 11 holds special significance as the number 11 symbolises a gateway portal. 11 energies promote alignment activation they are numerical energetic pillar gateways into higher conscious realms and divine connections.
This number frequency also activates lessons still needing to be learned , processed , healed and integrated . This number meaning will amplify your exisiting conscious mindset . The number 11 represents higher communications mastery levels within self , working with masters , master lessons , it activates Christ codes , you may temporarily feel disconnected to the outer world on an 11 day . 11 serves as a profound catalyst to bring all things together .
This portal serves as a precursor to the upcoming energies of transformation that will intensify on December 12th, known as 12/12. These energies represent a mass transformation on all levels in preparation for the new earth energy that will be ushered in during the year 2024.
On December 12th, 2023, many individuals with an ascending consciousness will receive higher conscious downloads of ascended energy.These downloads will bring forth new information that has been prepared to flow through your being as requested by your soul aspect / higher self. The energy will manifest as high frequency vibrations through out your blueprint system at
A rapid speed as it moves through you.
This gift and download of divine light holds profound meanings. The primary aspects of these energy downloads include the awakening of your ancient abilities, the reconnection with innocence, creativity, and the awareness of beauty. These sacred qualities are inherent within your being and represent the very essence of the Creator and the foundation of your ascension.
There is a palpable sense of increasing frequencies and some ascending individuals may feel that things are not happening fast enough for them. it can feel temporarily frustrating when the progress doesn’t seem fast enough compared to others in the world. This is the letting go and releasing of comparisons , to embrace your unique experience and ascension journey .
The contrast between achieving success in certain areas of life, such as meditation, and facing challenges in other areas like relationships, finances, or health is also acknowledged. overcoming limitations and learned behaviours from this and past lives can be a significant challenge on the Ascension path
The importance of Ascension : Working on personal evolution alone may feel at times like performing surgery on oneself, and the difficulty resides in not having access to advanced knowledge and associated gifts that are beyond current human understanding. This lack of access can hinder individuals from experiencing the enlightenment they seek, akin to having a dream that remains elusive.
The 11 energies will help you to connect with the vibration and presence of innocence within, you are reconnecting with the source of all that is. Innocence represents the truth, illumination purity, It transcends words, limitations, ideas, and thoughts, allowing you to recognise yourself as the indescribable presence that is eternally present within you. This knowingness is what all ascending beings seek, residing within their true essence.
The incoming 12 -12 energies carry high frequency potential to shift into your higher conscious timelines , to elevate your awareness into higher levels. As we conclude another transformative year, the universe is sending us potent high vibrational surges of new earth energy.
Creative Divine Feminine Christ energy is being released and returned back to us. We are in a season of recovering this Life Force, health, youth, and radiant Goddess frequencies.
This is naturally who our Feminine is as the 144000 blueprint. However the distortions and inversions in the Piscean damaged who we are naturally. Others that took you for their own gains put us in a position of being trapped. The 1212 New Moon Portal is revealing and releasing those attachments.
Our health and energy are resorting for ourselves and our family, for our genetic rebirth. Have patience during these shifts, changes, and alignments that are putting you first.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Orchid Mantis
Ra James
We have entered into the energies of the 12:12 Portal! You will be feeling them over the next couple of days. The 12:12 Portal is a day for healing and activations. It will be open until the Winter Solstice. Expect a lot of synchronicity and serendipity. The 12:12 Portal is huge for new relationships, and to help with Reunion and Union for Twin Flames. Expect major DNA activations, and energies of Awakening. Tomorrow is our Sagittarius New Moon. It’s the last New Moon of the year too.
Expect this year to end with a bang. This New Moon is all about our dreams, goals, and new opportunities opening up! It’s a great time to be setting intentions and manifesting. We are getting ready to enter into 2024 too. It’s time to raise your standards too. Raise the bar and people can meet you there if they choose. This Moon is ruled by Jupiter, who has been making huge moves this month. This means expect positive shifts and destined events to play out. Be careful it’s Mercury Retrograde. This means you may have your x come back. Know without change behavior things probably won’t go any different.
You may need extra boundaries right now. Things are manifesting fast with this New Moon. It’s one of the stronger New Moons for manifesting. The Astroid Chiron forms a trine with this New Moon. This means old wounds may be coming up for healing. We are also moving into the peak of the Geminids Meteor Shower the 13th and the 14th. It’s a great time to be seeing some shooting stars…
December 11-18, 2023 – GREATER DESTINY – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are feeling the energy of tomorrow’s Sagittarius New Moon. It is signifying a new start of our divine timeline. Mercury has made it to 8 degrees Capricorn, and is getting ready to turn retrograde on December 13th. It’s interesting timing, this Mercury retrograde, just as we are about to leap off into a Re-birth. It means that this Mercury retrograde cycle is a dynamic time of preparation. We are getting ready to move in New Directions.
The Sun and the Moon will be at 20 degrees 40 minutes of Sagittarius for this New Moon, not too far from square with Neptune in Pisces. The old unresolved stories of the past are keeping us from taking a leap into the New. The Moon will make this square on December 12th, and the Sun will come into exact square with Neptune on December 16th. The energy of this New Moon is about facing off with the delusions of the past Piscean Age. We are sure to see disclosure of dark truths over these next weeks.
This Mercury retrograde cycle is so dynamic. All of our personal planets are involved. This is telling us that this Season is about dropping the lower constructs and rearranging our relationship to our greater destiny. Mercury will make 3 squares with Neptune, 3 sextiles with Saturn, 3 trines with Jupiter, 2 sextiles with Venus, and two conjunctions with Mars during this cycle. Mercury also crosses over the Galatic Center three times, the second of which happens on Christmas Day. The Sun will cross this point of destiny near the Solstice on December 21st, and Mars will cross over the Galactic Center on New Years Day. It’s a new Future for Humanity.
Mercury turns retrograde on December 13th, and will move back into Sagittarius on December 23. Just before this, the Sun and Mercury will join together at 0 degrees Capricorn. It’s a powerful message about humanity coming into it’s God given right of sovereignty. We are claiming back our Spiritual Authority, and our right to evlove beyond the lower matrix. Mercury retrograde will come up with Mars at 24 degrees Sagittarius and together they will make an exact square to Neptune on December 28th. Our warrior and our mental power are getting on board with each other. We must free ourselves from the lies of the past if we are going to forge a new future. Mercury will turn direct on January 2nd, a powerful start to the New Year of 2024.
Mercury will move back into Capricorn on January 15th, and come out of retrograde shadow on January 21st. This is just before Uranus, our last retrograde planet, turns direct on January 24. All planets direct lead us into the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th, which marks Chinese New Year, Year of the Dragon, on February 10th. 2024 is full blown all systems go, as we push the boundaries into new territory. It’s interesting that Mercury will conjunct Pluto on February 5th/6th, just as Pluto finally makes it back into the sign of Aquarius. This confirms that this Mercury retrograde season is a time of preparation for a brand new start. We are ready to blaze our way into a New Age.
On Monday, December 11th, Mars, the Warrior, in Sagittarius, the Archer, is creating a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, the Ram. Mars is an energetic, fiery planet and wants to move forward fast in fire sign Sagittarius! But, Chiron is wanting to heal and reintegrate some fragmentation caused by wounds from the past, and past lives first. These wounds are about our Aries confidence, courage and individuality.
But this combination is a beneficial one today, so movement is happening! Take aim with your goals and desires! There is support from Chiron the Shaman to alleviate the challenges from long ago, and then you can send that arrow directly towards your future aspirations! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, the Warrior, in Sagittarius, the Archer, is creating a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, the Ram
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio – We’re moving towards the New Moon although Mercury is now slow, slow, slowing down. At this gentle pace, it’s easier to see the framework around us, the support systems in place, what’s working and what isn’t. The connection to Venus invites a conversation, some reflection, a quiet and serious reassessment of who and what we’ve been investing in and why. Bring heart and head together. Tune in to what is going on deep down. Breathe rhythmically. Speak kindly. Use diplomacy. Err on the side of caution.
Hygeia, Goddess of health and hygeine is also here to help. Her catchphrase is ‘prevention is better than cure’. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Free your mind from unhealthy paradigms. Allow the stream of consciousness to flow without getting carried away. The path to independence and strength is to address dis-ease – mind, body and soul. Embrace new concepts to break old patterns.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 08°Cp17′, Venus 08°Sc17′ – 19:16 (UT)
Hygeia 23°Aq29′, North Node 23°Ar29′ R – 23:08 (UT)
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence.’ The last day of a wavespell is often the trickiest because you must process the 13-day journey that you are completing. If you began this wavespell of the Yellow Sun consciously with the intent of enlightenment, you should have experienced ‘Eureka!’ moments along the way. Before moving on to the next 13 day journey, it is important to ponder and digest what you have learnt in this one in order to make the most of it.
Today is a Yellow Human day which represents ‘Influence, Free Will and Wisdom’. There is a lot of poetry to be found in the patterns of the Tzolkin and the connection between the first and last days is always interesting. We began with Yellow Sun and the final destination brings us to the Yellow Cosmic Human. This suggests that the quest for enlightenment results in channeling wisdom, or in other words, opening ourselves up for divine knowledge. The ‘Free Will’ enters into the equation because it is up to us to do whatever we choose with the knowledge we are gifted. So, on this ‘Cosmic’ day consider what you’ve learnt and remember that you are a vessel to be filled and so try to remain open.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning and Intelligence’. Warriors have iron willpower and to be guided by this energy today can lead us to a quest. That quest may be for knowledge as ‘Intelligence’ is a keyword associated with Warrior. Much can be learned today but it may be a battle, it may be a little enduring but if you are strong willed you will succeed in your mission.
The Challenge of the day is White Wind which represents communication. If you are a White Wind today will test you but that’s not a bad thing….you know you must try harder to listen to your intuition, so make that your mission today. For the rest of us beware communications may not go smoothly.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’ and since it is in the position of magic, today will have powerful lunar influences and if you surrender to it, this will make the ‘enduring’ day easier. I always tap into the Occult power of a day to help me out whenever it’s challenging. Chillin’ out today is everyone’s best bet and it helps the intuition flow beautifully.
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin, who loves to put their hands to good use and accomplish things. Today, they are very handy to have around! If you know one, grab their hand and they will show you the way. If you are one, you are invaluable to others today so lend that helping hand.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 52 = 7 Majik/Alchemy/Mystic/Solitude
The energy today is expansively AWAKENING our COSMIC INTELLIGENCE!!! Majikal and totally ILLUMINATING!!
We are claiming our DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY as COSMIC HU-MANS today!
Day 13 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL is the FINAL day in this incredible EVOLUTIONARY cycle of LIGHT!
We reach COMPLETION and thus are GRADUATING from EARTH SCHOOL with FULL HONOURS as the true Divine Masters that we are!
Day 13 is a day of TRANSCENDANCE where we leave behind our old cell-ves, shedding our heavy burdensome coats, and donning our beautiful luminous Rainbow Coats of infinite colours! Radiating our full LUMINOSITY!
The COMPLETION of this YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL, will culminate with a BLAST of SOLAR energy, and right ON TIME – with divine synchronicity, EARTH is expecting the ARRIVAL of a HUGE CME headed in our DIRECTION… GET READY FOR TAKEOFF – RAPID HUMAN EVOLUTION!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today we conclude our 13 day cycle of seeking more divine LIGHT and WISDOM, in order to embody BUDDHIC CONSCIOUSNESS
We realize that we have transcended the thinking MIND, as we become PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, floating endlessly in the SEA of COSMIC PRESENCE.
You are born anew this day as the NEW COSMIC HU-MAN! The true SOVEREIGN leaders and rulers of Nova Gaia.
Step up and claim your throne!
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPENDANCE and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHTON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN .
Our Golden chalice has expanded to hold greater LIGHT and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!
You have found your way home precious hearts, now it is TIME, in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds!
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS and learn to FLY with BEN as our guide on the 12.12 portal with a SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON!! RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today.
COSMIC Salutations precious hearts!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN EB The traits of the YELLOW HUMAN are : free will, influence, making choices, wisdom, abundance, harvest, responsibility and being a receptive chalice. The main goal is to transcend the ego, or lower mind, and align to the higher Divine Mind, in order to become the WISDOM keepers of our time.
The HIGHEST ASPECT of the COSMIC HUMAN is to embody DIVINE MIND or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS as our GOD SELF – HU-MAN… anchoring our mighty I AM PRESENCE within our Earthly vessel.
The YELLOW HUMAN represents the golden chalice/Holy grail. Before we can fill up our cup with wisdom/love/source energy, we must first seek to be purified and emptied of the dross, otherwise the whole contents will be polluted.
What contents do you need to purify and release, in order to empty your chalice in preparation for SOURCE to fill it up?
Finally we surrender our small human and his FREE WILL, to align and evolve to that of DIVINE WILL. Through this transition we recognize ourselves as SOUL-AR BEINGS, rather than human beings. As our LIGHT has expanded exponentially we can now use our WISDOM and COSMIC intelligence to INFLUENCE those who bask in our glory.
Our Golden chalices are full to the brim, and our Solar cup runneth over. It is time to share your Golden Nectar with the world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR CIB is the Cosmic Warrior who QUEST-I-ONs the status quo. YELLOW WARRIOR questions everything – our human-ity, our ethics, our values and our culture, in order for us to claim our independent sovereignty.
As we examine our choices we question what it is, to make better choices that benefit our lives and those of others around us, and our world.
Do you make CONSCIOUS choices for your own good and the Highest good of all?
Do your choices harm yourself, or others in any way? Who do they benefit?
As you attain more wisdom, do you apply it to create a better world for others?
CIB the COSMIC WARRIOR assists us in FEARLESSLY aligning our Will with that of Spirit today, as the RAINBOW WARRIORS of NOVA GAIA step up and RISE to the call of DIVINE. Our choices are coloured by our knowing that we are here in the DIVINE SERVICE of manifesting the Will of Spirit – The DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and HUMANITY.
WE are the vehicles to manifest Spirit’s wishes. In this knowing is a deep relaxation to the pure presence of this great wisdom, nothing to do, but be done.
We take the oath of allegiance, to serve our Divine Creator and become the peaceful warrior, anchoring the Solar Rainbow Light codes on this Earth plane.
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC HAND MANIK provides incredible support today through the healing portal of MANIK. The COSMIC HAND can access all knowledge required for HEALING, learning and soul growth from throughout the entire COSMOS!
Once we attain this wisdom, MANIK provides the energy needed to ACCOMPLISH our intentions. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to create the Legacy we envision. Our wisdom and guidance will point us in the right direction. MANIK gives us the POWER to accomplish whatever choices we decide to implement..
We have the POWER to transcend mere human intelligence today, and become ONE with the Cosmos and accomplish en-LIGHON-ment through pure presence.
Why seek intelligence when you can attain GOD MIND?
Just BE and experience yourself as ALL THAT IS, WAS and will ever be in this NOW PRESENT MOMENT!
Aaaaah floating in a sea of PURE BLISS as OMNI-PRESENCE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC MOON MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses and intuitive guidance from Spirit, so that your intelligence melds with your E-motions, flowing naturally into one united body.
This GODDESS is a MAGNETIC one, she is seeking to attract all the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE flowing throughout the Cosmos. Our presence becomes completely dissolved in the unity of Cosmic consciousness.
The GODDESS SUPERPOWER today unites with the BLESSING of the WHITE WIND, to create the Hieros Gamos – the Sacred Marriage – the union of the Divine Masculine and DIVINE Feminine aspects of our soul essence.. As they merge into UNITY consciousness, we can transcend the polarity and SOAR on the COSMIC Winds of ecstatic BLISS.
MULUC is purifying your MIND and your vessel, so that these magnetic impulses can merge into this Cosmic force, directing our lives through the power of Spirit. As your creative urges gently FLOW through your COSMIC HANDS you have the power to ACCOMPLISH great things.
We are all weaving and creating the beautiful harmonic Matrix together in our own corner of the COSMOS.. transcending the old time and making a QUANTUM LEAP into NO-TIME – just pure endless NO-THING-ness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC WIND EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT and these messages today are omnipresent – EVERYWHERE – being BROADCAST throughout the COSMOS! .
Today’s challenge is that you are switched ON and tuned in to HIGHER GUIDANCE and not your lower egoic desires.
What channel are you attuned to?
From what level are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others?
Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival or service to self?
Spend some time in nature today, communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE of wisdom. Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of Spirit, will put you on the right path to expressing your pure creative soul’s essence..
Become the hollow bamboo and channel the inspiration of Spirit through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND that seeks to whistle through your being. Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly…
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT and allow others to see in the Dark, guiding them back home to SOURCE.
In this transcendent phase we totally SURRENDER to Spirit through our precious hearts.
LOVE is the bridge to SPIRIT.
Reaching across worlds to allow Spirit’s calling to be done, surrendering fully to listening and channeling messages from Spirit, whose purpose is to UNITE ALL, in the ONE COSMIC HEART of CREATION…
May wisdom DAWN in us.
May wisdom RIPEN in us.
May wisdom be TRANSFORMED into RIGHT action.
May right action REAP the harvest.
May everything be known., as the LIGHT of mutual LOVE.
Ah Yum Hunab Ku! Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
(All hail the harmony of mind and nature!)
Today’s question is “How can I reclaim my COSMIC INDEPENDANCE and DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, becoming a BEACON OF LIGHT to guide and influence others using my COSMIC INTELLIGENCE?”
“Am I ready to claim my GOD given gifts?”
And so we bid adieu to our small YELLOW human, who is now replaced with COSMIC EB, our DIVINE GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MAN.
We are not the same humans that we were 13 days ago when we commenced this journey of EN-LIGHTON-MENT with AHAU – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN .
Our Golden chalice has expanded to hold greater LIGHT and we have learnt to RADIATE like the true LIGHT BEARERS that we are!
No more LIGHT “workers” we are now the LIGHT “HOLDERS” – the beacons, for others to follow, drawn to our LIGHT, in order to navigate safely through the chaos and turbulence into the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS!
You have found your way home precious hearts, now it is TIME, in this NEW TIME, to ILLUMINATE the path for those souls following in your footsteps, as the GREAT AWAKENING unfolds!
We FINALLY leave the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, as we hold and embody more RADIANT SOUL-AR LIGHT.
As we CELEBRATE our homecoming, as the DIVINE COSMIC HU-MANS that we have become, we are now ready to CELEBRATE our lives in ECSTATIC BLISS, as we truly experience what it means to bring HEAVEN to EARTH in our everyday lives.
Tomorrow we are blessed as we unfold our NEW GOLDEN WINGS and learn to FLY with BEN as our guide on the 12.12 portal with a SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON!! RED SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, will be continuing our EXPANSIVE BLISS filled adventure, as we commence a brand new Wavespell, and our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
……to be continued.
Divine blessings for our regal COSMIC CORONATION of HU-MAN-KIND today.
COSMIC Salutations precious hearts!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Meet your Spirit Guide (Sacred Condor Guided Meditation)🔥
from my Sacred Condor is a transformative experience designed to facilitate a connection between an individual and their spiritual guide, providing a space for self-discovery, guidance, and insight. This meditation typically involves visualization and intentional relaxation techniques to create a receptive state of mind.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with the “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide.” This immersive experience invites participants to explore the depths of their inner world, guided by a soothing voice that leads them through a series of calming visualizations and intentional breathwork.
As the meditation unfolds, participants are encouraged to create a sacred and protected space within their minds—a tranquil environment where they can feel secure and open to spiritual energies. The meditation then guides them to ground themselves, establishing a connection with the Earth’s energy and fostering a sense of stability.
The individual is gently led into a state of heightened awareness, transcending the physical realm to enter a sacred space—a serene landscape tailored to their personal preferences. In this ethereal setting, participants are invited to encounter their spirit guide—an ethereal being, perhaps human, animal, or symbolic in form.
The encounter with the spirit guide becomes a heartwarming and enlightening experience. The meditation encourages open communication, allowing participants to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive messages from their guide. The exchange is rich with symbolism and intuitive wisdom, fostering a deep connection between the individual and their spiritual guide.
Throughout the meditation, the soothing voice provides gentle cues and prompts, helping participants remain grounded in the experience while embracing the profound insights and guidance offered by their spirit guide. The session concludes with a gentle return to the present moment, leaving participants with a sense of gratitude, newfound wisdom, and a strengthened connection to their spiritual path.
This “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide” serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a meaningful connection with the unseen realms of guidance and support.
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