Roses, Dragons and Diamonds ~ The Golden Thread of ASCENSION ~ Diamond Light Codes ~ Primordial Intentions of Source Creator
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Benevolent Light Keepers of the Universal One
As Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light all flowing in the Way of Divine Time to our final destination of our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all.
Our local Solaris continues to release Waves of Light, from the most high, through multiple C Class Solar Flares today and another M Class maxing at M 1.15 at 18:30 UTC. We also witnessed two more spikes of white light on the Schumann Charts as Pachamma’s heartbeat rises to amplitudes of 23 hz and a big blast at 38 hz. Fifth Dimensional energetics flowing in.
I have come to realize our 144 Code is encoded in this whole month of January 2023. First Month = 1 and the 22 of 2024 = 4 to give us the Angelic Codes of 144 to get this year of Celebration started right Angels of the New Earth. This will help our Stareed Earth Angelics build momentum for our Quantum Leap and Great Shift into our Freedom Timeline and our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Beginning today and for the next few days as the planets turn direct you may come to a fork in the road into a New Trajectory and may embark a brand you adventure in your timeline where a special treasure awaits!
We are at the Flash Point in this culmination of Celestial Galactic Energetics anchoring into the Grid and Dragon lines of Mother Earth as we hold the frequency of our 5D New Eden Manifestation…A’Ho!
“One must always ask questions, doubt, have tremendous passion to find out. In asking questions, you will find out for yourself whether you are asking the right question or the wrong question. In questioning, you are exposing yourself to yourself.”
exposing yourself to yourself
Here we stand at the grand moment,the realization we are divine,the sword of Excalibur singing freely throughout our beings. More awaken as the divine resonant frequency of 1 opens the frequency of divinity in others, a geometric expansion of the 1 True Creator’s light. We are home.
This year may we reach the critical mass of Awakening, may we bless and pour love to those who are downtrodden, may we open our hearts and hear its voice and not travel the pathway of the mind, may we come to know – to “see” our inner sanctum and the truth of its guidance, may we stop acting with lower energies that create wars, pain and suffering and instead open our souls and tune in to the ascendant energies surrounding us and soar with the power of LOVE.
Archangel Michael declares 2024 to be a significant year in our Transformation into the New Earth, and calls it the year of the Rose.
This is because of two things : the Rose is the symbol of the Galaxy, with its spiral shape, and also the symbol of the Divine Feminine.
In 2024 we will focus on reclaiming our place as Galactic Beings of Light as we connect with the Golden Solar Light and the Diamond Light Codes. We will remember more of our Galactic journeys and we will integrate this into our lives as Masters in the New Earth.
We will also connect more powerfully with the Dragon Energy, as 2024 is also the Chinese year of the Dragon. Dragons are powerful protectors of the Divine Feminine and our inner “treasures” of Abundance and Love. As we connect with our inner Dragon energy as it emerges, we will feel more powerful and more able to stand our ground.
As the Dragon energy emerges on the Planet, we will also see and feel powerful transformations as the Earth begins to settle into her new patterns and grids to express the New Earth, and also as she lets go of the old and releases what is no longer needed.
The two important energies will be the Golden Solar energy of the Christ Consciounsess, and the Diamond Light Codes, which are closely connected to the Water Plasma energies of the Galaxy.
It will be a year filled with sparkly magic and power, but gentle power that we focus on Love, Kindness , Support and Self-nurturing.
On the lower levels things will continue to collapse and disintegrate, but we need to focus on where we are going and on building a strong sense of community and circles of light that keep us strong and clear as we build the New.
2024 is after all an 8 year that requires us to be strong and to demonstrate our inner power in all that we do.
1/2/24: You should already feel the difference between 2023’s mission to reveal the real you, and 2024’s desire to show New You off to the world. But January is your much needed buffer zone for time to breathe, adjust, clean up any unfinished business, and make tentative plans for February. Today is all about details and dust bunnies.
You can now see what was neglected last year (so you could focus on yourself)… and you’ll want to do some cleaning and clearing. Start small, even though there’s much to do. There will be opportunities to tackle the big stuff a little later. Timing and trust are important as this year expands your options.
As 2024 has arrived the Divide between the Old and the New appears to be huge.
However, People are waking up, “emerging”. Beginning to remember, in their droves.
It is Time to Heal every living Being on this planet from the disintegration from the old Nightmare Dream Sequence of 250,00 years.
You are all Healers, Lovers of Light.
It is why you came, to walk your walk through “The Dream”, to learn to Keep CALM, and bring your Love to bare through all you are experiencing.
To Rise and Shine.
Now, 2024 it is time .
Some of you are choosing to be happy – even when it’s rough, loved ones think you are on another planet, out of touch with what is going on.
Well in fact you are because New Earth and Old are side by side (the former superimposed on the latter) and as one is fading the other is rising and expanding, Glowing and Flowing.
And you are not out of touch. Just choosing to give the Old no more of your energy other than the wisdom of Love that it has provided to you through your experience of it.
How courageous are you?
Thankyou, thank you.
I So Love You
PS: It begins in earnest NOW.
For each to step out as someone who leads in their own Choice of Love and Light and how that is expressed. Leads through the way you live your life and project the manifestation of your New Earth Dream out into your own hologram in Feeling, thought , word and deed.
And we are not, nor have ever been alone.
In your willingness to participate in the Great Cleanup, WE are mighty in the power of our sharing with our vast Soul Family, on the Ground, and in Spirit. Our Star Family have cleaned out the “Space Invaders” interference, and our vast Spirit Family are keeping the power of higher dark forces at bay. It is up to us to work together at ground zero to spread the reality of New Earth Arising in the minds, emotions, and bodies of the waking ones in embodiment.
And never forget that all the vast array of helpers apparently are “standing back”, but they are all in fact closer than they have ever been. They just know that it is up to us, each and individually, our own Freewill choice to ask for help, when we want it. To make contact within, to befriend them, and ask, and be specific for what we want help in.
Beautiful HUmans, in Love, freeing Humanity from its bondage of Shadow, into LIGHT, and in co-creation with Heaven and the Stars.
How Absolutely Awesome is THIS?
Let 2024 be the year that you show your True Colours.
Stay the course.
Keep Calm and Carry On
You are headed to become Incredibly Happy.
Divide between the Old and the New appears to be huge
The silence, the stillness is alive in ways I’ve never felt before. All barriers are down, no way to distinguish between what is flowing in and what is joyfully bubbling up to meet this sweetness — outside and inside a seamless whole….There is nothing but the soft inbreath, the steady outbreath of love.
This morning I was woken by a group of intersecting spheres who gifted me an experience, visceral and cellular, and yet very simple, of the singular consciousness that was expressing itself as Daniel lying asleep beside me, as the trees and as the wind dancing together outside, as the soft, warm nest of my duvet, as me. And I lay there luxuriating in it all, laughing quietly.
Every atom in creation is made of divine consciousness, even those that might be being put to a use we do not resonate with. Every human, every animal, every plant, every rock is made of this wondrous, magical being. As is everything that is ‘inorganic’ too. This world is an elaborate, beautiful game designed so that a singular consciousness might experience this, this and this. Might experience pretending to be a me. A you. Myriad disguises created so that more than formlessness can be known. And here we are, the veil drawn back, hurtling at warp speed into our very own arms, a great smile upon our faces.
The Universal story of time is taking Creation through big Divine CHANGE as we transcend 2023 into 2024, in this process Earth is raising the vibration of her consciousness to be more and more mature, effecting things to be pure and true to her will, and as Creation in human form we might sense this…
…our reality is changing to be something new and more high vibrational, the unfoldings are all part of a paradoxical plan to grow the story of life both individually and collectively as One Heart beat of Diverse sacredness, the separating forces are dissolving away, the poisons in the mind causing illnesses are being transmuted and purged, on the collective level what 2024 will bring is that feeling just before we vomit, the more we do this the more we purge old karmic self sabotaging patterns and we heal…
…the emanating new heart beat of Divine Time is syncing itself with the primordial intentions of the Source Creator of Creation to heal the collective SOUL and create Earth as a portal Universal love and peace, and to COMPLETE the evolution of Earth’s collective consciousness to be in resonance with the multidimensional Universe….
…as we sync our light with this understanding we can grow from our past or we can grow from our future, when you have trauma you automatically live it and your story is in a sense growing by taking inspiration from its past because you are still coming to terms with the heartache you experienced, but at some point we awaken and we shift from being the victim to being the hero who rescues itself….
…in doing this we start to retrieve the light of our future self by working on ourselves internally, stalking ourselves, listening to our self talk and being an optimist, we transcend our pessimistic shadow that hooks our mind into insecurity and doubt and being a victim of the trauma, all of a sudden you are not sick because you have no trauma, you are CHANGING the script of your story to the one you choose for yourself, to a story that recognizes the trauma of the past but accepts it and is humble and grateful for the lessons but lets go of taking it personally and now leaves it behind to gather dust on the shelf and grows beyond it….
…your future self now gifts you the Golden Thread of ASCENSION because you are the master of your life and you know your passion, you do not allow any outer thoughts to infiltrate you and control you or interfer and manipulate you and take you off course from the destiny of your souls dream to create a life of harmony, balance, happiness and inner PEACE…
…you are excited to contemplate your new maturity and the new you that is dreaming and birthing with the high vibrational maturity of NEW EARTH…
You let go what you have been living untrue to, you align your mind with your heart because you know that your heart brings balance and trusts what your soul needs.
The new Galactic 234 day Cycle begins today, the Phoenix rises, shifting consciousness from seeing the larger view and taking new aim… to appreciation of the growth accomplished and multiplying things to abundance…
As we flow into this new year…let us have faith and love in our hearts that all is well, as it always is.
The seeds sown and choices made this year set the stage for 2024.
What goes around comes around in the best way possible.
2024, A Year of Abundance and Receiving will reap the rewards of this very transformational 2023 where we were really tested in every way and had to make difficult choices.
We can finally sigh a bit with relief as this new year eases off a bit…
Yes, we will have challenges as that is Life but I feel like they will be less intense and not with the snowballing effect of this year!
2023 Also brought our beautiful Dragon friends to the forefront as many of us received messages and felt the eagerness and love of our Dragons who want to connect.
They were preparing for 2024 as well…
Dragons represent mysticism, love, warmth, diverse support from higher Realms as well as protection.
They will be with us in a very real sense from now on eagerly awaiting us to share how we need them to assist us.
Have faith in who you really are My Loves ..Now is the time to strip off the conditioned, socially acceptable False Self…
Free your Authentic Self and live a Soul led, Heart Centered Life.
This life is rigged only in your favor.
Live it!
I love you SO much..
Thank you for being YOU.
May 2024 bring you only that which is aligned with your highest timeline!
Dear friends, welcome to the first week of 2024, a time to take a deep breath, relax, and start flowing like a river towards the open ocean.
This first week of the year begins with a strong energetic momentum. In the past 24 hours, as we moved though the 1:1:24 portal, the Sun emitted several intense solar flares. Those of you who are energy sensitives probably felt this shift in the air as we started the new year. Our physical and energetic bodies are becoming more sensitive as our planet continues its evolutionary journey though the cosmos. Some symptoms you may be experiencing these days could be: headaches, mild dizziness, digestive and skin issues, a change on your eating and sleeping patterns, and perhaps some emotional upheavals as well. Please stay hydrated and rest as needed as these solar lightcodes are processed.
On the other hand, the planet Mercury is shifting into its direct motion, which is a positive thing for this first week of the year energetically speaking. And while Mercury will need time to regulate its orbit, the very day of its stationing direct can be a potent time to initiate new movement in your life. Be patient but remain confident as you begin to create these new directions and 2024 timelines.
The energy during these initial 8 days of 2024, an 8 year, is key for establishing your timelines for the rest of the year. The new frequencies started yesterday with the official opening of the 1:1:24 portal, but these higher frequency light codes will be working on us throughout this whole week and into the Full Moon later in the month. It is normal to feel a bit disoriented and a bit lost during this first week, this feeling shall pass as we get closer to the middle of the month and our bodies adjust to the new year’s energies and become more grounded. Simply flow for now.
At the same time, some of you may feel ready and excited to get started with all the new projects and resolutions you have planned for this new year, but it will be better to take it slowly and wait until the second half of January to get moving. Even though we are already in the new year, we are still in the transitional phase between the old and the new. Our bodies are slowly adjusting to this shift and you might better be off by using this initial week to be still, relax, and focus on strengthening a solid connection to your spiritual side. An 8 year is a good time for confidently expressing your inner wisdom into the world, but not in a hurried way. Patience, self-control, courage, and well-thought actions are going to “win the game”.
May you have a great first week of the year. We are just beginning to warm up to the new wonderful energies that await for us during the rest of the year. Enjoy these magical 8 days. Much love
We find ourselves traversing the void that leads us to a new destination. Endings and new beginnings collide at this moment, as the ninth universal month of January reminds us, and it is our consicous focus and intention the ones determining where we are going next.
Number 9, symbolizes the phase where many are at this time, a stage for us to be wise, move inward, and focus on our inner Light – Truth – to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner oracle to navigate through our current reality.
In truth, we need nothing more than discerning which way is aligned with our God Self, and which one does not serve us any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine Guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it.
This is a month for us to focus on gratitude, love, and compassion, as it is very important to bring more illumination, higher understanding, and above all, neutrality into what we are witnessing, and cannot change, but we can wrap within Divine Love.
This is a month as well for many to seed, or continue doing so, if their personal seeding cycle has already started. A month to revise our creations, transforming, what we do not wish to experience, or redirecting our energy to create differently.
We have started January with a lot of Solar activity, for our central Sun is massively descending plasma upon us, to continue building our light bodies and monadic connection. We are being called to commune with who we are, reconnecting ourselves to our golden aspects, and allowing a higher connection to our soul, monad, and above all, with the God Illumined Planes.
A month ruled by Capricorn and Aquarian energies, reminding us of the power of the earth and air, governing our planetary heavens during this New Year. We have Mars entering Capricorn on January 4th, a few days later, on January 11th, a New Moon at 20 degrees Capricorn, together with Mercury entering Capricorn on the 13th, and Venus following on the 23rd of January.
Capricorn offers us the essences required for us to illumine our human self, for it is what Capricorn does, find self-illumination through consicous inner work. On the other hand, Aquarius helps us to liberate our minds, so we can continue embodying higher truths, as the only way to become enlightened beings.
As I previously shared, Capricorn’s energies are propitious to help us work with our DNA’s telomeres and mitochondria, the ones responsible for our energetic levels, and the ones we should heal and reprogram to be able to shift our current bodies. An internal spiritual alchemy process that requires long-term inner work, for it is not easy to shift eons of negative programming and inherited manipulations.
This is a year to continue with our process of mental and karmic slavery liberation, retrieving our soul and monadic connection, as we continue seeding the new harmonic Earth that is already being anchored in a parallel fifth-dimensional timeline.
Every feeling, thought, and act counts.
Thank you for thinking and acting lovingly for All.
I wish you a thriving and loving January, Beloveds!
You are on planetary levels now going through a total dismantling of the old paradigm, but in an escalated scale. The Intergalactic Federation has decided to increase the ascension acceleration, as all those souls who were involved with this process are now fully awake and they are now literally paving the way for the new humanity, in the New Lightbody form, and all are, like you, asked to lay down the foundations of the New Golden Age.
With this the dormant energy centers and dormant extraterrestrial technology, which was stored in many places in the earth, and in sacred sites, are now being fully activated and will start to make their presence felt, even as they are programmed to now lift off, like a space craft and merge with the New Earth, as was master planned millions of earth years ago.
It is so that those souls whose Divine Imprint has merged with that time, consciousness merging, will now awaken in much higher measures, and they will then be able, through accelerated shifts and accelerated consciousness shifts, to not only assist with the process of anchoring in these technologies and knowledge into the New Earth, but will be the custodians and forerunners of such, as has happened when Atlantis fell, and the High Priesthood of Atlantis dispersed beforehand over the earth, to hold the knowledge sacred. Yet, this goes back to the time of Lemuria, Avalon, the Lion Kingdom and Elysium.
During this time, it is vital to understand that all is dissolving of the old structures and forms on all levels of society as well as technology, agriculture, eco-management, health services etc. as all will collapse of the old, and only those methods will remain which are life giving, life enhancing, and work energetically towards a great holistic way of life, simple and true. It is the return of the deep respect for Lady Gaia and the New Earth, and working with her, and there will be no need to strip her of any resources, nor to destroy and damage.
Humans will communicate with animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, seeds etc. and work with them as one. With great love. They will communicate with the elementals and work with them and communities of light will be norm, where everyone’s unique talents, gifts and abilities, serve within the greater community and where all work together as one.
For now there will be unity, and harmony, as souls will finally understand, that no one is greater or more than any other, and that everyone his or her own uniqueness to live out and share with the greater whole with love. There will be leaders yes, but these leaders will have serve the community, with great wisdom and there will be mutual respect, as leaders will be chosen for their wisdom, their loving service and their ability to be visionaries who lead the people to ever higher degrees of unity and oneness.
When all work together as one there will be only the desire to lovingly live every single moment of one’s life with joy, in joy and to co-create beauty in all its forms and expressions and harmoniously so. To honor the soul in one another, and to live soul empowered lives. To adhere to the Universal Divine Laws and co-create within them.
The Temples will rise again, the Sacred Healing Places, and vibrant, radiant health will be the norm and when anyone is out of synch for even a second, immediately the holistic healers will be able to energetically and with great love heal these. There will be Temples of Sound, Temples of Love, Temples of Light, Temples of Joy, Temples of Beauty and Harmony, Temples of Celebration of Life, as much as the sacred groves will be reestablished, the sacred temples of nature and the sacred Temples of Knowledge, both esoteric and universal.
Note that this is vast transition from the lowest forms of life and life expression in the highest and many souls, once fully anchored in the fifth are already choosing to ascend into the original seventh. Thus from 2024, huge changes will occur in all forms of life, as animals, birds, insects, and all life and life forms are already ascending into the New Earth and a lot of the seeming extinct species are being reintroduced and new species from other galaxies and star systems. The waters will be crystal clear again, the air, the fires and the earth.
There will be crystal abodes, where the liquid crystals are then transformed into building material and as this manifests into more solid form, there buildings will exude huge energy and indeed will amplify consciousness levels and allow multi-dimensionality to prosper.
Teleportation and bilocation will become the norm, as telepathy becomes the norm.
Computers etc. will not be necessary anymore and the new humanity will be able to access information and knowledge directly from the Universal Energy fields which holds all information and such information will be downloaded directly into the higher mind and higher heart, so that it can be applied instantly. Teaching methods will be to lovingly guide the student to apply their innate soul genius with great love, and to access ever higher degrees of knowledge through the same knowledge.
2024 is a catalyst year and thus it effects dramatic changes in all life and life forms and indeed a huge acceleration of consciousness levels and access to multi-dimensionality in all forms of life and living.
At this moment the Universal Counsels and the Intergalactic Federation and Counsels are all over-looking the process of not only the planetary ascension, the New Earth and New Golden Age, but simultaneously the New Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe and counter systems.
The new is birthed on all levels as the Universe now is lifted into the New Creation.
(Counsel of 12 and 24 who work at 352 levels of Divinity.)
Empress energies are awakening from within, revealing the truth of your love and light. This powerful position of Creation was intentionally dimmed due to external influences. All the healing you’ve done has shed the layers, returning you to the zero point of this Holy embodiment.
You may see the bigger picture now, how you’ve been persuaded and controlled. You may also see your gifts of creating, knowing exactly who you are. Your breaking through the last bits of fears and anxiety so you can successfully return to this Creator being that you naturally are.
Receive the intuitive messages that are helping you override the ego so you can own your power. Face the inception point of external energy interferences head on today and claim the facts of your power and principal over deception.
January 1-8, 2024 – GO TIME – SuperNova Astrology Update
Happy New Year! 2024 starts off with a burst of energy with Mars crossing over the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, and three major planets turning direct. Mars is just finishing up his square with Neptune, facing off with the lies and delusions that are keeping us disempowered. Mars is ready to blast off with this conjunction to the Galactic Center of Destiny. We are realizing that we are the ones we have been waiting for. We have so much power within. They did everything to try to hide it from us. But now we are stepping back into our potency, and we won’t back down. Mars and Mercury retrograde’s connection in Sagittarius last week was an activation of the spiritual warrior. We are hearing the call to stand in our power and right for the world we want to see.
Mercury is just turning direct, on January 2nd, at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury turning direct means that he will remain in square to Neptune for close to three weeks. We are wading through the lies upon lies we have been told, trying to make sense of our reality. The pantomime continues while this square is active. The final exact hit of this square between Mercury and Neptune is on January 11th, the same day as the Capricorn New Moon. The Moon and the Sun will be in exact square to the Nodes of the Moon in Aries and Libra for this New Moon that happens at 20 degrees, 44 minutes, a major marker of the turning of time. In Capricorn, its about an Age of human sovereignty.
Venus has crossed over into the sign of Sagittarius, the rising of the pheonix. But is now in square to Saturn in Pisces, bringing a challenge to her ascent. The old patriarchal structures are trying to hold her down once again. We are experiencing a bloom of the dark ages with the oppressive energies of Globalist powers continuing to push their sick agenda. In Sagittarius, Venus is ready to claim back her dream, and the original Dream of Mother Earth. But old structures are standing in her way.
Saturn in Pisces is like being ensnared in the old patterns of the past. Everything is blooming, in order for it to unwind and heal, so we can move forward. Saturn is now at 3 degrees Pisces, halfway through his retrograde shadow. Saturn is about to get a makeover, coming into sextile with Jupiter in Taurus in the first week of February. Abundance is a good look. We are claiming back our ultimate ideal timeline, and it’s a Golden Age.
Chiron, Jupiter, and now Mercury have all turned direct this week. It’s time to rock and roll. But we are still in the Holy Nights, the days between Christmas and Epiphany, marking ‘a time in between time’. And it will take a bit of time to unravel out of the retrograde energy. Mercury will transit back into Capricorn on January 15th, and come out of retrograde shadow on January 21st.
Frustrations are building as we see through the lies and realize that it didn’t have to be like this. We live in an incredibly messed up world, and ‘humanity’ has been taking the blame. But we are finding out that we have been controlled and manipulated, lied to and brainwashed to accept this crazy world as true. The human race has been taken over by mind control and propaganda. But 2024 is a year that we stand up and demand Truth. And Justice. We just can’t go on like this. Massive changes are coming.
It’s January 2024, when major player Pluto moves over into the sign of Aquarius, marking our entry into the Aquarian Age. Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn is bringing a bloom of control energies, and the powers that were take their last stand. It’s out with the old, the good old boy club. Now that we know the truth, it’s just too distasteful, and we cannot allow it to go on. There is major unrest growing in the population, especially with this Mars transist. People are starting to see what really matters, and they are feeling ready to stand up and fight for it.
The Sun in Capricorn is coming into a tense square with Chiron in Aries this weekend, just in time for Epiphany. This tells us that 2024 is about claiming our sovereign right to exist as who we really are in our full power and potential. The wheel of time must turn, our Ascension cannot be stopped. 2024 is like a threshold of no return. A new world awaits.
the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, is in grounded Capricorn and is in a positive sextile to Saturn
On Tuesday, January 2nd, Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in freedom oriented, fire sign Sagittarius is approaching a difficult inconjunct to Jupiter, ruler of expanded perceptions, in grounded, earth sign Taurus. This will become exact Wednesday morning at 5:55am EST.
Also today, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in analyzing Virgo and in a challenging square connection to Mars, planet of action, in liberating Sagittarius, as well as a trine to Pluto, planet of transformation, in goal oriented Capricorn. It seems as though we have the energy of exploration of new horizons on our mind, however, there are still some things to either work out, or that are holding us back from moving forward.
Now that Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, has turned back to direct motion, we are ready to sort out these things, and possibly have conversations, if appropriate, in order to do so. We want to start out the New Year with a clean slate and a new confidence about what the future holds.Set your intentions and get ready to spread your wings!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine archetype, in freedom oriented, fire sign Sagittarius
Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius on the Sabian symbol ‘A Group Of Immigrants As They Fulfil The Requirements Of Entrance Into The New Country’ – After three weeks of considering career goals, accomplishments, objectives and vision, finally there is a shift towards new horizons. The gate opens, documents are stamped, plans finalised. Yes, the language everyone else speaks may sound strange so it may take time to find our way, figure out connections and clarify our itinerary. A new land is often very different to what we anticipated. Gather your bearings. Find your feet.
For some, this may be a literal journey, a holiday or a longer life-changing venture. For others, this is a symbolic gate leading to the next assignment along life’s journey. Either way, keep an open mind as to how the next stage will unfold. Listen and learn to bolster courage. Be flexible enough to make alterations as and when required. Give yourself an experience of a lifetime. The next chapter begins now. Wave goodbye to the past. Be excited for the story to come.
Today is a ‘Solar’ day meaning it’s the ninth day of the wavespell. The keywords associated with it are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The 9th day is a very powerful number so be very careful about your intentions. Unless we are disciplined, we can take things that we don’t need just because it is easy. Like taking candy from a baby. Unscrupulous people take advantage over others. The lesson of number nine is that power comes at a cost. This is why I always say on number nine days, to be discerning with what you go for.
Today is White Wizard and its keywords are ‘Enchant, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard of the Tzolkin is a charming character who can mesmerize all that encounters him. If you are a Wizard, you are always charming but when it’s your day, you have even more power over others – so be careful how you use your charms. We can all take a leaf out of the Wizard’s book of spells and use it to enchant others. Enchantment can occur as pleasant surprises, chance encounters or magical journeys. The Wizard is an alchemist and he loves to put us all under a spell. By the end of the day you may feel a little weirded out and not entirely sure what just happened.
The Guide today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Whenever a dog leads the way, he is inviting us to think with our hearts rather than our heads. Try to follow your heart today and remember to be loving with your words and actions. When the dog is leading the way it is like having a dog on a leash but he is pulling you rather than you controlling him. The dog has a big heart and a tenacious attitude. This enthusiasm to get what you want today may be fuelled by this dog’s determination.
The Challenge is the Yellow Seed and its keywords are ‘Target, Flowering and Awareness’. It’s difficult for Yellow Seed people to get taken seriously when in the challenging position. Always striving to sow awareness and share wisdom, on Wizard days no one seems to want to listen.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is the secret weapon for the day, often hidden and misunderstood…the Occult power shows us that on any day, however difficult, there is always a strength that can be tapped into. Today’s strength is the Blue Hand who offers magical healing to those who need it. Also, accomplishment is a key word for the Blue Hand and when we combine that energy with the Solar energy the number nine, this could fuel ambitious antics today.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you are a Serpent, expect to be called upon for friendship and support. If you do not have one on hand, then try to be like a Serpent today. This entails being very sensitive and checking out what is going on around you using your instincts.
KIN 74 = 11 Gate/PORTAL!! on a 2/11 code day = 11.11
DOUBLE WIZARDRY DAY – with the Yearly OVERTONE WIZARD adding his POWER.. A fantastic way to start the NEW YEAR!!
A very powerful day for the NEW EARTH WIZARDS to step up and claim their HEART POWER!
A very powerful Majikal day! One of my favourite combos. WHITE WIZARD and WHITE WORLDBRIDGER combined with WHITE DOG – TRIPLE WHITE codes DAY!!! Purity and TRUTH of Spirit through WHITE MAJIK!
My kind of WONDERFUL! What a treat!
The WHITE clan are the REFINERS they aim to purify your body, mind and soul to increase your LIGHT QUOTIENT and become the pure embodiment of Spirit.
Today we have 3x the White Spirit Power assisting you in increasing your PURE VIBE – so vibe HIGH dear ones- the LIGHT codes are pouring forth.
Day 9 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today is all about building the bridges to other worlds through SURRENDERING to the MAJIKAL POWER of our purest HEART!
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention The ninth day of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our HEART.
This assists us in making our dreams come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What are you PULSING today through your HEART, and this Majikal Manifestation day? What DREAMS are you pulsing into existence?
We are GIFTED once again with a Divine, MAJIKal, SPIRITUAL day supporting us to EXPAND as SOUL-AR HU-MANS through the power of LOVE!
How divinely PERFECTO that we start the year pulsing forth LOVE to realize our DREAMS – a great blueprint for a BRILLIANT YEAR!
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER all that is NOT LOVE, and OPEN my PURE HEART to its fullest capacity, in order to PULSE endless unconditional love throughout the Cosmos?”
So beloveds LOVE this GLORIOUS day, LOVE yourself and LOVE one another!
Divine blessings for the continuous PULSING of this WAVE of LOVE throughout our world!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SOLAR WIZARDIX Brings forth a very majikal and shamanic day today, where you can journey to other worlds through the power of your Heart portal.
IX has endless power to tap into all realms in the multi-Universe, through his receptivity and ability to channel these forces through his physical body.
When you express your true essence and live from your pure heart, life becomes Majikal.
Just as SNOW WHITE melted the hearts of all beings who felt the purity of her own heart. You can also wield the power of enchantment over others and your world.
This power comes from the HEART and is used in an honest and uplifting, life enhancing manner giving strength and power to all those who connect with you, rather than the hypnotic, mind controlling and enslavement methods of the enchantress of old.
The most powerful MAJIK is the spell that LIBERATES others from enslavement and limitation. So use your Majikal powers, to EMPOWER and SERVE others, and for the greater GOOD.
CIMI the Worldbridger is asking you to SURRENDER any Egoic desire for power and self aggrandisement – which is a challenge and life lesson for our powerful Wizard clan. Choose instead to SURRENDER to the DIVINE POWER for unity and connection with all of Creation.
As we bypass our MINDS and we FULLY OPEN our HEARTS , we become more RECEPTIVE to the unconditional love PULSING through us. Building greater connections to our planetary kin, and anchoring higher frequencies through our vessels. We become the living BRIDGE connecting HEAVEN and EARTH, PULSING this out to the HEART of Nova Gaia.
Aho beloveds, THAT is our MISSION for 2024 – HOP TO IT!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SOLAR DOGOC the Solar Dog – further EXPANDS the HEART power of WHITE WIZARD who majikally ENCHANTS all those in his realm. OC is the higher power today, bringing forth the LOVE CODES from GOD – which is DOG spelt backwards!
OC and IX is the formula for AGAPE – the Universal Love of ONENESS and total connection to all of CREATION. The Higher Love of empathy, compassion, forgiveness, DEVOTION, loyalty, and grace, all accompany the virtues of PURE unadulterated unconditional LOVE.
SOLAR OC operates through pulsing unconditional love through deep compassion, which is amplified through the 2/2 codes today. COMPASSION is definitely one of the most essential traits of a Master and an indicator of an evolved society.
The loyal and devoted DOG dedicates his life to Divine selfless Service. SURRENDERING his life’s purpose to serve the DIVINE. These two PURE hearted beings sing a beautiful duet together! DOUBLE HEART POWER today, through SURRENDERing to the flow of unconditional love.
OPEN your HEART to endless love and pulse this forward.
This is the key to unlock new opportunities this year, and is your passport to untold discovery of majikal realms. OC, IX and CIMI will lead you to the HIGHEST level of Ca c’est l’amour!
NOTE: Oc ,IX and the 2.11.2 CODES today, bring forth many new opportunities to connect the bridge to your twin flame, divine counterpart and beloved companion through these marvellous codes. The moon is in EARTH sign of VIRGO giving us a beautiful day for romantic liaisons.
SUPPORT: RED SOLAR SERPENT – CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY of the day. Primal FEARS are highlighted and often arise to be cleared and transformed, through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew.
CHICCHAN can activate our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER. The FEAR of not being worthy of LOVE, particularly DIVINE LOVE is a huge wounding that keeps us separate from our SOURCE.
LOVE is the antithesis to ALL FEAR responses, so LET GO and SURRENDER to the POWER of LOVE.
The WHITE DOG energies will soften this instinctual FEAR response and IGNITE your PASSION for LOVE and connection with your beloved. It will also energize your PASSION to selflessly SERVE humanity through your Divine Mission.. Absolutely beautiful coupling with this Serpentine energy.
RED SERPENT is also symbolic of our Planetary Serpents – so here we witness GAIA’s energies rising to meet the frequencies pulsing down through us. GAIA’s synchronic harmonic matrix frequencies are birthed and pulsed up through us. As our Kundalini energy rises it clears our chakra system, and our HEARTS are free to pulse and receive more expanded pulses of LIGHT and infinite love.
The SERPENT with the WIZARD enables us to be LIBERATED from any dark HYPNOTIC DREAMSPELL or CURSE today. Focus on the POWER of your HEART and PASSION to set you FREE from darkness.
Walk into 2024 in total COMMAND of your own POWER and destiny.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE OVERTONE HAND MANIK wields the POWER of COMMAND, using his focused intent to order his will into being. MANIK enables the PULSES from the HEART of CREATION, to ignite our collective healing as well as the personal healing of our own true hearts.
We can accomplish GREAT HEART HEALING today through surrendering our old pain! MANIK’s SUPERPOWER is that of his RADIANCE which further amplifies the SOLAR WIZARD’S pulsing heart POWER.. enabling the Wizard to accomplish his self-realization, through the expression of unconditional DIVINE LOVE.
The SOLAR WIZARD has very healing hands to make his Majik potions and healing balms through divine alchemy. And of course his greatest medicine is his GIFT of PULSING LOVE into the world – That is his greatest purpose and GIFT to HU-MAN-KIND. This precious DIVINE GIFT enables you to accomplish great Majik today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SOLAR SEED – KAN challenges us to make LOVE the foundation of everything we sow. The SOLAR WIZARD sows seeds of divine TRUTH and divine devotion, through loyalty to our Creator. By only planting seeds based on love, unity and divinity we can realize great Majik in our reality, enabling us to create a beautiful legacy.
KAN challenges us to GROW and REACH for the HIGHEST LIGHT, embodying our greatest SOUL-AR intelligence, as pure LIGHT beings. PULSING this HIGHER DIVINE LIGHT into our reality, and uniting with our kin, to collectively focus on the HIGHER POTENTIALS of the NEW TIME.
It is TIME to PULSE forth the SEEDS of the NEW TIME, and the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX.. RADIATE your LIGHT dear blossoming STAR BLISS SUNS
A beautiful GIFT of SOLAR SEEDS to seed this NEW YEAR!
The seeds you plant today will grow in 2024.
Today’s question is “Am I willing to totally SURRENDER all that is NOT LOVE, and OPEN my PURE HEART to its fullest capacity, in order to PULSE endless unconditional love throughout the Cosmos?”
So beloveds LOVE this GLORIOUS day, LOVE yourself and LOVE one another!
Divine blessings for the continuous PULSING of this WAVE of LOVE throughout our world!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
HAPPY GALACTIC B-EARTHDAY to my very own White Solar Wizard – my beloved son Jarrod who has the most beautiful and precious heart of any soul I know (of course I am biased!!).. and he was birthed on the 9th day of my own Worldbridger Wavespell – so we have sealed the store of DEATH many times over in our journey together!
White Wizard is tribe number 14 (2 x majikal 7 = DOUBLE MAJIK) and White Worldbridger is tribe number 6….. 14+6 = 20 Tribe 20 is the Yellow Sun
Our tones are Solar – tone 9 and Magnetic – tone 1, so 1+9= 10 – Tone 10 is the Planetary tone of Manifestation….so our combined energies create a very powerful combo…the Yellow Planetary Sun….. a brilliant code for cocreating from the spiritual to the physical plane…
Yellow sun combos are quite common for twin soul partnerships, as they encode the ultimate YANG energy. The Yellow Sun is the last tribe/solar seal – tribe 20, encompassing the energies of all preceding 19 tribes…thus it is very common for twin soul unions to embody the Yellow Sun frequency..
NOTE: This is not all “wine and roses” as the Yellow Sun – AHAU – does cast the greatest SHADOW… so, much work needs to be done on the path to en-LIGHT-en-ment as all will be ILLUMINATED!
NOTE: You can use this formula/method to calculate partnership combos, family combos and group combos to discover what is the main theme/driving force behind you coming together – what is your UNITED MISSION?
e.g. Person 1 – Red Planetary Earth – 10 CABAN Caban is tribe #17
Person 2 – Yellow Overtone Star – 5 LAMAT Lamat is tribe #8
Remember there are 20 tribes/Solar Seals and 13 tones of Creation. If you get a combined tribe score greater than 20 (as in this case)- CABAN + LAMAT = 17+8 =25, you will need to deduct 20 to get the answer. 25-20 = 5 = Red Serpent
If your combined Tones of Creation – are greater than 13 simply deduct 13 from your figure eg. Planetary is tone #10 and Overtone is tone #5 10+5=15 therefore 15-13 = tone 2 Lunar tone of challenge
COMBO answer: Red Lunar Serpent
Happy unions!!
Divine blessings for beautiful enchanted liaisons today
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for
December 31st 2023 through January 6th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this week’s special New Earth report my Goddess covers astrology for the coming week from December 31st 2023 – January 6th 2024. My Sacred Condor guides a very special beautiful ceremony for the coming New Year of 2023. Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmissions.
May 2024 be full of Health, Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
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