Lyran Codes Streaming In! Your Diamond Light Body ~ The Magenta Ray – RAINBOW STARBODIES COMING ONLINE
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Star Family of the 144 Rising
Our local Solaris continues to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in their Ascension Process by releasing a fusillade of Solar Flares today with Several C Class Flares and to more major M Class flares the most powerful maxing at M 6.8 at 7:34 UTC. A CME from yesterday’s most powerful X 2.8 Class flare of Solar Cycle 25 will flood Mother Earth with Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Dimensional Light on December 17th.
As we make our Way through the Crystalline Corridor until the Solstice on the 21st we are receiving full upgrades, codes and activations for our Rainbow Diamond Solar Light Bodies of Eternal Life. As Avatars of the New Earth we step into our Divine Roles as guides and Wayshowers of the Path with Heart into our Golden Age of Enlightenment for all sentient beings of the Way.
Like a Caterpillar within the chrysalis manifesting her Great Transformation we too have been preparing over many lifetimes and timelines for our Emergence as Galactic Butterflies of Awakened Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind to walk the Middle Path of Peace, Balance and Prosperity for all our Good People of the Tao… A’Ho!
12/15 Quantum Shift New Paradigm! This is a get ready gateway now-end year. Subconscious preparation weekend. Bringing spirit to matter.
Winter Mystic
White diamond sun! Lyran codes streaming in from the galactic center to our sun and to your diamond light body. Light is both a particle and wave and it’s oscillating your atoms and charging the grid. The sun will always be our portal to ascension for the planetary body, solar logos and it’s a choice to align your Stargate to these stargates.
Remember, your heart is the gateway! Allow peace to prevail within you, purifying you from draco programs, pressure, distortions and inversions. We are realigning and restoring the grids of consciousness that run through this planet and around it. You are the beacon of light that assists this liberation. Let nothing stop you! 💎☀️
Monad Crystal Heart appears in those who are contracted with you to experience no matter the dimension they reside mostly, so it can be also 3D people surrounding you and resonating as family, tuning with you to the Divine Abundance of Universe, naturally activated to higher octaves as there’s readiness in the 3D of the hearts to open. These are 3D people connected to their Divine child, connecting through their childlike wonder and playfulness. (Feline)
Create your Monad pod (Dolphins) surrounding you and play with them, that can assist in creating abundance and expand the field of Angelic pure heart for the land, grid, leyline. (Dragon)
Connect with your individual landscape of Nature, Gaia and the elements coexisting within your environment.
Amplify light (Lemuria) and purify body with Gaia.
Practice your Holographic field and Light body activating collaboration and organic technology in anchoring. (#Arcturus)
Hold yourself in love, allow the expansion through the Diamond Heart of Gaia.
Do you, be you!
Hanna Christina Ennoia Christos Sophia & High Councils and Family of Light.
44 1447
Monad Crystal Heart
Ra James
We are in a Geomagnetic Storm right now. We are receiving a lot of energy right now. Expect the energies to escalate over the next few days. There was an X2.8-class flare we will really be feeling over the next couple of days ahead. A CME will arrive Dec 17th from it. this will increase the Space Storm we are already in. This X flare is the strongest flare we have had of our current solar cycle. It came with a crazy ultraviolet flash. Stay grounded over the next few days.
These energies are coming with some major DNA upgrades as we prepare for the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice always brings a lot of Lightbody activations. These are powerful energies for manifesting too. Tomorrow we have our Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. This is a major alignment. Expect compassion, healing, and romantic vibes. You may also experience misunderstandings in your relationships.
This alignment can bring ups and downs to your relationships. It’s a greet day to focus on the spiritual and getting creative. On the 21st the Sun enters Capricorn. The is the Winter Solstice. We shift seasons on this day. It’s the darkest day of the year. We are entering into a time where the veil is thin…
An unexpected change is happening or will happen soon. You may not even realize it, but it’s so necessary so you can end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.
1122, 222, 1313, 333, 444, 555, 777, 0505
Your angels are sending you signs that you will come out winning even with everything that is happening or coming.
You are about to receive an amazing blessing from the Universe. Get ready for more signs and all your manifestations to come to pass. Your life will be flooded with money, health in all directions. Believe it until you see it happen. Don’t overthink how it will happen or worry about the moment; simply acknowledge that it already happened. You only need to believe it to understand it.
12/15/23: As the coming days unfold, you will see how important it is to accept this past year without judgment or criticism. You must trust that not one step of your journey was without value. Today’s message is to be aware of the tendency, born of love and protectiveness, to take on others’ life lessons. You can’t and you shouldn’t.
Very often our good intentions become obstacles to others’ growth. Today walks the line between what’s yours to learn… and what is theirs. Accept that everything is exactly as it must be, that absolutely nothing is wasted or missed, and that sometimes you have to cheer from the sidelines as they find their own way. One of the greatest acts of love is to let others learn that they can trust themselves.
Strong solar flares are resulting in the more unusual magenta colours manifesting through the mix of chemicals within our atmosphere as the aurora borealis; and are becoming visual in places not used to such a striking display on the night sky.
Below is an extract from my blog post ‘The Magenta Ray’.
The Magenta ray is the key holder to the codes reaching for the inner heart. Outwardly Magenta (pink) represents the combined loving hearts of the many guides across multi dimensions, who are choosing to gather together in the higher realms to support us at this time. You have never been more protected, guided or loved.
But, as you may know Sensitives work best with the invisible, in fact it is their forte;… and once they feel the awakenings shift within their highly attuned nervous system the magic happens with its own momentum and simply flows to create itself.
The Sensitive is just a conduit for the manifestation of the ethereal into the physical, using feelings, actions and even the very breath to the evolution of love.
For a Sensitive the frequency of colour is a spiritual connection as they feel the vibrational pulse of the rainbow spectrum through the use of their five highly developed senses and combining any sixth sense ability.
The New Earth Angels should not be afraid of their enhanced abilities and should embrace their gifts as the evolving communicative skills which lead us forward in evolution. Whether having the ability to hear colours as sound, to communicate them through symbols or colours or deliver a physical expression as music or dance, the Sensitive community opens itself to its natural creative ability.
Angelically, pink is the colour of Archangel Chamuel, who is associated with the bringing of LOVE into any situation.
The message of which I speak is one of a connected energy of individuals working together to create a joint sense of heartfelt frequency under a process which involves the opening to love, not only across person to person, but also across dimensions.
As a result of this innovative collective process it will be the purpose of the millions of Earth Angels, who are currently incarnated and have been positioned in roles across the communities; to work to bring these heartfelt agendas into reality and to create new priorities for change, which will have a major impact on the lives of individuals.
The magenta rays are the gateway to a dimension of bliss, where harmony is promised to all those of good heart. Those who seek to emulate its vibration are the children of that promise.
Dear friends, our sun’s activity has increased in the last 24 hours. We had the biggest X-class solar flare in the current solar cycle 25 just a few hours ago and also multiple strong M-class flares.
There was some tension in the air since the 12:12 portal, and here we are now receiving a deep and sustained burst of solar activity that is deeply stirring and transforming our energy fields. Those of you who are sensitive to solar activity may be feeling its effects on your physical bodies. Some of the symptoms related to these solar flares could be: mild headaches, inner heat sensations around the body, dry mouth and throat, sleepiness, and/or a general feeling of mild anxiety and feeling out of focus. I mention this because we are now experiencing the energetic effects of the 12:12 lightcodes plus this new added layer of energetic solar activity.
We are still in the 10 day period between the 12:12 portal and the 12:21 Summer/Winter solstice, depending on where you are on the planet. This period of 10 days will have its ups and downs. We are still processing and integrating the information from the intense 12:12 lightcodes and all the inner shifts from the new moon, plus this new solar activity. This is a tremendous amount of energy and information that our bodies have been processing non-stop. The energies overall have been intensifying month by month since the beginning of the year, and our energetic and physical bodies are feeling this on-going process big time. Since the year 2012, the increase in frequency of our planet and humanity as a whole has been increasing gradually. This level of intensity is expected to continue until 2033.
Please remember it takes a minimum of three days to integrate new energetic information into our energy fields. This process is complex and extremely personal, and depends on many factors, such as your personal history, lifestyle, diet, etc. As we get closer to the solstice, we should be finding ourselves more balanced internally, and with new insights about our future 2024 timeline. It’s a period in which many of our hidden potentials may come “on line” to give us further insights about our next steps. The Solstice energy will further assist us in achieving this new energetic equilibrium.
The December Trinity codes will continue flowing throughout the month. Christmas time, with its official date of December 25, will bring its own collective light codes as well. And while this may or may not be the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ, the collective Christ consciousness energy grid will be intensified, which is also an aspect of the crystalline December Trinity codes.
We are slowly reaching the midway of this 10 day transformation period, and you will notice a clear shift once we cross that energetic threshold. Keep taking care of yourself: rest, stay hydrated, and engage in some journaling to clarify and organize your thoughts and insights. New bright beginnings are just around the corner.
Have a wonderful weekend, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s energy update. Much love
This a time of profound unification in both ourselves and our planet. Many of us have been working since this month began with the integration of our divine feminine and masculine energies. An inner process that can now be accomplished due to the recent activations in our planet, specifically in some of the earth’s grids, that allows the Divine Blueprint to be restored within ourselves, and in our planet.
This is a process that requires a lot of devotion and dedication to our mission, as assisting in the process of healing our planetary reversals is vital for us to be able to reconnect ourselves to our divine selves.
During this new cycle that we are already immersed into, Guides remark on the importance of healing and opening our solar plexus, responsible for the embodiment of our life force, through the Sun connection, and thymus, where our soul portal and Higher Heart resides, which connects to our eight chakra, resulting in what Guides call galactivation, which is the natural process by which we activate our monadic chakras, starting to embody the monad, and with it our unique soul purpose.
The Monadic integration process though involves working with our entire body and template, beginning by reprograming our DNA, healing distortions, and starting to reconnect ourselves to our original essence.
After this process, mission embodiment occurs at the level of the monadic embodiment. Many of us, as ascending souls, have been born already with the ability to fulfill our purpose simply by being, for our soul’s blueprint holds unique codes that already assist the planet.
However, as we too grow and evolve, our mission becomes more conscious, and its integration mostly depends on the activation of our eight chakra, for it is the one that gives us access, so to speak, through our eight DNA strand to embody our cosmic mission and all the information about ourselves and lives.
This is the process that many are going to be stepping into, during 2024. A long-term process that involves the total reconnection of our upper chakras, DNA strands, and their corresponding dimensions.
The conscious inner work of re-connection with our monad and oversoul is pivotal to balance the ego, manifest our mission, and be grounded not to fall into illusions or other false beliefs of who we are, and what we are here to do.
This is going to be a year for all of us to stand firm in our personal truth, restoring our connection to our monad, and the many dimensions that we are naturally connected with, and above all, a year of deep planetary work, for the correction of the many distorted structures continues.
Thank you for BEing who you are, Beloved Ones.
May you always remain in the love, wisdom, and power of your God Illumined Self.
I felt such deep peace, joy and deep serenity all day, knowing that all was well. Not only within me, but on all levels.
In the last few hours I kept being shown a vast Universal portal and this opening, and we all moving through this portal, as if in huge Intergalactic Mothership into a totally new existence as the doors of the portal shut behind us forever!
There was such joy, for this meant that we have left behind the old earth, the old existence, the old self, behind forever.
We now were cruising into a totally new and much higher dimensional life and existence in the New Universe and new galactic and solar whole and into the New Earth! Everything was buzzing with such vital life force that all and everything and everyone had a golden-white halo around them.
This vision persist and is filled with such Divine Love that my inner joy, serenity, peace expands into the knowing that our glorious new future in the New is already here!
We need to consciously embrace this, within ourselves and live it in the here and now.
For Your Light World Can Be All Consuming, As We Navigate Our Light Vision for 2024.
We Ask You To Focus On A Collective Vision Of Love And Unity For Your World
Of Global Peace And Cosmic Alliance With All Beings
It Was Yesterday I Was Shown A Gateway Of Light Now Entering Our World. A Wonderful Arcturian Opening Of Light Aligned To Assist The Starseeds And All Beings Awaken To The Celestial Template Of Creation. A Higher Vision Of Awakening.
This Unique Light Field Is Aligned To The Solstice Frequencies, As The Gateways Are Opening.
For The Crystalline Light Of Humanity And All Species Continues To Evolve. As The Cosmic Light Forces Shower Our World.
A Wonderful Way To Connect To This Energy And Crystalline Light Field Is To Connect To The Galactic Night Sky, Play In The Sun Rays, Immerse In The Vibrational Rays Of Now.
For 2024 Will Continue The Uprising Of Light
The Narrative Of Unified Alliance Of All Beings Is The Cosmic Language Of The Universe
With Love Wayshowers,
Take Care, Rest, As The Light Form Is Collecting Information. Much Is Occuring In The Higher Realms Of Light
Our lives are being turned right side up, from surviving to thriving. An increase of abundance is entering with the Heaven on Earth timeline. Those systems / people that used or took advantage of you financially are ending. Karma is served. Rest and recover this weekend while this alignment takes place. Heal now in preparation for your rebirth and growth cycle that’s coming.
On Friday, December 15th, we have Mars, planet of energy and action, in fire sign Sagittarius the Archer in a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Centaur and Wounded Healer, in fire sign Aries the Ram. This is about the energy of healing! Mars wants to move forward and feel passion and enthusiasm for life once again!
And, Chiron wants to be a bridge from our pain and wounds to reintegration and realignment. We can do this! We have the zest and zeal to move through whatever discomforts we are experiencing. Call in the Healers of the Light for assistance and guidance, and then trust and believe in your Wholeness! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, planet of energy and action, in fire sign Sagittarius the Archer in a positive trine connection to Chiron
Sun in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries. Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron retrograde in Aries – Maybe it’s felt like we’re in free-fall recently, but today’s trines are the safety net. We land, not with a thump, but with a gentle bounce and a soft giggle. Now we might better understand the reason why things are as they are, the beliefs that drive us forwards (and sometimes backwards). Our wounds are our teachers. Strength is born from pain.
Here is the push to chase our vision to heal this feeling that we’re not strong enough or that we’re too wounded to win. Under this influence, if we’ve been avoiding conflict, we may feel the desire to assert our wishes. This is about having the courage to heal, having the confidence to forge our own path through life. The brave pursuit of truth is the healing way. The more we use our creativity and align with our sense of purpose, the clearer the road ahead becomes.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number 4 and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure.’ The fourth day of any wavespell is about taking a closer look at the details. Reading the finer print and scrutinizing, so you may proceed armed with the knowledge necessary to move forward with the wavespell. Yesterday we flew with the Eagle and saw things from a higher perspective, now we must swoop in closer to see what is going on.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the keywords associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior invites us to go on a mission, to accept a quest. Try thinking about what you could achieve today using your willpower and tackling things like a Warrior. Don’t hesitate to wield your sword and don’t be shy about marching forth. As it is a number four day and that represents definition, today’s mission therefore will be about the quest for information. The Warrior loves to ask questions and it has a thirst for knowledge so the number goes very well with the day. The combo makes for a fact finding mission that should prove to be very interesting. Expect to learn something new!
The Guide for the day is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling, Wisdom and Free Will’. This suggests that by using your intuition to guide your actions today, that will help you discover the answers.
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on Worldbridger day will find it tough going. You must use your willpower and be a Warrior. Yes, bridges may be difficult to cross today but if you read the details of the instructions…that will gain you permission to cross over. Worldbridgers are always seeking peace but using Diplomacy may not be an option today, so be aware that playing ‘piggy in the middle’ isn’t going to work.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which invites you to shed your old skin and emerge feeling like a new person. In this magical position, the Serpent is powerful and can really help you transmute any poison within you. This symbolizes letting go of pain or fear or anything that does you no good.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Consult one if you need help today, their dreams can inspire you. If you are a Blue Night, you can be very helpful to others today influencing people with your great imagination. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and sleep on it. You’d be surprised how friendly your dreams can be to you today. May you have a message that helps you with the fact finding.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 56 = 11 = 2
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partnership/Cooperation
Today is another powerful NEW EARTH day.. We have more DIVINE MAJIK with a 6.3 = 9 UNIVERSAL majik code plus a 7 total. This is bringing forth divine consciousness for building NEW EARTH.. The QUEST of the RAINBOW WARRIORS,
Another POTENT day continuing the gifts brought by yesterday’s BLUE EAGLE, calling us to ACTION our DREAMS and our DIVINE purpose.
Today we are working on the MENTAL plane, and using our minds to QUESTION what it is we need to SURRENDER, in order to SHAPE our new reality, and EXPAND our consciousness!
Yesterday marked the CLOSURE of the cycle of WAR and BATTLES on our beloved planet, GAIA!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS have gloriously ARISEN and are VICTORIOUSLY reclaiming this realm, in order to lead us into the LIGHT at the end of the RAINBOW.
SELF-EXISTING Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
The WARRIOR plus the SELF-EXISTING tone are a very MIND focused energy.. leading to much mental analysis, questioning and defining today, (and possibly ARGUMENTS, CONFLICTS and battles). So remember to keep your cool!
The WARRIOR will necessitate that you define what FORM, your DREAMS and the collective DREAMING of our Planet shall take, in order to be created. It is time to build a SOLID FOUNDATION for New Earth together.
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR CIB is the Ancient GALACTIC warrior who answered the CLARION CALL from GAIA to come from all corners of the Galaxy to assist her in Ascending to the New Golden Age.
After a long, arduous battle, the RAINBOW WARRIORS have NOW fearlessly reclaimed their mighty SWORDS of POWER and have RISEN in FULL SOVEREIGNTY as the DIVINE WARRIORS of CHRIST – fearlessly defending and creating the DIVINE PLAN for human-kind.
This PEACE focused WARRIOR is the brave revolutionary of ancient times, constantly QUEST-I-ON-ing our physical reality, and the nature of our existence in order to LEAD us to a better world. CIB wields his SWORD of TRUTH and cuts through all the extraneous packaging in order to get to the CORE of the package deep inside the box.
The Warrior uses his intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world, by challenging the status quo. His fearless spirit cuts through obstacles and falsities along the way, so that others may follow paths of increasing intelligence.
The YELLOW WARRIOR banishes FEAR, so that you can see your true face bright and clear.
Today you are asked to look at any MENTAL challenges and blocks.
What are those FEARS, beliefs, and old programs that are restricting you from building your new life.
What better thoughts can you construct that will assist you with majikally manifesting your goals?
How can you use your mental acuity, to define and shape your existence into a better LIFE for one and ALL?
CIB fearlessly questions our actions in order to EXPAND and awaken to greater consciousness. The SELF EXISTING WARRIOR is extremely FOCUSED on redefining the world he experiences, until his DESIRED reality is shaped and takes form.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SELF=EXISTING HUMAN EB Influences others and emphasizes FREE WILL. EB and CIB are best mates, these two work in tandem, as well as BEN and CIMI do. YELLOW HUMAN brings forth great mental capacity through his wisdom and intelligence, thus the WARRIOR has SUPER MENTAL abilities today, as these two brothers combine their gifts.
The YELLOW TRIBES are the RIPENERS – they get things DONE and bring them into fruition, through concentrated FOCUS of intent. YELLOW HUMAN is strongly guiding the WARRIOR to align with DIVINE WILL today – to ensure he is fearlessly defending and CREATING the DIVINE PLAN and not just recklessly battling for his own agenda.
When the WARRIOR has a NOBLE cause, he is elevated to DIVINE status as an instrument of the DIVINE – The PEACEFUL SPIRITUAL WARRIOR A true WARRIOR of CHRIST.
As such he is then afforded DIVINE PROTECTION, as he carries out his QUEST for TRUTH and JUSTICE in GOD’S name. He thus becomes a beacon influencing others to join his crusade in the name of TRUTH and JUSTICE.
YELLOW HUMAN helps the WARRIOR to raise his vibe to open his golden chalice and let the wisdom of Spirit flow through, melting any FEAR, doubt or self derision. He can then find the confidence, courage and belief in his innate abilities to KNOW the right path to take.
EB guides the CHOICES made by CIB leading to Divine outcomes, so that the Will of God can take shape and form on this Earth realm.
SUPPORT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to connect with his intuitive promptings which is absolutely essential for his SAFETY and SURVIVAL… Simply following the promptings of the MIND, can lead the Warrior astray.
The WARRIOR must align his MIND with his HEART and be guided by his instinct and intuition, that is, his gut intelligence. If something does not sit right in his gut, then his instincts are guiding him to CHALLENGE what is presenting. AKBAL will also reveal what lies deep in the abyss which takes great courage to unearth and FACE.
4 AKBAL is the galactic signature of Nikola Tesla – It holds very potent CREATION POWER!! This is the MAJIK GENIE that can GRANT all your desires… so take HEED and capitalize on this phenomenal GIFT today. In addition today we have a BONUS of the 3.6.9 TESLA UNIVERSAL MAJIK manifesting code! SHAZAM!!!!
What 3 DESIRES do you WISH to take FORM?
VISUALIZE it in your MIND’S EYE – and then ABRACADABRA it will be made manifest into FORM! Especially if you use the 3.6.9 formula in your spell casting!
The SELF-EXISTING tone carries the capacity to access the ELECTRICAL currents created the previous day – through the BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE. Thus you can harness GREAT energy to fuel YOUR desires, inventions and YOUR innate imaginings through your 3rd eye and psychic VISION. PURE POTENT TESLA POWER!!
TESLA had incredible MIND POWER!! Whatever he invented or wished to create, eventuated out of a lengthy CREATION process.. The plans, drawings and structure of the inventions, were all crafted in his GENIUS MIND first. Then they were modified and refined, over and over, until TESLA was sure he had a successful model in which to build. He did not begin to physically construct it, until it was 90% perfected in his MIND.
POWERFUL minds SHAPE reality by honing and refining the details, UNTIL it is perfected in the MIND’S EYE, and made MANIFEST!
BLUE NIGHT encourages the WARRIOR to pursue his DREAMS, knowing that there is a better path in which to tread. The WARRIOR will slash through the illusion, and follow the yellow brick road, to the treasures he intuitively knows lay on the path ahead.
The SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR is fearlessly INTENT on measuring and defining HOW this DREAM of a better life, and better world, shall take SHAPE. This NEW DREAMING of the collective, forms the basis of his valiant QUEST, the reason he volunteered for this QUEST.
The BRAVE RAINBOW WARRIOR will FEARLESSLY defend this DREAM, at all costs, until it has been made MANIFEST!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED PLANETARY SERPENTCHICCUAN represents your basic motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. RED SERPENT asks you to release all your Battles (particularly your INNER battles) and your FEARS, shed the skin of your past, and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation. In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.
RED SERPENT combines with BLUE NIGHT to ease your survival fears and old programmed instincts. We each hold a store house of chi within us. Unlock the VITALITY in your kundalini channel, to release all blocks to your MANIFESTING the life and body of your DREAMS. An optimum time to use TAI CHI, Yoga and body work to allow the CHI to FLOW effortlessly awakening your creative SPARK!
CHICCHAN is a PLANETARY SERPENT so he has the POWER to enable your ideas and projections to easily be made MANIFEST in the physical world. The PLANETARY tone also highlights the COLLECTIVE DREAM and the DIVINE PLAN for the whole of humanity.
CHICCHAN unleashes incredible PLANETARY POWER for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to succeed in their QUEST in creating this NEW WORLD. Tap into the POWER that GAIA provides through ULURU, EGYPT and power centres around the globe, draw forth the magnetic CREATION force through your feet and dantien to fuel your desires.
A POWERhouse of creation energies exists within our being. Unleash the POWER, PASSION and LIFE FORCE that Chiccan provides, to IGNITE your desires, and PERFECT the PLANETARY DREAM, of PEACE ON EARTH for all Planetary kin. Aho!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER CIMI The shadow challenges of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER includes the FEAR of DEATH, endings and change. Reluctance or inability to LET GO and move forward, clinging to the old way of being.
Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the LIGHT creating more space for LOVE to fill the void.
What are you afraid of, in order to take the next step?
The transformation offered in CIMI is found in SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. Through DEFINING what is IMPORTANT, we can more easily LET GO of what does not align with our new VISION.
By releasing what does not fit in our new form, we can move forward, and CIMI can build the bridge to the new. New relationships, connections, opportunities and grand new adventures, creating space for further soul expansion and growth to occur.
The WARRIOR’S greatest act of humility is to spare the life of his greatest enemy, surrendering his fate into the hands of the DIVINE. In this way he can release the pursuit of retribution and realign with a greater destiny and QUEST..
Knowing WHEN to SURRENDER, and change course, is a DIVINE act of humility and Spiritual maturity.
Choose to LET GO, and choose HARMONY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE!
Allow CIMI to send out new golden threads, to all the wondrous new connections you will be making in your new chapter. Remember at all times to release FEAR and choose LOVE. Ironically to do this we usually have to accept the DEATH of something old in order to build this new bridge to LOVE!
Allow CIB the fearless Warrior to lead you over the rainbow bridge on your new QUEST, to manifest and shape the NEW WORLD of your DREAMS.
NOTE: Warrior’s fearlessly charge into battle, so be wary of arguments, disputes and conflicts today. Thankfully the emotional charge is lessened today as the tone is in the MENTAL realm. However this may translate to VERBAL battles and arguments!
Do not engage in PERSONAL battles but save your energy for the greater good – your Divine Mission and the PLANETARY focus!
This elevates the focus of the Warrior to higher states of consciousness, and thus accordingly his behaviour!
WHITE WORLDBRIDGER can bring forth an end to battles in any arena. So disengage and FOCUS on PEACE and UNITY. OM AH OM!
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Meet your Spirit Guide (Sacred Condor Guided Meditation)🔥
from my Sacred Condor is a transformative experience designed to facilitate a connection between an individual and their spiritual guide, providing a space for self-discovery, guidance, and insight. This meditation typically involves visualization and intentional relaxation techniques to create a receptive state of mind.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with the “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide.” This immersive experience invites participants to explore the depths of their inner world, guided by a soothing voice that leads them through a series of calming visualizations and intentional breathwork.
As the meditation unfolds, participants are encouraged to create a sacred and protected space within their minds—a tranquil environment where they can feel secure and open to spiritual energies. The meditation then guides them to ground themselves, establishing a connection with the Earth’s energy and fostering a sense of stability.
The individual is gently led into a state of heightened awareness, transcending the physical realm to enter a sacred space—a serene landscape tailored to their personal preferences. In this ethereal setting, participants are invited to encounter their spirit guide—an ethereal being, perhaps human, animal, or symbolic in form.
The encounter with the spirit guide becomes a heartwarming and enlightening experience. The meditation encourages open communication, allowing participants to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive messages from their guide. The exchange is rich with symbolism and intuitive wisdom, fostering a deep connection between the individual and their spiritual guide.
Throughout the meditation, the soothing voice provides gentle cues and prompts, helping participants remain grounded in the experience while embracing the profound insights and guidance offered by their spirit guide. The session concludes with a gentle return to the present moment, leaving participants with a sense of gratitude, newfound wisdom, and a strengthened connection to their spiritual path.
This “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide” serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a meaningful connection with the unseen realms of guidance and support.
In the Name of God “I AM”, I invoke the presence of the Beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Miguel and all the Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of the Will of God to guide and protect me daily and hourly.
Archangel Michael, come into my life. Help me overcome all density with your blue flame sword. Release and free me from all negativity and mistakes of the past.
I ask for a blue ray of divine love to be established over my being, over my home, over my family, over my work and all my affairs. I call upon the guidance needed to manifest God’s will in every aspect of my life to fulfill my divine purpose here on Earth and make my Ascension into the Light. I claim that God’s will manifest everywhere on Earth as in the Kingdoms Of Light and Freedom.
I appreciate that my request is answered according to God’s Holy Will.
And so be it! BeLoved i am
(repeat 3 times)
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
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