NEW 5D-EARTH CRYSTALLINE LIGHT MATRIX ~ A GOLDEN ERA * Venus Shamanic Journey as Leo Metagoddess ~ The CREATRIX of a New Paradigm
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Earth Angelics of Ascending Mastery
We are truly on the precipice of our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of New Earth.
Great Spirit continues to send multiple packets of Higher light information to Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun using our local Soularis as a massive projector in the Heavens above flashing multiple rays of light through another 12 C Class Soular Flares in the past 24 hours.
We also had two spikes of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 26 and 39 hz. Fifth dimensional resonance fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Chile, South America , in the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors and Kundalini of Gaia.
As Mother Earths Kundalini rises through her Central Channel we rise with her. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being activated and all Energy Centers are fully open and awakened and being prepared to transform fully into our 5D Avatars of Gaia Galactica.
As the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine merge together in Unity Consciousness the Eagle flies with the Condor in Hieros Gamos to usher in our Highest Ascension Timeline of Eternal Bliss Consciousness… A’Ho!
What you are to experience in the new realm of the Fifth Dimension, is all the beauty, peace, and abundance you have imagined, and more. This is only the beginning of your journey towards higher consciousness and expansion. For you are to one day serve as suns in the greater cosmos.
fifth dimension Earth.
It is a GLORIOUS TIME / It is a TIME of HOPE / Community / HARMONY and LOVE / Yes / of course there are signs of CHAOS and upheaval / but they are the FINAL WRITHING of the /// BEAST /// before its departure into the archives of MEMORY /
Melissa Lyran
2 very interesting Schumann charts this afternoon. It went from raining golden lightcodes to a blackout this afternoon. It feels like the timeline is shifting again higher and higher. Physical symptoms are minimal. We are in a moment of divine integration. It’s going to be a busy weekend. It’s truly a golden era and a time to put our hard-earned wisdom and knowledge to USE! We are creating it at this moment so stay focused. Everything is a beautiful opalescent rainbow color if you look at it with eyes to see. It’s like the vibrancy and true color saturation in the world is turned all the way up.
It’s very beautiful! I’m noticing that things are shifting so quickly, people, events, are all moving to their appropriate node FAST NOW. It’s a huge wave that is pushing forward without stopping – this is where “nothing can stop what’s coming” must originate from. Almost 5 years ago now I saw in a vision a huge party that started in Mexico and spread the entire world as every human on the earth was liberated. People could not believe they were truly FREE BUT THEY ABSOLUTELY ARE. Everyone danced and laughed all night and day across the entire world. It was a beautiful vision and I feel that moment is rapidly approaching.
There is a massive change for the better happening on the planet right now
This change won’t be on the news and it hasn’t gone viral. And if you don’t look for it, you won’t even notice it happening
This change is currently happening in the hearts of humanity
People are realizing that we become what we focus our attention on. And we influence this reality based on who we become
So people are realizing that “fighting” is senseless and focusing on the chaos is futile
Rather, people are quietly focusing on building their version of heaven of earth
They are healing themselves and focusing on creating more beauty
People have realized that awakening to their own divinity is what protects them from manipulation, and allows them to become the change they want to see
It’s sweeping through nations but it’s hard to notice. However, its strength is growing in numbers. Not strength in numbers to “fight”. Fighting only breeds more fighting
It’s strength in numbers to create such a beautiful world that it will be obvious for others to join. To the point where on day, they will hold a war, and no one will come
The frequencies of war, greed and manipulation will no longer be able to exist in a reality of sovereign awakened beings living connected to their divinity
Shared with so much love for each and every single soul on this planet. May you always stand in your sacred power and know the gift of your radiant heart
We are the change
Christy Ashley
Tea with the Raven King
Blue Rose Oracles
Currently, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture, a sacred moment where our intentions shape the very fabric of our reality. Each thought, each vibration we emit, weaves into the grand tapestry of the universe, creating ripples that echo through time and space. As divine beings, we hold the power to transcend the old patterns and step into a higher state of consciousness, where our dreams and desires manifest with grace and ease.
This journey of deeper embodiment calls us to recognize our innate ability to activate higher timelines.
We are the choreographers, the creators of our destiny. By aligning our energy with the frequencies of love, joy, and faith, we elevate not only our own existence but also contribute to the collective re awakening.
Our vibrations resonate with the heartbeat of the universe, amplifying the light within and around us. As we stand at this crossroads, let us choose to focus our intentions with unwavering clarity.
Let us believe fully in the power of our thoughts and hearts to co create a reality that reflects our love, unity and harmony. In this sacred space, we are called to embody the divine, to hold the vision of a world where harmony and peace prevail. Our vibrations and intentions are the beautiful activation keys and codes that lay the foundation for the future, a future where we all live in a much more unified & harmonised reality.
In this moment of profound transformation, we are reminded of our interconnectedness. Each of us is a guiding light, illuminating the path for all to walk each other hand in hand towards creating a reality that reflects our divine inheritance of love . By embracing our role as co-creators, we contribute to the elevation of the collective consciousness. We are here to anchor these higher frequencies, to be the change we wish to see in the world. Our journey is one of love, faith, and embodied grace.
11/8/24: A phase of being, a cycle of growth, an eternity of consciousness. Ever journeying throughout lifetimes from self-identity into Selfness. Two steps forward and one back. Free Will generating cause and effect. Choices determining outcomes. Karma in action. 2024 has given you a boost in many ways, strengthening your core, your empowerment, your enlightenment.
It has revealed your imbalances and wobbles, your contributions and courage. It’s given you the chance to look at the world and choose differently. Today is a peek into 2025’s focus on responsibility, accountability, and the use of personal power. What goes out does indeed come back. The Great Wheel spinning. And you are at the heart of it.
The consciousness of Humanity is beginning to enter more into the logic aspect of consciousness prior to Divine/Christos Consciousness.
The ability to reason and rationalize, that leads to logic, was kept distant from Humanity intentionally. This nefarious interference with the Human consciousness, that involved many experiments and extensive programming, is currently breaking en masse. This is the door opening now to logic, which is directly connected to the whole of the Sacral Release Process, and the Realization of the Solar Plexus ability and new state of existing.
The current worldwide system of Humanity simply defies logic, and it is this operating system that is being replaced, in alignment with the overall Ascension.
The current rashes of worldwide events, which includes Natural events, effect the rapid breakdown of the illogical senses, and the immorality associated with these savage practices and acceptances of social response and responsibilities. The rationalization produces the Light bulb in the head moments,and sanity is achieved. This amplifies the Great Awakening and subsequently the Replacement System for Humanity to operate and function in a Harmonious Environment that is Heaven Like.
The Purgatory Scenario, the last step of Hell before emerging into Heaven, is currently playing out worldwide, with serious life changing choices being made by the Individual, which cannot be denied nor ignored. The Divine Plan for Earth, the Promise is being delivered to Earth, and being fulfilled. Truly there is not the free will to ignore it, for the Divine Plan includes All Children of God, made by the Spark of God, and not those “men made by men”.
In Purgatory, the ammendments and choices are made by All which determines the placement in reality, the demons stay behind, while the Children of God Divinely Redeem Themselves through the right choices and always doing the right thing. To support a current worldwide system that has inflicted much harm upon Humanity, is not the right choice.
Before you came into your Priestess Gifts- You KNEW in your bones that your then current life was the ‘sacrifice’ you needed to offer to gain access to your Heart and Soul aligned Soul Path.
Before You became cognisant of your Powers and Abilities- You KNEW in the depths of your Heart that there was ‘Something’ powerful stirring within the cauldron of Transformation (YOU) that was waiting to be Birthed. It may have seemed totally impossible against the backdrop of your current reality ..BUT Your Reality DID transcend the seemingly impossible ….and That is when Your ReBirthed Yourself on your Heart and Soul Aligned Path.
Before Your ‘Reality’ Changed- You Simply KNEW it Would happen….. When and How…..The Universe took care of that Beautifully…did it not?!?!
When You work with the Subtle Energies and KNOW that it is Done… takes its ‘Time’ to manifest into ‘Reality’ in its own unique way, does it Not….
Venus/ Inanna is at the Heart Chakra in her Shamanic Journey as Leo Metagoddess -Sekhmet/ Kali/ Durga / (Uraeus) – Sovereign Queen of The Creative Fires- The Spiritual Warrior Energy!!!
SHE IS the CREATRIX of a New Paradigm. She ‘wrestles and excavates’ the New from The Cauldron of Chaos, Blood and Despair. And She Alone Is ENOUGH. These are Warrior Goddesses. They enter the Fray ALONE …. And They are ALWAYS ENOUGH. And She knows it deep in Her Heart , Soul ,Blood and Bones.And SHE is YOU.
Drop into your Heart Space. Listen to that Inner Voice. Choose wisely where you wish to direct your Energies Now- Fear or Trust.
The Sovereign Queen is Rooted in Trust and Self Confidence – of her Connection to The Divine, her Inner Guidance, her abilities, quest, mission, her Inner Strength Resilience and Success. If it were easy….YOU wouldn’t be Here Now …. But Here We Are….Coz it was never meant to Be easy ….The Sovereign Queen Creates her ‘Reality’ First Within/ As Within…..and Only then is it Mirrored As Without…… In Time, In Divine Timing, In Faith, In Trust,In Grace, In Light…..
There are extremely intense energies flooding the planet as the Earth is Shifting into higher Conscious Timelines .The earth is upgrading recalibrating and experiencing high and intense vibrational frequencies that are flooding our Planet and because of this there is a mass collective increase in ascension symptoms for most ascending individuals.
Ascension Symptoms : Throat soreness, tightness, sudden need to cry/ /laugh/sigh, electrical zaps/tingles, body heat, spiritual depression, hip pain, lower back ache, buzzing in the ears , head pressure , dizziness , Nausea , purging , loss of appetite , craving organic real food , Keeping to self , preferring to connect to source energy than with others , feeling a sacred connection with Ascension light team . Tingling in the crown chakra , seventh level ( violet ) warm sensations and feelings in the sacral third chakra ( yellow ).
Self may be experiencing stiffness in the neck area and a sore throat a symptom that occurs after pent up emotional expression , after speaking your truth , fifth chakra ( blue ) , Waking up groggy , Heartburn , Stomach issues , Gas and bloating sensations , Frequent Headaches , Waking up feeling you are in a new timeline., Feelings of overwhelm , Neck/shoulder Tension , Body aches , Joint pain.
Occur when the Self is faced with the shadow aspect in feeling stuck , feeling Suspended for a time and possibly anxious of the unknown , feelings of being in a holding zone , what is being experienced is the Void , purgatory, clearing out of the old repeated cycles in self.
This is a big part of the Ascension awakening process , during these times of transition you may find your self not as interested in socialising . Feeling a stronger connection to nature, You may find your self ready to connect to other beings from your star system, vivid dreams about the past or future, a desire to move out of cities, experiencing strong synchronicities .
Clearing the Shadow : Dark night of the Soul Ascension Symptoms : Base chakra ( red ) Purging , Releasing, Preferring to be isolated and alone , shutting out reality to protect the emotional heart space . Feeling stuck in mind control and repetitive patterns , difficulties expanding the limited perceptions . Depressive episodes , feeling emptiness within , inner turmoil , confusion , brain fog , crying to release the inner Emotional build up . Longing for something more than what is currently surrounding you . Dehydration, Body Pain , craving sugar , craving caffeine , acne , skin irritations , vertigo . Foot pain . Heaviness in the Heart , not feeling ready to see or accept things for the way they truly are , holding on to false hope . Feeling people’s true intentions and negative energies , Childhood trauma memories resurface .
Shadow work : Engaging in Shadow Work
is essential for conscious growth. While exploring our dark side is necessary for healing, prolonged immersion in darkness can at times cloud the inner light. Shadow work is about accepting inner duality and the internal shadow self without allowing this aspect to consume the expanding inner light.
This is a temporary stage and not the most pleasant to experience . There is no avoiding this internal ascension work . This is the purging of negative / dark internal aspects which activates the internal unknown and embedded fears creating anxiety in the body. This particular purging stage is extremely important for transmutation, transformation and for moving into higher timelines in new earth energy .
This stage can feel uncomfortable and even excruciating for many , if you find yourself experiencing the dark night of the soul in any stage of your ascension , you are not alone , going crazy , insane or losing your mind , the only things you are truly losing are the parts of Self that were corrupted with false programming and conditioning fabricated for mass control originating from the 2- 3D heirachy and the draconian matrix .
There are major aspects to recognise all false things embedded in self that are not in vibrational alignment with higher self ,They will need to be replaced by Truth , before we allow truth to set us free , the ego part will always put up a struggle and will want to cling to the old and familiar , it will continually attempt to convince the mind to remain in the safety of the existing comfort zones.
As we Ascend we come to realise we can’t keep running and hiding from the truth one Infact goes with the other , on the ascension path we will remain in the descension levels until we are fully ready and willing to accept the truth for the way it is in self , all people , things , situations , places and spaces.
The reason many find Ascension difficult is due to the resistance of accepting Truth and accepting things for how they really are . Ascension will require individuals to make changes. Ultimately the Truth which is the most indestructible force is also the only energy to liberate from false structures. Truth will shatter all and any illusions , helping the self to recognise what was and is holding the self back . Ascending Starseeds on Earth are the Truth Seekers and Truth tellers , Truth resides in 5D beyond Concious dimensions , Ascending souls are the 5d pioneers on Ascending new Earth .
A profound rebirth is taking place. This is a time of accelerated global awakening and transformation. Old systems, behaviours and ways of being are all callapsing as a new paradigm emerges. The Ascending are unlocking the coding and requirements to New Earth.
The Ascending self has consciously ascended and progressed ,having shifted out of the old ways of thinking and being. New Earth energy is making it possible for the ascending to birth new contributions and ascension services into the world based in authentic and true self expression . Many are now stepping into New Earth Leadership Roles,
When Self entered this existence, you brought with you the akashic data of your consciousness, stored within your mind-body avatar complex. By nurturing heart coherence through integrating opposite forces, you are awakening to profound recollections by recognising the interconnectedness of all things as a prominent part of your being. This profound data is intricately woven into every cell of existence, awaiting self awakening to the multidimensional self.
The Ascending have activated Akashic DNA, This was imperative to detach the self from the confining narrative constructed around self identity. This liberation allows the higher wisdom of the authentic essence to flow effortlessly. The heart serves as the gateway for the Akashic Data to be accessed, as the self opens and expands into the higher heart space , the higher heart is the healed heart that underwent a major transformational process to unfold in perfect alignment with the universal vibrations .
Those who are not aligned with your evolutionary and spiritual vibration will drift away, those resonating at the same frequency will draw closer. This is witness to the perfect alignment of those meant to be in your life, manifesting in a natural and divine way. The power of the ascending mind is responsible in orchestrating vibrationally aligned connections.
You are a multidimensional Self and are remembering and integrating countless future memories. The old version of you was once on autopilot. Now becoming aware of old patterns before they can manifest. consciously choosing a different path one of alignment and one with HIGHER SELF guidance .
2025-2027 The momentous ascent of our planet has reached a critical juncture, Now in need of higher assistance to propel the ascending collective to new levels . As the ascending beings prepare for first contact, advanced species are entering our atmosphere, some for the first time. This evolution has been a long time in the making, with the collective now at a pivotal point . In the coming years, it is expected that many cosmic interactions with beings from advanced civilizations will become a regular occurrence as they assist humanity in ascending to new stages of evolution.
Before January 2025 , the Ascending experience a rapid quickening, they are catapulted into new opportunities that accelerate their ascension journey. This Ascension acceleration enables many to take quantum leaps forward, integrating their true multidimensional nature. In the realm of New Earth energy, everything is unfolding and expanding, offering unparalleled possibilities for growth and evolution.
The Ascension symptoms you may possibly be experiencing will last any where between 3-5 days , 11-11 gateway activation will be a big game changer for many Ascending souls .
The 5D Concious Reality / receiving a total heart and central column recalibration. This recalibration will activate new levels of higher self expression .This helps the self to feel everything more deeply and completely from a place of truth , divine connection, love and compassion.
I just love this momentous birth of opportunity, as with the higher dimensions and consciousness opening, there is so much cosmic information we can tap into and download, so much more explore, and grow into!
So much to re-mem-ber!
I just love every moment of experiencing expanded consciousness and so much more!
I stand in awe and wonder.
A whole new existence opening up!
This what we, as star seeds came to do, and we have a mission to fulfill, with love and joy!
We send through this message to confirm the great signifance of your ROLE. To realise the Light Knowledge held within you.
To see yourself expanding the Light of others, as you collectively educate and awaken the global Light Family. Connecting to the many who hold the Ancient Light frequency.
The Ancient story of Now…leading to the now moment in this timeline. For within every soul, this High Vibrational Light Alliance is available.
As the New Light Age enables a higher vibrational light resonace to interconnect every being.
For the unfoldement of your true Light Mission requires dedication, following the Higher Light Path.
Acknowledging your role as a caregiver to Humanity.
Assisting from a space of Higher Vibrational Light. Anchoring your light mission with Mother Gaia as you align to the greater good of every being.
Your Higher Light Mission is found within the true source of you. Within every pure thought, tear of joy, positive affirmation.
You need to simply tap into this pure frequency and align to this High Vibrational light.
As our world trajectory is Higher Light Frequency – you are simply becoming more integrated to the New reality of your world.
As Love and Unity Light codes shower your reality.
Your power of Creation is recovering with success. You can apply this towards building a life of joy, peace, and harmony. Use your intensions to take what you’ve got and make it into what you want. The things that damaged your efforts in the past cannot do so anymore. Release the fears and resistance as you are free from that duality. God is sending assistance to help move you through the 1111 Portal of healing and happiness.
On Friday and Saturday, November 8th and 9th, lovely Venus, ruler of love, finances and values, in freedom oriented Sagittarius is forming a challenging square to Neptune, ruler of illusion, delusion and confusion, in changeable Pisces. Although this astrological transit can initiate the feeling of falling head over heels in love, or thinking that the new idea is going to solve all of your money issues, or that what you believe you see or experience is the truth, this energy can actually be nothing more than a fantasy or a day dream. Some of the shadow qualities of Neptune are deception, disintegration, uncertainty and the intangible.
And, because this is a difficult connection with Venus, ruler of relationships, money, and how we value ourselves, it can bring about evasiveness, dissolution, escapism, elusiveness and unnecessary sacrifice. The potential positive energy of this aspect can be enhanced creative self-expression, greater imagination, expanded psychic abilities, deeper connection with Spirit, and higher unconditional love, as long as we can bypass any judgment that Sagittarius may bring up. Be in your heart.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of love, finances and values, in freedom oriented Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus and trine Hygeia retrograde in Aries. Vesta conjunct South Node in Libra. Astraea enters Scorpio – Let the reins be loose but stay in control. Venus tosses her head, wanting out, gone, over the hills. It’s not escape that fuels her flight but a tingling desire for something new. Maybe we too need a tastier morsel to inspire us, something else, something different. Anything to shake off this uncomfortable feeling that for the heart to feel fulfilled, bigger changes are required. Insecurities prickle.
For some, the process might include a need to finally let go of the past. Put down the candle you were holding. Blow out the flame. Tend instead to the tiny spark that follows, surprising you from behind. Energy never dies, it’s just transformed. To return things to a golden age it might require challenging fears, digging deep for the truth, relinquishing the need for total control. If you feel fenced in, trust that this corral is necessary to curb flights of fancy. Let your heart mend.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Channel, Attune and Inspire’. We are right smack in the middle of the White Mirror wavespell and today our truth-seeking mission is helped by the number 7’s awesome energy. ‘Resonant’ days are all about fine tuning your intuition and when seeking the truth, it is very helpful to use your intuition so you may ‘feel’ when something is true or not. The number seven is supposed to be lucky. Well, if your intuition leads you to some truth today, that is fortunate!
Today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Target, Flowering and Awareness’. Yellow Seed is about ‘sowing awareness’ but also it’s a symbol of fertility and harvesting. It’s true that you reap what you sow and on Yellow Seed days, you get the chance to see things come to fruition that you’ve previously planted, including ideas. Sometimes, plans and aspirations take time to grow. As it is a number 7 day, we can use our intuition to ‘feel’ what we should be planting and what awareness we should be sowing for the future. Choose your target wisely today and be amazed with what you can harvest.
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to lead and be in charge. The mission we are on today is guided by our willpower and like the Warrior, we can wield this willpower to get what we want. This is a very handy guide today as we are being led by a very confident energy. The Warrior asks a lot of questions and the Yellow Seed is all about awareness and so this means today’s guide is very suitable.
The Challenge is the White Wizard, the enchanting charmer of the Tzolkin. White Wizards find Yellow Seed days annoying. Their charm doesn’t work so well and their spells are unsuccessful. If you are a Wizard don’t panic, you can still get some enjoyment out of the day, just use your intuition to ‘feel’ your way through it.
The Occult power is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. When in this magical position the Red Earth offers progress in a magical way. Expect pleasant surprises today that will help you on your path. It is always a good idea to connect with Mother Earth but today is especially good for activities such as forest bathing or gardening, or anything that gets you outdoors.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin and a useful friend to have around today. They can see things from a higher perspective and can offer insights and support. If you don’t have a Blue Eagle in your life, then do what they would do and step back and look at the bigger picture. Can you come up with a creative solution today? This energy is friendly to us today and so creative visions should be easy to have.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 124 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude Magician code
A powerful day for Majikally seeding your Divine Mission.
We are now in DAY 4 of the
CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION..
It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT.
What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
On 14/15th of NOVEMBER 2024 we arrive at GALACTIC CENTRE/HUNAB KU – the HEART of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR.
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
18 moons ago, last Galactic spin KIN 124 occurred on 6 June 2023 – which was the 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE portal..
This DIVINE GATEWAY is OPEN today streaming forth magnified HEAVENLY energies as we bask in the zero point energies of this MYSTIC COLUMN.
Day 7 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. .Today we continue to strip away all core illusions and use this new energy to RISE fearlessly to the Highest Potential of our soul’s truth. REVEALING the precious DIVINE SEED that lies within each of us.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all. Resonant is tone number 7.. which gives us double 7 codes today – 7.7. Much MAJIK is afoot!
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. It is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
Focus on what you are thinking and FEELING today to determine your frequency and what you are attuned to.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which DOUBLES the MAJIK of the White Wizard which is today’s gift. 7.7.. code PLUS the WIZARD… BAM!!! Lots of Majikal POWER abounds today through this MYSTICAL COLUMN number 7!!!
What are you ATTUNED to today?
What will you manifest with your majikal enchanting powers?
Today’s questions are “What ELSE is possible for me Universe? How can I attune to the Highest potential timeline for my soul to BLOSSOM?”
As a collective family are we now CHOOSING a better path for humanity?
Divine blessings for the courage to OPEN your petals and fully BLOSSOM today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW RESONANT SEED – KAN is the SEED packet that holds all the ingredients to allow us to GROW into our highest potential.. The SEED provides a beautiful FOCUSED energy highlighting our purpose, our Mission and our life path.
YELLOW SEED targets AWARENESS -assisting humanity to AWAKEN to the DIVINE SPARK within… This focuses our intent on our FUTURE, and the direction in which we seek to GROW to fulfill our DIVINE DESTINY.
What do you want to experience during your life’s journey?
AWARENESS opens your EYES to the infinite possibilities for your soul expansion. You then become a CREATOR of your experience, rather than a victim.
As you increase your AWARENESS you inspire others to AWAKEN and reach their higher potential too. As each flower blooms it becomes a beautiful fragrant field – a vista to delight the senses. One flower is beautiful but an entire field is an euphoric symphony..
Today we rise from the darkness of yesterday’s abyss/cave through AKBAL, in the depths of our subconscious and unseen realms. We climb up, to focus on the new HEIGHTS of our potential DESTINY. .
The seed holds the potential to become a great tree, and possibly even a whole forest over many generations of growth.
KAN invites us to set forth great intentions today to SEED the LEGACY you will leave future generations on this planet.
What could be possible for me? “What else is possible, Universe?, SHOW ME!”
By questioning and focusing on new and greater possibilities we raise the bar and allow ourselves to step up into Higher Timelines, achieving GREAT THINGS in the course of our Galactic Missions.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR– CIB the RAINBOW WARRIOR is present again today, this time in the Higher guide position, to herald in our new QUEST to manifest the NEW TIME.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are very determined and fully focused to fulfill their UNIFIED PLANETARY MISSION.
CIB gives us great courage today, to QUEST-I-ON and face the FEAR of SUCCESS, fear of being SEEN, fear of shining our LIGHT and stepping onto the world stage. CIB the fearless warrior beckons us to step up and volunteer for a greater role, more responsibility and the challenge that comes from leaving your safe comfort zone.
CIB leads us on our majikal QUEST to create the NEW TIME and anchor our collective DREAM of a Utopian world into our reality. The RESONANT WARRIOR is FEARLESSLY attuned to the HIGHEST TIMELINE no matter WHAT!
The RED SERPENT cycle helped us shed our skins, and now the WHITE MIRROR is stripping us to the bone, our DIAMOND core and our foundation.
As we bravely face and release all the illusions and falsities we can now build a solid foundation in our core, based on truth, higher light and brilliant new possibilities inspiring our kin folk to do the same..
In this way we can use our INTELLIGENCE, to greatly INFLUENCE our followers, and events on our Planet. Holding the highest resolve to manifest our collective DESTINY.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are determined in their resolve to take CHARGE and activate the HIGHEST TIMELINE – dissolving the old control paradigm and FEAR narrative of the past.
It takes focused INTENT to forge ahead, and BREAK FREE from the clutches of that old lasso, trying to recapture the POWER and keep us tied down.
SUPPORT: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE – MEN allows us to ENVISION all that is possible for us. What a BRILLIANT SUPPORT in this power packed line up of codes today.
BLUE EAGLE enables us to SEE the BEST POSSIBLE FUTURE that we can and WILL MANIFEST.
BLUE EAGLE is the SEER – opening up to a greater picture of our soul’s destiny- our LEGACY – and the long-term effects of our actions.
Knowing that our Divine Mission IS far greater and more incredible than our current focus. Allowing this clarity to guide us step by step into opening up and accomplishing this vision, through simply ALLOWING ourselves to blossom to our greatest potential.
Inspiring others through our ability to flower, targeting greater awareness of what is collectively possible for us all. Channeling the highest aspirations of our collective intelligence to manifest our HIGHEST PLANETARY TIMELINE.
Keep attuning and ENVISIONING our UTOPIAN REALITY already made MANIFEST in grand splendor. Hold this manifested VISION in your MIND’S EYE, and as more STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS do this, we can attune the PLANETARY MIND to this wondrous outcome!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:RED RESONANT EARTH – CABAN provides the rich fertile soil for our SEEDS to take root and GROW.
CABAN is the support that nature provides for us all as creative Art-ists. Living as ONE with the nature kingdom and being in sync. with all the kingdoms of Gaia.
RESONANT CABAN as today’s SUPERPOWER gives us a strengthened cord to CONNECT to NOVA GAIA’S core, and hear her rhythms, attuning to her HEARTBEAT and FLOW. Ground and connect your ROOTS to NEW EARTH to facilitate your evolution in this NEW WORLD.
As we attune, we become resonant with the pure flow of synchronicity, innocently inspired by the majik of perfect divine timing.
Allow CABAN to point the way for your seed to lean towards the HIGHEST LIGHT! Focusing on the HIGHEST potential timeline for our planet and our communities. Holding the focus for a new culture built on a higher intelligence and harmony.
Keep following the SIGNS and RAINBOWS guiding you to NEW EARTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD – IX challenges us today to follow our HEART’S calling. To tune in and know which way to grow.
Using our free will and intelligence to transcend our powerful egoic mind and soften, becoming more receptive to the natural synchronic order. Highly receptive and surrendered, resonating and channeling from many timeless dimensions.
The RESONANT WIZARD is a powerful tool of the LIGHT as he is highly attuned to the messages of Spirit, being a direct conduit, switched on to the GOD FREQUENCY at will. As such his majikal powers are amplified through his HEART portal broadcasting his DREAM-SPELL through his wonderful enchantments.
We are in the 7th MYSTIC column and so are MAJIK powers are duly AMPLIFIED through this 20 day passage.
The WIZARD is an ally of the DRAGON.. so remember to utilize this blessing and call on your DRAGON team for protection and manifestation purposes.
What a MAGNIFICENT GIFT! Use this power wisely today..
Be STILL and receptive to the messages as you attune your VORTEX to activate the manifestation of your desires. Use your ENCHANTING MAJIK to create a better LIFE for yourself, and our Earth family.
WHITE WIZARD gifts us with much MAJIK today to REACH FOR THE STARS and FEARLESSLY shine our LIGHT.
Follow the promptings of your pure HEART to find your TRUE BLISS!
Bask in the pure state of PRESENCE today feeling your POWER and connection to ALL THAT IS!
So beautiful souls, today is a wondrous day of divine flowering, inspired by all the beings of all the worlds, as we join in the QUEST to create the NEW TIME!
Today’s questions are “What ELSE is possible for me Universe? How can I attune to the Highest potential timeline for my soul to BLOSSOM?”
As a collective family are we now CHOOSING a better path for humanity?
Divine blessings for the courage to OPEN your petals and fully BLOSSOM today.
This Dragonfly Dream Meditation is a journey to connect with the gentle yet transformative energy of the dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, adaptability, and the lightness of being. In this meditation, you will explore the qualities of the dragonfly, allowing its wisdom to guide you toward clarity, transformation, and inner peace.
Have a most beautiful and blessed meditation of the Dream of the Dragonfly with my Sacred Condor…A’Ho! 🕊🕉🦅
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RUMORS: 11/09/2024
Trump’s second term… False flags on Telegram
Every traitor will be publicly exposed.
Every president, every senator, every representative, every employee.
You will see prisons.
You will see prisons.
Spygate is just the beginning.
Democrats have been captured by foreign governments.
Hussein Obama was a true renegade, and the first non-citizen to become president.
God bless America.
Just listened to Charlie Ward with Dr. Jan Harper Sheila Holm and Charlie’s team
Drew and Paul Drew said the RV did not go through, she has been involved for 10 years doing a show every Friday and the Iraqi Dinars have been turned over several times, the country is still trying to stay idle and Sheila commented that only a handful of agents know the date and times for this, he EBS etc. she would not discuss QFS or Nesara Gesara because Charlie was not in the video at that time, he signed off.
The pathos is long but we are being deceived by all these defenders of truth and patriots, I mean MarkZ who worked with Charlie said things are moving and should happen soon, who do we really have, we can’t have faith, I mean just thoughts in God
BE READY! Military Intelligence:
EBS Training Complete, Troops in Position, QFS and GESARA Are Unstoppable — Hidden Gold and Assets Seized from Banking Elites Ready to Begin the Largest Wealth Transfer in History!
Everything is ready. The transmissions are locked and loaded, and once the EBS is activated, no home, no person, will be left in the dark. We will be forced to confront the reality of controlled history, and the illusions under which we live will dissolve.
Trump’s Secret Meetings with World Leaders Demand:
Return Every Dollar, End Child Trafficking — GESARA’s Gold-Backed Reset and Medical Beds Will Bring Global Freedom!
Donald Trump has had enough. We patriots have had enough. We are no longer pretending to play by the normal rules of engagement. The establishment is struggling, clinging to its last shreds of control, while Trump and the patriots are moving forward with the real plan for humanity — one that will destroy the globalist agenda, expose the truth, and pave the way for GESARA and EBS.
Internet Group Level 4B Activated
— Military Coup Underway, Martial Law Imminent as GESARA, Earth Alliance and White Hats Prepare Quantum Financial System to Take Down Deep State!
The gloves are off, and there’s no more time to tiptoe around the truth. The Level 4B Internet Group is officially live, and it’s not just a new platform—it’s the gateway to a seismic shift that will shake the world to its very foundations.
GESARA in Motion:
QFS Seizes Billions as White Hats Launch Underground Attacks to Expose Clones and the Deep State’s Desperate Plan to Disrupt the 2024 Election!
November 2024 is the dawn of an era the elites thought they could avoid, but their schemes are crumbling faster than they can react. The gears of truth and justice are grinding away at every deception, every false flag, and every secret technology they deployed to enslave humanity.
Trump 2024:
Trained Medical Bed Operators READY to Deploy Quantum Healing Technology to Every Citizen – The Life-Changing Secret Biden and the Deep State Have Desperately Hidden!
While Biden was in the White House, Trump and his team moved cautiously, using covert tactics to begin deploying medical beds across the country without raising alarms. That’s why you see “under construction” wings in certain hospitals, facilities “closed for upgrades,” and new high-security areas where no one without authorization is allowed.
Trump’s return as the 47th president was always part of the plan!
The victory signals that NESARA, EBS is ready and a new era of economic freedom, health liberation and power to the people has officially begun!
Trump’s victory on November 6, 2024, was more than just an electoral victory; it was the long-awaited blow against the entrenched power structures that have poisoned America for decades. As the 47th president
Trump’s GESARA Military Teams in Full Execution of Operation Phoenix – Billions Seized, New Biometric NDAs Active, Quantum Access Cards Activated, and Starlink Secures Its QFS Ransom Appointment!
The current stage of GESARA and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) implementation has escalated into a critical and high-risk phase known as Operation Phoenix. This is not just a standard implementation; it is a calculated and comprehensive attack on the legacy financial systems designed to reclaim wealth from the corrupt elite and return it to the people.
Operation Sentinel was launched to protect the Redemption Centers and secure the entire wealth transfer process. Tactical units were positioned to ensure the safety of all participants.
Bruce (The Big Call) – [via WiserNow]
…our contact in Iraq, who has ties to the Iraqi government, is saying that we will have exchanges and money… Thursday through Saturday, that’s what he’s telling us…
Everything is going well, there are still those who don’t want this to happen, but everything is safe. We are almost at the end of the road. Gather your plans/projects and don’t wait for this to happen without being ready.
White Hat Intel:
President Trump and the red wave turnout was TOO BIG TO MANIPULATE THE ELECTION. They tried to stop the election in different states and create bomb threats. But still Trump got the numbers
MSNBC is for sale. Mainstream media and Google aren’t talking about the sale. Now, thousands of layoffs are happening.
CNN is for sale, but can’t find a buyer.
MUSK is exposing the corrupt mainstream media which will cause a major meltdown
Years ago, Musk was placed by Trump to secretly work on military operations.
Musk bought Twitter and turned it into a White Hat Operation.
Official White Hat Statement
A new era of freedom and prosperity begins!
President Trump’s Great Victory: A Ray of Hope for Freedom-Seeking People Around the World
This victory is not just a political victory, but an opportunity for freedom to flourish throughout the world.
This victory is a powerful symbol of change for all those who dream of a future free from oppression.
White Hat Army: Guardians of Integrity
As the “White Hat Army,” we continue to work resolutely and tirelessly to protect the election results and for truth and justice.
Our efforts were not in vain.
Trump + Musk: The golden age has arrived
Together, Trump and Musk are ushering in a new golden age.
It envisions a world free of excessive taxes, a private banking system for all Americans, and an end to endless wars.
This era promises prosperity, peace and innovation for all.
The Totalitarian State and depopulation plans are over!!
Rothschild’s 400 year goal of a New World Order/Totalitarian State and depopulation plans are over!!
1) Rothschild’s 400 year goal of a New World Order/Totalitarian State and depopulation plans are over.
2) The rotten CIA factions #2 and some factions #3 want to eliminate Trump, Putin, the selected targets.
They will fail.
3) 400 fellow conspirators were arrested in Washington DC
4) The Department of Justice is being cleaned up.
5) 46 State Department “fair lawyers” have resigned or resigned.
6) Trump is using appointees to help drain the swamp.
7) States are considering introducing “snap” clauses into their laws to prevent government overreach.
8) Some people on the planet want the Vatican to explode and the Satanists to die.
Some say crucifixion… others want hanging… to hide and distort humanity’s past and conceal the real identity… along with the truth of ET creatures.
9) 2,300 evil beings were irradiated from the planet and are forbidden from returning.
After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare and commerce? Gone. A new era is coming. GESARA/NESARA activated.
Operation Sentinel was launched to protect the Redemption Centers and secure the entire wealth transfer process. Tactical units were positioned to ensure the safety of all participants.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
Comment: This is a 3 day weekend for Veterans Day.
MarkZ: There is a lot of anticipation for this weekend.
Isn’t it interesting… Sudani was heard saying that they planned to complete the revaluation, all done by Victory Day… Which is December 10th… This is from several people in parliamentary finance who heard the comment. This means they have to go soon if they want it to be “completed by December 10th”.
“After the extension of the legislative term – parliamentary movement to approve 5 important laws”
I believe one of them is HCL.
Bruce (The Big Call) – [via WiserNow]
…what we were told is that we might receive notifications over the weekend, but the exchanges we make for our coins… would start on Tuesday…November 12th, so that’s still a few days away.