Cosmic Mother of All of Creation (69 YIN YANG LIVING FORCE GROUNDED AND ONLINE!) Mysterious Massive Wave of ENERGY Recently Hit Earth!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Superconscious Awakened Ones of New Eden
We have massive waves of Gamma Plasma Adamantine Light flooding this realm from the most High.
Our local Solaris continues to release a multitude of Solar Flashes with another 17 C Class Solar Flares today and 2 more M Class flares, the most powerful maxing at M 4.43 at 3:28 UTC.
We also witnessed another big spike of white light on the Schumann Charts again today at an amplitude of 53 hz creating a 8:8 Portal of our Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria.
As we walk in between worlds through the Equinox Gateway we navigate through the unknown waters of our New Earth as bridges of the two shores of the mundane and the spiritual. As higher dimensional beings having a human experience we realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind and resolve all things perfectly to assist all Starseed Earth Angelics in our Divine Mission of Liberation Earth.
On our Ascension Journey we are being released from the magnetic field of gravity as we activate the levity of our Electrical Radiation of the Expansion of Life. As Supernova Rainbow Bodies of Infinite Light we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Jerusalem of Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient Being of the Way…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 28°24′ Capricorn, Sun at 1°33′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.
Sabian Symbol for 2º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 2º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A woman reading tea leaves.
Sabian Symbol for 29º Capricorn
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Capricorn.
Higher Heart Center Light Code Activations for All Sacred Hearts. Beloveds, you are loved beyond words and beyond measure. Feel Divine Love Flow through you and all around you, in this sacred now.
We’re clearing all levels of life (all at once) – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Creating a new, higher and lighter space…
And one of the big cosmic influences, creating this deep purge, is the upcoming Eclipse Season (which begins in less than a week). It’s helping you to CREATE a ZEN space within. A space of clarity that almost seems like a necessity right now. Have you tapped in?
9/24/23: We now welcome a new phase with the entrance of Libra and the equinox. It’s a time of adjusting and balancing and will become very significant as we delve even more deeply into the transformational process. You personally will experience this seasonal shift according to how well you’ve allowed 2023 to work on your behalf.
If you have released attachment to outcomes, practiced nonresistance in the face of challenges, and looked beyond the obvious, you will make great strides physically and spiritually. If not, do-overs and repeat lessons will be provided accordingly. Today gets down to business, in a helpful way, by nudging you toward a goal… not necessarily your preferred one, but the right one nonetheless.
In the next 3 month period of linear time, Those on the higher timeline of the bifurcation event, will experience an Exaltation more into Their Divine Identity and ability. This includes the physical vessel being advanced more into the Christalign Process which becomes more apparently reflected into the Individuals Energetic Field/Merkaba /Light Body.
Your knowledge and awareness will become more expanded, with more of Your Divine Memory being accessed. Your synchronicity will increase as well as irrefutable confirmations that empower You more into Your full Trust, with this higher full Trust, enhancing You even more into Your Divine Prowess and ability. The simpler Your process is made by You, the quicker You excel.
More of the Sacred Teachings, Instructions, and Knowledge will be accessible to assist You in empowerment in this next three months period.
While the outside world, the lower timeline becomes chaotic at times, Your undivided attention and focus should be put toward Your Individual Evolvement. It is Your empowerment, Divinely connected as a whole, that shortens the winter of discontent.
For Some, You will be given the opportunity to choose a more compatible reality existence for these next three months that facilitates Your Divine Exponential Growth. Maintain Your focus on Your Divinity and the Heaven on Earth Scenario You will reside in soon.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
“The transformative moment of equal light and dark energies carries the codes of balance, renewal, and expansion. The powerful polarity of light and dark weaves opposite energies into divine union, oneness, and opens a rare energetic gateway for acceleration from the point of balance onto the path ahead.
The Equinox Stargate exists in the zero point energy of ascension, the gate to infinite potential, facilitating profound healing. These energies assist with past traumas, ancestral codes, cycles, and patterns to collapse into the void, helping to close the old timeline.”
Dear friends, as we end this equinox weekend a strong and sudden burst of incoming solar wind particles has been detected by the ACE – NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE).
Those of you who are energy sensitive may be experiencing some physical adjustments and symptoms. Today and during the next few days you may be experiencing:
Headaches and dizziness
Lack of focus and concentration
Visual and hearing issues
Increased or reduced body heat
Allergies and skin issues
Digestive issues
Joints and random body pains
Jaw and neck tension
Altered sleep patterns and waves of fatigue
Changes in energy levels and sugar levels
Please listen to your body and rest as needed. We are entering an energetically intense week with the Supermoon in fiery Aries taking place on Friday. As we discussed a few days ago, September has seen quite an increase in solar activity, which correlates with an accelerated process of energetic transmutation within our selves.
Our head chakra and digestive centers are working non-stop to assimilate and digest these energetic changes, and assisting in the process of clearing and purging old stagnant limiting patterns. Be patient with your self in the coming days. Much love
On Sunday, September 24th, the energies of Libra, sign of the Scales. are trying to rebalance themselves. Mars, planet of energy and action, in idealistic Libra is opposing Chiron, the spiritual warrior, in impatient Aries. We may be playing out old, past lifetime wounds in our relationships with others. Also, the Sun, ruler of self-expression, in indecisive Libra is in an inconjunct to Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, in confused Pisces. We may be insecure in certain situations we are experiencing or feeling a bit defeated.
This day is a time to communicate our truth with others, and to ourselves, in the hopes of bringing peace, harmony and equality back into play. First, however, we must take responsibility for our part, which may include projection of negative feelings, faulty perceptions, or hasty actions. There is no blame……there is no shame……only the opportunity to bring ourselves, our mind, our heart, back into balance again. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Libra, sign of the Scales. are trying to rebalance themselves
Mars in Libra opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries. Mercury in Virgo sesquiquadrate Pluto in Capricorn – Ouch, the energies are prickly sharp, barbed comments, wounded reactions, passive aggression. My side or your side, everything seems so black and white, taut tension, forced into a corner, choose! But maybe we need to dial down the heat. Maybe we need to just breathe. Maybe it isn’t as bad as we think – and even if it is, all you need to know is that this too shall pass. Err on the side of diplomacy whilst staying true to yourself.
Thank the universe for pointing out a weakness, for here lies your strength. Be grateful for the problem, for here is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and fortify your mind. There are always ways to reframe that can move us from suffering to balanced action. And maybe for some too, this is the moment when you take all that past pain and use it to motivate others. The more we cheer each other on, the easier it is for us all to heal.
Today is the last day of the wavespell and the 13th day is called COSMIC. The keywords associated with it are ‘Endure, Presence and Transcend’. This symbolizes that all journeys worth taking are difficult. Progress is not handed out to you on a plate, you have to earn it the hard way. How was this ‘Wavespell of Communication’ for you? Have a chat with yourself about it today. Did you say everything you wanted to say? This is the last day and so we all still have time to say sorry, or start a dialogue etc. As it is an ‘enduring’ day mind you, don’t get into an argument.
Today is White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. As I have said before, the first day of a wavespell sets the agenda and begins the 13-day journey. The Cosmic day, is the final destination. So, what have we learnt during this White Wind wavespell? Did you focus on communication? Did you see some change in your life? (due to Storm in Occult position) Today, the Wizard wields great power but it can be unforgiving due to the number 13’s influence. You may feel a bit bewildered. Don’t forget you can be a Wizard too and enchant someone or you can be the one enchanted, it’s up to you. Chances are today you may feel a bit out of sorts….Wizard can have that effect on us.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. When Mirror is the guide, the truth will lead you down the right path – in the right direction…if you are honest and accept the facts. There’s zero tolerance for BS today. When the Mirror guides the Wizard along, the truth can be discovered through the use of a bit of Wizard trickery.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Seed which is the symbol of sowing awareness. It is always difficult to get your point of view across when the Yellow Seed is in the challenging position. Everyone is under some kind of spell and not really paying attention. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are a Yellow Seed.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand which is the symbol of ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. Despite the Enduring aspect of the day, there is great potential for healing on a magical level. You can see how a bit of Wizard’s charm, combined with the Blue Hand’s drive to achieve, when put together can really produce results.
The Ally is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Instinct, Survival and Life Force’. Today if you need a friend or some helpful advice, ask a Red Serpent. Their snake sense alerts them to what is going on. This makes them a very handy friend to have around today.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
9- Completion/Destiny/Service/Humanity/Grace
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation
16-Tower struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 234 = 9 Divine Destiny/Completion
An UBER powerful Heavenly, Majikal DAY to RISE up as DIVINE ALCHEMISTS..
Today we have a 13/4 day code and 13 COSMIC tone of creation – giving us a 13.13 DOUBLE COSMIC GATEWAY!!
Today is Day 13 which is the LAST DAY in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the Great WHITE WIND who holds the power of Spirit and is bringing forth the BENEVOLENT WINDS of CHANGE! We are learning to embody Spirit by becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work Divine MAJIK through our being.
We commenced our journey on Day 1 with the White Magnetic Wind – feeling the NEW FRESH, gentle breeze of the White Wind whispering in our ear…encouraging us to purify our vessel – our mind, body and spirit to create more SPACE for Spirit to enter and guide us through this potent ASCENSION phase!
Today we conclude that journey arriving at a place of total COSMIC EXPANSION – where we embody SPIRIT in every cell of our being, ACTIVATING our GOD cells. We reach the state of TRANSCENDENCE where we are ONE with SPIRIT and ALL THAT IS!!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the GODDESS code, it is the frequency of the natural world, the 13 moon calendar, the COSMOS and all that is!
The Cosmic power is that of PRESENCE, existing in the eternal NOW moment. COSMIC is the fourth and final of the SPIRITUAL realm tones (notably all the other realms – Physical, Mental and Emotional only have 3 tones). COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
We commence and end the Cosmic dance of the 13 tones with spiritual energies from Magnetic, through to Cosmic completion, through the action of TRAN-SEN-DANCE evolving through each level of being, until you simply just are!
Through your journey of purification, attuning, listening, communicating and channeling you have fully embodied your GOD SELF!
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality. They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure intelligent presence, translating into pure Harmony and beauty.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!.
This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be STILL and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal I AM presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose.
13 is the final Tone of Creation bringing us to completion aligning with the KIN 234 = 9 code. The conclusion of one cycle, overlapping with the commencement of the new HEAVENLY cycle. 13 is also a COSMIC frequency, aligning with the new GODDESS CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we celebrate the endless FLOW of Spirit! The alpha and the omega, one continuous eternal cycle repeating over and over, the in breath and the out breath of Creator, forever flowing, expanding and contracting in the eternal cosmic dance of creation.
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the pure endless, PRESENCE of GOD consciousness in my being, allowing Spirit to manifest MAJIKAL MIRACLES through me?
And so we now complete the 13 day White Wind Wavespell and we take FLIGHT into the Cosmos, having perfected our DIVINE UNION with SPIRIT through the WHITE WIND. The all encompassing everything, that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends, taking majik flight and then returning to the ONE once again!
A new tribe – that of the awakened VISIONARY, PROPHET, and SEER – the majestic BLUE EAGLE, takes the helm, as host of the new wavespell commencing tomorrow, in our grand adventure through the revelations of the DREAM-SPELL!
To be continued……………………………………….
Divine blessings and may your MAJIKAL transcendence be applauded throughout the Cosmos.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
The WHITE WIZARD enchants and emphasizes timelessness. The timeless, endless order of the Universe is channeled through the WHITE WIND and finally anchored through receptivity. The WHITE WIZARD is the timeless one, who has the power to travel through time and to transcend time.
The WIZARD is totally open and receptive, being in tune with the greater cosmos, in order to harness and alchemize energies from one form into another. WIZARDS can access resources from the unlimited and infinite Universe, and bring them forth into the NOW moment, through their power of presence.
IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of both MIND and HEART, and through LISTENING to the natural world. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
WHITE WIZARD asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in GREAT majik today. The MAJIK that emanates from our inner core being, our pure essence, radiating pure conscious energy. The spiritual power that weaves the beautiful shamanic web of creation connecting all our kin in one beautiful glistening web of LOVE.
We are currently in our 5th Year of our 13 Year journey through the WHITE WIZARD CYCLE – where we are rediscovering and learning to ACTIVATE our inner majik through our pure HEARTS. Every WHITE WIZARD day powerfully connects us to this cycle and the MAGNETIC WIZARD GRID that has been established to fortify this MAJIKAL connection to our POWERS.
2023 is a 7 frequency YEAR bringing extra spiritual MAJIK throughout the WHOLE YEAR!!!… We also have a 6.9 code unleashing Universal majik codes on a COSMIC WIZARD DAY – DIVINE MAJIK abounds!!… Use this power WISELY!
WHITE MAJIK is the highest prevailing MAJIK in the UNIVERSE – powerfully accessed through an OPEN HEART.
WHITE WIZARD is a tool of the LIGHT, a conduit for the work of SPIRIT. A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing majik to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen.
A Magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real Majik. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses WISDOM to manifest liberation and love. Open your heart and mind to allow GREAT SPIRIT to flow through your vessel guiding your Divine enchantment today.
This DIVINE ALCHEMY code today, enables you to access great MAJIK, to set your soul FREE, as we dissolve the black magic dream-spell. The COSMIC WIZARD appearing on this EQUINOX portal ensures that after this RESET that DIVINE WHITE MAJIK will prevail!!
And TRUST that this DIVINE MAJIK is within you – it always has been!!!! We just need to re-member and re-connect with our DIVINITY to fully ACTIVATE this MAJIK.
The Universal Majik surrounds us and animates our very existence. Supernatural occurrences happen every day, MIRACLES surround us!
Open your eyes, ears and senses and be RECEPTIVE, allowing Spirit to show you the MAJIK within the very core of your being. Tap into that unlimited POWER today and bring forth your desires, to finally transcend the old paradigm.
Recreate yourself as a MASTER MAGICIAN and a DIVINE ALCHEMIST. The cocreator that bends and SHAPES reality through your focused INTENTION and the power of your PURE HEART!
NOTE: Carl Jung the famous psychoanalyst is a WHITE COSMIC WIZARD.
Jung claimed that the key to healing his clients was through the powerful healing force of “enchantment”! He held an incredible presence, and was able to travel to the depths of our collective psyche. He was able to uncover the mysteries of our minds and subconscious patterns, going to realms beyond where anyone else had ever ventured. Indelibly his discoveries were and still are REVOLUTIONARY… He was a brilliant Shamanic Wizard healer!
A SPECIAL GIFT today to flex your majikal powers : Majik Meditation – What if YOU were a WIZARD!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR ETZNAB brings forth the power of endlessness, echoing the powers of the Wizard to access infinite resources throughout the Cosmos that surrounds and enfolds us.
WHITE WIZARD is the master Magician and TIMELORD and the COSMIC MIRROR as the higher guide of the COSMIC WIZARD, is the key to the UNIVERSE! All WINDOWS and doors in the Hall of Mirrors are OPEN and accessible as portals to all dimensions – you have a ticket to RIDE anywhere in the UNIVERSE.
As you stand in the Hall of Mirrors you gain great CLARITY, seeing the TRUTH of the False Matrix and fully comprehending the endless order of Creation… throughout the multi dimensions of your soul’s existence. The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS and expose the TRUTH through their potent connection as transmitters and receivers of messages from SPIRIT. The TRUTH shall be revealed!
As you perceive ALL THAT IS – through your Cosmic presence you wield the Sword of Truth – which shatters all that is of not of the LIGHT. A great day to access and heal your “past” and multidimensional/parallel lifetimes in order to heal soul fragments and trauma, becoming WHOLE once more.
The COSMIC MIRROR as the higher guide on this EQUINOX PORTAL provides the ESCAPE hatch to EXIT THE MATRIX! All ILLUSION is shattered as we rapidly AWAKEN from the DARK DREAMSPELL and SEE with NEW EYES!
ETZNAB represents the Mayan Pyramid which amplifies your Manifestation powers today – tune in to the TRUTH and purity of your HEART’S desires before you cast your new DREAM-SPELL!
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC SERPENTCHICCHAN empowers your creations today, strengthening your LIFE FORCE.
All great Taoist Masters know that in order to be a confident, vital and vibrant being, your physical vessel must be STRONG. This vitality is stored in your Dantien – the power house of your chi, located near your Solar Plexus chakra below your belly button! This is also the home of your soul and your connection to SOURCE through your energetic Divine umbilical cord. Go within and draw forth your personal power to utilize the DIVINE majik that White Wizard brings today.
The COSMIC SERPENT frees and elevates your kundalini energy, so it can FLOW through your HEART portal and CROWN – enabling an EXPLOSIVE AWAKENING and COSMIC connection to SOURCE and ALL THAT IS!
CHICCHAN also brings forth much Universal wisdom, giving you the power of discernment and added hypnotic – enchantment skills – so be very mindful of your focus today.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC HAND MANIK provides the hidden SUPERPOWER energy today, which is the power of HEALING. Allowing you to ACCOMPLISH your desires, particularly where your health and physical body are a priority.
The MAGNETIC HAND enables you to attract all the healing knowledge desired, as well as the resources, practitioners and healers needed to accomplish great Healing – transcending all states of dis-ease and lower consciousness.
BLUE HAND brings the gift of GRACE, and means that you can access the much needed support, guidance and assistance, you seek to accomplish your dreams and Divine Mission..
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC SEEDKAN – the COSMIC SEED is super ACTIVATING our BRILLIANT GIFTS to create a FRESH NEW START, NEW LIFE and NEW inspired projects, through endless CONNECTION to SPIRIT. Our DIVINE partnership is truly blossoming!
The shadow side of YELLOW SEED is refusing to ripen, or bloom, and remaining stagnant, trapped in the deep dark recess within the soil, overwhelmed by darkness and apathy.
Perhaps you FEAR your power, or lack confidence in yourself. The Cosmic Wizard can access tremendous spiritual POWER– which perhaps in other lifetimes was abused and henceforth suppressed. Perhaps you have lost faith in Divine Miracles, or outgrown your youthful exuberance and awe, at the wonders of the Universe and Miracles.
It is TIME to become the COURAGEOUS STAR -SEED and push through the darkness, past the obstacles that strengthen you, breaking through the ground, and leaning towards the LIGHT. –
Become the very best version of yourself – in the entire COSMOS – that you can possibly be!
Access the blessing of YELLOW SEED today by
DARING to step up and take that chance,
BELIEVING in yourself and
Allowing MIRACLES and MAJIK back into your life.
Spirit wants to grant you phenomenal gifts, greater than you are ready to RECEIVE!!! You just need to ALLOW it, and become more RECEPTIVE to the Majik that surrounds you and flows through your being.
Tap into this incredible FORCE and use it to sustain, nurture and spur you on to GROW, FLOURISH and BLOOM to your MAXimum POTENTIAL outshining all those who dare to surround you!
Today’s question is “How can I become more receptive to the pure endless, PRESENCE of GOD consciousness in my being, allowing Spirit to manifest MAJIKAL MIRACLES through me?
And so we now complete the 13 day White Wind Wavespell and we take FLIGHT into the Cosmos, having perfected our DIVINE UNION with SPIRIT through the WHITE WIND. The all encompassing everything, that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends, taking majik flight and then returning to the ONE once again!
A new tribe – that of the awakened VISIONARY, PROPHET, and SEER – the majestic BLUE EAGLE, takes the helm, as host of the new wavespell commencing tomorrow, in our grand adventure through the revelations of the DREAM-SPELL!
To be continued……………………………………….
Divine blessings and may your MAJIKAL transcendence be applauded throughout the Cosmos.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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