You are currently viewing COSMIC BEINGS OF LIGHT ~ TIPPING POINT * Anchoring in the Age of Unity and Love ~ INCUBATOR OF CREATION
Feathered Serpent






Paul White Gold Eagle 

Greetings Sacred Light Keepers of our Beloved Gaia Galactica

Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves during today’s severe Geomagnetic Storm at G4 Levels and KP 8. Our Aurora Nation is also appearing to many of our Rainbow Tribe throughout the world sending their majestic waves of iridescent crystalline lights.

With these intense waves of energies flowing in, many are being triggered and feeling massive activations. Through these trials and tribulations try to stay positive with a healthy mindset as we make our way through the storm and the chaotic node into our Freedom and Paradise timeline. 

Tonights Perseid Meteor Shower is also raining down many Sacred Star Codes of our Cosmic Stellar Activations to see us through these final phases of our Ascension Process and Divine Intervention. 

We are very close to our breakthroughs in the Light as SuperNova Conscious co-creators of the 144. All density and rigidity is being dissolved and transformed into the higher resonance of our Pristine New Earth.

The Feathered Serpent of the Heavenly Realms re-unites with the Rainbow Serpent of the Earthly realms, as the Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos to usher in our New Golden Age of Unity Consciousness for all our Good People of the New Eden.

Continue anchoring in the highest light as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness as new humans of homo-Luminous, Light Bodies of Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!








The world is not ending. What is coming to an end is the darkness in the world, which has abused its power for far too long. And has taken advantage of the heavenly planet you call Earth, and the angels in essence who call themselves humans. We say do not fear the cleansing that is unfolding, whatever form it may take. It is necessary for this to occur so that the new and pure reality can be born. Focus on your heart, and create vibrations of joy. Your day of divine freedom is here.
Angelic Freedom Codes
Angelic Freedom Codes
THIS POWERFUL AND RESPLENDENT PORTAL OF LIGHT, is offering an opportunity to close out a cycle that no longer serves you. Timeline shifts will occur for many, as you level up in response to the offerings of the universe. Lessons have been learned, and new roles are presented

✨🌟🌟🌟 A great call has been sent to all COSMIC BEINGS to come down here to Earth to assist and guide the planet through the process of ASCENSION.
✨🌟👽🌟👽🌟Who are these COSMIC BEINGS OF LIGHT? The arrival of the COSMIC BEINGS OF LIGHT was supposed to save the Earth from the “Dark Forces” during extreme times. Most of these COSMIC LIGHT workers BEINGS are already HERE and READY for their DIVINE DESIGN and MISSION on EARTH. Most COSMIC BEINGS are Starseeds incarnate from more evolved planets, although some of these COSMIC BeINGS are more advanced earthly souls that have been purified during a period of seven years of great sorrow.
✨🧘💫🌟🌍Wake up and embark on your mission to save and awaken this planet!
✨👽🌟👽All COSMIC BEINGS of LIGHTworkers MUST take their place and must take it NOW!
✨🚨🌟The time of confusion, hesitation, and procrastination is over!
✨🌍💫🌟There is a planet and people to save, and we are the ones who have signed up on this mission to do it.
✨ !💫💖💛💙The eyes of the whole universe are looking towards US! “

8/12/24: If physics is accurate in that energy cannot be destroyed and is perpetually shape-shifting, and if a Creator Consciousness is fueling that boundless power, then you are an ever-evolving aspect of a mind-blowing imagination which is, through you, experiencing itself in physical form. And you, through your human imaginings, are expanding Creator Consciousness. Imagination is, then, the source of creation.
The point?
Today carries a very high creative frequency where imagination begets manifestation. You are the alchemist through which all of this imagination flows. It’s time now to transform “I hear you. What do you want me to do?” into “I feel you. Let’s create something amazing.”


Dear friends, we are soon leaving behind the intense energies of this year’s 888 portal, and we are now moving into a new energetic landscape. The moderate/strong but sustained G4 geomagnetic storm (K index of 😎 we have been experiencing since yesterday has been acting as a celestial energetic bridge between the pre and post Lion’s Gate portal energies.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may already be experiencing some deep inner shifts taking place, specially during the last 48 hours. Our nervous system has been working non-stop assimilating, recalibrating, and clearing emotional barriers that have been preventing us from confidently moving forward with our earthly journey. Childhood memories, ancestral patterns, and transgenerational issues are being brought up to surface for final closures and integration.
During this final phase of this 888 portal, and assisted by the current geomagnetic storms, our bodies may feel tired and weary. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, blurry vision, constant ear ringing, muscle tension, and heart and digestive issues may be present at this time. Please rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated. An overall sense of uncertainty may also be present as we shift into the new higher frequencies. A new world is unfolding below our feet.
We are moving into a different energetic second half of the year, post 888 portal, in which our energetic sensitivity will be higher compared to the initial months. Our planet is also changing, increasing its frequency day by day at much faster rates now after crossing Lion’s Gate. This may create a bit more instability in our fields, therefore it is important to ground our energy more frequently as we move towards the end of the year.
Eclipse season is just around the corner as well, bringing with it more opportunities for growth and evolution. These energies will keep pushing us to reflect on the past so we can rebirth a new future. We are in a constant process of alchemical transformation, like a river flowing to the ocean, encouraging us to embrace the journey, allowing ourselves to be transformed by our life’s experiences, and ultimately merging with our highest divine potential.
Stay tuned for more updates as the energies unfold. May you have a wonderful and enlightening week, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Aurora Ray

Echoes Across the Cosmos: The Cosmic Tapestry Unfolds

Deep within the celestial council, a confluence of beings from distant star systems converged, their luminous forms resonating with the ancient echoes of the cosmos. They gathered amidst the cosmic symphony, exchanging tales of worlds and civilizations birthed with creativity and love. Amidst their discourse, Earth stood as a jewel, beckoning the attention of these cosmic orchestrators.

The Pleiadians, emissaries from a distant future, spoke of Earth’s profound significance—an intertwining of ancestral lineage within the intricate fabric of humanity. They revealed the entwined DNA, a lineage shared between the celestial council and humankind, seeding the potential for higher evolution. The Pleiadians’ journey traversed epochs, witnessing Earth’s trajectory through time and parallel realities.

From their future vantage point, they witnessed veils of tyranny and decay casting shadows upon Earth’s potential destinies. Time, they emphasized, was a malleable force, distorting and bending to create probabilities. Humanity stood at a pivotal juncture where the infusion of positivity and light could shift the course of Earth’s evolution.

The Pleiadians beckoned humanity to embrace the grand design—a convergence of energies that heralded an awakening. They described the presence of mother ships encircling Earth, transducing celestial energies onto the planet. These cosmic beams held ancient knowledge and light, urging humanity to receive, transduce, and share these energies amongst themselves.

Humanity’s evolution, the Pleiadians asserted, surged at an accelerated pace, akin to compressing centuries of growth into mere years. They envisioned a monumental leap, an Age of Light beckoning individuals to explore realms beyond the limitations of the past epochs.

“Feel the transformation within you,” they whispered. “By the coming years, your consciousness will evolve exponentially. Memories, long dormant, will awaken, and some among you will venture on journeys among the stars.”

The cosmic narrative unveiled Earth’s pivotal role—an interstellar crossroads for the exchange of profound wisdom and insights. Humanity stood poised to transcend, to become ambassadors bridging star systems and dimensions.

The Pleiadians’ message echoed across the cosmic tapestry: “Remember your celestial lineage, for it pulsates within you. Embrace this awakening, for it is your essence. As Earth awakens, so do you. You are the living embodiment of a grand cosmic symphony.”

The council dispersed, leaving a cosmic resonance lingering—a symphony of hope, urging humanity to awaken to their inherent divinity and cosmic heritage.

In the cosmic dance, the echoes continue, guiding humanity towards the reclamation of their celestial birthright—the evolution into an age of interconnectedness and higher consciousness.

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Feathered Serpent
Feathered Serpent


We have been lifted into a much higher and totally new timeline since this morning, which is fully anchoring in the Age of Unity and Love at cellular and atomic, and soul level for all of us and all life and life forms.
This goes beyond all words and thoughts and all expressions into the ultimate state of experience oneness and divinity as the heartflames ignite the inner suns.
It is an expanded homecoming to the ultimate truth of who and what we in truth are.
It will feel like you have now been lifted beyond all you have known yourself to be on the old earth, into the miracle of the true soul, a birth yet a homecoming, to cosmic infinite you.
It will take time to assimilate as you will feel yourself now truly living from the heart of love, and from the core truth of your soul.
I cannot express this, it goes beyond words as it enters infinite space.
Yet your soul will be touched energetically to the core of its infinite existence.
Infinite Love.
Age of Unity and Love
Age of Unity and Love


Pathways Of Light
For The Light Frequencies Now Presenting Are Enabling You To Choose Which Pathways To Navigate
For The Awakened Souls Can See And Feel These Light Streams, A Complex Yet Simple Alliance Of Light
Your Light Body Will Naturally Attune To Light
As You Perceive And See This Light Perculating And Shifting Through Others
For The Awakening Of Your Light Role Is A Unique Light Synthesis For YOU
The Ascension Pathway Offers Many Tools Of Light, Coupled With The Energetic Changes In Your World, Is Providing Quantum Light Opportunities Of Rapid Evolution
Know You Are Perfectly Aligned To Your Light Mission. Each Day Is A New Opportunity To Navigate Further
The Quest To Reach YOU Is Moving In Accordance With Your Soul Team And The Light Momentum Of Your World 🙏
Rest Assured, You Are In Good Hands
Know You Are Perfectly Aligned In This Now Moment To Vibrationally Attune To This Message
Simply, The Quantum Activation Of Light, Deep Within The Cellular Framework Of You
The Awakening Beyond The Planetary Narrative Of Your World Has Arrived
Simply Connect To Your Heart Each Morning
Close Your Eyes
Feel The Light Synthesis Of YOU
You Are Alive, Awakened
Connected Now With All
We Ask You To Continue This Exerscise
To Callibrate The Light Of You
Quantum Light Shifts Are Now Before You
With Love 🙏 With Light
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
May you be filled with a huge heart opening this festive season
May you be filled with a huge heart opening this festive season

The Portal of Love is open. Relax any fears around love, and flow with the Divine Order. The mind may want to pull you back, however the clarity of truth is overriding what is unfolding.

Deep past life memories of Holy Grail Union is awakening. With that comes the memories of separation. This is the opportunity to choose peace, balance, and unity over negativity.

The lower chakras are clearing for these revelations. Take back your power from the past and create the future of love you desire.

You’re at the precipice of the reunion of the Holy Grail. It all begins from within. Passionately move forward with the direction that is unfolding.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

The Sisters of the Rose Portal
The Sisters of the Rose Portal

We are coming up on some of the most transformational and dynamic Astrology ever. It’s an intense feeling, with Mars just two degrees away, and coming into conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini. We are being called into the expression of what has long been kept hidden within. It’s like a pot boiling over, as these planets square up with Saturn in Pisces next week. This is a pressure cooker. We can’t keep doing it the old way, everything is falling apart. With Mars and Jupiter together, things are amping up and frustrations are running high. Something has got to give. Is this our tipping point?

Jupiter and Mars together brings a big energy of claiming our permission to live in our full potential. It’s how we take back our reality. Humanity is ready to stand up and reclaim the energetic resources which have been stolen from us. All must be returned so that we can build a new and different world.

Jupiter and Saturn come into square with each other about every 10 years, marking a generational shift. Jupiter in Gemini says we must get down to the truth of the matter and begin express our True Self in the world. Saturn retrograde in Pisces says that there are still things that need to be resolved from the past. It’s like we have been stuck in a loop, and we need to go back through the loop, one more time, in order to realize we have been stuck in a loop. The power of Mars and Jupiter together in square to Saturn says it’s time to break the chains. It’s the end of the Matrix, and a new start to the Mother’s timeline. We take back our world NOW.

Venus in Virgo will be joining this already intense Astrological transit. Venus will oppose Saturn and square up with Jupiter and Mars on August 19th. This Mutable T-square is about reorienting into a whole new reality, which must involve healing and the feminine. With Venus in square to Mars, we are at odds with ourself. Everything conflicting within us is coming forward to be resolved. We can’t keep living lies, and hiding from our greater Truth. We must come back to Center and the Middle Way. We are healing the great divide.

Venus in Virgo opposite of Saturn is telling us that the feminine must claim her empowerment through healing and purification. Saturn in Pisces is retrograde and bringing forward a replay of the energies of the Piscean Age. This time She breaks free. Venus, our feminine, is taking it to a new level. We must get in alignment with Her, if we are going to get anywhere. With all this Gemini energy, expression is the name of the game. We need to move the old stuck emotional patterns in order for the power of our Intuitive Healing Gifts to come forward. It’s what leads us into a New Age.

We will have a Fixed T-square for the upcoming Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th. Mercury retrograde will cross over the Sun like ships passing in the night. The Moon becomes Full in Aquarius, opposite of Mercury and the Sun. Pay attention, very important messages are coming through.

Mercury and the Sun in Leo, and the Moon in Aquarius, will be at 27 degrees, exactly square to Uranus in Taurus for this Full Moon. There is tension around our permission to shine and express our higher Intuitive Power. Subconscious fear programming and patterns which have been holding us back, are coming to the surface to be seen. The patterns must emerge in order to be healed. We are in a great unwinding of the lies and delusions of the Piscean Age. We are taking back our Power, and running with it.

The rest of 2024 is marked by a sweet sextile between Pluto in Aquarius/Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Now Neptune is also coming into sextile with Uranus in Taurus. This supportive back drop is helping us to harmoniously break patterns, and open back up to our higher Intuitive Power. SuperNovas, we are coming online.


On Monday, August 12th, the Moon, ruler of the emotional body, is in observant Scorpio all day and will be creating a challenging square to the Sun, ruler of our inner light, in expressive Leo, a difficult inconjunct to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in assertive Aries. and an awareness enhancing opposition to Uranus, planet of revelations, in practical Taurus. This is a day where our confidence, courage and inner strength may be confronted and tested by our subconscious patterns, tumultuous emotions and looming shadow side.
If we go deeper to contemplate and reflect on the source of these defiant energies, we will be supported in healing them and find our healthy sense of self-identity again. Surprising messages and information could be revealed to us as we center ourselves and tap into the higher realms. The Moon in Scorpio can assist us with transmuting dense energies, By tomorrow we should feel lighter and brighter!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
 the Moon, ruler of the emotional body, is in observant Scorpio
the Moon, ruler of the emotional body, is in observant Scorpio

Kin 36 ~ Yellow Planetary Warrior

The number 10 is called ‘Planetary’ and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Produce and Manifest. The 10th day is perfect for manifesting what you need and as it is the Blue Hand wavespell of ‘Healing and Accomplishment’, it is the perfect day for fulfilling the goals set out from the beginning. The tenth day always produces results, whatever wavespell it is. There are only 3 days left after today, to succeed with what you set out to accomplish on day one. By now you should be making progress and today just gives the whole agenda a mighty boost.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the keywords associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior days are great for taking on missions and quests. The Warrior implores you to use your intelligence and wield your willpower. When combining the meaning of the number and the day – the result is:
a perfect day to take on a mission, one where we really can manifest results! Be inspired to use your courage and ‘Seize the Day’. This is one mighty Warrior and the energy of the day and number go so well together. Both yield results. This perfect Warrior is unstoppable and any quest we take on today has a fantastic chance of turning out really well. When contemplating which mission you should tackle today, don’t be afraid to take on one that previously you felt impossible. The Warrior gives us fire in the belly!
Today’s Guide is Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. Sharing knowledge and giving and receiving information should guide our actions today. Yellow Warrior uses intelligence and Yellow Seed is the one who sows awareness and together they can really take us on a quest for answers. Think of it as a fact-finding mission where the Warrior asks the questions and the Seed undertakes the research. The answers will come to you today!
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on a Worldbridger day you will find it difficult to succeed at your quest. All you can do is draw on your willpower which is good practice for you anyway as you do have a bad habit of letting others make decisions for you. This is because as a diplomat you are always trying to please others and create peace by playing the piggy in the middle.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which is a potent energy to have in this powerful position. This suggests that our mission today, can result in the shedding of our old life in order to facilitate the new. A magical self-renewal! Already the Serpent is a magical almost mythical creature but when in this Occult position his ability to mesmerize you and put you under a spell is increased significantly. This is a good thing so don’t panic.
The Ally today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need some good ideas consult a Blue Night as they have a great imagination and they are in a friendly, supportive role today. If you don’t know one personally, you too can tap into your imagination and this will inspire your mission.
Kin 36
Kin 36


10 CIB – KIN 36
12 AUGUST 2024
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
I perfect in order to question
Producing fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the Planetary tone of manifestation
I AM guided by the power of flowering
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
12/8/2024 = 3/8/8 = 3/16=3/7=10=1
12-Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 36 = 9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Closure
The YELLOW WARRIOR is tribe number 16 and August has a 16/7 Universal month total.. thus we have a 16.16 DOUBLE TOWER code operative today – activating potent unexpected CHANGE! BAM BAM💥💥
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
Today is another DIVINE DESTINY DAY for humanity – fighting for PLANETARY LIBERATION💥 to build our new foundation of PEACE!
Day 10 in the BLUE HAND 🙌WAVESPELL of HEALING,🌿 gathering knowledge and accomplishment. Today the HEALING🌿 is made MANIFEST, as we focus on the HIGHEST POTENTIAL of living a life untainted by FEAR! We use our intelligence to ask our physical bodies what is needed in order to grow and heal.🌿🌳
✨The YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR is Fearlessly moving forward after conquering all FEAR! 💥
HIP HIP HOO-RAY – our DIVINE MASCULINE aspects are HEALED💪 and rising in their POWER once more!🎉🎊🎈🎇
PLANETARY🌎 – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the BLUE HAND🙌 Wavespell is the PERFECTION of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong, healthy relationships with ourselves and our Rainbow Warrior tribe🌈👬👭👫 in order to cocreate our united PLANETARY DREAM.
✨🎇✨We have the power to MANIFEST and produce great healing on all levels today, through incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, for our cell-ves and that of our Planetary body.🌍🌎🌏
We also have a 10/1 day code SUPERBOOSTING our manifestation powers to begin anew again!ea
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
Take some time at 10.10 am or pm today to STOP, and VISUALIZE 👀 our collective DREAM of PEACE and PROSPERITY on NEW EARTH, as our PERFECTED DREAM..
and ENERGIZE your OWN personal DREAM in this manifestation too.
How does your DREAM/MISSION contribute to the realization of our PLANETARY DREAM? 🤔🤔🤔
Today’s questions are
❓ “What FEAR is in the way of my growth?
❓What is the HIGHEST potential we can MANIFEST on our PLANET beyond fear?”
❓ How can we Produce that PERFECT DREAM?🐬🌴🌈
Divine blessings for the CONQUERING of your personal FEAR, and manifestation of our collective souls’ flowering!🌻🌻🌻
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger 🌏🌈
18 MOONS AGO – one GALACTIC SPIN it was 10 MARCH 2023
Funnily enough – 10 MARCH is MAR10 – Mario day – from NINTENDO fame!! Lots of SUPERFUN as our cartoon plumber – unclogs our PLANETARY sewers💩 and drainpipes to let the FUN FLOW🌊🌊🌊 once more!!
Today’s code KIN 36 links back to May 4th, 2020 which was ✨STAR WARS DAY!!✨ And indeed the GALACTIC WARS are in full swing!
✨✨✨Our trusty Rainbow Warriors are arming themselves with RAINBOW LIGHT sabers in all dimensions of the Galactic battles!🌈 🗡🌈🗡
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR 🌎🌈🗡 CIB is the cosmic warrior who QUESTIONS our physical reality and the nature of our existence. The Warrior uses his intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world by challenging the status quo. His fearless spirit cuts through obstacles along the way, so that others may follow paths of increasing intelligence.
✨The YELLOW WARRIOR banishes FEAR,🗡 so that you can see your true face bright and clear.☀
YELLOW WARRIOR examines, scrutinizes and dissects the polarized energies that create the challenges we face, in order to get a bigger picture of what works for our PLANET.
❓How can we do this better?
❓What are the roots of your FEAR?
Allow the YELLOW WARRIOR to give you courage today, to step up without the burden of heavy armour to protect you from perceived danger. Derobe and hang up your heavy restrictive armour. Let your radiant strong heart❤ illuminate your path, knowing that you are STRONG and courageous. 💪💪💪
You have endured much trauma and frightening scenarios which have made you stronger💪 and more resilient, and now it is SAFE to return home to a place of love and comfort.
🎼I pray you’ll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don’t know🎶
🎼Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe🎶
🎼I pray we’ll find your light
And hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night🎶
🎼Let this be our prayer
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we’ll be safe🎶
The Prayer lyrics © Warner-barham Music Llc.
Songwriters: Carole Bayer Sager / David W. Foster
The PLANETARY WARRIOR fearlessly HEALS 🌿 all wounds through perfecting the manifestation of a PEACE 🕊🌈 filled world – ending the battles and giving our bodies the much needed time to repair and rejuvenate free from ATTACKS!! OMG!!! Hallelujah to that TRUTH!💥
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW PLANETARY SEED 🌍🌿 KAN is the Higher overlighting energy of our Planetary Warrior today. The PLANETARY SEED is providing the impetus to WAKE UP✨🌈☀ – and see the LIGHT! 👀
This partnership between CIB and KAN – will IGNITE much spontaneous AWAKENING 💥 today. The energy is very potent and FOCUSED to accelerate AWARENESS, as the masses are shocked out of their slumber! Watch out for global TRIGGERS that accelerate these events especially with a 16.16 double TOWER code! 🚀🚀
Today we focus on the highest potential🌲 that we can MANIFEST. YELLOW SEED highlights our capacity to GROW🌳 from the seed packet to our greatest potential. We must make this a CONSCIOUS choice in order for it to happen. The seed needs to grow roots🌱 and sprout shoots🌿 which push through the dark compact earth, against all the RESISTANCE(BATTLES) it encounters in order to find the LIGHT. 🌾🌻
The SEED’S struggle is a metaphor of that which the courageous WARRIOR must endure through his QUEST to find the HOLY GRAIL. 🏆
We must not get caught up in the dark void or the struggle to break out. We attune to the intelligence of our bodies and allow the natural growth to usher us forth into blossoming. Just as the plants grow from seed to flowering, unhindered, so too we allow the NATURAL HEALING PROCESS to inform our growth.
Our intention must hold the VISION👀 of being that beautiful strong and vibrant plant/flower/tree that we can be.🌼🌸🌹🌲🌳 A small acorn holds within it the potential to be a massive and vast, wise, oak tree. 🌲This is the MIRACLE of nature.✨🌼
YELLOW SEED 🌾 can also provide access to GAIA’s cornucopia of Plant medicines,🌿 herbal remedies, and LIGHT technologies which can assist us in perfecting the manifestation of our HEALING today. Look to Mother Nature for the answers by ASKING the right QUESTIONS. Our PLANETARY BODY – Mumma Gaia produces all the BEST remedies to HEAL every ailment.. look to uncover Nature’s medicine chest.
We are all STAR”seeds”✨🌱. Each one of us has a PLANETARY SERVICE MISSION programmed into our individual soul’s Divine blueprint.. We are GALACTIC beings and also have a GALACTIC Mission beyond the confines of this planet. It is time to think MUCH BIGGER. Break out of your HU-Man shell and reach for the STARS!
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY NIGHT🌍 🌃 AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to connect with his intuitive promptings. If something does not sit right in his gut, then his instincts are guiding him to challenge what is presenting. AKBAL will also reveal what lies deep in the abyss, which takes great courage to unearth and FACE. Producing FEARLESSNESS the PLANETARY WARRIOR has the necessary skill to overthrow his demons on his path to claim VICTORY. .
The PLANETARY NIGHT will also uncover the deep FEARS and NIGHTMARES 😨 of our collective subconscious today… As the NIGHT exposes the darkness, the WARRIOR can FEARLESSLY transcend this, in order to PERFECT our manifestation through LOVE!
BLUE NIGHT encourages the WARRIOR to pursue his DREAMS and knowingness that ✨THERE IS A BETTER PATH✨ in which to tread. The WARRIOR will slash through the illusion, and follow the yellow brick road to the treasures he intuitively knows lay on the path ahead.
The PLANETARY WARRIOR is fearlessly focused on MANIFESTING the PLANETARY DREAM of collective ABUNDANCE, and will defend this QUEST at all costs until it has been made MANIFEST!
Aho, Rainbow Warriors our DREAM is nigh!! 🎉🎊🎈
8.08. ✨🎇✨
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING SERPENT 📦🐍CHICCUAN represents your basic motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness.
RED SERPENT asks you to release all your Battles (particularly your INNER battles) and your FEARS, shed the skin of your past and step into the fires🔥 of alchemical transmutation. ⚛ In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.
RED SERPENT combines with BLUE NIGHT to ease your survival fears and old programmed instincts. We each hold a store house of chi within us. Unlock the VITALITY in your kundalini channel, to release all blocks to your MANIFESTING the life and body of your DREAMS.
CHICCHAN is a SELF-EXISTING SERPENT so he has the power to enable your ideas and projections to take FORM in the physical world. A very powerful MANIFESTOR extra potent CREATION energy today!!!.
🚫 MAKE SURE your FOCUS is on your PASSION🔥 and DESIRES 💃 rather than your NIGHTMARES😨 and worries, as whatever you FOCUS on today, you can MANIFEST in your physical reality..🚫 Take control of your MIND, thoughts and WORDS! 🚫
A POWERhouse of CREATION energies exists within our being. Unleash the POWER, PASSION🔥 and LIFE FORCE that Chiccan provides to to FUEL your desires🔥💃 and PERFECT the PLANETARY DREAM.
✨PEACE ON EARTH for all Planetary kin. ✨
🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈🏹 🌎💫🌈
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER 🌍🌈🌉 CIMI The shadow challenges of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER include the FEAR of DEATH, endings and change. Reluctance or inability to LET GO and move forward, and clinging to the old way of being.
Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths, such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the healing LIGHT. ✨🌿✨
The transformation offered in CIMI is found through SURRENDER, RELEASE and FORGIVENESS. Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving BLUE HAND👉 that shows a new way.
❓What are you afraid of? It is TIME to release your FEAR in order to make the next step? 💃🏃
Choose to LET GO, and choose HARMONY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE! ✨🎇✨
Allow CIMI to send out new golden threads to all the wondrous new connections you will be making in your new chapter. Remember at all times to release FEAR 😨 and choose LOVE.😍 Ironically to do this we usually have to accept the DEATH of something old, in order to build this new bridge to LOVE! 🌈💕
Allow CIB the fearless Warrior to lead you over the rainbow bridge🌈🌉 on your new QUEST. to manifest the NEW WORLD of your DREAMS. 💕✨
🚫🚫🚫 NOTE: Warrior’s fearlessly charge into battle, so be wary of arguments, disputes and conflicts today. Thankfully the emotional charge is lessened today, as the tone is in the PHYSICAL realm. However this may translate to physical sword fights and battles!
⛔ Do not engage in PERSONAL battles, but save your energy for the greater good – your Divine Mission and the PLANETARY DREAM!
This elevates the focus of the Warrior to higher states of consciousness, and thus accordingly his behaviour! WHITE WORLDBRIDGER can bring forth an end to battles in any arena. So disengage and FOCUS on PEACE and UNITY.
No doubt the Spiritual battle for our PLANET – MAY escalate today, with much FEAR arising from our collective unconscious.
🚫DO NOT ENGAGE in FEAR, LACK, SURVIVAL issues and deprivation today.🚫
It is UBER important with the Self-Existing SERPENT to ensure our BEST DREAMS take FORM.📦💕🌈🌍..
It is time to PERFECT our CREATION through HOLDING a HIGH 5D❤ LOVING VIBE 😍 to perfect our MANIFESTATION of the NEW TIME.🌈🐬🌴🎨💃
Today’s questions are
❓ “What FEAR is in the way of my growth?
❓What is the HIGHEST potential we can MANIFEST on our PLANET beyond fear?”
❓ How can we Produce that PERFECT DREAM?🐬🌴🌈
Divine blessings for the CONQUERING of your personal FEAR, and manifestation of our collective souls’ flowering!🌻🌻🌻
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Illuminating Sol
Divinity Power
Undistorted Fields
Living Golden Lattice
Original Divine Matrix
Genesis Architecture
Waters of Creation
Self Assemble Life
Light Love Flame
Genes of Isis
Source Point
Eternity Seeds
Resonant Wave
North Star Aligns
Emerald Heart
Eye Single
– Kryst
Living Golden Lattice
Living Golden Lattice

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