///////>>>>>>> EVENT>>>>>>>///////
5d people
///////>>>>>>> EVENT>>>>>>>///////
///////>>>>>>> END TIMES >>>>>>>///////
THIS ///////>>>>>>>EVENT>>>>>>>///////
IN WHATEVER BELIEFS THEY HAVE OF ///////>>>>>>>GOD>>>>>>>///////
YOUR REMOVAL //////////
///////>>>>>>>DARK GAME>>>>>>>///////
The future is now: how MED BEDS are transforming healthcare worldwide!
The future is here, and it’s disguised as holographic medical pods. These technological marvels, often called MED PODS or MED BEDS, are an essential element in a vast web of power that manipulates human life itself.
Praised for their efficiency and precision, these capsules perform a myriad of medical miracles, from complex surgeries to regenerative procedures.
Imagine stepping into a sleek, cylindrical capsule equipped with cutting-edge medical technology. Here, a doctor doesn’t have to hover over your body with a scalpel. Instead, a specialist selects the desired medical procedure from a vast digital database. You lie down, the machine vibrates, and within moments, your surgery is completed without a single human hand touching you.
However, as with all revolutionary technologies, there is more than meets the eye. These capsules are equipped with tools that seem designed not only to heal, but to alter the human body in unprecedented ways.
From laser scalpels and computer-controlled robotic arms to liquid spray anesthesia and vital sign sensors, all mounted on an unassuming titanium base, each component is optimized not just for medical procedures, but for procedures that push the limits of nature.
The ability of MED PODS to perform 3D anatomical scanning with refractive lenses that provide live body scans is nothing short of miraculous. They can diagnose and treat with such precision that they make current medical equipment seem like relics.
The ability of these pods to regenerate dying cellular tissue and revive elements such as neurons and stem cells represents a monumental leap in medical technology. Diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s could potentially be eradicated. However, these capabilities introduce the potential for misuse in the wrong hands.

Furthermore, holographic medical pods are integrated with supercomputers capable of creating and imprinting memory engrams into a patient’s brain. This capability, ostensibly for therapeutic reasons, could easily be exploited to alter or erase memories. The implications of such capabilities are profound and frightening.
Consider the secretive nature of these procedures, often conducted under the umbrella of Special Space Programs (SSP) or in remote locations such as space stations and planetary bases. The existence of portable Meditech Pod units for military and emergency use further complicates the narrative, introducing a portable and potentially unregulated expansion of this technology.
So while the public marvels at the technological prowess of holographic medical pods, deeper investigation reveals troubling undercurrents. These devices, capable of such profound alterations to the human body and mind, remain largely under the radar of mainstream scrutiny and regulation.
The implications of such technology are vast and potentially world-changing. Are we witnessing the dawn of a new era in medicine, or are we sliding into a new form of control where our health, our memories, and perhaps even our identities could be governed by an elite with access to the ultimate tool of power?
As we stand on the brink of this technological frontier, it is imperative that we ask these hard questions and demand transparency. For while the potential for cure is enormous, so is the potential for control. In a world where such power can exist, vigilance is not just a virtue, but a necessity.

In the creative society, a new technology, such as a replicator, will be available to everyone.
A replicator is not science fiction.
It is a device that works according to the laws of physics.
Let’s take a lobster, a t-shirt or foam as an example.
In appearance they are completely different, but if we look at them on a micro level, we will see that they are composed of the same elementary particles, only their number is different and they are arranged differently.
These particles form atoms and atoms form molecules.
Due to a certain combination of these elementary particles, we get a lobster, or a shirt, or a telephone.
The replicator’s operating principle is basically to assemble elementary particles in the right combination to get what we need, whether it’s a hot breakfast or fashionable pants.
Plus, they’re new, already ironed, and of the highest quality.
It all depends on the program you have set up.
For example, for a new gadget to appear in a replicator, three components are needed, energy particles from which the object will be created.
Information about the sequence of its assembly.
Energy has been successfully used by humanity for a long time.
In the creative society, we will be able to use new and long-discovered types of energy.
Information about an object will be received by scanning the desired objects and uploaded to the replicator.
A similar principle has already been implemented in molecular beverage printing technology.
Any drink is printed directly from molecules.
The main thing is to have the right amount of particles from which the object we need will materialize.
To do this, we need a user.
Unnecessary things will be placed in it to be decomposed into elementary particles and placed in cartridges.
And the replicator will create whatever you need using the cartridges and information.
So you discard the trash and get everything you want.
Having a user, you will no longer need to wash the dishes, just put the dirty dishes in it, a tablecloth with crumbs and that’s it.
Continue ⬇️
A replicator and a user are devices about the size of a microwave or a small cabinet.
The magnetic power inside them will help to rearrange the particles according to a certain combination, in milliseconds and at any time, you get everything you need and completely free of charge, without harming your health or the ecology of the planet.
A replicator will not only benefit all people, it will also benefit the entire planet.
For example, to enjoy delicious fresh bread for breakfast today, a whole chain of complex production processes is required.
You need to plow a field and for that you need a tractor.
Produce a tractor and all its components.
We have to build different factories, and all these factories emit tons of poisonous gases, while their waste water contains dangerous chemical compounds.
We also need raw materials that people extract from quarries and mines.
To grow wheat, we need chemical pesticides and fertilizers, which poison the soil and crops.
Delivering everything we need requires a huge expense.
Fuel and lubricants.
We need transport trucks, ships and trains.
See how much damage a common bread roll causes to the environment.
And the same story happens in all industrial sectors of the creative society.
All these environmentally destructive processes will disappear, as everyone will have a replicator in their hands.
Just press the button and here’s a roll for you to eat.
There will be enough for everyone, anywhere on the planet.
We will be able to clean the air, land and ocean of all dangerous radioactive pollution.
Waste will become the most valuable resource, a source of elementary particles for the creation of new and beautiful things.
The creative society is a world where you will enjoy the most advanced technology and your life will be financially independent, comfortable and prosperous.
What is the ultimate goal?
Only 5d people.
And how can we live with 3D people?
Okay, that’s a great question.
So the world is slowly changing, right?
Dolores Cannon talked about this, the division of worlds.
They are slowly starting to separate.
At the moment, all these timelines are still together.
That is why we can be living on the same planet with people in 3D and 4D and 5D consciousness.
But there are also people in 6D consciousness.
So it’s a fascinating time to be on this planet.
But things are changing.
So if you are at a higher level of consciousness, in 5d for example, and you are around 3d people, you might feel very drained, right?
And that can be very uncomfortable, especially if you can’t be authentic and be yourself, because you have to put on a certain mask to be around these people.
That’s what we’re seeing more and more, as people are retreating, they’re going out on their own to do this deep inner work, because being around people is draining.
So as the planet continues to rise in frequency, because Mother Gaia is also on an ascension path, she is returning to her original 5D blueprint.
It was planned to always be in a 5D form, right?
She’s coming back online.
This means that the residents, the people of the planet, will have to be on that frequency.
They will have to resonate at a 5d frequency.
So what we’re going to start seeing is people who are not here for ascension.
And again, this is neither a good nor a bad thing.
Some people want to dance in the duality of 3d for a little while longer, right?
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing to judge in this.
People are learning it’s the hardest school in the universe.
Being in a 3D form physically embodied your soul into a 3D reality and consciousness.
It’s a very interesting school.
There is a lot to learn in this place.
And these souls continue to learn, right?
Therefore, they will leave the planet in the next few years.
How will this happen?
It will be through booster vaccines.
It will be through heart attacks, strokes, car accidents.
All these kinds of things will start to happen because it will be your higher self’s way of getting you off this planet.
Afterwards, they can incarnate on a lower density planet and continue studying.
I see a lot of people get stuck on the fact that, oh, my loved ones are not going to ascend with me.
Well, first of all, none of us know that they may be completely asleep at this point, but they may still be here for the ascension, for the awakening of the consciousness of the five Djdehe at some point, right?
So trust this process.
Don’t get caught up in all the “what ifs”, okay?
And you also need to understand that when you are actually in 5D and you embody that, even the souls that are not here for that, you will find that you will feel so connected to each of them on such a deep level, right?
So you won’t miss them.
So if this information appeals to you and you know that you are here for ascension, that you are ready to break free from the duality of the false 3d matrix, then this is it.
Continued ⬇️
More than ever, it is time to continue doing your inner work.
You need to get rid of toxins from your body.
You need to work on detoxing heavy metals, detoxing parasites, working on stress, working on being present in the present moment.
Using breathwork and things like that to be present, to try to get to ground zero.
These are all very, very powerful ways to help you in your ascension process.
And working through trauma is one of the quickest ways to raise your body’s frequency so that you know you’re here for when the solar flash happens, for example.
And knowing that you will be able to withstand what is coming is raising that frequency by working with the shadow.
Working on the limiting flame when we integrate all aspects of ourselves and become truly authentic.
And that’s what shadow work is all about.
You will raise the frequency of your body.
You will be in the zone of pure potential.
He is well?
If you need help with this, please leave a comment.
I hope this resonated.
Tell me in the comments I’m sending you.
Much love.

“Value Prices 1955” by Danlboon – 7.31.24
Perhaps before we shut everything down a bit on the Emergency Broadcast System, I can include something here for you to think about during EBS with 1955 prices and NESARA.
“We will soon be back in 1955 prices: the value of $8,000 in 1955 was roughly equivalent to $85,896.23 in today’s money, adjusted for inflation.”
This coming Saturday, August 3rd, will be 11 years since I lost my job due to medical reasons and only recently was able to collect Social Security, so I was in a bind for a while where I could have been earning possibly $85,896.23 a year if I had continued working.
So if we actually get $100,000 a month from NESARA and it’s not adjusted to 1955 prices with a 9.314% value, then it’s not about $9,314 a month.
If you were living today on an annual income of $100,000 and not just $85,896.23, then why would you bother complaining about an amount of $1,200,000 that should be set in stone? These are the returns of the DS Cabal to pay much back to those who are still alive.
The annual value of $1,200,000 in 1955 is worth about $12,883,831 today, so you can give away Ten Million and still become a millionaire in the first year and that goes for eleven years. These are NON-taxable earnings!
It shouldn’t be such a drastic change where if you deposit $1,000 into your bank account one day it only shows up as $93.14 or you write a check to pay a current bill the company won’t accept it as they are still using 2024 prices but your payment is at 1955 prices. Many will try to trick you into this revaluation.
It’s like the 1960s Beverly Hillbillies TV show, as they didn’t know how to live a wealthy lifestyle.
Be careful, as scammers can come out of nowhere, such as trying to sell you a million dollar house/apartment that has not been properly inspected because the builders saved money even though they had the money to do the work.

by QThe17thLetter
What they are basically saying is that NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
After that, there will be an emergency broadcast system going around globally where they will literally be showing documentaries of everything that happened to wake up the masses.
But to do that, there will be a message on the EBS saying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home and a global lockdown will begin for 10-12 days.
During this lockdown it will be broadcast on all channels and there will be documentaries to give full disclosure so that everyone can see everything that is happening.
So at the end of the 12 days there will apparently be an 800 number that we will have to call and from that point on we will receive our quantum appointment with a confirmed date and time to go. (Here it refers to VR).
Other things were also announced.
– Apparently we ALL GLOBALLY have a sum of money in our quantum account and the reason why there has not been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks is because some important things were happening.
One of the things is that about 75 banks were reportedly seized and all assets and accounts closed and all of these were Cabal accounts.
These assets were then taken and transferred into quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.
And also all the trust funds were transferred to the QFS account. So that has already changed, which is awesome!
In fact, over time, money will no longer be an issue. Money will literally not matter because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.
So try to make progress instead of staying still for so long.
This is amazing news and it’s what we’ve been waiting for.
They also confirmed that all central banks have been included in the QFS, so they are all in ISO 20022 standard and another thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.
Any money sent they can see where it goes. Stops corruption in its tracks.
There’s nothing about moving money behind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere overseas and things like that.
None of this can happen anymore.
All money is traceable and remember this is on an Out of This World computer… it’s next level.
Now we are in the final stages. Then the stock market will collapse because when it does, that will be the end of it.
Oh, another thing is that all personal bank accounts, everything is reflected in the quantum financial account, so we have nothing to worry about.
The only thing that is not reflected is the investments and shares in the Stock Exchange. All of that is gone! …so if you have an investment in the Stock Exchange, withdraw it…and then the NEW SHARE will be released when the QFS indicates that it can trade.
So all of our bank accounts, savings accounts, and retirement accounts are safe.
This is great news and exciting times lie ahead.
🔥 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉
Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission
Trump Tower is Tesla Tower 2024/07/29
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 10:54
🪖🐾Special forces and military dogs from around the world are rescuing the as many human beings and animals as possible trafficked from DUMBS, biolabs, organ harvesting and DS Devil cloning factories.💔
07/26/24 🇺🇸 Genetic Decoding
In Ukraine, a law was passed that allows people to literally harvest your organs without your consent. They take you off the street and you go back to the street without a kidney.
The biofacility is located in China, Ukraine.
Where did the C-19 come from? [ 👆Trump “China‼️”]
The Russian general who occupied Chernobyl said: “We will not leave until we rescue the last child”.
There is a huge bunker there.
What is the best place to hide it? It is under a mountain of radioactivity. Radiation is used to
modify children and turn them into super soldiers. It was done by Hitler in WWII. This is his SS. 🙏 👇 CA DUMBS explodes
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 10:51
🇺🇸🪖 Gene Decode is one of the world’s leading authorities on DUMBS. When Gene said he wouldn’t get to all the DUMBS, he didn’t mean leaving the trafficked beings to their fate.
What Gene meant was that this entire planet was a giant tunnel system, and beneath that system was an ancient system.
🇨🇦 September 20
Charlie Freak’s special forces enter Melbourne and discover another layer beneath this massive tunnel system.
They started in Sydney.
Think of it as a spider web. It’s a spider web. All they do is dig.
This second tunnel system circles the AU in a ring, with a large central line heading towards Ayers Rock.
One night at 9pm. → 7am
There was an explosion every 2-3 seconds [the tunnel was destroyed]
🇬🇧 September 20 Charlie Ward
Over 1 million children rescued in Australia
🇺🇸 ’21 Gene The Decode
Alliance is removing DUMBS from Australia and New Zealand around Antarctica.
It’s isolating.
Surrounding the enemy and cutting off means of escape💥
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 7:28
😻 2020 is not over yet 😉
07/26/24 🇺🇸🪖 Dr. Jean Halper Hayes,
Department of Defense Task Force
38:15 Planning to go to the Texas border this weekend
Roy Brunson will be there very
early in June, I met him at Cape Canaveral
and he had his hand up. He didn’t understand…
I don’t know if any progress has been made. But we still have Clarence Thomas
, the only one who can make decisions on the Florida fraud case. 39:00 In the next five months? Hopefully our questions will be answered slowly in God’s timing and not ours. And I hope for a reassessment 🎊 43:59 Initially there were 250k sealed indictments, now there are over 400k. Considering the evil and corruption that has been ingrained in the system for years, and the good things SCOUS has done, the Chevron incident… is a sign that things are moving forward 🙏 With Anina
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 2:41
Reply to Raymond’s post
“Mrs.” Macron was originally Jean-Michel-Henri Trogneux, aka “Brigitte,” a jewelry store owner dating back to 1973, but changed gender and identity in the late 1980s.
(44 years old) Brigitte (69 years old), the “wife” of French President Eric Macron, sunbathing on a yacht…
but we were told not to believe our fake eyes…
“Mrs.” Chuck Schumer… Seriously? 🤯
“Mrs.” Michelle Obama…
Does anyone still believe Big Mike Obama is a woman?
Actually, he is. I have friends who still think she was a “great” First Lady
, but now they’re vaccinated 😳
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 3:22
Reply to Dars Dragon’s post
😼My understanding is that demons in the deep state stole Tesla’s technology and made it their own.
💞Tesla wanted to offer this to the world.
DUMBS maglev trains travel at over Mach 3 and like this “floating” car are Tesla’s.
Where you hide a celebrity from the Witness Protection Program in
a hotel room that is the gateway to time travel…
hidden in plain sight! DUMBSandUNDERGROUND connects
the dots in partnership with SpaceForceGalacticFederation
- Trump Tower is a Tesla Tower… built of gold [windows]
They are also time travel machines… Nikola Tesla made the New Yorker Building one of them…somewhere in ⏲ ⏳ time [Travel]Where would you hide a celebrity in the Witness Protection Program?… In a hotel room that serves as a gateway to time travel… Hide him in a prominent place💥⚡️ Trump’s time travel miracle —>>>
💥⚡️Nikola Tesla – Pyramids are wireless power plants
—>>>🔥⚡️Nikola Tesla Fractal Code to create 3,6,9 dimensions
—>>>🔥⚡️Time Machine – Nikola Tesla
—>>>💥⚡️ 3,6,9 – Tesla discovered the key to the universe
–>>⚡️💥Hidden Knowledge and Secrets of Quantum Evolution Revealed
–>>Follow us
in partnership
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
They went to Mars in 1903 and 1947 with Tesla’s antigravity device.
They used it on the TR-3B.
The free energy device that powers it
is the size of a shoebox and
uses zero point energy or Casimir effect 🛸
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 2:12
🤯The arrival of technology!! ️🥳
🇺🇸 Genetic decoding
Secret societies had a head start in technology,
a million years ahead of us.
They will go 100 light years away in 30 minutes 🛸
🇺🇸 Q
Storm Rider Levitation, Infinite Energy, Zero Point Energy
Real Tesla Energy is coming → Real Medical Bed…
5G White Hats We hope you will take full control of technology and
use it for its original purpose of healing the human body with healing frequencies…
Humans have been enslaved and isolated from the higher frequencies → Molecules
To a higher power and wisdom that…
a golden age of knowledge and
a time when humans will transform the world into something they could only dream of doing…
Trump will save America. Will Surprise the World in His Second Term
with Hidden Technology and Energy +++ (Damn… Elon, Trump., USSF, Tesla) Trump is not lying… the best The time has not yet come 👇 Tesla/Maglev Vehicle @CaptKylePatriots 1:49
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 12:26
7/28/24 Archbishop Viganò’s statement on the Paris Olympics opening ceremony:
“…It is no coincidence that the sponsor of this unpleasant carnival is Emmanuel Macron, the emissary of the World Economic Forum. He disguised a transvestite woman as his wife. And they will not be punished. It is like Barack Obama with a muscular man in a wig…”
Full statement by AB Viganò.
The detail is
Go After Satan Statement, July 28, 2024
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/29 11:43
😼Lots of questions #Gitmo Deltas July 29👇For those who missed it🇺🇸
The Storm Rider
1-15-22 The trial is still ongoing at Guantanamo.
Mount Cheyenne. Top Secret Incident
5-2-24 NATO Commander Bruce C. McNeely,
also commander of the Guantanamo Bay military base,
[deleted] found
an 11-year-old and a 6-year-old at gunpoint in an attempt to have sex with them
US Military Black Hats Are Inside a Massive Sex and Human Trafficking Ring → US. Military and NATO…
Massive Child Trafficking Operation Underway. Massive operation
exposing CIA operations → Military black hats…
It’s no coincidence that Guantanamo Bay is near Epstein’s island 💥
🇺🇸 Juan O saving
Guantanamo ready:
forensic evidence review and expansion of storage area
Port can accommodate all FEMA ships → Prison ship
New “old” ” Hospital
Because they will stay there until old age Unless they are
hanged for treason against America.
Firing squad restarts,
let everyone know this is coming💥
Good news for humanity AND WARNINGS TO COUNTRIES
Greetings Humanity, I am Karma, a living being, and it is my turn to convey a new message through our trusted channel.
Good news for humanity, the Dark Entities can no longer hide their negative agendas, they are being exposed everywhere and humans can see their true faces in many parts of your world.
For so long they have been pretending that they supposedly have the interests of human civilization in mind and think that there will be no consequences for their monstrosities.
Every action they took against a living soul is recorded in the Book of Karma.
My assistants monitor the behavior of all beings on Mother Earth and around the Cosmos.
The accumulated karma is coming back to all of them.
Do you think any person will be rewarded for physically or verbally harming a living soul?
Of course not, the consequences return to the harmful ones.
All the Parents, Ascended Masters, including the Divines, will rip more souls out of their physical bodies and send them in bubble form into the Universal Consciousness, without the opportunity to be reborn into a physical or light body.
On rare occasions, the soul can be completely dissolved.
Queen Draco for crimes against her own civilization and for tormenting the humans on this planet by possessing a human vessel, her soul was erased.
Remember that anyone who does negative things will pay for it in one way or another.
The soul filled with compassion, Love, purity and Light will be rewarded with an easy transition to higher dimensions.
The Corrupt Entities have lost their chance for redemption and will remain in bubble form forever.
Your reality is breaking apart and many hidden truths are coming to light.
Once the Human Collective Consciousness reaches a certain level, many positive events will occur for humanity.
Old behaviors based on materialistic interests of possessing as many things as possible and attachments to the past will not help you ascend to the Fifth Dimension of 5D.
Your daily focus should be to stay in high vibrational frequencies, separating yourself from being trapped and dependent on false assumptions that responsible human beings will bring prosperity and peace into your life.
It is only a connection with Divine Wisdom and Power that can lead your civilization into a new era of advancement and enlightenment.
The darkness, which dominated your planet for millions of years, was only concerned with keeping humans in dependency mode by brainwashing them with false information.
When civilization does not progress spiritually, nothing changes and everyone is stuck in emotional anguish and confusion about why nothing changes around them and why everything is so difficult to achieve.
Additionally, if you carry some unresolved karmic issues from your past experiences, this may prevent you from moving forward towards Ascension. Divine, including myself, has been sending warnings to countries or humans about the consequences of their behaviors.
Here is the last warning to fishermen, who have been destroying marine life for years.
Two people were thrown into the ocean after a humpback whale landed on their fishing boat off the coast of New Hampshire in the United States.
This caused the 23-foot center console boat to capsize.
The men on the boat were recovered by other boats and taken to the Great Bay Marina.
These two fishermen received this warning because of their greed, they caught much more than they needed for many years and many small fishermen died from being caught in their nets, which they simply threw back into the ocean.
For now, they have survived and next time there will be no mercy for them.
Humans can live eating plants, vegetables and vegetarian food options, such as different types of pasta, pizzas, salads, etc. and avoid the destruction of marine life in the oceans.
Many edible plants have not yet been discovered on your planet and are waiting to be found.
You already have several countries around the world that have vegetarian foods in their culture.
My advice to everyone is to preserve what you are given and not take things for granted.
Please spread Love and Light around you.
Thank you, Ambassador of the Galactic Forces of Light, for delivering this communication to humanity.
Sending my Supreme Love to all the souls of Mother Gaia.
Be the light that you are
I Am Karma Channeled by Erena Velázquez
Ambassador of the Galactic Forces of Light
Divine, including myself, has been sending warnings to countries or humans about the consequences of their behavior.
Here is the last warning to fishermen, who have been destroying marine life for years.
Two people were thrown into the ocean after a humpback whale 🐋 landed on their fishing boat ️ off the coast of New Hampshire in the 🇺🇸 United States.
This caused the 23-foot center console 🛥️ to tip over.
The men who were on the boat were recovered by other boats and taken to the Great Bay Marina. These two 🎣 fishermen received this warning because of their greed 💰 , they caught much more than they needed for many years and many small marine species died from being caught in their nets, which they simply threw back into the ocean.
For now, they have survived and next time there will be no mercy for them.
Humans can live eating plants, vegetables and vegetarian food choices like different types of pasta 🍝 , pizzas 🥗 salads and etc. and avoid the destruction of marine life in the 🌊 oceans.
Many edible plants have not yet been discovered on your planet and are waiting to be found.
You already have several countries around the world that have vegetarian foods in their culture.
Karma channeled by Erena Velázquez
Ambassador of the Galactic Forces of Light
Zimbabwe’s ZiG Gold Coin is Bringing Humanity Closer to the GCR
How Zimbabwe Gold ZiG is reshaping the future global monetary system today
The resurgence of gold as a global currency is becoming a reality, with Zimbabwe leading the way. The introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold ZiG currency has sparked significant interest and marked a seminal shift in the global financial landscape.
Zimbabwe’s approach offers a glimpse into humanity’s promising financial future.
In this article:
- What is Zimbabwe Gold ZiG?
- Is ZiG currency, Zimbabwe’s gold, being used?
- How has ZiG helped Zimbabwe’s economy?
- Will Gold ZiG replace the US Dollar in Zimbabwe?
- Is the Zimbabwe Gold ZiG part of a GCR?
What is Zimbabwe Gold ZiG?
The Zimbabwe Gold Coin, or ZiG, launched in April 2024, is a gold-backed currency designed to replace the depreciated Zimbabwean dollar.
ZiG is backed by foreign exchange reserves and precious metals, providing a stable and secure alternative to the previously volatile local currency.
This marks Zimbabwe’s sixth attempt to establish a reliable currency in the past 15 years.

Is ZiG currency, Zimbabwe’s gold, being used?
Since its introduction, ZiG’s adoption has been remarkable. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mushayawanha reported that ZiG usage has doubled, now accounting for 30% of all transactions in the country.
This rapid increase in acceptance indicates a growing confidence among Zimbabweans in the stability and value of the new currency.
How has ZiG helped Zimbabwe’s economy?
The introduction of ZiG had a stabilizing effect on the Zimbabwean economy. The gold-backed currency helped to contain inflation and restore some confidence in the national monetary system.
Previously, hyperinflation and the devaluation of the local currency had plagued the economy, but the success of ZiG suggests a turning point.
The use of gold coins in 2022 laid the foundation for this success, proving to be effective in managing liquidity and preserving value.
Will Gold ZiG replace the US Dollar in Zimbabwe?
The Zimbabwean government has ambitious plans to make the ZiG the sole legal tender by 2030.
Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has introduced measures to boost demand for ZiG, including requiring government departments to accept payments in local currency.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has indicated that the transition could be completed as early as 2026, with the aim of reducing dependence on the US dollar.
Is the Zimbabwe Gold ZiG part of a GCR?
The introduction of ZiG is seen as a significant step towards a Global Currency Reset (GCR), where gold re-emerges as the basis for a fair and sovereign financial system, open to all humanity.
The success of ZiG will lead other nations to adopt gold-backed currencies, promoting a safer and more equitable global economy.
The GCR envisions a future where gold and other real assets underpin global financial systems, reducing the debt, volatility and uncertainty associated with fiat currencies.
The bottom line
Zimbabwe’s introduction of the ZiG currency marks a pivotal moment in the global financial landscape. By adopting a gold-backed currency,
Zimbabwe is not only stabilizing its own economy, but also paving the way for a broader global monetary reset.
Zimbabwe’s success with ZiG will usher in a new era of financial stability and prosperity, driven by strong gold holdings and value.
Contributing source : https://eurasiabusinessnews.com

RUMORS: 01/08/2024
Transition to Gesara/Greatness.
Now they just need to stage a fake World War III scenario to set off the sirens at all National Military Command Centers.
This is to justify to the entire Planet many things that have already been happening. The fact that the Military Law Gesara was enacted. Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, etc. The executions, EVERYTHING.
And as all armies normally do, they will help build new things.
At 10:00 AM on September 11, 2001, NESARA was supposed to be implemented. However, the computers and data of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars in “Prosperity Funds” were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the September 11 attack. Bush orchestrated the September 11 attacks and the Iraq War as a distraction from NESARA.
All to hide NESARA from public view and thus prevent its implementation by popular demand. To this end, the corrupt United States Supreme Court imposed a gag order on all government officials, US military personnel, law enforcement personnel, bankers, lawyers, judges, media outlets and anyone else who knew about NESARA and could provide information about NESARA to the public.
Quantum Financial System (QFS) is exposing the dirty secrets of traditional banks
— Discover how to claim your financial freedom now!
The truth is unfolding before our eyes: the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the dawn of a new era and promises liberation from the shackles of the old, corrupt financial systems. It is time to wake up to the reality that the traditional banking structure has long been a tool of control, manipulation and subjugation.
Quantum Healing Technologies of Medical Beds: A Leap of Love and Science
Wrapped in cutting-edge quantum technology, Med Beds extend a beacon of hope to those seeking holistic wellness. Brace yourself because Trump’s NESARA initiative is revealing the startling reality of Med Beds – a technological marvel that promises to cure all ailments in minutes.
We’ll soon return to 1955 prices: $8,000 in 1955 was roughly equivalent to $85,896.23 in today’s money, adjusted for inflation.
“History tells us”
For all those who are convinced that they can keep kicking the can down the road – fiscally speaking… History tells us that it will crash. Fundamentals always win. Fundamentals are telling us that it will restart.
VR news has been quiet after a very busy weekend in Iraq. Nothing on HCL yet… but our last update yesterday is that it looks like it’s going to be over in a few days.
It feels like this is the week we’ve been waiting for. I’m inundated with so much information coming in and it all lines up, and none of these sources know each other. So it feels like this is definitely coming… We’re in for a magnificent week…
RayRen98 (TNT)
“In the name of God, bring the EBS, bring the RV, please stop lying and do it now. It’s been 13 years for me. God knows how long for others.”
They will win a war to realize there is no more “we the people” to celebrate it.
I’m getting a lot of posts about the notifications that will be going out in the next 48 hours!
Some of my contacts are from 2016/military. Everyone is saying to keep your email open and notifications on.
We were always told that within a few hours or a few days they would release the RV after the HCL is completed. It is a key piece to move forward with their renovations.
Perhaps before we shut everything down a bit on the Emergency Broadcast System, I can include something here for you to think about during EBS with 1955 prices and NESARA .
“Hey, everyone. Everything is going, going, going, green, green, green. … I just got off the phone with Reno (thumbs up). Get ready. Get ready for the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This is history in the making and you are all part of history. Remember to raise your vibrations and never turn away from God. You are all chosen. Tomorrow I will have a special live call with our special guest Elizabeth Rodriguez who has a few words to say to us. God bless you all. Your friend, Wolverine.”
I can say that the news coming from the Kurdish region is great. “The Kurdish government has resolved the crisis wisely.” It says that Baghdad has no more excuses. They are talking about the HCL and saying that they have resolved it. They hope that Baghdad will pass the HCL (Hydrocarbon Law)…
We have always been told that within hours or a few days they will release the RV after the HCL is completed. It is a key piece to moving forward with their reforms. I am told that they will have the HCL drafted, signed and made official between now and August 5th. There is a lot of positive talk from the Iraqi banking sector that they could get it (RV?) done within that time frame… fingers crossed… I still hope they release it today…
I’m getting a lot of messages about notifications that will be sent in the next 48 hours! Some of my contacts are from 2016/military. Everyone says to keep your email open and turn on notifications.
EBS High Alert
World War III Watch
Martial law imposed on hundreds of US cities!
10-day blackout
Green sky worldwide
It’s time
…Mr. Pool on Telegram Wed. July 31, 2024
“The MSM are engaged in the highest level of treason in modern history.”
Q on Telegram Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
“You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard”
“Power will return to the people”
Fun Facts: Things You Didn’t Know About Redemption – Part 8
✅ 73. Fear of hackers, theft, robberies, etc. With all due respect to your concerns, if it’s any consolation, I’ve been sending huge files for many years and to date, no client has had their assets hacked. I’m talking about over $70 billion in assets that I’ve personally sent, and there are several other Redemption shipping officers like me who have also sent billions. Please know that this started many years ago as a top-level military secret and very few people knew anything about it.
It was only around 2016 that the public began to become aware of this. Initially, excluding the Zim currency assets, all historical assets belonged to just 12 families and all the securities floating around the world were to be returned to these families.
Treaties were signed with these families who agreed to share the wealth and if it were not for the generosity of these families there would be no RV. Even today, based on the world population which is exaggerated, there is an extremely small percentage of people in the world who even know that the rescue exists.
So I don’t think hackers will be very interested in Historical Assets, because firstly, they probably don’t know what they are; secondly, I imagine hackers have bigger fish to fry, like cryptocurrencies, and thirdly, what would be the gain. They can’t redeem them, because your Assets are locked in the system against you once registered, so they have no value to anyone. That said, the decision to send or not remains with you.
✅ 74. Banks as Redemption Centers (RCs). Unfortunately, whoever you are getting your information about Banks and Redemption Centers (RCs) from is not well informed. In response
1. I think we have already established that HSBC or any other bank will not redeem Historic Assets and that Redemption Centers do not exist. Regarding the Redemption comment , we have absolutely no reason to want everyone to redeem via Redemption .
They are a body specifically created for the purpose of forwarding, recording and controlling Historic Assets and, as has often been said, the final destination for all Historic Assets. Whether people choose to believe this or not is irrelevant to us. If people honestly believe that there is something to be gained by forwarding Assets to Asset Owners, let me set the record straight. It is boring, tedious and time-consuming work that we do voluntarily because someone has to do it, despite being called a “mindless stewardship organization” or the fact that it is an unpaid position. So I believe that thanks are in order, not insults.
2. Do you have to register your titles and go through Redemption as there will definitely not be an RC or HSBC bank in South Africa that will redeem the Zim? That is correct. That said, we cannot be seen as soliciting Assets from the owners, so the decision remains with you.
So you choose 1 or 2.
✅ 75. Will Redemption provide a venue for us to redeem our “unregistered” Zim Bonds? All Historic Assets must be registered, so you need to submit. Redemption will only provide the Table Top Meeting (TTM) details at a later stage. This is where we will meet in person.
✅ 76. The Zim Bond is a Promissory Note, so the banks must redeem it, right? Yes, it is indeed a Promissory Note, but the banks cannot physically redeem it because they simply cannot due to lack of funds. Not all the banks together in South Africa have the kind of funding to redeem all the Zim Bonds, not to mention the 150+ other Bonds.
It is simply an impossibility of funding for banks. It goes even further than a bank having a lack of funds. “Historical assets” are just that. They are currency in their own right and there is no rate to be applied to them. As such, they do not appear on any bank’s Forex screen and never will.
Note from Judy:
- In February 2019, convicted drug kingpin El Chapo testified at his sentencing hearing that Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and others were receiving millions in drug money to keep the border open. To this day, the mainstream media has not covered the story, and it was believed that the money laundering was still happening without the public’s knowledge — then came Trump: Pelosi, Democrats Said to Receive Millions to Keep Border Open | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Members of the US Congress were well aware of our corrupt financial system in place since 1913 that launders US taxpayers’ money for the elite, keeps those same taxpayers in debt and has resulted in a fiat US dollar, but politicians were blackmailed and given big bucks to do nothing about it – which they don’t, never have done and appear to have had no incentive to change the system in the future… then along came Trump.
- Wed. July 31, 2024 “The MSM is implicated in the highest-level acts of treason in modern U.S. history.” …Q
- The petrodollar has come to an end.
- The IRS Handbook states that the IRS’s jurisdiction was limited to having authority only over individuals in maritime and admiralty contexts, or “persons at sea.”
- Tue. 30 Jul 2024: Breaking News: Israel Eliminates Hamas Chairman Ismail Haniyeh in Iran – World War III Watch on High Alert
- “What makes a good movie? Central Cast.” …Q
- Wed. July 31, 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: IT’S OVER! Blackout confirmed. Phase 1 now active. This is not a test. OPEN YOUR EYES! Republic restored via GCR: Update Wed. July 31, 2024
- Tue, Jul 30 Situation Update (Video) WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 7/29/24 ISRAEL STRIKES BEIRUT, EBS, CHAOS IN VENEZUELA, VT INTEL, (rumble.com)
Global Currency Reset:
- Wed. July 31, 2024 Wolverine: “Hey, everyone. Everything is going, going, going, green, green, green. … Just got off the phone with Reno (thumbs up). Get ready. Get ready for the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This is history in the making and you are all part of history. Remember to raise your vibrations and never turn away from God. You are all chosen. Tomorrow I will have a special live call with our special guest Elizabeth Rodriguez who has a few words for us. God bless you all. Your friend, Wolverine.”
- Tue. Jul 30, 2024 TNT Tony: “On high alert from 5am for 48 hours. Come in where you fit.”
- Wed. July 31, 2024 Suzette: “I’m getting so many posts about the notifications going out in the next 48 hours! Some of my contacts are from 2016/military. Everyone is saying to keep your email open and notifications on.”
- Wed. July 31, 2024 Brazil Colombia Paymaster Hernan Bastidas, Mr. Savage : “The company has over 80,000 employees helping in this process, working on different projects for the benefit of the people. Yesterday, one company responsible for the delivery is the CALL CENTER that will start giving notifications. Hernan Bastidas also stated that he is the one directing people to get the blessings in the CALL CENTER, as each person will be attended privately and their phone number is private in the call center. GERMAN BASTIDAS also said that he is in BRAZIL providing training to other leaders, as on July 29 he signed an NDA, so the WHOLE process will now be done by the CALL CENTER.
- Tue. Jul 30, 2024: Declassification of information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), banking cartels, Brunson Brothers and people empowerment!
- Tue Jul 30, 2024: BQQQM! Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s Blueprint for Q Phones and GESARA Using Stellar Blockchain for a Global Monetary Revolution!
July 31, 2024 Central banks are closing — bankrupt. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
- The old financial systems have failed. Congress, the White House, the IRS, the Federal Reserve are closed — the US Corporation is bankrupt.
- Gold-Backed Currency, Digital Assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is Booming!
- QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance is still working to remove the DS cabal’s vise grip on humanity—currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The journey of the Great Awakening will become more intense and turbulent.
- Earth and humanity are under construction while businesses are still open. The DS is in total panic, desperate and wounded and is launching savage attacks.
- Satanic energies can no longer hide, as they are spread for all to see throughout matrix society.
- The true colors are being revealed. Much uglier truths will be revealed to the public.
Restored Republic:
- The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (12/07/2024) | SG meets with USAF Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to discuss The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States (rumble.com) How to Save America | Republic for the United States (republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org) Want to take a seat in the Republic of the United States of America? https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org
“GCR/RV related information” Important Iraqi movements regarding the RV (currency revaluation)
Last weekend, the US-Iraq Summit was held in Washington DC. Personally, I think this is a movement that deserves attention.
Highlights from this US-Iraq Summit!

First of all, if we think about it normally, the Middle Eastern countries, “Iraq” and the “United States”, repeatedly hold talks in Washington DC? Don’t you wonder?
I think this is an understandable measure because we are aware of Plan Q.
Last weekend (July 27 US time) the US-Iraq Summit was held in Washington DC.
As the official agenda (purpose of the discussion)
Military and Defense (withdrawal of US troops from Iraq)
was posted.
The withdrawal of US forces from Iraq (restoring the right of self-defense within Iraq) is also considered an important element in Plan Q (RV: currency revaluation).
In fact, it is an opportunity for important discussions and decisions related to RV (Revaluation of Monetary Value)! ?

I believe that discussions on “military and defense” were also carried out through this consultation , but after considering multiple information from different perspectives… the main objective of the consultation was
Final adjustments and confirmations related to RV (currency revaluation)
I think yes.
What kind of results have the negotiations achieved so far? I don’t know the exact details (bitter smile), but I feel that the discussions have taken place in what appears to be the final stage.
Well, actually, I don’t think there’s much point in looking in depth at the content of the discussions.
What is important is
The US-Iraq summit held this time was the progress of RV (currency revaluation).
I wonder if this will lead to.
Possibility of reaching the RV (currency revaluation) milestone
I would like to keep that in mind.
After today, it will be interesting to see if there will be any changes or new moves (STEP) regarding the RV (currency revaluation) soon.
I received a call from the Precatório platform and the funds were released. They told me that the funds were released in Reno. Certain groups are released, as it is a process.
Since five o’clock this morning, a huge whale in Brazil. I said that everything started. The process is not so fast. Be patient, I have always been very cautious, as was confirmed to me yesterday, but let’s wait and see.
According to the bank’s information, the bond totals will be finalized and Tier4b level may be notified. In other words, the process for bondholders is close to completion and Tier4B may receive notification tomorrow or today. This will come like a thief in the night and we cannot set dates, but it is in my opinion.
That’s the crux of the matter, and one of the owners of Precatório said that everything is released, and one of the owners sent me a message and said that everything has been released. All of these people will be blessed and will be under NDA on this platform.
The main thing is that this particular platform has about a million people and they were launched.
I’ve also been told that Reno started it as well. I’ve had three sources say that Reno started it. If you have any information about Reno, if you’re in Reno, please let us know.
Zurich would also start today, we hope to hear more from there today.
Another platform from an Asian country, and I can’t name it, said they are about to get liquid funds to spend, but at 2 am they are still waiting for everything.
THE FOLLOWING IS A VERY, VERY BRIEF REPORT OF THE DISCUSSION BETWEEN WOLVERINE AND ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ RUIZ – The conversation was in-depth and extensive, please consult the recording for further clarification…
ELIZABETH: Now we’re moving in the right direction. Basically, almost all of the 1% is distributed to everyone, starting with Reno, Zim, and then Iraq. It’s all happening now.
I am waiting for my meeting to give the green light, when I have my commitment for the Big One, to start the funds as well, this needs to be implemented and it is the first thing, this will give the green light and liquidity for redemptions, and after 1% you will have 99%.
When you look at the amount of funds you will receive, bonuses, coins, boxes, you are only receiving 10% of that.
All this money is for humanity. There is money to spend on yourself, but you will receive funds for projects. This will happen soon.
There was a country in Asia, my country, South Africa, Brazil, which was already underway. It takes time.
When you get 1%. You must have a good heart and intentions for humanity. This is for the chosen people to make a difference for humanity. This is to share with people. The entire planet will go through enormous changes.
We will use this clean money from God Above, clean and blessed money. We have digital QFS, so you can monitor the money and how it is used.
WOLVERINE: So you hear what we’re hearing. The warrant is out. They’ve been released. The owner said he can’t talk much because he’s under NDA and he’s happy with the arrival.
ELIZABETH: I also heard from Reno that they launched them and it’s only 1% on certain platforms. The 1% is mobilization for your own expenses, it’s your way of using it for what you need.
I will tell you when you can start Opera. I Trump said this is biblical and it is true.
When everyone gets their share, what will you do about it? What is your plan for your wealth?
We are all connected, coming together as a team to work together to help others and those in need. The reversal program will remove all evil from the planet, and we will be changing things and living with joy and happiness as it should be. We will be happy with our loved ones.
For medical beds, you must be 5D. If you have low vibrations, if your frequency is not in tune with the machine, if you are a bad person, it will not work.
We are all chosen, but we must have a good heart and good intentions. You can’t fake your inner self.
WOLVERINE: For EBS: There is a lot of buzz that EBS is coming soon, is this a distraction for VR?
ELIZABETH: No, when it comes time for implementation and inauguration, everything needs to be shut down. If you have heard news that your things will run out, that news is a distraction from the dark side, because they don’t want us to go to the place of light. Don’t worry about that. We are moving in the right direction. The question is timing. It will happen any day now.
WOLVERINE: Won’t EBS be a distraction? The same as martial law?
ELIZABETH: You’re all scared. They want you to be scared. Of course not, you won’t be scared.
NOTE FROM CARPATHIA ON THIS PHONE CONVERSATION N: Listen to the context of the recording, very extensive conversations, with some “bad calls” during the call(s). Audio will follow shortly.
When you feel like nothing is happening, get ready!
Welcome to the vortex of reality, a world where it seems like nothing is happening, despite a thousand invisible wheels turning in the shadows. But, dear reader, be prepared! The chessboard of politics is not standing still; on the contrary, it is teetering on the precipice of an invisible revolution.
It is often in the beating heart of chaos that the greatest revelations unfold. As we journey through this dizzying maze of political uncertainty, the cries of discontent grow louder with each passing day. The echoing chorus of frustration resounds, echoing the sentiment: “Nothing is happening!”
However, dear reader, I implore you to refrain from the path of despair. Arm yourself with the shield of patience, let the lantern of persistence illuminate your path, and allow us to discover the hidden dimensions of this “apparent inactivity.” What, pray tell, would you consider as “something happening”?
There is a storm brewing in the distance, hidden behind the illusion of serenity. Brace yourselves, for the winds of change are gathering strength, ready to obliterate the cobwebs of complacency.
In July, the political landscape was punctuated by an unprecedented announcement from Putin. The activation of gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset currencies by the 209 BRICS member nations was announced – a move that signaled a potential collapse for the fiat US dollar.
“Trillions of dollars in US Treasury securities have returned to Europe and 110 other countries, revealing the frightening reality that the US Corporation is on the brink of insolvency,”
quotes the esteemed scholar, David Wilcox. An unnerving statement, isn’t it? But there is more to this enigma than meets the eye.
Let’s turn our attention to the current US administration. Imagine this: a future in which President Joe Biden (not me) resigns from office. Amazing, isn’t it? You may question the basis for such a claim. That, my dear reader, is where the delightful game of connecting the hidden dots comes into play.
Emerging from the underbelly of alternative discussions, a term has been stirring up a whirlwind of speculation: NESARA GESARA. It promises a significant socioeconomic overhaul, a tidal wave that could potentially sweep our world off its current axis. My unshakable conviction remains that the full disclosure of NESARA GESARA and its profound implications will only emerge once Biden leaves his seat of power.
Yet I sense the underlying restlessness, the static energy, the thirst for immediate change. It is crucial to understand, however, that the political machine operates to its own unique rhythm—usually a measured, deliberate waltz rather than a hurried dance. The trick, dear reader, is to be able to sway to that beat, to decipher the melody, to understand the intricate choreography of this political dance.
The waters we sail are treacherous and unfathomable. Amidst the maelstrom, remember the meaning of fortitude and perseverance. In a realm where transformation is a slow entity and clarity a shrouded illusion, it is tempting to succumb to discouragement, to abandon the journey. I beg you, do not! Do not let the perceived tranquility of the waters deceive you. Do not let the frosted glass dampen your spirit.
Beneath this seemingly serene surface, a vortex of change is swirling, and I assure you, it won’t be long before the dam bursts. We are inhabitants of an exciting time, teetering on the brink of dramatic shifts in our political landscape. Shifts that could shake the very core of our society and shift the paradigm of our existence.
When it seems like time has stood still, when the relentless ticking of the political clock seems to stretch into eternity, remember this: patience is not merely a state of waiting; it is an art form that involves remaining vigilant and prepared during the wait. And as we fix our gaze on the horizon, let us continue to put the pieces of the puzzle together, unraveling the enigmatic clues that lie in plain sight.
Brace yourself, because the political landscape we have become accustomed to is on the verge of a dramatic transformation. The winds of change are gathering strength, ready to sweep away the dust of inertia and reveal truths that have long been veiled.
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