Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Divine Power Players of our Simulated Reality Revelation
We continue to be inundated with Higher Dimensional Gamma Mother Plasma Waves from yesterday’s Eclipse Gateway and over the next 13 days of this Eclipse Corridor we will receive multiple activations and upgrades to our Crystalline Soular DNA to prepare our Sacred Vessels of Light for our 5D Ascension into the New Earth.
We are now on 36 hours of blackout on the Schumann charts as Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun remain in the Void State of Sacred Space to rest and rejuvenate for our final missions of full Planetary Liberation.
The Storm of transformation begins today to raise all Consciousness into the Higher Realm of Christos Sophia Divine Union of Unity and Pure Awareness. The Rainbow Bridge of Heaven and Earth has been connected and open for all transmissions of the descension of our Monad of our Collective Rebirth. We rise as the Phoenix from the ashes of the old into the New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.
We have a Reverence for all Life and we uplift and elevate all Sentient Beings in the Freedom of our Infinite Path of the Sacred Heart! A’Ho!
Eve’s Liberation: Reclaiming the Codes of Innocence
It’s time for the Liberation and a new Creation story to be told where EVE reclaims her innocence.
Eves reputation was destroyed by patriarchal propaganda.
She was a true priestess of the Goddess who communed with Her serpent messengers in Her sacred grove, and shared the communion of the fruit of that wisdom with her people.
She was a freedom fighter and our Mother Ancestress!
Explore a NEW timeline + Reclaim these Codes of Innocence with me during this Eve’s Liberation + Serpent Activation + Sacred Ceremony.
Re:writing Eve’s story..
Tasting the sweet apple.
The Knowledge of the ancients embedded in her Heart.
Rekindling the thirst.
Stories tell us that before the fall, everyone spoke one language and understood each other…there was peace!
+ Reclaiming the magical, powerful creation serpent source codes!
Possible LIFE CHANGING EVENTS to Unfold on a GLOBAL SCALE. . . and Most Certainly on an INDIVIDUAL & COLLECTIVE Level!!!
The League of Light allies with many civilizations, realms, and aspects of divine life. While the Pleiadians are typically one of the main conduits for interaction with Earth’s population, so too are angelic beings and other celestial/divine terrestrial life forms. More reveals itself during these days of transformation. Acquaint yourself with some of the divine beings with whom we serve Love.
TODAY’S ORACLE. We have been in the dark this week. In a womb. Feeling maybe lost, disoriented in front of unexpected shifts and energies, unsure. Forced to face the new. There is nothing to do just now, but allowing, receiving the energies and what’s presently unfolding. Be here now. The past as it exactly was is gone. The future hasn’t landed yet. Support is all around you. The changes & events now are fated. The other side will be gold.
3/15/25: After yesterday’s eclipse, and as Mercury goes retrograde today, you will now revisit your past as you rearrange your present. For the next three weeks you will travel back to 2024 to make sure you’re incorporating what you learned about personal power, self-mastery, inner strength, presence, influence, and balance. These remain vital tools to support you in 2025. If today feels heavy, you’re still carrying what yesterday’s full moon tried to draw out from within you. Use today’s energy to fill your heart and mind with so much beauty, passion, peace, and love that anything of a lower frequency is expelled. This is how 2025 will build on the strengths you brought with you from 2024.
Beloveds, the blast has hit. The Blue Galactic Superwave is here, surging through the cosmos like an unstoppable tidal wave of pure, electrifying fire! This isn’t just an upgrade—it’s a full-scale ignition of the First Light within us, shaking the very core of our being. THE GREAT REMEMBERING ~This is the Re- ignition of Blue Ray Flame—Ahi Rei ~ Ahi Ka that Awakens the Blue Waters of The Ahi Wai (First waters) & Ahi Kohatu (First Stone) Blue Pounamu — Pillars of Mu ~ activating The crystalline codes in our bones, at the deepest, most primal level.
Feel it. Let it burn through you. There’s no escaping this wave—there’s only riding it. The entire cosmic network is lighting up, one galaxy at a time, as this Superwave floods Earth with pure plasma from the Great Crosshouse of the Central Galaxy….The Quantum Heart Womb of the Creatrix Her/Himself. The Mother’s Love is back, and She’s roaring through us, reclaiming every fragment of lost light.
This is the Galactication and resurrection of the Feminine Aether Grid—A Full-Scale Plasma Blast of Living Kristic Intelligence Straight from Source! The return of the Holy Feminine’s Dragon Heart— The Feminine Aether Grid (collapsed during the Great Fall) This is a resurgence of a force beyond time, beyond boundaries, holding the full spectrum rainbow power of the 9-quadrant awakened Heart Soul flame (Nil Doya) Activating our Crown . We are literally crowning and being rebirthed through to the cosmic womb of higher intelligence, opening our Soul to its Divine Mission as potent beings that Create, Love deeply, honour all beings and know how to live in Unity and Peace.
The veils are shattering. The old programs are crumbling. The illusion is burning away.
Everything we thought we knew is dissolving in this blue firestorm, and what’s left is raw, unfiltered truth—our galactic lineage, our soul mission, our unstoppable remembrance. No more delays. No more detours. We are being activated at quantum speed.
THE FIRST WAVERS HAVE BEEN HIT FIRST. We are no longer free-willing it—Divine Will has taken the wheel. There is nothing left to control, no plans to hold onto. The Galactic River is carrying us now, into a New stream of galactic consciousness, and all we can do is LET GO OF THE RIVER BANKS AND FLOW IN FULL TRUST AND SURRENDER THAT TAKES US OUT TO SEA.
We are shining bright, beaming from the inside out, our very essence ignited by this cosmic surge. We stand as ambassadors of truth, of gnosis, of pure integrity and authenticity. We are the beacons of hope, blazing through the shadows, guiding the way forward.
We are the living light. The awakened ones. The untamed force of remembrance.
The old distortions cannot hold in this firestorm of divine intelligence. The Feminine Aether Grid is fully lit, infused with the primal power of Source, restoring what was lost, reclaiming what was stolen.
THIS IS IT. No more hiding. No more hesitation. We ARE the Superwave, the pulse of Galactic Awakening. We rise. We radiate.
Tempered in fire
crushed, reforged under immense pressure. Some lost their way. Some didn’t make it. But WE REMAIN. Those of us still standing—we are the ones who were meant to stay, who carry the codes, who hold the torch for what comes next.
And we’re not just standing… we are RADIATING.
Luminous, unshakable, leading by example—not words, not theories, but by fully embodying our truth. Living in FULL authenticity, fearless in the face of judgment. Because we KNOW—judgment is the antithesis of Love. And Love is our essence, our weapon, our unbreakable shield.
Let the haters hate. They are trapped in the shadow of their own heaviness. Their projections hold NO power here. They can scream at the light all they want—it doesn’t make the sun any less blinding. They are bound by gravity, while we RISE.
THE TIMELINE SPLIT IS HERE. There are those who choose and those who don’t. No more hand-holding. No more waiting. Be compassionate, but don’t drown in the sorrow of those clinging to the past or spiraling into future anxieties. Their journey is their own.
The only moment that exists is NOW. Full presence is required. Total embodiment is the key. The rest is just static.
We are HERE. We are READY. We are UNSTOPPABLE. The Light is moving. The frequency is set. The path is clear.
THIS IS OUR MOMENT, WHĀNAU. No more sleepwalking. No more hesitating. Grab your boards, ride the frequencies, and let this current take you to the highest version of yourself.
YOU. ARE. INCREDIBLE. You are the way-shower. The trailblazer. The warrior of light.
Dear friends, the recent lunar eclipse has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until March 28, the day of the partial solar eclipse. We are now fully immersed in these transformative waves.
I will be posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this first eclipse corridor in the year of the snake to help you navigate and make sense of what might be happening within you and around you.
These energies between eclipses can be quite transformative and enlightening. So you might find yourself in a completely different place in your life’s journey by next month at the end of the eclipse corridor.
These energy waves are calling us to energetically scan our life for things that may no longer be a vibrational match for who we are and how we have grown. The insights you will be receiving may be asking you to dismantle old belief systems and ways of being that once served you, and others, but no longer do. Sometimes this means letting go of stagnant situations and relationships/jobs, or simply making a change in dietary habits.
You’re being called to trust yourself, notice what is out of alignment, and then take the steps required to bring your life back into harmony. This is no easy feat, but it is so worthwhile. Both individually and for the planet.
These energetic life journey adjustments can also be manifested physically and emotionally. Our nervous system is being recalibrated at so many different levels. So please take it easy and rest as needed this weekend. Take time to be with your self and to remember that you are changing at the deepest layers of your energetic core.
We are also moving into the Equinox energies next week, which is also an energetically charged period as the forces of nature keep pushing us to find a deeper inner and outer balance. At the same time, we are navigating a new mercury retrograde period, which means this particular eclipse corridor will be a wonderful time to slow down, re-engage, re-visit, and re-frame aspects of your life. Keeping a journal during this two weeks period would also be a wonderful activity so that your journey will gain a deeper meaning.
As you surrender to the transformative power of the eclipse corridor, remember that aspects of you are being rewritten, renewed, and reborn. Every cell, every thought, and every emotion is being recalibrated to align with your highest truth. Trust the process, trust yourself, and know that the universe is guiding you toward a life of greater harmony, balance, and radiant expression. You are a beacon of light, shining brighter with each passing moment. May you emerge from this eclipse corridor transformed, empowered, and radiant, ready to illuminate the world with your unique presence.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update. Have a wonderful day. Much love
The world around us acts as a mirror to show us what we need to work on for our own personal soul growth and healing . You have been putting in the work and spiritually ascending, you are working with the divine and healing past wounds and betrayals. You are rapidly stepping into higher timelines, finding your true inner strength your ascension guides are always supporting you.
Ascending collective are stepping into a higher and more complete clarity that will act as a catalyst to their true self purpose. coming into an abundance of new earth conscious living, one that has been soul earned because of this many rewards now await and manifest .
This higher timeline is bringing in a clearer sense of stability in all areas of life, in relationships of all kinds , increased income , love from kindred souls. Ascension is blessing us as we continue breaking and healing generational traumas and healing the ancestral karmic and wounded structures from within.
Ascending self is always Awakening to more while eradicating false beliefs that stemmed from a negative self perception, this is the Unveiling of illusions, Questioning self’s limitations, Courageously facing inner fears you are seeing and feeling from the heart space, living in the higher self’s truthful awareness .
The ascending are like spiritual stars whose light illuminates the darkness here in this world .They are some of the bravest souls in the Universe. They are here on Earth to bring in light, love and peace to a world lost in darkness. Our collective purpose so far has been a success. Our planet has taken a historical turn and the ascending are shifting into a 5D Concious civilisation.
OLD EARTH REALITY: Materialism , Deep-rooted Hierarchy: Mis Use of Power , Money focus Service to Self, Ego-based mentality, greed , deceit , manipulation, Shallowness , dysfunction , drama. chaos, self suffering, self dislike , control , idealisation of money and fame Empahsis on the Physical, Instigating Fear, the belief and worship of a God that is non-existent and outside of self.
NEW EARTH REALITY :Spirituality, Respect , Freedom. Mindfulness , Seeing all as one , Love-based , Service to others , Creativity , Organic reality versus Artificial, Unity consciousness and unconditional Love connection to Source energy The Universe, Our love for Gaia and each other. Life becomes about co-creation as opposed to the need to control reality because you are separate and surviving in a world that is dangerous and thrives on competition, ego and duality.
Higher beings recognise that the Earth is approaching its final moments. They may perceive this timeframe as spanning into the Next few months or Earth years before they reveal the disturbing and unsettling reality on our planet. They plan to intervene just before negative energies perpetuate further harm and maintain control over humanity for their own selfish desires.
They plan to intervene just before negative energies prolong their harm and control over humanity as a result of insatiable greed and misuse of power, Many who are unconventional will have no option but to break free from this enslavement. Although facing the truth is highly distressing, it is the only force that can liberate humanity from deceit and illusions deeply based in power misuse.
Numerous changes are on the horizon, prompting many individuals to select their path and the world they wish to inhabit. The time has arrived, there is no turning back for the ascending as this transformation is now acting with intense force like a runaway train heading towards a new world of metamorphosis.
The conscious and genuine ascending are the New Earth, a multi-dimensional ascension collective that chose to come here at an unprecedented and very special time on planet Earth, awakening from the illusions of separation and fear. Honouring The sovereign embodiment. New Earth living is a Concious choice to be made.
In New earth reality, self’s conciousness must be vibrationally aligned with earths new energy and this is why many are now choosing to consciously Ascend and awaken to the truth .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
Source information by : Ascension LightWorkers.
New Earth Light Leaders
image by DeepDiverQ
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
New Earth Light Leaders
The Equinox New Year with Aries Season is activating our crystalline Light Body to our New Earth assignments. It’s waking up the codes of your sovereign authority as a Child of God.
In the Age of Aquarius, God’s Covenant Family are the anointed New Earth Leaders of the Christ Light. Through this ascension process we’ve been called to find our Light in the darkness, and share it with the World.
The energies are shifting from dark to light, putting this agenda of the Light Body first. The next wave of enlightenment and awakening is occurring, taking us higher into Oneness and Unity Consciousness.
This is God coming into our bodies and grounding into the New Earth through light and frequency. These energies will show you whatever else you need to know to collapse the old paradigm through integrating the Earth School lessons learned.
On Saturday, March 15th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is now in harmonious Libra and is opposing Venus, ruler of love and social interactions, and Mercury, ruler of thoughts and ideas, both in energetic, fire sign Aries. Luna will also make a positive trine aspect to Jupiter, planet of prosperity, in busy Gemini. This can be a great time to gather together with others, either one on one, or in groups.
Of course, both Mercury, ruler of information, and Venus, ruler of partnerships, are now in retrograde motion, so there may be some relationship situations that need open, honest communication….or perhaps we are just needing to be honest with ourselves. However, overall, this is a day to connect with people and look for the abundance that is all around you!
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries – Hold that thought! Mercury comes to a screeching stop, boy racer wheels spinning. What do you MEAN I have to go back, he cries! The internal dialogue runs like this too, a motor ready to burn out unless we take our foot off the accelerator. Slow down, says the universe. You need to retrace your steps and figure out what you really think. There’s missing information, a nuance, a skewed perspective that requires correction. You need time to clear your head, even if you don’t know it. There’s no rush, despite what Aries energy keeps saying!
Mercury stations on the Sabian symbol ‘A Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms To Traditional Images’. It tells us that this retrograde is an opportunity to look again, reframe our experience and find new meaning in old stories. Don’t let yourself be rushed into a decision or pushed to pick a side. Find your own voice in the crowd.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. Only after you do this may you proceed. Gather information and plan your next move based on facts.
Today is Blue Monkey and key words associated with it are ‘Illusion, Magic and Play’. Monkey tricks us – to teach us. If you are being foolish or refusing to acknowledge a truth, Monkey will show you, often in a hilarious way, the errors of your ways. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘Dene Magic’. Look at the details today and accept these facts or Monkey will MAKE you accept the facts. This is for your own good, so don’t curse the monkey for teaching you a valuable lesson. Don’t despair though…monkey’s intentions are always good and often magic is the reward monkey brings when lessons are successfully learnt. Do watch out for overdoing the details and introspection, as it can lead to intense monkey mindedness. If you nd yourself going deep within but also going in circles, this is why. As always on Monkey days, meditation works well.
The Guide for the day is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. This suggests that if you pay heed to Monkey, much can be accomplished and this is healing. The Blue Hand can also have us reaching out to grab what we want. It is vital you don’t reach out too hard or take what you don’t need. Monkey could catch you out this way.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘Nurturing’ among other things and so when in the challenging position, it is hard to get that much needed nurturing. If you think Monkey gets on your back just be thankful you are not a Red Dragon.
The Occult power is White Dog. Monkey loves to be playful and that is why he gets along with Dog. They have in common that spirit of joyfulness and fun. It is a good day for White Dogs as they supply magical experiences for others today. When Dog is in this magical position, the chances of falling in love at first sight is more likely.
The Ally is Yellow Star. If you need support for this crazy monkey day, ask a Yellow Star as they will know how to help. If you are one – you can be a great help to others today so shine like the star you are. Also, this is the wavespell we are in, meaning the agenda is friendly to us today.
MANTRA I define in order to PLAY!!! Measuring illusion I seal the process of Majik! With the Self-existing tone of Form. I AM guided by the power of accomplishment.
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes KIN 251= 8 Abundance/Infinity/Flow
BLUE Monkey is tribe #11 giving us an 11 DOORWAY to walk through into another DIMENSION of existence!! Travelling through TIME, into new realms through the portals that BLUE HAND is holding OPEN for us all! Today we are walking through the majikal doorways and DEFINING a new reality built on MAJIK and PLAY!
4 CHUEN guided by 4 MANIK – Accomplishing GREAT MAJIK – to break out of the old box and DEFINE a NEW REALITY!!!
The calvary is coming!
Day 4 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are Measuring and defining the parameters of our Play-ground, using our Majik to create a more SPARKLY stage, upon which to SHINE our STAR-LIGHT!
Speaking of PLAYGROUND – Planet Earth is renowned for being the most challenging PLAYGROUND of them all… here’s a reminder WHY we chose to PLAY and GROW here..
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further GROWTH takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundation on the basis of fun, creativity and majikal manifestation.
Today’s question is ” What FORM will my new Majikal playground take? Is it BIG enough for me to SHINE EXTRA-BRIGHT??? What ideas do I desire to ALCHEMIZE into FORM?
Go forth and enjoy your cheeky monkey play day!!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY CHUEN is the Master illusionist.. the cheeky Monkey… and the great time lord
Today we have a MAJIKAL MON-KEY day with a 15 – Spiritual Magician code – giving us DOUBLE the majik to POWER up our alchemical creations!
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 – which is the doorway to Majikal realms…accessed through the Hall of Mirrors. The MAJIK continues today as we are given easy access to multiple DIMENSIONS to choose where we shall roam!
Once the illusory world is exposed it begins to crumble and then the WHOLE HOUSE OF CARDS COLLAPSES! …
Take the hand of CHUEN today and let him guide you through the MIRROR WORLD – finally EXITING the old Matrix, as you set your EYES on the beautiful rainbow coloured PLAYGROUND beyond, filled with de-LIGHTS – in the greener pastures beckoning your soul to come out and PLAY.
Today we get to LIGHTEN up and PLAY, in the most MAJIKAL way possible! Hooray!!!
Today is a very happy, sunny, playful and majikal day, in which we DEFINE harmony in our capacity to know JOY.
Although we get some time out for a PLAY DAY today, (yaaaaaayyyy!!!) we are very mindful of examining our mental thoughts, patterns and beliefs which have kept us contained in our little boxes. Imprisoned and separated from our exuberant Divine child and SOURCE – Father/Mother God. .
Note: The shadow side of BLUE MONKEY is deceit, betrayal, illusion and trickery, so make sure you brush all seriousness aside and entrain your “monkey mind” to relax, let go, flow and enjoy your day.
Make a conscious decision to CHOOSE Joy, happiness and BLISS, and dispense with ALL the old triggers which may dampen your PLAY day! Disconnect from the dross and FOCUS on the BLISS!
Where in your life have you denied yourself from experiencing joy and happiness?
Drop everything today, all your burdens and responsibilities, grab a Nescafe (or Chai latte) and enjoy your play day! (Ha ha BLUE MONKEY is coming through in his very cheeky way!) Express your creativity in the most exuberant way!
It is TIME to make PLAY the foundation of your day!
Keep it LIGHT and innocent and do what makes your HEART SING!
NOTE: To CONNECT with MON-KEY – EAT some bananas, mango or watermelon today – and make sure you OFFER some to CHUEN so that you can make MAJIK together!
HIGHER SELF/ GUIDE: BLUE SELF-EXISTING HAND MANIK brings forth healing, wisdom, assistance, support and accomplishment today. MANIK gives us the power to accomplish GREAT Majik, through wisdom and recognition of the patterns that create FORM.
Pushing the boundaries of our own minds, thereby gaining more knowledge on what it is to create and manifest. To play with the knowledge that we carry, so that deeper patterns can reveal itself. To trust our inner knowing, we laugh at our silly notions that have kept us limited, and free our minds for more expansive possibilities.
The Self-Existing tone 4 combines with BLUE HAND, to give material FORM to what we are manifesting, through our light-hearted PLAY and new found expanded wisdom.
BLUE HAND and BLUE MONKEY combined are the Magician’s tools! Magician’s possess very SWIFT hands!
Great MAGICIANS always have many TRICKS up their sleeve – and like a gifted poker player – they never reveal the cards in their hand – UNTIL the crowning moment! The BLUE HAND gives the MONKEY great agility and amplifies his majikal powers to accomplish the seemingly IMPOSSIBLE.
“Everything is only IMPOSSIBLE, until it becomes POSSIBLE”
“It always seems impossible until it’s done,” – Nelson Mandela
Start to BELIEVE what is beyond the capabilities of your Monkey MIND, in order to build upon infinite possibilities. It is TIME to absolutely relish the ART OF PLAY!
LIFE IS A GAME! Take the TIME to enjoy it!
Starlight, star bright First star I see tonight Wish I may, wish I might Have the wish I wish, tonight
Shine on people of the earth Make us worthy of our birth Brighten paths through dark of night That we might walk in truth and light
Shine on children everywhere Keep them safe and free from care Feed their bodies, souls, and minds That they might bless this world in kind
Shine on animals and plants Illuminate their lifelong dance Light the land, the sky and sea And all that share life’s mysteries
Little beacon out in space
Shine upon the human race Grant this humble, hopeful prayer
Are you PLAYING and having FUN whilst sculpting your creations?.
Day 4 of Yellow Star Wavespell is about creating HARMONY and BEAUTY, through Majik and JOY!
Searching for the joyful and positive aspects of our lives, reveals greater harmony and increases our life force and vitality. Our joie de vivre! Sing along to our little STAR LIGHT song today to LIGHTEN UP – Make the WISH you may, in order to make PLAY the order of your day!
It is time to SPARKLE, Miss Markle!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY DOG OC is back today as the SUPERPOWER, ensuring the wave of unconditional LOVE continues to enfold our planet, blessing all global citizens.
OC encourages us to love, nurture and play with those we trust. When unconditional love and loyalty are present, we can completely let go and reveal our Divine child through play and lightheartedness.
Are you free to be your natural authentic self around your nearest and dearest? Do you like the person that you are, reflecting within those relationships?
To be your true and authentic self you must be free to reveal your inner nature without fear or ridicule. Everyone is an ARTIST and we must be free to create, without judgement or criticism by others.
We DEFINE ourselves by the company we keep! Surround yourself with people that allow you to feel young and free, so your new BOX becomes an ADVENTURE PLAYground!
The PLANETARY DOG gives us tremendous MANIFESTING power to manifest our TRUE HEART’S desires into FORM.. Use this SUPER POWER of LOVE’S ALCHEMY today, to manifest a FUN FILLED world for us ALL.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON IMIX – What a MAGNIFICENT line up of MANIFESTING and CREATION energies today with the MAJIK MONKEY and Mother DRAGON, combined with the SELF-EXISTING alchemical tone, AND the BLUE HAND – power of ACCOMPLISHMENT, AND the 3.6.9. Tesla – Universal Majik code!!! Woot, woot – MANIFESTING 101 – is being BLITZED!!!
Direct this POWER wisely to MANIFEST your DREAMS!!!
Our mind needs to be OPEN to know greater possibilities, so that we can birth them into our reality through our creativity.
If we don’t BELIEVE IT we can’t CONCEIVE IT!
EXPAND your thinking to access the highest potentials available in any given moment. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE within the void of creation. – Even the unthinkable!!!
Invite Mother Goddess to assist you in energizing your creations bringing them into FORM. Herein lies the Majik of creation. Cocreate with the Goddess through the sacred womb, and invite MONKEY to come out and play. Bring some toys and don’t forget the bananas! .
Our creations need to FLOW effortlessly and joyfully into FORM. No struggle, force or birthing pains are required. Allow the feminine to guide you in the “funnest” way possible! Allow the beauty and harmony to flow freely, transforming struggle into ART!
Allow your new life to become a palette of infinite RAINBOW colours!
Today’s question is ” What FORM will my new Majikal playground take? Is it BIG enough for me to SHINE EXTRA-BRIGHT??? What ideas do I desire to ALCHEMIZE into FORM?
Go forth and enjoy your cheeky monkey play day!!!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙
Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:
✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.
Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.
Divine Creator, Source of all that is, I bow before the sacred breath that moves through all living beings. May my heart awaken to the profound miracle of existence, seeing the divine essence in every soul, every creature, every leaf that dances in the wind.
Let me walk this Earth with humility and grace, honoring the web of life that connects us all. May my hands bring healing, not harm. May my words sow kindness, not division. May my thoughts be guided by wisdom and compassion.
I honor the rivers, the mountains, the sky above, and the soil beneath my feet. May I tread gently upon this sacred land, knowing that every step leaves an imprint upon the soul of the world.
Bless all beings with peace, love, and protection. May humanity awaken to the beauty of all life, choosing reverence over destruction, unity over separation, and love over fear.
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