THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN ARE HERE! Your Star Family ~ Divine Mothers ~ 4th Root Race ~ Emerald Ray
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Blissed Awakened Ones of Terra Nova Gaia
Our local Solaris has been very active today releasing constant Solar Flares with over 14 C Class Flares and another 6 M Class Flares with 2 being close to X class flares both maxing at M9.1
Our Divine Feminine La Luna shifts today from the Waters of Pisces into the Fires of Aries at 4:41 EDT mirroring our code of the 144 and ushering in the New Beginnings of our most Benevolent Ascension Timeline.
We also had 2 higher pulses of code on the Schumann Charts today as Mother Earths “heartbeat” reached amplitudes of 16 and 24 hz. Pachamama also received a powerful activation with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake North of Ascension Island at 5:52 UTC.
Synchronizing with these powerful Events we commence a brand new wavespell on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with the Yellow Warrior as the Gold Buddha Ray of Enlightenment Awakens all Minds to the Truth of the Great Mystery.
As Camelot rises through the Portal of the New Avalon we Unite and Usher in our Queendom of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth. The Magic is Returning to all our Sacred Lands as our Holy Sites of New Earth are being Activated and coming online to connect all the grids, leylines, song lines and dragon lines of Mother Earth into a Crystalline Diamond Grid of indestructible Web of Life. Nothing can stop this Great Awakening for we have crossed the threshold and journeyed beyond the Event Horizon and into the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.
We are being prepared for tomorrow’s 5:5 Resurrection Portal as we rise from the Valley of the Shadow of Death into Eternal Life of Bliss and Love of Infinite Source Creator.
All Blessed Hearts walk the Middle Path of Enlightenment to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Ascension Process. Together in Oneness we Shift and Transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be. We hold our Visions and Pure Intent of Eternal Bliss for the highest good of all involved…A’Ho!
Your Star Family are right here with you now. They are working with you and helping you wherever they can. They are sending you all the information that you need as well as all the energy and energetic messages that you can receive. In addition, they share their success and their fall backs helping you to avoid some errors that they made in the past. They share unconditional love that is coming to you from the whole galaxy, from the entire Star Family. They share your successes and place bridges so you may go around or over issues or challenges. Approach them, you can talk to them, you can ask them whatever you wish and learn from them.
Hugs and love to all of you,
Blue Avian Star Family
Blue ray activation charging at the planet’s core. We have cranked up the frequency volume!
Currents of blue and diamond white waves coming from the core back to the surface of the planet.
Krystal code activations dancing with sacred geometry as the unified field of light and sound also contains a mathematical sequence and vector geometry as well as a tone and ray of light. Archons disabled the blue ray frequency from the core of the planet to misalign the magnetic poles.
That is all shifting back to its organic blueprint just like your DNA base going from carbon to a krystalline base.
It’s Kryst codes that allows this and reverses the triple of a dark number sequence within the DNA which attunes humanity to truth, love and free will. Blue rays hold a signature that activates the planet and humanity.
As blue rays we have encountered a lot to get to where we are today and we have been vigilant on the journey for humanity.
I want to say thank you to all my brothers and siStars that are blue ray babies as you know why I give this shout-out to you. Give gratitude for where you are now! As for other starseeds, many are shifting now to attune to the blue ray frequency that will activate within you now 💙 Headaches, nausea and dizziness can be felt as the angular and orbital rotations are happening now.
Balance in the middle, which is your center and the midline to your DNA. Grounding in nature, breathwork, magnesium, and rest as you need. Lucid dreams, vivid dreams, manifesting and quantum shifting are easy now especially if one is holding acceptance 🤍
5/4/24: This is a dig-in day to burrow into whatever fires you up. If it’s tasty, take another bite. If it’s fun, fill up on it. If you like it… love it. Go all in. This is not the year to play small or let yourself be less than you are. You won’t know what you can achieve unless you try, and try some more, and then once more.
You’ll know when you’ve hit your limit, which is where you can then direct more of your attention and energy. Today is for structure, but not the kind that holds you back or keeps you safe… it’s the kind that comes from being present with and accountable for what you want for yourself. It’s another step toward the personal power 2024 is offering you.
There is not a greater success in life than reaching the point of alignment to the destination that the Soul has chosen before incarnating!
In other lifetimes, for the Soul to upgrade from one level/destination to the next, the Soul had to go through a physical death but in this lifetime, the Soul can do it while in the physical body!
We have already received a new Soul plan so now we are embodying it and becoming it!
By moving towards our Soul’s predestination towards the center/Source we are being freed from all the demonic energies, characters and presences and also the fallen stories that used to exist in our fields of consciousness and define us!
The transformation of the astro-charts in connection to the understanding of the true nature of the system we exist in, is the biggest success that we have accomplished and its true meaning and gifts have not yet been fully seen but will soon start!
Upon the burial of the old masculine energy now comes the Resurrection!
The Son of the Sun is here!
The external reality will be changing fast!
The Twin Flames are birthing the New Life!
Their choices will be different now as they are stepping into a Life of Abundance in its truthful meaning based upon the true Living values!
This takes the frequency purity, trust and inner worth in order for True Abundance to be welcomed, embodied and experienced!
The ghosts of the past must be released!
The field is meant to be clear now!
Do you see it?
The last adjustments are taking place as we will be learning a new way of being and enjoying life!
Tonight are starting our session late at night as this is a special moment.
On the 5th of May we are Hatching the Egg!
The Father via His Radiation is offered His Love to all!
The Mother via Her Sound explosion offered Her song/revival to all!
Τhe LIVING waves coming from Source are washing everything that doesn’t serve the Living Ones anymore!
This is a great upgrade for them and the system will continue confirming and manifesting it too!
Blessings of Self Worth!
As we head to the 5.5 gateway we are aware of changes of perception that point to changed values within our personal belief system. Daily lifestyle is under the radar of our sense of happiness and self fulfillment.
The shift in consciousness is leading to a re-evaluation of personal and community values, which is felt strongly from the most sensitive souls as the need to live a compassionate life, in a peaceful environment within harmonious communities.
We now know that a line has been drawn in the sand dividing the ways of the old energy from the new ideals. The trouble is that there is a heavy wheel to turn in order to motion physical energy of the third dimension, in its current state, to bring that which we see as manifestations in line with energetic awareness.
Within this, we all have to do our bit to create the momentum to shift the cog of change and to uplevel the dial of spiritual progress, but Sensitives, perhaps need to recognise their innate skill in supporting others and diving into a good cause; and contemplate their toll on their personal selves.
Sensitives have learned how their best attributes of kindness and concern for others can sometimes be missed, or even abused by those with lesser senses of Empathy. It maybe that it is best to avoid the cycle of emotional triggers for action by indulging in some deep observation of the ways that self interacts with others; and possibly even to choose to take a deliberate step back…
Empaths have understood the concept of the oneness of humanity to be a need for them to tap into. This comes from the well associated empathic traits of the desire to help others.
Empaths are learning to understand this unhealthy emotional pattern and to heal from it.
Seeking to reach in and provide enlightenment to the energetic mass is a closed action. Instead it is better to lead by example, through choices that fit with the new values to which you are aligned.
This is new world building ; and may feel like an individual, isolating or lonely experience, but it is the mission of the highly sensitive awakened community at this current point to live through the heart, come Rain or Shine.
Kirsty Elizabeth
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, is shifting from empathic Cancer the Crab into strong willed Leo the Lion
We have ahead of us another important transformational month. During May we are going to be immersed in a planetary shift as never before in our human history. This change is propitiated by the rebirth of the emerald ray, for as the entrance points in our earth’s grids are being rehabilitated, activating the emerald key planetary portals that anchor this ray, the retrieval of the divine masculine continues, as the elemental transfiguration taking place, during this time.
The Emerald Ray serves us for many purposes, stabilization, personal and earth healing (earth’s roots and first chakra), galactic retrieval, and above all, the restoration of many sacred sites under the divine masculine order, that are now being activated after many years of deep control. A planetary awakening that many are supporting and that we during May will continue becoming more evident.
For those of you who are more advanced in your emerald mission, you may find yourself clearing inorganic timeliness, as May will be a month for planetary retribution of the organic new earth timeliness. This involves solitude, deep communion with your soul, Higher Mind, and God Self, to be able to receive the coordinates of the locations, and many other directions to assist in this challenging mission.
My Guides invite all who are guided to contribute to the current planetary healing that is taking place, at this time and to the emerald masculine awakening, by focusing on Jerusalem, the sacred Old City, the Holy Sepulchre, to support the Emerald anchoring taking place there at this time.
There will be many other locations you are guided to work with, as part of your personal mission, uniquely given to you.
Please remember no place is more blessed than any other on our earth plane, for all is equal within Creation. Do not fall in judgment or distractions, we go to where required and needed, independently of the delusions and other manipulations and 3D tactics created there.
The current planetary shift will continue to be very present in both ourselves and our earth plane as its universal number 13 – 4 reduced – and the 5/5 portal too indicates. 13 is the number of transformations, which simply means to move from one state of being to another, a more peaceful one represented by its reduced number 4. Number 4, on the opposite, represents grounding, anchoring, and the stabilization of change and its foundations after integrating the change that we need to create for our new lives.
Our conscious choice to move from separation to unity determines our new state of being, for all is a matter of choice after all.
The 5/5 passage is also one of change and transfiguration, and this year represents the emerald awakening that is taking place on the planet, which I previously shared for all who are experiencing this awakening, one that will continue as more souls awaken to their main role within Creation.
The essence of number 4 during May will bring the balance, and stabilization, through the Emerald activation, that comes when we have synthesized what was previously separated. We pass now to anchor these inner changes into the physical, grounding the wisdom that descends to us into our earth plane. Fourth is strength, wisdom applied to our tangible world, and the commitment and determination to achieve this stabilization where required.
The essences of numbers 13, 5, and 4 complement each other. Essences that represent the energies that are also helping us planetarily speaking, and that will too join the galactic ones that are coming to support our evolutionary journey.
Ours is the power to choose where to put our focus, intention, and consciousness, for this is a key month to discern, and commune with our soul to receive only that which resonates with us and our unique purpose.
Distractions have no power unless our consciousness focuses on them.
Keep remaining in the Illumined Presence of your God Sovereign Self, beloved Ones.
Thank you for your love and assistance to All Creation.
Dear friends, on Sunday May 5 we will be passing through a special energetic resonance: the 5:5 gateway. With all the intense current solar winds still moving around us, the energy of this portal may actually feel more intense to some of you, specially if are energy sensitive.
The vibrations of this particular 5:5 portal resonate with all the attributes of number/s 5 and 55. Similarly to the single number 5, 55 brings with it an energy of independence, and a need to freely explore new areas of our human multidimensional experience. We have five physical senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste— to experience the physical world. We also have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. Number 5 also connects us with the five universal elements that support our human existence on Earth: air, fire, earth, water, and space/ether/spirit. Along similar lines, number 5 is connected with the five “Platonic solids”, known to be the basic energetic templates supporting physicality on Earth.
When our awareness and consciousness focuses on the vibratory essence of the 5:5 energy portal, this connection gives us an energetic momentum for our exploratory journey ahead. The frequencies of 55 are outward looking, forward looking, triggering our desires and anticipation of new experiences and new learning. This type of energy feels adventurous, self-sufficient, and ready for step out of the comfort zone.
The number 55 renders the foundation number 1 (5+5=10=1). Therefore, the 5:5 portal energy contains both, a dose of 1 energy as in independence, initiative, and self-sufficiency, plus a dose of 5 energy leading to the expression of a self-perceived sense of freedom, versatility, and sensuality. Imagine being truly self-sufficient and independent with the freedom to do and explore and experience anything and everything you are curious about. This is what the 5:5 portal is showering us with: the infinite possibilities of outer and inner exploration and discovery.
However, if there are any limiting barriers preventing you from reaching your desired level of freedom and forward movement, the 5:5 lightcodes will be showing you exactly what these issues or situations are. You may be faced with a few conscious or unconscious uncomfortable truths at this time. Are there any situations stopping you from moving forward with your desired path? Are these limitations external or are they being self-generated? Am I engaging in a few self-sabotaging behaviors? Are there any fears that prevent me from leaving my own cocoon and expand myself? The evolutionary journey never stops, and cosmic evolution is both a teaching and a learning process. And these 5:5 energy codes are here to show you exactly this.
As I mentioned earlier, solar activity will stay at moderate levels throughout this weekend so please listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. We are still processing a lot of solar information we have received on the last few days with the X flare. Some mild headaches, fatigue, ear ringing, chest pressure, and lack of concentration, may be felt as our energy fields continue recalibrating. We are healing and clearing old memories, be loving to your Self at this time.
The 5:5 portal energies will be also working on our energy fields for a few days afterwards. Do pay attention to any dreams or insights you may receive as they will be signs guiding you to a more expansive and freer way of being. Set your intentions, allow yourself to be flexible, and release old structures that are preventing you from moving forward in your cosmic journey of exploration. The time for change and new discoveries is here.
Ascending individuals are currently encountering heightened duality within themselves and the changing world. May is set to be a catalytic month, shaping the next 2.5 months and energetically impacting the year ahead. This period will lead to a stronger collective intuitive awakening and a deeper awareness of unity and interconnectedness.
The planet is undergoing significant shifts in polarity, paradigms, and discoveries, with the upcoming activation of the 5-5 portal leading to changes in polarity structures. Truth will be illuminated between separateness and low consciousness, symbolising a mass global awakening.
Ascending Humanity is uniting as the mainstream matrix dissolves, leading to profound outer changes and the establishment of new community structures. Global events lead to a loss of trust in government bodies and a shift towards rebuilding political structures guided by higher intelligence.
Further revelations of political corruption and mass disclosures will prompt a reevaluation of global leadership. The shift into 5D planetary consciousness will bring innovations and justice, shaping plans for a new global era by January 2025.
The cosmic energy of the 5D shift is transforming the ascending mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, raising consciousness levels creating a transition to a new Earth reality. As darkness recedes, we will experience increased love, unity , peace, and knowledge globally.
Next week is infused with an extraordinary surge of energy due to a series of intense solar flares and solar storms. These cosmic occurrences are influencing the emotional state of being , this may cause fluctuations, fatigue, and an overall sense of being drained. Sleepless nights, restless mornings, and increased levels of anxiety are common experiences during this time. However, amidst these celestial disturbances, there is a collective feeling of expectant changes ahead .
The heightened cosmic activity is amplifying sensitivity and refining our intuitive abilities. This leads to profound insights, revelations, and a newfound sense of clarity. Despite the challenges that come with this surge in energy, there is a higher possibility of personal development and expanded consciousness as we all navigate through this period of cosmic intensity.
During the ascension journey a great deal of inner change takes place , the constant letting go of the past is essential for personal change and genuine self empowerment. The theme of May revolves around reclaiming inner power, accepting reality, releasing fear, keeping up with new earth changes and seizing opportunities with trust in the universe’s ascension support.
By tapping into the Language of Light and activating the Crystalline Heart and Divine DNA expression, ascending individuals undergo higher activations and transform their energetic blueprint systems for ascension and self-actualisation.
We are the Sprites, the Undines, the Dwellers of Light
A Living Dance in the Higher Realms
See US in the sprigs of new growth
The delicate rain droplets shining on a leaf
Moments of higher light vibrations
The purity of creation, a connection to US
A Door Way to the Higher Realms
Simple, pure light Opportunities
Elemental Exercise
Simply sit in nature
Close your eyes and smile
Connect to your heart and feel love
When it feels right open your eyes
Observe your surroundings, observe the light
Look for a twinkle, a unique leaf
A smile in nature
The Magic of Life
Simply open your Heart to US
You Will Find Us
The Nature Elementals
By Karen Lithika
Ra James
Today we have a Lunar occultation of Neptune. The Moon and Neptune will meet in the constellation Pisces. This is a romantic alignment. Expect dreamy energies. On the same day, the Moon will also be near Mars. This means the Divine Masculine is going through a lot of emotional healing during this time. We are in the energies of the 5:5 Portal. We are flowing through some powerful energies. This Gateway is all about manifesting our dreams and what we need to do, to make them happen.
It’s also all about love. Taurus is ruled by Venus the Goddess of love. Your probably finding that not much matters other then love during this time. Taurus Season is a time to slow down. It’s all about reflecting. It’s all about engaging with the world through our senses and our emotions. It brings a grounding energy. It’s all about connecting with the Earth for healing. Taurus is the most sensual sign of the entire zodiac.
This can be a very seductive sign. It’s all about tapping into the Divine Feminine energies. You want to be taping into these energies. They are like a healing balm for your relationships. Taurus is a sign that expresses its love through physical touch. You’ll be feeling extra magnetic to those that you love during this time. Expect a desire to want to get romantic. Expect a lot of abundant energies right now and for your manifestations to be coming through extra fast. We are in a lot of Galactic Energies right now. Taurus Season is all about working on and up leveling your energy…
On Saturday, May 4th, the Moon starts out the day in water sign Pisces, but shifts into fire sign Aries at 4:41pm EDT. While in the sensitive and intuitive water realm, Luna connects with Uranus, planet of liberation Jupiter, ruler of blessings, and Neptune, planet that rules spiritual inspiration.
This will magnify our psychic, creative, artistic and empathic abilities while supporting our healing from the higher realms. As the Moon moves into the bold and active fiery realm of Aries she will connect with Pluto, planet of transition, and Mars, ruler of initiation. This will intensify the energies of transformation and energized confidence and support our courage to move forward on our path.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon starts out the day in water sign Pisces, but shifts into fire sign Aries
Sun in Taurus semi-square Neptune in Pisces – Sometimes it seems easier to stick one’s head in the sand and pretend ‘out there’ isn’t happening! The Sun in Taurus wants an easy life, security, comfort, simplicity. But the world is as confounding and confusing as it is magical and marvelous. Inwardly, we may feel unsure of ourselves – wavering, questioning. It’s all too easy to ignore intuition or indulge in escapism. Stop picturing failure. Your imagination is limitless, the possibilities endless.
With Neptune anaretic too, psychic senses are in overload and at the same time, we may have an odd feeling that something indefinable is missing. If you’ve been giving too much to others, it’s time to give back to yourself. Rest, relax, watch an uplifting movie. Create a safe space to reconnect. Cultivate peace. You are the missing piece of the puzzle and the miracle you await.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. As with the beginning of every wavespell, day one is about identifying your purpose. Don’t get into the trap of thinking what will happen to you during these 13 days but instead ask yourself ‘how can I flow with this energy?’. The Tzolkin is a tool and each wavespell has a theme but how you interact with it is entirely up to you. Spend today contemplating what you wish to achieve and you’ll be good and ready to go.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence, Questioning and Fearlessness’. The Warrior is the symbol of willpower and when we go through the Warrior wavespell, we are invited to take on a quest. If you are fearless, if you use the intelligence that you have and if you ask the right questions; there is no limit to what you can conquer during this 13-day journey. Be as determined as the Warrior and you can win the day. As it is the first day of a wavespell, with the right attitude, you can win the whole wavespell. He sees everything as a battle but remember; he is an impeccable Warrior – always fighting on the side of good.
The Guide today is also Yellow Warrior.
The Challenge of the day is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. The Worldbridger is a diplomat and a peacemaker, always trying to build bridges between people of different views. Then Warrior comes along and destroys those bridges as he exerts his will and goes on the warpath. Poor Worldbridger doesn’t want to fight but make peace. If you are a Worldbridger, during these 13 days your patience may be tested. Nevermind, it’s still a good time for you to practice exerting your own willpower.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which sees things on the ground level. The Serpent has very keen senses and knows what is going on in the vicinity. When in this powerful, magical position the Serpent can help us go through a transformation by using our senses. This path is difficult as we can experience over-sensitivity. If you experience this, be aware that this intense sensitivity is aiding you in your transformation, so cry, have a tantrum, feel overwhelmed etc. This is just a sign that you are changing.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need help dreaming up a mission to take on today, consult a Blue Night. They are helpful today and due to their great imagination, they always come up with good ideas. If you don’t know a Blue Night, just think about Abundance and you are sure to attract some, as the Blue Night is occupying this friendly position.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 196 = 16= 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude
A triple MAGNETIC WARRIOR day giving you great POWER and courage to fearlessly FORGE ahead on your QUEST/DIVINE MISSION supported by HEAVEN’s BLISSING. .
Get out your LIGHT SABERS beloved JEDI KNIGHTS as today is STAR WARS DAY so the FORCE is with you giving you FULL support and renewed POWER.
MARS – the planet of WAR and ACTION – has just entered ARIES on MAY 1st and will be there for ALL of MAY and this WHOLE 13 day WARRIOR cycle!!! . ARIES is RULED by the planet MARS and is the sign of the RAINBOW WARRIOR – so we are all ‘ARMED UP” and primed for ACTION this month, lots of superfuelled CHARGE!!
LUCKILY the MOON is in dreamy PISCES today – pacifying our fiery WARRIOR energy with enough WATER to put out any spot FIRES! . – but take note that on 5th & 6th of MAY the MOON is in ARIES.. these days we have the LUNAR tone of CHALLENGE and then the ELECTRIC tone – of emotional volatility.. so BE ON GUARD..
Make sure you channel all this excess FIRE energy into POSITIVE pursuits through your focused intent and ACTIONS.. a fantastic opportunity to speed forward NOW!
Today we commence a new 13 day cycle in the Dreamspell. That of the brave and FEARLESS YELLOW WARRIOR -CIB who is leading us all on a QUEST! An adventurous QUEST to find the New World we have been collectively DREAMING for so long.
This 13 day cycle is calling the AWAKENED RAINBOW WARRIORS to PREPARE!
The prophecy foretold of these Warriors of the Rainbow who will rise up and lead us to the New World, through PEACE, compassion and unifying all people. Refusing to wage WAR, or fight those old battles, downing our weapons and suits of protective armour, as we reveal our true essence down to our pure nakedness, fully transparent and ready to be SEEN in all our luminous glory. We use our intelligence to gain revelations and bring fearless illumination into our lives and those we influence.
Consciously choosing to FEARLESSLY create the most ENLIGHTENED culture that we can imagine! That is our collective mission and NO-THING can get in our way of realizing that Divine plan.
LEAD THE WAY to the promised land WAYSHOWERS!! Hi ho Silver!
We have a 4/4 NEW EARTH portal today and a 13/4 code for the whole wavespell and month of MAY – activating the building of NEW EARTH through elevated COSMIC consciousness.. Very STRONG codes to make significant progress in our collective MISSION.
27 MONTHS AGO – 3 Galactic spins – KIN 196 aligned with the IDES of MARCH…
Whilst today is the 4TH of MAY 2024 and not the IDES of MARCH – the wormhole through TIME connects the loop through KIN 196 as lessons continue to revolve in patterns each Galactic Spin… and so ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE in the planetary chess game!
It is STAR “WARS” day and so the ‘WAR’ for our PLANET is elevated today to return GAIA to a PEACEFUL utopia once again!
This alignment of the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL today is giving humanity the BOOST from Spirit to achieve our UNIFIED QUEST..
Make no mistake, these alignments are all divinely orchestrated, to ensure the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH is achieved
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your PURPOSE and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. Today we are seeking to attract FEARLESSNESS! Becoming brave and courageous, to boldly go where no one has been before, forging a new path. In our QUEST we attract others who follow our lead, seeking to unify all as one!
MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY on our Collective QUEST!
The peaceful RAINBOW WARRIORS have come home VICTORIOUS!
So beloveds, we are commencing a very, very, extra POWERFUL and important journey in our planetary evolution, through finding our purpose and our path in this New World that is beckoning.
BATTLE WARNING!!! Be mindful and focused on ENVISIONING and creating PEACE, during this 13 day wavespell.
The WARRIOR energies can fuel battles on all fronts, for those souls who are not emotionally balanced. Egoic desires and power struggles can arise as people feel more courageous and FEARLESS, thus more prone to volatility and engaging in duels – especially when the MOON is in ARIES (5-6 MAY) or LEO (14-15 MAY)! Very interesting that this wavespell starts and ends with a FIERY MOON!! BOOM!!
On a GLOBAL level we may witness an escalation of conflict as tensions rise through this challenging cycle. Sadly all this volatile energy may IGNITE more wars!
A wise WARRIOR always CHOOSES his battles carefully. It is much better to walk away than engage in a win-less war! Lead by example as the Way of the Peaceful Rainbow Warriors do!
Today’s question is “How can I ATTRACT and MAGNETIZE my purpose, in fearlessly UNITING with my fellow RAINBOW WARRIOR’S in our QUEST for PEACE and HARMONY?”
Divine blessings for embarking on a wondrous QUEST unfolding your Divine Destiny.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: YELLOW MAGNETIC WARRIOR – CIB the FEARLESS YELLOW WARRIOR – charges out of the castle gates, on his noble steed, galloping out to explore new lands, driven by his focused QUEST of bringing back the prize – the HOLY GRAIL, that his king-dom has been seeking.
Fearlessly QUEST-I-ON-ing everything in his path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
CIB imbues us with the much needed COURAGE and tremendous will power to FEARLESSLY choose to step into our FULL GLORIOUS Divine Mission today. Questioning the old FEAR PARADIGM and rejecting it unequivocally! Using our intelligence to find and face our FEARS in order to discard them once and for all.
A brave warrior cannot step into his designated role if he is harboring FEAR that paralyzes his forward momentum. One must FACE all FEARS in order to step beyond the limitations of the MIND, knowing that the body and soul is capable of extra-ordinary achievements once we push past the FEAR boundaries.
We have PHENOMENAL energies today activating our COURAGE, CONFIDENCE and leadership qualities.. so we are well versed to embark on this YELLOW WARRIOR QUEST.
The WARRIOR uses his mighty intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world as he clears all obstacles along the path. The WARRIOR valiantly QUESTIONS all that presents in the Status Quo that has prevented him in attaining the DREAM. All that does not support his successful outcome is challenged and discarded!
The RAINBOW WARRIOR is a PIONEER of the FUTURE, knowing the path and staying true and steadfast on his QUEST.
NOTE: Keep your EYES on GLOBAL events during this wavespell as the AWAKENED WARRIORS RISE UP and QUESTION the current “systems” and old control paradigm.. revealing many TRUTHS for all to SEE…
SUPPORT: BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT – AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! BLUE NIGHT contains the gold vault of COSMIC ABUNDANCE that has just been revealed to us through the DREAMING wavespell. We endure the journey into the unconscious to search all the corners of what is hidden, in order to reveal all that has been denied. Revealing and uncovering every hidden aspect of self, arising to be healed and brought into pure presence. .
AKBAL holds the dreaming code for the collective, that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend until it is made MANIFEST in all its RAINBOW splendour. That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT CHRISTED, STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM and collective PEACE and abundance for all beings..
This is an extremely DYNAMIC cycle where the GLOBAL RAINBOW WARRIORS will FEARLESSLY expose the old hoax narrative that has kept the masses captive throughout his-story. This courage and UNITY in our cause will be the SWORD that cuts us FREE from the evil web of deceit, control and manipulation. If you have been ridiculed and alienated during these past years – this cycle will bring you SWEET VICTORY!
All will be revealed – in the DEAD of NIGHT and the LIGHT of DAY! There is NOWHERE to HIDE!!
The valiant RAINBOW WARRIORS will now be able to CLAIM their rightful ABUNDANCE as the TRUE SOVEREIGNS of the KING/QUEEN-DOM.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED COSMIC SERPENT– CHICCHAN.. Yesterday’s challenge and GIFT revisits us, as today’s SUPERPOWER!
CHICCHAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS, in order to grow and hold more LIGHT.
Pure spiritual life force is magnetised within us, as we honour all that we are, and the channels are freed up and open within us. The COSMIC SERPENT can unblock and FREE all restrictions and stagnation within our energy field, allowing our COSMIC kundalini to flow freely and become truly transcendental in our consciousness – totally expansive and limitless.
Our Life force is attracted to the FLOWERING of consciousness, as we receive the fullness of life . The bounty of bringing our intelligence to focus fully on our highest potential, and abiding there in full presence.
We are magnetising our Divine purpose as Rainbow Warriors, with a Divine Mission, as we fearlessly project our energy into the SOURCE of consciousness. Focused on a FEARLESS strategy to put the DREAM into ACTION! .
RED SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and lifeforce – adding more FIRE to the cauldron of fiery MARS and ARIES.. Our FEARLESS WARRIOR channels this fuel into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI’s challenge today is to SURRENDER immediately, all that is not needed on this Divine Mission, attracting those souls that will be walking forward with us on this unified mission.
As we surrender wholly into the heart of ALL THAT IS, understanding the connectedness of all life. Surrendering through our precious hearts in order to be fully present as a doorway between worlds, connected to all planetary kin. Focused on our Divine Mission of creating a beautiful PEACE filled world, filled with divine joy and EQUALITY for all!
MAGNETIC CIMI is KIN 66 bringing a double dose of HEAVENLY HARMONY to our codes today… Lots of RAINBOW BRIDGES available to walk through to EDEN. We may witness many souls taking up this GIFT and exiting this EARTHLY realm during this wavespell, as CIMI brings final closure and seals the store of DEATH..
Our planetary QUEST is that of DREAMING our NEW WORLD into this reality. Allow CIMI to build the bridge from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel, in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S KINGDOM.
The peaceful RAINBOW WARRIORS have come home VICTORIOUS!
So beloveds, we are commencing a very, very, extra POWERFUL and important journey in our planetary evolution, through finding our purpose and our path in this New World that is beckoning.
BATTLE WARNING!!! Be mindful and focused on ENVISIONING and creating PEACE, during this 13 day wavespell.
The WARRIOR energies can fuel battles on all fronts, for those souls who are not emotionally balanced. Egoic desires and power struggles can arise as people feel more courageous and FEARLESS, thus more prone to volatility and engaging in duels – especially when the MOON is in ARIES (5-6 MAY) or LEO (14-15 MAY)! Very interesting that this wavespell starts and ends with a FIERY MOON!! BOOM!!
On a GLOBAL level we may witness an escalation of conflict as tensions rise through this challenging cycle. Sadly all this volatile energy may IGNITE more wars!
A wise WARRIOR always CHOOSES his battles carefully. It is much better to walk away than engage in a win-less war! Lead by example as the Way of the Peaceful Rainbow Warriors do!
Today’s question is “How can I ATTRACT and MAGNETIZE my purpose, in fearlessly UNITING with my fellow RAINBOW WARRIOR’S in our QUEST for PEACE and HARMONY?”
Divine blessings for embarking on a wondrous QUEST unfolding your Divine Destiny.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Yellow Magnetic Warrior
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission 🕉 Buddha Chakras 🔥
In this very special Video transmission Paul White Gold Eagle transmits the Reiki, Healing Universal Life Force, to you as he guides you through a transformative Meditation and Visualization of the Rainbow Dragon Body Energies and Gold Buddha Activation!
“Experience the transformative power of the Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission in this immersive video. 🕉️ Embark on a journey of healing and enlightenment as we harness the ancient wisdom of Buddha Chakras Meditation.
🌈 Feel the fiery energy of the Rainbow Dragon enveloping you, igniting your inner flame of vitality and renewal. Let go of stress and negativity as you immerse yourself in this sacred healing ritual. Join us on this mystical odyssey and awaken to the vibrant colors of your soul’s healing journey.”
One of the most important things for us to do, first and foremost every day, is to align our I AM Presence with our Father-Mother God and the I AM Presence of ALL of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity. That is easily done by taking a moment each morning to affirm:
“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God.”
Allow this Truth to resonate in your Heart Flame for a moment. Then affirm:
“I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth.”
Now, allow this Truth to resonate in your Heart Flame for a moment.
Next, feel the LOVE and GRATITUDE from your own I AM Presence and from our Father-Mother God flowing through your Heart Flame in appreciation of YOU for acknowledging this Truth. Pay attention and this experience will become tangible.
Throughout the day whenever you interact with a person, including your thoughts and feelings about them, immediately remind yourself that you are One with their I AM Presence and that you have the ability to communicate with their I AM Presence in Loving and Heart-based ways no matter what they are doing.
You also have the ability to ask their I AM Presence to take dominion of their thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs and to Lovingly Guide them in alignment with their Divine Plan and their highest good.
We cannot manipulate or make another person’s I AM Presence do what we think is best for them, but our I AM Presence can certainly inspire another person’s I AM Presence to intervene in their life in Loving ways that are in alignment with their highest good and their Divine Plan.
As you develop the discipline to take this simple step every day, you will be amazed at how very easy it is to automatically connect with the I AM Presence of the people in your Life and in your sphere of awareness. Then instead of focusing on their flaws, you can empower their full Divine Potential by asking their I AM Presence to intervene.
Dear One, you have been preparing for Lifetimes to be a Peace Commanding Presence during this Cosmic Moment. The Beings of Light want you to KNOW that now is the time!
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
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