Will You Step Through The Lionsgate Opening On August 8th?
Will You Step Through The Lionsgate Opening On August 8th? by Jocelyn Daher The Spirit Science There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going…
Will You Step Through The Lionsgate Opening On August 8th? by Jocelyn Daher The Spirit Science There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going…
What if I told you mountains were not mountains, volcanoes were not volcanoes, deserts were not deserts, and canyons were not canyons? You would laugh........but bear with me. I said in my Edge documentary, and even in this weeks FERO episode, mainstream Geology is an elite cover up, and it needs a massive re-look at from a completely blank canvas.
Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation
Join David in this epic two-hour tour-de-force of highly classified insider information revealing the true multi-million-year cosmic history of our solar system. A battle rages on between the forces of good and evil and it is still playing itself out in today's headlines.
So now you are Getting used to Being Present and you are consciously Accepting all things that show up in your experience. If you forget, you remember and again begin to accept all things. You have let go of the need to get what you want through control and resistance. Instead you now allow, and TRUST it is unfolding perfectly. And that way it is happening for you, is the WAY your Soul is doing this through You
Alexandra Meadors engages in an enlightening and in-depth conversation with Eugene Braxton who is known as America’s Most Experienced Mystic, Near Death Experience Researcher and the Author of “America’s Mystic Solves Near-Death Riddle”. Eugene Braxton reveals how he personally experienced his own Near Death Experience (NDE) as a child and goes onto reveal his findings after numerous years of research NDE’s and his rather unique introduction into Ufology and his own personal connection with Betty and Barney Hill!
Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July as you deepen your journey along the Pathway of Divine Love. You are moving into a deepening flow of Divine unconditional Love through the activation of the Diamond Light Codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and through the Galactic Center, and deeper into your Purity and Innocence, your Divinity. And with the additional activation of the Rose Grids through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose, the sacred dance of Divine Love, and the rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes, draws you closer into this Golden Rose Galaxy, the merging of your Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromedan Galaxy. Additionally, as the Diamond Light Codes of creation continue to activate and actualize through Mother Earth’s Light Body and into her leylines, vortices and sacred sites, a re-wiring of your chakras to these Cosmic Diamond Light Codes and higher dimensional frequencies occurs.
New Powerful Portals are opening, expanding and downloading in consciousness. This is a very deep and powerful alchemy process. This is impacting all consciousness. The increase of Source Light Frequency, transmitted through the Central Sun (Spiritual Sun) Pleiades, is activating Portals of Consciousness, NEW EARTH PORTALthrough which you are AWAKENING Through.
Paul McCartney’s Death in 1966 Goes Much Deeper Than an MI5 Replacement Operation BY TRINITI Paul McCartney’s Death in 1966 MR Editor’s Note Years prior to the The Millennium Report website…
SCIENTISTS have pledged to make human teleportation a reality within the next 20 years, it has been revealed.