Energy Update ~ Ultra-Sonic Frequencies Pierce the Veils of Amnesia Huge, Victims to Ascension, Physical Body Upgrades
Ultra-Sonic Frequencies Pierce the Veils of Amnesia Huge, Victims to Ascension, Physical Body Upgrades & Re-Gridding, Reverberation and Human Aspects Get Shocked Awake We've gone Ultra-Sonic the last hour (I wasn't paying attention until now). These "do" lots. The constant re-gridding/re-calibration processes of our physical body is knocking many for a loop. I am observing many "victims to ascension" mentalities, which creates resistance and suffering on-top of the already immense upgrades that are occurring. You can intentionally be a victim without being a victim. Clear signs are moaning & groaning, complaining, whining.... these are mindsets leaving the body and the sound is called "tuning". (It's just one of a gazillion ways we tune). We can consciously moan and groan, without actually believing we are a victim. BE aware, be present and listen to yourself/your own mindsets. Not one of us are victims here. Everyone of us, as souls, chose this. Being a victim just creates misery for the one going through it (and everyone around them subjected to this too).