Andrew Bartzis – Halloween Special
In this episode, they go deep into the dark areas of reality and shed some light upon their discoveries. They will cover: • Ghouls • Ghosts • Demons • And other infamous entities
In this episode, they go deep into the dark areas of reality and shed some light upon their discoveries. They will cover: • Ghouls • Ghosts • Demons • And other infamous entities
Alexandra Meadors and Jon Rappoport share in a very profound conversation regarding the global economy and its players. Jon has a very unique way of seeing the globalist's false reality and what has evolved from this stage performance. We think you will thoroughly enjoy the profound scope presented on the US, China, Russia, Syria relations, as well as the mega corporations stirrings and how this is effecting the way this drama is concluding. You will love this interview! Jon's website is
Jacob Liberman Dr. Jacob Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and author of Light: Medicine of the Future, Take Off Your Glasses and See,…
In this episode, Atona continues her "magical journey" with us, speaking about the grays and her experience with an abductee. She goes in depth about Telos ( a Lemurian city within Mt Shasta ), the Lemurians, her friendship with Sharula Dux (Princess of Telos) and Sharula's predictions back in 1987. She goes into her friendship and experience with Shomundi, known as The Dragon Slayer, her journey into the Yucatan with one of the Crystal Skull guardians/owners and her experiences in the Mayan Pyramids in the Yucatan. She discloses a telepathic communication she received by The Command at the Yucatan and then at Ship Rock, and how the manifestation of this communication was witnessed by others that were present.
Whether you are rediscovering your life from a more expanded level of consciousness, or believe your shift has yet to occur, today's energy update is dedicated to serving both sides of experience in becoming aware of the new energy that has anchored into Earth. May it assist in embracing the uniqueness of all subjective experiences to expand perceptions and welcome into view the ultimate reality that each of us so beautifully embody. In my previous energy update, I noted how the emotional and physical bodies are often the final aspects to shift as new energy dawns. If we now know the last places where shifts often occur, we can take the next step of exploring the initial pieces of evidence where the changes of energetic expansion can be noticed. Even though a common attribute of new paradigm energy is a palpable sense of vast spacious emptiness, I want to really dive into exploring where these shifts begin for the benefit of all. As always, there is no such thing as "I'm good or bad at evolving". It is merely a matter of becoming aware of how the subtle energies can be noticed within your experience, so you can realize the magnificent changes that confirm your continual growth. The first place to notice the shifting of energies is something I call "internal orientation". It is much like your inner barometer of allegiance. When internal orientation shifts, your allegiance changes from being mortal enemies with discomfort and inconvenience to becoming more open and aware in response to such experiences. If internal orientation shifts dramatically, it creates a sudden recognition that anything that was once interpreted as a barrier to overcome is actually a catalyst of divinity that is attracted into your reality to ensure the fulfilment of your highest potential. Such drastic shifts in internal orientation are often referred to as "realizations" or "aha moments", but for some, the shifts are far more subtle.
When you are always “Waiting” for something that is not present in your life to arrive, you are living in the grand illusion of 3D, that is the Repetitive cycle, and incarnation cycle, of YOU always WAITING to receive that ONE thing you desire the most. You will receive That one thing you desire the most, which your Soul Desires, which you have incarnated over and over to receive, that is, your Destiny. And it is far greater than you realize.
Explosive: The real reason Holistic Doctors are being killed and vanishing!
The Heart Sutra Chant - Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Compassion The Great Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, practising deep Prajna Paramita, clearly saw that all five skandhas are empty, transforming…
Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities. Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once seen as tomorrow and today. For you are beginning to release the confines of time that are bound into your third-dimensional thinking and is faster in your fourth dimension thinking. And, as you move into your fifth-dimensional thinking and your fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you are beginning to release time.