A Bridge Between the Worlds

Recently a group of my star sister girlfriends and I started listening to Tom Kenyon's sound meditation: A Bridge Between the Worlds. It puts you in an altered state of Being. It is 12 minutes which is perfect for me. The first couple of times I listened to this meditation, it was before going to bed. The first night I slept deeper than I have in a very long time. However, subsequent nights, it stimulated me so much that I could not sleep and yet I wasn't tired. Now I do not listen to it before going to bed. Hope you enjoy thisillusion-mind-dreaming-intellect-series-background-composition-human-face-technological-elements-to-complement-your-mind meditation as much as we do.

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This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!


From the artificial time matrix to the divine matrix ~ part 4: blood moons, shemitah year and the restoration of the organic timeline

Here we are… We finally entered the most powerful and decisive Gateway of 2015: The Solar Eclipse ~ Equinox ~ 4th “Blood Moon” Eclipse (last of the 2014-15 tetrad) and since the publication of our last report, Planet Venus/Mother of the World/Quetzalcoatl went DIRECT, and time seems to keep accelerating as many events and signs that can be considered prophetic in nature have been intensifying and manifesting throughout the planetary life. If we just recapitulate the last few days, we can get the picture of what is transpiring:

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The Intense Effect of the September Energies – Symptoms we all experience now!!

there is no doubt, the energies of change are purring in full power this month and many people reported strong emotional and physical signs of their effect lately. Unfortunately we are still in the warm up phase for the big shifts in the week from September 23rd till September 28th, which means there will be much more coming to ground and integrate.

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Message to Lightworkers ~ Sept 18th 2015 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today. You are noticing the powerful energies now flowing to the Earth, and feeling the changes on every level of your being. This sounds perhaps a bit cliché. And yet look at your lives.11742667_972514042810026_3766654330292706797_n Notice the areas of your everyday living where you are no long

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Galactic Heart Meditation

This 13 minute meditation connects your breath through the 3 Hearts of Creation – Earths Heart, your own Heart and the Galaxy’s Heart – to support your awakening, attunement and conscious evolutionary journey into the Golden Age. OmAhOm. To embrace the energy of this meditation you may first like to watch this video..... but then as you bring this meditation into your day to day life I highly recommend listening to this audio out in nature, with your feet or entire body immersed in the beauty of Mother Earth. This was created in 2013.

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Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as joy. Joy is felt within an individual who trusts and is aware that they are part of the infinite oneness and loving power and exuberance of the universe. This awareness opens their mind and heart expanding their consciousness and allows them to live and express their truth fully and freely. Their experience of life allows unlimited opportunities to seek expression through them. They have a balanced ego which allows them to understand that they do not have to justify their presence on Earth or the decisions and choices they make to anyone else.