Cobra Update – Planetary Ascension Process
Consciousness of the Ascended being who has taken Arhat initiation is absolutely free from any negativity and suffering and is full of what is true, good and beautiful.
Consciousness of the Ascended being who has taken Arhat initiation is absolutely free from any negativity and suffering and is full of what is true, good and beautiful.
The Event is Happening ~ Ascension Energy Update Here we go friends. The great shift is in full swing now! We are being transformed from the inside out. We were…
The End of Time and The Construct of the False Matrix
We are currently in the 6th and final ascension energy wave which has a lot more going on than first thought. Earth has evacuated and no longer supports the construct of the Matrix…
The Collective Zero Point Unity energy HAS ARRIVED Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update - Follow on from previous Update of: ~ The Collective Zero Point Unity energy HAS ARRIVED! -…
This Summer Solstice is going to be the most powerful Portal tyhat has ever manifest in this realm. Calling on all 144 Lightworkers to unite as one mind to manifest the highest Light and Love into this Earth Realm at this time. Namaste
Solstice Stargate Global Activations - June 21st Join Meg Benedicte and Manette Mays with Starseeds and Light Bearers all around the world for the Solstice Stargate Global Activations on Thursday, June 21st at 12pm Pacific Time.
We are Manifesting a New Earth for all beings to enjoy and prosper. The Ascension timelines are all merging into a final Unity timeline. These timelines will merge on the June Summer Solstice on the 21st.
Lightworkers and Starseeds Unite Anchor in 5D Earth into Gaia Grids The Magdelene Divine Threefold Feminine Flame is Awakening in the Hearts of all men. This is it. Calling on…
Our Earth Allies continue to build global alliances that are clearly intensifying their Victory over the dark. The keys to this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growing hunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endless centuries of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortify each of you for full consciousness. Your pending reality shift is the reason the dark’s influence is waning and why the cabal is in such a panic.