Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation
Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation
Sit by a Waterfall to absorb negative ions and prana energy for health and rejuvenation
QiGong Lower Dan Tian and Earth Breathing
In this time of the great shift, more than ever, we need to be conscious co-creators with our health and wellness. Our bodies and nervous systems are becoming more sensitive to the nerergies and vibrations of our world and environments. We must be vigilant in being responsible for how we treat and nourish our sacred temples, our physical bodies. Obviously our thoughts and actions are also very important but in this article today I will be covering our physical bodies and health.
Peruvian Double Chambered Whistling Vessels have been used by Shamans for centuries for Healing and Astral Traveling. Considered a powerful tool for your Shamanic toolbox. These whistling vessels are all one of a kind hand made ceramic artistic and functional pieces.
Tod Livengood Joint Mobility [huge_it_share]
WuDang Qi Gong Opening Form - Chi Kung Meditation
Qigong Basic Standing Meditation The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing- Qigong Basic Standing Meditation with Tod Livengood. Chi Kung for health and…
Qigong joint mobility basic level 1