Read more about the article A Great Wave of Awakening to the TRUTH – Our Phoenix is Rising! Our Antakarana Bridge is Reforming… ACTIVATED CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS
Our Phoenix is Rising

A Great Wave of Awakening to the TRUTH – Our Phoenix is Rising! Our Antakarana Bridge is Reforming… ACTIVATED CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS

A Great Wave of Awakening to the TRUTH - Our Phoenix is Rising! Our Antakarana Bridge is Reforming... ACTIVATED CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS     Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings Solar Rainbow Tribe…

Continue ReadingA Great Wave of Awakening to the TRUTH – Our Phoenix is Rising! Our Antakarana Bridge is Reforming… ACTIVATED CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS
Read more about the article We are Returning to our fully Activated LIGHT BODIES  Now! “The Gathering”  Divine Kundalini Paths ~ The Age of Miracles is Unfolding
The Gathering Circle

We are Returning to our fully Activated LIGHT BODIES  Now! “The Gathering”  Divine Kundalini Paths ~ The Age of Miracles is Unfolding

We are Returning to our fully Activated LIGHT BODIES  Now! "The Gathering"  Divine Kundalini Paths ~ The Age of Miracles is Unfolding    Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings Celestial…

Continue ReadingWe are Returning to our fully Activated LIGHT BODIES  Now! “The Gathering”  Divine Kundalini Paths ~ The Age of Miracles is Unfolding