Over the next three days, (5/15- 5/18) we will experience high gamma rays coming in. These oscillate​ all within, and turn one’s thinking around, inside out and upside down to gain higher perspectives through the higher self. Understand that through these high vibrational frequencies change occurs; emotionally, physically, spiritually, through DNA rewiring and connections. You can expect things in your life to “change” through this energy signature; residential moves, relationships, your job or career may take a different form and shape in your coming days. Be open to the new as gamma rays oscillate in and through, they allow you and assist you in releasing density. A feeling of lack will change to a feeling of abundance as the connection​s keep taking place for you, and the dots will keep connecting.


Divine Balance-The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine

Our fullest potential is found in the weaving and balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within ourselves. Both men and women carry feminine and masculine wisdom and tools. However, sometimes one or both of these energies is out of balance, silenced, wounded, misunderstood or disrespected. Men and women throughout time have been both the oppressor and the oppressed. Often it is the self-created oppression of our feelings, wisdom, power, beauty, truth or love that is the ultimate betrayal. Regardless of your past experiences and choices, you always have the option of embracing each of these energies where they are, and understanding what they need to become more whole and integrated within you for a more balanced Divine version of yourself.

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The light has reached the Earth and everything is changing in a day!

am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. I have come today to assist you with the keys you need to go further now. There are many portals that have been unlocked and only a few remain. Layer after layer has been cleansed in your hearts and minds. The Love portal in your heart it is only you that can release. It is the key to your higher dimension.

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Our Fifth Dimension Family

On March 27, 2017 Mother Earth completed her entire Fifth Dimension Transition and served to introduce a new paradigm for every Life form to achieve – the Re-Creation of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! The Spiritual Pathway for participating in the Re-Creation of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension will not manifest instantaneously, as we will still be experiencing our external world through the seemingly inconceivable boundaries of Space and Time.

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Archangel Michael ~ Enormous Changes Are in Front of You and All Humanity

Enormous changes are just out in front of you and all humanity. You have strived to bring about all that is transpiring. The physical exhaustion continues as you realise what an incredible metamorphose you are all experiencing. Many times we have spoken of your desire and eligibility to be present as these momentous shifts were to take place, and which are occurring within your physicality and within Gaia herself.

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Up-leveling Your Frequency

Over the past week or so, I have intuitively sensed a palpable increase in crystalline light entering the energy fields of lightworkers worldwide. As I tune into this higher frequency, it feels like a time of energetic preparation for dramatic leaps forward in consciousness. It’s as if the external changes you’ve been dreaming to implement or act upon are being foreshadowed by the inner changes that must occur first. As a result, a variety of interesting symptoms are arising, as evidence of a global up-leveling in heart-centered frequency. Often times, the adverse symptoms are not signs of a lower vibrational reality, but indicative of how smooth or tumultuous of a time your energy field is having in synthesizing and integrating newer frequencies as outdated energies are purged.

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This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. The Earth’s moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both physically and etherically, and the orbit was locked into a non rotating Lagrange point, locking the energy of the manipulated satellite into the Earth’s etheric and gravemetric/magnetic fields.