Cosmic Gateway Activations
Cosmic Gateway Activations by Meg Benedicte The cosmic ascension plan for Gaia and humanity is well underway, picking up pace during the 2018 quickening. During this momentous ‘11’ year of Mastership we…
Cosmic Gateway Activations by Meg Benedicte The cosmic ascension plan for Gaia and humanity is well underway, picking up pace during the 2018 quickening. During this momentous ‘11’ year of Mastership we…
This Summer Solstice is going to be the most powerful Portal tyhat has ever manifest in this realm. Calling on all 144 Lightworkers to unite as one mind to manifest the highest Light and Love into this Earth Realm at this time. Namaste
Lightworkers and Starseeds Unite Anchor in 5D Earth into Gaia Grids The Magdelene Divine Threefold Feminine Flame is Awakening in the Hearts of all men. This is it. Calling on…
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy UPdate Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - Holy Shift! - 23rd May 2018 - Part 18 This is a layered update, that I started writing some notes and…
THE EVENT ~ Ascension Codes - NEO Glimmer and the Mothership 7773 THE EVENT ~ Ascension Codes - NEO Glimmer and the Mothership 7773 - NEO Glimmer codes -…
How To Prepare For Ascension by Claude Lauzon, Guest writer, Ascension is coming. Are you ready? Most of Humanity is vibrating at the 3rd Density. Since the year 2000 we’ve…
Graduation MASTERSHIP - Transition Time of ‘Being in the World but not of it’ in real-time, in the human as well as Spirit March 23, 2018 New ASCENSION series of ~ YOU…
Post Equinox DNA Changing!! I am going to start today by reinforcing the "assume nothing" stance. Since i have come back to reading the field in this way (2011 -…
We all have heard so many messages on the Ascension. A lot of fear and programming to this day still gets through in messages from the Divine and other side. One thing I’ve learned is to fully trust and let my heart guide me when it comes to these messages. Take what feels in resonation and in vibration with your heart and leave the rest. So much of this language is based on perception.
Thousands of additional Lightworkers all over the world joined with us energetically by projecting their Love and Light into our Chalice.