You are currently viewing Biggest Catalyst to Begin! Mars and Uranus Conjunction in Algol * Path to Inner Peace and Infinite Love ~  Lemuria Affirmations

Biggest Catalyst to Begin! Mars and Uranus Conjunction in Algol * Path to Inner Peace and Infinite Love ~  Lemuria Affirmations

Biggest Catalyst to Begin! Mars and Uranus Conjunction in Algol * Path to Inner Peace and Infinite Love ~  Lemuria Affirmations



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Solar Diamond Creative Ones of Pure Awareness

Angels of the New Earth, continue to hold the Zero Point Field in the Center of your being for the Power is in the Silence, the Stillness within. In the Personal Power of your True Nature all things are possible. Have Faith and Keep Holding our Highest Timeline for we are at the precipice of this Harmonic Convergence in the culmination of our Divine Light Works.

Stand Strong Spiritual Warriors of Terra Nova Gaia, for our Rainbow Tribe of New Earth of every Nation are the Catalysts for Great Change as everything becomes New and Glorious in the Eyes and Mind of Great Spirit.

In the Mind of Buddha of the Awakened One all things are Perfectly Resolved as we step into our Holy Sovereignty as Guardians and Protectors of all the Sacred Children of Mother/ Father God, Infinite Source Creator.  With our Sword of Truth and our Shield of Love we are unstoppable in our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation for all our Good People of the New Eden.

Rise and Shine your Heavenly Golden Light into the Quantum Field to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Shift of the Ages into our 5D New Age of Aquarius and the Satya Yuga of Peace and Prosperity for all of Gods Children under the Sun…A’Ho!





MANY Updates were needed in the Higher Realms to Disconnect the OLD Main frames + Databases based in Outdated WAR Constructs🐉🤍🐉

the higher realms WITHIN our bodies
the higher realms WITHIN our bodies


72 hours for the biggest catalyst to begin 🔥🥳🔥
The build up from now till the 8th is a masterpiece.

The Pure Ones✨

I have been shown this year’s date of July 22 as a significant date that marks both an end and a new beginning. The ancient original Pure Ones who have been activated are now nearing the completion of their embodiment process. July 22nd will mark the Return of the Pure Ones, the Guardians of the scrolls and living codes of the Book of Love. A date that also aligns with the Feast day of Mary Magdalene.
Energetic activations that trigger soul remembrance and activate DNA keys and codes occur in various stages. These Souls have agreed to return at this pivotal time to share their ancient Heart Wisdom that Humanity is now ready to receive. To illuminate the Path to inner Peace and infinite Love within all of us, leading Humanity back to its innate Purity.
Guardians of the scrolls
Guardians of the scrolls
7/15/24: Watch for new opportunities rolling in today. They may show up disguised as responsibilities or projects or favors or changes in plans; but expand your perspective and they’re really opportunities. We’re not playing small this year so if you’re going to manifest at your highest level you have to see possibilities, not obstacles.
Gold instead of straw. Abundance in all forms instead of lack. Your perspective today can make your world glow and vibrate with potential… because this year it’s everywhere if you look with fresh eyes. And, because this is part of your journey toward self-mastery, it’s not just about the effort… it’s about the experience and what you choose to take from it.
Gold instead of straw
Gold instead of straw

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

*EVENT UPDATE* 7/15 ~X1.3 Solar Flare ~ A Pivotal Point for Humanity ~ The Galactic Federation

The Ascension Event Update for July 15th 2024.

Blessings, our dear Family of Light,

Humanity finds itself at a pivotal point, teetering between The Vibrations that are being thrown at them at all angles. The forces of darkness continue to sow fear and hate, and separation, While the Forces of Light, counter with Love, Compassion and Unity.

The Dark Forces Are working very hard to create chaos and fear, resulting in a lowering of the Collective Vibrations of many Humans. The Forces of Light are aware, and beginning to amp up the frequencies, This includes the Infinite Creator showering the world with elevated vibrations through powerful Solar Flares, One being an X1.3 class, lifting the frequencies back where they needed to be. This celestial event has brought powerful Energies of Oneness, lifting the frequencies and restoring balance.

There has been a significant increase in your Star’s recent activity, with Your Solar Logos having had 30 flares in 36 hours. Including 18 C Class, 11 M flares and 1 X class flare. The most significant of the flares was registered as an X 1.3 Solar flare at 2:23 UTC on July 14. This is showing a massive increase in the frequency of the Solar flares Earth is receiving.

Following recent events that have led humans to lower their frequency, Mother Earth’s Vibrations have also been notably diminished. She is experiencing the same despair felt by the Human Collective. For several days, she has dropped down into 3rd dimensional vibrations. 

The dropping of the frequencies sparked the Infinite Creator to send higher frequencies to counter the Lower vibrations.

 As Mother Earth also experiences the emotional turmoil of humanity, the evidence of the interconnectedness between your planet and all of Her inhabitants becomes very clear.

The energetic shifts reverberating through the Earth’s core reflect a profound Connection with the collective consciousness of mankind. Many Hearts have fallen out of Love, resulting in a fall in the Earths frequencies. The Darkness of Human Hearts had put her in a sense of Mourning. In response to this imbalance, the Infinite Creator, in all infinite wisdom and compassion, has initiated a cascade of higher frequencies to restore her Balance. This is also To restore the Damage within the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

These are Much needed energies following the tumultuous events that have unfolded on the political stage, causing many beings of Light to spiral off course. The contrasting energies of negativity and the divine light challenges individuals to choose the path in which they wish to follow.

These celestial energies being sent through your Star, imbued with divine light and love, are a beacon of hope amidst the prevailing darkness. As the Ascension unfolds, the Earth and its inhabitants are called to attune themselves to these harmonious frequencies emanating from the heart of creation. It is a time of transformation and renewal, where the letting go of lower vibrations, raises you Higher in the Light.

 It is a time of profound transformation, where the very essence of humanity’s existence is being tested, beckoning Humans to rise above the 3D Illusions and embrace the radiant energies of love and Oneness. 

The solar flares act as catalysts or a switch that triggers the spiritual awakening, urging Humans to realign with your higher selves and embrace a new beginning filled with promise and enlightenment.

This divine Intervention is beckoning Humans to go within themselves, to unearth and rekindle the eternal flame of connection that unites all beings in oneness.
As we, The Galactic Federation, traverse the vast expanse of the universe, we are reminded in every Moment of the interconnectedness of all beings. It is in this realization that we find solace, wisdom, and our purpose.

By Embracing The Love of the Infinite Creator’s Light, and attuning to the frequencies that are being sent to Earth. You are in balance with the cosmos.

The Human Collective is being called to awaken to the beauty of unity and the sacredness of your collective journey towards enlightenment.

Every Person is being called in their Hearts. By heeding this call, you illuminate the path towards a world where love, compassion, and unity reign supreme. You are creating your Heaven on Earth.

Each one of you are making the difference. Each one who opens their Heart to Love, compassion and unity, are paving the way for those still lost in Darkness.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

This has been the Ascension Event update for July 15th 2024.

Intuitive Transmission and Research by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse.


A Pivotal Point for Humanity
A Pivotal Point for Humanity






To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Over the last 48 hours we have been receiving very high vibrational Ascension waves of energies coming into the planet. These are amplified Cosmic energies infiltrating into all those Ascending and experiencing these higher vibrations within their blueprint system.
This has truly been a challenging time for many on the path of ascension. There is great importance in remaining resilient despite the lower forces that emerge before and during the approaching Lions Gate activation.
These forces have their own purpose here to distract and hinder the progress of those ascending . Recent messages serve as reminders that dark forces do operate on this planet , this can at times influence our collective ascension journey bringing in challenges and obstacles testing many on their path .
By staying focused , faithful and sovereign to the chosen path, the ascending will triumph and overcome all challenges. Through the emergence of New Earth, the realities of our planet are being unveiled to highlight the exisiting duality and to enhance our collective awareness and consciousness. Accepting duality within and without is the True ascending work towards self-healing and collectively awakening to this truth on various levels.
During the recalibration of energy levels, individuals may experience various physical symptoms associated with ascension. These symptoms can differ from person to person:
Dizziness or lightheadedness, Feeling off-balance or briefly dizzy as energy shifts in the body. Fatigue / lethargy, Temporary tiredness or sluggishness as the body adjusts to new energy levels. Nausea or digestive discomfort, Upset stomach issues due to energetic shifts. Changes in appetite, Fluctuations in hunger levels as the body adapts to changing energy. Headaches or migraines, Temporary discomfort in the head region as energy centers recalibrate. Increased sensitivity to source light and sound during recalibration. Body aches and muscle tension, Physical discomfort like muscle aches as the body adjusts .
The third eye undergoes upgrades, ascending individuals will notice enhancements in vision and perception, leading to brighter colours and rapid light frequencies. This heightened intuition and expanded awareness provides a deeper understanding of the self and the world.
The recalibration process may also bring on feelings of trippy sensations, and nausea, leading to blissful and euphoric waves. Other symptoms include anxiety, sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or excessive fatigue, and intensified dream activities as dimensional awareness expands.
Common attributes in the collective ascending experience may include ringing in the inner ear, stabbing head pains, lightheadedness, shallow breathing, eyesight issues, water retention, digestion problems, feelings of overwhelm, confusion, memory lapses, zoning in and out, and challenges in expressing emotions. The Ascending are releasing deep emotional energies linked to past lives, paving the way for profound transformation.
The Clearing out of the intestinal system leads to a heightened connection to your abilities and knowings . These energies will continue to work their way through the ascending energetic blueprint systems .
These higher upgrades of light will force all truths to the surface , We are to Surrender any projects or concerns at this time to the Universe with the knowing that all needs are being taken care of. Focusing on all that has been achieved on the journey to date . Taking time to nurture and deeply nourish self by starting to do more of those things which spark the Soul . By relaxing and letting go of fixed outcomes, we are creating the space needed for the universe to deliver.
The separation of timelines and individual responsibility in this integration stage is highlighted .All ascending souls are to take full ownership of their actions and choices, The stripping away of victim self and the inner focus is now on what empowers spiritual / personal growth and human development.
While making big changes in our timeline it may start to feel more challenging for a time, it is always possible to make meaningful progress by consistently taking small steps towards change and aligned goals. Adaptability and resiliency are key in navigating these Planetary shifts.
The integration phase taking place can bring on feelings of pressure or feelings of potential breakdown. This is a normal part of any transformative process to experience moments of uncertainty and discomfort as we move towards a new way of being in a breaking down 3D world .
Remembering that these challenges are temporary and this provides us with a deeper sense of hope and resiliency.
Everything changes when we start to emit our own unique frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies in the 3D collective , when we start imprinting clear intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from the outer worlds existence.
Holding onto the vision of a world Ascending souls have dreamed of will serve as a guiding light throughout this journey. Each step forward brings us all closer to the manifestation of our collective purpose and our dreams in ascending earth for a much better life .
The younger generations hold immense potential for our planet’s future, especially with the lack of positive global leadership examples. As ascending souls lead the way, they are preparing the groundwork for future ambassadors who will eventually guide Earth. This shift in consciousness is significant and will bring about profound changes. Meanwhile, we are witnessing the breakdown of global structures and outdated systems.
Amidst these changes, the ascending may sense a rise in internal energy and experience a process of accelerated growth, integration, alignment and balance. Each individual’s journey is unique, as Starseeds undergo upgrades and recalibrations. The higher self and spirit guides are aligning you with the necessary light to support Earth’s transformation. Expressing inner power and light during these transformative times.
In loving and devoted ascension service . Source inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers . ©️


Many beautiful, profoundly inspiring things are happening at planetary, intergalactic and universal levels.
I have been shown so much and received powerful downloads this weekend and gained cosmic perspective of what is truly happening.
At soul level we are infinite and now that infinite whole is merging with the finite, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of our existence on earth. The infinite soul now is stepping to the fore and will do so more powerfully to express its ineffable knowledge and wisdom. It cannot be shrunk into the density of the old earth anymore. The higher soul self has already transcended all seeming limitations and seeming separation and duality of the old 3D consciousness. The soul is free!
When we truly allow our soul and with it our heart center, filled with love, to be in charge, then we can and will find that the seeming miraculous, becomes the norm. There is nothing artifical about this. It is a natural transfiguration into the truth of our soul, as one with our monad, fully embracing the Divine, within.
When our inner world is ONE, the outer world reflects the same.
We now can communicate again with all sentient beings in the cosmic whole and interact with them. We resume our cosmic and universal citizenship and can access the higher levels if creation and even higher, depending on our soul choices.
What a Divine gift of love, this is!
I AM grateful!.
Photo: Rosa-Maria Marquez whose art work carries cosmic keys and codes.
cosmic keys and codes
cosmic keys and codes
For the Light Codes are providing Rapid tools of Light Transformations 🙏
The Uprising of NOW is a New Earth Expression of Self-liberation and Empowerment
We See The Tests And Challenges Presented, The Great Realisation Beyond The Day To Day Reality
As a Crystalline Soul Of Light, Your Role Is To Integrate and Expand This Light
Feel and See The Cosmic Light Expression Of Now 🙏❤
For the Path of a Wayshower Is to Reach This Forever Expansion Space of Light
An Uprising Synthesis Presented In Your Reality. How this is interpreted individually and collectively is the path of Now
For the Light Transition Presented Is A Cosmic Interplay Of Your Own True Light
Reaching within The Great Crystalline Resonance Of You To Explore And Activate The Light Of Now
We See Your Role Expanding, Awakening In Light❤
The Cosmic Interface Of The Universe Is Now Before You, As We Collectively Join In Light
We wish to confirm the true Tonal Cords of the Universe Are Reaching Planet Gaia And All Beings ❤
A Wonderful Synthesis of Light Is Activating Your DNA, Uprising In Unification
The Hu-man Physical Form – Cosmic Integration IS Upgrading
Together We Join In The Light Waves Of Creation 🙏
Cosmic Light Alliance
Together In Light
Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Message 💫🙏

You may feel trapped in a situation. All the attention it’s getting may be bringing you down. Your being ask to break the negative thinking and accept what it. Let this be at peace and redirect your focus on setting your sights higher.

The dual Capricorn Full Moon window is helping bring a whole new spectrum of ideas and solutions so you can put an end to being trapped and dominated. This energy is pushing you to break free.

Envision your new story and begin taking the steps. Make the decisions, research the solutions, and implement the changes. Doing so will help you get emotionally stable and courageously moving into your freedom.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Full Moon at 11 degrees Capricorn
Full Moon at 11 degrees Capricorn

Ra James

The beginning of this week may seem like a rollercoaster ride with Mars conjunct Uranus. This event is one of the most significant astrological occurrences of the year. The energy has been building for a few days. This transit brings unexpected events, and sudden change. When Mars aligns with Uranus, the atmosphere is charged with a dynamic and electrifying energy. You should feel a surge of energy and inspiration at this time. You’re being guided to break free from your limitations and to embrace change.
It’s all about clearing those deeper unconscious patterns. Mars conjunct Uranus will help you to move in a new direction especially when it comes to your relationships, and finances. Expect the unexpected. The energy all week is perfect for fighting for something you believe in, or uniting with someone on a deep level. Our Cancer Sun also squares Chiron on today. Chiron is known as the wounded healer. This will bring up past issues and hurts.
Mars will then link up with Neptune on the 20th, giving us tremendous fire to pursue your desires, dreams and goals. We will end this week with a Full Moon in Capricorn the 21st. This Full Moon is conjunct with Pluto, which can bring up deep-seated issues that can be uncomfortable to deal with…

art: @ramonlaasc

Margo Amala

07/15/24 HELIOCENTRIC Astrology Update:

We kick off the week on 07/15/24 with three powerful trines:
Earth Trine Uranus: Be ready to embrace change this week! With Earth in Capricorn trine to Uranus in Taurus – we may see literal Earth shaking events. Sudden changes in power structures, earthquakes or sudden unexpected events may arise.
In the financial markets I am watching for sudden strong moves and volatility this week. As we move from a series of harmonious trines into the Mars/Chiron Conjunction on 07/17/24.
Saturn in Pisces Trine Mercury in Scorpio: Mercury’s speed is slowing down moving toward aphelion, the point farthest from the Sun. This configuration highlights the need to be very calculated and mindful about our communications. To make the most of this trine with Saturn, think and communicate with depth and clarity.
Chiron Trine Venus: Healing our relationship with the Self is highlighted here. With Mars approaching Uranus for a conjunction in Taurus, during this aspect we may be called to explore the dynamic interplay between the masculine/feminine aspects of our core wounds.



Busy week ahead and it starts today with the Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction. Yet anther historic and rare event, one of many that we have had in the last 4 years.
This is a powerful aspect that unleashes strong energy for transformation so use it well. What is broken will become very obvious and replacing it with something else will become a priority.
Whatever we have stitched together to ‘make work’ isn’t going to work any more.
Focus on what brings you joy, set the standard high, and stay out of others’ drama.
It’s a big energy period so buckle up and shine bright.
How’s your day going!


Uranus and Mars Conjunct Medusa
Uranus and Mars Conjunct Medusa

Forever Conscious

Some magic is brewing in the cosmic skies with Mars and Uranus coming together at 26 degrees of Taurus, which happens to be the home of Algol.
Algol has long been considered the most notorious star in astrology but like many notorious stars when you look a bit deeper, you find a powerful feminine energy!
Not since August 2022, have we experienced Mars and Uranus coming together, but the dynamic duo will align in the sky on July 15, 2024, at 26 degrees of Taurus, which also, coincidentally or not, happens to be the home of Algol, one of the most notorious stars in Astrology.
Algol has long been feared by ancient astrologers. They looked at its glow and likened it to the eye of the devil. Terrible omens were connected to this star and it seemed to be one that our ancestors feared as a harbinger of destruction and chaos.
But, of course, in modern astrology we tend to take a more neutral approach and try to dig a little deeper into what the essence of this star may be. It is also worthwhile noting that many stars that were connected to deep feminine power seem to have received such a bad wrap.
When looking a little deeper, Algol is a powerful feminine energy that is not fearful but rather, misunderstood. It is easy to write Algol off as a habringer of destruction, but when you look deeper at her story, you see a powerful feminine warrior that can protect, shapeshift, and knows her own strength.
In modern astrology, Algol is considered the star of transformation and protection. Through every rebirth that Algol goes through, she becomes stronger, more awakened, and more powerful. She represents the forgotten feminine power, that once remembered would allow us to birth a new world.
With Mars and Uranus aligning on Algol however, it seems that an awakening is being instiled. It seems that we are perhaps being called to awaken and remember the feminine powers that live within all of us.
It seems that perhaps we are being called to transform into a higher version of ourselves, no matter how it may look on the outside. Perhaps it is only by leaning into our power and shedding, and releasing what others think of us, that we are able to step into this new chapter.
Mars and Uranus coming together is definitely a call to shed all that is no longer authentic to our being. Mars offers courage and confidence, and Uranus offers us the will to step out of the status quo and to follow the tune of our own drum.
This can be a powerful mix, with Algol chiming in too, reminding us of our strength to rebirth ourselves and to come into higher states of consciousness and power.
Mars and Uranus have long been a signature for upheaval and rebellion. Sometimes, we can see this manifest on the world stage as protests or a desire to overthrow authority figures. We can feel irritated by being controlled or made to feel small. We can feel a rumbling to stand up for ourselves and what we believe is true.
If we track the cycle of Mars and Uranus, we can begin to piece together where we are being called to step into a great authenticity, stand up for ourselves, and perhaps embrace some change….
Mars and Uranus coming together at 26 degrees of Taurus
Mars and Uranus coming together at 26 degrees of Taurus


Leo Season is underway, with Mercury and Venus now in the sign, it’s time to Shine. There is an incredible power building with Mars coming up to Uranus in Taurus on July 16th. Mars, our warrior, is ready to stand up and take back the Free Energy which is rightfully Ours. Taurus represents our relationship to wealth, resources and physical form. Uranus is incredibly activating. We are turning our light on, and moving forward with this Earth Ascension. Nothing can hold us back now.

Tension is building with the Sun in Cancer, in square to Chiron in Aries. This is the last of a series of squares of our personal planets with the Nodes of the Moon and Chiron, which have happened over the last couple of weeks. The only way forward, is to come back to Compassion. We must meet in the middle and bust out of the divide and conquer paradigm. It’s time to come back to Center, to the Heart, to the Mother’s Love, which is the highest Authority.

Chiron in Aries represents our deepest wounds of where we gave our life force and power away. The Sun in Cancer is a cry from the lost babe, back into the Arms of the Mother. Emotions and past griefs are coming up from where we have been believing the illusion of separation. We must release ourselves from the past, in order to move into a new and better future. It’s waiting just beyond the gate. It’s time to step on through and begin Living and Breathing the Dream in to existence.

Mars and Uranus meeting up in Taurus, just as the Sun in Cancer squares Chiron, is telling us something. Taking back our power means coming back to Love. That is the energy that overpowers the false AI programs. We are experiencing a rapid detox as Mars and Uranus amp up the Earth Frequencies. There is no turning back. We must rise to the occasion, which means to be willing to rapidly transform. We are dropping old concepts and programming at an accelerated rate. This conjunction is like an opening to the Stairway to Heaven. Will you take the ride?

There’s no time for fear, as we find ourselves lifted up into the energies of new possibilities. Mars and Uranus in Taurus speak to the beginning of a New Wealth, which is the True Wealth. Now we are beginning to see the value of the invisible. We are learning that we are co-creators, and it’s time to drop the programs so we can get back into the game. This transit is frying the circuitry of the lower matrix systems, and activating a Higher Intelligent Love. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. This meeting of Uranus and Mars is activating humanity back into our spiritual evolution, and propelling us into the Aquarian Age. External control forces have attempted to prevent for way too long. Now we run with it, and pump up the volume. Taking back our power is exactly the same as Love flooding back into our Hearts.

Our battles with external Authority are on the table, with the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year happening on July 21st. The signs say that this is The End of external ruler-ship over human evolution. This Full Moon happens at 29 degrees Capricorn, the infamous degree that Pluto will transit back to in September through November. This Full Moon is putting it all on the table, so we can finally flip them. The world is coming back around to the Mother, which means its going to finally start working for us, SuperNova Souls. We stand at the ready, opening to receive the Love Activations.

Stairway to Heaven
Stairway to Heaven
On Monday, July 15th, there is a lot going on astrologically. Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in creative Leo is in a difficult aspect to Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation, in confusing Pisces. Not only are we struggling in coming up with new ideas and solutions, but we may also be depressed or frustrated. Adjust your perspective and stay committed to using your logic and ingenuity to figure out the next best steps on your path.
The Sun, ruler of the ego, is in emotional Cancer and in a challenging connection to Chiron, ruler of fragmentation, in impatient Aries. We may be faced with inner wounds or karmic lessons in the area of home, family or our own emotional responses. Call in your ancestors of the light for support in the healing process. And, Mars, planet of energy and action, in slow moving Taurus is in a powerful connection today with Uranus, ruler of surprises and redirection.
We could find that there is an unexpected event that occurs that allows us to liberate ourselves from a situation or circumstance that somehow involves work, finances, resources, or how we are currently valuing ourselves. All the while, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, spends the day in mysterious Scorpio, supporting our deeper investigation in the realm of our feelings.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in creative Leo
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in creative Leo
Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries – Volatile, restless, heated energies have the potential to catapult us into a new reality. There may be a powerful urge to free yourself from feeling stuck but misunderstandings and skewed judgement are also possible. Take a moment to check in with yourself, especially if you’re feeling rebellious or trapped. Don’t over-react. Anger can spread like wildfire. Find the sweet spot between a powerful urge for independence and an equal need for nurturing relationships with others. Address insecurities. Beam light into the painful places.
This is however, a time of awakening. What was unclear before may now be revealed with sudden clarity. Don’t lose your head. Ground yourself. Give yourself time to absorb the message before taking action. Detach from the idea that there is only one way to achieve your goal. Breakthroughs are possible. Be brave. You are already free.
Degrees and Times
Sun 23°Cn28′, Chiron 23°Ar28′ – 12:43 (BST)
Mars, Uranus 26°Ta19′ – 15:04 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Angel with the Flaming Sword’ by Franz Stuck
Angel with the Flaming Sword
Angel with the Flaming Sword

Kin 8 ~ Yellow Galactic Star

The number 8 is called ‘Galactic’ and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Model and Integrity’. The eighth day of a wavespell is great for finding some harmony in your life. Whether that’s through music or restoring a friendship, today can leave you feeling all warm and fluffy on the inside. The number 8 is also a symbol that represents an infinite loop…just like time….it is not linear but cyclical. It’s the ‘model’ that represents time itself. No matter what kind of day it falls on, the number eight has a gentle nature which can tone down any energy.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. This is a lovely combination of day and number. Simply enjoy the beauty of the day is all Star asks of you. When was the last time you actually just stopped and noticed how beautiful the world was? Yellow Star reminds us how lucky we all are to live on such a beautiful planet. As it is the eighth day of the wavespell, appreciating this beauty can be the thing that restores harmony in your world. Indulge in art, beautify your space, buy some new clothes or put some flowers in a vase….you get the idea.
Remember that we are in the Wavespell of the Red Dragon which is ideal for starting a new project or spending time in your cave. Today is perfect for making that cave more beautiful or if it’s a new project you’ve been focusing on, today is great for promoting that like a Star. You have permission to sparkle!
The Guide for the day is Yellow Human which represents ‘Influence, Wisdom and Free Will’. This suggests that using your intuition to guide your actions today will lead you to find the beauty you need to restore harmony. Or….intuition is a beautiful thing! You will know instinctively how best to proceed beautifully.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. If someone wears a lot of makeup, are they actually beautiful or is this cheating? Sometimes the truth is ugly and we conceal it so it doesn’t mess with our beautiful ideas. The challenge aspect of a day often can throw a spanner in the works and today the Mirror plays that role. If you are a Mirror, you may not see the beauty instantly because you’re too busy pointing out the blemishes. No worries, you too can beautify your world, that’s the truth!
The Occult power today is the Red Skywalker who when in this position shows us that an adventurous spirit is a beautiful thing. Skywalker has a great open mind and this is perfect for facilitating art. Be bold and daring in your approach today and you will yield amazing results. Get out of your comfort zone is the message here.
The Ally today is Blue Monkey who is best friends with Yellow Star because they love shiny, sparkly people and Yellow Stars get along with Monkeys because they are a lot of fun. If you are a Blue Monkey, be on your best behavior today and offer support to anyone who may need you.
Kin 8
Kin 8


15 JULY 2024
I harmonize in order to Beautify
Modeling Art
I seal the store of Elegance
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I AM guided by the power of Free Will.
15/7/2024 = 6/7/8 = 6/15 = 6/6 =12=3
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow
KIN 8 – Tone 8 Galactic + Yellow Star is tribe #8 = 8.8.8.= triple ABUNDANCE GATE ✨✨✨
Today’s 15.15. 6.6 and 8.8.8.codings bring forth great SPIRITUAL MAJIK for DIVINE SUPPORT through INFINITE SOURCE FLOW – providing for all our needs.
We are masterfully constructing a beautiful foundation for this Utopian world built on PEACE, HARMONY, LOVE and compassion.
GALACTIC 🍥– Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Our MINDS and our Planetary PROGRAMS are under the microscope today…
❓❓What are we THINKING and what do we BELIEVE?
Our lives are a model of our thoughts and beliefs, which create our reality… so take some time today to ensure you are congruent in your actions, and you are modeling INTEGRITY and Authenticity.
❓Are your creations based on HARMONY through integrity of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps, who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority. At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today’s question is “HOW can I align with the ✨NEW HARMONIC MATRIX ✨ being b-EArth-ed through humanity, elevating our moral conduct to reflect DIVINE PEACE, Beauty, Grace, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE?”.. 🕊
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈
Divine blessings for Modeling the Beauty of Graceful Elegance in our New world today💕💕💕
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin on KIN 8, it was the PARTIAL FULL MOON🌚 LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS🐂
45 moons ago the date was 22 DECEMBER 2020 when KIN 8 occured. This was the 22/22 – PEACE PORTAL 🕊🕊🕊 and DIVINE HOLY GATE✴🕊 – when we were resetting EARTH’s foundation for the NEW TIME! ✨✨✨
This PORTAL is being REACTIVATED during this lunar eclipse today!!
This was a PROFOUND GATEWAY following the 2 eclipses, 12:12 and 21:12 Portals and the appearance of the ✨BETHLEHEM STAR🌠 in our skies – the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction. This period was so profound in resetting our path that I will recap what I wrote on that day.
22 DECEMBER 2020
The day following our majikal Planetary Solstice Global Activation at ULURU, and NOVA GAIA🌈🌏 has RISEN today into Galactic Stardom🌟🌠✨ – claiming her new celestial status as a SUPER -STAR! 🌟🌟🌟
EDITOR’S NOTE: I just discovered the Sunrise🌅 for tomorrow (22 Dec) at my location is 5.55 AM!!! Symbolizing the new dawn of 5D EARTH RISING! ☀☀☀
Very apt with the Bethlehem Star ✨(celestial GIANTS – JUPITER/SATURN conjunction) prominent in our sky.
✨The BETHLEHEM STAR✨ links back to the birth of CHRIST✴ and as such now we are b-Earth-ing🐣 the Christ Consciousness☀✴ into the foundation of this new beautiful Planet that is rising today..
The✨ BETHLEHEM STAR ✨aligning with the GALACTIC STAR🌟 code is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT.. as the Galactic tone is setting our new course.. These Heavenly STARS are the SIGNPOST that we are making the shift from GODLESSNESS – to GODLINESS.☀🎆
Just like in the time of Moses when he came down from Mt Sinai with the stone tablets outlining the 10 Commandments. We now have a new GPS lighting the way forward for humanity.. A new moral code based on integrity, authenticity, honesty, transparency, loyalty and congruency. A total new operating system laying the acceptable principles for conduct in this Aquarian epoch!
The darkness and depravity shall fall away as humanity looks up to the skies🌠 and LIFTS the bar on our social norms. No more tolerance or acceptance of cruelty, abuse, greed, corruption, vampirism and energy manipulation… all will CEASE to exist NOW on this EARTH plane! GAIA’s children will reconnect with their DIVINE FATHER/MOTHER GOD/SOURCE and choose to express their divinity through common-unity, grace and joy as the brotherhood of man.
Our new STELLAR ✨GALACTIC GPS✴ navigation system will imprint the new guiding principles for our new common-unities as we are elevated to ONE GLOBAL family – soon to become GALACTIC!
Another SPECTACULAR 🎉🎊🎆and BEAUTY filled day, focused on building a foundation for our NEW EARTH on the frequency of LOVE, PEACE, grace, elegance and compassion.
AND SO IT IS! 45 moons hence and 5 Galactic Spins🍥 when this gestation has been fully B-Earth-ed🐣 now during this RED DRAGON🐉 birthing cycle.
ALL IS IN DIVINE ORDER and we are making BRILLIANT progress with our transition into THE LIGHT! ✨✨✨
Day 8 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell 🐉 where we are incubating in the Womb of Creation🍥… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!🐣
Today we are focused on the ✨GALACTIC✨ perspective, modeling our MINDS and our new operating systems on Harmony and Integrity. We are AWAKENING our sparkle,🌟 and using our creativity to nurture our-cell-ves, attracting more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨
Our new planet becomes the blank canvas for humanity to paint a better, more vibrant and life affirming, picture. 🖌🎨🖼
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR 🌟 – LAMAT represents the qualities of BEAUTY, ELEGANCE and GRACE. The YELLOW STAR tribe hail from the planet – VENUS – which is the home of our GALACTIC PEACEMAKERS and DIPLOMATS – They volunteer to visit and incarnate on a multitude of planets throughout the GALAXY, as mediators and GALACTIC AMBASSADORS to restore PEACE and HARMONY to our Galaxy.
The waxing gibbous MOON is in PEACE LOVING LIBRA today (TRUE SKY/VEDIC ASTROLOGY) amplifying the energies of this GALACTIC STAR. LIBRANS love HARMONY and PEACE and they are true diplomats and ART-ists modeling the energies of the HARMONIC MATRIX and natural TIME.
The GALACTIC STAR is focused on PEACE🕊 – and the ✨DREAMSPELL CODEX.✨ is the BLUEPRINT to restore HARMONIC TIME.. through TIME=ART.. This is the foundation for the CREATION of NEW EARTH – the DIVINE TEMPLATE to which we MUST adhere!
Today’s focus is on LOVE, beauty, joy, creativity and BLISS filled expression – elevating our collective consciousness to that of Godliness – the behaviour of Divine beings and Masters – ✨this is the ”NEW NORMAL”.✨
The YELLOW STAR🌟 ignites your creativity today and unleashes your storehouse of energy within your solar plexus chakra. The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music!.
The YELLOW STAR tribe anchor the codes for the HARMONIC MATRIX of the NEW TIME⏳.. so the BETHLEHEM STAR✨ and BLUE KACHINA 🌠 are the DIVINE SIGNS that we have begun the NEW TIME aligning with HARMONY. ✨🌟🌟
Day 8 of the RED DRAGON wavespell reminds you to nurture yourself through Art and creativity. Hold LOVING thoughts and Express yourself through beauty, bringing greater happiness and joy. The greatest form of JOY arises from creatively expressing your UNIQUE and beautiful soul essence… Through CREATION we have soul EXPANSION🎆 and can SHINE our brilliant LIGHT for all to SEE.
🌟NOTE: The best way to ESCAPE the battles, is to divert your attention to CREATION – in this way you can move forward as the DIVINE NEW EARTH ARCHITECTS – building the world we desire to birth.
As the STELLAR leaders of NEW EARTH you will need to “put your house in order” and practise what you preach. If you want to experience a world filled with Harmony… then you must hold Harmony in your Heart and Mind, and MODEL Harmony to your family, colleagues and others – your tribe!
LAMAT is also a PORTAL to ABUNDANCE🍇🍉🍎 – – highlighting prosperity, possessions, pleasure and delightful GIFTS.. We have a 6.6 HEAVEN’S GATE and 8.8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE operative today/ OPEN your golden chalice to receive all that is bountiful and soul-fulfilling today… ATTUNE to prosperity consciousness knowing that everything we need is right here, right NOW, in this present moment.
Allow LOVE, BEAUTY and Grace to flow through your vessel, expressing your day as ART – singing, dancing and creating. All this beautiful energy will lead you to harmony within yourself and your outer reflection – SHINE BRIGHTLY precious Star🌟Bliss🐬 Supernova Suns.🌞🌟🎆
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN😆 EB encourages you to align your Free will with Divine Will and FOCUS on creating Harmony for all. DIVINE WILL is IN the Higher Self position guiding humanity’s rebirth today, as fully CHRISTED DIVINE BEINGS –
✨THY WILL BE DONE✨ and PEACE🕊 shall reign on EARTH once again – by DIVINE DECREE!
The YELLOW HUMAN encourages us to elevate our consciousness today, to that of the DIVINE as reflected by the higher illuminated LIGHT prevalent in our sky.💚🌠💚
The Higher Realms reflect incredible Peace, Beauty and Harmony. In order to bring this to Earth, we must model this behaviour and attitude in our thoughts, deeds and actions.. Put aside all egoic desires for seeking LOVE and attention outside of yourself… Reaching a content and peaceful state of acceptance and self love, allows you to step into GRACE, the most beautiful state of Divine Alignment.
Through your actions of creating Art,🎨 and reflecting beauty and harmony, you in turn can influence others to follow your lead. Then one by one each point in the global tapestry is reflecting this LIGHT. This is how we will create a new Era of PEACE and Elegance, filled with God’s Grace and Miracles. 🎆
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY🐒 CHUEN embodies MAJIK and PLAY. The BLUE MONKEY is a beautiful support to LAMAT.🌟.. as CHUEN loves to express himself through JOY, BEAUTY and Play…
Chuen is the Divine Child👶 aligned with the expression of Yellow Human’s aspect of Divine Will… “Out of the mouths of babes” is a popular expression which validates that young children are often direct conduits for Divine Expression…
These precious children are so PURE and FREE that the wisdom of TRUTH and Divine intelligence freely and continuously flows through their being. Your DIVINE CHILD is the key to discovering the TRUTH and aligning with DIVINE WILL.
Connect to the innocence of your Divine Child and allow your Divine MIND to guide your creations. Humanity is reclaiming their lost INNOCENCE today as we step into our Divinity.
BLUE MONKEY🐒 holds that Majik spark 🎇 within your soul that just wants to run, jump, explore and LOVE everyone and everything exuberantly. The BLUE MONKEY loves to sing, dance and make people laugh, so embrace the MONKEY and immerse yourself in this GAME. Make every task about FUN!
❓❓Ask yourself “How can I fill my day with more JOY, LOVE and LAUGHTER?”. 💕
Then your LIFE becomes a beautiful and joyous canvas upon which to PAINT your Reality.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RHYTHMIC SKYWALKER ☁🚶BEN is the Galactic Shaman who loves to EXPLORE SPACE and enjoy the FREEDOM to roam and discover new horizons.
The SKYWALKER beautifully exemplifies the BLUE MONKEY’S thirst for FREEDOM. When FREEDOM is lost or restricted then JOY, LAUGHTER and BLISS begin to dissolve. The solution is to find the BLISS within yourself – through your soul, and express that as best you can in your situation.
Dependence on external FREEDOM is the jailor that keeps you imprisoned and miserable. LAUGHTER is the key to LIBERATION and brings the BALANCE that you are seeking, giving you the strength to endure the hardship. No matter what the circumstances, it all depends on our ATTITUDE and perspective, how we RE-ACT, and the frequency we emit.
The Divine Child loves to EXPLORE and EXPAND its wings to fly freely throughout SPACE. SKYWALKER brings forth expansiveness reminding you that your soul is always FREE and that there are no limits through which you can express your divine essence. There is an endless source of power, creativity, joy and happiness that flows through you. An infinite supply of SOURCE energy that you as a Divine child of GOD are permanently and irrevocably connected to, no matter where in the Universe you choose to roam!
BEN is the Divine conduit bridging HEAVEN 💒 and EARTH 🌏 The RHYTHMIC SKYWALKER holds the keys to create this BALANCE on EARTH. BEN can alchemize SPIRIT into MATTER.💫💫
What a BRILLIANT HIDDEN AGENDA behind today’s energy – ✨AS ABOVE SO BELOW ✨
✨HEAVEN is a place on EARTH!✨✨
We must hold HEAVEN in our MINDS and believe that it is possible – in order to anchor it on Earth.. Constantly focusing our MINDs on creating HEAVEN on EARTH💒 is HOW WE WILL actually achieve it!!! 💒🌏🕊💕✨🎆
🌟All it takes is for ✨ONE PERSON✨ to hold a belief about your success and you can achieve it. 🤔
If some-ONE believes it in the Quantum Field, then it is possible!!!… All possibilities exist within the realms of Creation – so CHOOSE your thoughts WISELY, and water the good ones each day until they sprout.
✨Allow the HIGHEST TIMELINE of BLISS ON EARTH💒 to project throughout your day, and soon that day will come!
Welcome to NEW EARTH! 🌈🌏🌈
CONGRATULATIONS PLANETARY KIN 👏– we are on the NEW TRACK now to NEW EARTH – no-thing can derail us! 🚂🛤🌈🌏
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR🔎 ETZNAB – REFLECTS TRUTH and reveals distortion, illusion through ENDLESSNESS. The WHITE MIRROR magnifies energy today, thus you can get trapped in delusion or illusion, daydreaming your life away through escapism, distraction and addictions, or you can BREAK FREE from the delusion.
Etznab challenges us to SEE through the illusion of distortion and chaos. This is not the TRUE reflection of our perfect Universe, but simply an ancient and soon to be forgotten remnant, of an old matrix crumbling in ashes. SEE past the illusion and hold your focus on a beautiful world, filled with endless love, beauty and harmony in all your relations.
❓❓What is your MIRROR reflecting and magnifying today? It is TIME for a new and higher perspective.
We have a potent 15.15 -6.6. DIVINE ALCHEMY code – with a 8.8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE and a MAJIK MIRROR MAGNIFYING all these codes!!! BE VERY MINDFUL WHAT YOU FOCUS ON TODAY!!
The GALACTIC MIRROR is now REFLECTING the new ✨HARMONIC MATRIX ✨illuminated by the GALACTIC STAR🌟 – this is our new GPS to be FREED from the chaos and distortion of the Hall of Mirrors and arrive in the bountiful Rainbow lands of beauty and PEACE.
🐒🐒🐒Today is the day to let out your Inner Child to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!! It is time to SPARKLE and spread the LOVE, JOY and HOPE throughout your Divine play day!
A planetary CELEBRATION for our global family on this MAJIKAL day – we have passed another very important milestone for humanity’s evolutionary journey… take a bow – beautiful souls.👏 Our Galactic brethren salute and honour our achievements. 👏🌟
Remember to SHARE THE LOVE❤ today and each day from now on! Reach out to your neighbours, friends, family and strangers with a SMILE and your RADIANT HEART – to uplift our Global HEART ❤❤❤❤❤
Today’s question is “HOW can I align with the ✨NEW HARMONIC MATRIX ✨ being b-EArth-ed through humanity, elevating our moral conduct to reflect DIVINE PEACE, Beauty, Grace, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE?”.. 🕊
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈
Divine blessings for Modeling the Beauty of Graceful Elegance in our New world today💕💕💕
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of July 14th through July 20th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of July 14th through July 20th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation: New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity on New Earth.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE for this Special Transmission and meditation from my Sacred Condor



To Soothe Our Nervous Systems To The Truth
Of Peace, Love, Belonging And Abundance.
Speak Often Until All False Sound Disappears
Just As A Bad Memory
Lemuria Affirmations
Lemuria Affirmations

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