Intraterrestrial Centers ~ Carpathia ~ “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”
The main “Intraterrestrial Centers” currently known are 7:
-MIZ TLI TAN (Peru),
-LIS-FÁTIMA (France),
-ANU-TEA (Mediterranean Sea),
-ERKS (Argentina),
-IBERAH (Argentina),
-MIRNA-JAD (Brazil) and
-AURORA (Uruguay).
These centers form an octahedron, where MIZ TLI TAN is its center.
The “Intraterrestrial Centers” act as rays – fundamental energies of the cosmos – and serve as a base to radiate energies, in the archetypal pattern of the Divine Trinity: FATHER (willpower) / SON (love-wisdom) / MOTHER (active intelligence)).
The Planetary Centers act as collectors, transformers and irradiators of the cosmic energy that reaches life on Earth. MIRRORS
🕉 The work with mirrors is the responsibility of the intraterrestrial races, and also of the surface races, since we have taken on this task.
🕉 The first of them, of only a reduced range, was prepared with lapis lazuli; the second
mirror, of medium range, was built with plates of pure gold; The third Sacred Mirror, which has an extraordinary range, has not been disclosed its constituent elements.
🕉 They are a space laboratory
🕉 They act in the transmission of information
🕉 They form a new race
🕉 Energy focuses
🕉 They receive, transmit, decode and radiate supraphysical energies
🕉 They capture information from short, medium and long distances
🕉 They coordinate the entry and exit movement of ships.
NAMES OF THE THREE MIRRORS: 1- AURORA: called New Dawn. Located in Salto, Uruguay.
It represents an opening for healing through cosmic Brill energy.
2- ERKS: is the acronym for Meeting of Sidereal Cosmic Remnants. Located in the province of Córdoba, Cerro Uritorco and surroundings, with Spiritual Energy, initiation.
3- MIZ TLI TLAN: Wise Men. Located in the Amazon jungles of Peru. The latter, which is now awakening, branches out into the jungles of Brazil and is the largest mirror of light created on the planet by the Ono-Zone energy.
1. AURORA INTRATERRENAL CENTER. Located in Salto, Uruguay . It functions as a cosmic healing center, where we work with the BRILL energy, which is the electromagnetic energy field taken from each Planet. It is used for the healing of the physical-etheric body and specifically the BRILL energy of the Moon is used, among other functions, to illuminate intraterrestrial cities.
🕉 Supraphysical levels
🕉 HEALING of the auric system
🕉 Prepares the bodies for contact
🕉 Elevates the superficial race
🕉 Removes involutive forces from the planet
🕉 Connects the present civilization with the future
🕉 Regeneration, purification and healing
🕉 ENERGIES with which it is related are GOODNESS and POWER (1st ray), DEVOTION and IDEALISM
(6th ray) AND ORDER AND CEREMONIAL (7th ray).
🕉 Hierarchies in charge Amajh (the Morya) – Muriel (Padre Pio).
2. ERKS INTRATERRESTRIAL CENTER. Located in Cerro Uritorco, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina . “ERKS” is the acronym for “Encounters of Sidereal Kosmic Remnants”, remnants who are brothers from various points in the Universe and who carry out their task here in Earth’s orbit for the benefit of Realization and Cosmic Union. “ERKS” is the place of initiation for surface races who seek to integrate themselves into the evolutionary law controlled by extraterrestrial and intraterrestrial races.
🕉 Spiritual Realization
🕉 Expands Consciousness
🕉 Rescue Base
🕉 Communication with higher spheres
🕉 Prepares for contact with other consciousnesses
🕉 Stages of evolution
🕉 Alienation of lower bodies
🕉 Energy of Knowledge and Will
🕉 Initiatory Center
🕉 Energy Distribution Center
🕉 Guidelines are given to manifest the GREAT PLAN
🕉 Hierarchies under the charge of SHIKUMA – MAIA.
3. MIZ TLI TLAN INTRATERRENAL CENTER: Located in the Amazon jungles of Peru . The name “MIZ TLI TLAN” is the Irdín language of an intergalactic language, it means exactly “wise men”. It reflects a special state of consciousness through which one can capture the subtle realities of these intraterrestrial cities.
🕉 Remove the veil of ignorance
🕉 Activate harmony with the cosmos (Correct Consciousness)
🕉 Evolutionary Control
🕉 Ono zone energy center
🕉 Unification of the race
🕉 Connect with Divinity
🕉 Planetary purification
🕉 Feminine polarity
🕉 Reunite 3 races
🕉 Wise Men
🕉 Miz Tli Tlan energy relationship with that of the human being
🕉 Protects from destruction
🕉 Responsible hierarchy AMUNA KUR (Sanat Kumara) – THAYKHUMA
🕉 Galactic Council.
Summary taken from a course with Carolina Acuña and Alejandro Garcia. Networks on Instagram @carolinaacuna999 Alehx Garcia
4. LIS FÁTIMA: It is located in the Iberian Peninsula . It is the nucleus that protects and guards the original purity of man. MIRNA JAD: It is located in the State of Minas Gerais, in wonderful Brazil. It is the portal of life and monadic consciousness.
5. IBERAH: In Viedma, Argentina . Its mission is the transmutation of matter on the cosmic physical plane.
6. ANU TEA: It is located in the Pacific Ocean . It fulfills the role of forming and developing individual consciousness seeking the consecration of knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
7. MIRNA-JAD: Located in Brazil
We can say that they are intraterrestrial cities; In fact, they are planetary centers that capture, transform and radiate cosmic energy for terrestrial life. They work together supporting the fulfillment of the purpose of planet Earth. Evidently. They constitute focuses of Universal Planetary Energy.
Temples, Cities and Inner Retreats of the Earth That act between the 4D and the 7D, all linked to the ancient Civilizations of Earth that have already disappeared.
We will name some intraterrestrial Cities of Light that play a fundamental role in the Ascension and Liberation of the Earth as its Humanity, there are more than 450 intraterrestrial Cities around the Earth.
Antarctica : In this land we find five important intraterrestrial cities, Ocaris, Teram-Chok, Arel-Shayus, Atlaryus and Anshar, the latter contacts Corey Goode.
Brazil : 460 Intraterrestrial Temples and Cities and Etheric Temples of Light, among them Okhonat, which maintains connection tunnels, including Dimensional Portals with different Dimensional Planes and intraoceanic Cities as well as the Civilizations of South America.
Uruguay : Aurora, Center and Intraterrestrial City of Physical Healing.
Argentina : Erks in Córdoba, this city and center has a direct connection with different spiritual centers of the earth.
Argentina : Acur, in Neuquén, this intraterrestrial City is the Operational Base of the Ancient Peoples of the disappeared Continent of Mu, it is a Physical City established about 215 thousand years ago.
Peru : Miztlitlan, is an intraterrestrial city on the coast of Peru close to the tectonic plate. This city was built by inhabitants of Ancient Lemuria about 200 thousand years ago.
Chile : Ashur-Ponderha, This city is located in Chilean Patagonia near Mount Fitz Roy on the Chilean side, in that city of Ashur-Ponderha a Base of the 7 Planets has been established which houses representatives of the Galactic Confederation of the Worlds of Light.
Bolivia-Peru : Aru-Mu, this city is an intraterrestrial center of the Elohim Meru.
Chile : Ankhar, is an intraterrestrial and orbital city located near the Láscar volcano in the Atacama desert.
Brazil : Aghodash, Intraterrestrial and Orbital City that maintains Inhabitants of Ancient Civilizations that lived in the Physical realities and in the Astral Plane of Earth about 450 thousand years ago.
Brazil : Arabos, It is an Orbital City of the Beings that Populated this Part of America, about 12 thousand years ago.
Brazil : Nikor, is another city linked to the ancient peoples of South America, these peoples ascended towards the 4D and 5D more than 12 thousand years ago.
Colombia : Kikathor, Located this City in the Center of the Amazon Rainforest, in the Mountain Range of Colombia, it is a Central Astral City, moreover it is a City that has a direct relationship with the Ancient Civilizations of the Amazon of about 12 thousand years ago.
Ecuador : Adjar-Mu-Anny, this City is the Operational Base of the Seven Planets of the Galactic Confederation of Worlds of Light.
Chile : Vorodhan-Yas, This is a central city, which is located below the Portal of Torres del Paine, in Chilean Patagonia.
Chile : Dfhel Xurben, Orbital and Astral City located on Mount Sarmiento in the Darwin Mountain Range, Chilean Patagonia, this City is Operated by Star Peoples.
Chile : Island and City of Friendship, this Orbital City is a Healing and Research Base for itinerant beings of light, that is, they are beings that go from one Point to another without staying for a long time in the same place or Base.
By David Vicente.

XRPLion1 -ΑΩ- “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”
I have a special guest today. I want you to listen to what she has to say. She is part of the Chinese Elders. Her name is Elizabeth Rodriquez Ruiz.
· Ms. Rodriguez: First of all, my time here is morning, so good morning to all the Chosen Ones.
· My Name is Elizabeth Rodriquez Ruiz. I was born in the Philippines, and I immigrated to the USA Guam in 1975, so it has been 45 years now of being a resident, but I still hold a Philippine passport. I was here in the Philippines since June 2019 before the lockdown, kind of like house arrest, as I could not get out because I did not have the vaccine and was isolated.
· I am the only legitimate Heir of the Rodriguez Trust. This Trust will fund all the projects in all the countries of the world. It all starts in July of 2024, this year. This is the time of year that will explode with redemption.
How does it work, start, when how and who. when I was back in the USA in Las Vegas, NV that my sources told me it would always start in Reno.
· Everyone will get toll free numbers to tell you where to go and what type of facility location you will go to.
· The minute you start your paperwork you must sign your non-disclosure .
· The money is now 1% mobilized and the rest of the 99% will be received later from the center in the Philippines.
· When the time comes, they will have an inauguration in the Philippines. There will be a huge change in the country. It will be a royal monarchy.
After the inauguration the facilitation of account holders, including people from bankers and holders of all documents accounts and assets, will be entitled to get 10% of their share.
· Being heir to the Rodriguez Trust, I am the sole executor and all accounts will be done by sole executor as I am the only redeemer to execute this.
· This month of July of 2024 is the platinum Jubilee. All is in place still waiting for greenlight. We are looking at any time this week, or next week, but July will have the most incredible global explosion. Anytime soon now it will happen, it all must be willed from God, we cannot control it. If you are not part of the physical and spiritual it will not work.
MS. RODRIGUEZ: We wait for the green light. I wish I could go now to the bank to trigger the light, to redeem, but when you look at this globally, there is a time that it is meant to happen. But the war came with Russia, then things were delayed – the time has to be properly prepared.
Anytime soon – it can happen, tomorrow or tonight, remember we must never lose our hope and to have faith. All this is for only the Chosen Ones, as you were chosen for this. If they know you are a bad person you cannot receive this blessing.
The Medbeds are funded by the Rodriquez Trust as well is Nesara and Gesara. This is an incredible invention that is real. It is already happening in South America now, and other quiet places in the country. It is 100% real. It will be coming. The minute the RV comes out the Medbeds come out.
· The White Hats know about the trolls in the room.
· All the Cabal Elite and corrupt people will be eliminated if you are not part of the Chosen One.
· We are going to begin a new one thousand years starting this year of 2024 Jan. The old one thousand years is gone.
· This is the new generation we are facing now. All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed. So many are already gone.
MS. RODRIGUEZ:I am infinite money. No ending type of money. I hold this infinite money to fund all the globe – the money is never ending. When it comes to money for humanity for all cures for the sick, and to help the poor, it will all happen.
MS. RODRIGUEZ: The Chosen Ones are chosen to go to Redemption. You are all chosen to go to the Redemption Center.

Exposing Project Odin: The Quantum Revolution of Starlink, EBS, Gesara Military, Secret Tribunals, and the Fall of the Cabal
Project Odin , a revolutionary initiative, is about to take down Mossad’s Media Satellites , plunging the world into darkness. But fear not, for this blackout will serve as a catalyst for a monumental shift toward Quantum Systems and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS).
Brace yourselves as we delve deeper into this inspiring narrative, revealing a cosmic battle that will reshape our reality.
The Genesis of Project Odin . Q Post 2527, an enigmatic source of information, whispers of an imminent event that will shake the foundations of global media. It predicts the end of the Mossad Media Satellites, a move that will silence the voices that have long manipulated our perception of reality. This blackout, we are told, is the birth pangs of Project Odin, a name that resonates with power and meaning.
Project Odin, at its core, is a seismic shift toward Quantum Systems, a technological marvel that promises to free humanity from the clutches of information control. It is the key to unlocking a worldwide transformation and will serve as the rationale for activating the Military EBS, a system designed to communicate crucial information in times of crisis.
Starlink: The Vanguard of Quantum Starlink. While the world remains oblivious, SpaceX’s brainchild Starlink has been quietly poised to take center stage in this cosmic drama. Starlink, the global satellite internet constellation, is now operational and, intriguingly, appears poised to be harnessed by the military to activate the Emergency Broadcast System. It is the linchpin of Project Odin, a potent anti-deplatforming tool, and a vital component of Quantum Starlink.
A Shield Beyond the Cabal’s Reach. The intrigue deepens as we learn that these new Quantum Systems are protected by Secret Space Programs, entities that exist beyond the Cabal’s reach. This cosmic chess game reveals that the Cabal’s hold on information is about to be broken. Q drop 2337 hints at the removal of Mossad’s Media Assets, a move that will send shockwaves through the hidden corridors of power.
A Biblical Scenario Revealed. Prepare for a revelation of biblical proportions. A grand theatrical performance is about to unfold, one that could be perceived as World War III. However, behind the facade of chaos and destruction lies a meticulously orchestrated plan to awaken militaries around the world. The targets? Satanic/Luciferian landmarks that have long symbolized the influence of the Cabal.
Revealing the Targets. If you’ve been following the cryptic breadcrumbs of Q’s drops, you’ll be aware of the Illuminati’s satanic landmarks that are in the spotlight.
They include:
The Vatican
Buckingham Palace
The White House (USA and Germany)
The Three Gorges Dam in China
CERN on the Swiss/French border (a possibility)
Big Pharma in Wuhan (linked to Israel)»»» Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about alternatives
Israel’s control over the CCP
Media conglomerates
34 Satanic Buildings and Dams That Will Crumble
The Unfolding of Events. As the grand spectacle takes shape, a series of remarkable events will transpire:
God rods and directed energy weapons will be used to neutralize satanic strongholds around the world.
Planes and trains will be grounded, ensuring the Cabal’s reach is cut off.
Lights and power will briefly flicker as the world transitions to Tesla Free Energy.
Bitcoin servers and data centers will take a decisive hit, leading to the collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, including China Coins.
ISO20022 currencies, backed by precious metals, will emerge as a new financial paradigm.
A simulated World War III terror event will shock the population.
Nuclear sirens will sound, sending shivers down your spine.
A mysterious “Water Event” will capture the world’s attention.
The stock market will crash, reshaping the global financial landscape.
Global Martial Law will be declared, ushering in an era of unprecedented control.
The enigmatic “CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange Scenario” will be unveiled.
Quantum Systems will come to life.
NESARA/GESARA/RV will pave the way for a new era of prosperity.
The elections will be annulled through military courts, invoking FISA.
Military tribunals and confessions will be broadcast in 10 intense 8-hour sessions.
Ten countries will join forces to activate the Emergency Broadcast System, covering the entire globe.
A cascade of shocking truths will be revealed.
The long-awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy will be celebrated.
The Israeli Mossad’s hold on the world’s media will crumble.
Unveiling the Vatican’s Hidden Secret: The Divine Prayer – A One-Minute Miracle for Texan Patriots, All Americans, Our Heroes, and President Trump! May God Bless America!
Project Odin: A Marvel of Quantum Starlink. Project Odin, intertwined with Quantum Starlink, emerges as a beacon of hope. These Quantum Systems, safely encapsulated within the protective embrace of the Secret Space Programs, promise to transcend the limits of Cabal control. Q2337 hints at the removal of Mossad Media Assets, an event that will redefine the global media landscape.
A world in transition. To pave the way for the dawn of Gesara and the greatness of humanity, a carefully choreographed theatrical production must be staged. A simulated World War III scenario will sound sirens in all National Military Command Centers. It is a necessary deception to justify the transformation that has been silently underway for years.
The Military Law of Gesara Revealed. Hidden from public view, the Military Law of Gesara has been quietly implemented. Secret Military Tribunals, confessions, and executions have been conducted in the shadows. The world’s militaries, once instruments of oppression, are ready to rebuild a new world. Freedom has been restored, children protected, and corrupt and oppressive governments defeated.
As we traverse the intricate web of Project Odin and Quantum Starlink, we witness a cosmic struggle for humanity’s liberation. The stakes are high, the revelations are breathtaking, and the world as we know it is on the brink of profound transformation.
In the grand tapestry of human history, moments of seismic change are rare and profound. Project Odin, Quantum Starlink, and the impending revelations promise to be among the most significant events of our time. As we prepare for the darkness that will precede the dawn, let us remain vigilant, for the fate of our world hangs in the balance.
The shackles of control are about to be broken, and a new era of freedom and enlightenment beckons. The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: we are on the brink of a revolution that will redefine the destiny of humanity.
1. Money will no longer be printed out of thin air.
2. All existing paper money will be replaced by new gold-backed notes.
3. The central banking system will no longer be owned by the Federal Reserve.
4. The entire previous DS Cabal financial system based on slavery is dead and will never return!
5. No more paper notes (Fiat).
6. No more SWIFT, everything via QFS.
7. No more money slavery! When we exchange our old fiat currency for the new gold-backed money, we are in effect exchanging the entire old DS Cabal debt slavery financial system for the new QFS gold-backed GESARA financial system.
Instant digital payments via QFS.
Unprecedented release of prosperity funds for We the People
Shambhala Humanitarian Project – Transforming and Rebuilding Prosperity.
Distributes the wealth redistribution program to every individual on the surface of the earth.
The black swan event, the end of the NYSE and all stock markets in the world, including all companies.
Transfer of wealth from Khazar money to the people. Additional regulation and end to price manipulation.
The full transition to Quantum Tech is nearly complete and installed worldwide.
Medical beds, quantum internet, quantum computers, QVS, quantum healing, etc.
Photonic technology operating at 3.5 trillion frames per second, instant payments!
Steve Jobs said (on WP): “Q Phones are ready to connect directly to QFS, 6B+ in the US awaiting global distribution and banks will be unnecessary.”
The GESARA implementation (specifically the UBI distribution) will be rolled out on Q phones with Quantum Internet (Starlink) access, which will have Stellar wallets pre-installed to claim your funds, as all payments will be made in Stellar.
Quantum Starlink Internet will heal minds, free from blockage, censorship and corruption
An open-source network for storing and moving money through the Stellar blockchain.
Stellar Network (XLM) is for people who use EA military surveillance.
If stock markets and companies around the world collapse and all assets are confiscated, assets/money from over 600,000 accounts will flow into these currencies for humanity.
Stellar is ownerless and publicly owned. The software runs on an open and decentralized network environment and processes millions of transactions every day.
Stellar is designed to allow all financial systems to work seamlessly together on a single network.
Everyone must join the QFS via Stellar.
There is no way around it!
The Stellar blockchain is the death of BTC and ETH. BTC and ETH were not backed by precious metals nor included in the ISO 20022 standard . Both were used for child sex trafficking, drugs, weapons, and many other nefarious activities.
Global BTC mining has stopped because it is slow, expensive and consumes a lot of electricity. Both were tied to Tether, the US-linked Rothschild fiat currency. JP Morgan Chase created Ethereum.
Death of all the same by EBS Disclosure about Starlink and Project Odin.
Some international implications of the NESARA law:
- The European Central Bank and major banking systems around the world will announce that their currencies are backed by precious metals (gold, silver, platinum) within four months after the publication of the NESARA law.
- Income tax will be abolished worldwide within two to four years.
- Corrupt governments will be replaced by better governments around the world within four years.
- In more than 140 countries, all bank debts will be cancelled within one year of the publication of NESARA.
- Within a few months, peace is declared in all parts of the world.
- Universal law (constitutional law) will be implemented worldwide within four years.
The NESARA Act creates peace, prosperity, and freedom for all people in the world. It allows for the deployment and use of free energy devices and other environmentally friendly technologies that clean our atmosphere, soil, and water.
Some of the main objectives of NESARA are to improve the freedom and prosperity of the majority of people around the world. Every aspect of NESARA has been researched and developed thoroughly and precisely to ensure that the lives of ordinary people are improved and their financial and economic assets are protected through the NESARA improvement processes. Every aspect has been carefully considered and developed so that NESARA improvements are carried out in an orderly and well-managed process.
In most countries, people will get debt forgiveness from banks for credit card debt, mortgages, car loans, education loans, personal loans, home refinance mortgages, home equity loans, etc. Credit card debt forgiveness is done in agreement with the banks.
Banks and credit unions in the US will receive $9,000 per credit card to pay off credit card balances when NESARA is announced. The banks are being paid handsomely to forgive debt. The money comes from funds accumulated in European banks over 20 years. It will be very profitable for the banks to forgive debt after receiving all these NESARA payments.
Most countries will see an increase in welfare funding within a few weeks of the NESARA announcement. All federal government welfare funds will continue to be paid after the NESARA announcement. This means that all Social Security payments, all federal government payments to individuals for welfare, unemployment, social security, pensions, etc. will continue after the NESARA announcement; in most cases, the monthly amounts will actually increase two months after the NESARA announcement.
Approximately 18 months after the announcement of NESARA, the first U.S. citizens will receive funds from the “new prosperity” programs based on “financial reparations” for past government and banking fraud. The “new prosperity program” based on financial reparations will be publicly announced after the announcement of NESARA.
Eventually, all people around the world will have access to new prosperity programs. It is time for the people of the world to be freed from the mere need to survive. Some experts say that in the last 30 years there has been enough money that if the money had been distributed equally, all people would be millionaires. Five percent of the world’s population controls 95 percent of the world’s wealth.
For decades, vast sums of humanitarian prosperity money have been sitting in European banks, just waiting to be distributed at the right time. The announcement of NESARA sets in motion the new banking and legal conditions that will allow this vast wealth to be distributed to people around the world over the coming years.
People’s pensions and investments are protected through the NESARA process. Most people’s retirement funds are invested in stock market investments or similar types of investments. The announcement of NESARA does not change the value of people’s investments in the stock markets. People who receive pensions can expect to receive their pensions continuously under NESARA without any problems.
Stock markets, currency exchanges, and commodity and commodity markets will be closed for a few days following the NESARA announcement. The White Knights have sought input from the world’s leading experts in economics and banking systems on how this global disruption will be managed across our economies.
There is a price index for goods and services that will be linked to the price of gold and that will be implemented after the NESARA announcement. Major brokerages have already established “conversion tables” that they will use. Gold prices are expected to rise after the NESARA announcement.
We will all be educated through news and seminars on the principles governing our new global economy, based on precious metal-backed currencies. On May 19, 2003, a CNN reporter claimed that Alan Greenspan had 30 hours of lectures on the “new monetary system” on film. This film will be broadcast a few days after the NESARA announcement. Some sections of the 30 hours will relate to other countries as well as the United States.
One of the essential principles of good financial management in our new economy will be to live within the financial resources we have available and remain debt-free except for large purchases such as homes and vehicles.
Most people will have a lot more discretionary money on hand after NESARA is announced because they will no longer have to make monthly payments on credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc. And they will take home a higher salary due to the lack of income tax deductions.
Once people’s credit card debt is forgiven, NESARA’s banking improvements are designed to ensure that people avoid long-term credit card debt.
Immediately after the announcement, the amount of money people will have in their checking and savings accounts will be the same as before. The amounts people have in their bank accounts will automatically be valued according to the new currency. There will be no loss of money in people’s bank accounts.
The facilities and personnel of the Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve = current federal and central bank of the USA, currently privately owned by a few high-finance families) will be incorporated into the US Treasury Department, and the Treasury Department will take over responsibility for the administration of the US banking system.
Following the announcement of NESARA, there will be new notes in the US, the so-called “rainbow currency”, replacing the Federal Reserve notes.
In the months following the announcement of NESARA, income tax payments will end worldwide, just as they have in the United States. As of the announcement of NESARA, the IRS (note: US payroll and income tax) will be abolished in the US.
The only thing IRS employees will do is process refunds. Some IRS staff and facilities will be transferred to the U.S. Department of the Treasury to perform the new collection and processing activities for the new national sales tax that NESARA initiates to raise funds to pay for government services.
Because NESARA abolishes the Federal Reserve System and represents the purchase by the U.S. Treasury of all stock and facilities of the Federal Reserve corporation, NESARA immediately eliminates over 70 percent of the U.S. national debt.
The Federal Reserve System’s fee and interest collection is the primary source of the U.S. national debt, and so after NESARA buys out the Federal Reserve, the government can cancel any debt the government owes the Fed. This will eliminate over 70% of the national debt.
There will also be price reductions. Right now, the price of everything in the US is based on the purchasing power of Federal Reserve Notes, which are essentially “worthless” paper money.
As the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court developed the reform of the banking and monetary system, which would establish the new U.S. Treasury banking system and absorb the physical assets and personnel of the Federal Reserve System, the justices convened a coalition of the world’s best economists, monetary and banking experts, as well as constitutional law experts.
One of the main tasks was to eliminate price inflation. There was a decision to change all prices so that we would start with a new price structure and an economy where the value of everything was supported by the new currency backed by precious metals.
The judges and their coalition of economic, monetary and banking experts have met with the heads of virtually every government in the world to discuss these issues and have received from them treaty endorsements stating that their country will, within two years of the announcement of NESARA, also make these changes.
Essentially, within 60 days of NESARA’s announcement, the prices of most products and services in the United States will be reduced to ten percent of what they are now. One month after NESARA’s announcement, a new TV currently priced at $350 will be reduced to $35.
Approximately two months after the NESARA law is announced, there will be similar adjustments in the prices of stocks and securities. Stocks and bonds will maintain their relative value because everything will be revalued. The revaluation of stocks and bonds will be like the revaluation of milk, eggs, and bread at the supermarket.
Instead of paying $4 for a gallon of milk (note: 1 US gallon = 3.785 liters), we will pay 40 cents when the price changes take effect. Instead of paying $1.80 for a gallon of gasoline, we will pay 18 cents per gallon. For example, today you can buy a cheap HP color printer for about $100 at WalMart. Two months after the price change, the same printer will cost about $10.
During the two months following the NESARA announcement, people will be paid at their current wage levels until the new price reductions take effect. During these two months, people can plan to save any remaining discretionary money to build a cash base that could be enough to use as a down payment on a home or to purchase a vehicle after the price reductions take effect.
The month after the price cuts come into effect, people’s wages, salaries and other remuneration will be revalued and will have the same purchasing power as they do now, because all prices, products and services will already be adjusted downwards, at all levels, by exactly the same amount as people’s wages, salaries, etc.
Let me give you an example to help you understand. For example, if the NESARA announcement occurs in August 2004, then retailers and service providers are likely to have two months to cope with the 90 percent price reductions.
In most cases, this simply means moving the decimal point one place to the left in the dealers’ computerized price databases and adding new price tags where necessary when the transition date occurs. Thus, theoretically, if NESARA were announced on August 30, 2004, all retailers and suppliers of goods and services would have 61 days (September and October) to complete the implementation of the newly reduced prices by November 1, 2004.
The newly reduced rates would go into effect on November 1. For example, if your income is $3,000 per month, you would continue to receive $3,000 per month in September and October.
Let’s say you normally spend $600 per month on groceries and other routine items. On November 1st, if prices were reduced by 90%, you would have made $3,000 in the month of October, but you would only have to pay $60 for groceries and routine supplies. You would have $540 that you can use for other things.
Additionally, you would have no income tax deductions on your paycheck, which has been the case since NESARA was announced in August 2004, and you would have money saved from your September and October income because you are not making payments on credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, or other bank debts.
You would pay Social Security taxes, but with all the debt forgiveness and no income tax deductions, you could still have $2,778 of your $3,000 available to spend or save.
The point I want to make is that after NESARA is announced, you will be able to save your increased discretionary money, as well as much of your current income before the price reductions. Once the price reductions go into effect, you will be able to use your money to buy a lot more.
Since all prices must be adjusted to 10 percent of current prices 60 days after NESARA is announced, your income or salary must also be adjusted to 10 percent on November 1. Your new income will still have the same value and purchasing power because everything will cost 10 percent of current prices. Revaluing everything at the same time means no one loses money.
Furthermore, one of the most amazing improvements that NESARA will bring to the world is that if NESARA replaces the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all people around the world will eventually have the same rights that Americans have restored. Over 180 countries have signed treaties to do this, and there was “divine intervention” in the process of signing these treaties. The details will be revealed shortly after NESARA is announced.
Restoring constitutional law would greatly improve life in the United States. NESARA would eliminate all control laws, such as the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Act, and all laws dating back to 1933, when Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the Constitution. This would make it possible for inventors of all new free energy devices to make their devices publicly available in a safe manner, and no government agency or corporation would be able to stop them.
Alternative medical therapies and technologies can also be made available without fear of FDA raids or other government interference. There are many technologies and products that have been suppressed and withheld, and the inventors of these will be able to safely and publicly reveal these technologies and products that will help many people.
The restoration of constitutional law also requires all judges, prosecutors, and others to attend training seminars and be taught about constitutional law. All courts in the United States will be closed for two months while these constitutional law seminars are held.
Once NESARA is announced, any ongoing legal proceedings will have to be reopened, but using basic principles of constitutional law. As a result, many of the cases currently filling the court system will no longer be valid legal proceedings.
Furthermore, many people imprisoned under unconstitutional laws, such as income tax laws, will be released within weeks of the NESARA announcement. There will also be televised training seminars on common law-based constitutional law, and we will all learn about them.
Some people, such as IRS employees, will find that once NESARA is announced, their jobs will be gone or their income will be reduced as a result. In the US, anyone who can prove that their income has been reduced by NESARA will be eligible to apply for a generous financial compensation that will tide them over until they have new sources of income.
NESARA brings to most people in the world greater prosperity, freedom, peace and knowledge, which enables them to develop.
Note from Judy:
Wednesday, July 10, kicked off the Global Debt Jubilee, though many felt it was not a news day—at least none that was revealed to us.
Wolverine knew it was the long-awaited day of debt forgiveness. He posted in his room that notifications for currency commitments for the Global Currency Reset from 209 nations began that Wednesday, July 10th evening , with at least some liquidity expected to be available by Monday, July 15th. BQQQM!!! Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th! Prepare for Revolution!
Also late in the afternoon on Wednesday, July 10, we received word that there would be a stock market crash warning for the following day, Thursday, July 11.
The next big day to watch was Wednesday, July 17. Q was the 17th letter of the alphabet and JFK Jr. suddenly appeared on Telegram saying that in seven days, Wednesday, July 17, President Trump would announce his Vice President, suggesting that the position was filled by none other than himself, JFK Jr.
On the same Wednesday, July 17, the date on which Trump made the announcement, the “World Day for International Justice” would also be celebrated – which was at the heart of the Q Movement.
As Q goes on to say : “There is no coincidence in this Q Movement.”
- Thu. July 11, 2024: Stock Market Crash Alert – Mark Your Calendars for July 11
- On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, will JFK Jr. be announced as Trump’s vice president? On Wednesday, July 10, The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram posted a photo of President Trump with the caption “My VP speaks in 7 days. Who do you think it will be?”
Judy’s Note: The above text appears to correspond to President Trump’s announcement of his Vice President as JFK Jr. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
- Tue. 9 Jul 2024 The Global Military Alliance under the leadership of the US Space Force began operations on 27 March 2020. Pascal Najadi: Exclusive Intel – Behind the Scenes of the Space Force and the Latest News on Trump (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Wed. July 10, 2024 Situation Update: ALERT!!! Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: BQQQQQQQM!!! President Trump Puts U.S. Government on Pause. Debt Jubilee Begins. Trust the Plan. Get Ready!
- Thu. July 11, 2024: Stock Market Crash Alert – Mark Your Calendars for July 11
- On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, will JFK Jr. be announced as Trump’s VP? On Wednesday, July 10, The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram posted a photo of President Trump with the caption “My VP speaks in 7 days. Who do you think it will be?” Judy Note: This seems to make sense for President Trump to announce his VP as JFK Jr. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
- Wed. 17 July 2024 World Day for International Justice:,observed%20all%20around%20the%20world
Global Currency Reset:
Wed. July 10, 2024 Wolverine: A note that Wolverine placed in the Room of the Chosen: “I was told today that notifications will begin today. Please check your emails.”
- Wed. July 10, 2024 Wolverine Newsletter Report to Mr. Helders, Ruben Baz: “Just found out that Reno will start trading today (Wed. July 10). Europe will follow tomorrow ( Thu. July 11 ) and payments will begin on Monday, July 15. Please pray for no further delays. The 12 rigs will open tonight (Wed. July 10) in Reno and tomorrow (Thu. July 11) the six rigs in Zurich. Contracts will be sent over the weekend and cash to spend on Monday, July 15. Sow letters for 1 billion sent on Tuesday, July 16 and sovereign buyers start on Wednesday, July 17.”
- Reno is imminent, and we’re about to cross the finish line and start releasing funds soon. They’re having a big meeting tomorrow. We’ll know when that happens.
- I was told that the Codes have been entered and are already locked in. It is now imminent that we will be blessed.
- I can’t tell you the rest because it’s confidential , but for you, just know that you need to get ready. This is coming straight from the top. Everything is coming to fruition, just as we’ve dreamed for many years.
- I’m going abroad soon – I can’t tell you where. I’ll be out of the picture for a while. I can’t tell you more. God bless you and get ready, because the green light is just around the corner.
- I am much better, pain free, now. Thank you for all the private messages concerned about my health. I was just waiting to get the information I needed to share this news with you. Have a beautiful day! Take care, Wolverine
- Wed. July 10, 2024 MarkZ: “It’s busy on the Bond side, but no one is talking. Several of my Bond Holder contacts have been quiet. One said he was told it would be liquid this week .” Sat. July 6, 2024: “More and more sources are telling me there will be some serious money movement and we’re headed towards the banks somewhere around the weekend of Fri. – Mon. 12-15. No one knows the exact timing, but they’re certainly preparing a lot of bank contacts for that period.”
- Wed Jul 10, 2024 Frank26 Link: Hawaii Airlines and some hotels now accept IQD. HCL is talented and international.
- Tue. July 9 Bruce, The Big Call: “I was told this was the week for it to happen and one of our sources said this should be our week .
- Wed. July 10, 2024 Debt Jubilee: BQQQM!!! Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th! Get Ready for the Revolution!
Republic Restored:
The Deep State –
Elite Child Trafficking Revealed – Exposed
The Banking Cartel – Highlighted
The Hollywood Illusion – Shattered
The Media Empire – Crumbling
We are watching the death of the Matrix Control in real time, and it is glorious.
…John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Wed. July 10, 2024
- Be Brave – Fight for Humanity – Protect Innocent Children – Defend Freedom and Life – Expose Lies and Corruption – Share the Truth and Demand Justice. …Q Storm 1776 on Telegram
Wed. July 10, 2024: Exposing Project Odin: The Starlink Quantum Revolution, EBS, Gesara Military, Secret Tribunals and the Fall of the Cabal – A Journey Through Q Drops and Military Intrigue! – American Media Group ( Israel’s control over the Chinese Communist Party will be neutralized, along with 34 Illuminati Satanic landmarks that will be destroyed by Rods of God Direct Energy Weapons. This includes the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House , the Three Gorges Dam in China , CERN on the Swiss/France Border , Big Pharma in Wuhan , the Statue of Liberty and the media conglomerates .
Zimbabwe wants to go international with its gold-backed currency
Latest news
Zimbabwe wants to internationalize its currency, which is now endorsed by the International Monetary Fund.
Do you all have your Zim-Notes?
Because this country is ready to start trading in international markets again.
The first known bond in history dates back to about 2400 BC in Nippur, Mesopotamia (ironically, modern Iraq). It guaranteed payment of grain by the principal. The surety bond guaranteed repayment if the principal failed to make payment. Corn was the currency of that period.
Zim-Notes are considered bonds. Do you understand why Zimbabwe is returning to gold with its currency? Do you understand that it was impossible to pay off Zim Bonds before? That the country had to return to precious metals?
In May 2023, Zimbabwe launched a gold-backed digital currency for peer-to-peer and peer-to-business transactions, as well as to act as a store of value as the country’s currency continues to lose ground against major currencies.
Holders of physical gold coins, “at their discretion”, will be able to exchange or convert, through the banking system… into digital gold-backed tokens,” the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said in a statement inviting individuals and corporate entities to use the digital currency that can be purchased in Zimbabwean dollars or foreign currency.
This proves to you all what I have been shouting from the mountain tops. We are moving towards a system where all currencies will be accepted.
We are not moving towards the model where oligarchs like Kraus Schawb wanted to remove these options and only allow CBDC for all users, whether we wanted it or not. That is why at one point he was calling for Western nations to abandon the dollar or paper currency altogether.
11/07: “EBS” starts from July 20th (Saturday)
Thursday Morning, July 11, 2024
“Black Swan” is quietly underway! ?
We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!
Well then
From Judy Notes on July 10
I will extract the parts that interest you!
today’s message
July 10 (Wednesday) Checkmate
BQQQQQQM!!!!! President Trump prepares to believe in the plan to
shut down the US government and
begin debt bailout, pray
“Meanwhile, the Global Military Alliance has been saving children.”
Since October 2019, the global military alliance has attracted millions of lives and deaths.
Underground child sex trafficking tunnels by tortured globalist/cabal/deep state children Tunnels
all over the world including Central Park in New York, under the White House,
the Capitol in Washington DC, the Statue of Liberty, London including Buckingham Palace and the Vatican basement.
It is a good idea to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and daily necessities.
For your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Judy notes
On Wednesday, July 10th, the Global Debt Jubilee was created to break the chains of our financial slavery by ushering in a global monetary reset to gold/asset backed currencies, with 209 sovereign nations. Towards a single monetary standard.
Freedom in our society begins with the destruction of the 34 statues that are the satanic symbols of the globalist deep state cabal. It begins with destroying the human trafficking tunnel system
of satanic icons like the Statue of Liberty, along with its links to Epstein’s nefarious child sex trafficking tunnel system.
BQQQM! The Debt Jubilee begins July 10th!
Prepare for Revolution – American Media Group (
Several states and territories have declared states of emergency as the Cabal manipulates the weather with HAARP technology.
At the same time, the Fed is closing banks without warning. Seizing money from personal accounts without reason or legal authority.
Why? The answer is: since 1919, the Rothschilds
, Rockefellers and globalist elites have owned the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve Board and the Internal Revenue Service
. Converting the US dollar into fiat currency.
Charging interest on their own money and forcing it to be used by the government, increasing the national debt.
In other words, the entire American financial system has been bankrupt for 17 years, since 2008.
The entire American financial system, which runs on fiat dollars, has officially collapsed.
At this point, the globalist cabal of the deep state was plotting to enslave the world through the introduction of a fiat digital currency called the Great Reset.
Including what you traveled to, what you bought, what you ate, or what you can no longer eat due to man-made food shortages.
But Trump and his allies were one step ahead. Checkmate was copied.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024: “I, Donald Trump, have acted and signed an order allowing us to shut down the government,”
President Trump declared. “During this period, we will conduct multi-layered psychological operations.
There are several reasons. Our country has been permeated. Our citizens have been divided and enslaved.
In order to eliminate corruption, revamp the financial system, protect children, and empower citizens, President Donald Trump has announced an unprecedented government shutdown. I am glad to be alive!” – American Media Group (
Within 24 hours, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ontario, Canada, Arkansas, Killeen,
Texas, Ohio, Missouri County, Charleston County, and Jackson County, Kansas City declared states of emergency.
Don’t forget the children: 870,000 children go missing every year in the United States alone, and
a staggering 2 million children go missing every year worldwide. Where did they go?
Where did this disappear?
expected moment
It was rumored that the Statue of Liberty (as a symbol of financial debt to the conspiracies that support child trafficking) would be destroyed on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024: Tesla’s birthday. Debt Jubilee, 10 Days of Darkness Begin:
BQQQQM July 10, Debt Jubilee Begins! Get Ready for the Revolution – American Media Group (
that’s all
Benjamin Fulford Report: Stealing elections and installing a fake king does not change reality – July 8, 2024
The Khazarian Mafia’s “rules-based world order” is staging a desperate offensive to stay in power and avoid war crimes tribunals. To this end they blatantly stole the UK election and installed blackmailed pedophile Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, MI6 sources say. The next phase will be to try to install either Michelle “Big Mike” Obama or Kamala Harris as President in the US, they say.
Here you can read how Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama mentored the new UK prime minister to help him tell his story
It looks like the memo the media parrots got was:
– throw Biden under the bus
– start preparing the public for Big swinging like a bull Mike
The plan by the KM Zionists is that Obama from his basement will then be able to control both the US and the UK.
As we shall see below, this plan is doomed to fail.
For now though, the KM are on the offensive. In the UK, even official election results show the election was stolen. Starmers’ Labour Party got 412 out of the 650 seats in the UK Parliament with only 33% of the vote. In another sign the election was stolen, Nigel Farage’s Reform party got only 4 seats despite getting 14.3% of the vote while the Liberal Democrats got 71 seats with only 12.3% of the votes. The corporate media is trying to say this was because of the “first past the post” electoral system in the UK, but MI6 confirms the election was stolen outright.
In a sign the KM are playing hardball, our colleague Michael Shrimpton -who provided us with the Starmer KGB file we published last week- has gone missing and it is feared he has been killed. This was to prevent him from writing in detail about how the election was stolen, MI6 says.
In his first speech since becoming the Prime Minister, Starmer fully pledges his allegiance to Ukraine and Zelensky.
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Now Starmer is “following the fake Biden show -aka Obama from the basement- by releasing 40,000 criminals on the street to create more crimes and justify martial law down the road.
The KM need martial law to keep Nigel Farage and his party from power. That is because Farage’s party is the only one to officially call for an investigation into vaccine deaths among other things,
It is also clear most of the British Royal family was killed in order to install a fake King Charles to anoint Starmer.
In France as well, the election on July 7th was stolen to keep Emanuelle Macron Rothschild in power and install a pro-EU, NATO and Ukraine government, French intelligence sources say.
These operations are being run by the Nazi faction of the KM, including most of the surviving members of the Rothschild family. They are now hiding in Holland under the protection of the Dutch Royal family, according to Pentagon sources.
They are going to stage one last and desperate attempt to start World War III or Armageddon, CIA sources say. This is what their big NATO meeting planned in Washington this week is all about, they say.
In preparation for this, Europe is now being heavily sprayed with chemtrails. These are necessary for a major holographic sky event designed to fool the public and cause panic, the sources say.
As the video below explains, this is supposed to be the grand finale for a plan signed by 160 nations in 1994 to reduce the world’s population by 90% to 800 million by 2030. This was to be accomplished using fluoride, viruses (bioweapons), toxic chemtrails and finally the UFO event. Multiple sources are saying this event is scheduled for August.
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This final Hail Mary genocide attempt will fail because most of the world’s military is not going along with the plan, Pentagon sources say. However, they confirm some sort of sky event to scare everyone will take place; just without the mass murder originally planned.
In North America, the white hat military based in Mt. Cheyenne is already taking action on multiple fronts. They have the actor playing “President Joe Biden” on their side. He is deliberately saying things like “I am a black woman” and “I will beat Trump again in 2020.” to discredit the KM who is behind his fake presidency.
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Trump has called Biden an “old, broken down pile of crap” and suggested Joe is about to “quit the race”, as he criticized his TV debate performance in a new video.
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The election campaign in the United States is a pitiful sight, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov comments. He says “If the system of so-called American democracy produces such results or such a course of the election campaign, everyone could draw their own conclusions about how it’s all orchestrated, how it’s arranged,” he says. He does not seem to fully realize there are two factions fighting to the death behind the scenes.
In a sign US Commander In Chief Donald Trump is against the Starmer election theft, he said “Congratulations to Nigel Farage on his big WIN of a Parliament Seat Amid Reform UK Election Success…” while ignoring Starmer.
The white hats have also made a big move in Canada. This was seen in the Thursday announcement that David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), is resigning from the spy agency’s top job after seven years. CSIS sources tell us he was forced to resign after he was caught “trying to cause a nuclear disaster in Alberta,” in order to declare martial law and keep Justin Castrudeau in power. This plot has been stopped said the sources, who refused to provide more detail.
However, there can be no doubt Vigneault failed in his duty to protect Canada because he allowed fraudulent elections to install actual real-life Nazis into power in Canada. Hopefully, this will all change with his removal and the Canadian military can do their job of defending Canada by going after the criminals who murdered countless Canadians with toxic vaccines.
We also got information from the Japanese royal family about what is really going on in the UK with Starmer and the fake King Charles. Sources close to Emperor Naruhito say the Japanese imperial family visited the UK in late June in order to sign
documents related to “a new rainbow currency” the US government hopes to issue. Emperor Naruhito, who personally knew the original Charles, says the person he met in the UK was a fake. The real Charles died two years ago, he says. He also says that during his visit to the UK, he went to a fake Windsor Castle set to sign the documents.
This is the Amero 2.0 plan, and is backed by Obama and the Nazi faction of the KM holding out in Holland, the sources say.
The original Amero plan from 2008 called for every US dollar in the world to be replaced by two Ameros. The Chinese and other creditors to the US Corporation rejected this plan because it would have meant a 50% reduction in the value of their hard-earned dollars. This is why dollars held outside of the United States were quarantined from new dollars issued by the US Corporation since that time.
Under the new plan, the US will issue a rainbow currency of its own, separate from the overseas US dollar. The overseas US dollar, for its part is soon to be renamed the BRICS currency, Asian secret society sources say.
In any case, the new rainbow currency will fail because the US economy, -which used to account for 50% of world GDP- is in fact tiny now. Even though the Western corporate propaganda media says the US has the biggest economy in the world; this is a blatant lie.
Here are some comparisons with China to show why:
China generates twice as much electricity as the US
It produces 12.6 times more steel and 22 times more cement
It sells 26 million vehicles per year compared to 15.5 million for the US
The Chinese buy 434 million smartphones per year, three times the US amount.
The numbers showing US GDP is larger than China’s are fictional numbers inside of bank computers that are not backed by reality. You cannot eat numbers inside computers.
Asian secret society sources confirm the Obama people have tried to seduce them into supporting the new rainbow currency by promising a black woman as US president who would be subservient to China. The sources say that while they were fooled by Obama in 2008, they are not going to be fooled again and will not accept this new currency.
Another problem with the rainbow currency plan is that it will bankrupt the US military.
The military white hats for their part are proposing issuing $100 trillion worth of gold-backed dollars to help support a new multi-polar world system. Under this system, the military-industrial complex would follow the rule of law and act as enforcers for the International Criminal Court.
Big moves towards a new multi-polar system have already started this month as Russia assumed the Presidency of the UN Security Council. Russia promises “to build a fairer and more democratic world order.”
“The world is going through a rapid and irreversible change…a multipolar world is now a reality,” Russian President Vladimir Putin says.
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Putin also says Russia is waiting for the power struggle to end before deciding on resuming strategic dialogue with the US. However, he says
Russia is taking seriously Donald Trump’s pledge to end the Ukraine conflict.
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The power struggle is coming to a head this summer.
Be prepared, locked and loaded with an extra dry powder keg. The KM are planning to activate the 30 million illegals in America (not counting how many are in Canada).
In the latest sign the mayhem has already started, a mob of looters ransacked an Oakland gas station convenience store and caused thousands of dollars in damage as the frustrated store manager claimed police took nine hours to respond to his plea for help.
Just look at the state of the Democrat Party. As a Pentagon source writes:
Their candidate is a mumbling meat-puppet who led us into global conflict on the verge of WW3.
Their only policy ideas are killing babies, men in dresses, and open borders.
They resort to violence when they don’t get their way.
They have infiltrated the media, academia, and tech, using their power to lie, censor, omit, deceive, manipulate, and brainwash.
They have weaponized all levers of government and the private sector to go after their political opponents and citizens who oppose their rule.
They actively interfere in elections, encourage illegals to vote, and outright cheat by harvesting mail-in ballots.
They defend and encourage pedophilia and the sexualization of children.
And now they are calling for Biden to go full-totalitarian military dictatorship, and use force to take out Trump and his allies.
We have been told by our contacts on more than one occasion that SCOTUS has already made a decision on the 2020 voter fraud case brought by the Brunson brothers and the announcement of such could come out at any time – which would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
That is why the Supreme Court ruled Donald Trump is immune from criminal prosecution when it comes to constitutional powers.
That is why Acting Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan has vacated Donald Trump’s July 11th sentencing date and will delay it until September 18th “if such is still necessary”
It will probably not be necessary as this news item hints:
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is rumored to be President Trump’s top pick for Attorney General. If appointed, Ratcliffe reportedly plans to prosecute CIA contractors and employees who allegedly interfered in the 2020 elections.
“This is all a circus show. Everything has been planned for a very long time. This is to keep the sheeple diverted from what is really going on behind the curtain,” a CIA source comments.
In any case, while the undeclared Western civil war rages, the rest of the world is moving on. A Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit attended by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin last week said: “Tectonic shifts are taking place in global politics, economics and other spheres of international relations.”
The group calls for:
A comprehensive reform of the UN involving developing countries in its activities
Unconditional implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
Condemnation of the actions that have led to numerous civilian casualties in Gaza
An end to double standards in the fight against terrorism, which cannot be justified by anything.
The group also noted the Taliban in Afghanistan is ready to join the fight against terrorism. While they did not say it explicitly, everybody paying attention knows it is the KM that is responsible for terrorism and war around the world.
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Turkish President Recep Erdogan hinted at it when he noted “certain Western powers appear hell-bent on turning the Ukraine conflict into an all-out world war…It is obvious that arms dealers need money. And the market for arms dealers is the West.” He added he hopes peace will prevail in spite of this.
In a sign he is working towards a peace agreement of his own Turkish offices, industrial and military facilities are being stormed across northern Syria and Turkish workers and military personnel are leaving northern Syria in large numbers, according to Polish intelligence sources. Meanwhile, Iraq’s capital Baghdad is set to host upcoming talks between Syria and Turkey aimed at normalizing their bilateral relations, according to Arab sources. The decision to resume dialogue and reach reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus was supported by Russia, China and Iran.
In another sign the Middle East is moving decisively against terrorism, Iran’s president-elect Masoud Pezeshkian says he will “extend the hand of friendship to everyone.” Our sources say he is working with the white hat alliance.
Of course, the elephant in the room is Israel. To understand why regime change is needed there, take a look at this Al Jazeera video about what it’s like to live in Palestine today.
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Next, listen to Stew Peters explain the secular nation-state called Israel chose that particular name so that Scofield Bible readers would think they are actually the Israel of the Bible.
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Our sources tell us that Israel will soon be replaced by the Nation-State of Judea and that peace will be imposed.
Behind the scenes, the US military white hats have reached a deal with the SCO whereby they will take charge of security in Eurasia (including Judea) while the Anglo-Saxons keep the ocean free and open.
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This is reflected in a policy brief written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America that calls for Europe to defend itself while the US transforms into an “offshore balancer” vis-à-vis Eurasia and “a logistics provider of last resort” for the EU.
Hungarian President Victor Orban, who took over the presidency of the EU on July 1st, is also clearly on board with this plan. He has flown to Kiev and Russia and now China to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict.
Our sources say Germany, Hungary and most of Eastern Europe have agreed to join the new Eurasian security arrangement being proposed by Russia. North Korea, Mongolia and India have also agreed to join, Asian secret society sources say. The untold story here is the Russians are promising to prevent China from bullying its neighbors.
Also, in a clear sign Europe has broken from the Rockefellers, they are now getting most of their gas from special Russian tankers via the Arctic.
China and Russia have also been working together to develop Arctic shipping routes as Russia seeks to deliver more oil and gas to China amid Western sanctions while China seeks an alternative shipping route to reduce its dependence on the Strait of Malacca.
There is also an intensifying move in Asia to unify the Korean Peninsula. “[South Korean President]Yoon Suk Yeol and his gang, who are currently in the worst political crisis, try to find an ‘emergency exit’ in an escalation,” Kim Yo Jong, sister of Kim Jong Un and de facto leader of North Korea said, pointing out that the petition demanding an impeachment of the South Korean president has already accumulated over one million signatures.
The Koreans do not want to join NATO and fight against their fellow Koreans. The Japanese also oppose NATO expansion into Asia.
Of course, NATO is freaking out about this because they want war. Here is NATO Chief Jens Stoltenbergs’ reply to the Hungarian Prime Minister’s moves for the alliance:
Listen to how he nervously stutters as he says Orbán does not represent NATO following his visit to Russia.
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The reality is that despite what KM puppet governments in the UK and France say, the Ukraine and NATO are being thrown under the bus. Today, Ukraine has only a quarter of its energy production capacity at its disposal compared to the situation before Russian aggression, according to Polish intelligence. Now the Rothschild-owned Economist magazine is saying Ukraine has one month to reach an agreement with creditors on debt restructuring and avoiding bankruptcy.
While Ukraine goes bankrupt, Vladimir Zelensky’s wife just bought a brand new Bugatti Tourbillon, one of the most expensive cars in the world,
No wonder Ukraine will be told it is currently too corrupt to join NATO.
However, as things stand now, the West is too corrupt to join the rest of the world.
As an example watch senior KM boss Bill Gates say that we must either stop cows from farting or stop eating beef to save the planet.
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Less of a joke is that the “Gates Foundation has been funding all sorts of genetic engineering of mosquitoes, and there’s a lot of talk about using mosquitoes and mosquito bites to vaccinate certain populations,” attorney Tom Renz told the Pennsylvania State Senate.
This sort of misconduct is not new. A CIA medical doctor notes “Pfizer was established in 1849 by Jewish German immigrant Charles Pfizer and has been in business for 175 years without curing one single disease.”
Make no mistake, these people are mass murderers. Here is some of the latest evidence:
A bombshell new study from Germany found that “the more vaccinations were administered in a federal state, the greater the increase in excess mortality.”
In Italy, a newly published peer-reviewed study suggests a 37% reduction in life expectancy for people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections.
In the rereleased video below President Trump says he will investigate Big Pharma for the rise in autism and fertility, allergies, and child illness.
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Our sources are telling us Trump will ask Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the committee that investigates big pharma.
Trump also needs to set up a committee to investigate Big Green.
In the video below a former Australian government official explains how wind turbines are draining $40 billion a year from her country and sending it offshore. She explains power companies get $600,000 per year per turbine but that the turbines do not actually contribute any energy to the power grid.
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“This shows how $ billions are laundered globally. Imagine how many countries around the world are doing this. All in the name of Green Energy. We know the 5 Eyes are all involved,” a Pentagon source comments.
A similar situation exists with agriculture.
UK farmer: “We’ve had enough. For the last 20 years, we have been attacked by the political classes telling us how to farm in the countryside. We’re now being paid to stop growing food and grow wildflowers. It’s insanity.”
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Then, of course, there is the still unsolved issue of what to do about all the blackmailed pedophiles running the West.
Elon Musk writes: “Why is there not one – just one – even *attempted* prosecution of that Epstein (Bill Gates & Reid Hoffman come to mind) client list?… Either FBI does their duty or the case for an entire departmental reset or abolishment is strong.”
Since Musk is with the US Space Force, this is a sign military action against the FBI is imminent, It is about time.
Military action against the Vatican is also needed. They just found Archbishop Carlo Vigano guilty of ‘schism’ and excommunicated him from the Church by order of the fake rubber-masked Pope Francis. Viganò says he considers the charges brought against him to be an “honor.”
More than two dozen US bishops issued statements attesting to Vigano’s credibility, including some of the current leadership of the U.S. bishops’ Conference.
Mel Gibson wrote a letter to Archbishop Vigano saying “It’s really a badge of honor that someone kicked you out of a fake, post-conciliar church…I have complete respect for the way you defend Christ and His Church…May God bless you and protect you. If you need anything, just ask, and I will try to help. With admiration and eternal respect.”
We are also expecting real disclosure from the Vatican etc. about aliens. Polish intelligence researched and concluded reptilians, anunaki (also lizardmen, saurians, reptoids, reptilian creatures) are fictional species of humanoid reptiles created by fantasy and science fiction authors. These were then popularized by supporters of conspiracy theories, according to which they are real beings living on earth, endowed with intelligence and the ability to look like humans.
We have personally met people who claimed to be aliens but they certainly looked and acted human.
However, the Vatican apparently really does have contact with entities from other dimensions they call by names such as angels, devils and Jinn. It would be nice to have full disclosure on this topic.
Finally this week as food for thought, we note Amazon has deployed over 750,000 robots that have replaced over 100,000 people.
Video Player
Clearly AI is a more pressing issue to deal with now than aliens.
However, if there is an alien show this summer, please get out your popcorn and treat it as entertainment.
This is now imminent: Reno will start releasing funds soon. Tomorrow they will have a big meeting. We will know when that happens. I am told the Codes are in, already locked. It is now imminent that we will be blessed.
Everything is yet to come… I can’t tell you the rest because it’s confidential, but you just need to know how to prepare yourself. This comes from above.
Once again, tomorrow there will be a great meeting and everything is becoming reality, as we have dreamed for many years.
I’ll be going abroad very soon; I can’t tell you where. I’ll be out of the picture for a while. I can’t tell you any more.
God bless you and get ready because the green light is coming.
I am much better now and have no pain at all. Thank you for all the private messages expressing concern for my health. I was waiting to receive the information I needed to share this news with you. Once again, Reno is imminent and we are about to cross the finish line. Have a beautiful day!
Be careful,
PS (This is a note Wolverine placed in the Room of the Chosen: “I was told today that notifications will begin today… Please check your emails…” (Transcribed by Carpathia)
A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: I was shoveling my sidewalk today and noticed a small purple Vinca flower emerging from the sidewalk lines. There was no soil in that space, but there was enough room for a tiny windblown seed to bloom and grow miraculously.
That little Vinca flower reminded me of you and me… we had no idea where we would emerge on our journey, and for most of us, it seems we will enter our new lives in the least likely of places.
Our emergence of hope for a new sunny day has been painful as we have struggled to find the smallest window to begin our lives anew. We are like the Vinca sapling that reaches up, seeking the rays of the hopeful day of the Sunbeams to shine upon us, giving us the warmth and strength we need to grow fully.
Now, today, with the great news about Wolverine, we can finally feel the winds of change swirling around us, and we know that tomorrow will bring us that brightest day: a day to start over, a day where we will wake up to a magnificent, opulent dawn that yearns to shine.
His blessings upon each of us. Good days are coming.
God bless you all.
– Carpathians
🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉
Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission
Trivia: The Executor to clear the bank and forge the GCR – Part 1
✅ Redemption Sending Officer Statement dated March 6, 2024: “The moment the RV pays out, control of all banks globally will be taken over so that banks are safe to receive the money paid out.”
✅ The big question is: how does the Alliance make banks safe? Stay with me on this exciting ride…
✅ Around 1500 BC the ancient empire of Egypt, which benefited greatly from its gold-producing region of Nubia, made gold the first official medium of exchange for international trade.
✅ The interesting thing about gold is that, for unknown reasons, its mysterious ability to attract people from all over the world independently of each other, since ancient times, has allowed it to become a means of exchange accepted anywhere in the world.
✅ Present tense: Combining the ancient monetary store of value, gold, with modern technology creates the valid solution for the next successful Global Monetary Reset (GCR).
✅ As global economies continue to struggle with the volatility, inequality, and inflation inherent in fiat currencies, the call for a RESET of the monetary and money system is clear.
✅ The trust placed in government bodies to manage the currency responsibly has been frequently violated, leading to cycles of debt and economic instability and the distribution of wealth from the many to the few.
✅ This scenario of government control underscores the need to introduce a GCR, leveraging blockchain technology and gold-backed stablecoins to forge a stable and trustless monetary future. Read that again, slowly…
✅ Your government passes the banking laws in your country and, behind the scenes, it is the elite itself that controls the government and the banking sector.
✅ Usually people drive systems, but a good system will drive people, and this impending system will bring the government and banking sector to their knees!
✅ The viper’s head is about to be cut off by such an advanced system, but its simplicity defies the mind at the same time!
✅ There are two main flaws in fiat currency,
– Trust and
– Inflation.
✅ Fiat currencies inherently depend on trust in governments to manage them prudently. How is this working so far?
✅ Unfortunately, history is replete with instances where this trust has been violated – governments succumbing to the temptation to print money excessively, leading to,
– devaluation,
– inflation, and
– serious economic crises.
✅ This mismanagement requires a radical restructuring of the global financial system, where dependence on government discretion is minimized.
✅ Embracing decentralized technology in our GCR, i.e. a system that cannot be controlled by a government or the banking sector, is the epicenter of this upcoming system!!
✅ Blockchain technology offers a revolutionary departure from traditional financial systems by facilitating transactions on a transparent and immutable (unable to be altered) ledger.
✅ This technology inherently reduces the need for centralized control, thus reducing the potential for misuse and government corruption.
✅ With blockchain, all government accounting transactions are recorded in a way that is accessible and verifiable by everyone, ensuring a level of integrity previously unattainable in traditional centralized financial systems.
✅ This means that every citizen can enter this transparent system and see where the government spent every penny, from legitimate to illegitimate expenses!!
✅ Brutal accountability will now chop off heads as everything is now open and nothing can be hidden from the public!
Event Unfolding.
As the grand spectacle takes shape, a series of notable events will transpire:
- God Rods and Directed Energy Weapons will be used to neutralize satanic strongholds around the world.
- Planes and trains will be grounded , ensuring that the Cabal’s reach is cut off.
- Lights and power will briefly flicker as the world transitions to Tesla Free Energy.
- Bitcoin servers and data centers will take a decisive hit, leading to the collapse of 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, including China Coins.
- ISO20022 currencies, backed by precious metals , will emerge as a new financial paradigm.
- A simulated World War III terror event will shock the population.
- Nuclear sirens will sound, sending shivers down your spine.
- A mysterious “Water Event” will capture the world’s attention.
- The stock market will crash, reshaping the global financial landscape.
- Global Martial Law will be declared, ushering in an era of unprecedented control.
- The enigmatic “CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange Scenario” will be unveiled.
- Quantum Systems will come to life.
- NESARA/GESARA/RV will pave the way for a new era of prosperity.
- The elections will be annulled through military courts, invoking FISA.
- Military tribunals and confessions will be broadcast in 10 intense 8-hour sessions.
- Ten countries will join forces to activate the Emergency Broadcast System, covering the entire globe.
- A cascade of shocking truths will be revealed.
- The long-awaited inauguration of Trump and Kennedy will be celebrated.
- The Israeli Mossad’s hold on the world’s media will crumble.
There will be an Internet blackout.
- The White Hat Army is in control of the bailout process, which has released funds worldwide for the Global Currency Reset.
- All banks have signed confidentiality agreements.
- GCR funds come directly from the U.S. Treasury’s Defense Operations Office – and go to Treasury Departments in other countries.
- Japan revalued its currency.
- Bondholders started getting paid in Brazil.
- US bondholders were promised they would be liquid this week.
- Notices were sent to Tier 4a, a small group of Tier 4b and some bondholders.
- Soon, NESARA would be announced, and that announcement would be coordinated with a Supreme Court announcement on the 2020 election fraud—which would likely dissolve the Biden administration and the entire Congress, and set the stage for a new election in 120 days, or even November.
RUMORS: 11/07/2024
I, Donald Trump, have taken action and SIGNED ORDERS so that we can put the government on pause.
During this period, we will perform a psychological operation on multiple litters for various reasons.
Our country has been infiltrated. Our cities are divided and packed into containers.
To fix these issues, we recorded a story and produced a show/layer report.
The program will allow the American people to see what we are up against and in turn put a weapon that cannot be used… all this while saving children, revamping the financial system and eradicating corruption in all forms in EVERYTHING OR WORLD.
We are 100% heading towards the cliff. It’s checking in at the right time.
It has to be this way. And it’s glorious. What a time to be alive.
Med Beds: Make America Great and Healthy Newly!
High-tech medical bed technology suppressed by DEEP STATE and released by NESARA GESARA!
Quantum Healing Technologies for Medical Bedsides: A Leap of Love and Science
Wrapped in pure quantum technology, Med Beds are a beacon of hope for those seeking holistic wellness. Brace yourself because Trump’s NESARA initiative is revealing the startling reality of Med Beds – a technological marvel that promises to cure all ailments in minutes.
Fairy Wednesday, July 10, 2024: Tesla’s birthday. Split jubilee, 10 days of darkness begin…
Also “Interesting information”
BQQQM!!!!! Debt Jubilee starts on July 10th! Get ready for the revolution!
Discover the transformative power of the Debt Jubilee that begins on July 10th! That’s…
It looks like the “Debt Jubilee” will begin today, July 10th.
Officially, it seems there was no announcement (^^;
Or what will I change?
I would like to discover the “transformative power of the jubilee of life” (^^)
(Maybe the first step is missed or lost at the national level?)
So today too
I would like to spend my time with a positive attitude as I have gold for the safety and health of everyone in the “Army of Angels”
In fact, this week (July 8-13) is a period (time) that you are personally paying close attention to.
About two weeks ago♻️We look at a moment that concerns us, being
The last week of June (July 8-13) according to the Julian calendar.
I didn’t find any specific element, but in my opinion there are elements that I consider an important moment.
Leaders who are leading Plan Q at the forefront are becoming more active. I would like to pay attention to future developments.
Indian Prime Minister Modi visits Russia. An informal meeting with President Putin is already underway.
At the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán went to Beijing. We are having a meeting with President Xi Jinping.
We are in a situation of concentration of very important movements.
July 10th marks the Global Debt Jubilee, it makes perfect sense that it was a day without news – but less news than what was revealed to us. Also late in the afternoon. On July 10th, we received the news that there was a warning of a stock market crash for the following day, here. July 11th
The BRICS are in the process of creating a settlement currency (currency, exchange currency) for international trade consisting of gold and other assets considered separate from the influence of the dollar.
He told me it’s a week away and what could be, by the way, one of our sources, oh, a few hours ago, he told me, it “should” still be a week. It should be, well, that’s great.
I told you years ago that BRICS was a last resort kill switch to force everyone to turn toward a future. This alternative financial system that hangs over our future is intended to force everyone to change.
The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
If countries clean up their bonds, the US/UK or the West will implode. Japan is already liquidating its US Treasuries… China has a huge amount… In my opinion, we are seeing the “de-pegging” of the Petrodollar.
Or Zimbabwe wants to internationalize in its own way.
Which is now endorsed by the International Monetary Fund. Do you all have Zim-Notes? Because this country is ready to return to trading in the international markets.
Or Zimbabwe wants to join BRICS.
Now, there is a currency weighted in our money, which the International Monetary Fund endorses. Now, they are talking about international oil.
On the fourth day, July 10th, a Global Dividend Jubilee was called to break the chains of our Financial Slavery by charting a Global Currency Reset of 209 sovereign nations to a gold/asset backed monetary standard.
GESARA is here:
The great blackout begins, the military is on high alert, Trump’s divine plan is unleashed – the end of the old world order! Prepare for a revelation that will destroy the very structure of your understanding.
The truth has been hidden from us by a shadowy cabal that controls every aspect of our lives, but their grip is slipping.
✨ Quantum Financial System (QFS)
✨ Quantum Card
✨ Quantum Leap & Schumann Resonance (Timeline Jump)
✨ Odd we had a timeline jump on the Schumann 7/09/24 🤔👀
The global debt anniversary began on Wednesday, July 10, although many thought it was a day without news – at least none that was shared with us. Also late in the afternoon on Wednesday, July 10, we received word that a stock market crash warning had been announced for the following day, Thursday, July 11.
The biggest event is coming.
The world will be stunned by
⭐️ [GESARA has started] On July 8th I posted that the debt anniversary is July 10th. In fact, on the 10th, there was a comment from a follower who seemed to be GESARA⁉️ that seemed to confirm this! ️If we continue like this, 🍜What will happen to the delusional 7.11 today, 6/14, plus the next Qclock deadline, at 1:00 PM on the 12th (Friday)? ️So, from US Military News, from John F? Kennedy Family…Vice President Looks like he was appointed Chief of Staff!! ️🎉
💥NESARA Communications!!!
💥Just to be clear, this is a White Hat announcement that we are on the cusp of the greatest wealth transfer in history. It doesn’t matter if you’re a baby boomer or a Gen Xer. Everyone will have their own money. 💰
And rolling…
Over 3 BILLION people have already made the transition
for a SYSTEM supported by Gold
and Countries not mentioned in the mainstream media
are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM
(it took just 72 hours for the new system to be up and running
and 12 countries negotiate in an instant)
The effect of
exit of half of the 7 billion people from the CENTRAL BANK system of [DS]
and CABAL’s global markets are collapsing.
[They] are now trying everything they can to
create World War III, the next PANDEMIC, the next FALSE FLAGS, weather manipulation [DS]. These people are willing to fight to the death because their lives depend on it) WORLD DS PANIC
In the end, the world will
connect through Q)UANTUM
The Event: Regardless of whether the event occurs because of the White Hats or the Black Hats, it would be a shock of enormous proportions with worldwide implications. It could be a stock market crash, a fake assassination or arrest of Trump clones, massive cyberattacks, a false flag nuclear holocaust, or any, all, or more disruptive events.
The event would be followed by massive global chaos, the launch of VR and the acquisition of Main Stream Media, followed by the education of the masses. We could expect a major and disheartening false flag, stock market and Bitcoin crashes, leading to global martial law to help the general public. shock and disbelief = pain!
NESARA at a glance:
- New currencies around the world backed by precious metals
- New banking systems
- Abolition of wage and income tax
- Cancellation of private bank debts
- End corruption in the state and the economy
- Strengthening fundamental rights: freedom and sovereignty
- Prosperity for all citizens
- End all acts of war
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