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Oneness Field of Creation

Calling All Lightworkers ~ 144,000 the Arc is Here! * Intimacy of the Soul ~ Weaving Ancient Maori Water Ley Lines ~ Soul of The Dragon

Calling All Lightworkers ~ 144,000 the Arc is Here! * Intimacy of the Soul ~ Weaving Ancient Maori Water Ley Lines ~ Soul of The Dragon



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Solar Diamond Crystal Keepers of the New Lemuria

Mother Earth and all Her Children of the Sun continue to be filled with the Crystalline Light Codes of Infinite Prime Creator as we experienced a minor g1 geomagnetic storm today.

Although the CMEs from X Class flares had less impact than was expected, all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are feeling the deeper integration of Soular Rays of  Transformation and releasing of all that no longer serves Gaia or humanity.

Our locals Soularis continues to send Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 3 Class Soular Flares today and another 4 M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.57 at 21:19 UTC.

We are on day 4 of 9 Nights of Navaratri in honor of Goddess Maa Durga and her 9 Goddess forms. The fourth day is dedicated to Goddess Maa Kushmanda, believed to be the Creator of the universe with her divine smile, known for her association with the Heart Chakra.

With an open heart and an open mind we honor and glorify the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy, every day in every Way. In the Wisdom and Gnosis of the Sacred Lotus Heart Center of the Cosmic Mother we walk our Path with Heart as Spiritual Warriors of Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!









Navratri 2024 Day 4 is dedicated to Goddess Maa Kushmanda, believed to be the creator of the universe, known for her association with the Heart Chakra. Devotees perform puja and recite mantras, seeking blessings for relief from depression, anxiety, and fear, ending the day with sattvik food.

Maa Kushmanda
Maa Kushmanda

The fourth avatar of Adi Shakti, Maa Kushmanda created the world (Brahmanda) with her divine smile. Kushmanda, where ‘Ku’ means small, ‘ushma’ means energy or warmth, and ‘anda’ means cosmic egg.

As per Hindu mythology, Maa Kushmanda is the creator of the world. With her divine smile, she spread light and energy when the universe was just a big void and nothing existed. It is also said her powers provided strength to the sun, and she can reside in the core of the sun. Maa Kushmanda, also known as Ashtabhuja, is portrayed with eight arms holding a lotus, arrow, mace, nectar jar, rosemary, and discus. She is perched atop a tiger. Maa Kushmanda governs the planet Mercury. Worshipping her is significant as she blesses with good health and vitality. She brings harmony to your life by ending all pains and sorrows.

On Day 4 of Navratri, which falls on Sunday, October 6, 2024, the auspicious colour of the day is Orange. This bright and energetic hue is believed to reflect the radiance and power of the Goddess, bringing positivity and warmth into the lives of devotees.

Navratri 2024: Maa Kushmanda Puja Rituals

On the fifth day of Navratri, devotees wake up early in the morning and perform a special puja dedicated to Goddess Kushmanda. The puja rituals include:

      • Cleanse and Purify: Start the day by taking a bath and purifying the puja area.
      • Altar Decoration: Set up the altar with an image or idol of Goddess Kushmanda. Decorate it with fresh red flowers, as red is her favourite colour.
      • Offerings: Present fruits, coconut, and white pumpkin (Kushmanda) as offerings to the Goddess. You can also include sweets like malpua or laddoos in the bhog (food offerings).
      • Lighting of Lamp and Incense: Light a diya (oil lamp) and incense sticks to create a serene and auspicious atmosphere.
      • Chanting of Mantras: Recite the mantra “Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah” and the prarthana (prayer) dedicated to the Goddess.
      • Reading of Stuti and Kavacha: Read the Stuti and Kavacha (protective armour prayer) to seek her blessings for good health, prosperity, and protection from evil.
      • Performing Aarti: End the puja by performing aarti (a devotional song) and offering it to the Goddess.

Durga Puja Calendar 2024: Date-wise Full Schedule, Vidhi, and Rituals

Maa Kushmanda: Powerful Mantras and Chants

Chanting mantras and hymns dedicated to Goddess Kushmanda can help in enhancing your devotion and connecting with the divine. The following mantras and prayers are recited on this day:


ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नमः॥Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah॥

Navratri 2024: Important Dates, Timings, and Religious Significance



सुरासम्पूर्ण कलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च।दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥Surasampurna Kalasham Rudhiraplutameva Cha।Dadhana Hastapadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhadastu Me॥


या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कूष्माण्डा रूपेण संस्थिता।नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita।Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥

Jai Ambe Gauri Aarti Lyrics and Meaning


Maa Kushmanda: Maa Kushmanda Aarti

कूष्माण्डा जय जग सुखदानी। मुझ पर दया करो महारानी॥पिङ्गला ज्वालामुखी निराली। शाकम्बरी माँ भोली भाली॥लाखों नाम निराले तेरे। भक्त कई मतवाले तेरे॥भीमा पर्वत पर है डेरा। स्वीकारो प्रणाम ये मेरा॥सबकी सुनती हो जगदम्बे। सुख पहुँचाती हो माँ अम्बे॥तेरे दर्शन का मैं प्यासा। पूर्ण कर दो मेरी आशा॥माँ के मन में ममता भारी। क्यों ना सुनेगी अरज हमारी॥तेरे दर पर किया है डेरा। दूर करो माँ संकट मेरा॥मेरे कारज पूरे कर दो। मेरे तुम भण्डारे भर दो॥तेरा दास तुझे ही ध्याये। भक्त तेरे दर शीश झुकाये॥

Navratri 2024: 9 Forms of Goddess Durga – Names, Powers, and Worship


Navratri 2024: Origin Goddess Kushmanda

Goddess Kushmanda, the fourth manifestation of Goddess Durga, is known to have created the entire universe with just a gentle smile. Her name, ‘Kushmanda,’ is derived from three words: Ku (little), Ushma (warmth or energy), and Anda (cosmic egg). This signifies that she is the Goddess who created the universe, or the cosmic egg, by releasing a small amount of energy. She is also believed to be the source of energy for the Sun, radiating light and warmth to the entire cosmos.

After assuming the form of Siddhidatri, Goddess Parvati took residence at the centre of the Sun, making Goddess Kushmanda capable of living inside the Sun. The radiance and glow of her body are said to be as bright as the Sun itself, symbolising her divine power and luminous energy.

Navratri 2024 Day-wise Colour Guide: Meaning, Goddess, and Symbolic Significance

Navratri 2024: Iconography of Goddess Kushmanda

Goddess Kushmanda is depicted with eight hands, which is why she is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi. In her hands, she holds various divine objects: a Kamandal (water pot), Dhanush (bow), Bada (arrow), and Kamal (lotus) in her right hands; and an Amrit Kalash (pot of nectar), Jap Mala (rosary), Gada (mace), and Chakra (discus) in her left hands. Each of these items represents her power, knowledge, and benevolence.

She rides on a lioness, symbolising bravery and fearlessness. Her favourite offering is the Kushmanda (white pumpkin), which further connects her to the concept of nourishment and creation. Due to her association with the universe (Brahmanda) and the white pumpkin, she is known as Goddess Kushmanda.

Worshipping Goddess Kushmanda is said to have multiple health benefits. She is believed to cure ailments and provide good health to her devotees. Her divine energy helps to reduce negative emotions such as fear and anxiety, replacing them with joy and happiness. Devotees who worship her with dedication can experience physical and mental rejuvenation, along with spiritual growth.

nine days of Navratri
nine days of Navratri
💦Weaving Ancient Maori Water Ley Lines + Speaking TONES of Creation. Very MISTY here at the Beach. New Codes of Conduct Landing🐬
The white eagles, and pigeons of white color .
The concept of peace surrounding everything.
Peace, and a wise advisor.
One perhaps that does not die. Such an advisor can be the spirit or the messenger of God itself, the Spirit.

Pema Chodron✨

On the journey of the warrior-bodhisattva, the path goes down, not up, as if the mountain pointed toward the earth instead of the sky. Instead of transcending the suffering of all creatures, we move toward turbulence and doubt however we can. We explore the reality and unpredictability of insecurity and pain, and we try not to push it away.
If it takes years, if it takes lifetimes, we let it be as it is. At our own pace, without speed or aggression, we move down and down and down. With us move millions of others, companions in awakening from fear.
October and November are months in which the intimacy of the Soul will be shaken by a New earthly phase.
A lot is coming to the light…
a light that is still soft but wants to bloom inside new eyes and hearts ever wider.
Focus on Blue, The Color of the Father, The Cosmos and Infinity. Clothed in Calm and Quiet. Just wait for signs from God Wait before you act. Watch everything and everyone with a watchful Presence… fearless, with an inner smile.
It won’t be easy to exist with the collapse of many beliefs. Truth comes forward like never before… and it will burn its skin. Don’t dwell under false light. During this Journey, be with loving and trusted Friends and People. Hold each other’s hands …
and let your Soul lead the way. Gonna be a lot to go through… don’t look too much in the face for lies, or it will find you out – move with Confidence, in silence. This is not the time for noise.
In clamory … The destination is unknown for protection… You will need to grow your Faith – trust the Unknown and the Love you want to see birthed on Earth with all your Heart… This is Your Will … It is the Will of God. This will, even of a few… will allow the advent of a New planetary Consciousness.  Estee
The Cosmos and Infinity
The Cosmos and Infinity
10/6/24: Today’s double 6 energy represents the passionate heart. The heart that loves deeply and loyally. The heart that sacrifices for love… of home, family, career, and well-being for all. It’s the power of compassion and service. Put this all together and you have the soul of The Dragon… whose heart is its only vulnerability, but also its strength and motivation. Today reminds you that neglecting the needs of the heart risks becoming rigid, selfish, and callous… which will not benefit you in this month of higher consciousness and unconditional love. Your Right Action today is to feel into your heart as it holds space for all that is good in your world.
Soul of The Dragon
Soul of The Dragon
OCTOBER 6 2024



What an amazing week begins today!
We are deep in the self realisation path.
Self realisation is a form of art through which One becomes the artist who creates the New Self in Grace!
Every step can be a challenge, every turn can be redemptive and every breakthrough, can be a master piece on its own!
The inner opposite yin and yang flows hold all those aspects that have been defining and controlling who One is and what can or cannot do.
The restoration of the Divine Kundalini and Ascension process are the same thing.
Everything is connected to the planets and their stories and qualities which run through the human system.
Becoming the Wise One who rules his/her planets, is the ultimate goal for a Soul!
This is absolutely possible and it is very apparent to those who have been doing the inner work.
When this takes place, a great power and freedom is attained, a power that can move mountains!
This is why the path to this state, is a very narrow, difficult and challenging one, this is not for the irresponsible and frivolous because a power like that would affect them immediately and in a negative way.
The goal is that this power comes in an organic manner via dedication to each step of the process.
Now that the Equilibriums have been reached, we are witnessing the most out of balance and opposite inner aspects surfacing very fast, they are very persistent, pushing to be understood, heard and embraced.
This is truly precious, no matter how challenging it might be.
Today we will work on this and at the same time we will open to the new Indigo codes of Self realisation of the Trinity Self that are coming through Atlas.
The Galactic remembrance and embodiment is the most important part of the awakening process, very far away from just a mental understanding because it is not about the program, not about karmic lives, not about made up characters and experiences from within the different eras of the program Atlantis, Lemuria etc.
It is the real thing.
It is about what really took place and we found ourselves in this state of oblivion.
“The Galactic Self owns the Quantum!”
So much played out on a Galactic level of the free worlds.
The Galactic rules are very different.
There is freedom, this is why things got so out of hand because freedom is a gift that carries a sensitive balance.
We are now called to listen and follow the guidance of the Light for the highest and best results in this new phase.
This new phase is a rescue mission for all members of the galactic teams!
144000 the arc is here! 🌐🔱🐚
Blessings of galactic awakening!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:


Dear friends, the strong X9.0 solar flare from a few days ago apparently did not result in the intense geomagnetic storm as predicted earlier. We are having some solar winds coming in at around 500km/sec, which is in the lower range of a mild solar storm. We will have to wait and see if this eventually evolves into a stronger event later today. We have had a few M flares though, and chances for more X flares are possible.
That said, the X9.0 flare by itself was strong enough to affect our energy fields. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be still today manifesting some symptoms such as on and off fatigue periods, ear ringing, mild dizziness, increased need for hydration, and the need to be by yourself in your energetic cocoon as you process and integrate the deep shifts after the closing of the eclipse corridor. A few skin and allergy symptoms may also be present at this time.
There’s a lot of purging and clearing taking place around the world individually and collectively speaking. The old low 3D energies based on emotions such as pain, suffering, and ego control are crumbling as the new higher energies are being day by day anchored into the new 4-5D energy planetary grid. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the air and the collective, so it’s important to stay centered in our hearts at this time. Try to focus on your own journey and if you can, you can also be of assistance to those around you who resonate with your journey.
Stay tuned for more updates as we move into a new week. Comet ATLAS C/2023 will be paying us a close visit in the coming days, bringing with it some more celestial waves of transformation. This new week may be a bit rocky energetically and worldwide speaking. As I mentored earlier, keep your focus on your heart and your connection with your Divinity within. Have a peaceful week, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


For the Great Light Waves are providing endless opportunities of light integrations
For the higher persepective of Now is providing deep points of immersive reflections of light
Many of you are undertaking deep immersive light journeys in your day, as you transverse the cellular memories within your physical format
Deep diving within the Cellular Expression of you is an expanded light opportunity in the present moment
For life experiences, stored within your cellular light field are open to deep exploration, wonderment, healing and clearing
I am shown this with my own childhood experiences as I explore the light of now
So be gentle as you delve deeply into day dreaming. We are being provided the multidimensional light tools to explore and magnify the light expressions within our physical multidimensional light spheres
Find solitude to process, reflect and clear
Heal, expand nurture and grow
Play Expand and Thrive in Light 🙏
Powerful light work is apon US to Advance our Own Light
Wonderful light accelleration
As We Evolve in the Light of Now 🙏
With Love – With Light
Together We Ride The Light Frequencies of Now
Karen Lithika

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Calling All Lightworkers

Changes are happening quickly through the fall of the cabal, and into Heaven on Earth. We are experiencing a huge shift into the Oneness Field of Creation, internally and externally. All First Wave Lightworkers are being called to take the next steps into this 5D equation.

The 1010 Portal this week is bringing us to another zero point between timelines, so we can start fresh in love and unity of the 5th dimension. We are needed to co-create the New Earth through creating the polar opposite of what life has been like thus far. Together as a Soul Group on Earth we are being shown the Way to Manifest the New Earth Timeline in our individual locations. This will usher in personal change and movement that is divinely orchestrated for our freedom and leadership in this new timeline.

Go within and follow your heart this week. Take time with aligning your plans based on all the shifts happening. Be grounded, stable, and hold space for yourself and humanity while the ancestral and collective healing and changes complete.

Oneness Field of Creation
Oneness Field of Creation



Ra James

October for sure has been intensifying relationship dynamics as well as your dreams. October is showing us some things that need addressed. Today we have Mercury Square Mars. This transit is all about personal upgrades. We know what we want to change and this transit is giving us the motivation that we need to make it happen. Today Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. This is the only time in 2024 that Mercury and Mars will square off, and the combination of these two planets can create tension.

You may be feeling impulsive or restless today. Mercury is in Libra, which will make you more likely to consider other perspectives and focus on balance. Mars will be in Cancer, which will make you more protective of your personal space and emotions. We also have Saturn in Pisces which is continuing to bring themes of emotional and karmic healing. Expect the week ahead to bring some major energy shifts. The energies ahead bring a lot of growth fast and a lot of introspection. As we continue through Libra Season we have a huge focus on our personal connections. You may be feeling tensions in your connections right now.

Remember any pressure is meant to help you to grow. We are still feeling the after effects of this Eclipse Season. You may be still feeling somewhat of a hangover energy. Those energies are still sending out an aftershock vibe, and can reverberate. It’s all about letting go of what is no longer serving you right now, and old behavior patterns you’re working on clearing…




October vibes
October vibes
On Sunday, October 6th, the Sun, ruler of self-integration, in Libra the Scales is in a difficult inconjunct to Saturn, Teacher of Karmic Lessons, in elusive Pisces. We must make some adjustments regarding our confidence, courage, outlook and expression. Do we want to hang onto the old stories, negative mindsets, faulty perspectives, and limiting beliefs?
Or, do we want to clear away the restrictive patterns, overwhelming fears, hindering doubts, and deceptive illusions? The recent eclipses have given us the opportunity to gain increased awareness about our circumstances and ourselves….to release and purge what is no longer in our best interest to hold onto….and, to heal and renew our inner sense of self and our path forward.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Sun, ruler of self-integration, in Libra the Scales
the Sun, ruler of self-integration, in Libra the Scales
Sun in Libra quincunx Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer – It’s a gravelly, growly kind of a day. Irritation, frustration and annoyance can erupt into angry words and hasty decisions. Maybe it’s a hangover from a night out, poor sleep, old conflicts or simply the sense that the weekend is slipping through your fingers before anything interesting happened! Words come out barbed, thoughts stab. We feel out of sorts with ourselves.
Let’s switch it up, shake these ‘bad vibes’ off, go deeper to get to the lessons. Sometimes we do have to find a happy compromise instead of a win. Sometimes we do have to create space to listen to our own feelings instead of asking what everyone else thinks. Sometimes we do have to share responsibilities even when it feels unfair. Let go of resistance. Temper impatience. Be accountable. Do what you can, then wait. Trust that time and hidden helpers will resolve the tension. Stop doubting yourself. Stop doubting the universe.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 17°Li33′, Mars 17°Cn33′ – 07:36 (BST)
Sun 13°Li59′, Saturn 13°Pi59′ R – 19:28 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – A Fisher Girl by Ilya Repin
A Fisher Girl
A Fisher Girl

Kin 91 ~ Blue Cosmic Monkey

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The 13th and last day of a wavespell completes the journey and therefore so much must be considered today concerning the lessons learnt. We began on Blue Storm and it’s been quite a ride. Endure to Transcend is the number 13’s message – meaning that we have to strive for progress in our life, it is never simply handed to you on a silver platter. The whole Tzolkin is based on the number 13. There are 13 days in a wavespell and 13 moons in a year. There are 13 columns in the Tzolkin that we travel down, passing each day or glyph on the way. This number is not unlucky, just powerful.
Today is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Play, Illusion and Magic’. And so, after 13 days of riding the Storm, our final destination is the Cosmic Monkey. This suggests that through change we find magic. Monkey days can be fun and magical but also, there is a wise aspect to Monkey. Magic must not be confused with illusion and Monkey takes teaching this important lesson very seriously. Today, he will call you out if you have fallen under any kind of illusion. As it is a Cosmic day this process can be quite enduring. It will be all worth it in the end for sure, as magic is definitely something we all need in our lives.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective and when in the guiding position this enables us to have visions. Step back and see the bigger picture today this will help immensely with discerning between magic and illusion. The Blue Eagle is one of the most helpful guides because he can help us see which way to go.
The Challenge is the Red Dragon which represents Nurturing. It will be hard for everyone today to find nurturing and to take care of themselves because the Cosmic Monkey process is quite unforgiving. You’ve got to feel sorry for poor Dragons on days like this. If you know one, give them a hug.
The Occult power is the White Dog which brings some comic relief to this tricky day. Chase your tail, have some fun and see the world through the eyes of a puppy. Explore, go for a walk, play ball or just have a cuddle! But seriously don’t be too serious today.
The Ally today is the Yellow Star who loves all things sparkly and shiny. If you find today a bit tough find a Yellow Star to cheer you up with glitter and pretty things. If you don’t know a Yellow Star, do what they do and indulge in art and appreciate the beautiful world around you.
Kin 91
Kin 91


13 CHUEN – KIN 91
6 OCTOBER 2024
I ENDURE in order to PLAY
Transcending ILLUSION
I seal the process of MAJIK✨✨
With the COSMIC tone of Presence
I AM guided by the power of VISION
6/10/2024 = 6/10/8 = 6/18=6/9=15=6
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Fertility/Joy/Harmony
15-Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval.endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 91=10 Manifestation/New Beginnings/Leadership
13 COSMIC TONE = Cosmic Consciousness/Goddess/Natural Lore/13 moons/EXPANSION
Today is the LAST day of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL – as we reach a COSMIC crescendo!
We are transcending the old illusions to bring on the NEW WHITE MAJIK!!
A VERY POTENT PORTAL for Divine Alchemy⚛⚛⚛ with the Spiritual Magician taking charge! Today is BLUE COSMIC MONKEY day, who is the MASTER MAGICIAN casting the DREAM-SPELL, and the COSMIC tone is the highest frequency of the MONKEY tribe! What a BLAST!🎆
WE also have the code 15- of the Spiritual Magician and Alchemist on a 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATEWAY.. huge DIVINE MAJIK and SPIRITUAL energies pouring forth to activate our EARTH MAJIK today!
Day 13 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL🌀🌪🌩 of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today on day 13 we get to experience GREAT MAJIK ✨💫✨ witnessing the completion of this transformative, great evolutionary wavespell.
We are becoming the PURE DIVINE CHILD of our origin. When we look at the world through the EYES of a child – our whole reality becomes MAJIKAL!
COSMIC🍥 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today we have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at our disposal to transcend all those old patterns and transform them through pure presence.
We have PURIFIED our body, mind and soul and now through total transcendance can simply just BE as pure presence. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we take the MAJIK FLIGHT releasing our MAJIK, through our Divine innocence into the COSMOS!🍥🍥
Today’s question is “How can I birth the DIVINE MAJIK💫 of my Cosmic Child,🍥👶 to MANIFEST my greatest VISIONS and my true heart’s desires?”
We bid adieu for now to CAUAC, our transformative BLUE STORM🌀🌩🌪 which has cleared the way for the beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹 to shed the old paradigm, and step UP into their new Divine Galactic Mission.
The STORM energy 🌀 🌪🌩🌧 has swept through our PLANET, bringing the revolutionary changes that future generations will marvel at through the GREAT AWAKENING. 💥☀✨
The crumbling of the old world as we knew it and the anchoring of Nova Gaia through the pillars of magnificent LIGHT✨✨ through this LEGENDARY ASCENSION PASSAGE BLASTING OPEN the passage to the HIGHER realms.
The legions of beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹 who have claimed their sovereignty, are holding steadfast in the EYE of the STORM. 🌪🌫
HOLD THE LIGHT BELOVED wayshowers ✨☀💫 you are doing a STELLAR job! 🌟✨👏
BRAVO GROUNDCREW 👏 We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways and are now purified, cleansed and transformed, READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with EB 😊– our divine yellow HU-MAN as our learned guide – much needed WISDOM for this extraordinary passage through turbulent and SURPRISING OCTOBER. .
We are aligning with Divine Will and our higher Galactic Missions as the next cycle of our journey through the DREAMSPELL begins….
Divine blessings for Majikally 🌟Alchemizing your greatest VISIONS! ⚛🍥💫
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY – CHUEN🍥🐒 🐵– the COSMIC 🎆 MAGICIAN🎩 holds the HIGHEST LEVEL of MAJIK in the DREAMSPELL.🎆 As we reclaim our lost innocence and become the beautiful sovereign Divine child again, we can unleash all the Majik of Creation – bringing forth our Manifestations into reality.
✨✨✨Retrieve your MAJIK wands and bring out all your majikal and sacred tools, for today is a day to energize your CREATION VORTEX! 🌪💫⚛
You can partake in MAJIKAL rituals, ceremonies, prayers and Earth ceremonies. Casting a majikal circle or sitting in a medicine wheel, is also favoured today. Singing or chanting mantras, doing a VISION board, or making a WISH upon a STAR are also options. ✨✨✨🎆
The COSMOS🍥 is our playground 🎡 today, and the HEAVENS are showering us with GOLDEN ENERGY and COSMIC blessings. Open your ARMS to receive the abundant COSMIC COOKIES 🍪 offered today!
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 which represents a DOORWAY into all realms and DIMENSIONS. CHUEN is the time traveller, illusionist and trickster – YOU decide which side of the coin to experience. BLUE MONKEY can access all realms and dimensions and EXPAND your consciousness on all levels – especially on a 13 tone COSMIC day!
Be AWARE and STAY in the LIGHT today as you OPEN your HEART through LOVE and spontaneity. Let your beautiful inner majikal child run FREE. Grab some buddies and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY in BLISSFUL exuberance – enjoy your majikal day!
✨Release the old dull illusory world. It is now time to PLAY your sparkly New Reality into existence!💫🎆
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE🍥 👁– MEN is our HIGHER guide today allowing us to see the bigger picture 🖼 of how the patterns of change happen in our lives. The COSMIC EAGLE has a huge field of VISION 👁👁 – past, present, future 🍥– holding a lens into all dimensions and realities in the entire Omniverse. 💥
The COSMIC EAGLE can bring forth SOLUTIONS to all problems. Whatever you desire the COSMIC EAGLE can provide the answer, helping you to SEE from a place of great clarity and understanding.
Now that the STORM has passed, you can see for “miles and miles” in any direction. COSMIC EAGLE – is a SEER,🔮 a prophet and a very wise ally, enabling you to make future plans and broaden your perspective of what is possible for you.
BLUE EAGLE can also help you ENVISION the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for your future path today. The BLUE BOYS – MEN👁 and CHUEN 🐒 will beautifully harmonize, to help you MANIFEST your HIGHEST VISION.🏔
You have EARNED your COSMIC reward a million fold!
You must HOLD THE VISION in order to CREATE it.
“Give me THIS, or something even better Universe, with harm to none. And so it is, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!”🙏❤🙏❤
✨✨✨Seriously BELOVEDS – this blue boys combo💙🐒💙 – is pure majikal Alchemy💫⚛⚛⚛ – Time Travel – MIRACLES and alchemizing your BEST timeline.. choose your track and set sail..💫✨✨✨🎆
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC STAR 🍥 🌟– LAMAT is your passport to COSMIC BRILLIANCE today, opening the YELLOW DOOR to your beautiful, harmonious and ABUNDANT NEW WORLD flooding through LAMAT’S stargate. COSMIC LAMAT ✨gives you total access to the entire ABUNDANT COSMOS through your expansive presence. ✨🍥✨
A beautiful synergy of COSMIC LAMAT with the 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE!
COSMIC LAMAT opens a portal to the NEW HARMONIX TIME as you marvel at the infinite beauty of DIVINE COSMIC CREATION.. A perfect world filled with beauty, HARMONY and ART-istry.
Our Galactic kin, applaud you today and your remarkable achievements and SUCCESS. So take a bow, Planetary kin and SHINE YOUR LIGHT✨ as BRIGHT☀ as ever, becoming the TORCH bearers for all those that are following. Marvel in the beauty and grace that surrounds you and take time to express your UNIQUE Artistry!🎨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC DOG❤ 🐕-OC guides us to EXPAND and OPEN our HEARTS ❤ today so that we can manifest the highest form of MAJIK.✨💫✨
The Magnetic Dog is masterful at connecting with kin and attracting all that is needed to express his reality as a part of SOURCE – unified with his kinfolk and all of CREATION. Now that the STORM has cleared all the betrayal and mistrust experiences we can now ATTRACT our beautiful tribe.
The MAGNETIC DOG reminds us that our highest purpose is to ATTRACT and BE LOVE! Expansive, INFINITE and endless unconditional DIVINE LOVE. ✨❤✨❤✨
As we become receptive to the COSMIC unlimited and unconditional LOVE from SOURCE, we can magnetize to ourselves all that our pure heart’s desire. Feeling the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS, and the UNITY of our Planetary kin.
We are UNITED in our quest for Universal LOVE❤ and collective ABUNDANCE💰🌻🌺🍇 in a peace filled world. AMEN to that! 🙏🙏🙏
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED COSMIC DRAGON🍥 🐉– IMIX challenges us today to take responsibility for allowing new energy to birth in us continually, by allowing ourselves to simply be present.
The COSMIC Dragon is the Mother Creatrix of the Cosmos🐉🍥✨ holding the keys🔑 to all Creation🍥🌪⚛ – able to manifest all possibilities springing forth from the Divine Child’s imagination.💫💫💫
Mumma Dragon LOVES to make her children HAPPY! 😍😍😍
This NEW ENERGY becomes today’s GIFT🎁, renewing our vitality and passion, allowing us to birth our new creations, and make our GREAT DREAMS come true.✨💫🍥⚛🍥
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible within the COSMIC womb of CREATION. 🍥⚛✨
New STARS ✨are birthed from the Cosmic EXPLOSION🍥🎆 of the old stars! From DEATH comes new LIFE✨ 🐣 and after every ENDING comes a New Beginning! And so the cycle continues!
Absolutely BRILLIANT on this phenomenal COSMIC HEAVENLY DAY.
✨P.S. Today is a brilliant day for AKASHIC RECORDS📖 work too! Renegotiate your contracts and write your new life chapter! 💫📕🔑
✨Blessings be, these are exciting times, planetary kin!!! ✨
EDITOR’S NOTE: 13 IMIX – the RED COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 – is the combination KIN of the union of Elizabeth Taylor (Crystal Dog) and Richard Burton (Magnetic Monkey) who birthed 11 movies together – and 2 marriages! Their LOVE and attraction was truly MAGNETIC and COSMIC – explaining the soul bond that kept them entangled throughout their lives.
They loved each other to the end (Magnetic Dog – OCCULT – superpower) and, when Burton died in 1984 aged 58, Taylor was inconsolable. Explaining why they could not stay together, Taylor once said: “Maybe we loved each other too much.”
Today’s question is “How can I birth the DIVINE MAJIK💫 of my Cosmic Child,🍥👶 to MANIFEST my greatest VISIONS and my true heart’s desires?”
We bid adieu for now to CAUAC, our transformative BLUE STORM🌀🌩🌪 which has cleared the way for the beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹 to shed the old paradigm, and step UP into their new Divine Galactic Mission.
The STORM energy 🌀 🌪🌩🌧 has swept through our PLANET, bringing the revolutionary changes that future generations will marvel at through the GREAT AWAKENING. 💥☀✨
The crumbling of the old world as we knew it and the anchoring of Nova Gaia through the pillars of magnificent LIGHT✨✨ through this LEGENDARY ASCENSION PASSAGE BLASTING OPEN the passage to the HIGHER realms.
The legions of beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹 who have claimed their sovereignty, are holding steadfast in the EYE of the STORM. 🌪🌫
HOLD THE LIGHT BELOVED wayshowers ✨☀💫 you are doing a STELLAR job! 🌟✨👏
BRAVO GROUNDCREW 👏 We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways and are now purified, cleansed and transformed, READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with EB 😊– our divine yellow HU-MAN as our learned guide – much needed WISDOM for this extraordinary passage through turbulent and SURPRISING OCTOBER. .
We are aligning with Divine Will and our higher Galactic Missions as the next cycle of our journey through the DREAMSPELL begins….
Divine blessings for Majikally 🌟Alchemizing your greatest VISIONS! ⚛🍥💫
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 6th through 12th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 6th through 12th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth & 10:10 Activation Portal.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





Today, Sunday and the day of the 1st SUN RAY
Happy,blessed Sunday to all
May Archangel Michael open our paths, Protect us with your Sword in Blue Flame Master El Morya consecrates this day.
In the name of the all-powerful Blue Flame Sword, I ask the legions of the Blue Fire of the Beloved Archangel Michael, to protect me in a powerful tube of Flames of Light from a consuming Blue Fire of all discord. This deed, sealed by the force of the all powerful Blue Flame Sword of Lord Archangel Miguel. “
I Believe and Am Grateful Today and Always.
Grateful Grateful Grateful Grateful!

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