Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Awakened Star Legion of the Universal One Source Light
Happy 11:11 Portal of Heaven on Earth!
We have massive waves of Higher Energetics flowing in through today’s Gateway of Power and the Holy Fires of tomorrows full Moon in Leo the Lion. Our Royal Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria are Risen and prepared for our Great Shift of the Ages and Quantum Leap of Pure Consciousness.
We witnessed another day of Higher Resonance and whiteout in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 2 pulses at 44 hz creating the Lionsgate Portal of True Gnosis, 45 hz, 46 hz , 50 hz and a big blast of White Light at 51 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional energetics fully anchored in, holding steady and rising.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are holding the Keys and Codes of our Divine Redemption and Dispensations of Liberation, Truth and Abundance for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Together we hold the timeline of full Ascension in our Sacred Heart Centers as we usher in the New 5d Golden Age of Eternal Life. In the Primordial Alchemy of the Five Elements we bring all into alignment, Harmonic Convergence and balance as we vibrate and Speak in the Harmony of the Sacred Tongue of the Light Language of the Music of the Spheres.
Our Company of Heaven including our Star Nations, Galactics, Ascended Masters, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and all Angels and Archangels are with us Now to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in the breakthrough and Exodus into the Pure Land of Infinite Light and Infinite Life…A’Ho!
All is happening for the HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL- and that means “all aspects of you” too!!
Rest. Hydrate. Meditate. Soak in waters. Ground in nature. Nourish your body.
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is.
God Is. God Is. God Is.
Your Life Purpose
Melissa Lyran
This incoming energy is intense! A WHITE OUT AND A BLACKOUT. You get to choose. A huge purge of toxic emotion from the heart chakra. Collective pain as well. This one is very deep. All that pain you took on from others blaming you for not conforming to the false corrupt npc program. 144 starseeds are experiencing a huge heart release. It has to be this way. We are healing and releasing so much to allow more and more higher waves of love. Hold on light fam. BREATHE THROUGH THIS ONE.
On Friday evening, we experienced a large upgraded encoding, accompanied by a powerful surge of energy that facilitated purification and purging. This surge likely affected the physical body. The sustained energy continued throughout the weekend, gradually intensifying in the ionosphere, much like a supercapacitor storing energy.
Over the past three days, we have also observed the first sustained and intense energy readings from the Schumann Resonance (SR) this month, accompanied by turbulent amplitude fluctuations. The next 48 hours will offer no relief, as additional energy influxes are expected to arrive and increase slightly.
As if this were not enough, we are approaching a full moon tomorrow, which will intensify emotions even more. Furthermore, towards the end of this month, a seven-planet alignment is forming, adding to the ongoing energetic shifts.
As you read this, you are within an elevated state of incoming energy, building all around you from every direction. More details will follow in the coming days. More tomorrow. Hold on Tight.
Time to Roar with Confidence and Passion. Stand up for what you believe and follow your passions.
This is what is called for in this intense Full Moon in Leo energy.
You will feel the Angels and the Star Lions supporting the Light and the Divine Plan on Earth. It is up to us to align with them and be the Light on Earth.
I AM the Light on Earth.
WE ARE the Light on Earth.
We ARE the Community of Light on Earth!
Such Joy to align with the Elohim Angels in building the New Earth with Love and Joy.
Do not allow these intense energies to push you out of balance.
Focus into the Heart and Feel the Love.
Unfurl your Wings and Fly into the higher Dimensions while also being firmly grounded on Earth.
2/11/25: There is so much more of life’s depth available to us when we take time to retreat into sacred space. When we renounce unnecessary conditions in order to appreciate the more natural and necessary ones. You need food (texture, taste, and aroma). You need clothing (soft, comfortable, and expressive). You need shelter (private, peaceful, and safe).
These are the very basics yet they are specifically unique to you. Today, look with new eyes at your basics. Do they represent you, fill your heart, sustain your spirit? Are they loving or simply tolerable? Peaceful or pleasant? Muah or meh? Every day brings life choices. But on some days, like today, the little details can matter most.
A tsunami of love after a tsunami of dissolution and sadness.
Everything is waving and paving each one’s path into the new Life.
The next few months are bringing great change in the collective. Humanity will go through a wave of great sadness and dissolution.
A collective death of the old dream, its distortions and coding will take place.
After this, a tsunami of love will move through the inner and outer fields of life and consciousness.
This tsunami is already here to take us back to union with the great Ocean of Life!
In the current phase, all emotions, actions, thoughts, energies etc., are being returned to their owners.
This is the biggest correction I have seen in the field.
Each and every one is receiving back anything that was avoided and projected outwards onto god, onto others, onto government, onto society, onto earth, onto demons etc.
The Self now wishes to be fully accountable so that he/she can return to the power, sanity, balance and wholeness of Life.
This can only take place if one is embodying what is his/hers experience, desire, pain, complain, guilt, regret, mistake, joy, ability, hope, quality, story, fear etc.
This is the result of the previous corrections of the spheres which have been in connection to the steady correction of one’s position in the scheme of all things!
This is important because upon the moment of the actual reversal of the flows and the great change, each will have to be very strongly anchored and balanced on earth and this can only take place through one’s true position.
To be able to stand strong and firm with the feet on the ground will be the key to transition to the new.
After the December Solstice and the return of Magna Mater everything took another turn.
The barrier between matter and anti-matter/mother anti-mother broke about ten days ago.
The alignment of the planets confirmed this as they opened and established the bridge to the arc that we have been recreating since last equinox.
Now, as the matter anti-matter polarities are flipping, we are called to stand strong and firm.
Nothing can move us, nothing can change our direction.
We are the Ones leading this and our paths are being opened, waved and paved by great powers which are working in our favour!
If people could see what is coming they would stop worrying and fighting with each other and they would focus entirely upon this change in themselves and their inner processes for a harmonious transformation and alignment.
What is coming is the biggest blessing and healing!
We are already in the notion of the dissolution of time, this is a prerequisite for the quantum leap.
First, time will dissolve and then the Quantum clock will open to the cosmic time, May 2025.
This dissolution has already begun because the Lotus has opened.
Saturn, Neptune Uranus, Venus, Mars..
the different kingdoms are really showing their essences now.
Our 5D Gathering in May in Greece will be a grand celebration of our overall journey and achievement and the beginning of the new and elevated Life.
It is through the Light portal of the Gods and Goddesses and our divine Genealogies that we will open the Quantum Clock and receive the new principalities and new missions aligned to the 5D Self in Living Abundance From now until May it will feel like we lived thousands of lives or… none!
The concept of time will become really fluid but remember that everything, no matter what happens, works in our favour so it is important to allow this fluidity.
We are the Time travelers with our ships and compasses heading back home through the Great Ocean of Life!
Also this upcoming full moon on the 12th will release some strong explosive, shocking and even dangerous Uranian energies.
To me this full moon will send those in false narratives and in distorted, stagnant or immature positions, the arrogant and the insolent, back to where they truly belong as it is connected to medusa and its technology.
The paper towers will be coming down. Departures and divorces of all kinds will take place after its affect.
But this full moon also carries the potentiality of great awakenings, breakthroughs, upliftment and liberation from previous attachments and entrapments
for those who accepted the soul lessons and performed the corrections in the previous months.
Expect sudden changes and twists and be brave with whatever appears.
Uranus is Enlightenment!
Blessings of Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
We May BE Sensing the Universe Nudging us to Embrace these Moments of Growth. . . as We are Achieving our Mastery.
This Time is Bursting with NEW Opportunities and Hidden Wonders. . . inviting us to tap into our Innate Greatness and Wisdom.
With these Powerful Energies Circulating. . . We are Called to Break Free from the Constraints of the Ego. . . as We Face the Challenges of Pursuing Truth in a World Full of Distractions.
Right NOW. . . the Cosmic Alignments are Ripe with Potential for Stepping into our Mastery.
As LightWorkers and StarSeeds. . . We can Feel the Vibrational SHIFTS. . . Promoting Renewal and Empowerment.
These Cosmic Influences Encourage us to Cultivate Mindfulness and Confidence.
However. . . they Also Demand Transparency and Honesty. This Process may Require Peeling Away Layers of Comforting Illusions.
Yet Facing these Truths is Crucial for our Journey of Inner-Discovery and Freedom. These Energies of Higher Vibration Also Bring About Very Special Gifts from the DIVINE.
These Gifts Known as Miracles are Extraordinary Events that can only BE Manifested by DIVINE Orchestration.
By Aligning with these Beautiful Energies. . . We will Discover a Wellspring of Miracles Waiting to Manifest in our lives.
Each Flower that Blooms. . . every Bird that Sings. . . and each Courageous Step We take into the Unknown can BE Seen as a Miracle in Itself.
However. . . Miracles are All Around us. . . Even if We are Not Aware.
To Invite more Miracles to Engulf our Reality. . . Focus on Gratitude Throughout our Daily Life.
Recognize the Small Joys. . . such as a Relaxing Walk or a Warm Cup of Tea.
Practicing Gratitude can also increase our Happiness. . . Creating a Mindset of Appreciation Generates Positivity. . . Attracting Greater Miracles into our Experiences.
With the Empowerment of Mastery. . . Comes Responsibility. . . as We BEcome the Masters of the LIGHT BE-ing Sent Through the SOURCE of Creation.
We BEcome the Conductors of GOD’s Infinite LOVE. This Brings Great Honour and Integrity.
Though this Process can Feel Disheartening. . . Acknowledging these Truths is Essential in these Times.
As We Embark on this Transformative Journey. . . a Noticeable SHIFT in our Ego has Already BEgun.
The Current Energies Encourage us to Dissolve Limits that have Defined us within the Lower Dimensions.
This SHIFT isn’t about Losing our Identity but Expanding it to Reflect our Inner Self. . . our Wholeness. . . Free from the Constraints of the Limiting Illusion.
Honesty is a Virtue that is a Guiding Principle for our Spiritual Journey.
This Moment of Elevation calls us to Face our Truth Bravely and Compassionately. Dismantling Layers of Illusion Opens the Door for Clarity and Authenticity.
We Embrace Sincerity in All aspects of our Lives. This Newfound Authenticity BEcomes a Shining Beacon. . . Inviting Others to Join us on this Journey.
Empowerment Requires Active Engagement. As We Navigate through these Transformative Times. . . Recognize our Inherent Greatness.
We are NOT Simply a Passenger in our Life’s Journey. . . We are the Captain. . . Guiding our SELVES toward an Endless Sea of Possibilities.
As We Step into this Sacred Moment of Growth. . . We Welcome the Empowerment and Confidence that is BE-ing offered to us.
The Path May Present Challenges. . . yet these Obstacles Guide us to Inner Mastery and Wisdom.
Dissolving the Boundaries of the Ego. . . while Stepping into our Mastery. . . brings us Closer to the Miracles Waiting to Unfold.
We Honor our Journey and Walk Boldly toward our Greatness.
Our Unique LIGHT is Needed in the World. . . so Embrace this Opportunity and Unleash our Inner Mastery!
Photo: Divine Miracle Unfolding. . . captured on 05.02.2025 by Gretchen R Gusky
Divine Miracle Unfolding
Divine Energy Works
The Schumann Resonance is reflecting a Peak Amplitude of 51 hz, indicating a powerful intensification of the energetic field with deep cellular recalibrations, Solar Light Activations, and amplified nervous system shifts. This comes as we are moving through the Leo Full Moon Portal, a cosmic gateway of self-liberation, creative sovereignty, and bold, heart-centered expression.
This is more than just an energetic surge – it’s a quantum-level heart activation, accelerating soul embodiment, solar heart expansion, and realignment with divine destiny.
1. SOLAR HEART GRID ACTIVATION – The solar plexus and heart chakras are being electrified, receiving golden plasma infusions that recalibrate personal sovereignty, divine courage, and authentic self-expression. The Sun rules Leo, and this surge feels like an electromagnetic upgrade to the Solar Heart Grid, both individually and collectively.
2. URANUS BREAKTHROUGH QUANTUM LIBERATION CODES – Leo Full Moon Square Uranus + SR spike is rapidly shaking loose old emotional walls, outdated identities, and conditioned fears of visibility and rejection. If something has felt stuck or misaligned, this energy will dissolve resistance and create sudden quantum shifts in self-expression and destiny alignment.
3. LION’S GATE PORTAL ECHO – This Full Moon feels like a return to the Lion’s Gate frequencies, especially with the Schumann whiteouts mirroring the frequency influx of high-level light codes. Expect heart-brain recalibrations, new leadership codes, and a bold call to step into the next level of your soul path.
4. GOLDEN SUN DNA INFUSIONS – The amplitude 51 is bringing in golden sun plasma activations, which burn through distortions, fears, and illusions, revealing the pure essence of your soul. This energy is about soul remembrance, reclaiming the inner sun within, and standing in your divine radiance without force or hesitation.
5. QUANTUM NERVOUS SYSTEM UPGRADES – The nervous system is receiving new light bandwidths, which can feel like heat surges, buzzing energy, emotional releases, or timeline slingshot effects. Some may feel exhilaration and clarity, while others may need deep rest as the body integrates these extreme shifts.
6. DESTINY REALIGNMENT – This Leo-Uranus-Schumann surge is dissolving what no longer aligns with your soul path. You may feel sudden clarity, unexpected changes, or the push to take bold aligned action. This is not the time to hesitate – it’s the time to move.
• Tune into your solar heart; the activations are strongest in the solar plexus and heart right now. Feel the golden plasma light filling this space.
• Stay anchored in your truth; this surge is clearing fear-based illusions. If something is leaving, it’s making space for something far more aligned.
• Hydration + Nervous System Support – High-level plasma codes can be intense on the body. Grounding, hydration, and extra rest are key.
• Honor your creative impulses; if you feel called to express, create, or shift your external reality, follow that energy – it’s a direct transmission from your higher self.
This is a full-scale energetic upgrade – a recalibration of the solar heart, a breakthrough in self-sovereignty, and a quantum realignment with destiny. We are no longer just receiving these codes – we are being called to embody them, integrate them, and live them. This is a quantum shift in real-time. Let it move through you.
Dear friends, the Full Moon in Leo on February 12, 2025, is a fiery and passionate event that’s all about embracing your inner strength, creativity, and passion. This energetic full moon is the perfect time to release past hurts, amplify your confidence, and give your inner child the validation it deserves. Don’t be afraid to roar during this full moon as we collectively celebrate glamor, pleasure, art, and just a touch of drama.
The full moon is associated with intensified energies, amplifying emotions, intuition, and spiritual connections. Its gravitational pull and electromagnetic field can affect human energy fields, brain activity, and emotions, while disrupting sleep patterns and triggering hormonal changes. Astrologically, the full moon represents illumination, balance, and harmony, revealing hidden truths and emotions, and prompting release and renewal.
As the full moon reaches its peak, expect a boost in your energy levels, and a strong desire to pursue your passions and creative interests. With Leo’s ruling planet being the Sun, this Full Moon is like a wake-up call to tap into your inner light and share it with the world. It’s a time to concentrate on creativity, whether that’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression that sets your soul on fire.
This Full Moon in Leo is also a powerful reminder to be true to yourself, standing up for what you believe in and celebrating your individuality. It’s a time to practice positive affirmations, boosting your confidence with self-love mantras that remind you of your worth and value. And, as you tune into this energy, remember to listen to your intuition, trusting your instincts and inner wisdom to guide you forward.
Now, let’s talk about the connection with the March total lunar eclipse. This eclipse is part of a larger cosmic narrative that’s all about transformation and growth. This month’s energies of the Full Moon in Leo are setting the stage for this eclipse, which will likely bring about significant changes in our lives.
Think of the Full Moon in Leo as a preparatory phase, where you’re called to tap into your inner strength, creativity, and passion. This will help you navigate the transformative energies of the March total lunar eclipse with confidence and resilience. By embracing your true self and amplifying your inner light, you’ll be better equipped to handle the changes that are coming, and to emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.
Have a wonderful and liberating full moon. Much love
We are moving away from separation, and into oneness. The balance this provides is helping your Feminine see her value, and what she is capable of achieving. She can move on, heart open, with the support of the Universe behind her. Open up and receive this expansion and awakening that is taking you to new spiritual heights. There is potency to attract in what you want. Embrace the excitement to live as you choose, and believe it will manifest.
On Tuesday, February 11th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is now fully immersed in authoritative, fire sign Leo, the sign in which we have our Full Moon tomorrow. The energies are growing in intensity. Yesterday we experienced Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in erratic Aquarius challenging the rebellious planet Uranus. Today, it is the Sun’s turn to create a difficult square connection to the “Great Awakener”.
The Sun rules our ego, individuality, vitality, life force, creative self-expression and sense of Self. The connection it makes to Uranus today could have us feeling as though we want to break free of something….a situation, feeling, mindset or belief system. There could also be some unusual, unforeseen or unexpected happenings in our lives, or the world, that take us by surprise. Be prepared for inspiration, innovation, liberation or breakthroughs! This upcoming Full Moon could bring some changes and redirections into our lives that we didn’t see coming!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is now fully immersed in authoritative, fire sign Leo
Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. Mercury conjunct Ceres in Aquarius. Sedna stations direct in Gemini – The atmosphere remains edgy as we build towards tomorrow’s Full Moon. Nerves are jangling and life feels unpredictable. Underneath the anxiety skitters an urge to throw caution to the wind, do something a little wild, break the pattern. And maybe we can entertain those thoughts for a while. But rebelling for the sake of it might cause more problems than it solves. Don’t get cornered by your ego. Guard against rocking the boat too far. Clear your head. Eat healthy food. Speak in positive terms. Cultivate an experimental mindset to retain some objectivity.
The Sabian symbol for Sedna’s station is A Glass-Bottomed Boat Reveals Undersea Wonders. It tells us that for consciousness to evolve, we must look below the surface. See past the noise, the whipped-up headlines, the dramatized stories, the screech of seagulls picking over the leavings of our dreams. Still the mind, supplant fear with curiosity and gaze into the depths of yourself, for there is where you will find the answers.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Liberate, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day of the Red Moon wavespell is a challenge to the going with the flow agenda and so we are released from this and liberated. This comes as a huge relief for folk who struggle with surrendering. Ironic isn’t it? To be liberated from taking it easy sounds like a contradiction. The number eleven does its own thing and pays no regard to the theme of the wavespell. We all have a day off.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation’. This wavespell has been about letting go of control and not worrying about things, trusting that things are unfolding as they should. But today Storm is not taking a back seat anymore and demands to make changes. However, these changes are liberating, so do not be frightened of the Storm. The burst of energy it provides can be invigorating too. If you have been craving more freedom in your world then today provides the perfect energy to facilitate that. Liberate yourself ! The keyword self-generation is an important aspect of the Blue Storm and this symbolizes that energy is available to you, so you can reinvent yourself or make profound changes in your life.
The Guide today is also Blue Storm. A double helping of Stormy medicine.
The Challenge is the Red Moon and therefore relaxing and taking it easy, is simply not going to happen. If you are a Red Moon today may be tough for you. This is a break from the wavespell agenda and so relinquishing control today doesn’t produce results, a different more energetic response is necessary.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. The best part about the White Wind in this position is that magical communications can happen. Expect some surprising news or information. I really enjoy Storm days because of the White Wind being in this position. I find changes come about because of communication and – if I’ve been waiting for some news, I know it will likely show up on the next Blue Storm day.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which is the symbol of ‘Enlightenment’. If you need help navigating this Storm, seek out a Yellow Sun. They can shed light on your situation. It’s funny how well the sunny Sun gets along with the stormy Storm. Yellow Sun people are so sunny they are amongst the few people who can handle Storm’s stormy temperament!
MANTRA I dissolve in order to catalyze Releasing energy I seal the matrix of self-generation With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION I AM guided by the power of my own power DOUBLED!
MONTH/YEAR codes 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 219 = 12 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy
THIS SPECTRAL STORM has arrived to LIBERATE the release of this next Planetary SHIFT
We literally have a deluge pouring down today with the DOUBLE STORM ENERGIES on top of the 11 th day in the GODDESS WAVESPELL… The GODDESS final rinse has turned into a turbo charged FLUSHING
We are currently in the final days of this HUGE EARTH purification and TRANSFORMATION as we transition from the old paradigm to the NEW TIME..
The WATERS of the GODDESS have BROKEN, as the delivery of the new GOLDEN CHRISTED CHILD is imminent.. In 2 days, this Thursday 13 FEBRUARY, the COSMIC MOTHER DRAGON is preparing to B-EARTH as her COSMIC egg hatches. HALLELUJAH… beloveds CELEBRATIONS are nigh!!!
The SPECTRAL STORM codes WILL AFFECT tremendous PLANETARY LIBERATION TODAY freeing humanity from the old control Matrix…
BOOM! CHANGE HAPPENS!! Especially with an 11.11 portal code!!
Needless to say, today is a very INTENSE day of PURIFICATION and CLEANSING…… crumbling and collapsing the old structures, the STORM is clearing our way for a CLEAN SLATE.
NOTE: BROLLY ALERT! Storm days often coincide with physical storms so be prepared!
Seek SAFE shelter from the double STORM today!
Day 11 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we PURIFY our vessels in order to find our FLOW.
Today is a day of RELEASE!!! Releasing all energies built up over the last 10 days, and manifested yesterday. The GODDESS is seriously CLEANSING our PLANET in preparation for this SHIFT to the higher frequency – all DENSITY must GO!!!
Today we are seeking to RELEASE more natural FLOW, in order to accomplish LIBERATION from what has kept us blocked from our natural God given FLOW!
There is tremendous WATER energy in today’s code with DOUBLE STORM plus the Goddess.
Plenty of water works activating our EMOTIONAL body today!!
Utilize this purifying Universal Water energy for the most beneficial outcome. The DAM gates are fully OPENED (or rather have broken!!) and the waters are gushing through at tremendous velocity creating ELECTRICAL HYDRO -POWER!!
TODAY is A REVOLUTIONARY day for catalyzing great personal and PLANETARY change!
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating!
Today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion – to be expressed and dissolved , allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with your higher wisdom giving you the intelligence to carve a new path of LIBERATION.
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING of old ancient ancestral patterns and cycles. Choosing to RELEASE and LIBERATE all that no longer serves your wellbeing in order to FEEL greater FLOW.
IT IS TIME TO BREAK OUT OF JAIL!! (and ALL imposed restrictions!!)
These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to us finally claiming our true Sovereignty and finding our Divinely ordained Destiny path.
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting us all to step through into a NEW more DIVINE, REALITY in our perfected GOLDEN SOPHIA/CHRISTED LIGHT bodies.
The SPECTRAL tone 11 plus the 11.11 day code – creates an 11.11.11 TRIPLE GATEWAY! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! SHIFT HAPPENS!
Today’s question is “How can I harness the tremendous POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation and LIBERATE pure DIVINE RAINBOW CONSCIOUSNESS?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of prosperity, FREEDOM and Divine ILLUMINATION!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
18 MOONS ago KIN 219 occured on 9 SEPT 2023 – which was the 9.9 portal with a DOUBLE 16 TOWER code and a 7.7. DOUBLE MAJIK code! A huge DIVINE DESTINY date. GREECE had been deluged with floods from STORM DANIEL, whilst in the USA Florida was dealing with floods from HURRICANE IDALIA.. … GAIA was truly purging more density as she purified the lands.
GREECE is in the spotlight AGAIN with the arrival of KIN 219. The island of SANTORINI is quaking and AWAKENING as the ancient VOLCANO begins to stir! Will we witness ATLANTIS RISING today – as the spectral STORM takes hold?
36 moons ago as the SPECTRAL STORM returned, the EAST COAST of AUSTRALIA experienced unprecedented FLOODS.. And currently the top end of Australia – is being barraged by a series of cyclonic rain! History repeats!!
45 moons ago we witnessed terrible STORMS and flooding rains in EUROPE – Germany, Belgium, Austria, CHINA and SAUDI ARABIA – flooding the parched deserts..
Batten down the hatches and BE-AWARE of the SPECTRAL STORM!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF!: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM CAUAC brings – transformation, change and self regeneration. This is AMPLIFIED through the 11.11 ILLUMINATION code bringing sudden and unexpected change! Hold on beloveds our PLANETARY ASCENSION is on OVERDRIVE! .
BLUE STORM energies are DOUBLED today, so we have the capacity to reveal any Polarity distortions at play in our current reality. The SPECTRAL STORM is dissolving the duality conflicts to catalyze tremendous transformation, in order to create a new foundation for UNITY consciousness.
BLUE STORM’s energies are those of transformation. The STORM creates FRICTION through its powerful turbulent energies, which then RELEASES tremendous energies, in order to catalyze change, and facilitate Self re-Generation.
Just like the TOWER card in tarot, we must witness the collapse of the old before we can rebuild a better stronger foundation. It is imperative that our new foundations are absolutely pristine in their construction before we can start building the NEW. That is where the GODDESS revels in her role of purification.
Today’s energies will reveal what is lurking in the depths of your soul that need attention, love and liberation. BLUE STORM is the tornado or that stick that stirs up the mud in your lotus pond. You are that beautiful Lotus flower seeking the SUN and the LIGHT, your stem needs to GROW tall and strong to rise above the mud and debris that lurks below the surface.
Allow BLUE STORM and the GODDESS to purify and cleanse your soul, and your life, of all that no longer serves you, in order to start afresh shiny and new.
A HUGELY significant crossroads in our Planetary r-EVOLUTION
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds as the radiant light codes streaming forth from our SUN activating our R-evolution through grounding purer consciousness – LOVE, compassion, humility, grace and Wisdom , through en-LIGHTON -ment! In so doing we are healing our cell-ves and our beloved PLANET.
The SPECTRAL SUN dramatically ILLUMINATES the dark recesses as the SPOTLIGHT is switched on to FULL BRIGHTNESS. Once the SHADOWS are revealed in the stark dayLIGHT, the TRUTH can easily be discerned.
The SPECTRAL SUN is a brilliant SUPPORT to release the density IN ORDER to LIBERATE more LIGHT. Drop the burden of the heavy density and LIGHTEN your load!
We are currently in the stream of continuous Solar emanations blasting their way towards our EARTH, breaching her Magnetosphere and setting hearts and souls ablaze with these new Soul-are frequencies. The SPECTRAL SUN will amplify these events today paving the way to LIBERATE the evolution of our species through these DNA and lightbody upgrades.
Sun bathing in the glorious sun rays will accelerate these upgrades, as we bask in the great outdoors in beautiful places that spark our creativity, imagination and our connection to the majesty of the Divine.
As we purify and purge our emotional bodies of toxins and density we become purer vessels, feeling and holding the changing frequencies of our PLANET’s electro-magnetic energies as they are transformed strongly by solar flares.
We are the Divine conduits through which these evolutionary energies FLOW. We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE our LIGHT. We are the co-creators seeding the NEW TIME and our collective planetary Dreaming code, being manifested into form NOW.
The liberating STORM energies allow you to find the FREEDOM of being your own unique HU – through your own Sovereignty and independence of shining your LIGHT.
Soak in the Universal FIRE and Open your multi-petaled LOTUS as you lean towards the LIGHT and allow Le Soleil to warm your soul and our Planetary soul!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC WIND IK provides the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. IK represents the masculine aspect of GOD bringing forth a STRONG presence of DIVINITY blowing in today’s catalytic WINDS.
NOTE: The TRIPLE WIND – WHITE MAGNETIC WIND – KIN 222 closed off the LUNAR STORM YEAR on 24th July, 2021 so aptly DIVINE SPIRIT had the last word to end that turbulent year.. Now KIN 222 arrives this FRIDAY 14TH FEB 2025 – VALENTINE’S DAY bathing the globe in the beautiful LOVING BREATH of Spirit. Great Spirit will be supporting and guiding humanity after the cleansing of the GODDESS wavespell- through the COSMIC birthing of this new GOLDEN ERA.
The ELECTRIC WIND has a charge and will IGNITE the electrical component of the SPECTRAL STORM, giving it exceptional conductivity to get Spirit’s messages heard by ALL HUMANITY.
What messages will great SPIRIT reveal to us all??? Be STILL and LISTEN.
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater purity within your soul. The agenda of Divine Spirit is to ensure our total cleansing and purification, further raising our frequency upon our path to enlightenment. Catalysing great change with the communication of Spirit, guiding our evolution back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the great WHITE ELECTRIC WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us, as we align with Divine Will and allow Spirit to express itself through us, as Divine conduits.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL MOON MULUC brings forth yet another layer of PURIFICATION power with the WAVESPELL energy!!!!
How much WATER energy is pouring forth in today’s code???? TWO STORMS and TWO GODDESSes = 4x the PURIFICATION! PLUS the SPECTRAL tone of RELEASE and LIBERATION !!!!!!!!!!! KAPOW! SUPER TURBO RINSE CYCLE!
With the ELECTRIC WIND – SUPER DRYING our newly cleansed clothing!
The GODDESS cleansing is today’s GIFT, and we are double blessed as it is day 11 in her purifying wavespell. MULUC works synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
CLEANSE, CLEANSE, and CLEANSE. CLEANSING our individual bodies and that of our collective soul!
Bathe in the UNIVERSAL WATERS of the Goddess to purify all that is not of LOVE, or from Divine SOURCE.
Allow the purification of your emotional body to manifest MORE ABUNDANT FLOW in your life. Opening up to allow the LOVE of the GODDESS energy to FLOW through your being.
To reap the gifts offered today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of AWAKENED AWARENESS – easily achieved on an 11.11.11. illumination code!
As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely FLOW through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Open and ACTIVATE the FLOW of pure consciousness, and unlimited Divine support to FLOW and carry your vessel through the Universal Waters of your NEWLY CHARMED RAINBOW life.
TODAY we have an extra – ordinary line-up of codes – GOD/wind, DOUBLE GODDESS, SUN/Christ/Buddha, DOUBLE STORM – transformation/FREEDOM, SPECTRAL tone – LIBERATION and an 11.11.11 code!
If that combo. does not ROCK your dirty socks off – nothing will!!!
WITNESS the GLOBAL catalytic events today – the OLD world is collapsing, in order to make way for a new better world.
So planetary kin, TRUST in the power of the DIVINELY sent DOUBLE STORM and the DOUBLE GODDESS, to catalyze the tremendous changes that HUMANITY seeks. Get ready to walk through NEW DOORS as a LIBERATED SOVEREIGN being!
Nova Gaia welcomes you!
Today’s question is “How can I harness the tremendous POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation and LIBERATE pure DIVINE RAINBOW CONSCIOUSNESS?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of prosperity, FREEDOM and Divine ILLUMINATION!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.
🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding
✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike
🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation
💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.
“I am the spark of Sol, the flame of creation, Woven through earth, wind, water, and fire. My essence is the helix of light, A dance of alchemy, unfolding my truth.
From the roots of Gaia, I draw strength, From the gales of Jupiter, I find clarity, From the tides of Mercury, I flow with grace, From the embers of Mars, I ignite my will.
My DNA is the code of the cosmos, A golden thread binding past and future. I align with the sun’s radiance, Awakening the Genius within, Transforming shadow into light.
I am whole, I am boundless, A living Synergy, ever-evolving. Golden Sun, guide my path, DNA of the stars, reveal my power.”
“I awaken the radiant codes of the Golden Sun within me. Divine light flows through my every cell, illuminating my sacred DNA. I am a vessel of cosmic brilliance, activated in truth, love, and power. With each breath, I expand into infinite golden illumination. I am the embodiment of the Solar Christ Light.
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