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Future of Medical Technology in Japan

A Brave New World and the Future of Medical Technology in Japan

A Brave New World and the Future of Medical Technology in Japan



A Brave New World and the Future of Medical Technology in Japan

The world is on the brink of a revolution, a historic shift that promises to reshape society, governance and healthcare as we know it.

The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, popularly known as GESARA, is not just a change—it is a new beginning.

And as the days draw closer to the long-awaited GESARA election, whispers are growing louder about what this could mean for Japan’s medical infrastructure and the global transition to a fifth-dimensional world.

Are you ready? Buckle up, because things are about to get dramatic.

The Medical Revolution: Japan at the Forefront.  Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is no stranger to innovation. And yet, the latest buzz is about its approach to medical beds.

Initially, Japan plans to deploy these medical beds primarily in existing hospital facilities. However, as we move into the future, there is a vision: Japan aims to create facilities such as the “New Center for Medical Technology and Healing.”

This is not just another hospital. This is where technology meets compassion, where the future of healthcare is reimagined.

Consider this:   Several hospital facilities currently occupy prime locations throughout Japan.

While some naysayers point to the lack of natural environments—such as trees and vegetation—in these locations, I firmly believe in Japan’s ability to innovate. By downsizing and strategically redesigning, these locations can become new epicenters for medical technology and healing.

The first phase after the launch of GESARA sees Med beds stationed in existing hospitals and universities. But this is just the beginning. With the launch of GESARA, we are not just aiming for a finish line.

Instead, we are setting out on a remarkable journey to build a new world—a five-dimensional realm where progress, empathy, and growth thrive.

Let’s not sugarcoat it:   Change, especially of this magnitude, brings chaos. The transition to the five-dimensional world will not be a cakewalk.

There will be confusion, resistance and what I call “annoying behavior” from those who find it difficult to adjust to this new reality. But in this tumultuous time, one thing must remain crystal clear: the integrity of the Med Bed technology.

A word of caution, dear reader: As the world embraces this new era of medical technology, there will be opportunists. Fraudulent “new medical technologies and healing solutions” will emerge. There will be those who seek to exploit this momentous shift for monetary gain.

But always remember, genuine medical and healing technologies as promised under GESARA will always be provided free of charge. Beware of impostors and always ensure that you are accessing genuine services. A fraudulent phase is inevitable, but with awareness, we can combat this challenge.

This is not just another article. This is a clear call, a passionate plea for vigilance, adaptability and unity. The world is evolving, and Japan is on the threshold of monumental progress in medical technology.

The launch of GESARA, the evolution of healthcare, and the birth of the fifth-dimensional world—these are not just events; they are a testament to human resilience, innovation, and the spirit of progress.

As you navigate this new era, remember to stay informed, stay skeptical, and most importantly, stay united.

The journey ahead is long, but together, we can overcome any challenge and truly usher in a brave new world.



Tesla’s controversial patent: Free energy technology is infinite!

Net discovery:

In 1928, Nikola Tesla filed a controversial patent. The patent was called “the world’s first flying saucer.” This was groundbreaking for Tesla.

This is because it harnessed the ability of the electromagnetic force instead of gravity. So if the flying saucer becomes a reality, then it could very well be the fastest airplane.

Scientifically, the electromagnetic force (2.2 x 10^39) is stronger than gravity. To put this in perspective, if the energy required to mechanically lift a block a quarter of a millimeter away, say X.

If the same energy is given to the block with electromagnetic force,
it could lift the block (5.6 x 10^24) km. This shows how powerful an airplane powered by electromagnetic force would be!

In 2004, Ronald Patrick Marriott discovered “antihydrogen fusion,” which creates atmospheric sprites.

Antihydrogen Fusion is a 12-foot ring disk consisting of Antihydrogen Fusion, which is in the Fusion or Fibonacci Spiral configuration in antihelium and liquid oxygen. This energy is rated between 600 KeV and 2.7 MeV.

Antihydrogen fusion burns antihelium into light or aether or dark energy or spacetime in the Fibonacci spiral configuration of a parallel universe or dimension.

This production of light is the energy that expands the universe or time itself.

One of the properties is massive antigravity. Only a small amount is needed to levitate a vehicle or even a building.

Another property is that antihelium acts as a force field and is in the outer ring of the
Van Allen belt to protect us from the sun.

Technology is infinite!

Tesla's controversial patent
Tesla’s controversial patent




Fun Facts About Chinese Elders, Royal Families, and the Conclusion of the GCR Launch – Part 2

✅ The King David Trust is said to represent an amalgamation of European Royal Lines (but not all) who support the use of their inherited wealth for the benefit of humanity and economic prosperity.

✅ The significance of these golden treasures cannot be overstated.

✅ They embody not just material wealth, but a legacy that spans centuries.

✅ The Ancient and Royal Families accumulated this gold over generations, with the intention of using it for a greater good, this was their proposal (action plan).

✅ This plan was to support currencies, alleviate debts and fund humanitarian projects on a global scale.

✅ Their role challenges the Cabal’s current financial paradigm by pushing against the tide of fiat currency – a system where the value of currency is not backed by physical commodities, but rather by government declaration.

✅ By advocating a return to asset-backed currencies, the Elders/Royal Families aim to restore stability and confidence in global economies.

✅ This bold vision sets the stage for a confrontation with the entrenched interests of the Western banking cabal, marking a crucial juncture in the quest for financial reform.

✅ The Elders’ plan is nothing short of revolutionary.

✅ They propose using their immense gold reserves to back currencies, thus introducing a stable basis for a new global monetary system.

✅ This initiative goes beyond mere financial restructuring; it encompasses debt relief and financing for humanitarian projects around the world.

✅ Such a change would mark a radical departure from the prevailing fiat currency system, where the value of currency depends on government decrees rather than tangible assets.

✅ The urgency of this transformation arises from the systemic failures of the current financial model.

✅ This Kabbalah fiat model allowed the creation of money out of thin air, leading to cycles of debt, inflation, and economic crises.

✅ The Elders’ view counters this by advocating a transparent, asset-backed system.

✅ Their plan challenges the dominance of the Western banking cabal, which has long relied on fiat currency to exert global financial power and influence.

✅ The Hero Resistance Alliance was then formulated.

✅ Resistance to this monumental financial shift is already being felt and is expected to increase vehemently, especially from those who benefit most from the current Cabal system.

✅ However, the plan gets unexpected support.

✅ Within the military and intelligence agencies, individuals dismayed by prevailing financial practices are voicing their dissent.

✅ They refuse to support other Cabal banking agendas.

✅These facts are not just passive critics; they actively seek to realign U.S. financial policies with principles of integrity and transparency aligned with the original, organic Constitution of the United States of America – not the usurped Constitution of the United States (a corporate entity in the District of Columbia).

✅ This coalition between Elders and reform-minded individuals in the US and around the world represents a powerful alliance and a force for change.

✅ Together, they aspire to dismantle the exploitative mechanisms of the existing system and lay the foundations for a more equitable financial future.

✅ This would include Allies positioned at the U.S. Treasury (UST), the International Monetary Fund (IMF/World Bank), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and other agencies around the world.

✅ Redemption began many years ago as a top military secret and very few people knew anything about it, until today.

Cont. with Part 3…



⚜️From Mrs. Elena Danan⚜️-I saw the wonderful land 20 years later 

⚜️From Elena Danan⚜️Great news from Elena Danan❣️🥰Elena was recently allowed to reboard the Meton mothership by the people of Proxima Centari.

They say they have the Mirror Device, but it’s different from Earth’s amazing military technology.

*The Mirror is a device that can see the future, and it’s said that the White Hat Army and the Alliance used it to see the future while fighting the DS. No matter how many times I watched the DS, I could only see a future where they would lose, so it’s said that they didn’t use the Mirror much.

It’s a time monitoring device, Centari technology from Alpha, more advanced than Earth’s, and the way it sees time is quite different, which is why it’s not called a mirror.

[Proxima Centari’s Weather Monitoring Device (from SEEDERS)]

※👆I borrowed the illustrations from Elena’s recently published book【THE SEEDERS】🙏

That day, Elena was with Sohan. And Mr. Sohan said that Mr. Haven, the Commander-in-Chief of Methane, agreed to take Elena to the weather monitoring device, so he went to see him again. 😍

[Mr. Baben, Commander-in-Chief of the Meton (from THE SEEDERS)]

Actually, the last time I went to this device, I heard that I could see the future 100 years ahead. It seems that the near future was not allowed to be seen because the timeline was unstable. 💦

It seems that the timeline is fluctuating and we (the collective consciousness) are making this timeline.

This time, Mr. Haven told Elena, “Now you can see the time before”, and it seems that he was able to see 20 years ahead.

It seems that we can see 20 years from now because the timeline has changed and stabilized compared to the last time, as humanity has made great efforts to awaken, spread the truth, grow and awaken ❣️🥰

I heard that Elena returned from Centari at 5 am, and it seems that she recorded this video before she could forget what she saw 20 years later 🙏🥰

What will Elena see in 20 years?

※ 👇 From here on, I will write in the person’s own words.

I saw a tree. It’s a good tree. I think it was an oak. It was located in a clearing in a beautiful natural landscape.

[Big oak tree (from Elena’s video)]

The nature was beautiful, children, little children sitting in a semicircle in front of the tree, and the teacher was there. It was an outdoor class at school.

Only the teacher who taught that class was a hologram. It was a hologram that taught the children about nature.

The hologram (the teacher) changed and showed me scientific mathematical data about plants, rocks and nature. The rocks are transformed into mathematical data and geometry. 😮

The children did not take notes, but their memory skills were well developed. Their DNA is stronger and more active. This is unbelievable.

It is nothing superhuman. A more active humanity, as we should be. These children are our children.

I looked around, I wanted to see technology and focused my mind on where the city was.

(City) The air is clear and clean, it smells like ozone, there is so much oxygen in the air, it is like the clean, pure and beautiful world that I saw that once existed.

[Earth full of oxygen (from Elena’s video)]

[Land full of nature (from Elena’s video)]

I saw a car come and hover (stop in the air). It was antigravity. Beautifully contoured cars come floating. I could see a car coming, but it was hovering. It was antigravity.

A beautiful contoured car was floating and stopped. A couple got out of the car and went for a walk on the lawn. I stopped the car and let it land on the ground. Antigravity (flying) cars will be around in 20 years. That is, it will already be in production (in 20 years).

※👆Mr. Michelle Fielding said the same thing the other day❣️😊

And I saw a city that didn’t look much different than it does now. But the more nature grows, the more natural it is.

[Cities in 20 years that are similar to Dubai today (from Elena’s video)]

[Earth City in 20 Years (from Elena’s video)]

[Earth in 20 years (from Elena’s video)]

It seemed that there were few people on Earth. I immediately heard the answer. They are in colonies and on Mars. And beyond Alpha Centari, the moons of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter and so on.

There was already a colony and everything was becoming clear. As we passed Earth, we saw the fleet of the Solar Guardians, many ships. Everything is open, there are many ships of the Alliance and people are flying into space. 🛸

What will global politics be like in 20 years? If you look at America, you will see a new young woman that you have never seen before, in her 40s or early 50s, with dark hair, tied back and somehow intergalactic. Although she is an Earthling, she seems to work together with the Federation, holds positions in the Galactic Federation and represents Earth as the leader of the Earth Federation.

Twenty years later, we are members of the (Galactic) Confederation, joining the greater family of Star Nations as free and evolved planets.

DNA repaired.

We are powerful, beautiful, intelligent and who we are. We have always been and the technology stolen from us has been given back. All is revealed, all is told. There are no more secrets. Both the Deep State and the Reptilians are bad memories.

Humanity is looking to the future. Because humans have this ability to focus and look forward to move forward.

I was brought back to consciousness on the Meton. The Mirror device interrupted the vision and froze as if it had disappeared.

And Haven took my hand and said, “Come on. I have something to show you. This is the present, not the future. This is a gift.” And the room that So Hung and I occupied was like a military office with many boards and screens and devices and the people were very busy.

Haven told me

They work together with Terran military organizations and other alliances. We are building technology that will be released soon. All of these technologies that will exist 20 years from now are being created right now.

It is all real, it is all already there. Already prepared for the people of Earth. New leaders will emerge, the conversation will increase and the light will increase. True leaders will emerge all over this planet. It is the planet that you call Earth.

And it will happen now. It is time for you to stand up And you will finally hold the hand that we hold. I know that you are family. We are her family

Men of Haven and Meton, faith in man, that is why they are here.
They are working with humans on Earth. That’s why they put so much effort into this cooperation program and created all kinds of technology.

[High-tech future (from Elena’s video)]

[Future where nature and high technology merge (from Elena’s video)]

In 2018, when Sohan and the team came back and took me on board again, they told me and were so excited about it. “Something special is about to happen for Earth, and we are here to be a part of it,” he said. It was so exciting, positive and fun.

Twenty years later, here we are. Twenty years from now, it’s not about rushing things and developing all these technologies. They are already out there and many of them are being produced. We are just waiting for humanity to say NO to the Deep State. Stop arguing. Give in to fear and pessimism and stop being easily manipulated.

It seems like you shared this video because there are too many people on the planet arguing and fighting and men who do not respect women. Elena was told in the video that an argument is not an argument. It is what creates conflict and what is holding back this wonderful future.

The regret is that if we continue like this, there will be no [bridge] to this beautiful future. 💦

Also, [women are not inferior to men, women carry (souls). The vortex of creation within a woman’s body is capable of welcoming souls and exploring the greatest mysteries of life’s alchemy. Women should be respected and honored. we are equal. If you want to be on equal footing with the divine feminine, be the divine feminine and masculine. Divine masculinity does not intimidate women. 】It is said that.

It seems that the frequency of the collective consciousness and the Earth has increased so much that the wonderful future that existed over 100 years ago will not arrive in 20 years.

If all the people of the earth raise their vibrations and unite with gratitude and love, I believe that the future can be accelerated by 15 or 10 years ❣️🥰

👇 This is the future that the Ambassador of the Galactic Federation, Aurora Ray, was talking about. This is also exciting content ❣️😊


The Financial Tsunami IS HERE:  (Goldilocks)


Cryptocurrency Predictions, Next Black Swan, XRP, QFS, GCR, US Treasury Note and Cryptocurrency Regulations 

  • The imminent end of traditional systems.  As the second half of this year unfolds, the market will enter a critical phase marked by the transition to asset-backed digital currencies. This shift could trigger a Black Swan Event – ​​temporary market turbulence as industries and investors adapt to the new landscape where utility takes precedence over speculation. Reports of the decline of traditional systems such as the Federal Reserve and central banks are not mere exaggerations, but a reality that we must face. These institutions are struggling under the weight of modern economic demands, paving the way for a new transparent structure that modernizes the backend with blockchain and digital technologies while preserving the familiar structure of existing systems.
  • What have we been continually showing here?  For years, naysayers and traditionalists have been dismissing digital currencies and assets, clinging to outdated financial systems that are now struggling to keep up with innovation. Digital assets are not relics of a failed attempt at a global currency, as some critics suggest. Instead, they represent the cutting edge of a new financial era, reshaping the way we think about value and transactions.
  • We explore this emerging world extensively,  examining the digital transformation led by technologies such as RippleNet and the potential of XRP, a currency said to be backed by gold. These innovations are not speculative whims, but fundamental elements of a new financial infrastructure poised to replace the outdated SWIFT network and redefine interbank and person-to-person money transfers.
  • A Vision for Ripple and Beyond.  Ripple is at the forefront of this financial revolution, with the ability to facilitate cross-border transactions that can challenge and potentially destabilize the dominance of traditional fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar. As Ripple begins to create new opportunities in foreign exchange markets, it underscores a broader shift toward valuing currencies based on real demand and supply, backed by physical commodities.
  • The introduction of the US Treasury Note (USTN)  serves as a transitional measure, facilitating society’s shift to the digital asset ecosystem. This transition period is crucial, giving users time to acclimate to digital assets, which will soon become a fundamental part of everyday finance.
  • Ignore cryptocurrency’s role in politics at your peril.  As the US presidential race heats up, digital currency has become a significant issue, drawing scrutiny from an electorate increasingly aware of its implications for national and global economies. With new legislation set to regulate Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) and stablecoins by the end of September, the stage is set for a dramatic transformation.
  • After September, the cryptocurrency market will undergo a Darwinian cull  . Tokens and coins unable to comply with new regulatory standards will disappear, while those aligned with legal frameworks and backed by tangible assets like gold and other commodities will thrive. These changes aim to stabilize digital currencies by ensuring that they accurately reflect the economic stature of their respective nations.

 To all Lightworkers


 Currently, the DS cleanup operation has come to an end and signs of the old world’s collapse are beginning to appear.
 Before the great collapse that will begin this fall, we have finally entered the phase of creating a new world with our own hands.
 There are several things we must do at this time.
1. Connecting with God



2. Sending the truth



3. Giving love to the people around you is necessary.
 It should be noted here that even if a person who has not  previously been connected to God manages to connect with God, there will be no visible signs, such as seeing light or hearing anything
 It is the same as when the world line diverges, the moment of divergence cannot be recognized at all.
 Do you remember when your heart moved from the left side of your chest to the middle?
 Many people look for some kind of dramatic sign, but this world  is set up  so that there is no reaction to the workings of the higher realms.
 However, you and God will definitely be connected and the effects will be clearly visible. You will understand this later.
 Regarding point 2.,  it would be better  to limit disclosure to an indeterminate number of people, as in the NHS, and disclose the truth if the other party requests it.
 Stop trying to wake up the person in front of you.  It’s a waste of time and effort.
 Let’s practice the act of giving love to the person in front of us.
 Let’s help the other person with their problems, offer various types of assistance, say kind words, smile, etc.



 By connecting with God and practicing acts of love, you  allow a great deal of God’s light to enter you and illuminate your surroundings.
 This is what we call  the Lightworker vibrational adjustment  .
 When Lightworkers come to Earth, their souls are often damaged and suffer from various evil influences.
 However, with the influx of divine light that accompanies real acts of love, the wounds of your soul will be repaired and the pain of your soul will disappear.
 Lightworkers are evenly distributed in each region to receive God’s light and illuminate the earth.
 As you practice love and shine God’s light in your area, the land will become more and more purified  .
 If you can do this, your duty as a Lightworker will be sufficient.
 If you have energy,



4. Exercise free will and create a new world
Let’s try.
 First, imagine yourself doing what you want in the new world.
 Think hard about the reactions of the people around you and the world you live in.
 Based on this image, if there is something you cannot accept in the reality that is before you, firmly say “NO”.
 Decline in person or on social media and make it clear that you want to do this.
 Talk to the people around you about what you want to do in the new world and declare that you want the world to be like this.
 This allows you to exercise your free will and change the world around you.
 If everyone does this, a collective will will be formed that will create a new world.



 The moment the collective will to embrace the new world exceeds the collective will to maintain the old world, the old world collapses with a sound, and the new world appears before our eyes.
 It is our own will that creates a new world.

RUMORS: 09/07/2024


Please tell me the truth 🙏 President Trump 🙏 He mentioned EBS 📢 17 ❓ Trump drank alcohol 17 times and finally mentioned EBS 🙏 This is unbelievable ❗ He said about EBS that he didn’t eat the tiger he caught🤩17❓September 6, 2024 [2024/09/06]


On the night of September 5th ❗ Evil has been completely defeated 🤩 God has won 🔔 It’s all here ❗ You’re not ready for what’s going to happen next ❗ The financial collapse is happening ❗ The DS elites are falling 🔔 Let’s unbuckle the belts ❗ The time for all of us to wait has come 🙏 They won’t come back this time ❗ The future is ours 🔔 DS Cabal Financial Slavery The righteous control❗ September 6, 2024 [2024/09/06]


It all started on September 6th 🔔 DJT ❗ A shocking announcement in the world ❗ Donald Trump declared September 6th the day America’s rebirth began

🔔 On September 6th, everything started to change 🙏 This is more than Just a day ❗ This is the beginning of a revolution that will restore prosperity, meritocracy and power to a collapsing nation ❗



President Trump’s transformative policies will make the American dream accessible to all. Our goal is to secure a future that is brighter and stronger than we’ve ever seen before ❗ This. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for 🙏 [2024/09/06]


It’s here 📣 News, September 4 ❗ 

More than $1.5 trillion will disappear from the US stock market 🔥 ▶ After the file (Nikkei media) fell by more than 700 yen ❗ As of 23:14, 700.14 yen will fall to 38,000.73 goods ❗

▶All three US market indexes fell sharply after Labor Day❗September 4, 2024 [2024/09/04]


As it is now falling ❗ 

Let’s go ❗ In the era of Gesara 🔔 Warren Buffett ❗ Warns that you need to be prepared for the years you buy to fall “more than 50%” ❗ More than 1000 times more than the Lehman collapse ❗ NESARA The benefits that GESARA will save cities🔔 September 3, 2024 [2024/09/03]


Notice ❗ 

Within 48 hours of September 3rd, the US government will permanently dated ❗ Saudi Arabia will also release US dollars 💲 ❗ Sell all US fiat currency ❗ September 3, 2024 [2024/09/03]


The future is now ❗ 

Unveiling the Medical Bed ❣️ The Ultimate Weapon Against Deep State Lies ❗ A Healing Revolution 🙏 Trump’s NESARA Is More Than Just a Policy ❗ It’s the Key to Unlocking Cutting-Edge Healing Technologies Hidden in the Deep State 🔔 We Boldly Declared That “Within One Year (By the End of 2024), All Hospital Procedures Will Be Obsolete”

🔔A quantum mechanical marvel that can eliminate all diseases in minutes 🌈Showing medical records ❗ Every city ❗ Every city will be equipped with these miraculous machines❗ It will be guaranteed that our people will regain their health and vitality 🌈 Even conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, autism and fibromyalgia will also be cured. 2024/09/03]


Urgently provide UBI basic income benefits to Japan🙏

▶Mr. Elon Musk❗In times of mass labor❗I think some kind of universal basic income will be necessary🙏None that we have a choice❗



▶Recently, companies in Japan have done so. Also false, early housing and discounts due to downsizing are increasing❗September 2, 2024 [2024/09/02]


The first step towards the practical implementation of the QFS (Quantum Finance System) is scheduled to take its first steps on September 3, US time 😆 Here is the information about the progress of the QFS (Quantum Finance System), which constitutes the most important infrastructure of the Gesara Society. 🔔Wait, I know that electronic stock exchanges with QFS specifications become a reality🙏baum Telegram❗September 2, 2024 [2024/09/02]


New travel restrictions will come into effect after midnight on September 2 ❗ 

All Your Voices Must Be Shut Down ❗ All Your Voices Canceled ❗ The Internet Has Been Shut Down ❗ The Food Market Is Broken ❗ Mass Media Has Gone ❗ No One Is Safe ❗ ▶ EAS Emergency Alert System Activated Across California ❗ Prepare for the End ❗ September 2, 2024 [2024/09/02]


No official announcement on 6/9 🙏 President Trump 📣 Your regrets will end 🔔 Everyone will be able to buy a house, car and maintenance 🔔 It all starts on Friday, September 6, 2024 🙏 DJT❣️ September 6 is Friday ❗ September 5, 2024 (05/09)


Basically, QFS is currently implementing its final protocols for the new Digital Banking System.

We are currently testing rules and regulations that will guide those who occupy leadership positions in the governance of this new Financial System.



In 2025, International Payment Systems are expected to begin to be activated.


God is in control

National Security Alert Issued

Nothing can stop what is to come

Prepare for ten days of communication darkness

We are in a silent war – the final battle of the planet.

In the coming weeks the world will change and tremble

Don’t be afraid. All assets are in place

Truth is light and light overcomes darkness

Biden was impeached. Trump rules Q.

I’m alive. She’s alive. He’s alive

It takes time, be patient.


BRICS countries move towards introducing a new currency.

Iran, a new member of BRICS, recently confirmed that it is working closely with Russia to introduce a new currency.



Iran’s ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said Iran is participating in efforts to help both countries end their dependence on the US dollar. The diplomat said the creation of a single currency within the BRICS is underway.


It’s Wolvie.

I want everyone to be prepared.

I think it’s emotional.

Because it’s about to happen now.

Congratulations on making it this far.

I hope everyone can hear my voice.

I’m not working right now, but

I’m at the mall.

The green light is about to be given soon.

be careful.

bye Bye


Quantum computers are launched

Green Light

BQMBS is coming

Lack of necessary energy

from darkness to light

Digital war

Sunday, September 8th Return

… President Q’s official website


As the second half of this year unfolds , the market will go through a critical phase, marked by the transition to asset-backed digital currencies. This shift could trigger a Black Swan Event.


Mike Cottrell

The news I got earlier this week was that things are moving forward… and to stay put… But I’m very encouraged by what’s happening. Whether it’s in the next few days or the next few weeks… I see it coming to a head. I really do. And I’m very pleased.



Question: Any news on HCL approval?

MarkZ: There is movement on that. Some of the issues are tensions between Iran and the Kurds. I think some of the meetings we’re about to see between Iran and Sudan will address that.



Question: Will they release the RV on weekends or weekdays?

MarkZ: I’ve been told it’s easiest to release it on a weekend – Saturday night through Sunday morning… but any time is fair game.


There will be a limited time to turn in all the fiat greenbacks you have for new USNs. When that time is up… the value of those old notes disappears… they are worth nothing more than wallpaper – you can use them to laminate your bar.


September 5, 2024 Patriots, be careful how your voices are being carried… Q and The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Be careful how you follow. Some are profiting from this movement. Some are building a large fan base with this movement, only after we recover and become popular.

Patriots do shit. Some of them, definitely. Patriots are HOUSEKEEPERS. They ask for monthly payments to continue being Patriots? I thought logically.

For some, it’s all about money. Those who seek personal gain have two others in this movement who have an agenda. You decide. This is not a game. The one thing we should all strive for is TRUE FREEDOM. God bless you all. Q



Urgent Update! – NEW! 09/07/2024

🚨 Financial system collapse is imminent. EBS, QFS, NESARA will be launched. Financial system collapse is imminent. EBS, QFS, NESARA will be launched.

A storm is coming and the truth is coming out faster than they can cover it up. High-ranking officials have confirmed that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are not just rumors and are ready for deployment.

Well-informed politicians are leaking important details, whether by accident or on purpose, to prepare us for the big changes to come. This is a coordinated effort, and the people who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer falls are taking action now.

🚨 Congressman Jim Jordan was overheard in the halls of Capitol Hill with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene discussing “the new financial system that will be announced soon.” This system will pull the rug out from under the feet of the corrupt. This was not a vague conversation, but a direct reference to the QFS.

Green said the EBS is “ready to go live at any moment” and urged everyone to prepare for a global lockdown. This is a direct warning from an insider.

🚨 At a private MAGA event in Phoenix, Kali Lake reveals to a select group that the QFS is already in the testing phase and that we are on the brink of total financial and political reform. She warned that deep state bankers are cornered and are desperately trying to negotiate deals to protect themselves before the EBS exposes their shady dealings.

🚨 Mike Pompeo made a shocking statement at a Texas fundraiser: “The financial system as we know it is coming to an end,” hinting at changes in transparency that will shake the country and beyond. An attendee, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Pompeo was talking about NESARA and the QFS. This signals a financial reset that will expose decades of corruption.

🚨 Matt Gaetz didn’t hold back in Florida. In a private meeting, he declared: “The days of the Federal Reserve and its covert operations are over.” According to him, the QFS is a sacred tool to restore balance and the EBS is intended to “transmit the truth to the masses.”

🚨 But this is not just a US issue, it is a global change. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who held a private meeting with President Trump and key international allies at Mar-a-Lago, said that European leaders have been briefed on the introduction of the QFS and that those who resist will be left defenseless and helpless. I confirmed that I would be in a similar situation.

🚨 General Michael Flynn confirmed in an interview in August 2024 that the military is preparing for this complete global realignment. The EBS will be activated soon to reveal the truth and destroy the lies and deception that have enslaved humanity for so long. 🚨

In a recent roundtable hosted by Sidney Powell, she declared that the role of central banks is over. The new financial system is ready to expose all its dirty secrets. The EBS is activated and what we have been looking for is finally revealed.

The signs are clear and the signals are everywhere. These leaks are not just talk; they are warnings. The QFS is underway, the EBS will be launched soon, and NESARA is ready to change our world. The old rotten system is crumbling and a new system is rising from the ashes.

Patriots, get ready. The revolution is here. Stay alert and be prepared. The time to wake up is now!




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Information related to Q Phone! Direct Satellite Communication Service using Starlink September 6, 2024


Information related to Q Phone! Direct Satellite Communication Service using Starlink

This is a story related to the “Q Phone”, which is a terminal device that will form the basis of the new GESARA society.

Direct satellite communication service using Starlink! ?

In GESARA society, Qphone  is an indispensable personal terminal device for communications and finance (QFS)  .

The Q-phone will be distributed free of charge to everyone around the world after the launch of GESARA. Production of the Q-phone has already been completed. We believe it is ready for distribution.

Looking at the information so far, there is a high possibility that Elon Musk is involved in the production of the Q phone, and the Tesla Model P is being developed and promoted by the Tesla company that Elon Musk is involved with. etc. are being considered as candidates for the Q-phone.

At this point, I have not been able to confirm that “Q phone = X starphone / Tesla Model P”. (I think it may or may not become a Q phone)

However, what is clear is that

Q Phone is a direct satellite communication service using Starlink developed by Company X.

That’s what it means.

Direct satellite communication service using Starlink is scheduled to begin this year (2024)! ?

Starlink  is the backbone communications network of the QFS (Quantum Financial System). It has been announced that a direct satellite communications service using Starlink is scheduled to begin this year (2024).

An announcement about direct satellite communication services using Starlink was made through au in January this year (January 2024).

There has been no concrete information since the announcement in January, but the other day Elon Musk announced in

By the end of 2024, we will launch Starlink direct satellite communications service on T-Mobile first.

It was announced.

Covering the world (excluding the African continent)! ? Telecom operators plan to provide direct satellite communication services using Starlink

Telecom operators plan to provide direct satellite communication services using Starlink

So far,  the “communications operators that plan to provide direct satellite communication services using Starlink”  have been officially announced. These are the following seven companies.

T-Mobile (USA)
Optus (Australia)
Rogers (Canada)
One NZ (New Zealand)
Salt (Switzerland)
Entel (Chile)
KDDI (Japan)

It covers North America (Canada), Central America (USA), South America (Chile), Australia, Asia (Japan) and Europe (Switzerland). (Although only telecom operators on the African continent have not been defined, we believe that the above mentioned telecom operators will be compatible or that a new telecom operator will be selected on the African continent.)

This time, it was  first announced that the service would be launched on  “T-Mobile”, but the background behind it was

T-Mobile covers 99% of the United States. Internationally, we provide service in over 215 countries.

There are many things that can be mentioned.

If the service starts with T-Mobile and there are no issues, it is likely that other carriers (around the world) will start offering the service.

Direct satellite communication service using Starlink can now be used with existing mobile terminal devices (smartphones)! ?

Direct satellite communication service using Starlink can now be used with existing mobile terminal devices (smartphones)! ?

The information at the moment (as of September 6, 2024) is

Direct satellite communication service using Starlink will be available with existing mobile terminal devices (smartphones).

That’s what he said.

There is a possibility that the specifications may change depending on trial and error in the future, but basically  it seems that  “the service will be available without the need to install any special applications.”

The direct satellite communication service is being promoted in parallel with the Q-phone introduction plan! ?

The direct satellite communication service is being promoted in parallel with the Q-phone introduction plan! ?

From here my thoughts will begin.

Basically,  we believe that  Earth Alliance’s Plan Q is not a time-bound plan for achieving goals.

Regarding the Q Phone, there is no set date for the distribution of the Q Phone.

Therefore, “the production and preparation of the Q phone has been completed” so the distribution date can come at any time, but there is another preparation.

Providing a highly secure communication system through QFS (Direct Satellite Communication Service Establishment using Starlink)

I think things are happening in parallel.

We believe this is why the service can be used via existing mobile terminal devices (smartphones).

*I have a few ideas I’d like to talk about, so I hope I can add them later.

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