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Fifth-Dimensional Holographic Medical Beds

Med Beds Unlocked

UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators


UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators

Let’s get straight to the point. For too long, the truth about aging, disease, and human potential has been suppressed, shrouded in layers of deception by those who want to keep us in the dark. But now, the curtains are finally being pulled back.

We are on the brink of a revolution that the elites have desperately tried to keep from us—a revolution that is poised to shatter the boundaries of what it means to be human. Forget everything you’ve been told about the inevitability of aging. With the advent of Reatomization and the  DNA Replicator  , we are no longer prisoners of time.

Here’s the hidden truth the mainstream won’t tell you: the power to reverse aging and unlock the full potential of Med Beds is directly tied to  your brainwave frequency  . On September 25, 2024, new insider information came to light revealing that brainwave training isn’t just a side skill;  it’s the missing link to accessing the advanced capabilities of these life-altering technologies.

It’s all about synchronization. Elites have been using this for decades,  aligning their brain frequencies with the Med Beds to maximize their effects.  By training your brainwaves, specifically targeting alpha, theta, and even the elusive gamma waves, you can unlock a connection with the Med Beds that goes beyond basic healing.

Medical Beds and DNA
Medical Beds and DNA

It’s not just about physical rejuvenation; it’s about transcending your current state of being. Start with alpha wave training — spend 20 minutes a day in a quiet, meditative state to calm your mind and stabilize these frequencies. Once you’ve mastered alpha waves, move on to theta waves, which are crucial for deep subconscious healing and regeneration.

The real game-changer, however, is gamma wave training,  which catapults your brain into heightened states of awareness and consciousness,  allowing you to direct the Med Bed’s healing processes with surgical precision. This is the kind of knowledge that has been buried under a mountain of misinformation, reserved for the select few who pull the strings behind the curtain.

The DNA Replicator: A Hidden Weapon in the Age of Reatomization

But let’s get to the heart of this technology — the  DNA Replicator.  This is the tool of the new age, the forbidden technology that the powers that be don’t want you to know about. This device goes beyond genetic engineering. It operates on a level that borders on the mystical, blending cutting-edge science with ancient knowledge that has been suppressed for centuries.

Using a proprietary form of quantum entanglement, the  DNA Replicator interacts directly with your body’s energy field  . It identifies the exact moment in your genetic history when your DNA was in its optimal state and reverts every cell in your body to that point.

The DNA Replicator process begins with the implantation of nanobots into your bloodstream, which act as scouts,  mapping every strand of your DNA  . They detect weaknesses, mutations, and signs of aging. Once the map is complete, the Replicator uses a directed burst of scalar energy—a form of energy that can manipulate matter at the quantum level—  to rebuild your DNA.

This burst not only repairs, but also restructures, ensuring that your DNA is not only restored, but  strengthened against future degradation  . This is why an 80-year-old person doesn’t just look 30; they are 30, right down to the genetic markers that define their biological age.

What’s truly revolutionary is that DNA Replicator doesn’t just stop at reversing aging. It improves your immune system, supercharges your metabolism, and even rewires your neural pathways to improve cognitive function.

Imagine possessing the wisdom of a lifetime, but with the mental agility of your best years. This is the future that has been hidden from us, the future that the elites are already living, hidden behind closed doors and layers of misinformation.

To fully take advantage of Med Beds,  you need to understand the power of your own brainwaves  . The training is simple, but it requires discipline—a word that has been systematically eradicated from our social lexicon by those who profit from our ignorance.

Start with alpha wave training. Spend 20 minutes a day in a quiet place, focusing on your breathing, allowing your mind to calm down into the alpha state. Once you’ve mastered it, move on to the deeper theta state, where the real magic happens. Theta waves are the key to unlocking the healing frequencies of the Med Bed.

When your brain operates at these deeper frequencies,  it emits signals that the Med Bed can interpret, allowing it to tailor its healing protocols specifically to your body.  This synchronization between your brainwaves and the Med Bed technology  is what enables the full spectrum of rejuvenation.

It’s like tuning a radio to the exact frequency needed to hear a clear broadcast. If your mind is cluttered with distractions, the Med Bed can’t fully connect. But with trained focus, your body and the Med Bed become one system, operating in perfect harmony.

The training doesn’t stop there. By advancing to gamma waves, which are associated with higher states of consciousness and intense mental focus, you can even increase the effectiveness of the Med Bed, accelerating healing and regeneration to unprecedented levels.

This is the kind of knowledge that has been hidden, guarded by the elite, and for good reason: because if the masses knew how to truly harness their own power, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.

The Forbidden Technology of the Elite: A Call to Action

This is the crux of a seismic shift in what it means to be human.  The DNA Replicator  , the Med Beds,  the brainwave training  —these are the here and now, kept from us by those who benefit from our ignorance.

Elites have used these technologies to extend their own lives, to gain unfair advantages while the rest of us age, work hard, and succumb to the diseases they claim are inevitable.

But no more. It is time to tear away the veil and claim what is rightfully ours. The technology is real, the benefits are undeniable, and the time for secrecy is over. It is time to enter the next phase of human evolution, armed with the knowledge that has been deliberately withheld.

Reatomization and the DNA replicator  are the tools of a new age, an age in which we regain control over our own biology, our own destinies.

So what are you waiting for?  Start your brainwave training today.  Get ready for the Med Bed revolution.

Don’t be a pawn in their game — be the master of your own destiny. The future is here, and it’s time to reclaim it.








Crypto Educator Says Have XRP Instead of Gold: Here’s Why

Common Sense Crypto, a notable crypto handle focused on education, argues that XRP is preferable to gold, citing a crucial XRP use case.

In a recent post on X, the pundit behind the account expressed his 2024 view of various valuable assets, including crypto and traditional assets. He noted that he would rather have a Bitcoin portfolio than US dollar cash stashed in the bank.

Interestingly, the community pundit revealed that he would, however, prefer to have gold instead of Bitcoin. While he provided no specific reason for his preference for gold over BTC, even though traditional financial behemoths increasingly see BTC as digital gold, it may be due to Bitcoin’s stronger price volatility than gold.

However, based on historical performance, holding Bitcoin over the last ten years is a more sound financial decision than gold.

XRP Instead of Gold
Meanwhile, Common Sense Crypto disclosed a preference for XRP over gold despite favoring gold over Bitcoin, a comparable crypto asset to XRP.

The crypto educator emphasized a strong affinity for gold and silver but expressed a belief that XRP will ultimately hold greater value. This is based on the potential for XRP to facilitate the real movement of world assets, such as gold, through tokenization.

Indeed, the XRP blockchain has the capability to facilitate real-world asset (RWA) tokenization.

XRP Facilitating Tokenization

In June, Ripple and Archax, the first pioneering U.K. digital securities exchange, strengthened their existing alliance to usher in tokenized RWAs to XRPL in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Earlier this month, Ripple, in partnership with OpenEden, launched tokenized US Treasury bills on XRPL. Notably, Ripple has injected $10 million into OpenEden’s TBILL tokens.

Notably, before the elevated alliance, Archax CEO Graham Rodford had publicly predicted that XRPL’s blockchain would handle $50 trillion in tokenization in the coming years.

This bullish prediction continues to give some XRP enthusiasts reasons to remain bullish about the token as they theorize the potential price impact of such massive funds.

Gold vs Crypto Assets
Notably, according to data from Macrotrends, gold is $2,431.16 per ounce. As of November 2015, it was $1,405. At the same time, Bitcoin was worth $404 but has since grown by 14,912% to its current price above $60,800.

Similarly, XRP was worth $0.0042 in November but has since grown by 13,869% to its current value of above $0.5867.

DisClamier: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author’s personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses.



CODE RED! Emergency alert system activated:

 Military alliance prepares for 10 days of darkness, major attack imminent, coded signals sent, FEMA dismantled!

  • The Emergency Alert System (EAS)  is the foundation of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State and is now in full testing mode, preparing for the most significant exposure of hidden truths the world has ever seen.
  • EAS testing has intensified  , not just in frequency but in scope, as Earth Alliance fine-tunes the system to ensure that when the time comes, EAS will strike like a lightning bolt on every screen, every device, and every communication channel in the world.
  • Recently, on August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test  was conducted at exactly 2:15 PM EDT, but this was no ordinary test. This was a large-scale simulation that went beyond mere alert tones or text messages.
  • It included a series of coded transmissions transmitted  over high-frequency radio channels and satellite systems, intended to reach not only the general public, but also key Earth Alliance operatives.
  • Sources close to the operation confirmed that these tests included encrypted messages  intended to coordinate movements and actions of military units at several undisclosed locations, including high-security sites such as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, which is known to house NORAD and other critical defense operations.
  • In early September 2024  , insider reports at Fort Hood, Texas, revealed that a series of live exercises were conducted involving the full deployment of the EAS. This included not only the broadcast of emergency alerts, but also the integration of tactical data links used by military and intelligence agencies.

  • These tests are part of a larger strategy  to ensure that when the 10 days of darkness begin, the EAS will function flawlessly, delivering true, continuous streams to every corner of the globe without interference. These tests are so detailed that they even involved simulated cyberattacks to test the resilience of the EAS infrastructure against potential sabotage attempts by remnants of the Deep State.
  • In another unprecedented move  , EAS was launched in several localized areas with unannounced and unscheduled tests on September 16, 2024, in places including New York, Miami and Los Angeles.
  • Residents in these areas reported receiving alerts that did not match the usual EAS test formats;  instead of the typical “this is a test” message, they received garbled transmissions and flashes of symbols that some believe are coded messages intended for those in the know.
  • It’s no coincidence that these tests are taking place  in large population centers — they are strategic moves designed to test the EAS’s ability to deal with dense urban environments, where Deep State influence is most deeply embedded.
  • The urgency of these tests has increased dramatically.  Last month, on August 28, 2024, an EAS test took place that included a 90-second video feed at specific locations, showing clips of classified military operations and blurred documents. While publicly dismissed as a “technical error,” those in the know understand that this was no mistake.
  • It was a calculated preview of what’s to come  — a glimpse of the kinds of disclosures that will be released during the 10 days of darkness. This was a warning shot, a clear warning to the Deep State that the Earth Alliance is ready to reveal everything.
  • The Deep State is pushing hard  because they know what’s at stake. They have been monitoring these tests closely, and their attempts to disrupt them have failed so far. Earth Alliance’s control over the EAS is unshakable.
  • On August 5, 2024,  reports emerged that a cyberattack targeting EAS infrastructure was thwarted by a swift response from U.S. Cyber ​​Command. This attack, believed to have been orchestrated by Deep State operatives still embedded in key positions, was a last-ditch effort to delay the inevitable.
  • But the Earth Alliance has eyes everywhere  , and its response was swift, closing the breach before it could do any real damage. This wasn’t just a defense—it was a declaration of superiority in the ongoing information war.
  • However, the real threat may lie within our own borders.  FEMA, the agency that should be safeguarding the EAS for the public good, is deeply compromised and actively working against Earth Alliance’s mission.
  • Internal leaks have confirmed that FEMA is not merely a neutral player, but is actively collaborating with Deep State operatives  , conducting closed-door briefings with senior military officials and telecommunications giants. These meetings are not about ensuring the smooth operation of the EAS — they are about subverting it.
  • FEMA’s involvement is not about protecting the public; it’s about controlling the narrative.  The agency has conspired to cripple civilian communications networks, with plans to censor, delay, or alter broadcasts to protect Deep State interests.
  • FEMA has positioned itself as the gatekeeper of information  , actively seeking ways to disrupt the flow of truth that EAS is poised to provide.
  • Reports have emerged that FEMA is devising strategies  to selectively block or interfere with critical EAS transmissions, using sophisticated countermeasures to disrupt transmissions that threaten to expose its allies within the Deep State.
  • FEMA leadership is said to be deeply embedded with Deep State operatives  , making them complicit in efforts to hide the truth from the public. Their agenda is clear: maintain the status quo and protect those who have wielded power from the shadows for too long.
  • FEMA is a rogue agency that acts as a shield for the Deep State  , working tirelessly to undermine the very system designed to expose its corruption. This has transformed FEMA from a supposed protector into an adversary of the truth, a direct threat to the Earth Alliance’s mission and the public’s right to know.
  • EAS tests are active maneuvers in the  Earth Alliance’s strategy to dismantle the Deep State’s control over the world. Specific plans have been put in place to use EAS to reveal long-suppressed information about everything from illegal bio-labs hidden in plain sight to secret treaties that sold national sovereignty to globalist interests.
  • These broadcasts will not be simple news segments  — they will be comprehensive eight-hour exposés that will leave no stone unturned, complete with names, dates, and documents that will prove the Deep State’s guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  • As these EAS tests continue to ramp up  , expect more of these so-called “technical errors” to occur, which are in reality previews of the flood of disclosures on the horizon. EAS is an active offensive weapon designed to break down the walls of deception.
  • The 10 Days of Darkness  is not merely a disruption—it is a total reset. During this period, the world will be plunged into a communications blackout unlike anything ever before. The EAS will be the only voice, and that voice will be relentless, hammering out the truth with an intensity that the Deep State cannot contain.
  • They can’t hide, they can’t run  , and they certainly can’t escape this. Earth Alliance has ensured that the EAS will operate on an unbreakable loop, continually cycling through every piece of damning evidence they have gathered over the decades.
  • The final countdown has begun  , and the EAS tests are the clock that signals the end of the Deep State’s reign.







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions



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