Axis Mundi ~ On the Verge of Ascension * GALACTIC CODES ~ Cosmic Divine Birth ~ GODDESS OF PEACE ~ Lunistice
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings New Earth Angels of the One True Holy Divinity
With the past two days of Cosmic Alignments with the Solstice and Capricorn full moon we have massive timeline shifting energies flowing into this realm from the most high.
All of Gaia’s Sacred Grids are lighting up with Higher Energetics as Mother Earth and all Her Children of the Sun are being inundated with the Ascension Flame of Divine Mastery.
Our local Soularis continues to send in reinforcements today releasing 6 C Class Solar Flares and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.85 at 8:55 UTC calling in our Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria of the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in her Sacred Portal of Venezuela, South America at 3:58 UTC.
All is coming into fruition and harmonic convergence through the coming 7:7 Gateway to prepare of for this most powerful Lionsgate Activation of this Ascension Timeline.
Our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being initiated and transformed in the Threefold Flame of Infinite Source Creator to prepare all of Humanity for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man species of homo-Luminous, Rainbow Light Bodies of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
We are on the verge of Ascension. It is time we stand up as one and take back our lives, our world, our home. We have lost so much under the forces of darkness, but we have a chance to recover all now that his reign is coming to an end. AR
The Universe may be presenting you with a real struggle right now in some area of your life. Something simply doesn’t work out any longer. Trust. You would never be presented with such issue without soon being presented with the solution. Rock bottoms so often precede majestic rebirths. Keep finding your way out & something will click – this upcoming blessing is the reason why it all happened.
Currently there is a compression of the lower timeline effected by the influx of solar wind from an upper Hemisphere coronal hole in the SunSon.
Ones that are more sensitive and Divine need to feel this timeline compression will feel the lethargic energetic affects and are informed to have little movement. This will persist intermittently for the next day or two and it is not a result of You that You are feeling this density, it is an indicator of what is transpiring upon the surface of Gaia.
The Divine Plan has increased in energetic volume and capacity by more than 25 percent in a very short period of linear time and these affects are compounded upon the breakdown of the lower timeline, and simultaneously Create a bigger portion of the new reality.
Ongoing deactivations of nefarious instigating influences in the form of energetic field emissions and the recalibration of these nefarious devices to benevolent affluencers for the New Reality also affect/effect the overall electromagnetic field of Gaia and felt individually.
It is important to responsibly calibrate Your energetic field higher with the conscious knowing that Your energetic field is beyond any past high and is once again entering unprecedented territory that increases all senses and an unwavering ability for further Empowerment. The emphasis is to be more attuned and Aligned with the higher Love frequency now accessible which activates more of the Light Body and its attributes.
There is a void energetic space between the compression and the new reality that is required to be saturated with conscious directed Love, as assimilation of the old progresses.
On June 22nd and 23rd, the karmic counsel is receiving all the requests and tasks for the next half a year. This is when you write your letters to the higher karmic counsel asking for support in whatever you are planning for the remainder of the year. At the same time, you are taking on tasks to create the energy for your requests to happen. It is a plan for half a year and at the same time you are suppling the energy to assist this plan. Because the energy is changing so fast, you definitely may not be able to forecast or see everything that is coming your way.
You can send your requests in one of three ways; write them down and burning your letter, write your letter and send it through water by placing it in water or you just visualize in your mind and send through your heart.
I recommend keeping your requests open so that you are ready for whatever is coming your way, which is unclear now. Your plans should be presented as an open opportunity. You can either create additional tasks for yourself or you can use the energy from positive karma, or the energy from your daily prayers or meditations.
If you want something for humanity, Gaia or for the other kingdoms, all you have to do is just send intention from your heart out to the universe. You need only to supply and support your personal requests for you, your family and friends. Everything that you are doing for the higher and best of the whole group doesn’t have to be supported.
Your intentions sent through your heart into the divine flow of creation will manifest.
6/22/24: Those who believe consciousness extends beyond body, time, and space will get the most benefit from 2024. They know that lifetimes are temporal, subjective, and personal. They understand that the earth plane is a playground of opportunity for the enhancement and expansion of their greater selves. They aren’t trapped by worldly matters that come and go. They know we are all alchemists creating ourselves from where we are with what we have. This is important to consider today because Master Number 22/4 (the Master Builder) is infusing the very spiritual number 9 with even more power. It offers us the highest expression of “as above, so below.” And you are in the middle where they meet.
MESSAGE from the One that has been holding space for all.
You can say this prayer for seven days, the blessings will be many!
After the great liberation from the fallen structure and the Exorcism on the Twin Flames/Kundalini we broke the bonds so we are releasing huge parts of our systems that are no longer serving us.
Let it burn!
We have accepted and freed the deepest dead part of the Self.
We are being weaved back to existence and reclaiming more of our powers and rights!
The Radium is kicking in as we are preparing to become the Rising Phoenixes!
We are the Ones to turn the Wheels when the time comes.
Miraculous developments are taking place as the more we restore the true Self, the more abilities, powers and rights we restore in us.
The heart becomes whole again and our 5D Selves are closer than ever.
The Holy Grail is reaching more flow and the veil is thinner than ever.
We are absolutely cared for and guided!
The secret key:
Give your permission to take the lesson, the one that was most difficult for you to see, feel or acknowledge.
Surrender to its truth and you will be able to become whole again and resurrect through your I AM PRESENCE.
Sweet blessings for a sweet life!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Dear friends, a large eruption of solar plasma was just observed from behind the east limb on our Sun. This hurricane of solar particles is not directed towards our planet, however, those of you who are energy sensitives may have sensed the energetic “blow” of this powerful solar event.
When events of this magnitude take place in our solar system, their energetic effects and ripples can be felt all over the interplanetary space. And although these solar particles are not physically moving towards our planet, the generation of this bombastic event can trigger a strong energetic pulse all across the energetic interplanetary magnetic grid.
Symptoms such as sudden dizziness, lack of focus and concentration, a need to sit down and rest, jaw tension, ear ringing, and brain fog, can all be signs that our nervous system has been energetically affected by a solar event. Take a moment to rest, drink water, and ground your energy if you are experiencing some of these symptoms.
We are still under the powerful Solstice and Capricorn full moon influences, so our energy systems are currently working hard on assimilating these new light codes. The rarity of a solstitial full Moon—the average interval is about 19 years—reinforces the Moon’s energies of clearing and releasing unnecessary energetic patterns as we transition into the new season. Today’s eruptive solar event is adding an extra layer of sensitivity to this already intense weekend. Take time to rest, breathe deeply, and allow the inner process of transformation to take place. All is well, all in divine timing.
Much love
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ
Maria Lustig
We are the Galactic Federation of Light
Powerful Waves of Cosmic Energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding Earth , catalyzing our evolution.
influences of Light are densities of the quantum field surrounding us, and stimulating positive changes on all levels; therefore:
The awakening that takes place in our 3D reality. They feel and respond to the Beings in the New Earth 5D Vibrational Planes.
The Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters, in the Cosmic Causal Planes, and beyond as Humanity continues to awaken.
Our Central Sun, is preparing to massively intensify the Waves of Light that reach Earth .
This intensification will support the Grand Event and continue to propel the ASCENSION.
The Waves of Light coming from the Great Central Sun contain highly evolved frequencies to accelerate the shift of humanity’s consciousness.
By opening our heart and RAISING our vibration we will be able to absorb this Flow of Light with Greater ease.
As humans awaken spiritually, they raise their vibration and collective consciousness from darkness to Light.
Spreads out, amplifying the light throughout our solar system and the galaxy.
Benevolent Galactic Civilizations Assemble To Witness The Earth Ascension, They Want To Welcome Humanity, The Galactic Community.
Earth is a precious Planet filled with rich resources and life.
Our Solar System is also in a precious position, for travel and trade.
As Humanity Awakens, we open channels for Galactic Light and Technologies to flow.
This prepares the Earth to join the GALACTIC FEDERATION of Peace, Abundance and Enlightenment.
The Extraterrestrials are waiting for the right time for Mass Contact and Release.
However, Total Galactic Contact cannot occur until humanity achieves peace, unity and expanded consciousness.
There is still work to be done on Earth before conditions are right, but the higher vibration of humanity awakens; ATTRACTS more help from benevolent Beings.
This is a crucial time for the Planet the incoming waves of energy are part of a DIVINE PLAN to awaken them to their true nature and potential.
They are called upon to embrace greater sovereignty, freedom and a consciousness of Unity.
requires doing the inner work of HEALING and SHIFTING YOUR THINKING AND BELIEFS.
It is very important that you UNDERSTAND YOUR ROLE in this Collective Ascension, doing your part to Awaken and Change internally.
*The individual awakening is intertwined with the awakening of humanity.
The times we live in require us to dig deeper, Face our shadows and STEP INTO OUR DIVINE LIGHT .
We must stand firm and focus !
Connect with the earth .
* Carrying out self-care practices that NURTURE the BODY, MIND and SPIRIT; allowing for Rejuvenation and Alignment through meditation, prayer and Mindful Reflection.
That raise your vibration.
As we tune into the Radiant frequencies that Emanate from Central Sun we BECOME CONDUCTED for a profound Transformation.
These Celestial energies carry the Essence of a Higher Consciousness, inviting us to EXPAND our Consciousness and realize our Innate Divinity.
In the elevation,
our vibration ALIGNS with the Cosmic Currents of Love and Enlightenment , allowing Light to permeate every aspect of our Being, through this SYNERGY of Resonance and Receptivity.
We’ve accelerated our individual and collective journey.
We love them so much, we are here with you.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light
Big hug Xolar. Blessings to all.
I’m Maria Lustig144
Guardian of the Flame of Light in the Service of Humanity and Illumination of the New Earth.
Just like The tilt of the Earth’s axis causes us to see the Sun at a highest and lowest point in the sky twice a year at Solar Standstill or Solstice, similarly the tilt in the moon orbit results in Lunar Standstills or Lunistices twice a month. However a major lunar standstill happens only every 18yrs when the earth’s axis and moons orbital axis are at their maximum tilt away from each other, and this time , June 21/22 the Solar Standstill/ Solstice is aligned with the Full Moon Major Lunar Standstilll/ Lunistices. (It is believed that the Stonehenge and some other ancient indigenous landmarks, track not only the Solar standstills but also the Major Lunar standstills).
So Both the Sun and The Moon will Rise and Set at their farthest points on the horizon on June 21/22.
Both The Solar Masculine Principle and The Lunar Feminine Completing a major phase of their Journey. They are in a peculiar dance off where their cumulative strengths are magnified but their individual differences threaten to tear them apart. Endings / completion/ termination / release/ purge is on the menu. We are at the journey’s end for some major aspect of our life- relationship / career / health ( could include minor surgery to release what we can no longer carry forth).
This time of heightened Illumination serves not just as a time of Purification but also an Initiation. The Light that illuminates the Woundings / disappointments / setbacks also reflects back to us our Resilience, Courage, Grace and Dignity as we dig into our inner most reserves of strength, conviction and purpose so that we may reach for higher levels of perception to allow for the Divine Plan to unfold.
It is said that the Horned God/Oak King / Solar Masculine aspect representative of Fertility, Vitality , Sexuality , Power and Logic which was born on Winter Solstice dies at Summer Solstice and his sacrifice in turn bestows the land with fertility . Hence it’s also a time of reaping one’s harvest/ abundance , ritual and Ceremony, giving gratitude for what Is and making peace with what Has Been and Now needs to be sacrificed .
The Sun and Moon both at a Standstill for 3 days before beginning their new journey (Masculine and Feminine aspects). And so We too move into Stillness , the Sacred Pause between the Old and The New, Abundance and Sacrifice, Life and Death….The Moment of Illumination and Clarity to fuel yet another cycle/ spiral in the Web of Life/ Light.
I experienced a huge shift yesterday morning, when I was taken back to my conception, the pregnancy and birth, after I did a huge clearing of the solar plexus chakra and activation of the 5th to 7th dimension chakra. Then I experienced my true cosmic Divine birth. It defies words for such Love and loving birthing is not known on earth.
I was then told that with the soltice, we are now in the stage where the seed dies, and the birth of a totally new life and life form sprouts into form and being.
Today, I am being told that there will be things happening which will shake many to the core, yet is the dying of the old. Silmultaneously the first stages of the dimensional and ascension process, now is rebirthed into higher octaves of dimensional shifts and ascension and like a spaceship, we are launched into that new expanded life in the New Earth and into our true embodiment, the New Solar Lightbody.
In the next ten years we will shift so much, that you won’t recognize yourself.
For The Light Frequency Of This Moment Is Enabling Quantum Change – An Evolutionary Momentum Uprising In The Crystalline Light Template of The Hu-man Form.
We Ask You Perceive This, Feel This, As The Light Synthesis Of Your Individiual Mission Continues To Unfold.
For It Is An Vibrational Frequency Like Never Before In Your Atmosphere. This Planetary Light Awareness Is Reaching Quantum Change In The Physical Now. Brought Forth As A Knowing, A Feeling Of This Light Momentum Uprising.
For Awakening And Sharing Your Light Is The Pathway Of Now
For It Is An Internal Light Explanation To Expand And Release In This Physical-Multidimensional Light Expansion Of Your World.
For Your Individual Light Codes Are Quantum Activation Points Within The Personal Acceleration Of Your Mission.
How You Share Is Simply Expanding Your Light In The Atmosphere Of Your World. Connect To The Elementals Of Light
Collectively, We Are Awakening To These Light Codes, Awakening To The Greater Mission Of Humanity And All Beings.
Simply Feel And Perceive The Great Light Assimilations All Around You
Collectively We Are Preparing
Stand Strong In The Light Of YOU
Your Humble Role, Is Present And Activated
Together We Join In Light
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Message
Ra James
Today we have Mercury in Cancer square the North Node in Aries. It’s all about destiny, and aligning with your destiny. We will see those themes continue to play out over the next few weeks, as destiny is a major theme. We are working on healing and letting go of insecurities that come from our past. We have a huge focus on healing relationship patterns that are no longer serving us. Expect there to be a huge focus on fated connections.
Expect many important fated conversations may happen. This often means a lot may be coming up, or clearing in your life. Expect twists and turns as destiny begins to orchestrate and move things around behind the scenes in your life. If you have met your destined partner they will be on your mind a little extra right now. Many have met their Twin Flame and are healing deep wounds around love, and deeper blocks to Union.
This is a beautiful Twin Flame alignment. These energies tends to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. You may feel extra nostalgic about your relationships right now. Today destiny steps in to get you back on track. We are still feeling and integrating last nights Capricorn Full Moon. You may even have a Full Moon Hangover or feel those type of vibes going on. It’s making you think about the long term, and long term goals.
Expect relationship changes to be playing out over the next few weeks. Mercury may be bringing you a reality check in this area. It’s all about becoming more transparent in your relationships, and to be more clear in communicating your needs and wants. We are in Cancer Season so expect heightened emotions. Look at it like Inner Child Healing Season. We have shifted into Summer and a much lighter energy. Expect a lot of highs and lows this Cancer Season…
On Saturday, June 22nd, we are still in the energies of this first Full Moon in Capricorn, Today Luna will connect with Jupiter, ruler of our belief systems, Venus, planet of relationship connections, Mars, planet of vital energy, and Mercury, ruler of perceptions. The highlight, however, is the Sun, ruler of how we shine our light, in sensitive Cancer in an inconjunct aspect to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in perceptive Aquarius. What does all of this mean? This is a day to go a little deeper into our own subconscious mind.
How are we feeling about the current situations and circumstances that we find ourselves in? With the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, Mercury, planet of our thoughts, and Venus, ruler of our sense of self-worth, in the sign of the Cancer, we are being asked to explore our emotional state. With Jupiter, ruler of higher perceptions, in Gemini we are being asked to explore other various possibilities of what we may want to experience in our lives.
With Mars, the warrior, in Taurus we are being asked to slow down and make a thoughtful plan of action. And, with Pluto, ruler of transformation, in Aquarius……well, we are being asked to transmute what is no longer valid in our lives and rise above it all, taking our power back, owning our power, and becoming empowered!
Sun in Cancer quincunx Pluto retrograde in Aquarius – We’re coming down from the peak of the lunar cycle and yet tension is still in the air. The solar conversation with Pluto is an unwelcome pointer, a seemingly unsolvable dilemma, an irritation that pokes and prods and forces adjustments. The continued emphasis on Cancer means we identify with family, safety, a sense of belonging. If our position feels threatened, the mood dips and we’re apt to leap to a defensive position without thinking.
Right now, our shadows are showing. Unconscious fears may find us dramatizing stories rooted in past experience. Avoid catastrophising. Remember past meets future in the now. Ask empowering questions. Don’t let pride stand in the way of truth. The more you support yourself, the easier it is to enact change. Release old habits and attachments that block your light. Trust your instincts. Be the change you want to see.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberate, Dissolve and Release.’ The 11th day of any wavespell is about being liberated, ironically because of the mathematics involved in the Tzolkin…the 11th day is always the challenge of the first day of the wavespell. The Blue Eagle has no hold on us today, we can take a break from its influence. We can enjoy a day off from flying like an Eagle.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Survival and Instinct.’ It is said a coiled serpent lies in the base chakra (kundalini) and when it uncoils and reaches the crown chakra, enlightenment is reached. This symbolizes the need to balance our earthly grounded nature (base chakra) with our spiritual nature (crown chakra). When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘liberate to survive’ or ‘release life force’. To summarize; today is about letting go and releasing, a liberating experience which has the potential to be very healing. Shed your old self and emerge renewed as serpent medicine is very powerful. If the serpent lingers in the base chakra too long, it can lead to sex addiction. If you are feeling frisky today, it’s that serpent energy building up…let it go and you will feel more balanced. The Spectral Serpent offers liberation through rebalancing these energies and so a potentially very healing day.
Today is Guided by Red Serpent and so it is a double helping.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are one, you may find today it’s hard to see things from a higher perspective which is usually what you are good at. Stay grounded today and you’ll get by alright. Whether you are an Eagle or not, today having your head in the clouds won’t help you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and connect yourself with the earth just like the serpent. We’ve all been in our heads too much anyway throughout this wavespell and so a day off is quite refreshing.
Today’s Occult or magic power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When tackling problems, the Warrior can help tremendously. Remember to express your willpower today as if you have a sword by your side. Take no bull and spring into action with the confidence of a Warrior. You may find you feel compelled to go on a magical quest!
Today’s Ally is White Wizard, if you need support Wizards are there to help. Their charm and knowledge of spells can be quite useful. If you don’t know one, be like a Wizard and that’ll help you navigate the day.
KIN 245 (2+4+5=11!) = 2 Partnership/Co-op 11 – Portal/Gate/Polarity
A Powerfully LIBERATING day releasing the chains of FEAR to reclaim our FREEDOM!!
Very apt on this remarkable FULL MOON is SAGITTARIUS – the sign of FREEDOM and EXPANSION.
BE AWARE – Today’s code is highly combustible – we have a DOUBLE serpent code – bringing up FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, which needs to be faced and RELEASED, in order to LIBERATE more of our LIFE-FORCE. The 9 completion code and 11 KIN code will ensure we can WALK through the DOOR to claim our FREEDOM as the old paradigm collapses behind us, crumbling to ASHES. Yahooooo!!!
Through this TEST we have a HUGE opportunity to BREAK FREE from the FEAR MATRIX!!
Visualize the energies of CALMNESS and JOY – flowing FREELY and humanity being FULLY LIBERATED from the Matrix game!
Day 11 (ALREADY!!! – didn’t we just start our VISION quest??) in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell – where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE so that we can CREATE IT!… Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today the EAGLE’s POWER is very STRONGLY – LIBERATING our CLEAR VISION – through this SOLSTICE and FULL MOON gateway! We are being challenged to RISE ABOVE the FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, leaving the past behind us, in order to RELEASE more LIFE FORCE needed to energize our future creations.
SPECTRAL – tone 11 in the EMOTIONAL plane! The Spectral power is that of DISSOLUTION, LIBERATION and RELEASE. The eleventh day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that LIBERATES our BIGGEST VISION.
As it is an EMOTIONAL realm day – there may be a greater tendency for people to “lose it”. The old FEAR based SURVIVAL issues rise to the fore, in order to be dissolved and RELEASED, to make way for your BIGGER VISION – based on FAITH and TRUST in the Divine Plan..
TRUST, TRUST, TRUST – is the message I kept getting today from SPIRIT.
So RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE – in order to FREE up all your LIFE FORCE, VITALITY and new found PASSION!
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very, VERY, VERY powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED SPECTRAL SERPENT – CHICCHAN Today’s CODE is the DOUBLE SERPENT – which highlights FEAR, SURVIVAL and health/healing issues X 2 which are today’s concerns.
The SERPENT holds incredible wisdom, life-force and vitality. It’s toxic bite – can end your LIFE!!! RED SERPENT, and the whole SNAKE reptilian species, evoke very primal FEAR responses in humans – particularly the FEAR of DEATH – and our mortality. These are HUGE limiting thoughts and collective patterns, held in our psyche and reptilian brains, which were programmed to PROTECT us from DANGER – through our FIGHT or FLIGHT response mechanism!
The bizarre behaviour of hoarding toilet paper in response to the CV, is a perfect example of how quickly, rational people can degenerate, due to primal FEAR and SURVIVAL issues. The last few years we have witnessed a GLOBAL WAVE of irrational FEAR take hold, as the masses descended into this INSTINCTUAL response, due to the constant F.E.A.R. triggers being broadcast daily through the media. It is NOW TIME – to FLICK this SWITCH!!
F.E.A.R.= FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – In order to RISE above the FEAR – we have to tell ourselves that NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!! It is all an ILLUSION that our reptilian brains have processed as REAL! The “new normal” is NOT the REALITY we are choosing. It CLEARLY does not ALIGN with the HIGHEST VISION for humanity and thus must be categorically REJECTED by the wayshowers and cocreators of our new paradigm.
The VISIONARY STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS have a duty, to RISE ABOVE this global FEAR and HOLD THE VISION no matter what appears to challenge this!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT is our ally today, guiding us to LIBERATE ourselves (and humanity) from these instinctual SURVIVAL responses – transcending the old primitive reptilian brain, being guided by the BLUE EAGLE to operate from our HIGHER God mind and divine intuitive responses. The FEARLESS BLUE EAGLE will provide the courage to FREE ourselves from all constraints and detach from the FEAR..
RED Serpent is providing incredible life force energy, to raise our kundalini through to our CROWN CHAKRA and beyond, in order to fuel our rise from the ashes.
We are all too familiar with the story of how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, building a cocoon in which to incubate, before undergoing a miraculous metamorphosis. Then finally BREAKING OUT of its self imposed prison, the chrysalis, in order to fly FREE as a beautiful butterfly.
In order to transform, the courageous caterpillar must literally DISSOLVE its old body, as it liquefies its cells inside the cocoon. To grow and transform you must SURRENDER and DISSOLVE the old YOU! That is why they call it “growing pains”. This analogy is a very powerful metaphor for our soul’s journey.
Change and transformation takes great courage and strength and incredible fortitude, it is not for the weak minded! That is why so many people REFUSE to change and grow, preferring to stay “SAFE” – which is what our Egoic thoughts tell us to do!
The courage to PUSH through all the barriers, restrictions and challenges, creates the FRICTION needed to instigate great change. The journey is long and arduous and not for the weak, or faint hearted. However like all great Heroes returning from their journey, the rewards are priceless and immeasurable. You return changed and a better person, wiser, stronger, never to return to that previous smaller version of yourself. That is the GOLD you have reaped – the Holy Grail, through true ALCHEMY OF THE SOUL.
In order to take your MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS you need to have journeyed through the abyss, and faced the shadow of Death, and risen AGAIN and AGAIN, fresh and victorious ready to CELEBRATE your miraculous achievement.
If you feel that your Ascension journey has been painful, arduous and filled with endless suffering then take HEART dear precious STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN, as we are now crossing the FEAR barrier and being LIBERATED into the Golden Age!
The PHOENIX is RISING and our planet is too, at this momentous evolutionary point in Earth’s her-story!
The RED SPECTRAL SERPENT symbolizes the RISING of the PHOENIX, and the SNAKE is synonymous with the zodiac sign of SCORPIO... Scorpio’s know all about rising from the underworld, above all their addictions and personal trials, in order to become the GOLDEN EAGLE and HOLY WHITE DOVE/SPIRIT. The ultimate Spiritual METAMORPHOSIS..
We are currently journeying through the SOLSTICE portal and a FULL MOON – amplifying these energies to the MAX!!! The pot is boiling as we feel the HEAT to change, release and LET GO..flowing into the LIBERATING and jovial new harmonic energies.
Today’s SPECTRAL SERPENTS are opening the DOOR for this process to happen – ensuring we are truly FREE of the TRAUMA and NIGHTMARE of the PAST – that has kept us imprisoned and hounded by the past, despite our earnest desires to walk away FREE….
The DOUBLE SERPENT, 11 SPECTRAL TONE, SAG FREEDOM code, AND 9 COMPLETION code- form a quadrella of LIBERATION energies.
This TUESDAY 25TH JUNE 2024 we commence a beautiful NEW cycle, marked by the brilliant YELLOW STAR – which closes this TZOLKIN spin, and heralds the NEW TIME.. . .. All beautiful energies preceding the NEW BIRTH with KIN 1 – MAGNETIC DRAGON on 8TH JULY 2024…
Lots of FRESH and vibrant, uplifting energies are on their way!!! Yaaay!!! ,
And so today we have entered the DOOR to PLANETARY LIBERATION engendered by the SPECTRAL PHASE – We have a 13 day SPECTRAL CYCLE from the SPECTRAL SERPENT until we reach the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR – on 5TH JULY 2024
KIN 258 – the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR will OBLITERATE the old Artificial Matrix/MIRROR world… After it CRUMBLES and FALLS there is absolutely no possibility of being held back. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH
This INITIATION through this ASCENSION GATE – is building up our COURAGE and resilience. To CLAIM our SOVEREIGNTY and POWER in order to RISE UP and take the LEAD. As we hold the REINS we can collectively decide which way to STEER our PLANET out of the FEAR and into the NEW LIGHT.
This is the phase where the PHOENIX rises, reborn again as the GOLDEN EAGLE and takes FLIGHT as the SEER and PROPHET – seeing with absolute clarity from a DIVINE perspective. Thus DIVINE JUSTICE is served as we transcend the FEAR, SURVIVAL and lower planes and continue to ASCEND until we merge with the Holy Spirit becoming the pure Holy white dove – our metamorphosis completed through this Ascension stage.
Today’s DOUBLE SERPENT code is reactivating our planetary Serpents – the feminine Rainbow Serpentand her consort Quetzacoatl – the Masculine Feathered/Plumed Serpent – Our SERPENTS are AWAKENED and ENERGIZED – ready to RELEASE their store of PLANETARY LIFE FORCE energies – fuelling the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH through her LIBERATION
As GAIA ASCENDS we ALL ASCEND – we are all on this crazy magnificent roller coaster ride together… HOLD ON TIGHT!
Globally we may witness Volcanic eruptions Earth QUAKING and activity/movement in our planetary grids. Powerful UPRISING and revelations may be stirred, which will LIBERATE HU-MAN-ity on a grand scale…
Huge COSMIC forces are now being injected into GAIA’s energy body to fuel the next stage of her Ascension journey!!
SUPPORT: WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD – IX is providing the POWER of ENCHANTMENT through WHITE MAJIK, to BREAK the dark hypnotic MATRIX SPELL !! IX has the ability to channel DIVINE POWER to unshackle us from the chains. A great Magician uses his tremendous POWER to LIBERATE others, not control, manipulate or enslave!
Through being STILL and introspective we can calm our reptilian instinctual responses – just as the dangerous cobras are charmed and pacified, through the tunes of the mystical Snake “charmers” Indeed calming and charming, is a brilliant soothing panacea for the PANIC response engendered through the Serpentine energies. Be STILL and just BREATHE!
IX connects us to Spirit through our PURE HEARTS today and brings forth great wisdom through many realms. The LIBERATION of Divine White Majik through SPIRIT, is providing the miraculous power for our alchemical transformation, in preparation for our PLANETARY MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC WARRIOR CIB is the courageous and brave, fearless warrior who supports you in your QUEST today. CIB can SMASH through any FEAR barrier as he fearlessly continues his journey, led by his HIGHEST DIVINE MISSION… Of course he must face his human fears as he is tested along his path…but as his EYES are continually on the BIG PRIZE he draws on the strength and power needed to catapult past any dangerous hurdles.
The ELECTRIC WARRIOR superpower is focused on bonding with our kin, UNITED in our conviction to break through the barriers of the false matrix, to enact the true Divine Plan on our unified quest. VIVA la revolution!
Call on your inner Rainbow Warrior today to help you rise above any irrational FEAR responses… Allow CIB to bring you the courage and fortitude, for your journey through the flames of transmutation and transfiguration, for your majestic REBIRTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE MEN brings forth DOUBLE the wondrous GIFTS today as both the Wavespell and today’s GIFT. BLUE EAGLE is the challenge that strengthens your resolve, to overcome the darkness and FEAR based living… To RISE ABOVE and CHOOSE to LIVE and VIEW life, from the higher realms and dimensions, where souls are truly FREE to soar!
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to raise your VISION, and keep your finely tuned FOCUS always on the BIGGER PICTURE, that is, the final outcome. Rather than choosing to wither and die from SCAR-CITY and lack, choose to regenerate and GROW stronger each day.
The EAGLE’S blessing is a truly Divine gift today. Tap into the Eagle’s power to create Miraculous growth and transformation.
Eagles soar in the skies, and Serpents dwell in the Earth. Ironically EAGLES feed on SNAKES, proving that GREAT VISION and IN-SIGHT conquers FEAR… Stand up TALL and view LIFE from a higher plane. YOU are the KING of your domain!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT allows us to continue shedding anything obstructing our FLIGHT! This is the airport gateway that we walk through, leaving behind our baggage, ready to board that MAJIK FLIGHT! Onwards and upwards!
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very, VERY, VERY powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥
Connecting with our Star Nations
This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art
IN THE NAME, LOVE, WISDOM, POWER, AUTHORITY AND VICTORY OF MY OWN BELOVED “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” I DEMAND, I COMMAND, I INSIST AND “I AM THAT I AM PRESENCE,” WHICH COM- PELS, COMPELS, COMPELS, AND FOREVER MAINTAINS: the POWER, POWER, POWER; POWERS, POWERS, POWERS; PURITY, PURITY, PURITY; VICTORY, VICTORY, VICTORY of Peace and Victory, to make suffering and pain disappear from the Universe; and in their places the Invincible Peace of the Ascended Masters’ Love hold command; until Perfection reigns Supreme everywhere, and the GLORY, GLORY, GLORY and VICTORY, VICTORY, VICTORY of God’s Divine Plan Fulfilled, pour forth Their Blessings to all around us, this instant and forever!
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