Deep Enlightenment for the Awakened Collective ~ WELCOME TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION! * Zero Point DAY = In Between Realms
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Self Realized Light Holders of our Awakened Ones
As we enter September, the month of Harvest and Right Action, we are being activated in the deepest parts of our multidimensional self. This will be the month with the Equinox, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse when our Great Shift and Awakening comes into full acceleration and bountiful fruition.
We begin this month with Pluto in Retrograde re-entering the sign of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. This is the collaboration of energy for evolution and revolutions. Pluto will be in the sign of the sea goat until November 19th.
Joining this alignment we have the New Moon in Virgo tomorrow bringing new beginnings for our Ascension and Transformation. All Starseed Earth Angelics, Empaths and sensitives are feeling these energetic and magnetic shifts in their physical, mental and emotional bodies today. Allow yourself to feel these activations and let go of anything holding you back in your Divine Mission of full Planetary Liberation.
Our local Soularis is also sending massive waves of Mother Gamma Plasma Liquid Light directly from the Great Central sun releasing 6 C Class Soular Flares and 4 M Class Flares with the most powerful long duration M Class Flare lasting 9 hours today maxing at M 5.57 at 13:22 UTC.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Papua New Guinea at 20:13 UTC.
Our Royal Lion Nation of Lyra raising the Sacred Lands of the New Lemuria to usher in our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life. Keep holding the Light and Shining bright as we Blaze our Path Home…A’Ho!
Strong energies are flooding in & many are feeling out of sorts. There’s a number of planets involved, so be gentle with yourselves and know that you’re not alone. We got this!
Uranus deep enlightenment for the awakened collective. The ship has been travelling in silence. New horizons in new waters. Wow! What a journey! Hasta la vista baby!
1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse
At last the change of seasons is here. Where I live we welcomed sunshine and warmer weather after two months of non stop rain and cold. In the north the heat of summer will be tempered by cooler weather.
The first part of September will give us some energetic respite to rest and balance with the “Lady and the Lion”, a powerful but peaceful time after Lions Gate.
Then on the 9th of September we have the 9/9 Portal that celebrates our Mastery of the energies in our Earth Journey. It is time to acknowledge that we are Human Angels and the next iteration of Humans as Homo Christos/Christica.
Then on the 18th of September we have a Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse. Deep and powerful energies that may shift our alignment on our spiritual path in positive ways. New opportunities may arise for us as we express our Soul Mission on Earth.
The Equinox itself is on the 22nd September, that time when day and night are of equal length and the seasons officially change.
It is a time for balance and peace as we move forward and upward.
And finally, the sun moves into Libra on 23rd September, brining the Joy and Balance of Libra season where we celebrate our life on Earth and the beauty of nature and relationships in our love.
Have a wonderful and joyful and love filled month.
Green Dragon
Isabel Garcia Martinez
God is energy, he is that subtle energy, that infinite love that we cannot see, but we can feel. God this creator power that religion refers to, yet it is also that indestructible powerful energy, those tiny particles of light called atoms, molecules and protons that never destroy and only transform, to those who mention science.
Science and religion are so similar and both speak of the same thing yet remain separate.
The day is coming when we will wake up from this prolonged hibernation of Consciousness in which we have stayed for centuries and can finally see beyond the visible, to be able to witness the birth of a new way of living and thinking, in which there is no longer separation, nor pain.
Where there are no duals, only different aspects of the same unified Essence, aspects that complement each other in Perfect Harmony.
The time is coming when the argument to see who is right ends, and we can all see that we have always talked about the same thing and used only different words to explain our feelings and wisdom.
The time is coming when this Earth witnesses the marriage of science and religion, of black and white, of light and darkness, and rises to the Light of the Universe a New Humanity, a New Race with thousands of cosmic knowledge, unique in the universe as only on this beautiful planet can be given.
We are about to witness the awakening of a prolonged hibernation of consciousness.
9/1/24: Welcome to what is likely the most intense month of this Dragon-fueled, Number 8 karma-balancing, time-to-step-it-up-and-grow-up year of Personal Power. You’ve been working all year for this, and September will bring results accordingly. The thing about Personal Power is how it’s expressed differently in each of us, yet the foundation is the same.
Our true power doesn’t depend on religion or politics, reputation or responsibilities, beliefs or opinions, or education or upbringing. It rests in our integrity, character, wisdom, motives, choices, and amount of Presence. It speaks for us without words. Today is the first mirror this month to reflect your true current state of being. It will not be your last. If you see any wobbles, check in with your Personal Power.
I explain just this bit, so that the next paragraph of NEW information isn’t misinterpreted: So, as many of you know, since 2014 I physically feel the multiple VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS of incoming energy. As well as physically feel the many energy FREQUENCIES. Including when incoming is more electrically charged, plus the varying strengths of incoming energies. OK, so that said:
It began U.K. time approx 11pm on 31 August (last night). Upon waking today 1 September it was present and still is.
This type is extremely DEEP and PENETRATING. In a very beautiful way. If I try and trace it (as I usually do with any significant incoming), the shear depth (not strength, but DEPTH) of this energy, simply sends me into a TRANCE STATE. So in trance no activity of ‘tracing’ the vibrational patterns is possible. It is as if the new energy type, when immersed IN, slows us down. Slows everything down. To be immersed WITHIN this NEW energy TYPE. In a very beautiful way. It does not feel like any type of incoming energy we’ve had so far. I can not in human words express HOW DEEP and PENETRATING this NEW and still current incoming energy is. As it’s energy. There are MANY harmonic NOTES (sounds) accompanying this energy (overlaying the energy type), but they are not the NEW ENERGY DEPTH of this particular ‘Incoming Energy’ I am trying to convey in human words.
We all do our own thing and what we feel is wisest to do in our own NOW moment. Please always remember and hold the loving space of understanding with compassion, that, INCREASED ENERGIES always AFFECT every being differently and UNIQUELY. Some human beings do struggle with energy increases. And some people all over the world can experience difficulty at mental mind levels: Of imbalance, increased delusion, increase to the ego’s way of defense, increase to any aggression if aggression is still running within the character, increase to feeling unstable, increase to feeling unsafe or unsure etc, for periods of ‘time’. And so, to hold the ENERGETIC loving space and understanding of the ‘Bigger Picture’ beyond the illusion.
My ‘personal’ knowing is to be in STILLNESS to meet within, the permeating beauty of this DEEP and PENETRATING energy gift. And allow myself to slow down any mental and/or physical activity. It’s almost like I’m feeling, that even Mother Earth is wishing to be STILL. In the beauty of receiving this new energy. At least for NOW. Allowing the beauty of this new energy to be met. Being energy, we can meet energy, as energy. And in that state there is no human mental resistance or distraction to any gifts being given. That are, if we allow, increasing our own energetic frequency and awareness. Which in turn, gently and gradually is increasing our state of Consciousness.
Dear friends, this new chapter of the year brings with it a plethora of energetic events that will be influencing our journey for months to come. As we begin this new month of September, two big planetary players, Pluto and Uranus, are beckoning us to keep working on our inner transformations so we can experience a rebirth as we move toward the end of the year. This process will be more evidenced as we move through the eclipse corridor starting on September 15.
Closer to home, our earthly moon enters its new phase in Virgo on September 2, however the energetic magnetic influence of this lunation is already here with us. The energetic effects of a moon phase can be felt between two-three days before and after its climax, specially if you are energy sensitive.
As the lunar cycle begins anew, the New Moon in Virgo descends upon us like a gentle whisper, supporting our journey of refinement and renewal. On September 2, the celestial canvas is set ablaze with the promise of transformation, as the light of the stars in the dark sky illuminates the practical and discerning realm of Virgo.
Like a master artisan, we are invited to hone our craft, to refine the intricate details of our daily existence, and to purify our habits and routines. The energy of Virgo instills our hearts with desires of self-care and wellness, urging us to tend to the garden of our souls with gentle devotion. As we step into this nascent lunar cycle, the Virgo new moon presents us with a canvas of possibility, awaiting the brushstrokes of our intention and desire. This is a wonderful time to refine our intentions and co-create with the universal forces a healthier and more confident timeline. It’s time to cultivate the art of self-improvement, embracing the beauty of our imperfections. It’s a time to set forth on a path of wellness, nourishing body and soul with tender loving care, and to let go of self-doubt and criticism, embracing instead the gentle wisdom of self-awareness. Virgo season helps everyone see their potential and shows you who you could be if you allowed yourself to step into your power.
In this moment of lunar renewal and the beginning of a new month, may we find the courage to refine, to perfect, and to rebirth ourselves anew. Dive deep into your sense of self-worthiness during this new Moon to understand and appreciate your magnificent true self-worth.
May the soft, healing, and caring energies of the Virgo new moon guide us toward a more exquisite, more refined, and more radiant expression of our truest divine selves during the next weeks.
It Serves as a Major Cosmic Reality Check: The upcoming New Moon is a significant event that the Ascending can work with for three days before and after. This next new Moon represents enhanced communication with Self and others, the planetary ascension energies are lifting the veil between the conscious and unconscious mind allowing the ascending to access dormant DNA and energy within.
The Energy for End of August to Early September: Ascending Individuals are experiencing different levels of ascension based on their soul’s level of evolution . Despite varying ascension symptoms, it’s always wise to pay attention to the physical aspects occuring within , Recognising what may be out of alignment and allowing the body to adapt to higher light frequencies to keep in good health .
During this next new moon , the ascending may experience serendipitous moments, heightened intuition, vivid dreams, emotional intensity, and great revelations. It is a powerful energy and opportunity to set intentions and make vibrationally aligned plans moving forward .
Moving forward in New Earth is about honouring your role as a cosmic and deliberate creator allowing sovereign light to shine through with joy and love. Infused with creativity and progress combined with inner confidence, trusting that the Universe will align your steps with abundant blessings.
The Ascending are experiencing a transformative shift in perspectives gaining wisdom and inner strength to break free from negative conditioning. Enhancing harmony and unity, as the inner light continues to expand , many are attracting love, fortune, blessings, rewards, opportunities and success within self . Rising above the darkness, believing in the transforming self and continuing to break free from the past constraints .
Breaking free from negative conditioning is an absolute must in ascension , by expanding more awareness in thought patterns and outdated beliefs. Challenging and questioning them along the way , consciously replacing negative thoughts with truthful ones. Surrounding self with supportive , positive , and uplifting others , engaging in self-care practices, Consistent effort and self-reflection will gradually allow the breaking free from past and negative conditioning.
During the process of evolving and merging with higher self aspects , it may at times feel lonely , it is the letting go of energies that no longer align with self’s destined frequency. Accepting this shedding process is necessary as it paves the way for a more authentic and aligned path in new earth frequencies .
As new earth frequency elevates , enhances and strengthens intuition , becoming more aware of how other people’s energy impacts your inner world , Increasing spiritual attunement as this heightens sensitivity to exisiting energy levels allowing the self to discern and navigate surroundings with greater awareness.
The upcoming new moon in Virgo is benevolent and will shine light on soul desires and bring clarity to the ascension path , this new moon will also reveal areas where there is untapped potential, urging self to break through self-imposed limitations and expand into higher potential and full capabilities.
Starseeds have the power to define and to live in an authentic expression . The past can never define self’s true worth. it was only ever to serve the self as a teacher.
By choosing honesty, confidence, love, compassion, and consideration, the true self becomes someone you will love , respect admire and value , this new moon energy is setting higher standards for aligned relationships moving forward.
Being able to remain in our own energy fields , unaffected by the energy of others is a very valuable and highly recommended skill to be developed. it is one of your super powers as It allows the self to maintain clarity, peace, and authenticity in making clearer decisions, empowering us to navigate life with greater resilience and self-assurance.
Starseed souls have the ability to be in two worlds simultaneously and are walking portals on the ascending Earth plane.
Ascension encourages ascending souls to prepare for the next phase of transformational living . There may be unexpected turns with this new moon to assist in alignment with the true self. Cherishing each step of the journey, as everything is working out exactly how it is meant to.
Starseed souls are now integrating the changes in Earth’s recalibration energies. These changes on the planet are a big part of the new template for the ascension paradigm being created here on Earth. Solar flare explosions and activity are bringing in waves of higher frequency energies, upgrading existing abilities and Empowering manifestion of the souls true expression .
The ascending are moving towards a new energy mindset, new potentials and opportunities that will elevate self in personal evolution , now aligning with higher self aspects . Trusting in the Synchronistic flow of life with passion , determination and resiliency .
This next New moon in Virgo promotes streamlining processes, engaging in healthy self-improvement , being mindful of self criticism and refining daily routines. It emphasises setting intentions and acknowledging your self-worth.
Ruled by Earth, Virgo promotes recognising Self’s inherent value. This new moon phase encourages the releasing of self-doubt, perfectionism and encourages expanding into higher potential.
For We Are Collectively Uprising, Aligning To The Highest Point Of Light, Leading US To Choose The Greater Perspective Of The Collective Global Mission Of Now
For 2024 has brought forth many complex energies for the Lightworkers to Explore, Expand And Initiate Leading US To The Light of Now.
September provides the Quantum Advancements We Are Collectively Seeking, The Expanded Light Waves For US To Explore.
For The Earth Reality In The Quantum Fields Has Many Opportunities For The Wayshowers To Ride The Light Waves Of Expanded Light Intiation, Coupled With Accelerated Growth In The Physical Form.
We Are Asked To Step Up In Our Global Collective Mission To Assist Humanity. Continue The Uprising Of Now.
The New Earth Mission Is Alive And Well. September Invites You To Be Resourceful With Your Light. Understand You Are Initiating Great Global Light Shifts As You Align With The Highest Good Of Humanity.
Keep This Vision In Your Heart
This Is A Powerful Encoded Light Tool
The Hu-man Light Field Is Continually Upgrading, Re-turning, Awakening
The Power Of YOU
Is The Light Power You Are Seeking
This Light Initiation Will Continue In The Months Ahead.
Remember, Advanced Souls Of Light Now Live In A Dual Light Reality. Physical – Quantum World.
Be Gentle With One Self
Embrace The Light Awareness
Together In Light
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love,
The Arcturian Alliance
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
The seed point entity that has been siphoning off the collective is clearing this week. Individually this will be felt, especially through an inner alignment. As this entity lifts, our life force creation abilities can automatically return back into ourselves.
With this clearing, a detoxing of the collective slavery template is collapsing. As the leaves, it is being replaced with the Light Body that is infusing the cells with cellular memories that are returning you back to your natural state of Creation. Here you become one with the Most High God, close the Piscean Age, and can integrate the Earth School lessons. That chapter of life is over.
You are free and clearing that old state of being, and physically expanding into the Light Body container. We are gradually shifting through this integration and Light Body upgrades daily. For now, dwelling in remorse over the past is ending for you to focus on your freedom and ascension into the ONENESS field.
Divine infinite consciousness from within the heart
September 1 – November 19!
PLUTO RE-ENTERS CAPRICORN FOR THE LAST TIME IN ALL OUR LIVES Two months from now we will never live to see another day with Pluto energy being in Capricorn so do yourself a favor and officially go check out what’s on the other side of your fears and free yourself from all the pain and darkness. Pluto shows repeatedly brought into your lives how Capricorn energy is karmic and will repeat itself over and over until the lessons have been learned. Remove any shame, guilt, or self-destructive behavior as you realize that this version of you no longer needs to exist. It no longer occupies a place in everything your new world is about to look like cherish and love that version just as it brought you to everything you are today.
Divine energy works
(Sept 1st 2024 ~ Jan 30th, 2025)
Revolutionary Uranus joins the Retrograde Party Central, on Sept 1st, with the other 4 planets currently in Retrograde (Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, 4 Chiron), until Jan 30th, 2025. Retrogrades spin the energy of the planets inward, so this means lots of re-processing on both collective and personal levels.
“The Great Awakener” Uranus carries “expect the unexpected” type of energy & energetically rules Truth, Freedom, Divine Insights, Breakthroughs, Quantum Leaps, Change, Shock, Revolution, & Unexpected Events. Every time Uranus changes direction, we feel stronger than ever surge to break free from the false & unauthentic. As Uranus stations RX, it ignites a restless urge for radical change, urging us to break free from outdated patterns.
The energy of Uranus RX in Taurus is helping us Surrender, asking us to tolerate discomfort & embrace sudden shifts, as it shatters the old frameworks that no longer serve us. The key is to remain open-minded & adaptable, for on the other side of this energy lies a New, transformative reality waiting to be claimed. The Energy of Taurus is the Catalyst to truly Embody the Inner Shifts, to Break Through, to bring them into the 3D reality.
September 1, 2024: Uranus Stationary, turning Retrograde
The outer planets are astrological indicators of change. Uranus, The Great Awakener, is associated with sudden and unpredictable change – earthquakes, explosions, volcanic eruptions, accidents, and “ah ha moments” that shatter our perception of reality.
This station of Uranus comes at a very busy time. On the same day, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for a final time and the next day (September 2) brings the Virgo New Moon, which will launch the run-up to our next eclipse portal (September 17 – October 2).
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Uranus is allied with Wadjet, the Cobra Kundalini Goddess. Wadjet breaks through blocks in our energy field, thereby releasing the free flow of life force energy. Wadjet energy is exhilarating, jarring and can be challenging. The sudden release of kundalini brings a physical and energetic rush that is by definition destructive. Breaking a block requires strong and focused force.
This Uranian station is at Taurus 27°. Taurus – Hathor in the Egyptian pantheon – grounds life force energy in form. We may see earth-shattering events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions) during this time, and – as always with Uranus – there will be unpredictability. Uranus/Wadjet will be in a challenging aspect (a square) to both Mercury/Thoth and the Moon/Khonsu. Something surprising may emerge involving individuals in leadership roles – a ground shaking revelation or chaotic event. With Pluto dipping back into Capricorn for a final swoop we may see something emerge that is suggestive of issues from the past – a throwback to concerns we’re leaving behind. A blast from the past – or perhaps we might better call it a “last gasp of the past.”
Uranus/Wadjet will be retrograde from September 1 to January 29, 2025.
August 31, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Sunday, September 1st, Uranus, the Great Awakener, shifts to Retrograde Motion at 11:18am EDT, giving us all a wake-up call regarding our freedom and liberation from all that holds us back from our true and authentic selves. Then, at 8:10pm EDT, we have Pluto, the Great Transformer. retrograding back into Capricorn for his final visit in this sign in our lifetime. He will be here until November 19th, 2024 when he shifts back into future oriented Aquarius until 2043.
With this ruler of the underworld in the sign of the Goat, the next three months will focus on government, politics, corporations, and powerful institutions that have ruled our way of living for quite some time. Pluto is bringing forth a slow, but powerful, death and rebirth, and Uranus is bringing change and redirection where humanity needs it. We are in dynamic times where the world, as we know it, morphs into something new. Let us all hold the intention that the “something new” is the Higher Dimensional Paradigm that we have all been hoping and praying for.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Uranus, the Great Awakener, shifts to Retrograde Motion
Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus – For all of us, the 8-year transit of Uranus through Taurus says that some area of our lives has grown stale and needs to change. The challenge is that Taurus prefers stability and so the push to try a different path provokes anxiety and resistance. Security is comfortable but if we’re too comfortable, there’s no room for growth.
As frustration over the future and fear of change collide, Uranus sees our struggle and takes this journey inwards. It’s time to reconnect with parts of the self that have been pushed aside to conform. Talk with your inner rebel and ask it what it needs. Experiment with new perspectives. Let go of the fear of alienation and looking ‘weird’ to others. Group connection is important but so is individual expression. Stop holding yourself in check. Value your freedom. Innovate. Re-imagine the future. Awaken starseeds and crystal keepers. Prepare for cosmic downloads.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number 4 and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure.’ The fourth day of any wavespell is about taking a closer look at the details. Reading the finer print and scrutinizing, so you may proceed armed with the knowledge necessary to move forward with the wavespell. Yesterday we flew with the Eagle and saw things from a higher perspective, now we must swoop in closer to see what is going on.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the keywords associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior invites us to go on a mission, to accept a quest. Try thinking about what you could achieve today using your willpower and tackling things like a Warrior. Don’t hesitate to wield your sword and don’t be shy about marching forth. As it is a number four day and that represents definition, today’s mission therefore will be about the quest for information. The Warrior loves to ask questions and it has a thirst for knowledge so the number goes very well with the day. The combo makes for a fact finding mission that should prove to be very interesting. Expect to learn something new!
The Guide for the day is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling, Wisdom and Free Will’. This suggests that by using your intuition to guide your actions today, that will help you discover the answers.
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on Worldbridger day will find it tough going. You must use your willpower and be a Warrior. Yes, bridges may be difficult to cross today but if you read the details of the instructions…that will gain you permission to cross over. Worldbridgers are always seeking peace but using Diplomacy may not be an option today, so be aware that playing ‘piggy in the middle’ isn’t going to work.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which invites you to shed your old skin and emerge feeling like a new person. In this magical position, the Serpent is powerful and can really help you transmute any poison within you. This symbolizes letting go of pain or fear or anything that does you no good.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Consult one if you need help today, their dreams can inspire you. If you are a Blue Night, you can be very helpful to others today influencing people with your great imagination. If you don’t have one handy, do what they would do and sleep on it. You’d be surprised how friendly your dreams can be to you today. May you have a message that helps you with the fact finding.
SEPTEMBER is the 9th month in the GREGORIAN CALENDAR. 9 is a very HOLY number as it is composed of 3×3 – 3 represents the HOLY TRINITY, JOY, CREATIVITY and communication. The 9 represents COMPLETION, endings and DIVINITY – wholeness. The 9 is a HUMANITARIAN number that encourages you to step up and serve your fellow man through your Mission. SEPTEMBER is also the zodiac sign of VIRGO which is very much aligned with these values seeking to SERVE the DIVINE through working hard and contributing to the welfare of others.
2024 is an 8 year and when added to the 9 for SEPTEMBER we get a 17/8 Universal month.. 17 is the sign of IMMORTALITY – giving your HEALTH and VITALITY a boost – well needed through our SKYWALKING adventures!! The 17 also encompasses the desire to LEAVE a LEGACY whilst on EARTH – to make a DIFFERENCE to the lives of others and our PLANET through your unique contributions. Take some time to TUNE this month and head in the direction of your renewed PURPOSE. The more closely aligned with your true path – the more POWER and momentum you will attain.
Today is another powerful NEW EARTH day.. We have a 1-9 NEW BEGINNINGS code and 9 completion code, together with a 9.9. DOUBLE DESTINY code.. A HUGE calling for the SPIRITUAL WARRIORS to step and heed the call of SPIRIT to make a more pronounced contribution to the planet.
This is our QUEST as the RAINBOW WARRIORS of legend,
Another POTENT day continuing the gifts brought by yesterday’s BLUE EAGLE, calling us to ACTION our DREAMS and our DIVINE purpose.
Today we are working on the MENTAL plane, and using our minds to QUESTION what it is we need to SURRENDER, in order to SHAPE our new reality, and EXPAND our consciousness!
Yesterday marked the CLOSURE of the cycle of WAR and BATTLES on our beloved planet, GAIA!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS have gloriously ARISEN and are VICTORIOUSLY reclaiming this realm, in order to lead us into the LIGHT at the end of the RAINBOW.
SELF-EXISTING Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
The WARRIOR plus the SELF-EXISTING tone are a very MIND focused energy.. leading to much mental analysis, questioning and defining today, (and possibly ARGUMENTS, CONFLICTS and battles). So remember to keep your cool!
The WARRIOR will necessitate that you define what FORM, your DREAMS and the collective DREAMING of our Planet shall take, in order to be created. It is time to build a SOLID FOUNDATION for New Earth together.
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR CIB is the Ancient GALACTIC warrior who answered the CLARION CALL from GAIA to come from all corners of the Galaxy to assist her in Ascending to the New Golden Age.
After a long, arduous battle, the RAINBOW WARRIORS have NOW fearlessly reclaimed their mighty SWORDS of POWER and have RISEN in FULL SOVEREIGNTY as the DIVINE WARRIORS of CHRIST – fearlessly defending and creating the DIVINE PLAN for human-kind.
This PEACE focused WARRIOR is the brave revolutionary of ancient times, constantly QUEST-I-ON-ing our physical reality, and the nature of our existence in order to LEAD us to a better world. CIB wields his SWORD of TRUTH and cuts through all the extraneous packaging in order to get to the CORE of the package deep inside the box.
The Warrior uses his intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world, by challenging the status quo. His fearless spirit cuts through obstacles and falsities along the way, so that others may follow paths of increasing intelligence.
The YELLOW WARRIOR banishes FEAR, so that you can see your true face bright and clear.
Today you are asked to look at any MENTAL challenges and blocks.
What are those FEARS, beliefs, and old programs that are restricting you from building your new life.
What better thoughts can you construct that will assist you with majikally manifesting your goals?
How can you use your mental acuity to define and shape your existence into a better LIFE for one and ALL?
CIB fearlessly questions our actions in order to EXPAND and awaken to greater consciousness. The SELF EXISTING WARRIOR is extremely FOCUSED on redefining the world he experiences, until his DESIRED reality is shaped and takes form.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW SELF- EXISTING HUMAN EB Influences others and emphasizes FREE WILL. EB and CIB are best mates, these two work in tandem, as well as BEN and CIMI do. YELLOW HUMAN brings forth great mental capacity through his wisdom and intelligence, thus the WARRIOR has SUPER MENTAL capabilities today, as these two brothers combine their gifts.
The YELLOW TRIBES are the RIPENERS – they get things DONE and bring them to fruition, through concentrated FOCUS of intent. YELLOW HUMAN is strongly guiding the WARRIOR to align with DIVINE WILL today – to ensure he is fearlessly defending and CREATING the DIVINE PLAN and not just recklessly battling for his own agenda.
When the WARRIOR has a NOBLE cause, he is elevated to DIVINE status as an instrument of the DIVINE – The PEACEFUL SPIRITUAL WARRIOR A true WARRIOR of CHRIST.
As such he is then afforded DIVINE PROTECTION, as he carries out his QUEST for TRUTH and JUSTICE in GOD’S name. He thus becomes a beacon influencing others to join his crusade in the name of TRUTH and JUSTICE.
YELLOW HUMAN helps the WARRIOR to raise his vibe to open his golden chalice and let the wisdom of Spirit flow through, melting any FEAR, doubt or self derision. He can then find the confidence, courage and belief in his innate abilities to KNOW the right path to take.
EB guides the CHOICES made by CIB leading to Divine outcomes, so that the Will of God can take shape and form on this Earth realm.
SUPPORT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to connect with his intuitive promptings which is absolutely essential for his SAFETY and SURVIVAL… Simply following the promptings of the MIND, can lead the Warrior astray.
The WARRIOR must align his MIND with his HEART and be guided by his instinct and intuition, that is, his gut intelligence. If something does not sit right in his gut, then his instincts are guiding him to CHALLENGE what is presenting. AKBAL will also reveal what lies deep in the abyss which takes great courage to unearth and FACE.
4 AKBAL is the galactic signature of Nikola Tesla – It holds very potent CREATION POWER!! This is the MAJIK GENIE that can GRANT all your desires… so take HEED and capitalize on this phenomenal GIFT today. In addition today we have a BONUS of the 9.9 DIVINE DESTINY code – SHAZAM!!!!
What 3 DESIRES do you WISH to take FORM?
VISUALIZE it in your MIND’S EYE – and then ABRACADABRA it will be made manifest into FORM! Especially if you use the TESLA UNIVERSAL MAJIK- 3.6.9 formula in your spell casting!
The SELF-EXISTING tone carries the capacity to access the ELECTRICAL currents created the previous day – through the BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE. Thus you can harness GREAT energy to fuel YOUR desires, inventions and YOUR innate imaginings through your 3rd eye and psychic VISION. PURE POTENT TESLA POWER!!
TESLA had incredible MIND POWER!! Whatever he invented or wished to create, eventuated out of a lengthy CREATION process.. The plans, drawings and structure of the inventions, were all crafted in his GENIUS MIND first. Then they were modified and refined, over and over, until TESLA was sure he had a successful model in which to build. He did not begin to physically construct it, until it was 90% perfected in his MIND.
POWERFUL minds SHAPE reality by honing and refining the details, UNTIL it is perfected in the MIND’S EYE, and made MANIFEST!
BLUE NIGHT encourages the WARRIOR to pursue his DREAMS, knowing that there is a better path in which to tread. The WARRIOR will slash through the illusion, and follow the yellow brick road, to the treasures he intuitively knows lay on the path ahead.
The SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR is fearlessly INTENT on measuring and defining HOW this DREAM of a better life, and better world, shall take SHAPE. This NEW DREAMING of the collective, forms the basis of his valiant QUEST, the reason he volunteered for this QUEST.
The BRAVE RAINBOW WARRIOR will FEARLESSLY defend this DREAM, at all costs, until it has been made MANIFEST!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED PLANETARY SERPENTCHICCUAN represents your basic motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. RED SERPENT asks you to release all your Battles (particularly your INNER battles) and your FEARS, shed the skin of your past, and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation. In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.
RED SERPENT combines with BLUE NIGHT to ease your survival fears and old programmed instincts. We each hold a store house of chi within us. Unlock the VITALITY in your kundalini channel, to release all blocks to your MANIFESTING the life and body of your DREAMS. An optimum time to use TAI CHI, Yoga and body work to allow the CHI to FLOW effortlessly awakening your creative SPARK!
CHICCHAN is a PLANETARY SERPENT so he has the POWER to enable your ideas and projections to easily be made MANIFEST in the physical world. The PLANETARY tone also highlights the COLLECTIVE DREAM and the DIVINE PLAN for the whole of humanity.
CHICCHAN unleashes incredible PLANETARY POWER for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to succeed in their QUEST in creating this NEW WORLD. Tap into the POWER that GAIA provides through ULURU, EGYPT and power centres around the globe, draw forth the magnetic CREATION force through your feet and dantien to fuel your desires.
A POWERhouse of creation energies exists within our being. Unleash the POWER, PASSION and LIFE FORCE that Chiccan provides, to IGNITE your desires, and PERFECT the PLANETARY DREAM, of PEACE ON EARTH for all Planetary kin. Aho!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER CIMI The shadow challenges of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER includes the FEAR of DEATH, endings and change. Reluctance or inability to LET GO and move forward, clinging to the old way of being.
Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the LIGHT creating more space for LOVE to fill the void.
What are you afraid of, in order to take the next step?
The transformation offered in CIMI is found in SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. Through DEFINING what is IMPORTANT, we can more easily LET GO of what does not align with our new VISION.
By releasing what does not fit in our new form, we can move forward, and CIMI can build the bridge to the new. New relationships, connections, opportunities and grand new adventures, creating space for further soul expansion and growth to occur.
The WARRIOR’S greatest act of humility is to spare the life of his greatest enemy, surrendering his fate into the hands of the DIVINE. In this way he can release the pursuit of retribution and realign with a greater destiny and QUEST..
Knowing WHEN to SURRENDER, and change course, is a DIVINE act of humility and Spiritual maturity.
Choose to LET GO, and choose HARMONY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE!
Allow CIMI to send out new golden threads, to all the wondrous new connections you will be making in your new chapter. Remember at all times to release FEAR and choose LOVE. Ironically to do this we usually have to accept the DEATH of something old in order to build this new bridge to LOVE!
Allow CIB the fearless Warrior to lead you over the rainbow bridge on your new QUEST, to manifest and shape the NEW WORLD of your DREAMS.
NOTE: Warrior’s fearlessly charge into battle, so be wary of arguments, disputes and conflicts today. Thankfully the emotional charge is lessened today as the tone is in the MENTAL realm. However this may translate to VERBAL battles and arguments!
Do not engage in PERSONAL battles but save your energy for the greater good – your Divine Mission and the PLANETARY focus!
This elevates the focus of the Warrior to higher states of consciousness, and thus accordingly his behaviour!
WHITE WORLDBRIDGER can bring forth an end to battles in any arena. So disengage and FOCUS on PEACE and UNITY. OM AH OM!
Today’s question is “What do I need to fearlessly SURRENDER, in order for my DIVINELY directed ideas and DREAMS to take FORM?”
Divine blessings for the realization of your great dreams to take FORM!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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