What a Great Time to Be Alive! Golden Ascended Master Consciousness * In these Final Days of Darkness ~ Access the Archetypes
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Royal Lion Nation of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
We begin this week of our powerful Full Moon in Leo this Wednesday the 12th of February with massive waves of Cosmic Rays of Creation Codes flooding into this Realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Soularis continues to inundate Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 6 C Class Soular Flares and a M Class Flare maxing at M 1.62 at 5:30 UTC.
We also had more higher pulses of Divine Resonance in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at 21 hz, 24 hz and a big blast of white light at 33 hz. Code of Divine Mastery and Fifth Dimensional Manifestation.
Synchronizing with these Events of Alchemy we had a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 218 ~ White Planetary Mirror as the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all Things that is the Mind of Great Spirit reflects itself perfectly in Buddha Consciousness of the Awakened State of Being.
Starseed New Earth Angelics of the 144, continue to feel your Way through and through and through until full and total compression breakthrough as SuperNova Rainbow Body Masters of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, Mothership 33 of our Galactic Fleet of the New Jerusalema…A’ho!
On the Leonine Full Moon of the 12th Feb….we are vibrating powerfully with the Sirian Energies …. stay with It ….. as the Veil between our worlds is being thinned for removal, on the Full Moon …. we are thus rolling in the OCCULT ocean of merging Golden Ascended Master Consciousness (of the 2:2 Portal) with the incoming magisterial and masterful current of the Blue Violet Sirian Consciousness…..become conscious of this Mighty Powerful Cocktail churning within and around …open your DNA, Heart, Cellular & Molecular Bodies to allow its ingress….Blue Violet Gold….wonderful concoction….
In these final days of darkness, where evil reaches its peak, we are all being tested. The snares are set, the trials are laid. But the Lion does not turn away—he walks forward, crowned in authenticity. The Wolf does not hesitate—he steps in, guided by integrity. They weave together Lion and Wolf to get whats needed done, acting as One, and together they get things done. For it is a Heart Soul Led Journey from this point on now, with a deeply purposeful process. All allies are Welcome to dine at the table of Grace alongside Lion & Wolf.
This is the final test: to stand unshaken, to walk the path of truth, and to prove that light, once claimed, can never be Taken Or Broken !
2/10/25: Today can feel like a fresh start… or a wake-up… or a shake-up. Regardless, it’s packed with possibilities. Continue to monitor and adjust your activity because February’s energy doesn’t support rash decisions or over-reaching. What it does love is tapping into all your emotions which can create fallout for you to deal with. It’s up to you how you do that, but positivity will be your best friend. If your emotions start swinging like a pendulum, center yourself by coming to a complete stop. Bring your attention back to your five senses and stimulate them. Aroma, music, art, beauty, smiles, laughter, hugs, poetry, meditation. Only then can you navigate from a point of power.
Underneath the chaos and constant pressure we have been feeling lately, there is a silver lining. You may still don’t know how things are going to play out exactly or what the details are—but you have recently accessed a brand-new frequency and you know it’s now accessible, made for you. There is no way back from this knowing. You are changing era, breaking a limit you thought you could never break. Main areas of your life could experience a total shake up—a reset, to match who you are now, how you see yourself, your growth, what you know you deserve. Your standards have increased, sometimes through pain and struggles, but they did anyway. Watch for the external to align with your inner mindset now that it is shifting.
Dear friends, as we approach the Full Moon in Leo, a G1 solar geomagnetic storm impacted our planet yesterday night, stirring our human energy fields in profound ways. This celestial event amplified emotional releases, making it essential to acknowledge and process our emotions. The Full Moon in Leo’s fiery energy will further fuel this emotional purging, potentially leading to a deeper cleansing of emotional blockages. It’s a potent synergistic combination that is pushing us to move into new timelines and territories.
As the storm’s energies are integrated today, human energy fields may become more sensitive, making sensitive individuals more receptive to the emotions and energies of those around them. This heightened sensitivity can be overwhelming, underscoring the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries to protect one’s energetic well-being. The nervous and digestive systems are the most sensitive areas at this time during this energetic detox process. As old structures and belief systems are adjusted within our fields, we may also experience calibrations at the physical levels.
On the other hand, the G1 storm’s energies can also stimulate creativity, imagination, and inspiration. The Full Moon in Leo’s influence will amplify this creative spark, encouraging us to express ourselves authentically and tap into our inner sources of inspiration.
As the storm’s effects manifest physically, some of you may experience fatigue, insomnia, or vivid dreams. The Full Moon in Leo’s energy can exacerbate these symptoms, making it crucial to prioritize rest and self-care. Headaches, brain fog, and mental fogginess are also possible, but staying hydrated and grounded can help alleviate these symptoms.
The G1 storm’s energies can also trigger emotional and physical detoxification processes. This may manifest as emotional releases, skin breakouts, or physical symptoms like joint pain or digestive issues. While uncomfortable, these symptoms are a sign that the body is releasing toxins and rebalancing itself.
On a spiritual level, the G1 storm’s energies can amplify intuition, psychic abilities, and connection to the collective unconscious. The Full Moon in Leo’s influence will further amplify these abilities, allowing individuals to tap into the universe’s wisdom and guidance. This is also an opportunity to deepen one’s connection to the cosmos, recognizing the intricate web of relationships between the individual, the planet, and the universe.
Ultimately, the G1 solar geomorphic storm and the Full Moon in Leo offer a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation. As the storm’s energies accelerate the release of old patterns, habits, and energies, individuals can seize this opportunity to rebirth themselves, emerging stronger, wiser, and more radiant.
To navigate the post-storm’s energies, it’s essential to stay grounded and centered, prioritizing self-care and emotional awareness. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and balance, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Connect with nature, tap into the Earth’s energies, and allow yourself to receive the support and guidance you need . By embracing this celestial event with an open heart and mind, you can harness its transformative potential and emerge renewed, revitalized, and ready to shine.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as the full moon waves begin to arrive. Have a blessed week. Much love
On the day of February 11, 2025 a significant numerical sequence known as the Gateway of Power will occur. These gateways represent pivotal moments when divine energies align, offering support and higher self connection. Ascendant Masters are providing a pathway to the new conscious realms you have envisioned for Ascending self and the New Earth.
In this Year of Soul Alignment, these gateways serve as openings into new empowered realms, where the frequency of unity consciousness is heightened. It is a time to be receptive and focus on the incredible opportunity to shape a world based on Love . Despite any physical appearances, this empowered frequency is more accessible to the ascending than ever before.
Once you establish the necessary preparation within self, stepping through the Ascendant Masters’ 11 portal becomes exciting and exhilarating. These Gateways of Power serve as clear openings, establishing alignment within your energy systems. We are being offered an empowerment that allows us to experience higher frequencies condensed within a moment of time.
As you sense this alignment within, you undergo a significant transformation, shifting into a new timeline and vibrational alignment with a higher conscious frequency that supports your ascension and creates ripples of conscious awaking into the ascending collective . This aligns with the gifts of nature, peace within hearts, and honouring of the planetary shifts.
Within each of our Star Souls, the spark of the Divine resides. Encountering the Gateways of Power enhances this aspect of the eternal spirit. It is beneficial to focus on what is most authentic, divine self, as it allows a gateway to be clearly marked and imprinted upon the path.
A new world is emerging where decisions come from the unified heart mind, (higher heart ) rather than the old patterns of separation. Time spent with self is essential for feel safe within , and self-evolution on the ascension journey. As you ascend, you will create new healthier habits and meet new vibrationaly aligned others Trusting the organic unfolding of the ascension journey.
As you ascend your heightened and evolved attributes may be mistaken for ego in the lower conscious third dimension, adapting and adjusting to remaining true to your authentic self. Higher dimensions exist in universal balance and truth, while lower realms are only made up of collective lies and illusions. Focusing on self-evolution and merging with the universal continuum of love, light, and truth.
Ascension is not made up of new age information, it can not be found in books, it does not follow trends or bend to others way of ego and thinking. Ascension is Deeply based in Truth, it is universal and connected to all principalities that makes up divine creation. Ascension does not take any short cuts, if the inner work is not completed then it is put on hold for future opportunity potentials and consideration. Accepting that not everyone is consciously ascending. Ascension is within the Souls embodiment , the people in life etc choices made in life etc, will all mirror who the self really is . Ascension is an authentic expression of higher self connection.
A Starseed is a sovereign light being who has been loyal to the light throughout , having reinvented self through countless deaths, rebirths , expanding in their human healed aspects, guided by divine wise counsel, activating the conscious and deliberate creator within. This sacred inner work is what shapes the world we experience . Through individual Ascension we take responsibility for co-creating a brand new conscious world.
Throughout this year energy portals will continue to reveal themselves and activate profound connections to your higher self and source light energy. As you symbolically and literally walk through the 2-11-2025 gateway, you leave behind out dated forms , frame works and patterns that no longer align with the new earth energy stream of unity consciousness.
This is a time on ascending earth to create a model for your new life as a deliberate creator through intentional setting, even if the precise form remains unclear. Your higher vibrations will begin to uplift through higher intentions, inviting the guiding wisdom of the soul and the Masters to lead and guide you.
These next 24-48 hours are highly charged energies. Taking sacred time to set your clear and strong intentions , visualising the Gateway of Power moving through your life. The Ascendant Masters are holding this expansive energy Portal of Light .
Light beings from higher realms are sending explosive amounts of light frequencies into our ascending planet , from the cosmic divine realms of creation , this is to support the ascension and the evolution of earth and humanity .
The number 11 is a gateway into higher levels of conscious awakening and awareness , As you walk through these pillars of energies, you align with the forces of all creation, experiencing a higher level of ascending collective unity in our world.
Anything that does not align with these new frequencies in new earth will naturally drop away and fade out. Old frequencies and energy systems cannot coexist when your soul aligns with its planetary purpose in an empowered and integrated way.
The path beyond this Gateway of Power will be gradual and will not unfold all at once, this is to prevent system overwhelm , unexpected glimpses of new self version will encourage and inspire activation in the higher heart. As we walk through these celestial gateways, we are guided and supported by cosmic beings of light. We are never alone. We stand together , sovereign beings on this planet have created an ascension light team collective. Supporting the ascension path, trusting in the divine plan taking place .
Through this we experience greater trust and faith in self as we take the next steps along our path , moving deeper into unknown territory , this is creating an unfolding future into higher conscious timelines, aligning with higher self , integrating into soul purpose , higher self will urge to express from the authentic aspect within .
All ascending are now uniting with celestial light beings They are experiencing the profound activations through this Gateway of Power, initiated by the numerical vibration and alignment of 11-2, which opens the way to oneness. It offers unity within and connects us with the divine source of all that is.
The deepest gratitude for the saving grace that descends upon us during this precious time , receiving it deep within our being, acknowledging all with Love , higher understanding , deeper wisdom , empathy and compassion .
The intense shift now into higher dimensional states, according to the degree that every soul is ready for this, and to the degree of every person’s light quotient level, the higher faculties of the ninety-two chambers of the Third Eye open at higher dimensional levels.
What is awakening is the One Single Eye, the All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing, and now the Third Eye, and the Crown merge with the Heart and Higher Heart as well as the Causal Chakra just above the Crown, and of course the Throat chakra as well.
As this happens, many souls (especially women) will have soul memories surface of severe persecution in other lifetimes, where they did use these higher faculties, as oracles, as psychics, as mediums, healers, and often this combined with the ability to utilize sound as well – like their singing voices, telepathy, teleportation, bilocation, for which they were known for. Mainly because the Divine Feminine holds these faculties intuitively.
During Ancient Times, all the Mystery Schools, had oracle temples and here the High Priestess hood resided, long before, like which happened in Delphi, the patriarchy took control and then suddenly it was Apollo who then is made the hero who slays the ‘serpent.” The “serpent” was no other than the telluric energy which rises from deep underground and thus enhanced the oracles abilities. Kundalini energy, blending with Kundalini energy and thus the full activation of the “” Winged Rod of Power.”
Originally there were twelve High Priestesses who resided at Delphi, and Delphi in fact is far older than is currently believed.
This site linked directly with that of the Isis Island in the Nile (where the alter Philae Temple stood, now moved to another island, but you cannot move earth energy), and a very sacred site in the Egyptian Desert. They formed a sacred Triad.
There triads are now fully activated again, and many of the souls who once were the Oracles in these temples were born again and will start remembering in the highest degrees their true destiny. I know this to be true for myself.
Now, as these faculties awaken to the fullest, (and interesting in the Chinese Year of the Wood Serpent), they will again step to the fore, as they all agreed to assist those souls through the immense changes ahead, as all now changes form.
Note these oracle sites were all over the world, (there used to be a very powerful oracle temple on what is now IONA, which has sunk under the sea), and these will rise now in their true profundity, for they act as portals between heaven and earth These Cosmic Portals are now reconnected again to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination! For the Oracle sites were always great places of Illumination, where the most sacred esoteric and metaphysical knowledge was held and stored in energy fields.
If you are one of those dormant souls, who will now intensely awaken, then know that this is meant to be, as the Divine Feminine will make her presence known increasingly powerfully as the greater awakening now is occurring, even in souls who are already awake!
It is time to reclaim our true powers, and to utilize them, lovingly, ever in the highest selfless service, for the highest good of all!
For The Light Codes Are Providing Endless Opportunities To Expand And Play In Light.
This Morning I Am Shown The Myriad Light Symbols Moving Throughout The Crystalline Grid Of Gaia.
How Do You Perceive This? As We Collectively Advance In The Light Synthesis Of Now
I Am Shown The Light Codes First Forming In The Universe. Undertaking The Necessary Light Steps To Reach The Dimension Of Our World.
For This Is An Ancient Story Encoded From The Great Grand Fathers And Mothers Of Ancient Light Time.
To Bring Forth The Light Awareness Now Birthed In Our Timeline, The Year 2025.
It Is The Ancient Light Birthed For Humanity To Explore. For These Unique Codes Are Assimilations For Humanity To Advance And Co-create In Light.
For The Light Frequency Of Creation Is Uprising.
Understand, The Light Of Now Is An Assimilation Process Involving The Incarnated Advanced Souls To Align The Ancient Codes Now Birthed In The Year 2025.
For You’ve Been Collecting Many Tools For This Now Moment
I Am Alive In Light
I Am Ready To Expand My Mission To Receive, Callibrate And Advance
You’ve broken free of the inverted matrix. As Elders and Guardians of Mother Earth, we are experiencing conscious breakthroughs and clearings so we can Collectively fully reside in the New Earth. Today our Feminine energies are transmuting the seed point of suffering, requiring your attention. Continue on the path of purification. Give yourself time and space to heal. Doing so will help to receive the more clarity to further heal, and continue forward on this New Earth timeline.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Molly McCord
Exciting developments begin the week, as Mercury and the Sun each square Uranus in Taurus. Big announcements and shocking news are highlighted as we move towards the Leo Full Moon on February 12.
Mercury moves into Pisces on Feb 14, which showcases we want to mentally retreat from the big energies and take time to process in our own space.
The Pisces energies continue to dominant the month, so the Sun may bring something important to light that you’re meant to follow during the conjunction to the NN at 28 deg Pisces.
Fated openings, destined developments, and an inspiration that has your name on it is coming through!
Feb 15 and 16 could feel extra dreamy, mystical, and magical with the strong Pisces influence at 28 deg in your chart. Hope you are able to enjoy it fully over the upcoming weekend!
But as the week begins, we’ll be feeling the Leo full moon energies build and express in dramatic ways!
The Leo Full Moon at 24 degrees on February 12 is a spark of change and igniting more change that can feel abrupt and disprutive – but we’re used to that by now, right!?
The Sun and Moon in Mercury, and the Moon in Leo are all squaring Uranus in Taurus, stirring up more surprises, mass revelations, shocking public announcements, and more drama in the collective.
February 10-17, 2025 – RISE UP – SuperNova Astrology Update
Venus just crossed over the Aries point of rebirth of the Zodiac, 0 degrees Aries, on February 5th. Venus and Mercury both have upcoming retrograde cycles in Pisces and Aries, and each will be crossing over this point 3 times. This is the first threshold to be crossed in the transformative retrograde season that lies ahead.
This activation of the beginning of Aries says, ‘No more distractions’, we don’t have time. We have get serious and focus on taking our life back from where we have given it away. For so long, so many of us have been just ‘getting through’. Now, it’s time to thrive, but only if we can Rise Up and meet the opportunity.
It’s about finding a New Direction forward, and that is the council of Neptune with the North Node of the Moon in Pisces, exactly conjunct from Feb. 2-9. We will continue to feel this meeting of destiny through the month of April. Moving forward in these times requires us to fully heal the trauma and tragedy of the Piscean Age, and at the same time reclaim the miracles, magic and healing, the Christ Consciousness Timeline.
Mars retrograde is helping us to put on our Robe of Light. Mars turned retrograde at 6 degrees Leo on December 7th, and is now retrograding back to 17 degrees of Cancer. Mars will turn direct on February 24th. Mars retrograde feels pent up and impotent. As he turns direct he will want to run with it. Mars will transit the beginning of the sign of Leo for the third and final time this cycle, starting April 19th. It’s about nurturing ourselves back into Shining, Fully, and in the and Complete Expression of the Truth of Who We Really are, SuperNovas.
Mars will make his triumphant return to Leo on April 19th, with the torch of the freedom that comes from being in a reciprocal loving relationship with Mother Earth. Mars will return to 6 degrees Leo on May 2nd, exiting retrograde shadow. SuperNovas, we’ve no other choice, it’s Our time to Shine!
We are feeling the Leo Love as we head into the Leo Full Moon on February 12th. Mercury in Aquarius caught back up to the Sun on February 9th, informing us about the epic sacred Quest. Mercury’s retrograde in Sagittarius was about getting us back on track of the epic story of Earth Evolution. It’s about being able to more clearly see the vision of what’s possible, by uncovering and healing the rubble of the past. We must release the grief of all that has happened on Her, and to Her, in order to come back into connection and help her re-Awaken The Dream. Let the tears flow and release all that you have been holding, so that newly Seeded Visions can Grow.
Mercury, and then the Sun, will come into exact square with Uranus in Taurus for this Full Moon. We are coming up against false authority structures, which have stolen and hidden our own power, technology and identity from us. This square is about knowing we can handle our own co-creative power, now that we are realigning with the Dream of Mother Earth.
Mercury and the Sun will also be in a trine with Black Moon Lilith in Libra, harmonizing the square with Uranus. The revealing of Dark Truths is the only way to Truly Break Free. The lower matrix reality is like being stuck in an abusive relationship with self-serving control based forces. We can only take back our power and technology, once humanity knows the full truth of what’s been done. Welcome to the season of Disclosure.
A sweet trine between Mars retrograde in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces is supporting us in moving old stuck grief. It’s sad to face how disconnected we have become from Earth and Mother Energy. Mars and Saturn are in exact trine from Feb. 7-11. Mars turning direct will bring them back into trine in the first week of April. The masculine, back in the Mother’s Arms, can do anything. This is where we take back the Divine Christ Consciousness (Mother’s) timeline. We will continue to feel this helpful influence now through the month of April.
After these retrograde energies resolve, it’s full speed ahead on manifesting our New and Better Reality, according to Her Loving Dream. We are graduating into our Sovereignty. SuperNovas are here to demonstrate incredible Human potential, thereby Birthing new systems of Support for Humanity. We are in a time of rapid Healing, Initiation and Preparation for the Great Days that are to Come.
On Monday, February 10th, Mercury, the Messenger, in electrical Aquarius is in a challenging square connection to Uranus, the Great Awakener, in stubborn Taurus. Mercury rules messages, information, thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and communications. Uranus, who is the ruling planet of Aquarius, rules change, disruption, liberation, redirection, rebelliousness and lightning bolt revelations.
This can certainly initiate shocking, eccentric, surprising or unexpected conversations, findings, news and disclosures, whether in our personal lives, or in the lives of the collective. People may exhibit shocking or bizarre behavior, especially as it relates to their freedom, and the spoken or written word. Technology may be a little wacky today….be aware while driving or traveling….sudden revelations and insights may be activated….it is a day to expect the unexpected!
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus – Communications are abrupt, snappy or unexpected. We need to choose our words and moments carefully. Some may feel like an outcast for holding a different view to others. Stay with your truth but don’t alienate yourself. Take alternative perspectives into consideration.
Wired, anxious energy increases tension, but if we can tune out frustration, there is the potential for flashes of insight and out of the box thinking. However, curb any tendency to broadcast thoughts immediately. This is a learning process, and ideas benefit from further development.
Shocks and surprises could take us in a different direction than we anticipated. The key is to be flexible. High frequency information is flowing through the cosmos. Be open to its creative guidance.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its key words are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. Today is a Portal day, the tenth day of the Red Moon wavespell. Things happen on Planetary days, they seem just to manifest out of thin air. Focus on what you need to materialize in your life and see if you can tune into today’s perfect energy.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. Every day in the Tzolkin affects everybody in a general way and some people more directly, depending on their own charts. Over time you observe which days float your boat and which do not. When we pay attention to what day it is; and tune in to its meaning, we ourselves can embody that energy regardless of our own characteristics. This is similar to shapeshifting. I am reflecting this truth to you today, as I am a Mirror but you too can share the truth today with anyone who needs to see it. As it is a Planetary day, it’s a perfect day for reflecting truth.
The Guide today is the White Worldbridger which represents Opportunities to cross bridges and it also represents ‘Death’. If you want to cross a bridge to your new life, you must leave the old one behind. Are you prepared to allow something in your life to die? As it is a day of truth, the truth will lead you to the bridge…it’s up to you to cross it. The Challenge is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. The star shines so brightly it dazzles itself when looking in the mirror. The truth isn’t always ugly, so don’t be afraid to look. You may find that you’re beautiful but didn’t know it because you were afraid to know the truth.
The Occult power is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreaming and Abundance’. The Blue Night has a terrific imagination and when boosted by magic, this imagination knows no bounds. Dream big today, you never know they might come true.
The Ally is the Red Dragon who reminds us to create a space for self-nurturing so we may lay the foundations for self-reflection and deep thought. Out of these moments of meditation, we are able to reinvent ourselves in small ways over and over again. If you are a Dragon, expect to be needed today by those who have learnt harsh truths. If you don’t know one, you can nurture yourself. Find a cave to hide in until it’s all over, if you need to.
MANTRA I PERFECT in order to REFLECT Producing order I seal the matrix of endlessness With the Planetary tone of manifestation I AM guided by the power of death I AM A GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!
10/2/2025 = 1/2/9 = 1/11 = 1/2=3
111 DIVINE NEW BEGINNINGS 123 – READY, SET, GO – forward progress
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 218 = 11 = 2 11 also represents THE MIRROR – PORTAL – GATEWAY
11 = 2 – Twins/Partnership/Cooperation/Polarity
Today we are MANIFESTING a NEW HARMONIC MATRIX. It is also a GAP DAY – so we have added ROCKET FUEL to propel our MANIFESTATIONS into HYPER DRIVE!!!
Beautiful CODES offering much HOPE, optimism and wondrous opportunities to walk through the DOORWAYS into a NEW PEACE filled and prosperous world!
Today is a BRILLIANT day to ENERGIZE the dream of collective ABUNDANCE for all Planetary kin – especially on an 111 LIBERATING NEW Abundance day code!…. you can also visualize this on a personal level too.
VISUALIZE infinite SOURCE ENERGY flowing to all people and providing for all our needs – food/shelter/clothing/FREE energy/luxuries etc. – VISUALIZE all kingdoms on Planet EARTH – satisfied and extremely HAPPY and HEALTHY!
VISUALIZE your idea of Planetary UTOPIA– living on an ABUNDANT beautiful Planet, in HARMONY with each other and Mother nature.
Today’s PLANETARY MANIFESTATION CODE provides us with a BRILLIANT opportunity to anchor this collective dream! KEEP BELIEVING AND HOLDING THE VISION and FEEL that IT IS DONE – visualize the money/food/resources/JOY and wellness throughout our entire bountiful planet. Every time you see 11:11 or any 11’s – 3.11 4.11 etc or any combo of 8’s eg. 88 or 888 (or 2 or 22 – building a foundation) you are reminded by the UNIVERSE that this desire HAS MANIFESTED and is on it’s way to you!!
KODOISH, KODOISH, KODOISH, ADONAI ‘TSEBAYOTH: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts.”
Day 10 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity, as we purify our vessels in order to find our FLOW. Today the GODDESS is OPENING THE FLOODGATES to ABUNDANCE and Manifesting our DREAMS.!!!
Today we MANIFEST through the Art of SURRENDERING all attachment to the physical plane. Becoming wholly present and receptive to the fantastic opportunities FLOWING our way, as we PERFECT the Art of MANIFESTATION. Powerful MANIFESTATION potentials arise today!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the PERFECTION of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and MANIFEST very strong connections with our Divine Creator today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA.
A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter! It is time to PERFECT the Art of receiving all your pure heart’s desires!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO to a NEW FLOW of ABUNDANCE, PLEASURE, BEAUTY and JOY reflected in my NEW LIFE?
Divine blessings for PERFECTING BOUNTIFUL manifestations today – 1,2,3 – READY, SET GO GO GO!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY MIRROR – ETZNAB reflects the patterns, in order to integrate them into the joy of our creations. Seeing that every pattern that we have resisted thus far, actually has a gold lining that points to our greatest gifts. This resistance is born through a subconscious FEAR of some type, seeking to keep us hidden from sight and becoming our greatest glorious self.
Today we are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know the TRUTH. Anything that is not in alignment with the FLOW of prosperity, happiness and success in your life will be stripped away and discarded.
The sword of TRUTH cleanly cuts away all distortions, purified with the Universal waters of the Goddess leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build.
As you REFLECT on what is missing (or incomplete) in your life, do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are INFINITE! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the Universe. Remember to give GRATITUDE focusing on all the GOOD (rather than LACK) in your life so that more can freely FLOW to you.
The MIRROR star glyph also represents a Mayan PYRAMID – from the top view looking down. The pyramid AMPLIFIES energy, so together with the GAP day and PLANETARY MANIFESTATION tone we have very potent energies!
The PYRAMID can be inverted and joined at the base with another pyramid to form an OCTAHEDRON which is a brilliant, clearing, energizing and manifestation tool.. just visualize your creations spinning inside a golden octahedron vortex of creation! Or you can use physical crystal/orgone pyramids on top of a piece of paper with your desires, place over a MIRROR tile to DOUBLE the Mirror/Pyramid effect or you can use a crystal grid/mandala.
HIGHER SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI Seals the store of Death! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER! SURRENDER through REFLECTING on what is being revealed to you in the HALL OF MIRRORS. SURRENDER the old ways, old world and old paradigm…. create SPACE for the new to enter.
The WHITE MIRROR reflects the MATRIX, when combined with the WORLDBRIDGER the MATRIX SHATTERS.. as WORLDBRIDGER brings closure and DEATH to the old paradigm, in order for the NEW to FLOW.
SURRENDER to the FLOW of New possibilities – LET GO and LET GODDESS bring in more abundant FLOW!
WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Connecting to new realms to access new resources and prosperity. Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in! We are collectively building this RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW WORLD.. lots of opportunities to BUILD the NEW today.
The PLANETARY WORLDBRIDGER also connects Planetary kin, to UNITE and cocreate GRANDE manifestations on a GLOBAL level to help HU-MAN-KIND.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY DRAGON – IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing our creations and MANIFESTATIONS today, on a personal and collective level. Birthing better, purer and more Divine fulfilling lives for ourselves and our planetary kin. By stepping into the void of creation – the Dragon’s den, to manifest our needs, we are nurturing our-cellves, and in turn can nurture others, through sharing our prosperity with our planetary kin..
2024 was the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON – so our PLANETARY DRAGONS truly made a comeback! They are STILL here so make sure you engage their assistance for manifestation, clearing and PROTECTION.
The PLANETARY DRAGON is a prelude to the GIFTS that the COSMIC DRAGON is bringing humanity in 3 days time on 13 FEBRUARY 2025.. We have NEW BEGINNINGS with the COSMIC BIRTHing from the VOID of CREATION, marking a NEW GOLDEN ERA.. as the COSMIC DRAGON’S EGGS begin to HATCH.
We are perfecting the Art of b-Earth-ing our desires onto the physical plane, and the PLANETARY DRAGON is a powerful ally to make this happen! . We experience more joy and bliss, through the Majik that is birthed through us and our creations. Reflecting on the many gifts flowing to us, that consciousness provides through Divine creation.
Summon your DRAGONS today for great MANIFESTING MAJIK!
The PLANETARY DRAGON AWAKENS our Planetary Serpent/Dragons energizing GAIA’s grids and vortices, to boost the power in the GRID available to you to draw from… lots of RAW PRIMAL CREATION power to fuel your desires.
The self-existing tone enables our MIND’S thoughts, ideas and subconscious DREAMS to take FORM! TODAY we have unlimited resources and the SUPERPOWER to CREATE our wildest IMAGININGS —
DREAM IT and you can CREATE IT.
AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today. Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE.
Are you resisting the INFLOW of ABUNDANCE through feelings of unworthiness?
Or do you still hold the outmoded belief from past experiences that “money is the root of all evil” ? – CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE all that this brings up in all timeframes, realities and dimensions! WHOOOSH – let the Goddess PURIFY and FLUSH OUT those TOXIC beliefs!
Allow AKBAL to reveal your deepest DESIRES and DREAMING today. Take the time to REFLECT on your DREAM, in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective abundance today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR– LAMAT is a portal to the STARS and galaxies, that OPENS the doors to endless beauty, PEACE and prosperity to FLOW through. We have just passed through TWO STAR-GATES, and today the PLANETARY STAR is giving us access to incredible MANIFESTATION, to SHINE our LIGHT and up our SPARKLE!
LAMAT allows the pure luminous REFLECTION of the gifts of creation, to SHINE through us today, raising our BLISS barometers! OPEN to receive, and allow the BLISS to FLOW!
We are integrating the wisdom of PERFECTED HARMONIC PATTERNS so that we can CREATE from a pure, clean palate. New creative and BEAUTY filled lives, filled with grace and elegance. Beautiful lives that assist us to continually b-Earth a new better and BRIGHTER version of our cell-ves and our NEW REALITY.
Our challenge is to FOCUS on what we DESIRE – the NEW ENERGY- and SURRENDER the old story!
BRING ON THE PEACE, LOVE JOY and HARMONY… a beautiful PERFECTED foundation for Nova Gaia.
So beloveds another very DIVINE and precious day gifted to HU-MAN-ity. LET GO and LET GOD, allow the DIVINE ABUNDANCE to effortlessly FLOW into your bank accounts and into your lives.
Aho! And so it is x a Godzillion!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO to a NEW FLOW of ABUNDANCE, PLEASURE, BEAUTY and JOY reflected in my NEW LIFE?
Divine blessings for PERFECTING BOUNTIFUL manifestations today – 1,2,3 – READY, SET GO GO GO!!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.
🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding
✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike
🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation
💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.
Oh Infinite Source of Divine Light,
Sacred Wellspring of Endless Abundance,
I call upon the radiant forces of the Universe,
The golden streams of prosperity that flow eternally.
I stand in the presence of Divine Wealth,
A child of the cosmos, open and ready to receive.
May the rivers of prosperity rush forth into my life,
Bringing blessings of success, joy, and fulfillment.
By the Power of the Infinite I AM,
I align with the frequency of limitless abundance.
I release all fear, doubt, and lack,
For I am one with the ever-giving heart of Creation.
May wealth and wisdom walk beside me,
May generosity and gratitude be my guide,
And may all that I receive bless the world,
In harmony, love, and divine order.
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