The Ascension Of Colour ~ The Split of Collective Timelines * God Take the Wheel ~ Aquarian Age
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Ones of Innocence and Honor of the Great Spirit
Happy 24:24 Portal of our Return to Innocence and the Christos Sophia Consciousness of Divine Union both within and without.
As all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to journey through portal after portal nothing will remain the same as we navigate through the emptiness and the void in our Great Exodus over the threshold of the New Eden of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
This coming final week of November will see us through some major revelations, activations and restoration of our Original Divine Angelic DNA to help fulfill our missions of full and total Planetary Liberation.
As we free ourselves from all constructs and programs of the false matrix we free the world and all Sentient Beings from the wheels of karma and samsara and with the Wheel of Dharma in the Mind of Buddha transform ourselves and the collective into the Enlightened beings of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. The Cosmic Wheels of Time keep spinning but it is up to us the Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia to call in our Highest Timeline of Peace and Prosperity for all!
The Eagle and the Condor continue to hold the Codes of Love, Light, Abundance, Joy, Divine Union and Hieros Gamos for all our Good People of our Rainbow Tribe of the 144. The Trinity Gate of Divine Dispensations is fully open and activated as the threefold flame within every Living Heart is illuminated and blazed by the Holy Spirit to Light up the Grids of Gaia to assist her and all our Children of the Sun in this Great Awakening and Transformation into Crystalline Diamond Rainbow Bodies of Eternal Life.
Keep rising and shining Golden Winged Legion of our Lion Kingdoms and Dragon Nations of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!
We came here to reveal the miracle hiding underneath every lie, distortion and fragmentation of the perfected fabric of creation.
Do not fall asleep and believe in the madness….
Do not close your eyes and invest in the delusions that present all around you
Do not forget the dramas are only backdrops to allow the ever present contrast of divine love to make its grand shining appearance
When you slip into the bad dream of your not enoughness or that of another’s….open your eyes and reach higher to feel the privilege of the cosmic dance of miracles all around you.
You are creating all of it, Beloved SUNS. The creator, created and creation are one.
Move towards the resolution of the drama by seeing the backdrop of harmonic glory that lies right behind it holding the immaculate concept of each soul’s divine perfection as the true contrast.
This is the infinity loop that presents itself in a million zillion miracles revealed.
Remember you are the miracle, and the other who appears to menace you is also that same miracle.
I AM You and You are Me.
The unification of the whole is the true magic of sacred union.
The universe is rearranging itself in correlation to the Collective’s new frequency. The integration of codes needs readjustments to our course. It’s like the teacher needs to break out new coursework. New text books as the students have surpassed the curriculum.
During this time period of upgrade, the framework needs to be rewritten ahead of our arrival. This is leaving a feeling of nothingness. A chasm. Void. An emptiness whereby, when all battles are over and there is nothing left to fight, it takes a while for the mind and body (nervous system) to settle. As we are individual universes mimicking the external matrix universe, everything stands still for a while.
Getting back online will take just a hot minute. So breathe. Relax. Let the past go. It has no consequence. No bearing on where we are going. All are being internally realigned. New sequences entered. A full restructuring.
Stay present. Your faith is tested. Hand it all to God.
The time is coming when the obvious pattern will emerge unmistakable in its truth. Now is the time to clear your eyes of all that dims your vision, your heart from all that manifests doubt, your mind from all that distracts you from finding the core harmonic. More than one will arise. When you have distilled the separate strands of core harmonic knowings, allow them to settle and find coherence. As they move in relationship with each other, the perfection of Nine will bring them into the OM-centered nexus of source code.
When these pieces fit together in perfect harmonic balance, they will create a holy unified matrix that will seed your world and change it utterly.
“Direct Lines of Perfecting Source Code” Briefings from the Crew
11/24/24: Quiet contemplation is in order today as you prepare for tomorrow’s three-week deep dive into your personal power. This is not, however, the same kind of power with which you started this year, but is the result of a Dragonian energy that intentionally challenged your strength and stamina. While it’s easy for the Dragon, we mere mortals have to work for our empowerment.
And whether it’s obvious or not, you have met the task in at least one, if not most, areas of your life. Today and tomorrow are yours to help assess exactly what you‘ve accomplished as the year begins to wind down… and leave nothing out as you do so. Everything that’s happened and everything you’ve done is important.
Dear friends, on Monday, November 25, Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius brings a complex mix of energies that may impact your day. Sagittarius, a fire sign associated with exploration, expansion, and higher learning, is amplified by Mercury Retrograde, bringing a period of revisions, re-evaluations, and reconnections.
But what does Mercury Retrograde mean? In astrology, Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward in the sky. This phenomenon happens about 3-4 times a year and lasts for approximately 3 weeks. During this time, the energies of Mercury, which govern communication, travel, and technology, are said to be in a state of review and revision. The post-shadow phase, when the effects of the retrograde begin to fade, will last until January 2, 2025.
As a result, communication and reflection will be key themes throughout this period. Expect delays or misunderstandings in communication, especially related to travel, education, or philosophical pursuits. Use this time to reflect on your thoughts, ideas, and plans, reviewing and revising your approach to ensure clarity and precision.
This is also an excellent time to revisit old ideas, projects, or plans that may have been put on hold. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius offers the opportunity to revive and revamp them, giving them new life and energy. However, be patient and flexible, as changes in plans or unexpected setbacks may occur.
Be careful about making any major travel plans specially during the Thanksgiving celebrations in the USA, as life will be a bit shifty for the next couple of weeks. This retrograde has our inner compass spinning out of control as we figure out what path to take. Allow yourself to be still for a moment.
Taking time for introspection and self-reflection will be quite beneficial, allowing you to explore your beliefs, values, and goals. You may experience strange and vivid dreams related to past situations and relationships as your nervous system revisits old memories and optimizes your emotional inner space. Practice patience and adaptability, both will help you navigate any unexpected twists and turns that Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius may bring in the coming weeks.
As we navigate this last Mercury Retrograde period of this year, let us approach this celestial event with a positive and optimistic mindset. This period of reflection, revision, and renewal holds the potential for transformation and growth, allowing us to emerge with greater clarity, purpose, and self-awareness towards the last days of 2024 and the initial days of the new year.
It is only when we embrace our shadows that we can transmute eons of suffering and become enlightened beings. It is only when we completely incinerate ourselves and resurrect from the ashes of our old self, that we become Light. This is what Sagittarian Fiery energies are helping us with during this time, for it is only by achieving self-synthesis, that we can retrieve our authentic divine essence, which as Sagittarius reminds us, is always one of hope, joy, and faith in the Divine within us All.
Self-synthesis is achieved when we integrate our past, present, and future, for it is where our power lies, and where the body becomes a portal to access deeper dimensions of our being.
This is where we are now, nourishing our bodies, for they are our sacred divine temple. They hold our galactic, human, and universal records, all in our DNA and emotional body, which is why it is so important to focus on releasement at this time, so we can empty ourselves to fill our soul again.
During this last month, with Sagittarian energies, we are now accessing hidden layers of our encrypted memories, imprinted in our DNA, both from this lifetime and many others, crystallized emotions, trapped energies, that seek release and healing.
As we enter December, focusing on recalibration, harmonization, and release is pivotal to preparing the body for the coming energies. The sun in Sagittarius together with a new moon trining Mars, in this same sign on December 1st, will help us be more empowered, retrieving the strength required for us to move into a more joyful, whole, and peaceful state of being.
We are now navigating a passage in which working with ourselves is essential to remaining connected, rejuvenated, and whole. A period in which learning how to master ourselves amid the chaos is of utmost importance, not to fall into 3D traps and manipulations, for this is a time when we need to work on self-disciplined and devotion to continue having faith in who we are, our personal path, and in the path that the collective is also taking during this transitional time.
Working with compassionate witnessing and complete neutrality is essential to balance our brain-heart complex, especially to dissolve any mental anxiety for personal challenges we may have, or due to the massive healing we are undergoing at this time, as clearing our body cells from past memories and trauma, generates mental anxiety and learning how to cope with it and heal it is vital to retrieve mental harmony.
The majority of the mental anxiety we experience is due to living in the past, or future, or ruminating about what confuses us, and hence brings us more desperation. There are organic devices for anxiety and pills, if you resonate with taking pills, again there is no judgment. However, it is not until we open ourselves to embrace the root of our anxiety, the original wound, and embrace it, that we can truly heal this issue.
When we are under mental anxiety, our frequency cannot fully match the new harmonic frequency that we are embodying, and even though many of you do your inner work, with deep devotion, your inner state of mind and being, cannot coexist with the new illumined frequency you are trying to integrate.
It is a time to conclude a personal cycle, a time to revise but also a time to be with ourselves, to ease any discomfort by finding the seed and healing it.
All forms of anxiety cause low self-esteem, and hence soul fragmentation, which is why soul retrieval, when we are under these periods is so helpful to bring us more love, light, and power. Clearing, if possible, old conflicts, whether physical or at a soul level, is essential to conclude cycles, release anxiety, and retrieve inner peace.
For the ones who are in the front, working directly with the 3D chaos, many of you are in specific healing positions and places where your mission will involve literally becoming a living filter and transmitter of what you witness, feel, and experience. Then, it is even more important to remain neutral, and not make everything you are transmuting yours, for once you make it yours, it becomes you.
Sagittarian energies help us transmute lower feelings, thoughts, and physical distortions, becoming the empowered beings that we are, for it is with Sagittarius that we retrieve our Solar personal power and initiate ourselves anew into the wheel of life.
Service to others begins when there is first service to ourselves, recognizing us as divine beings, erasing all self-sacrifice programs, and understanding that it is not selfish to take care of ourselves, but wise, as we cannot serve others when we are not yet whole within us.
We are heading into a very important cycle, in which freedom and sovereignty is key, and both start by embracing our divinity, moving into a loving space rather than fearful, and embracing it all within divine love, compassion, and neutrality.
We are ready, for we have done this before, in other lives, in other worlds.
Continue honoring yourselves to honor All, as One Family.
May the strength, wisdom, and power you carry within accompany you on your healing journey, beloveds.
For We Are Joining In A Wonderful Rainbow Of Light.
All Colours Are Welcome, As We Co-create Beyond
For the Rainbow Light Codes are inviting Us to expand and Co-create.
As the Colour of your world Awakens; the emotional and vibrational resonance becomes One with the expansion of your mission.
For the Elementals of Colour align to the Cosmic Light awakening of our world. A whole new languague of colour is now available.
Know the colour spectrum is a new energetic format to interpret.
A whole new multidimensional world is fast approaching.
For the Light Revolution is Here
Simply continue in Light, be open to new levels of Light Communication and advancement.
See and feel the Colour of our world Awakening.
Sending waves of cosmic love
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Artist Credit: Tristan Elwell
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
God Take the Wheel
We are rapidly flipping out of the inverted matrix systems, and into the Aquarian Age. Personally you may be experiencing the shifts this week through a massive healing and endings of settling for less.
The mind was programmed to be attracted to disheartening experiences. It could have been the foundation of the way you were raised that has continued expressing itself through relationships and life’s limitations.
We are now being untangled and untethered from everything that has kept us trapped in lies and deceit. This reversal is facilitating access to your soul’s truth and heart’s desires on healing, happiness, and abundance.
A massive purification of the illusions are detoxing this week, requiring surrender and rest. Let go of plans and control right now while the forces that have been against you are clearing away. Your soul’s truth and creative self expression will reveal your new way in the Age of Aquarius in the perfect time through this clearing.
This shift may continue through Mercury Retrograde to December 15th. Therefore consider taking a break and let God take the wheel for a while. The moments of quiet surrender is when the revelations of your truth can occur.
The first half of the week features the Sun in Sagittarius forming a ‘grand trine’ to both the Moon’s north node in Aries and Mars in Leo as Venus in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.
In addition, Mercury turns retrograde at 23° Sagittarius on Monday (Nov 25-Dec 15) when it will form extended aspects to Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces and Chiron in Aries through early January.
The rest of 2024 will be a time of questioning and rethinking our beliefs and perceptions based on unexpected information that enters our purview and challenges us to remain OPEN and to trust in our own discernment rather than to blindly trust our comfortable ‘sources’ of information.
What was attempted to be hidden or manipulated can be karmically REVEALED over the coming weeks for what it REALLY is forcing us to choose between our principles and our loyalties in a way that can change both WHAT we think and HOW we come to our conclusions…
For now, it is important to sit in the stillness of our internal sovereign ‘fires’ as we prepare to move forward despite the potential necessity of both questioning and releasing the ‘authoritative’ notions that we may have always trusted without a second independent thought!
It is when we change HOW we think that WHAT we think becomes more fluid and also when we can then prioritize our principles over our loyalties rather than the other way around turning us each into a more sovereign individual force.
On Sunday, November 24th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is still in perfectionistic Virgo and is in a challenging square to Jupiter, ruler of the big picture, in detail oriented Gemini, a difficult inconjunct to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in assertive Aries, a hard square to Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in expansive Sagittarius, a positive trine to Uranus, planet of freedom, in stable Taurus, and an opposition to Neptune, ruler of transcendence, in spiritual Pisces. There is a lot of integration happening regarding fragmented energies in the emotional and mental body today. We may feel challenged within our thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs.
Perhaps we are looking at the “glass half empty” instead of the “glass half full.” Traumas and hurts from other lifetimes, and this one, are coming up to be analyzed, organized and healed. The Universe, and our angels and guides, are assisting us in liberating ourselves from what we no longer need to hold onto….to make the changes necessary to redirect our lives as we move forward….to inspire us with new ideals and a heightened imagination to envision a new way….and, we are being supported in the understanding that we are sacred souls, all a part of the oceanic consciousness of All That Is!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is still in perfectionistic Virgo and is in a challenging square to Jupiter
Lunar aspects. Mars in Leo opposite asteroid Kassandra in Aquarius. Pluto conjunct asteroid Ariadne in Aquarius. Chiron in Aries trine asteroid Madhatter in Leo – With Luna in detail-orientated Virgo, it’s the little stories that are front and centre today. Whilst we might feel the need to examine everything under a microscope though, there’s also a danger of overwhelm. Too many facts, figures, questions, ideas, pieces. Too many bits but not enough spaces to fit them!
Sometimes the world feels too crazy to fix, too wild to understand. Frustration is an understandable response when you feel as though no one is listening to the truth that is so clear to you. If you feel like you’ve come to a dead end, stop. Be at peace in the darkness. Let Pluto entertain you with surprising tales whispered from underground caverns. Soon the universe will throw a thread for you to follow to find your way out. Bide your time.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its key words are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce.’ By the time we get to the tenth day of a wavespell, we have already climbed up a big hill, and now we have finally reached a plateau. Yesterday was the peak, tomorrow we release, but today we can sit back and just enjoy this perfect day.
Today is Yellow Sun and it represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. Today is the kind of day when you can expect light bulb moments to occur frequently. You’ll be full of good ideas and many insights will be glimpsed. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day, it’s a perfect day to manifest what you need. If you need some light to shine on you… the timing is perfect.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. As always when the Shining Star guides us, we are encouraged to follow it. There’s so much light today and the Star adds to the brilliance. Wearing sunglasses is recommended!
The Challenge is the White Dog who symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ Dogs should stay indoors today or they will get sun burnt. Everyone will be thinking with their head rather than their heart due to all the good ideas they’re having.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. When in this position we all have an opportunity to be nurtured in a very magical way. This process can lead to re birth and renewal.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which represents changes. If you need help finding enlightenment today, ask a Blue Storm to help you. They are the appointed ally of the day and it’s their turn to be everyone’s friend and adviser.
I don’t know about you but I feel so much better now that we are well out of the intense squish. Thankfully it will be 9 months before we do that again. Thanks for reading!
Today we complete our journey down the Mystical 7th CORE column – the SPINE of the Tzolkin Calendar..where we have been discovering our very TRUE diamond essence for the past 20 days through the ZERO POINT field.
Tomorrow we arrive at the top of the 8th column, and in 4 days time on THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2024 we commence the Yellow Seed Wavespell.
Here we will embark upon another successive 10 G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal – days… so take a deep breath in, and absorb the radiant Solar Rays today to prepare for the next potent GROWTH passage!
48 moons ago KIN 140 happened on Monday 3rd May, 2021 which was EASTER MONDAY on the ORTHODOX calendar….. The previous day was EASTER SUNDAY which – celebrated the RESURRECTION of CHRIST – the SON/SUN of GOD..
18 moons ago KIN 140 occured on the JUNE SOLSTICE portal
Today a STARGATE is opened linking these two points in TIME on the TZOLKIN evolutionary spin cycle….
……..and indeed the CHRISTOS energy is rising fast upon our Planet. This was a very befitting code on the day of the BLUE SOLAR STORM – that brings forth THE SUN – to herald a tremendous GOLDEN ASCENSION INITIATION and TRANSFORMATION for HUMANITY.
Jesus is the son/SUN of GOD, and we are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN, so AHAU’s codes are very potent in activating and illuminating the Planetary Christ Consciousness Grid today!
Day 10 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today is the day of MANIFESTATION on the physical plane. The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to harvest this energy through manifestation.
Today we are manifesting great illumination, MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through our Soul-ar En-LIGHT ON-ment!
As we are now reaching the boundary of the ZERO point field, on the rainbow bridge this is potent MANIFESTATION power to end our visit in the CORE of the TZOLKIN.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING in our physical bodies through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting transformation in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level through our en-LIGHTON-ing Ascension journey. .
NOTE: The PLANETARY manifestation tone coupled with the SUN and MONKEY MAJIK today is very powerful YANG energy to utilize for your creative expression. Take note and use this POWER wisely for the benefit of ALL !
Today we can harvest this FUEL to boost our PERSONAL and PLANETARY ASCENSION
TRUST in your Destiny,
TRUST in your LIGHT and
TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for our planet and HU-MAN-ITY!
Blessed be, pure hearts! Make sure you catch some GOLDEN SUN rays today!
Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINY day, absorbing all that SOLAR nurturance and Universal Fire.
KEEP SHINING your LIGHT and PLAYING as we MANIFEST Majik together, co creating our BLISS-ful New World!
A fantastic MANIFESTING DAY, and brilliant day for PLANETARY work/healing/manifesting on a grand scale!
Paint the PERFECT PICTURE for your life and our Planet.
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my physical reality?”
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap, in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
I recommend dedicating some time today to chanting and meditating with the
Let us hold the intent that all souls are uplifted in their Ascension path today.
The Gāyatrī mantra is a sacred mantra dedicated to Goddess Savitṛi, a Vedic solar deity – known as “Mother of the Vedas”.
General meaning: We meditate on that most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illuminates all realms (physical, mental and spiritual). May this divine light illuminate our intellect.
The GAYATRI MANTRA is a CALL for HUMANITY to WAKE UP to the true remembrance of their LIGHT!
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN– AHAU prompts us to STEP UP today and become independent Sovereign beings, who are complete and WHOLE.
This enables us to perfect the ILLUMINATION of our own PURE essence, away from the influence or reflective distortions of others. Accessing the Universal fires that AHAU provides, and using this energy to nurture and restore our cells, our organs and our bodies. Storing this chi energy deep within our core.
We can then draw upon this reserve as fuel for our passion and drive, to manifest our own independent and unique creativity, as the PLANETARY LIGHTHOUSES that we are. RADIATING our LIGHT throughout the globe.
The PLANETARY SUN provides the SPARK of ignition, through the flame of the Universal Fires to AWAKEN and ILLUMINATE our being. This affords a great opportunity for PLANETARY AWAKENING today through our perfected Divine self.
Spirit provides the flame, but we need to CHOOSE to keep it alight, within our Hearts and Minds, in order to manifest great PLANETARY AWAKENING, and the creation of our Planetary Paradise.
AHAU gives you great power to bring your dreams to LIFE in the physical plane. Much Majik can be alchemized into manifest form, by great EN-LIGHTON-ed Masters.
Follow in the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus and turn water into wine, producing food to feed the masses from 3 fish and 3 loaves of bread! Such is the SUPER power that EN-LIGHTON-ed MASTERS wield. The power to walk on water and solve the problems of our PLANET with one wave of their MAJIK wand.
It is time for us to claim our MASTERY, but in so doing we must WALK OUR TALK, and truly LIVE our DAILY LIVES through the lens of Spirit and the Enlightened Masters, that we are truly ARE!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR– LAMAT Today is the shiny manifestation of creative Majik and PLAY. LAMAT illuminates and activates our solar plexus chakra, spinning harmonically so that this energy takes form, and manifests through into the physical realm, as happiness, JOY and BLISS. Our Divine child’s exuberance.
As you independently SHINE your LIGHT by perfecting the creation of your Art . Reflecting the JOY, beauty and elegance that surrounds you, into your creations made manifest. We are all Artisans crafting and shaping our beautiful new world, we just need the eyes to see and appreciate this beauty that exists all around us.
The more we LIGHTEN up and BE like a child, the faster our BEAUTIFUL manifestations take form.
Today, be the extension of this joy and beauty made manifest in the physical form, as the beautiful and grace filled STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS shine happily with new found creative confidence.
The PLANETARY STAR as the higher guiding energy today is activating the New Harmonic Time template within our Planetary kin today. Especially with the 11 NOVEMBER ILLUMINATION codes – causing RAPID AWAKENING!
The PLANETARY STAR is creating a PORTAL for our whole PLANET to ascend through into a higher timeline for NEW EARTH… Yippee!!!
The higher timeline of PEACE, HARMONY, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE for ALL, where our lives become a living work of Art.
Hold this perfected vision until it is made manifest in our reality.
GODSPEED our journey into the higher 5D LIGHT!
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY STORM – CAUAC continues to catalyze tremendous change today, as we allow the transformation of our physical bodies back to a state of complete wholeness, releasing and purging any remaining density or dis-EASE..
The PLANETARY STORM has a vast global reach, catalyzing great transformation today. Manifesting great Planetary change that perfects and heals all who dwell on her lands, catalyzing our capacity to be connected to all, in Universal Love. through the perfected state of Unified presence.
We are becoming the beacons in the STORM as our LIGHTS are switched ON and the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS are collectively illuminating the Planetary grid of Nova Gaia.
Be alert for PHYSICAL STORMS today – particular from our SUN as CME’S and coronal flares continue to PULSE OUT!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON– IMIX connects us to the POWER of BIRTH and all CREATION. Upscaling our ability to make MANIFEST our wondrous majikal creations through Divine creative expression.
The Self-Existing tone enables us to bring into form, from the VOID of CREATION, all that we hold in our imaginings. The perfection of our dreams, made manifest into the physical realm.
B-EARTH-ing the beautiful NEW EARTH together, through accepting responsibility for her care and nurturance, through our daily existence and actions.
B-Earth-ing a caring and compassionate mind, sensitive to the needs of our communities, and our Planetary body. Ensuring we leave positive footprints in the sands of our Earth Mother. Ensuring our manifestations are in HARMONY with Mother Gaia and for the good of all her children.
The DRAGON tribe are very active in bringing us through this momentous EVOLUTIONARY day to b-Earth our BRIGHTER BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN selves and our NEW EARTH in the NEW TIME.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY DOG – OC… what an exceptional GIFT and BLESSING we have today on this BRILLIANT ASCENSION DAY culminating our journey through the MYSTIC COLUMN….
The PLANETARY DOG is blessing us all with a GLOBAL KISS from our CREATOR, before we exit the cradle of the SOURCE FIELD.
Congratulations on our graduation, from our journey to the very CORE of our being, and CORE of existence – rediscovering our SOURCE… that ALL IS endless LOVE and we are the strands that weave that GRID OF LOVE.
OC is the trusted loyal servant of the Divine, who operates from a PURE and loving HEART. Allow all the SHADOW energies to be felt and lovingly released in order to feel the endless order of the Harmonic Matrix of Creation. Becoming receptive to feeling the unconditional love that pervades all of Creation, through nature and life itself.
We are MANIFESTING our true SOUL family in the physical plane, by our capacity to feel as ONE with our physical realities. Perfecting our capacity to nurture our spiritual reality, by being clear mirrors from our hearts, in order to truly LOVE and adore one another, and our PLANET too!
Our challenge today is to TRUST.
The WHITE DOG always TRUSTS, that ALL is well. ALL is in Divine Order, and perfectly ordained, as life unfolds PERFECTLY according to the Divine Plan.
TRUST in your Destiny,
TRUST in your LIGHT and
TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for our planet and HU-MAN-ITY!
Blessed be, pure hearts! Make sure you catch some GOLDEN SUN rays today!
Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINY day, absorbing all that SOLAR nurturance and Universal Fire.
KEEP SHINING your LIGHT and PLAYING as we MANIFEST Majik together, co creating our BLISS-ful New World!
A fantastic MANIFESTING DAY, and brilliant day for PLANETARY work/healing/manifesting on a grand scale!
Paint the PERFECT PICTURE for your life and our Planet.
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my physical reality?”
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap, in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of November 24th through 30th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 24th through 30th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for the Sun in Sagittarius and Pluto in Aquarius.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
“In this sacred moment, we declare with all the power of our will and spirit: the old chains of limitation, the burdens of yesterday, and the illusions of division and lack are forever removed from our path. We put them aside, so that they no longer hinder, burden or diminish our journey forward. Now we move forward with unmatched speed and unwavering purpose, driven by the light of truth, freedom, and abundance. The shadows of the past dissolve, releasing all its hold, as we turn the page to a new chapter, untouched by the bygones.
We enter this golden dawn with our hearts open, our spirits inflame, and our minds free of doubt. As we walk this path, we are encouraged by the wisdom we gain, but no longer imprisoned by the limitations of past times. We are strengthened by resilience and guided by a vision that transcends all veils, seeing the limitless potential that awaits us.
With each step, we pave the way for a vibrant, prosperous, and possibility-filled future. We walk in unity, weaving strength and harmony, creating a foundation of abundance and peace. This future is not a distant hope, but a reality now in motion, vibrant, undeniable, and our birthright. We are one with this creation, woven into the very fabric of our ascension, declaring that the era of struggle has now become an era of prosperity.
As we move forward, we carry the torch of truth, lighting the way for all who seek freedom. In this new era, we affirm that joy, integrity, and love are our enduring companions, lighting the path to realizing our greatest potential. Every word we speak and every act we take in this era echoes through time, underlying this profound and irrevocably transformation in our world.
In this decree, we’re not just moving forward—we’re leaping beyond, breaking barriers, manifesting the golden age that awaits our embrace. We are the builders of this radiant world, and as we step forward, we leave only light, prosperity and unity in our trail.
This is how it is spoken. This is how it is forged. So be it. “
Decree of Transformation and Ascension
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