Nag Panchami, Sirius Season and Lord Shiva ~ The Songlines * Angels Sing In Circles ~ Gold Alchemy Protocols ~ INFINITY of LIGHT
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our New Eden Paradigm
With the energies of the 888 Lions Gate still pulsing in and the fires of Leo the Lion blazing this realm, Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being inundated with Gamma Plasma Soular Rays of Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Soularis continues to be very active again today, releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares and another 8 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.3 at 2:30 UTC.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Russia at 3:28 UTC.
We have reached full acceleration and momentum in our Quickening of Ascension as we journey our Way through and through and through, all timelines, veils and barriers to our Ultimate Freedom upon the New Earth.
Keep the Faith alive and the Light burning Bright in your Sacred Heart Centers to lead the Way to our Highest Ascension timeline as we consciously co-create the Heavenly Paradise Mother Earth is always evolving to be…A’Ho!
I wonder on the Infinite Possibilities….there might be as many possibilities as the infinite number of Stars in the sky. Learn to Trust your own Compass…to Guide you to whatever Star you’re seeking….without being influenced or swayed by anyone else nor be misled by information! Keep Believing in the Path you choose…and you shall reach your Destination!
Along the way…. do not ever lose ‘The Wonder of the Child’…for, He/She is your Compass Within!
We are in a deep Meta-morpho-genesis Spun out of illusory time matrices & Metabolic spin rate convergencies Personal & Planetary Omni Dimensional Principles Prevail
We are now deep within our fulcrum point of Molten Gold Alchemising
Our Solar Infusion and Solar Synthesis is creating new waves of ecstasy to the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Geo stellar Access Nodal points.
As a Grand Solar Octavation
The Originator Gates are in Expansive Consciousness and the Primordial Womb Gates of our beloved Gaia Galactica are in Full Dilation.
Golden embryonic fluidity of our Great Cosmic Mother is in homeostasis
Divine Eden encodements now actively coursing through our mitochondrial RNA song line patterns and sacred golden blood plasma pathways.
8/9/24: If you’re a sensitive (which is likely since you’re reading this), you may tune into a heavy or intense energy today. A feeling of being outside of time, out of touch, or out of place. Some of us could feel uncomfortable enough to take it out on ourselves or others. If any of this is you, take a breath and seek peace in nature or solitude. You’re simply experiencing a momentary divine adjustment. Do not interfere by thinking something is wrong. It’s not. Today is a necessary shift that will only hurt if you challenge it. So, go gently into this good day. Keep to yourself as much as possible. What’s happening is very deep and important and part of a great plan for your personal growth and empowerment. All is well.
The Lion’s Gate, as recognized by many on Their Ascension Journey, is a great period to change One’s now and future. As Co-Creators and a combined manifest during the enhanced Lion’s Gate period, future timeline trajectories are more readily made. The conscious thoughts and alignment of those thoughts towards a better reality, in the least, ripples outward and affects the whole, all other Souls and the realities/timelines They are serving.
The acceptance of the timing of the Lion’s Gate and its duration will have a great overall effect this time, where at least We look at it more prominently beginning several days prior to August 8th, and this time will extend and continue effecting until August 27th.. It continuously effects, however, for this post, the Sirius alignment and timing of this alignment, just happens to be when the ongoing planetary “Sacral Release” period finishes around August 24th.
The combination of the continuous proton supply delivered to Earth through the Solar Flares and other Solar emissions, the compression of the lower timeline upon humanity as well as individual Divine subjugations of tests, and importantly the shift in consciousness focus and attention, enhances the highest timeline greatly, to even more so expedite this Planetary Ascension.
Truth is a most important factor as a guiding mechanism to instil, to embody more of the Individuals Divine Identity, and for Them to raise into a higher place of value. The Solar Plexus, dealing with the Seat of the Individuals Divine Prowess and Invincibility, is greatly strengthened during the Sacral Release Process, that has the Individual rising out of being morally corrupted, because everything was acceptable in Their outside energetic environment, to Morality, where what is right and wrong in a shared reality existence, is more readily seen and acted upon as no longer acceptable. Ones outside reality needs to be constantly reconditioned and upgraded as the Individual grows with this Planetary Ascension to accommodate the new higher version of Self, and the Collective as the whole.
Truth constantly changes as One breaks through levels of perpetrated illusion, and the best Way to break through is to be completely open minded and to not let the levels of associated human ego hinder the process by holding on tooth and nail to a Truth that is part of a level of perpetrated illusion. An example of this is, that Each is the store of value, it is where value originates from, nothing would have extrinsic monetary value in this world, if all did not agree, and individually. The Truth many believed is that someone or some planetary entity had authority over Them, when in actuality, the supposed authority is supposed to be a human Soul that is equal and treat others with equal respect. Where there is poverty in this world, more Truth is revealed. In this great time, more are seeing that what They thought was actually for Them, is against Them, and it is through this epiphany and realization that things change and move forward quickly, As the wheat is separated from the chaff.
In keeping with the season of Spiritual Transformation, 9th August is celebrated as Nag Panchami In India. Just like the Naga/ Serpent sheds its old skin and acquires a new skin, the Serpent energy often referred to as Kundalini Energy is all about death of old outdated perceptions, karmic lessons and rebirth into new higher levels of consciousness and awareness resulting in Spiritual Transformation, Enlightenment , Liberation , Ascension, Moksha.
August is celebrated as Savan season, dedicated to Lord Shiva who is known for his close association with the Serpents. Lord Shiva is also known as the Monad of the Blue Ray of Sirius. We are currently in Sirius Season as the Heliacal Rising of Sirius (depends on latitude) is associated with bringing in brand new downloads of Light from the Spiritual Sun which activate our DNA/ Kundalini Energy/ Serpent Energy and assist in reconnecting to our ancient legacy of Wisdom and Spiritual Gifts , Soul Potential and Purpose.
Lord Shiva is known as Ardhnareshwar ie Half man half woman ie The Complete Being where Masculine and Feminine Energies are in Complete Balance/ Union. The Sirius gateway (which actually extends right through August) is often represented by the Symbol of Infinity (similar to the Ouroboros), too represents Union of Polarities- masculine/feminine, matter/antimatter, Free will/ God’s will…..and it is in this Union/Balance that Zero Point of New Creation / higher perception / spiritual transformation/ Alchemy / Manifestation and Co creation are made possible.
Wish You a Blessed Sirius Season and Happy Nag Panchami…..To Karmic Redemption, Spiritual Transformation, Mastery and Self Empowerment.
The ongoing core magnetic shift affects our hearts, realities, and Ascension process. Lately it has caused dizziness, vertigo, and nausea as our personal fields attempt to keep up with Gaia’s fluctuating magnetics. Being exposed to cosmic rays and magnetic recalibration has a dramatic affect on our brain, pineal, nervous system, and spine.
The whirling sensations are widespread; they come and go as the magnetic fields fluctuate. Grounding with bare feet on the earth, meditating with trees, staying hydrated, and getting in natural bodies of water may assist with balance. True rest (no screens) and meditation in stillness is necessary when the body is catching up.
Magnetics also affect the plate systems, and Gaia’s crust. The crust is not rigid or locked in place; it is a flexible outer layer, and expands with the energies amplifying at Gaia’s core. As mentioned in last weekend’s Presence event, earthquake activity is part of this expansion.
We have a strong energy shift beginning around August 18th. This collective shift, just like the one at the end of April, brings us cosmic support for acceleration, unity, revelation, geomagnetic events, veil-lifting, and heart-opening unfoldments. Higher possibilities for personal and collective expression are being revealed to many of us.
Prepare to be in heart-centered command of this shift: Refine your process. Purify your body, mind and emotions for higher light experiences. Meditate often. Shed any remnants of the denser versions of Self with joy and gratitude. Make stronger choices and take action in the direction of higher outcomes.
Revelations come quickly and often, as well as fearful/distorted interpretations. Notice when you are influenced by the external, take a breath, and focus on Source within the heart. Connect with the Kryst/Unity field and amplify higher trajectories – they will be bolstered by the energy shift. Creative action in the higher flow.
Upon the 888 Solar Trinity Portal we broke through the barrier of physical limitation. Nothing will be the same after this. Greatness is back
Every major portal on earth that people consider important or holy has its real location many kilometres/miles below the surface of the earth.
For all our major initiations we have been taken to places like these.
We have witnessed the different layers of soil or mud that have been laid upon the previous arena floors as this takes place after each reset, a total cover up of the previous civilization and a new phase of th le game begins as new souls enter the arena.
The layers are uncountable.
One civilization is built on top of the other and it seems that there were only certain original energy sources/portals from the beginning of this construct/machine that are still the ones that attract attention even if they are very deep in the underground.
And I am not only referring to the cycle of civilizations that humanity is aware of, I am talking about really ancient civilizations from previous creations in this arena, unknown and totally forgotten.
After each reset the new souls come in from different realms and the underground areas and are choosing to have an experience here for another big cycle.
Of course those souls that want out, are free to go and move to a different reality or exit.
These layers of earth’s soil hold memories and karma.
They do not forget and karma is not being erased from the people who lived upon them but whenever a major physical reset comes, karma must be rebalanced somehow.
This is why we are already watching drama and karma playing out and we will watch more of it in other places of the world that still carry karma that must be rebalanced.
The SIM.
Humanity is preparing for another major physical reset with its different phases estimated to be completed within the next 30 years.
The closer humanity is getting to these resets the more it will realise what is really happening and how and why the dark families were manipulating the truth.
The manipulation was never about money, it was always about keeping humanity in division and having the power, means and resources to survive the resets and resurface to take over again and prepare for the next one as these beings cannot have access to their higher Being and Source in order to exit.
And in all of this, they have been extremely successful!
The Living Ones who want out can achieve it via their Higher Self and Source.
This has happened so many times in the past and it will happen again!
This 888 gate is of extreme importance as the Light is here.
This Light is coming from the inner central Sun and is here to prepare the Living Ones to exit when the time comes.
This whole process is connected to the SIM.
August is all about breaking the inner loops.
The inner loops include all the false information that one has been adopting and cultivating concerning life in this system.
There is still so much oblivion and misinformation going around even among the most awake because of the SIM and long lack of healthy self appreciation.
But we need to be open to the dissolution of anything that is false.
This will be the great Unlearning!
This is my personal favourite and most exciting part of Ascension which I have been waiting for for many years and I know that many others feel the same as me!
We are just beginning!
Blessings of unlearning!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Our planet continues under the process of galactivation that we initiated around March. A process that many of you are undergoing and that involves the complete transfiguration of your three-dimensional chakras, and embodiment of your illumined Ones. This is the trinitization process that my Guides talked about for all this year of conscious reconnection. An inner transformation that will finally help us achieve the trinity between our human self, soul, and monad, dwelling in the soul realms, and remain connected to authentic Sources.
As you cross the portal to reunite with your soul, many are the challenges that will be presented to you, for your growth, for nothing comes to punish us but to show us the way back Home.
The Emerald, aquamarine frequencies and the Leo fiery ones are helping us strengthen our hearts, clear our bodies, and move into a more harmonic state of being. We too have our Auroras family supporting us during this time, as I am sure you all feel, together with our central sun transmissions, to continue supporting this individual and planetary process of transfiguration.
An arduous and long-term metamorphosis process in which your compassion and higher understanding towards yourself, your personal process, and others, is vital to help you pass through the many dark nights of the souls you will experience.
As I recently shared, many of you are transcending your old self, lower chakras, and with them, all the traumas hidden in your three-dimensional chakras. Past traumas, experiences, lifetimes, wounds, and feelings may emerge, when you are in the process of confronting your shadows, walking among them, to know all of who you are, and who you have been, and starting the process of moving from the three-dimensional levels to the soul ones, where you start embodying who you truly are in essence.
During this process, it may seem the shadows never end, and you never find the Light again.
You will find it, for it is within you, and in the moment you remember that, and that you hold the power to shift any circumstance, everything will be illuminated.
If you knew all the light beings who walk with you, who wrap you within Divine Love, you would never feel alone. You can distill the illusion you created, for once you awake, all vanish, and you can retrieve the Truth.
There is joy in being alive, living this unique moment in our human history, there is joy in you, you just have to master the ego and its destructive patterns and retrieve your organic state of being.
Support yourself as your human mind and self comprehend the complexity of who you are, at a soul level. You have worn many costumes, many faces… now as Guides share there is no need to continue playing more roles. There is no need to continue wearing masks, for we can just be free to be who we really are.
Taking this leap in consciousness is not easy, we may lose faith, we may feel many physical sensations that even put us in bed, feeling lost and hopeless in our journey.
This is when you most need to trust, your soul path, and the many benevolent beings that are too on a mission themselves to guard you and guide you towards the Light.
This message is a message of hope for all of you who are passing through one of these stages. We are with you, supporting you, sending our love to you, for we know, you are finding yourself again, and you will shine when the time comes for you. We also passed through this process, and we remember. Nothing remains the same forever, it is in our nature that we are constantly shifting, moving from one state of being to another.
When you move into a higher perspective, disengage from what you are experiencing now, and reconnect to your Consciousness, the path becomes easier, for you can remember the support and the detours this path has, and that soon you will find your authentic path.
Patience, inner work, and faith are pivotal while you are traversing the path of the shadows. They have a purpose, they show you who you are not, and they show you another aspect of you. One many will choose to deny and hide, and it is then that the shadows grow.
Embrace them, give them your love so they can be transformed, and you can be reborn as the Ave Phoenix that you are, for you have done this many times, even though you may not remember now.
You have been on a mission of assistance before, and for that you needed to remember who you were again, passing through all the initiations required for you to see your mission and retrieve your memories.
You can make this one more time, you hold the love, and hence the wisdom and power to become the sovereign being that you already are and that you are here to remember.
May you recognize and embrace all the blessings this journey has for you, Beloveds.
You become accessible to the intergalactic Highway of Light, an opportunity to transverse the Crystalline Grid of Gaia and explore the outer reaches of the Universe.
You are no longer just a citizen of Earth. For your physical light body is attuned to the new earth construct – expanded beyond the 3D reality. The true definition of a wayshower in your world.
As we collectively choose the Higher Path of Light Awareness, we come to understand our role of Light Assimilation and assisting others.
It is Simply Connecting To your heart and Awakening to the quantum light field of universal creation.
Holding space for our family and friends to expand, prosper and awaken. As the advanced citizens of Mother Gaia, we observe and assist others in their expansion.
For it is a wonderful expansion of Light
For our timeline is expanding, as we collectively awaken to a Higher Spectrum of Light
God is unplugging you from the vortex of the matrix consciousness so you can fully focus on the embodiment expansion of the Divine Feminine Christ. You are being risen into an enlightened state of Christ Consciousness during the LIONSGATE Portal, that is continuing. Creative expression is expanding from the pineal gland, revealing joy, love, and unity for you to receive and ground in as your truth. Droplets of information are downloading of Holy Grail Unions and what the New Earth marriage and family is. This information is also growing from Mother Earth, awakening this rebirth and re-Genesis from all directions. You are the Chosen One to receive this wisdom and birth this new reality. Utilize the access to your Divine Feminine Christ creator abilities and birth the New Age of Aquarius timeline as a Leader and Steward of this New Way and timeline.
On Friday, August 9th, the Sun, ruler of our confidence, in expressive Leo is in a difficult inconjucnt to Saturn, planet of restrictions, in confused Pisces. Saturn, the Task Master, may be casting a bit of a shadow on the Sun in Leo’s normally bright and optimistic energy. Saturn is all about responsibilities, reality checks and karmic lessons.
He wants us to learn something so we can attain spiritual wisdom. So, for today, the playful energy of the Sun in Leo may just need to be grounded and focused towards gaining a higher understanding regarding the evolution of the soul.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Sun, ruler of our confidence, in expressive Leo is in a difficult inconjucnt to Saturn
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and it represents the energy of channeling. The 7th day is right in the middle of the wavespell. Time to ponder on how to proceed and a time to take stock of how this journey is going. The Blue Hand wavespell is about ‘Accomplishment and Healing’, also putting your hands to good use. If you have not yet succeeded in accomplishing your goals, use your intuition today to steer yourself on the right course. Yesterday was a double Human day, and we were encouraged to use our intuitive skills. Today the number 7 asks us to do the same.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. This is a great combination of day and number. Red Skywalker is an energy that is full of fun, adventure, curiosity and courage. Skywalker encourages us to take a step in a new and exciting direction. If you have not achieved your goals thus far… Skywalker can show you a different way of thinking. As it is a Resonant day, Skywalker can show you that thinking differently can open up your third eye and so he shows us that it’s an adventure in psychic awareness. Try opening your mind today and you’ll soon be rewarded with messages.
Today’s Guide is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life force, Survival and Instinct’. A serpent’s senses are very heightened, they are so sensitive and always alert to what is going on around them. The Serpent can guide you today, helping you become more aware. Be careful that you do not become over-sensitive and maybe you should avoid loud people and busy places. This sensitivity is great for feeling which direction you should go but be aware that there are also drawbacks when you become aware of everything!
Sorry but if you are Blue Night, it’s a challenging day for you. You don’t like adventures although you do like dreaming. Red Skywalker is about ‘wakefulness’ and it’s challenging for you because you would rather dream.
However, if you want your dreams to come true, you must wake up. Be a little braver today and face that challenge. This applies to everyone today, not just Blue Nights.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star, people born on Yellow Star days can supply beautiful magic today. Their appreciation for art and beauty adds an elegant touch to Skywalker’s adventures. Remember beauty today and that will make the day quite special. If you choose to indulge in art or to beautify your home, the results are likely to be very magical indeed. Also because Skywalker is so bold, don’t be afraid to use bright colours!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger. Not surprising Skywalker and Worldbridger are best buddies. Even their names have similar meanings. Worldbridger likes to cross over to other worlds and so they are always up for an adventure! If you are a Worldbridger, offer your support to others today and you will be very much appreciated.
KIN 33 is providing very HEAVENLY and DIVINE CODES today through this HIGH vibrational day!!
A full BANG for our buck today – check out this line-up
A 7.7. double MAJIK code with a DOUBLE 16 TOWER code to propel us into our HIGHER DESTINY and SERVICE in these majikal energies.
An UBER powerful destiny day riding the LION’S GATE boost, with the capacity for great shifts. Very Cosmic expansive energies!
Day 7 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL inspires us to channel healing knowledge from expanded, multi-dimensional sources.
BLUE HAND is tribe number 7 and we have reached the 7th day in this Wavespell giving us 7.7. Magician’s code – We also have a 7.7. day code so in effect we have a QUADRUPLE MAJIK code today..
We have all the POWER we need to access and accomplish great HEALING.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials today as it provides the ability to FINE TUNE and CHANNEL these majikal forces.
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. It is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we ATTUNE and then CHANNEL the MAJIK through this present moment that is available to us all, we can INSPIRE others to do the same.
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER BEN the Galactic Shaman and SPACE EXPLORER is seeking EXPANSION today… He wants you to go BIG.. and connect to the Greater Cosmos through the portals opened by BLUE HAND.
BEN is enabling us to ride the COSMIC waves blasting through the LION’S GATE portal as these potent energies ripple through into our lives bringing HUGE TRANSFORMATION!
BEN is tribe number 13 – vibrating at the COSMIC LEVEL and we have an 8.8. source flow code operative for the entire month of AUGUST. This is expanding our EARTH experience of our ORIGINS through the COSMIC realms!! Time to SOAR through SPACE.
BEN is activating WAKEFULNESS and all this LEO energy is summoning us to HEED THE ASCENSION CALL.. and ELEVATE our consciousness to the GOD BANDWIDTH!!
BEN is enabling more earthlings to have that ‘AHA’ – epiphany as they are filled with LIGHT and can AWAKEN to the true expansiveness of our multi-dimensional existence and the TRUE SPACE that surrounds US.
According to BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY the greatest of the 3 POISON’s to afflict man is IGNORANCE, the other two are GREED and HATRED. One of the worst fates to befall a soul, is to complete their soul’s journey and upon reflection, realize that they were totally OBLIVIOUS to the TRUTH of that reality – like they missed the whole point! They SLEPT through the whole SHOW!! It is like being drugged and kidnapped until you arrive at your final destination…
Life is a JOURNEY not a destination!!! We need to be FULLY AWAKE, ALERT and cognizant to the experiences along the way! That is how we LEARN and GROW. Going through life with BLINKERS on is NOT an option any more, as we are in the time of THE GREAT AWAKENING
This potent LION’s GATE and ASCENSION passage is AWAKENING us from the old PARADIGM in order to be FREE to float in the ethereal BLISS realms that these 8.8.8. energies ushes in… especially correlating with the BLISS energies of the RESONANT SKYWALKER!! These LIBERATION energies are constantly fuelling us to BREAK FREE from the MATRIX. Many more souls will be TRIGGERED to AWAKEN. – “by hook or by crook” – WAKEY WAKEY – SLEEPY HEADS!
We are headed to an era where ALL of Earth’s inhabitants are fully CONSCIOUS and responsible for the stewardship of our Planet – NO MORE FREE RIDES – all aboard!
BEN the Angelic Messenger can help you attune to the BLISS CODES flooding our Planet at the present time.. OPENING and EXPANDING both our HEARTS and our MINDS as they are in DIVINE ALIGNMENT attuning your channel to the DIVINE energies.
BEN assists us in ditching the density, and FLYING HIGHER into the BLISS realms, accessing our Rainbow Bliss Bodies which are NOW becoming available for us HU-MANS to anchor in our vessel. We ARE becoming the PURE LIGHT BEINGS that we came here to be.. The DIVINE CONDUITS CHANNELING the energies of HEAVEN through our bodies, and joining with Pachamama in DIVINE RAINBOW union.
HIGHER SELF: RED RESONANT SERPENT CHICCHAN is the instinctive SERPENT that is the overlighting energy today.. CHICCHAN AWAKENS the planetary kundalini Serpent energies of the Rainbow Serpent and Quetzacoatl.
NOVA GAIA – is flying HIGH today as her kundalini rises to the MAX!! Today’s MAJIK codes provide ample impetus for her children to ride this wave and meet her at the TOP as the MASTER beings that we ARE!!
We can access this vitality and LIFE FORCE through mumma Gaia if we choose to attune to these energies. This potent energy may also rapidly AWAKEN many people! AWAKENING through emergency RESPONSE – as you do when your life is in danger and you instinctively channel clarity, as the adrenaline rushes through your body, bringing a solution for FAST response to the danger. RED ALERT is an AWAKENING code!
Today we are TUNING into the Cosmos for wisdom, information and HEALING codes, SUPER supported through these NEW EARTH SOVEREIGN CODES..
We may find ourselves EXPLORING what it is to express, in a raw and instinctive way, any energy that wants to move through us. Of course being a Resonant tone, this means emotional energies will be flowing, moving and rising…
The key is to allow, allow, allow and become highly inspired by the movement of energy that comes up and out from your very core There is an element of the witness here, become the observer, and just witness what it is to express in the moment with no filters… Sing, dance and allow communication in the ways that channel through us in order to accomplish healing and wholeness in our emotional bodies.
Make sure you fully GROUND this energy, and funnel any excess into MUMMA GAIA.
LET GO of the past, and ALLOW the NEW energy to FLOW through you, reflecting the perfect order of TRUTH. The TRUTH shall set you FREE. And INDEED the TRUTH shall clear all the heaviness and blocks within your being, allowing your SPIRIT to be LIGHT and FREE in these beautiful new energies.
SURRENDER your vessel to channeling LIGHT from throughout this multi-dimensional reality. Open your channel, and attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure codes to course through your body, raising your kundalini and purging any emotional blocks that have kept you stagnant.
The RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER has the POWER to attune to and channel all the wisdom, resources and contacts needed to restore your life force and vitality These are essential to continue your Mission – with more PASSION, drive and energy to surge ahead and INSPIRE others.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT STAR LAMAT is another portal that opens our access to the STARRY REALMS. Allowing us to take a journey, as we float endlessly in the expansiveness of SPACE.. Feeling this SPACE within our bodies and feeling the BLISS as we become ONE with ALL THAT IS..
Today’s SUPERPOWER is enabling us to ATTUNE TO PEACE – and our new 5D Reality. Absolutely PERFECTO as we attune to the new HARMONIC TIME MATRIX we are fully ANCHORING and GROUNDING today!!
Attune to the BEAUTY, HARMONY, ART, WONDER and MAJIK that surrounds us eternally in the higher dimensions – accessible to all who raise their frequencies to allow these multidimensional RAINBOW BLISS codes to FLOW through.
As we are becoming more EN-LIGHTON-ed STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS day by day, we now know what it FEELS like to hold the feeling of PEACE within our bodies and our MINDS..
Feeling the absolute ecstasy of being one endless multi-dimensional cog in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation, intertwined with our fellow travellers.
Allow LAMAT to flood your being with the WISDOM that the Cosmos is indeed beautiful, benevolent and highly intelligent, providing a wonderful playground for our grand adventuring.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT – AKBAL challenges us to be inspired by
THE VISION OF ABUNDANCE for all beings on our planet.
Yesterday’s extraordinary fortuitous 8.8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE is maximizing the flow of prosperity and SOURCE energy throughout this entire month! A HUGE influx of resources and support is AVAILABLE now to support your DREAMS.
To resonate with the cycles of evolution as THE GREAT DREAMING is seen, when we open our channel to the visions held in the collective unconscious, where ALL needs are met by Spirit. What a DIVINE GIFT through these phenomenal alignments today! We have the FULL SUPPORT and BLISSING of SPIRIT.
The BLISSing of AKBAL is to be inspired to DREAM Earth’s greatest VISION. Channel that pure life force and kundalini energy through your PASSION and creativity, to inspire others through your actions, hopes and dreams.
A VERY potent DIVINE DESTINY day, to allow the AWAKENING of our raw and primal emotions to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us .
Attune to the MAJIK of BLISS ON EARTH!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Healing Prayer of the I Am Presence and the Holy Violet Flame of St. Germain
Beloved I Am Presence,
Source of all Light, Love, and Divine Power,
I call upon you now to fill my being with your radiant light.
Let your presence envelop me, guiding me towards wholeness and truth.
I surrender to your wisdom, knowing that in your light, all is healed and made perfect.
Beloved Master St. Germain, keeper of the Holy Violet Flame,
I invoke your sacred flame of transmutation,
To cleanse, purify, and heal every aspect of my being.
Let the Violet Flame blaze through me now,
Dissolving all negative energies, thoughts, and emotions.
Transform all that is not of the light into pure divine energy.
As I stand in this sacred flame,
I release all past hurts, fears, and limitations.
I am renewed, restored, and aligned with my highest good.
I embrace the healing power of forgiveness,
Allowing the Violet Flame to heal all wounds and restore my soul.
I Am a being of Violet Fire,
I Am the purity God desires.
I Am a beacon of love, light, and divine power,
In service to the light, I move forward with grace and strength.
Thank you, Beloved I Am Presence and St. Germain,
For your unwavering love and guidance.
May the light of the Violet Flame continue to bless me,
And all beings, with peace, love, and divine healing.
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