You are Source Frequency ~ Embody your Inner Divinity * Great Council of the Grandmothers “This Is a Breakthrough Time”
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Celestial Dragon Nation of Immortality and Eternal Life
As we move through the Eclipse corridor closer to the Soular Eclipse in Aries on Saturday March 29th we are purging, clearing and healing through the Shamanic initiation of burning from the Fire from Within and blaze the Physical, Mental and Emotional Bodies with the Violet Flame of Transfiguration,
The Eagle and the Condor hold the calmness within the chaos of the storm as we navigate through the final nodes and zones of our Greatest Shift of all Ages into our Satya Yuga, New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.
Sometimes there is a breakdown just before a breakthrough. This is what many of our people are experiencing in this time of Great Change and Quickening of consciousness and timelines. This follows the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. When a closed system begins to break down it either totally dissipates, stays at the same state or reorganizes at a higher level or maybe we break the laws of physics and become a fully open system with unlimited potential and possibilities.
That is what we are here for, the Total Transformation and Expansion as the Immortal Rainbow Dragon Body of Tian Shan, Celestial Mountain…A’Ho!
Holy ShiftMuch dissolving of ignorance illusion separation More and more awakening/remembering wisdom truth and the oneness that we truly are
Your presence is a giftThank you for being here now and assisting with this glorious transformation Together we have liberated earth and humanity
Breakthrough Time
Photo by Franz Schumacher
MaryAnn Rada
In the time since Nemesis entered the system, Nine has been moving. We, as the communications team, remedy what we can by alerting people to opportunities to use their sovereign will to bring love into play. This has both challenged and rewarded you. You face the greatest challenge: to remember that you are creating the kind of conditions that require Nemesis to phase into love or cease to function as Nemesis. Nemesis is a concept that takes on the form best suited for the job at hand. Her time is up. It is up to you all to decide her fate. What will you see when you choose to regard Nemesis with love’s eyes?
“Reach the Level of Love’s Gaze”
Messages from the Master
Sharon McErlane
The Great Council of the Grandmothers
“This Is a Breakthrough Time” the Grandmothers announced.
“Change will speed up even more now. And we are telling you this,” they said, ”so you won’t panic when you experience it. Expect it. Change is here….the BIG change, and what you will notice first is an acceleration.
“The old is beginning to fall away even faster now. Old ideas, ways of living, attitudes, belief sets, and institutions will crumble. They will peel off so quickly that it will feel shocking to you. But let it all go!” they cried. “Let it go! It must go so that Earth and all life on Her can live.
“Nothing of value will go,” they assured me. “The good will only morph into something that will lead to more life, to a better life. It may not look like that now, but we do not lie,” they said, “and we tell you that this peeling off must take place. Let it peel, let it fall to the ground. And then let it go.
“Old energy is seeking to have its way during this time of upheaval, and you will see some who are are trying to control the winds of change. They’re attempting to drag life back to the old patriarchal systems. They want to hang onto power, to control Earth and all life on Her, so they’re choosing to battle with change.
“But we repeat,” the Grandmothers said, “the winds of change cannot be controlled. There is no going back to the old ways now. The movement is forward, only forward.
“We urge you to stay out of the storms that are raging. To keep it simple,” they said. “Do the things that feel good to you, speak the truth, and help take care of one another.
Live our message and ‘Love, no matter what.’ Don’t get caught in the roiling and raging of the storms, but do whatever good you can and keep your focus on the Net of Light.
“You have a part to play at this time of upheaval, and your part is to hold light steady. Love all and serve all. Be the lighthouse that you are and do what a lighthouse does.
Shine amidst the storm. Share your light and smile, sing, love, and let the world see you. For when you do this, you accomplish great good.
“You were born for this dark and stormy time. What is happening now is no accident. We are with you. We are holding you steady, holding light steady.”
Blue Rose Oracles
The increased input of high frequency plasma waves coming through the grids is increasing and amplifying as indicated on the Schuman Resonance.
We are upgrading every aspect of our collective experience & individual connection to the timelines and dimensional octaves/bandwiths we have been anchored into until this point.
EVERYTHING is moving, shifting, expanding and evolving as the framework of our current collective reality experience dissolves to create waves of transformation within which we are birthing the new paradigm and co creating a new holographic simulation/vibration of unity, liberation, connection & ascension.
You have been clearing centuries of density & duality from the 3rd dimension matrix, shedding versions of yourself no longer limited by incarnational survival drivers or ancestral programming
Right now you are learning how to hold the abundant frequencies of EXPANSION, integrate aspects across parallel & alternate timelines, embody your authentic sovereign self & activate crystalline DNA codes that serve to upgrade your frequency and align you with your soul’s purpose as you embody the essence of your soul’s blueprint.
So many expansion templates are downloading into the collective consciousness stream which are ready to be activated by the next wave of awakeners who will be the generation of change makers and matrix breakers.
We are here to clear the grids of old energy architecture that’s rooted in lack & separation. We are here to co create communities and businesses that operate from heart based frequency and serve the highest good of all.
We are here to hold the light and anchor the solar encoded waves of source frequency through embodying the vibration of love, expansion and unity.
3/22/25: In keeping with this Year of the Snake you will shed layers of yourself several times… just as a snake does. You will lose, release, surrender, or scrape off what you personally, or aspects of your life, have outgrown. Today is about the poignancy of letting go. It isn’t painful for a snake and it need not be painful for you to sacrifice outmoded systems. This is a necessary process. Do not mourn what must be cleared after the blessings of the harvest. If today feels heavy, focus on freedom. If it feels dark, find the light. Don’t try to return to old familiar methods. They’re already gone… so that a new way can arise naturally from within.
Birth of Pisces /Aries MetaGoddess-Return of The Original Spiritual Blueprint
If the Equinox energies of rebirth and new Beginnings didn’t quite hit bulls eye , it’s because Venus / Inanna , The Feminine Principle is in her Death Phase closing out the 19 month cycle that began on Aug 13 2023.
But things will begin to shift Now with Venus Cazimi on March 22/23 when Venus enters the Transformational Fires in the Heart of The Sun/ Cazimi and Transforms into the Morning Star in the Pisces/ Aries overtone for the first time in a 104 years!!
Venus / Inanna will become visible for the first time in the Morning sky on March 29 coinciding with the very Last Eclipse on the Libra /Aries Axis that began with the nodal shift in July 2023 plus goes Direct on April 12 which is also Full moon in Libra- the Final curtain call on the libra/aries relationship karmic contracts.
This wave of final endings of Karmic/ Social Contracts is tempered with New Beginnings as Venus Conjuncts Neptune, North Node and Lord of Karma-Saturn in quick succession before it goes direct- Thus this New Venus /Inanna cycle for the first time in 104 yrs has the potential to ‘Return Us to our Original Spiritual Blueprint, our Soul Truth ,Soul Purpose and that deep Soul Longing/ Dream / Desire that we may have given up on ‘ … IF we can channel the Deep Nebulous Timeless Limitless Instinctual Wisdom of the Pisces overtone via the Bold, Courageous ,Stepping off the edge of the Cliff sense of adventure and enthusiasm of Aries and bring it into Manifestation!! Its going to be a Wild Ride!!!
As The Pisces/ Aries Metagoddess , the Venus/ Inanna’s journey of shamanic death rebirth and empowerment, traces yet another petal of the 5 petaled Cosmic rose/Pentacle in the Sky -As Above that will be mirrored by us- As Below, guided by the archetypes that I was shown for this particular cycle- The Oracles of Delphi/ Pythia, Athena, Freya and Pele.
The Pisces/ aries Metagoddess embodies the Alpha and Omega, Endings and Beginnings ie She is the Bridge/ Channel between the hidden subconscious knowings/wisdom and the evident manifestation/ form of the same.
The often enigmatic and mystical prophecies of the Delphi Priestesses were ‘translated ‘ by the Priests of the Temple of Apollo i.e. needed a Vehicle/ Bridge for Divine Guidance to translate into Reality. The Translation/ Bridge requires us to embody the Tarot ‘Fool”/ Aries energy ie letting our instincts/gut guide us as opposed to fear and preconceived limitations notions and beliefs and following the same with courage, ,determination,enthusiasm and optimism.
We are at the Brink of a Brand New Chapter in our Evolution, and it starts Now…
Dear friends, as we hurtle towards the Solar Eclipse of March 29, the cosmos is serving up a potent cocktail of energies that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on our physical and emotional bodies. The current geomagnetic solar storm, with its moderate intensity of Kp6, is already making its presence felt. But what’s particularly noteworthy is that this storm is unfolding within the eclipse corridor, a rare and potent alignment that magnifies the intensity of the solar storm’s effects. Moderate (G2) to Strong (G3) geomagnetic storm watch has been issued for March 23rd – 25th.
Imagine the eclipse corridor (March 12-March 29) as a kind of cosmic amplifier, taking the already intense energies of the solar storm and cranking them up to unprecedented levels. As a result, we can expect the emotional releases and transformations that typically accompany eclipses to be even more profound and far-reaching. It’s as if the universe is giving us a rare opportunity to confront our deepest fears, desires, and limitations, and to emerge transformed and renewed on the other side.
But that’s not all – a massive solar coronal hole is also emerging, stretching across almost the entirety of the southeast quadrant of the sun. This gargantuan opening is essentially a gateway for a powerful solar wind stream, which will reach our planet next week and has the potential to trigger an even more intense geomagnetic storm. The anticipation is palpable, and the potential for dramatic shifts in our personal and collective landscapes is vast.
As we navigate these intense and unpredictable energies, it’s essential to prioritize self-care, emotional regulation, and stress management. The electromagnetic sensitivity and solar radiation that accompany this solar storm can be overwhelming to those of you who are energy sensitives, leading to physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and body aches. But by staying grounded, centered, and attuned to our inner wisdom, we can ride the waves of these cosmic energies and emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.
In the midst of this energetic turbulence, remember that you are not just a passive recipient of these cosmic forces – you are an active participant, with the power to shape and direct the energies that are unfolding. So, take a deep breath, feel the intensity of the universe coursing through your veins, and know that you are on the cusp of a profound transformation – one that will leave you forever changed, and ready to embark on the next great chapter of your journey.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update.
Have a wonderful day, much love
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
What’s Next?
Completion of healing your ancestral bloodline is here. It’s time to break all emotional ties connected to the old earth and be free of that role and mission.
Daily endings, purification, and transformation are happening on many levels to reset you to the zero point as we move into the 5D timeline. All of the painful memories and experiences are dissolving away, allowing a different perspective.
Changing your mind and direction can be happening this week because of these clearings. Before choosing a path, rest and research your options. Even if there is confusion, understanding your options is part of the new beginnings unfolding. Therefore take your time with healing and recovering your power this week. Be curious and discover the opportunities available.
On Saturday, March 22nd, the Sun, ruler of creative potential, in initiating Aries is connecting with Venus, ruler of blessings, also in passionate Aries. Venus, planet of love and resources, is currently in her retrograde cycle so she is re-evaluating her relationships and finances at this time. She may be almost ready to make a move as she pulls back her bow, but she is taking her time to make sure her intentions are pointed in the right direction before letting her arrow fly!
Nonetheless, Venus rules happiness, harmony, enjoyment, connection, attraction and receptivity. She is ready to receive the gifts and good fortune that is coming her way….and, the Sun is highlighting and activating whatever that magic turns out to be!
Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn – The Moon in slow moving, cautious Capricorn squares the Sun in fast moving, impulsive Aries. There’s a clash between old and new, the desire for fresh challenges versus the familiarity of the tried and true. Somehow, we need to find a middle path, to satisfy the part of us that longs for adventure as well as the part of us that needs stability and structure.
At this stage of the lunar cycle, there is a prompt to release what we no longer need to make way for new beginnings. It’s about nurturing inspiration, passion and desire for all the wonders of life to come whilst at the same time finding the discipline to focus on mundane responsibilities. Let go of self-doubt and bad habits that limit your self-expression. Look to where you think you aren’t good enough to chase your dreams. Finish what you started to give you the confidence and experience to set new goals. Create strong foundations to support future enterprises.
Tone 11, known as Spectral, sweeps in today with its keywords being Dissolve, Liberate, and Release. Day 11 breaks the wavespell’s mold, cutting loose the agenda set on day one. In this Yellow Star wavespell, the Star’s sparkle dims today—Spectral’s a lone rebel, shaking things up with a freedom-fighter’s flair. It’s your chance to step out, unshackled, and taste liberation, shaped by the day’s glyph.
The day’s glyph is White Mirror, reflecting Reflection, Order, and Endlessness. Paired with Spectral, it’s simple yet sharp: “The truth will set you free.” Face it—clarity cuts through delusion, lighting your true path. Without it, you’re lost, tugged off course. We’re in the Tzolkin’s final stretch now; if you’ve walked these 260 days consciously, this Mirror day hits hard. Thirteen times a White Mirror gleams in the cycle, each revealing truths—but today’s double dose is a powerhouse. Don’t shrug it off; it’s here to free you.
Guided by White Mirror: Double Mirror energy today—it guides itself, stacking truth on truth. No distractions dilute it; this is raw reflection, urging you to see clearly and release what doesn’t hold.
Challenged by Yellow Star: Yellow Star, shining with Beauty, is the day’s challenge. If you’re a Star, truth stings harder today—its glare dims your glow. But dodging it stalls you; face it, pain and all, to move on. In this Yellow Star wavespell, the beauty agenda takes a breather—Mirrors sigh in relief, while Stars grit their teeth.
Occult Power: Blue Night: Blue Night drifts in the occult spot, weaving Dreams and Abundance with a magical hum. Dreams can spark to life today, kissed by mystic vibes—dream big. Say “Abundance!” out loud; gratitude vibes draw more in. Night’s magic softens the Mirror’s edge, blending truth with possibility.
Ally: Red Dragon: Red Dragon, bearer of Birth and Nurture, steps up as today’s ally. These folks offer a warm hand—call on them if truth’s weight gets heavy. No Dragon nearby? Channel their care: be gentle with yourself and others. When the day bites, this ally’s kindness is your balm.
MANTRA I dissolve in order to REFLECT Releasing ORDER I seal the matrix of Endlessness With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
22/3/2025 = 4/3/9 = 4/12 = 4/3=7
22- Architect of Peace/Master Builder 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth 7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/ Initiation/Test/Solitude
Ooooh looks like we ARE BREAKING out of the BOX today!!!!
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 258 = 15=6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Family
A very potent LIBERATION code today as we walk through the doorways. The SPECTRAL MIRROR is activating the LIBERATION of TWIN FLAMES and the HIEROS GAMOS.. very powerful DIVINE DAY..
3 more KIN days to go as we COMPLETE THE CYCLE in this Galactic Spin of the Tzolkin Calendar! Ready for TAKE OFF – MAJIK FLIGHT
A beautiful alignment of codes with the shattering of the old world as we knew it, and manifesting the beautiful NEW world of PEACE. Divine synchronicity at play to drive our PLANETARY evolution through this miraculous ASCENSION EVENT!
Day 11 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
And so we reach day 11- the GATEWAY to ILLUMINATION.
This is the final countdown to piercing the veil through to SOURCE!
This 11 gateway aligns with this ECLIPSE cauldron, and the 2 Eclipses 9 moons ago, and the ECLIPSE portal of 36 moons ago at WESAK, an infusion of the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL LIGHT on our PLANET… The SOURCE LIGHT which drenches our planet with GOLDEN ASCENSION RAYS to AWAKEN and en-LIGHT-ON us all!! What a DAY!!!!
Today we are reflecting on the ILLUSION of the old paradigm, ready to DISSOLVE and RELEASE it, in order to LIBERATE the New World of PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE with much more SPARKLE in our lives!
The YELLOW STAR wavespell harmonizing with the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR, seeks to LIBERATE all those souls seeking reunion..
The dark forces have truly targeted these souls and sabotaged these unions for eons. When these beautiful souls reunite the HIEROS GAMOS is complete – the 2 souls become ONE – and the frequency of our ASCENDING STAR – PLANET skyrockets… BOOM! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Today the DIVINE MASCULINE healing is COMPLETE and the sacred marriage happens. Have faith beloveds REUNION time is upon us.
I highly recommend doing this potent HIEROS GAMOS activation today on SPECTRAL MIRROR DAY Unified Field/Hieros Gamos Quantum Disentanglement 20D Activated Tribal Signet Shield (Collab Kara)…
Woweeee – what a BRILLIANT DAY for a DIVINE WEDDING !!
SPECTRAL – Tone 11 operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating!
The Spectral tone provides FULL purging transformative power. When we go SPECTRAL we learn to RELEASE ALL that we have manifested, in order that we may commence the next cycle. Solid forms dissipate and dissolve. We are finally FREED from the emotional baggage and debris that we have carried deep within our cells in order to LIBERATE and become RELEASED from the past!
Eleven is the process of disintegration, stripping away the layers down to your core essence. Unity, the great illuminator, is transforming patterns and structures, freeing you from things that no longer serve your emerging wholeness.
What a SPECTACULAR GIFT on this ILLUMINATING 11 portal day! Today we have the opportunity to pay our karmic dues, settling all debt and purging our souls of any hindrances – a HUGE BLISSING to finally get off the KARMIC 3D WHEEL..
With the Spectral Tone of 11, cherished ideals, beliefs, and images of all kinds are being brought up for you to re-examine, illuminate, and transform. Examine what “appears” dissonant in your life then LET IT GO!! BLESS YOUR PAST – your pain and suffering and release it FOREVER!
Going through your resistance and blockages, prepares a SPACE for greater reflection and TRUTH to flow in unimpeded. As your facade crumbles and your walls come tumbling down, the true illumination of self bursts through!
These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming and aligning with your STARRY SOUL SELF... your GOD SELF.
Finally cleansed and purged of the old, we have a new vacuum from which to attract NEW and more vibrant energies and experiences. Out with the old and in with the newer embryonic and effervescent rainbow frequencies!
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW more harmonious and beautiful REALITY filled with abundant opportunities.. Connect with your higher TRUTH giving you the POWER to carve a new path of LIBERATION.
It is time to RISE – in the RESURRECTION flames of the PHOENIX taking your first flight as the Holy White Dove
Today’s questionS are “What do we need to DISSOLVE, in order to RELEASE more PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE, reflecting on all the BEAUTY in our precious New Rainbow World?
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
THE day that the PHOENIX RISES from the ASHES and transforms into the HOLY WHITE DOVE (and here we are BACK at that PHOENIX moment!)
KIN 258 occurred 54 MOONS ago on the UBER potent 12/12 portal – 12 December 2020 – Through the SPACETIME all these portals are linked to today, helping us to SMASH out of the MATRIX!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: WHITE SPECTRAL MIRRORETZNAB It is DOUBLE MIRROR DAY today with an 11 spectral tone coding!!! Such a potent loop in time day… Oh my this POWER is akin to a triple PLUTONIUM BOMB BOOM BOOM BOOM – Lots of TRUTH BOMBS and LIBERATION today.
The MIRROR star glyph is also a Mayan pyramid (viewed from the top), so this adds incredible POWER! The 7 day code brings forth Spiritual MAJIK.. This MEANS MIRACLES are possible!! Utilize this potent DIVINE POWER wisely today – especially for BREAKING FREE – and LIBERATING the new beautiful you!
With so much POWER today the old Mirror world finally SHATTERS! And it IS SHATTERING INDEED!
It is time to break FREE from the Artificial Time MATRIX!!!
The illusory prison that we have contained ourselves within for the sake of growth through suffering! Ascend the 91 steps of the steep stone staircase of the grand Mayan Pyramid of the Sun. Grab – Mjölnir – Mighty THOR’s hammer and SMASH through that firmament.
You have outgrown the tiny fish bowl and you are well overdue to seek a bigger pond in which to play. ETZNAB will reveal to you, all that is an ILLUSION in this reality. The cracks will appear everywhere and in anything that is not worthy of your true Sparkly God essence.
The old 3D traps can no longer hold you down. The chains are gone and the obstacles have DISSOLVED! No debts, no taxes, no 9-5 “work week”=weak, no enslavement!!! The ice has melted and all that remains are puddles of dirty water. Shake the droplets from your shoes, take a giant LEAP and jump clear of any remaining puddles in your path!
You have the POWER to reclaim your sovereignty and see the TRUTH for miles and miles and miles!.
ALL IS CLEAR NOW! NO MIRRORS, NO ILLUSIONS – all is REVEALED through a pane of pure transparent CLEAR glass, forming a portal to your new life! Open the window, breathe the fresh air and frolic amongst the meadow blooms.
Ahhhhh LIFE IS GOOD!!!
NOTE: This code may result in EARTH QUAKES and a BREAKING of the WATERS et al!
With the current situation in our Planetary Liberation battle – more TRUTHS, DISCLOSURES and revelations are coming to the mainstream on a DAILY basis now – it’s called the QUICKENING..
Be AWARE of HUGE REVELATIONS that will SHOCK the masses into a very rude AWAKENING – the TRUTH is coming to surface – very FAST as the Ascension TSUNAMI gains momentum …
Wow what a code… leading into tomorrow’s BLUE CRYSTAL STORM DAY NEW LIGHT has ARRIVED as we experience great Planetary transformation through UNITY, as we CEMENT our journey to Planetary ENLIGHTENMENT.
A huge crescendo and climax to the Tzolkin Calendar.
SUPPORT: RED SPECTRAL DRAGON IMIX brings forth the qualities of the Mother Goddess, reminding you to LOVE and nurture yourself, just as your Divine Mother loves and cherishes you as her precious child. The SPECTRAL DRAGON can LIBERATE more LOVE, nurturance and potent CREATION energies to fuel your Manifestation of your creative urges – birthing wonderful new projects, inventions and expression of your Artistic soul.
A beautiful code to ensure we LIBERATE a huge FLUSH of DIVINE FEMININE energies for NEW BIRTH and CREATION.
We also need to provide more LOVE, compassion and support for the newly awakening souls who will need to process great trauma from the SHOCKING truth revealed… They will need some TLC from those wiser and older souls who are ready to hold loving healing SPACE and guidance in these tumultuous evolutionary cycles.
RED DRAGON tribe also provides the impetus for REBIRTH and New Beginnings. The power to wipe the slate clean and start afresh!
Remember how LIFE used to be when you were young and innocent? Well now reimagine it even BETTER than before. Beyond your wildest imaginings and multiply that JOY endlessly reflected by the Mirror. The LOVE you radiate is returned to you infinitely, as the macrocosm is a mirror of your microcosm.
The SPECTRAL DRAGON kin will unleash our PLANETARY DRAGONS through all 5 elements and within the Dragon/Ley lines – GAIA’S land and meridians will be FLUSHED CLEAN today, as they SPIN furiously at 33,000 x GOD SPEED, rotating during this TURBO CYCLE, ready to be purged of any density, swept through and ready to hold MORE LIGHT and more energy, to fuel our beautiful new creations.
NOTE: The RED DRAGON tribe are very prevalent in the Earth realms currently following the huge influx of DRAGONS last LUNAR Year of the YANG WOOD DRAGON
This DRAGON energy is continuing to compound each day through this ASCENSION phase. The RED DRAGON KIN – lead us through our Majik Flight back into the VOID of Creation READY to b-Earth our world anew during the RED DRAGON 13 day wavespell!
Get ready RED DRAGON KIN – it’s your role call!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT AKBAL works synergistically with WHITE MIRROR to reveal the illusions through your intuition and knowingness. The LUNAR NIGHT will reveal the discordance and the polarity challenges that have opposed humanity from manifesting a harmonious and PEACE filled world of plenty. This hidden SUPERPOWER will brilliantly clear the path to manifest the NEW WAY DREAMING codes for our Planetary kin.
BLUE NIGHT is the Master dreamer, and so gives you the power to activate your DREAMS and bring them forth into your chosen reality. Akbal is the super GENIE who carries potent abundance codes, which are further ACTIVATED and MAGNIFIED through the Yellow Star portal The DOUBLE MIRROR ENERGIES are paving the way for new GOLDEN pathways of abundance, once you are FREE from the old shackles.
AKBAL holds the collective DREAMING CODES – the NEW WAY DREAMING – the collective vision that the RAINBOW WARRIORS are holding in their heart space and are fearlessly defending until made MANIFEST into REALITY now…
THE BAD DREAMSPELL (aka NIGHTMARE) has been broken and we are now FREE to weave our new delicious DREAMSPELL.
The DREAM has AWAKENED and is NOW being fully realized in our beautiful and majikal New World that is becoming more REAL with each passing day – no poverty, no dis-ease, no suffering… just pure flowing JOY, PROSPERITY and BLISS.
KEEP holding the DREAM – beloveds
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR LAMAT. We have reached day 11 of the Yellow Star Wavespell and have hit a PAUSE for contemplation as we gaze through the portal doors! The SPECTRAL STAR is challenging us today to LIBERATE the BEAUTY of the New HARMONIC MATRIX in our new reality.
LAMAT is challenging us ALL to take stock of where our lives, and our world, REFLECTS disharmony and chaos, so that we can restore ORDER – beauty, harmony, PEACE and equality. Any discordance in our outer world is usually a REFLECTION of our own self-doubt and a lack of self-love or perceived worthiness, both personally and collectively as a species. .
We need to accept responsibility for our collective creation and destruction of our original Le-MU-rian paradise..
How did we let things get this bad? Why did we tolerate so much disrespect for our environment, our people, our animals, our land, our resources and our Planet?
Most of us buried our heads in the sand like the famed ostriches! Out of site, out of mind! Well today the DOUBLE MIRROR is revealing it ALL… there is NOWHERE to hide and we MUST all FACE the TRUTH of what we have collectively created..
Look in the MIRROR and brush aside all DELUSIONS relating to your beauty and worthiness and that of our PLANET –
LOOK for the BEAUTY that is revealed beyond the chaos and ugliness. .
Look past the physical reflection, into the depths of your soul.
Access your StarSeed essence and stand in the harmony of your full GOD presence.
You are indeed BEAUTIFUL, you are WORTHY, and you are the LIGHT!
You are made in God’s likeness, so how can you be anything other than a RADIANT SPARK of DIVINE SOURCE?
Reconnect with your inner beauty and affirm
” I AM my full radiant presence now. I AM the harmony of the stars!” I AM A SUPERNOVA SOUL!
And in so doing we can now reclaim our BEAUTIFUL PLANET GAIA as the pristine, pure and idyllic paradise that we have all been DREAMING into our reality!
Aho beautiful starry RAINBOW DREAMERS.
Today’s questionS are “What do we need to DISSOLVE, in order to RELEASE more PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE, reflecting on all the BEAUTY in our precious New Rainbow World?
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor
Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:
Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming. Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting. Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose. Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.
Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.
By the power of the Infinite Light, the Cosmic Source, and the Divine Presence within me, I now call forth the full activation and embodiment of my Light Body in alignment with my highest soul’s purpose.
I AM the Radiant Light of Creation. I AM the Divine Flame of Ascension. I AM the Living Merkaba, fully activated and awakened.
I decree that all dormant light codes, crystalline DNA, and sacred geometries within me now ignite in their fullest divine expression. I call upon the Celestial Guardians, Ascended Masters, and Star Beings of Pure Light to assist in my complete transformation.
With each breath, I awaken my Divine Essence. With each heartbeat, my body vibrates with the frequency of Source. With each thought, I expand into higher realms of cosmic wisdom.
Let the golden plasma light of ascension flood every cell, restoring my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to their highest crystalline blueprint. I dissolve all illusions of limitation, and I now embrace my infinite potential as a fully activated multidimensional being of light.
So it is. So it is. So it is.
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A Crown of Five Affirmation
is a set of five interconnected affirmations, often structured to align with spiritual or energetic principles, such as the five elements, five senses, or five points of a crown (symbolizing wisdom, power, and divinity).
a set of five affirmations designed to empower, uplift, and align with the metaphysical and New Age themes (like the Ashtar Command decree or angelic imagery). These affirmations will form a “crown” of spiritual intentions, each building on the last, to inspire clarity, connection, and transformation.
Crown of Five Affirmation: The Radiant Diadem of Light
I crown myself with the Light of the Divine, claiming my sovereignty as a being of infinite love and wisdom.
The Jewel of Clarity I see with the eyes of truth, cutting through illusion with the sword of wisdom, as Manjushri guides my vision.
This affirmation aligns with clarity and insight, invoking Manjushri (the bodhisattva of wisdom from your earlier request) to dispel ignorance.
The Jewel of Connection I am a radiant thread in the cosmic web, united with all beings in the dance of universal love, as the Ashtar Command protects my light.
This connects you to the galactic and universal unity, referencing the Ashtar Command’s protective energy from your earlier decree.
The Jewel of Power I wield the flame of divine will, activating my inner strength to create a New Earth of harmony and peace.
This empowers you to take action, reflecting the “activation” theme from your angelic oracle request, and ties into the New Earth vision.
The Jewel of Healing I bathe in the prismatic light of the celestial realms, restoring my body, mind, and spirit with the frequencies of eternal love.
This focuses on healing and renewal, drawing on the prismatic, celestial imagery from your MidJourney prompts (e.g., rainbow nebulae, glowing crystals).
The Jewel of Ascension I rise as a sovereign star, crowned by the Infinite Creator, shining my light to awaken the Golden Age of Gaia.
This final affirmation seals the crown, emphasizing ascension and your role in the collective awakening, echoing the New Age metaphysical themes you’ve explored.
How to Use the Crown of Five Affirmation
Set the Space: Find a quiet space, light a candle, or hold a crystal (like amethyst or quartz) to enhance the energy. You might also visualize a radiant crown of light above your head.
Speak the Invocation: Begin by reciting the opening statement: “I crown myself with the Light of the Divine, claiming my sovereignty as a being of infinite love and wisdom.”
Affirm Each Jewel: Speak each affirmation slowly, visualizing a glowing jewel being placed in your energetic crown as you say it. For example, for the Jewel of Clarity, imagine a sapphire glowing at the front of your crown, radiating wisdom.
Feel the Energy: After each affirmation, pause to feel the energy shift—perhaps a sense of clarity, connection, or empowerment.
Close with Gratitude: End by thanking the divine forces (e.g., Manjushri, the Ashtar Command, or the Infinite Creator) for their guidance, and affirm, “So it is, and so it shall be.”
Why This Works
Structure: The “Crown of Five” format creates a holistic practice, addressing multiple aspects of spiritual growth (clarity, connection, power, healing, ascension), much like a crown’s points encircle and elevate the wearer.
Thematic Alignment: It ties into your earlier requests—Manjushri’s wisdom, the Ashtar Command’s galactic protection, and the New Earth vision—creating a cohesive metaphysical framework.
Empowerment: Each affirmation builds on the last, culminating in a powerful declaration of ascension, making it both grounding and uplifting.
You can recite this daily, especially during meditation or rituals, to align with higher frequencies and manifest your intentions.