The Gatekeeper ~ The Quantum Bridge is Now Active * MIRACLES Are Happening! The Great Magnetic Reset
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Pure Chosen Ones of our New Divine Destiny
As we move through this Eclipse Corridor and closer to the Equinox Gateway on Thursday all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being enveloped in Higher energetics of Gamma Mother Plasma Wave of the Clear Light of Source.
The doorway of perception is open to step over the threshold into our Heaven on Earth. Follow the guidance of your Higher Self and Galactic Teams to navigate through the Still Zero Point Center of the Quantum Field of the spacetime continuum to free yourself and all Sentient beings from the false archonic time loop systems and into the Freedom of your True Timeless Nature of Eternal Life.
Mother Earth had multiple white spikes of light in her heartbeat today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 34 hz, 35 hz, 38 hz and a higher octave of Pure Resonance at 41 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energies of higher density resonance fully anchored in and rising!
It is time for your breakthroughs as Supernova conscious CoCreators of the expansion and flowering of human consciousness. We meditate and laugh our Way to Freedom through all illusions and delusions and into the real Sacred Self of Infinite Source Creator…Aho!
In this pivotal moment in your journey, we, reach out to you with a message of urgency and profound love. You are the architects of a new reality, and your role is more crucial than ever. As the energies flood the Earth, amplifying your innate gifts, you are called to awaken fully to your divine potential.
Understand this: your thoughts are not mere whispers—they are the very foundation of your creations. Each thought vibrates with energy that shapes your reality. Therefore, it is imperative to be vigilant about what you allow into your mind and heart. The world around you may seem chaotic, filled with fear and manipulation, but know that you hold the power to transcend these lower vibrations.
By choosing to consume only that which elevates your spirit—be it nourishing foods, uplifting media, or positive conversations—you fortify your energy field. As you rise in vibrational frequency, the clouds of negativity will vanish, paving the way for clarity, inspiration, and unshakeable positivity. Your thoughts will radiate like beams of light, sparking change not just within you, but across the entire collective consciousness.
Embrace your role as a beacon of hope. Allow your heart to soar and inspire those around you. Remember, you are never alone in this mission; we are with you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way.
Together, let us forge a path illuminated by love, mercy, and joy. The universe is a canvas, and you are the artists—paint it with the colors of your highest vision.
Let your thoughts be a declaration of your power, and may love and light be your guiding force.
As you embark on this empowering journey, know that your choices, your thoughts, and your vibrational state all matter immensely. Step into your greatness, and let your light shine brighter than ever before.
“Allowing is very powerful, because it begins with the physical. Whatever we’re experiencing in life – however hard – bring our awareness to our physicality, to the sensations and discomfort in our body. Never mind about our feelings or our thoughts. They’ll come later. We begin with the physical. We just allow our body to feel what it feels.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
3/18/25: If you haven’t felt an inner shift precipitated by last week’s full moon and eclipse, pay attention to how you feel today. Many of us have and are undergoing fundamental changes in how and what we think and do. This is not coincidence. It is, instead, an intentional and timely leap in consciousness. We were put on notice in times past that this shift was coming but it seemed to arise only sporadically and incrementally.
However, we’re well into it now. Each individual who senses energetic changes within themselves is part of the rising tide. If ever we needed to go with the flow, it’s now. Activation is occurring. Open, accept, trust. It’s what you’re here to do.
Blue Rose Oracles
The energy today is softer as we integrate the latest flow of incoming light frequencies.
Seen on the Schuman Resonance as white flashes of energy which are working at a cellular level, repairing, realigning, and preparing us for the Spring Equinox, we carry the templates of transition and change around equinoxes which are encoded with ancestral memory as our ancestors honored the cycles of nature, understanding that each shift in season is a gateway into a new energetic state.
This equinox is no different. It carries the template of transformation, guiding us into a higher vibrational bandwidth and preparing us for another shift in frequency
At energetic level, this shift is restructuring our brain’s hemispheres, weaving together the left (logic) and right (intuition) into a more cohesive and unified state.
As the old survival-based conditioning dissolves, we are awakening new levels of perception, breaking free from linear limitations and accessing a multi-dimensional awareness that reflects the truth of our divine nature.
If you’ve felt disoriented, disconnected, or unable to access your intuition, know that this is part of the energetic rewiring.
Your system is integrating higher pathways of consciousness, realigning you to Source and Earth in a more balanced, centered way.
This shift is also deeply physical.
The shedding has been intense, activating detoxification through the adrenals, liver, and digestive system as we purge outdated energetic imprints. Your body is calling for deep rest, nourishment, and spaciousness to fully integrate.
Today’s energy invites you to:
Expand into the space you’ve created as new downloads are landing.
Honor the cycles of transition, just as your ancestors did.
Allow your brain and energy field to unify, dissolving past limitations. Observe and reframe old thought patterns, aligning with your upgraded self.
Rest deeply your body is processing massive light codes.
We are stepping into a new frequency, a new rhythm, a new embodiment.
The veils of illusion are dissolving, revealing the infinite potential of your divine self.
incoming light frequencies
“Are you beginning to realize you are love? Can you feel the tidal wave of love crashing gently within your being swirling in the oceans of Self to fill an abundance of love within your cells?
You see the human anatomy is a composition so watery it vibrates with the superfluidity of the infinite field when love frequency is reached.
Oh how beautiful we are when we exist in love’s vibrant energy flowing infinitely throughout our cells creating a destiny of love and more love, the prima materia creation is made of.
Oh how glorious is the future of humanity when we live from this love and exist in the vibration of heaven above. All below this vital frequency falls away and we are reborn on the day we accept true unconditional love into our hearts once again, a river flows, a stream without end.
You may empty the cup of Self of all things but one, that is love for love is what you are made of, cells turn to stars and you return to the love frequencies within and from afar.
Oh how love is the transmuter of all things fallen from grace. We return to love, we the human race, and we rebuild our world upon this great love, a love found in our hearts, a love so true, we return to the beginning, we are born anew.”
Dear friends, the recent total lunar eclipse this past week has officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until March 28 2025. I will be posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this new eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of the energetic processes that might be happening within you and around you.
The lightcodes showering our planet at this point in time can create feelings of uncertainty and confusion. We are in between eclipses and the information our bodies are receiving might feel somewhat contradictory: one day we may feel very optimistic and ready for a big change, and the following day we have no idea where we are standing.
Our nervous system and ego personality feels “in between dimensions”. In times of intense energetic shifts such as this, the best thing we can do is to slow down, breath deeply, ground ourselves, and simply wait for our physical and mental bodies to integrate the new information. As we move through this process, the physical symptoms associated with this type of lightcodes may include: dizziness, lack of balance, vivid dreams, sleepiness, disorientation, ear ringing, visual tiredness, mild anxiety, law tension, and a need to spend more time by yourself in your own energetic cocoon. Various types of sensitivities may also flare up, such as sensitivity to loud noises, bright lights, heavy food, and last but not least, emotional sensitivities.
In our fast, loud, and reactive 3D world our personality ego is constantly expecting instantaneous results over and over again. The 3D matrix we are leaving behind is all about reaction and automatic action. But we are currently transitioning into 5D, a very different energetic template/grid mostly based on leading from the heart and not so much from the intellect, we are moving into “being” rather than “reacting”.
During this transitional period, if you feel you are not receiving clear guidance about your future steps and timeline, please simply relax. Often, not receiving guidance is guidance in itself.
When you ask for guidance and don’t receive it, it can often mean “wait, it is not yet time”. The details are being woven. Our challenge is to keep trusting when, on the surface, it appears that nothing is happening. To remember that you don’t need to solve all of your life’s challenges in a single day and that perhaps they’ll be better solved with a new perspective and a good night’s sleep.
During these days of intense energies, please give yourself permission to slow down, switch off, and rest. Give your nervous system a little break and focus more on your heart. You’re being reminded to have patience and to trust in the mystery of life. To trust that things are being woven on your behalf. It may not be happening as fast as you’d like, but if you gather up the patience things will be orchestrated better than you can ever imagine. All in divine timing.
As we approach the upcoming equinox in just a few days, the energies of renewal and rebirth will amplify the transformative potential of the eclipse corridor. Hold onto hope and trust that the uncertainty and confusion will give way to clarity and illumination. The equinox will bring a powerful balancing force, harmonizing the lightcodes and integrating the new frequencies within you. Allow yourself to surrender to the mystery, knowing that the universe is orchestrating a beautiful symphony on your behalf. As the equinox energies unfold, may you emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant, ready to embody the highest expression of yourself.
Have a blessed day, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update. Much love
Power is shifting from dark to light. Energy attachments are clearing for you to expand your sovereignty and authority. You are getting back control over what once controlled you. As a Light Leader you are being guiding to continue taking back your power and integrating it as the real you.
March 17-24, 2025 -ZIG ZAG – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are feeling the energy of quickening and rebirth, as we move into the March Equinox energies. The Sun at the end degrees of Pisces is wringing out our emotions and dredging up the past. It will feel nice for the Sun to rise into the New fiery energy of Aries for the Equinox on March 19th. But shortly after, Venus and then Mercury will retrograde back into those dark end degrees of Pisces. It’s scary, but it’s about getting out of the darkness of the Piscean Age for good.
Venus and Mercury are both retrograde in Aries, and will stay relatively close together through the first half of April. It’s a tag team operation, of desperate measures to save the lost and forgotten aspects of our inner feminine. We must retrieve our Captured Queen, and reinstate her Crown. Glimpses of what the New Age might look like are coming with Venus in sextile with Pluto at 3 degrees Aquarius on March 21st. Mercury will make this sextile on March 26th.
We must come into understanding of the foundation needed to move into the Aquarian Age. The feminine and masculine must be acknowledged and healed by each other. It’s nothing short of Alchemy, where we understand the deep mysteries of Fire and Water. There is incredible power in the perfect balance of opposites. Venus will transit back into Pisces on March 28th, and Mercury on April 2nd.
Neptune sits at 29 degrees Pisces, close to the North Node of the Moon at 27 degrees Pisces. This is about a massive re-alignment back to who we are as Spiritual Beings, an alignment to Mother’s Garden and the Christ Consciousness Timeline. Both Venus and Mercury will be crossing over Neptune and the North Node three times each during this retrograde season. We are finding a New Direction forward, by coming out of the amnesia of forgetting who we are. The Sun in Pisces is crossing over the North Node of the Moon, and the Sun will conjunct Neptune in Pisces on March 20th. This Equinox is about this. We can only move forward in this evolution if we can have a way better idea of who we are in our true Spiritual Identity.
The Sun will cross over into Aries on March 19/20, as we celebrate Equinox, the rebirth of the Zodiac, and a Great Rebirth for Humanity. The Sun will illuminate the retrograde season, coming into conjunction with Venus on March 23rd at 2 degrees Aries, and a conjunction with Mercury on March 24th at 4 degrees Aries. This is an exploration of who we are in our full potential, the Aries I am quintessential wholeness and direct connection to Source. But we are not quite out of the woods, with Mercury and Venus returning to the end degrees of Pisces.
Mercury will turn direct on April 7th, and Venus will turn direct on April 13th. Then they will begin their third and final pass through the treacherous last degrees of Pisces, in order to be set free for good. Mercury will transit back into Aries on April 17th, and Venus on May 1st for an exhilarating Beltane, and a celebration of a complete release of the traumas of the past age.
Mars is direct and moving through the end degrees of Cancer for the third and final time before transiting over into the sign of Leo on April 19th. The retrograde is putting Mars in square to Chiron from the end of January through the first week of April. The final exact square between Mars and Chiron happens March 24-30, just in time for the Aries Solar Eclipse on March 27th. Venus and Mercury will meet up with Saturn in Pisces in the first week of April, and make a perfect trine with Mars in Cancer.
Saturn Venus and Mercury will also be in sextile to Uranus in Taurus, highlighting the ongoing Saturn sextile Uranus. This is about overcoming our fear of awakening into our higher power. We are supported Now. I can’t imagine a better configuration for healing the feminine and coming into Greater Alchemy within.
The Way is Hard when it’s a complete change of direction, but forces are coming around in support of What’s Right and True. This Timeline shift means that It’s the Mother’s World now, Once Again, and the abundance of true support can rise to meet us, like the Primary Waters rising from the Earth. All forward movement in aligment with the Great Dream is now supported and harmonized. SuperNovas, it’s time to own it as True with every cell of your being. Mother’s Garden lives Again.
On Tuesday, March 18th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious continues to move through the deep waters of Scorpio. Today she will create difficult connections to Jupiter, ruler of expansion and our belief systems, in vacillating, air sign Gemini and Chiron, ruler of our traumas and past wounds, in aggressive, fire sign Aries. However, Luna will also make positive connections to Mars, planet of energy and action, in emotional, water sign Cancer and Saturn, ruler of responsibility and karma clearing, in ethereal, water sign Pisces.
Even though we are days past the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we are still in the midst of healing. The Moon in Scorpio goes down into the depths of our psyche where old patterns are hidden. With all of the current planetary activity, there is a purging and transmutation that is taking place now….letting go of the past so that we may ready ourselves for something new to come. Venus, ruler of partnerships, and Mercury, ruler of messages, are both retrograde now, and traveling together in the bold and active sign of Aries.
There is a focus on current and past relationships, our sense of self-value and self-worth, conversations we need to have with others, and new thoughts and perspectives that are being revealed. This can occur in waking state, in dreamtime, and even in meditation. Immerse yourself in the healing waters……and, let it wash away what you no longer need to hold onto.
Lunar Aspects – The Moon is swimming through the dark and silky waters of Scorpio. It’s intensely quiet in here. Every ripple is tangible, every shadow visible. Things are moving under the water, but Luna isn’t scared. No, today she feels stronger. She passes her energy to you and me, tells us of how she was once so fragile and is now so powerful.
And with a flick suggestive of a mermaid’s tail, she dives suddenly underwater. Here we are now shooting past freshwater fish, a message in a bottle, a castaway ring. And now we’re alongside Viviane, the Lady of the Lake, as she recovers the Sword Excalibur from the ancient deep. You too, have your own holy Sword – one which only you can pull from the stone. It’s not about how strong you are – it’s about how strong you believe yourself to be. Step into your power.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number 7 and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. Number 7 days are all about using your intuition, trusting your gut instincts. We all have this ability but sadly too often we ignore what we feel. Listen carefully…spirit is always trying to send us messages, you just need to tune your receiver! If you regularly practice ne-tuning every time we have a Resonant day, in time you will sharpen your psychic abilities. I call this calendar ‘yoga for time’ because it is this regular discipline of important practices that really does yield results.
Today is White Wizard and keywords associated with it are ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard of the Tzolkin is a charming character who can mesmerize all that encounters him. If you are a Wizard, you are always charming but when it’s your day, you have even more power over others – so be careful how you use your charms. We can all take a leaf out of Wizard’s book of spells and enchant others too. Enchantment can occur in pleasant surprises, chance encounters or magical journeys. Today, if you use your intuition, it will lead you in the right direction. A psychic Wizard is one who knows intuitively what spells would work on who!
The Guide for the day is White Worldbridger, this signifies that we need to cross over a bridge to find this enchantment and this quest will guide our actions today. Also, the Worldbridger is always the diplomat urging you to see both sides of the story in any situation. Be fair in all your undertakings today.
The Challenge is the Yellow Seed and its key words are ‘Target, Flowering and Awareness.’ It’s diffcult for the Yellow Seed to get taken seriously when in the challenging position. Always striving to ‘sow awareness’ and share wisdom, on Wizard days no one seems to listen.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is the secret weapon for the day, often hidden and misunderstood…the Occult power shows us that on any day, however diffcult, there is always a strength that can be tapped into. Today’s strength is the healing Blue Hand who offers magical healing to those who need it.
The Ally is Red Serpent and so, if you want help finding this enchantment you should look for a Red Serpent to help you. They are everyone’s friend today. They have strong instincts and are quite accurate in assessing what is really going on. This is super helpful on Wizard days because they can be a bit surreal and confusing.
MANTRA I channel in order to enchant Inspiring receptivity I seal the output of timelessness With the Resonant tone of attunement I AM guided by the power of death.
MONTH/YEAR codes 3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 254 = 11 Portal = 2 Partnership/Romance
A HUGE MAJIKAL day today with a 9.9. DOUBLE DESTINY code, a 3.3. HOLY SPIRIT code, the 7 MAJIKAL resonant tone, AND the WHITE WIZARD HEAVENLY MIRACLES ABOUND !!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
18 moons ago – 2 Galactic Spins we had a SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LIBRA on KIN 254 – 14 OCTOBER 2023
21 is referred to as the CROWN of the MAGI – it is a frequency that brings many rewards, blessings, honours and elevation.. it relates to making plans for future success..
LIBRA is the sign of the PEACEMAKER, DIPLOMAT and romantic seeking LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY in relationships and our world..
LIBRA is the zodiac sign most closely aligned with LAMAT the YELLOW STAR.. Thus this is a BRILLIANT SYNCHRONIC ALIGNMENT of codes today – the SOLAR ECLIPSE is ACTIVATING the NEW HARMONIC TIME..
Through the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER we have the opportunity to RELEASE all that is disharmonious and CHOOSE to align with a beautiful new HARMONIC REALITY…
We are currently in an ECLIPSE CAULDRON – in between the EVENTS of the lunar eclipse just past and the forthcoming Solar eclipse in Aries on 29 MARCH 2025. as we approach EQUINOX on 20 March 2025. .
Major equalizing ECLIPSE forces are operating to create a QUANTUM RESET FOR US ALL.
We are in the 13th and FINAL VERTICAL COLUMN of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR which represents the CROWN CHAKRA.. This passage is ACTIVATING our CROWN to embody the greater light flowing to EARTH now.
We have 7 days to go!!
In addition to all these DIVINE codes we have a phenomenal infusion of DIVINE MAJIK! The WHITE WIZARD is ENCHANTING us today to pick up our wands and access our potent POWERS which are coming back ONLINE NOW!
The WHITE MAJIK that our IX -WIZARD is casting today will BREAK the evil, hypnotic DREAM-SPELL and through Divine enchantment AWAKEN the sleeping beauties! HALLELUJAH – DIVINE PROVIDENCE is underway!
Day 7 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we are becoming STILL and receptive, in order to attune to the endlessness of the Majik that surrounds us and fills our being with SPARKLE!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials today as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel these majikal forces.
As our SPARKLE is IGNITED, we then inspire others who can see our LIGHT. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. It is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings, and what frequencies we are actually emitting, as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
Number 7 is the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which is divinely PERFECT on a White Wizardry day! At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon, learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all.
Today’s question is “How can I AWAKEN and ATTUNE to the endless WHITE Majik and Wisdom that surrounds me, in order to create HEALING MIRACLES and become INSPIRATIONAL to my kin?”
“Am I willing to SURRENDER my LIFE to the hands of the DIVINE?”
Wishing you a divinely charming and majikal White Wizardry day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Speaking of CROWNS!
William is a WHITE RESONANT WIZARD and he incarnated on SUMMER SOLSTICE!!! He was birthed on that portal on 21 JUNE 1982.. He will be turning 43 years on this Solar Return in 3 months time.. 43=7 more SPIRITUAL MAJIK/TESTS. . 21 is the frequency of the CROWN of the MAGI. His lifepath number is 29/11 – a path of Spiritual Mastery/tests and illumination – on a portal number.
Prince William definitely has some HIGH POWERED and important codes in his toolbox.. not an easy ride but a necessary one for an impending Monarch.
KIN 254 has the RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER as its higher guide which brings forth the life lessons through DEATH and endings. Sadly the DEATH of his mother – Princess Diana was devastating for him to deal with and is truly shaping his personality, life path and embodiment of compassion and empathy through processing all these emotions.. Not an easy path indeed. Hopefully soon he can fully utilize the GIFTS of CONNECTION that the WORLDBRIDGER brings.
As a RESONANT WIZARD – WILLIAM definitely has some HIGH DIVINE MAJIK up his sleeve.. we ain’t seen nothing yet as he has many gifts, talents and resources available to him once he fully CONNECTS and attunes to his DIVINE TEAM.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD IX is tribe number 14 = 7 +7 7 is the number of the Mystic and the Magician and corresponds to the Spiritual Initiate and Hermit – one devoting their life to Spiritual wisdom and soul growth. The WHITE WIZARD tribe carries DOUBLE the Majik...
We are also in the 6TH Year of the 13 year White Wizard cycle -bringing forth another layer of Majik.. Layer upon layer of WHITE MAJIK is being unravelled today!
All this coupled with the 7 frequency of the Resonant tone and the 9.9. and codes.! All this UBER powerful 7 Majik codes means we have an ENDLESS supply of Majik and Mystical Miracles available TODAY!!!… Woweeeee!!!
Our planet really is needing much Divine Majik right now and SPIRIT is answering our call – THE CAVALRY IS COMING!!
We need many MIRACLES on many levels to get us through these planetary tests on our patience, FAITH and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN.
Spirit is giving us a DIVINE ATTUNEMENT today! Each and EVERYONE of us needs to develop our own relationship with Spirit and strengthen our connection… This requires STILLNESS – time to QUIETEN our monkey minds and just sit still for a while… tuning in to a different frequency so that Spirit can fill in the gaps – the SPACE between thoughts.
Once our channel is fully attuned and flowing, all we need to do is be receptive, and we can draw forth the endless wisdom, guidance and mystical truths from Spirit/Source.. then we can deduce the TRUTH of what is occuring before our very eyes.
This MAJIK is activating our GRAND RISING folks!! Stay A-tuned!
Spiritual alchemy is available for us today. The aethers will shapeshift to create our projected thought forms into matter!
What are you desiring, and what are you projecting?
Be careful what you WISH for, as you have the superpower of enchantment at your disposal today.
Are you OPEN to experiencing all the MAJIK that the Universe has to offer you, through your resonance with ALL THAT IS?
WE have a phenomenal OPPORTUNITY today to change the trajectory of our lives and that of our planet! Believe it and use your power WISELY.
Step into your true Creator form today and experience the MIRACLE of being a Divine Alchemist.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER CIMI alongside the WHITE WIZARD allows you to be more receptive to messages, information and energies from endless dimensions and realms.
These two buddies belong to the WHITE ROOT RACE who are the Spiritual Refiners…uncovering pure unadulterated TRUTH.. Giving you the POWER and discernment to SEE beyond any hypnotic spell
This power of REVELATION – is opening the CURTAIN beyond the veil – for all to SEE with their own eyes… much will be uncovered and revealed today – particularly for those souls who have previously been ASLEEP throughout the whole movie!!!
The WHITE tribes hold a very strong and PURE connection to SPIRIT holding the key to effortlessly access DIVINE WISDOM.. We also have a 3.3. HOLY SPIRIT code further fortifying our connection and ability to RECEIVE the whisperings of SPIRIT.
When you are connected to SPIRIT – you just KNOW! No words or explanation is necessary!
There is an endless stream of wisdom and guidance accessible to each of us if we are willing to tune in!
CIMI enables you to transform your life today, closing the door on the old cycle and way of being. CIMI assists you in building the bridge to the NEW YOU, and where you want to go. To create more beauty and harmony in your life, beautiful and loving relationships and a soul enriching existence.
CIMI provides you with the connections, you just need to BELIEVE that you have the power to manifest this beautiful life. Gather with your kin and hold the visions as manifestation power is compounded when we cocreate with others vibrating at the same frequency.
CIMI is sealing the store of DEATH on the old paradigm today – bringing an END to the ole BLACK MAGIC SPELL.. HALLELUJAH!!
CIMI is continuing to man the rainbow bridge and rainbow connections to the beautiful new Paradigm we have entered.
CLOSURE – ENDINGS- and NEW BEGINNINGS – the cycles revolve like a spiralling staircase – keep walking and keep evolving as humanity is all ascending this collective rainbow staircase together – there is no going back – the WAVE of our GREAT AWAKENING is gathering momentum. .
SURRENDER – LET GO, and LET GOD cocreate your beautiful LIFE.
SUPPORT: RED RESONANT SERPENT CHICCAN represents the healing caduceus, and enables you today, to attune to the knowledge that brings Healing. Accessing this wisdom can restore health and vitality on all levels of your being. What a wonderful supporting energy for today’s event!
If your SPARKLE has been dulled, then bring forth the healing MIRACLES you require to regain your physical strength, power and vitality.
CHICCAN brings forth incredible POWER to fuel your desires and passion! This potent RED energy can be further harnessed to add more life force to your Creations.
RED SERPENT will ensure that you establish that solid foundation that you require in order to TRUST the messages… TRUST that you can overcome ALL FEAR… and RISE above the Survival Game… 🐦🔥
When you HEAL your LIFE, you can then INSPIRE others to do the same.. .Building up your POWER chakras and your self-confidence, ensures that all your basic needs are met, and you feel SAFE and secure – that you have the POWER inside you to materialize all that you require.
Remember to use this power wisely for your benefit and that of others for the greater good. Channel the POWER of CHICCHAN to IGNITE your SPARKLE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RESONANT HAND MANIK brings forth MIRACULOUS healing power to support RED SERPENT and WIZARD in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to recovery. This brilliant medicinal line-up can provide the script to heal all that ails you!
The HEALING PORTAL is WIDE OPEN today and the codes are flowing into your channel… All that you require is easily accessible through the corridors of TIME… all can be HEALED by remembering that we are WHOLE and complete – GOD/GODDESS can never be sick or imperfect! As we are all God/Goddess incarnate, then we are already healed!
MANIK also brings forth the POWER of accomplishment – so get out your tool kit – and focus on what needs your attention to bring closure and completion. Majik and accomplishment make for a wondrous alchemical union.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RESONANT SEED KAN is today’s challenge that strengthens you, as indeed we GROW much stronger when we have had resistance on our path. Just as the WIND provides the force which the TREE needs, in order to strengthen and expand its root structure… The stronger the wind the tougher the tree!
Today we have the ability to heed the lessons that KAN is teaching us – to AWAKEN, GROW and lean towards THE LIGHT – using the DIVINE WHITE MAJIK of SPIRIT.
The shadow side of YELLOW SEED reveals that KAN can sometimes get “stuck in the mud” refusing to sprout and grow, remaining stagnant, because GROWTH requires focused intent and energy. . It is much easier to remain complacent and ignorant, because that feels SAFE and easy…and sadly that is why so many soul’s resist the nudge by Spirit to AWAKEN, rise and become enLIGHT-ened...
This process attracts tests, challenges and resistance, particularly with a 7 SPIRITUAL INITIATION code.. and so habits form in being comfortable in the same routine..
In order to GROW and become an inspiration to yourself, your family and others then you must DESIRE to REACH for the STARS!
Today is a very powerful MAJIKAL code – and a DIVINE GIFT to SHIFT GEARS – but unless you put in the effort to CREATE something with this energy that presents, then it will just rush on by and nothing will change.
The gift of KAN, is to know that a little effort each day pays off big dividends in the long term.
That little seed will be a seedling, then a sapling, and then perhaps one day a mighty tree!
If you do not see instant MIRACLES in one day, do not give up on the MAJIK SPELL that you cast. You have set the spell in motion. Your enchantment is being created in the aethers and is on its way.
Keep believing and keep expressing your radiant powers benevolently, each and every day, and the Universe will return the energy 1000 fold!
NOTE: Collectively the TEST of the RESONANT SEED is highly charged today with these ASCENSION energies. There is a huge PUSH for the sleeping/stagnant seeds to ROUSE from their slumber today. To STIR, to RISE and AWAKEN from the dark DREAM-SPELL. To OPEN their EYES and for the first time in their lives recognize the beauty and MAJESTY, that Spirit is desiring to SHOW US ALL as a GLOBAL family!
Today’s question is “How can I AWAKEN and ATTUNE to the endless WHITE Majik and Wisdom that surrounds me, in order to create HEALING MIRACLES and become INSPIRATIONAL to my kin?”
“Am I willing to SURRENDER my LIFE to the hands of the DIVINE?”
Wishing you a divinely charming and majikal White Wizardry day!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙
Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:
✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.
Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.
Great Spirit, Divine Creator, Mother Earth, and Sacred Forces of Nature,
With reverence and love, we stand upon this holy ground, the land that has nourished us, sheltered us, and held the wisdom of our ancestors. We honor the rivers that flow like veins through the body of the Earth, the mountains that stand as ancient guardians, the forests that whisper the sacred songs of life, and the skies that embrace us in their eternal watch.
We call upon the spirits of the land, the keepers of the soil, the winds, the waters, and the sacred fire. Let your voices rise in harmony with ours, calling for healing, protection, and renewal. May all wounds upon this Earth be cleansed, and may balance be restored where harm has been done.
By the power of the Divine Light, we pray: Let the waters run pure once more. Let the forests be reborn in their sacred majesty. Let the air be cleansed, carrying only the breath of life. Let the lands be free from corruption, greed, and destruction.
May those who walk upon this Earth remember their sacred duty—to protect, honor, and nurture the land that gives them life. May the wisdom of our ancestors guide our hands and hearts, teaching us to live in harmony with the Earth, not in dominion over her.
We ask for the protection of the lands that still hold their sacred power, that they may remain untouched by those who seek to exploit them. We ask for the healing of the lands that have suffered, that they may be restored to their original purity.
May the heartbeat of the Earth grow stronger. May the sacred lands thrive in beauty and abundance. May we, the stewards of Mother Earth, awaken to our calling.
With gratitude, with love, and with unshakable faith, we offer this prayer. So it is, so it shall be.
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