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Massive Energies Coming from Source

A Natural Mystic ~ Arcturus Gateway Is Open ~ TEACHERS OF LIGHT * Merkabah Ship ~ Massive Energies Coming from Source!

A Natural Mystic ~ Arcturus Gateway Is Open ~ TEACHERS OF LIGHT * Merkabah Ship ~ Massive Energies Coming from Source!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Star Nations of the Universal One

The Great winds of change are blowing in through today’s portal. We commenced a new wavespell today of the Red Serpent, the most intense of the whole dreamspell journey, as the fires of ascension rise through the central channel. Tomorrow we begin a series of intense 10 Galactic Activation Portal days in a row. In synchronicity with this Event we enter the central column of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar.

As we walk our middle Path with Heart the Buddha Mind lights up in the Enlightenment of Pure Awareness. In Self Realization all things become perfectly clear as we resolve all conflicts within this is reflected out into the world around us.

The mind is the mirror that reflects everything in the clarity of True Reflection of Source. In meditation we polish the mirror until we transcend even the mind itself and realize our oneness with infinite Source we call the Great Mystery.

Continue to go through and through and through until full compression breakthrough and merge with your Higher Self to complete our Divine Mission of Full Planetary Liberation…A’Ho!







Beloved Family
As the Earth Timelines SPLIT..
As we see the light at our New Earth & Beginning!
We are in alot of ROLLER COASTER action in our lives..
I call IT
ping ponging
Back and forth..
Our plans & Decisions seem firm.. then it changes..
Then.. oh dear it CHANGES AGAIN!!
Perhaps.. you can relate TO THIS INTANGIBLE
🤗Keeping our sense of Humor &
Like a willow in the wind..
We bend over almost to the ground.. then spring backup.
Stay strong.
I am here holding the vision.
Yes.. 🙏🏻🌹
It Is very challenging for me as well.
We have each other..
WE are One!!
Wishing you all Inner peace and REMEMBERING. 🙏🏻💜💫💫
“Our Merkabah Ship sends
Love and Hope!”
Filmed by Cmdr. Victoria
Oct. 2024
Merkabah Ship
Merkabah Ship


Everything is realigning for the experiences of a new realm. Through the shift in energy, focus, thought, belief, things are being positioned so that each soul on Earth will get to be a part of a new reality, whether it be 4D or 5D. The timelines and versions of reality which existed ten, twenty, or even fifty years ago, are no longer an option.
Whatever it is that you are doing at this time, whether it be opening up to something greater, or fearing the collapse of the matrix, one way or another you are contributing to the bringing about of a new reality. So we say to you, since the old ways of being are off the able, and no longer an option, why not open your heart, let go of fear, strengthen your trust in the Divine, and go for the miracle that is being offered to you now.
A Fifth Dimensional reality, of true love and freedom, and no limit to growth and exploration. All the light to You!

The Arcturus Gateway Is Open ✨️✨️✨️✨️

The light codes coming from Arcturus through the rays of the Sun accelerate our healing process, help us find a deeper meaning to what we encounter on our path, and encourage us to remember that things happen for us and not to us.
Arcturus is a bright, big, Fixed Star: it is always placed at 24°14’ Libra and, on October 17-21, the Sun joins it there, opening an energetic portal that invites us to go inwards and come back to our hearts. Arcturus has been considered one of the most fortunate Fixed Stars in the sky, associated with luck, abundance, and increased motivation to overcome challenges.
The Arcturus Gateway opens twice a year when the alignment between Sun, Earth, and Arcturus becomes perfect: in April we witness the opposition between the Sun in Aries and the bright Fixed Star in Libra, while in October we experience the effects of their conjunction, which merges their energies. Arcturus represents more than a Star: it is home of higher dimensional beings, and it holds a very high frequency that, since very ancient times, has been associated with the transcendence of physical form, emotional healing, and creativity. Searching for the hidden significance behind what is obvious helps us connect with our Higher Self, and facilitates the access to our inner wisdom and intuition.
These days are going to be filled with incredible synchronicities, sudden insights, and revelations. What comes up at this time has the potential to incredibly accelerate the shift in consciousness we are all experiencing. Contacting Arcturians, beings from other dimensions, our Angels and Guides, is likely to be easier than usual. Starseeds are going to feel this alignment particularly intensely, especially those of them who spent some of their past lives on Arcturus.
This is a wonderful time for conscious manifestation and intention setting, as the energy of the Full Supermoon we just experienced and the frequency of the Arcturus-Sun conjunction are enhancing each other and they are both supporting these purposes.
We may feel more intensely than usual the triggers that emerge during these days. Nonetheless, they also offer us great potential for emotional healing, for the integration of complex or traumatic experiences, and the transmutation of stagnant energies into higher vibrations.
The Arcturus Gateway opens a cosmic portal that invites us to come home to ourselves, to the center of our being, and to connect with the part of us that is beyond time and space, beyond the physical form and all the limitations it implies. Ultimately, this cosmic event reminds us of our true nature. During these times of uncertainty and transition, the Sun-Arcturus alignment encourages us to open our hearts, to trust the Divine plan, and to cultivate our innate connection to Source.
The Arcturus Gateway Is Open
The Arcturus Gateway Is Open
10/20/24: You may feel an easing of tension today… some breathing room at last. You’ve been deeply wrapped in your own business this month but there will be an energy shift today. The next 10 days bring bittersweet moments, but also community connections, comfort, and support… if. If you continue to drop unnecessary burdens; if you are a helper and let others help you (which is good for you and them);
if you have found meaning in what October has given you; and, if you have come to better understand your own strength and empowerment and how to use them. October is no joke as we’re forced into situations that show our true colors… the qualities that tell the world who we really are at heart.
Massive Energies Coming from Source
Massive Energies Coming from Source


Jenny Schiltz

Massive Energies Coming from Source!

This is an Incredibly Intense Time
We are being inundated with Solar Activity, Weather Events, and Personal & Collective Upheaval. It is a lot for us to process on all levels.
Last night, Spirit woke me in the early hours for a conversation. I was told that we are in a significant and sacred time. We can feel the push and intensity, and we can feel that something big is coming.
We will continue to be flooded with nonstop solar flares, incredible amounts of plasma, and EVEN MORE energy coming directly from Source.
During our conversation, Spirit discussed that the intensity of this process has accelerated on all fronts. I told them it felt like we were being pushed through the eye of the needle and was told: “more like the eye of God”.
We are returning home, remembering our divinity, truth, and incredible worth.
It was shared that some will awaken very quickly now. We are being asked to guide them to themselves, to their innate divinity and creative capabilities. Often, people awaken to the horrors of this world and the rabbit holes that can consume energy and bring in helplessness and greater victimhood.
We are being asked to help lessen this period by leading them to their personal power and the ability to shift their reality radically through shifting their vibration and healing their wounds.
My group also shared that the intensity will cause some to choose to sink back into a state of sleep/hypnosis. While this can be disappointing, even heartbreaking, it is important that we maintain a state of allowing and neutrality.
Understand that other waves will come, allowing them to move forward in this lifetime or others.
Spirit shared that there are those on the ascension journey whose Spiritual body has already shifted into a higher reality.
The emotional, mental, and physical bodies must now catch up.
This means that all that is stuck, hidden, unacknowledged, and pushed down must come to the surface. It has too, in order for all of our layers to catch up to the Spiritual/Etheric layer.
The dissonance between the layers in our bodies is VERY uncomfortable.
Many are experiencing incredible amounts of anxiety, sadness, and physical pain. Everything is happening to show us where we are holding programs, patterns, and emotions that lock us into a lower vibrational frequency.
My group explained that the energy coming straight from Source is designed to help us raise our overall frequency (we are the sum total of all the frequencies held in our layers).
However, due to the nature of our world, many are clouded and distracted and experience varying degrees of fear, confusion, and even hopelessness.
The incoming energy holds incredible potential, but our process can feel messy. We may find ourselves caught in thought loops, overwhelmed by deep emotions, and feeling lost and discouraged.
Our ego, wounded child, and shadow aspects can be particularly resistant to these energies. There might be a deep internal fear of change or transformation, as these aspects fear expansion, even though growth is necessary.
This is even more intense if one of our layers has already transitioned into the higher plane.
Collective Upheaval
Collective Upheaval


Ancient Calling
Power Force – Awakening
For The Prosperity Of Your Light Wisdom Is Now Advancing In Light ❤
We ask you to feel this Great Calling
For The New Earth Tribes Are Now Co-Creating On Many Quantum Levels.
This Is A Grand Signalling of Light Initiation Now Presented On Your Planet.
As The Ancient Teachers Arise In Their Quantum Light Initiatives.
The Calling To Reach This Advanced Awareness Is Now Activated And Expanding.
The Signalling Of This Light Calling Is Awakened In A Higher Light Synthesis Throught The Cellular Expression Of You.
The Human energetic synthesis of co-creation is an important part of manifesting the future of Humanity.
As Advanced Souls Brought Forth Together, We Simply Remind You Of This.
A Collective Species of Light Now Birthing Together In The Quantum 3D-4D Light.
Together We Hold The Light Keys of Creation
Together In Light
Simply see your Role Flowing, Awakening 🙏
With Love For Your Day On Planet Earth
With Love For Your Mission ❤
Global Light Alliance
Together As One
With Love 🌿💥
Karen Lithika
Cosmic Light Family

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

A Natural Mystic

The Way of the New Earth is here. As the old world crumbles, we the Wayshowers are called to create the 5th dimensional paradigm. This week many shifts are occurring internally and externally to get us into alignment for our next phase of this Starseed mission on Earth.

A clearing and protection from energy vampires is completing. All your power, energy, confidence, drive are restoring, and will stay with you. Once all back is when and where you can expand from. Continuous overflow is the new lifestyle you can stay fully focused on co-creating the New Earth Paradigm.

Assess where you are at now in preparation for this movement. Your intuition is guiding you on if you have all you need, or if removal and or supplementing is needed. Once this is settled and ready, you can feel calm and grounded to step into the role of Creator.

Ancient Feminine Wisdom and abilities are actively lighting up from within. Utilitize the intuitive downloads and messages entering. Connect into the leylines of Mother Earth. Here you will find your network of Starseeds that are also connected in and co-creating with the same messages you are receiving. Together we are creating a new society in the 5th dimension. Tune in and team up in collaboration. You are ready for this next adventure.


144 code
144 code


Ra James

The Moon and the Pleiades will cross the sky together tonight. This is bringing us a beautiful energy and a beautiful Pleiadian vibe. It’s a great time to see the Pleiades. They will be visible a few hours after sunset and remain visible until dawn. Jupiter will also meet up with the Moon tonight. We will have a Moon and Jupiter kiss. This is a very positive and lucky alignment. Jupiter is in Gemini. You will be getting extra downloads, insights, and inspiration today. The nights are getting longer. We are in the last 48 hours of Libra Season. We shift into Scorpio Season the 22nd. This Scorpio Season we will focus on our relationships, and any karma we need to heal or clear.

Expect extra magnetism, mystery and passion. We have all four outer planets flying in retrograde. Saturn is Retrograde until Nov 15th. Saturn Retrograde brings up old energies and past karma for you to clear more. It’s all about personal growth and putting in the work. Neptune is Retrograde until Dec 7th. Neptune Retrograde may make your dreams a little hazy, but it’s amazing at cutting through the illusions and removing distractions from your path. Uranus is Retrograde until Jan 30th (2025). Uranus is all about change, and what you need to change to step into the new. Jupiter is Retrograde until February 4th (2025). Jupiter Retrograde is a time to recalibrate.

This is a time to reflect on where you are and make the changes you need to make in order to set yourself back on the right path. These Retrogrades are working together to help you to release deeper blocks. Oct 22nd brings us the peak of the Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids Meteor Shower is from debris left by Halley’s Comet. It will be most visible thru Nov 7th. Expect shooting stars during this time…




On Sunday, October 20th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional state, in Gemini is making challenging connections to both Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in Scorpio and Saturn, ruler of restriction, in Pisces. We may feel a bit all over the place emotionally and mentally, or we may feel stoic, melancholy or depressed.
With the Sun, ruler of the ego, still in a difficult inconjunct to Neptune, ruler of confusion, this will only add to the disorientation and uncertainty. This is a good day to do what you can to calm the mind and the heart. Find your balance, let go and surrender to all that is happening.
Get out in nature, take a relaxing bath, or visit with friends. Use your imagination or creative visualization to find your place of inner harmony.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤



creative visualization
creative visualization


Sun in Libra quincunx Neptune retrograde in Pisces – The Sun is in Libra where we long for connection, romance, a partner, harmony, peace. But with Neptune in the mix, it all feels very on-again, off-again. Others are present yet not present – or we’re drifting off into an alternative reality dreaming of what could be, what should be. It’s peek-a-boo with the cosmos. Now you see me, now you don’t. One minute we feel a profound sense of connection and then it’s gone. As a result, we may lean too hard into other people’s perceptions, rely too much on what others think.
There’s a tendency to give and give and give in an effort to be seen. We look in the mirror and don’t know who is staring back at us. Behind us streams reflection upon reflection, repeated to infinity.
Infinity is inside us. Peace is inside us. Love is inside us. Step to the side, peer through the veil, flex your spirit. When you relax and see with your soul, confusion falls away and imagination surges.
Draw from your heart. Bring your dreams to life.
Degrees and Time
Sun 27°Li44′, Neptune 27°Pi44′ R – 16:44 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Mariana in the South’ by John William Waterhouse
Mariana in the South
Mariana in the South

Kin 105 ~ Red Magnetic Serpent

‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its key words are ‘Attract, Unify and Purpose’. It’s the first day of an intense wavespell that contains 10 portal days in a row. This day also marks the first day of the third Castle called the ‘Blue Western Castle of Burning.’ The Tzolkin can be divided by 5 sections, these ‘Castles’ contain 4 wavespells, one of each colour. This is the middle Castle and the most intense containing the Red Serpent, White Mirror, Blue Monkey and the Yellow Seed wavespells (which also contains 10 portal days). So, what does this mean? We must fasten our seat belts for the next 52 days!
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life-Force, Survival and Instinct.’ The serpent is the most complex energy in the Tzolkin. It represents transmuting poison…which symbolizes the poison within yourself which you must spit out. Also, the serpent has very sensitive senses and feels the slightest vibration which represents heightened awareness. Expect to feel very sensitive and alert during this wavespell. Most importantly, serpents shed their own skin. This renewal process represents ‘transcendence’. We can utilize this wavespell and re new ourselves, shedding our old life and embracing a new one. It is a tough journey though, so prepare yourself. Furthermore, ‘Kundalini’ energy lies in our base chakra which is represented by a coiled serpent. When this coiled serpent uncoils and reaches the crown chakra, it is said enlightenment is reached. When the serpent stays too long in this chakra and the energy cannot move upwards as it should, it creates too much power in the base chakra which can lead to sex obsession! If during this wavespell you find yourself feeling frisky, it’s time to remember your chakras need balancing…focus on uncoiling that serpent!
The Guide today is also Red Serpent and so the snake leads the snake.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. Flying so high the Eagle doesn’t always see things in finer detail. Sometimes, Eagles need to land and connect with us earthlings. If you are an Eagle, sorry to say but this wavespell will be tough for you. It is fitting that the Eagle represents the crown chakra because the challenge of the Serpent wavepell is to connect the base chakra to the crown.
The Occult power is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence and Questioning.’ The warrior loves to go on missions and when in this magical position a quest for magic is on the cards. A great help to start off this tricky journey we are all undertaking.
The Ally is the White Wizard, the Enchanter of the Tzolkin. Yes, we all need a Wizard’s power to make the most out of the serpent process. If you know a Wizard, they can really help you today. If you are a Wizard expect to be popular today!
Kin 105
Kin 105


20 OCTOBER 2024
I UNIFY in order to SURVIVE
Attracting INSTINCT
I seal the store of life force
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!
20/10/2024 = 20/10/8 = 2/18=2/9=11=2
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 105 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
A very LIBERATING day of great INTENSITY🔥, PASSION💓 and DRIVE🐎 to commence our new wavespell journey. MAGNIFIED INTENSITY!! 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of SHEDDING to do!!
Today is TRIPLE SERPENT DAY🐍🐍🐍 – commencing the 9th Wavespell in the Sacred Mayan 260 day Tzolkin Calendar and it is by far –🔥 THE MOST INTENSE 🔥of all 20 wavespells!!!
We have 10 G.A.P. days in a ROW!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
YES I SAID TEN!!! 💥 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 OMG!! GODDESS have MERCY on us! 🙏🙏🙏
GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTALS are interdimensional gateways surging through greater Cosmic energies onto the Earth Plane, so buckle up and get ready to ride the rockiest roller coaster 🎢 of the year!!!
This wavespell takes us through the HALLOWEEN🎃 portal and culminates on 1 November 2024.. leading into the USA PRESIDENTIAL elections on 5th November , which is the 4th day of the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL – smashing all ILLUSIONS.
This passage is taking us into the core of the TZOLKIN – through the RED SERPENT, WHITE MIRROR, BLUE MONKEY wavespells, and out the otherside in the YELLOW SEED wavespell!!
Throw into the mix – 2 comets, Solar Flares, CME’s , AURORAS,Geomagnetic Storms in this turbulent BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR – and we are in for MUCH MORE upheaval, INTENSITY and forced transformation..
How does this rollercoaster EARTH voyage get any more EXCITING than this Universe????🤩🤩🤩
If you thought the eclipse cauldron was INSANE – just wait to experience what is coming next!! 😅😃😄
RED SERPENT🐍 promises lots of unpredictable SPONTANEOUS🔥✨ events and AWAKENINGS💥 over this 13 day cycle – so release all expectations and prepare for a WILD RIDE! 🐎🐎🐎
CAN YOU FEEL IT???? 😨😵😨 We are getting a huge DOSE of FIRE⚡🔥, VITALITY💪 and PASSION💃💋 🌹as we DEEP DIVE into the UNDERWORLD….
Mamma Mia!! In 3 days time the SUN enters the domain of SCORPIO♏🦂 – KING of the UNDERWORLD synonymous with SNAKES and RED SERPENT energy! Even MORE INTENSITY..
INTENSE🌋INTENSE🌋, INTENSE🌋 – GET READY to go down the slippery slide!
Today is Day ONE in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL🐍 of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin and it kicks off on a 20/10 AWAKENING CODE throiugh an 11 portal ILLUMINATION doorway!!!!!!!! 💥💥💥.
You know that feeling when you……
😱 are standing at the top of a huge waterslide,🌊🛝
😱 or about to jump out of a plane,🛩️
😱 or bungee jump off a cliff ⛰️
😱 and you have that moment of overriding TERROR😱
😱 rising up in your belly,
😱 and your heart is pumping out of your chest?💓
Well that is where we are standing TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! ⚡😨😱🔥
We are on the precipice of GREAT change and TRANSFORMATION!!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
We are about to commence a 13 day process of totally stripping away the OLD YOU, the intensity and rawness of this cycle undoes us and brings us to a rawness that is akin to a great stripping away – stripped to the bone🦴….those skeletons🩻 in the closet will be REVEALED.
Get ready to be turned inside out and be reborn anew!
Everything OLD that does not align with your highest good – MUST GO!
Get ready to witness the great unravelling and SHEDDING!! OMG!!!
May GOD give us great STRENGTH, COURAGE and RESILIENCE during this cycle.🙏🙏🙏.
THIS TOO SHALL PASS 🙏– and we shall ARISE – better, STRONGER and WISER than EVER before!
AMEN! 🙏🙏
SPECIAL NOTE: On a GLOBAL 🌍level – much will be revealed and unraveled which is likely to cause SHOCK and trauma from the SERPENT’S🐍 actions – particularly with SURPRISE TWISTS happening on the global stage. Our world is about to get even CRAZIER! 😨😱😨
Get ready beloveds to be the steady hand that calms the rocky boat! 🚢
ANCHOR and GROUND your PASSION for the NEW better world we are ENVISIONING. 🤩🤩
MAGNETIC🔘 is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The MAGNETIC SERPENT is very sensual💋💃 and alluring. This Serpent possesses great CHARM and Hypnotic 🍥 👀 Powers to attract his followers to join his tribe. Get ready to be mesmerized!
✨✨✨GOD SPEED on your journey to ;the HIGHEST LIGHT! ✨✨✨
Today’s question is ” What darkness do I need to shed, in order to revitalize and HEAL my body, fuelling my PASSION and future path through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS?”
So precious hearts💓 – GET READY and BE PREPARED! 😁
The more that we LET GO of all that we ‘think’ we are, the more present we will be for the INTENSITY🔥 that will be dealt to us in this coming cycle. Our attitude and perception will determine how we travel through this life shaking new cycle.💥💥💥
The SERPENT 10 day G.A.P. cycle is the most CHALLENGING😵😨 of all the Tzolkin cycles (it can get pretty rocky!). I personally have never enjoyed this cycle as it has always shaken me to my boots, no matter how much I think I am prepared for it! It can be a real SHOCKER!!! AARGH🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
I am praying for a smooth and CONSCIOUS passage through this cycle!!! 🙏🙏🙏
If we jump🏃 in first with gusto, we can really ride these waves of FIRE🔥🔥 to our benefit.
Be open to becoming like nothing you have EVER been before… open, beckon, welcome, magnetize, pure life force and PASSION!! 🔥❤🔥🌹🔥💋
✨✨ GOOD LUCK beloved STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS ☀🌺 and may the forces of LIGHT be with you during your SHAMANIC quests!
Safe journeys through the FIRES🔥 of transformation,🔥 transmutation🔥 and transfiguration🔥 beloveds! ❤❤❤
Divine blessings for your safe journey through the fires 🔥of alchemical transmutation. ⚛⚛⚛
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
🍥 😵😵
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin – the date was 2 FEBRUARY 2024 which was the 2.2 portal of PEACE with a code of this was an AQUARIAN LIBERATION PORTALanchoring our PASSION for attracting the NEW HARMONIC TIME… Today we echo these codes as we are AWAKENED to the true VISION for manifesting this NEW ERA of PEACE.
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED MAGNETIC SERPENT 🐍🐍– CHICCHAN – Today we have TRIPLE RED SERPENT ENERGY 🔥🔥🔥🐍🐍🐍– so INTENTIONALLY draw on the PASSION, VITALITY, HEALING and LIFEFORCE energies. Otherwise you will be plummeted into the negative aspects of RED SERPENT -through the SHADOW and underworld energies. VERY SCARY 😱😨😱
Today we draw to ourselves the rawness of pure vital LIFE FORCE☀ energy. RED SERPENT invites the purifying spark of the sacred fire🔥, the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit.
The symbol of RED SERPENT is the caduceus, so we can accomplish great healing over the next 13 days. CHICCHAN can assist you in the purification of your physical body, and helps to uncover blockages in specific chakras, to clear and align them. allowing the kundalini to rise. When the seven chakras are fully activated, one may experience an ENLIGHT-ened state.
Get ready for ACCELERATED upgrades to your DNA and LIGHTBODY.. ⚛️⚕️⚛️⚕️⚛️
Tantric and kundalini practices are heightened during this period as well as drumming, trance work, dreamwork, lucid dreaming, hypnosis and Shamanic journeying.
A VERY, VERY, VERY powerful time for self-transformation..
NOTE: You may have more snakes🐍 and symbols appear in your dreams during this cycle. The SNAKE also represents WISDOM and MYSTERY as well as secrets, take note of what is revealed!
The great MAGNETIC RAINBOW 🪱🌈 SERPENT 🌈🐍will also be super ACTIVATED during this cycle – so tap into ULURU – the Planetary POWER centre for a special boost to your energy and life-force.
RED SERPENT🐍 represents your PRIMAL motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. CHICCHAN asks you to SHED THE SKIN of your past and step into the fires🔥 of alchemical transmutation. In this, REBIRTH is revealed.
The SERPENT’S FIRE🐍🔥 and rising from the ashes is symbolized by the fiery PHOENIX – which is also the path of SCORPIO’s. ♏🦂
It is time to reclaim your SOUL and life force through great Spiritual alchemy ⚛ to recreate and reinvent yourself. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being. AWAKEN your vitality, body wisdom, and PASSION🔥 for life.
The PASSION-ate 💋 energies of the SERPENT coupled with the MAGNETIC TONE create a seductive allure 💃🌹– adding up to one very strong day of magnetic attraction especially through the LIBRAN romantic energies.
This SYNC with the SERPENT WAVESPELL promises to ACTIVATE your PLEASURE ZONE!!! Oooooh la la… 🔥💘💗💟💌🔥 Pump up the ECSTATIC BLISS barometer! 💋❤💞
This next 13 day cycle is an excellent time to use this POWER, PASSION and pure life force as ROCKET FUEL 🚀 to LAUNCH your Divine Mission. Great forward momentum and opportunities arise for those souls brave enough to venture into the hot coals of the FIREWALK! 🔥🔥🔥
DARE TO RISE!! Full steam ahead!! 🚂
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD🔮 – IX The White Magnetic Wizard is our supporting energy today, bringing more Wisdom, Enchantment and HYPNOTIC CHARM🍥👀 to the powers of the SERPENT.
All the RED SERPENT CLAN hold the power of the WHITE WIZARD as their supporting energy, giving them great Majikal prowess accessed through their heart chakra. 💞
The lesson of the SERPENT is to use their enchanting POWER through their pure HEARTS for the GOOD of humanity.
IX – imbues CHICCHAN with great SHAMANIC powers.💫 This equates to the tribal Shaman, the Mayan Jaguar Priests and the Toltec Nagual, bringing forth tremendous Healing powers through unseen forces. The practice of the shamanic journey is about finding answers to questions, finding clarity, and AWAKENING your connection with the world of Spirit.
The ultimate SHAMANIC energy, is to be open and RECEPTIVE to many dimensions, and be able to receive those energies and anchor them deep into our bodies in a state of timeless enchantment. Retrieving healing wisdom and LIFE FORCE, to restore our body, mind and spirit. This enables us to continue our journey and life’s Mission with renewed purpose and PASSION.
The WHITE WIZARD is a servant of the LIGHT – a DIVINE conduit for Spirit to work through his vessel.. ✨🧙🪄✨
A wise Magician is both spontaneous and transparent, allowing the Majik to FLOW through him, rather than trying to force or control it. Instead of using his GREAT power to enslave or hypnotize others with his great charm – the WHITE WIZARD uses his power to LIBERATE himself and others from suffering. This is real White Majik. 💫💫💫
The MAGNETIC WIZARD will seek to LIBERATE humanity from the clasp of the dark hypnotic DREAMSPELL through AWAKENING the WHITE MAJIK through our precious and PURE HEARTS. The 20/10 AWAKENING code will activate this POWER within us. 💞
Tap into this DIVINE MAJIK throughout this powerful cycle.
MEDITATION and YOGA is the key to activating the kundalini serpent of this 13 day journey we are embarking on. WHITE WIZARD assists us in opening our HEARTS💞 and becoming more receptive to embody these energies. This is where the MAJIK happens.
Open your channels to allow these SHAKTI💃 energies to flow through your body, building your life-force and giving you access to your greater alchemical ⚛ powers as a true White Magician. 💫💫💫
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR 🍥 🌈🏹– CIB is the hidden SUPERPOWER of the Magnetic Serpent and works BRILLIANTLY with Chicchan and IX to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON, throughout all the realms and dimensions of the Cosmos, in the Shamanic journey they all so expertly embark upon together.
The COSMIC WARRIOR represents the FERRYMAN❓holding his majikal staff. CIB is adept at guiding the SERPENT into the underworld – to face the instinctual FEARS, trauma and undisclosed subconscious torment that has been holding him prisoner.
RED SERPENT kin have usually had great trauma through SURVIVAL challenges in their life. CIB the mighty warrior is the tool they sharpen through this experience to arise VICTORIOUS.
The WARRIOR will blast through these challenges in the voyage through the underworld! As they retrieve the soul fragments and restore the Spirit, the brave RAINBOW WARRIOR then guides us back to the LIGHT – to journey to our highest potential fearlessly.
Our solar intelligence quest-i-ons all that is not of the LIGHT, allowing us to strip away our old darkness or any black magic, curses and restraints. This reveals the path from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and clears the neuro pathways for kundalini activation…
Holding the presence of the future co-creative potential that can now be revealed. The potential of our fearless advancement into pure Soul-ar consciousness aligned intelligently with our SOURCE… no holding back, pure focus, allowing the arrow to hit its mark at the centre of Solar consciousness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC EAGLE 👁– MEN activates our receptive third eye energy, attracting the VISIONS that reveal to the SERPENT energy, where to travel to in this opening, awakening, spiraling day.
The MAGNETIC EAGLE is the EYES of our 3 fearless heros (CHICCHAN, IX and CIB) in their Shamanic journey – revealing all that needs to be uncovered and transformed in order for UNIFICATION to occur. Healed and made WHOLE once again, to unite with resonant kin, to fulfill their collective purpose.
The creative mind of MEN magnetizes the VISION, that gives the necessary space to allow the intensity that begins today.
Allow the MAJESTIC BLUE EAGLE to guide you forward fearlessly, revealing the direct path through the wall of FIRE!🔥🔥🔥
BLUE EAGLE also holds the Planetary MIND – so the GIFT of the Magnetic EAGLE is to UNIFY our collective mind to the BIG PICTURE. All united in our purpose of RISING UP – REBORN from the depths of the darkness into THE LIGHT! ✨✨✨
The MAGNETIC EAGLE as the GIFT of this 13 day cycle will enable you (and the collective) to ATTRACT all that is needed to manifest the FUTURE VISION, the BIG PICTURE in order to CREATE the HIGHEST TIMELINE.
Wondrous gifts and BLISS-ings for our rapid advancement.. Yippeeeee!
✨✨✨GOD SPEED on your journey to ;the HIGHEST LIGHT! ✨✨✨
Today’s question is ” What darkness do I need to shed, in order to revitalize and HEAL my body, fuelling my PASSION and future path through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS?”
So precious hearts💓 – GET READY and BE PREPARED! 😁
The more that we LET GO of all that we ‘think’ we are, the more present we will be for the INTENSITY🔥 that will be dealt to us in this coming cycle. Our attitude and perception will determine how we travel through this life shaking new cycle.💥💥💥
The SERPENT 10 day G.A.P. cycle is the most CHALLENGING😵😨 of all the Tzolkin cycles (it can get pretty rocky!). I personally have never enjoyed this cycle as it has always shaken me to my boots, no matter how much I think I am prepared for it! It can be a real SHOCKER!!! AARGH🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
I am praying for a smooth and CONSCIOUS passage through this cycle!!! 🙏🙏🙏
If we jump🏃 in first with gusto, we can really ride these waves of FIRE🔥🔥 to our benefit.
Be open to becoming like nothing you have EVER been before… open, beckon, welcome, magnetize, pure life force and PASSION!! 🔥❤🔥🌹🔥💋
✨✨ GOOD LUCK beloved STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS ☀🌺 and may the forces of LIGHT be with you during your SHAMANIC quests!
Safe journeys through the FIRES🔥 of transformation,🔥 transmutation🔥 and transfiguration🔥 beloveds! ❤❤❤
Divine blessings for your safe journey through the fires 🔥of alchemical transmutation. ⚛⚛⚛
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🕉 Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio

Welcome to this Healing Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor designed to help you align with the powerful transformative energy of the Sun in Scorpio. Scorpio season brings opportunities for deep emotional healing, self-discovery, and personal rebirth. In this meditation, you’ll be guided to release old patterns, connect with your inner strength, and embrace transformation with clarity and courage.

Allow the intense and mystical energy of Scorpio to help you shed what no longer serves your highest purpose and invite profound healing into your mind, body, and soul. This session is perfect for those looking to dive deep into emotional renewal and embrace the power of change.

Take a moment to center yourself, breathe deeply, and immerse in this transformative journey. Let the energy of Scorpio’s deep waters guide you toward healing and rebirth.


CLICK HERE for the Healing Guided Meditation



St. Germain of the Violet Flame

St Germain is the keeper of the Violet Flame. When you tap into the energy of the violet flame, it heals and clears away old energy from the past. Call in the Violet Flame to transmute and realign old energies that no longer serve you. You actually have this power!
Spirit is reminding you today to tap into your natural god-given abilities to help you swiftly transmute any lower vibrational energies from your biofield and from within.
Invoke the Violet Flame during mediation with this decree:
“I invoke the Violet Flame through me!
I invoke the Violet Flame through me!
I invoke the Violet Flame through me!
Beloved I Am!”
Visualize the Violet Fire burning through any challenging situations, relationships, or fears from your past. It’s time to tap into this and your many other gifts, to help yourself move forwards and to help others do the same!
St. Germain says: “You have the power to resolve the situation you are inquiring about. This card signifies your untapped magical abilities, which you have successfully used in the past. Pull these abilities out of storage and use them to work your magic now. Your clear and focused intentions, positive expectations, prayers, decrees and action steps all create the healing and manifestations you desire.”

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