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Alien Disclosure Plan

The Earth Alliance’s Last Stand – The Final Showdown Begins : Alien Disclosure Plan

The Earth Alliance’s Last Stand – The Final Showdown Begins : Alien Disclosure Plan





RV Intelligence Alert: 


The Earth Alliance’s Last Stand – The Final Showdown Begins


The RV Intelligence Alert delivers a powerful message: The Earth Alliance is on the brink of its most critical battle against the Deep State Cabal. Will the forces of darkness prevail? The moment of truth has arrived, and the Earth Alliance needs all of us.

The winds of change are sweeping across a world held hostage by the Deep State Cabal for too long. Representing the will of the people, he has emerged from the shadows to confront these entrenched powers. This battle is about more than control – it is about the very soul of humanity.

The RV Intelligence Alert signals that the global financial system, manipulated for decades by humanity and  the Cabal, is now on the brink of collapse. The question remains: Will the Earth Alliance be able to break the chains of debt and oppression, or will the Cabal continue to enslave the world through economic tyranny

? The Alliance has made significant progress, with cracks forming in the Cabal’s armour as its own defectors abandon ship. But the battle is far from over. The last remnants of the Deep State, desperate to maintain their power, are resorting to sinister tactics, infiltrating governments and financial institutions to delay the inevitable.

The Battlefield The dominance of the global financial system has been waning, with Deutsche Bank – a pillar of the corrupt system – on the brink of collapse, threatening to trigger a domino effect that could bring down the entire fiat monetary system, but the Earth Alliance is racing to implement the Quantum Financial System (QFS) that will finally wrest control from the Cabal.

The stakes could not be higher. Undermining the transition to the QFS, but this is not just about money – it is about the future of the entire human race. The time to act is now. We are in the final phase of this war, and the outcome will determine whether freedom or tyranny reigns for generations to come.

Will we allow the Deep State to maintain its control or will we stand up together and secure justice, equity and financial freedom for all. The time to stand together is NOW !  Arrested before the election. 




[Key Points] The History of Earthling Enslavement from a Cosmic Perspective and Important Points of the Alien Disclosure Plan

Alien Disclosure Plan
Alien Disclosure Plan


To understand the essence of the “Q Plan”  currently being promoted  , knowledge and awareness of a “cosmic perspective” is essential.

Understand the history (key points) of the enslavement of Earthlings from a cosmic perspective and the alien disclosure plan

Understand the history (key points) of the enslavement of Earthlings from a cosmic perspective and the alien disclosure plan

Regarding the ongoing “Plan Q,” many people who consider themselves awakened are concerned.



“GESARA” “GCR/RV” “Space technology (Medbed, free energy, etc.)”

This is an element.

This can be determined from “words searched on SNS” and “level of interest in the information searched (number of views, etc.).”

Of course, there is nothing wrong with paying attention to the above factors, but there is one thing I don’t want you to misunderstand.

The above elements (introduction) are not the “essence of Plan Q”



That’s what it means.

The “Q Plan” has its essence (purpose) in the following two perspectives.

*Earth Alliance perspective: “Eliminate human trafficking,” “Eliminate pedophilia,” “Eliminate the fake financial system (monetary system),” and “Eliminate the deep state.”

*Space Alliance Perspective: “Elimination of dark side aliens and enslavement of Earthlings” and “Liberation of Earthlings (emancipation from slavery)”



The above two elements are the essence and true purpose of the “Q Plan.” Therefore,  I believe that  being fully aware of these factors is “awakening” in the true sense of the word.

This time, we will mainly focus on “basic information from the Space Alliance perspective”.

Basic information about the history of the enslavement of Earthlings from a cosmic perspective

I would like to introduce to you



Also, as a continuation of the article below,  I would like to talk about  the “Alien Disclosure Plan”.

[Space Alliance Perspective] History of Earthling Slavery (Overview)

[Space Alliance Perspective] History of Earthling Slavery (Overview)

Regarding the “history (flow) of the enslavement of Earthlings  ”, I would like to talk about it based on what I consider to be true, mainly based on the information provided by “Elena Danan”.

1) About 400,000 years ago, the “Anunnaki Empire” visited Earth!

Approximately 400,000 years ago, the Anunnaki Empire visited Earth!

*Alien names exist in various forms around the world. I hope you understand that there are multiple expressions (names).

The starting point for the occupation of Earth and the enslavement of Earthlings was around 400 thousand years ago.

Visit of the “Anunnaki” to Earth

It becomes.

“Annunaki”  is the name of an alien race, but it is said to be a complex being (alien) with different characteristics (genes).

*An important point to understand is that even though they are the same Anunnaki, there are beings with completely different personalities (appearances, personalities, etc.).

Main members of the Anak Empire

Anu, king of the Anak Empire

Enki (Ia), son of Anu (eldest son)

Enlil, son of Anu (second son)


“Enki (Ia)”  is an alchemist and geneticist.  Enlil  visits Earth as commander of the Anak Empire.

The Commander of the Imperial Army “Enlil” decides and promotes the enslavement of Earth’s humanity based on his own judgment.

You will have to do this. This is  the “beginning of the enslavement of Earthlings”  and the “  origin  of the Cabal Deep State.”

2) “Enki’s” resistance (criticism of Enlil) and defeat (expulsion from the land)

"Enki" Resistance

Enki is said  to have opposed  Enlil’s (commander of the imperial army) plan to enslave the earthlings from the very beginning.

However, while Enlil leads the imperial army, Enki is a “scholar.” They had no army and no way to contain Enlil.

Even so, Enki continued to resist Enki as much as possible (such as building a closed Atlantean civilization that would not be affected by Enlil), but in the end the Atlantean civilization was destroyed by Enlil.

Enki is exiled from Earth

It happened.

3) Brainwashing and enslavement of Earth humans

Brainwashing and enslavement of Earth's humans

After Enki’s banishment, Enlil accelerated his plan to enslave the Earthlings.

In order to enslave the earthlings,  the “brainwashing” of the earthlings began  . The following three elements were the means of brainwashing.

1. religion

2. money (monetary system)

3. fear

“Religion”  directs people’s faith toward false information and guidance. By speaking the name “God,” people have been instilled with a sense of dependence on (worship of) God.

By creating  “money (monetary system)”  , people’s dependence on “money” increases. On the one hand, they were given the carrot of “remuneration”, but on the other hand, a situation was created where they were forced to “work (labor analogous to slavery)” to earn money for the rest of their lives (in fact, slavery).

“Fear  ,” like “dependence on God,” is a factor that stops people from thinking. It is a means of guiding humanity toward purposeful actions and directions.

In order to enslave the Earthlings, the Enlil group is believed to have deepened their brainwashing through “religion.” (*By the way, religion and faith are completely different things, so please avoid misunderstandings.)

I’ll omit the details, but to give an example:

Enlil  portrays the god Yahweh (Jehovah).  Enlil’s son Ninurta  believed in a god called “Allah.”  Enki’s son Marduk, who fell to the dark forces,  is said to  have played the role of Satan  . (It appears he also played several other gods.)

4) Shadowy organization (system) of earthlings formed after the Middle Ages

An obscure organization (system) on the Earth side that formed after the Middle Ages.

As Enlil’s plan to enslave Earthlings progresses, Enlil and other aliens such as Shikar (Dark Draconian, Reptilian) and Gray (Orion Gray) strike a deal.

A powerful ruling group (organization) of dark side aliens has been formed.

After the Middle Ages, a shadow organization on the Earth side (including hybrids with aliens) was formed as a subordinate (real force) of a dark side alien group. This is it

Cabal (Freemasons, Illuminati, Deep State, etc.)


Through the “financial system (central banking system)”, “economic system”, “information system (media)” and “administrative system (national management)” created by the above organizations, people  will continue to be subjected to even more detailed  “brainwashing.”

5) “Liberation of Earth” from dark side aliens

“Liberation of Earth” from dark side aliens

Movements related to “Plan Q” are said to have been underway since the JFK era, but  the full “Earth liberation” movement  , including the Space Alliance (Galactic Federation, etc.), began in 2016. I think “after 2019.”

After Donald Trump became President of the United States, the Space Alliance and the Earth Alliance  began to expel (eliminate) the aliens from the dark side of the Earth  . The result

From 2021 to 2022, we managed to eliminate the dark side aliens that conquered Earth (by banishing them out of the solar system).

I am doing this. (However, at the moment, it seems that some alien-earthling hybrids remain on Earth. It seems that they are considered not to be of the dark side)

Alien Disclosure Plan Begins

Alien Disclosure Plan Begins

After successfully eliminating the dark side aliens in 2022 (around October?), it all started in January 2023.

alien disclosure plan


To embrace the future 5D world,  all Earthlings need to realize that  Earth (Earthlings) is a member of the vast universe.

To this end, we will first make them experience (perceive) the existence of extraterrestrial (alien) life forms… We will gradually release such information (disclosure) and confirm the existence (contact?) of aliens. We are in the process of doing so.

According to the latest information,  there is said to  be movement towards a concrete release plan in the near future (around June/July).

What challenges are expected in the future (DS false flag)?

What challenges are expected in the future (DS false flag)?

It is assumed that the DS remnants will “disrupt” the “Alien Disclosure Plan” being pursued by the Space Alliance and the Earth Alliance.

And that

Trying to create fear of aliens in people by spreading false information (such as holograms) that “extraterrestrial life forms have come to invade Earth.”

This is a false flag.

Currently, the dark side aliens have been exterminated, so brainwashing and guidance through “religion” is no longer possible.

The existing financial system virtually collapsed due to the Alliance’s introduction of the QFS and a black swan event.

The remnants of the DS are in a state where brainwashing and guidance by “religion” and “money” is impossible. So the only thing left is  brainwashing through fear  .

The remnants of the DS are desperately spreading information about a “new plague (imaginary plague)”. They are trying to somehow create a “price hike” and a “food crisis”. (bitter smile)

As part of this

alien invasion

They are trying to spread false information about fear. (Although it can be prevented by alliances.)

When these stories start to appear in the near future… let’s just ignore them. I would like  to spread the word that this is false information, and at the same time  let  people on Earth know that there are “good aliens” that we should coexist with.




RUMORS: 10/17/2024


Tuesday, 10/15/24


Bruce Big Call.

The emails arrived at the rescue centers yesterday. Not everyone was able to receive the emails, some failed.



They keep trying to fix the problem.

So we have a delay of one or two days. “It may take a day.”

Another source says we could receive notification tomorrow.

If you are redeeming Zim, you will be able to see the value of your R&R funds in your Quantum account.

There is no news about Social Security increases at this time.


It’s happening right now , and it’s far more explosive than anyone could have imagined. The white hats are closing in, and the deep state empire is disintegrating.



The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), the deep state’s worst nightmare, is here, and it’s not just a financial reset — it’s a total dismantling of the entire corrupt system. Forget what you’ve been told by the traditional liars — they were bought and sold by the same elites who are now running scared.


NESARA GESARA is set to trigger the ultimate global reset , eliminating debt, abolishing income tax, dismantling the IRS and releasing over 6,000 hidden patents!



Discover the shocking 30+1 provisions that will destroy the financial system, restore constitutional law, and unleash a new era of freedom and prosperity. Are you ready for the revolution? The world is about to change forever!


NESARA GESARA—The GLOBAL Reset That Will Destroy the Old World!

NESARA GESARA is not just another policy — it’s a BOMB. A total reset of the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Every institution, every system of control — destroyed. The 31 Protocols are designed to destroy the corrupt elite’s power structure and return it to the people. Are you ready for the explosion? Because NESARA is here and it’s about to change EVERYTHING!



The world will NEVER be the same again. The time for change is NOW.


The Emergency Broadcast System: The Signal of Change

Expect the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to be activated during this time. FEMA’s recent test was not just a routine exercise; it was a test to ensure that when the time comes, they will be able to connect to our devices through the quantum network. This network, powered by quantum energy, will be the backbone of the new world, a world free from cabal control.

When the EBS is activated, it will signal the beginning of the end for the old world. The message will be clear: the old world is dead, and a new world is being born. This will be the moment when power shifts from the cabal to the people, when the control of the few is broken, and the world is freed.




So far, illegal bioweapons labs, child sex trafficking, and organ and adrenochrome crimes of US deep state politicians have been exposed.

And the timing of the imminent EBS was predicted.

Exposing the Dark History of the US Deep State!

Time to activate EBS!

Globalist financial control has collapsed!




Operation Stormbreaker 24 (Thursday) and 25 (Friday) October 2024

The Largest Armada in History Military forces are launching coordinated attacks around the world to destroy globalist power structures.

Global power outage and activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)

Normal communications will be suspended for 10 days.


Currently, several events related to Plan Q are occurring in the world. If we organize and classify them, we can summarize them broadly into two movements.



✅ Preparation for GESARA society and promotion of reform (incorporation of GESARA elements)

✅ Elimination of DS remnants

If you follow every event that is happening in the world, you will be influenced by the information, so you will not be able to understand the big picture. We believe that it is desirable to capture only the “fundamental movements” (understand the phenomena).


Currently, the world line (global world line) on which we earthlings are walking is “a straight road to reach the fifth-dimensional world.”

It is certain that we will reach the fifth dimensional world, and there will be no bifurcation of world lines (global world lines) in the process up to that point.

However, in recent days, is there  a possibility of a “merger” or “crossing” of global world lines?

So you can feel it.


We are on the brink of a worldwide power outage and the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). 

Regular communications will be suspended for 10 days. This is Operation Stormbreaker. It is the largest police operation in history. Military forces are mobilizing coordinated attacks across the world to destroy globalist power structures.


The old world is falling and a new world is emerging. 

The corrupt systems, corrupt financial structures, censorship and lies that have controlled humanity are being dismantled. At the forefront are Q Phone, Starlink and GESARA. These are more than just technological upgrades. They are a weapon aimed at the elites who have held power for far too long. The future is not just coming, it is already here.


~The 17th Letter~,

Trust the Plan

Global EBS Alert to be activated October 24-25

Prepare for mass arrests, military tribunals

3 days of darkness:

possible cyber attacks, internet outages, communication blackouts, power grid outages Third assassination attempt on Trump just  before  the election; are they doing it to our Trump?


Blockchain went live on Monday. 

They have migrated from the SWIFT System to the new Quantum Financial System. This means that 200 countries and 11,000 institutions are live on the system.


RayRen98 (TNT) –  [RayRen98 post reference 10-15-2024]



“Are the sources in agreement on the deadline?”



On the Redemption/wealth management side, they are ready and working and are being told to stick around. They don’t know the right timing yet.


It’s a global currency reset! 

BRICS has struck a deal to settle international trade in gold/asset-backed currencies of sovereign nations, which is a direct shot at US dollar dominance.


Wed Oct 16 2024 TNT Tony: 

“Everything that was holding up the RV has been taken care of. There will be no war. The banks have a date and time. It’s between now and Sunday, October 20, 2024. It could be two hours after this call. I won’t have a date and time in advance. We will have 10 days to redeem Zim, after that we are out of luck. According to the three-letter agencies, it will happen before Sunday. Everyone is excited for the RV again (because there will be no war).”


Tue Oct 15 2024 Wolverine: 

“I can assure you that things are happening this week. There is a lot of movement in Reno. The whales are traveling to Reno. A whale friend of mine got paid in Zurich. I heard from Zurich that we will be paid this week.”


Wed. 16 Oct. 2024 MarkZ: 

“Several of my bond contacts swear this is our week. I think anywhere between now and the election is most likely. I’m a big believer that it’s going to be a shotgun start. I think we’ll see some of the historic bonds go away, then ‘Bam’ things will start to explode.”

Everything is happening at the same time. Groups are aggregating other titles to go after the German titles. The Zim titles are on that list for next week. I got a report that the Dragon titles are also being aggregated.

At least we are starting to see some activity beyond German bonds. On the Redemption/wealth management side, they are ready, working and being told to stay close. They don’t know the right timing yet.”


Tue. Oct. 15, 2024 TNT: “There is a new date and time. I will explain tomorrow.”


Tue Oct 15 2024 Anon : 

“Blockchain went live on Monday. They migrated from the SWIFT System to the new Quantum Financial System. This means 200 countries and 11,000 institutions are live on the system. Expect some downtime with banks and ATMs not accessible. They couldn’t go live until a certain person was removed from their position.”

Tue Oct 15, 2024 Anon: SSI (Social Security Disability Beneficiaries) will receive two checks in November.


Tue Oct 15, 2024 Anonymous: 

“I received some preliminary information last night that I have not been able to confirm, so today I was included in an international call from several countries around the world, including American cities of NYC, Reno, Mia, as well as Zurich, Hong Kong and Iraq.

The sum and substance of this call was all the banking and monetary reorganizations of the country that would be presented to the citizens this week and the CBI wanted this nation to announce our new currency in conjunction with them, but if not, the CBI and Iraq would RV on their own.

According to several on the call, all requirements, such as FOREX, were met. Keep in mind that I am just a messenger, but they seemed very confident in this information.”


Tue Oct 15 2024 Mike Bara: 

The Bondholder team was told they would be “contacted” about the funding process in the “midnight to midnight” window. As it turns out, they were. Now, they have been told the funds are ready to be released starting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16, 2024. I know the time, but I can’t say.


Wednesday, October 16th, is designated as an official day of celebration for Iraq and the day they will pay their contractors at the new dinar rate.


Wed. 16 Oct. 2024: Declassification of information: 

NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), banking cartels, Brunson Brothers and people empowerment!


Tue. 15 Oct. 2024: 

BOOOOM! NESARA GESARA Implements the Ultimate Global Reset: The Most Complete List of 30+1 Shocking Protocols Ever!









🔥 New on Patreon 🕉Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries🔥



Join my Sacred Condor for this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Super Moon in Aries. (on patreon)

this powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation designed to help you harness the transformative energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries. Aries, the sign of the warrior, brings bold, fiery energy that empowers us to take action, release what no longer serves us, and ignite personal growth.

In this session, you will be guided through a sacred ceremony that includes:

Energy cleansing to release blockages.

A meditation to connect with the Full Super Moon’s energy, embrace courage, and awaken your inner strength.

Rituals for setting intentions and manifesting bold new beginnings.

Techniques for balancing the fiery energy of Aries with calm and grounding practices.

The Full Super Moon amplifies the power of this meditation, making it an ideal time to align with your highest self, clear away old patterns, and step confidently into your personal power. Whether you’re working on healing, setting new goals, or seeking clarity, this ceremony will help guide you on your spiritual journey.

Make sure to have a candle, journal, water, crystals, incense and a quiet space prepared before starting. Let the energy of the Full Super Moon in Aries inspire you to embrace new beginnings with courage and grace.


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