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Love is the only Source

Primordial Mother Dragons ~ Awakened from their Slumber * Telos & Agartha join us on the Surface ~ HUGE Upgrades to DNA

Primordial Mother Dragons ~ Awakened from their Slumber * Telos & Agartha join us on the Surface ~ HUGE Upgrades to DNA



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Gold Ray Conscious Ones of the Awakened Ascension 

As Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to be filled with the Crystalline Rainbow Dimaond Codes of Great Spirit we continue to transform and transfigure the incoming energies into the fifth dimensional resonance of Heaven on Earth.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 stand at the precipice of the Ascension Spiral to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new human of homo- luminous, light beings of Terra Nova Gaia.

The Key to the doorway of Illumination of the Sacred Heart Center is Love and Truth. Keep holding the line with the Faith of our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation as we go through and through and through until full and total compression breakthrough. As we enter the zero point still magnetic center of the Quantum Holographic Field of Eternal life.

Keep walking your Peaceful Path with Heart in Oneness with all Life as we step over the threshold of the New 5d Golden Age of Enlightenment for all…Aho!









Tuning in to the #Agartha Network. Agartha is a #Magical land of many Advanced Races and a return to the #Ancient Ways!


🐉Primordial Mother Dragons🐉

Have awakened from their slumber.
Reawakening the magic from these past incarnations!
Dragons fire up the magic as above and so below
I call on the guardians of the Forest, time to re-kindle your wands…
Make peace with the microcosm.
As the Inner Kingdoms of Telos & Agartha join us on the surface.
So much love!
❤ Valerie
Art: #tiamat
Primordial Mother Dragons
Primordial Mother Dragons

Quantum Shifts

Huge breakthroughs
Much releasing of fear and limitations
Much embodiment of pure unconditional love and limitless potential
HUGE upgrades to DNA
There is no going back
It Is Done
The old is just making a lot of noise leaving
HUGE upgrades to DNA
HUGE upgrades to DNA


TODAY’S ORACLE. We are still right after the Eclipse zone & you are trying to find your new landmarks in this new energetic space. Everybody has gone through a lot in recent weeks. Things have been shaken up & changes have happened to a level that is not fully clear yet. Yet it is about to be time again to move forward. The Eclipse phase as well as Pluto Retrograde lately kept us in a deep review zone, instrospective, dark sometimes.
But momentum is about to resume. Perhaps differently, perhaps not as we thought before all of this, because we have changed in the meantime & more truths were revealed. Now you can release that skin & move forward. What we want to give energy to in this new phase is about to become clear. The *right* opportunities are coming. In some way you are, once again, reinventing yourself. ❤

Gene Key 32 – Ancestral Reverence

October 13th – 19th 2024

Failure – Preservation – Veneration

“When we trust in life enough, we begin to trust in the events of our lives too. We allow them to shatter us, and that re-frames our view. We realize that this impulse to preserve what we love has a whole new field to live in. What is essential? That is the great inner question.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 32 – Ancestral Reverence
Gene Key 32 – Ancestral Reverence



10/13/24: Seasoned numerologists always keep an eye on a “karmic debt” day… numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19. But Number 13 gets special attention. Not because it’s intrinsically unlucky or negative, but because it holds a kind of intrigue… how to face its challenges and stand strong in our own power. All the karmic debt numbers are about overcoming fear and obstacles within the self…
which is where they actually arise. So today we look first to ourselves (number 1) and then we seek the light (number 3). The problem has historically been that we’ve not been taught to go within for the answers we seek to our problems… and trust ourselves to rise to action. This, thankfully, is changing for many of us. The debt we might owe today is to ourselves… if we have been the ones blocking the light.
karmic debt
karmic debt
Antigone, Sophocles.
Upon today’s 7th open gathering of the ‘144000 Diamonds’ we experienced a totally new development which I believe is very much connected to the cosmic mechanics of Pluto turning prograde.
New wheels were set in motion upon the arrival of the Twin Flame Galactic teams in the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis.
These wheels came into operation and are connected to the multidimensional clock and spheres of the overall earth system.
In other words today began the mechanical changes that will bring about the physical change in this realm.
The same began within the human system and its wheels as today the ‘144000 Diamonds’ reached the level of the 7th sphere!
This development ignited new functions but it also opened more memories of the parts of the Self that were previously in exile.
So many will be achieving greater and deeper remembrance.
I was told that these wheels had not worked together for a really long time!
These new functions also correspond to the human DNA and bring a new awakening that will take a new acceleration but also a new turn!
New revelations are here that will change everything we knew about ourselves and the world! 🥳🥳🥳
Thank you Twin Flames!”
The fact that we reached the Equilibriums upon this Equinox opened up a whole new level of karmic liberation and correction for the Twin Flames.
Unseen and hidden elements of the Twin Flame separation, miscommunication and suffering have been seen which have propelled a whole new layer of revelation and self understanding.
In our next group session we will deal with all those yin and yang elements and details of the fallen code and bring in correction so that the Twin Flames can align to the state of Eros
which is now here for them.
”The next chapters of the events on Earth will find the Twin Flames facing challenges and battles in order for them to practice their powers and abilities and regain full understanding and ownership of them.
Twin Flames get ready for new adventures!”
Blessings for the third awakening!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:
Lord Rama
Lord Rama


Dear friends, this past week has been packed with powerful solar flares, intense geomagnetic storms, and key planetary movements that will be affecting the course of our journey for months to come. Today a new player moves into this cosmic equation: planet Mercury shifts into the energies of Scorpio.
As Mercury hurtles into the intense, mysterious realm of Scorpio, we are invited to dive headfirst into the depths of our own minds. This short but deep transit, lasting from Sunday October 13 to Halloween 10/31, ignites a profound exploration of our thoughts, emotions, and communication.
Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a dark, crystal-clear lake, with the water’s surface reflecting the starry night sky above. As you peer into its depths, you begin to uncover hidden truths, secrets, and mysteries that lie beneath the surface. This is the essence of Mercury in Scorpio – an unrelenting quest for profound knowledge and understanding.
During this period, your conversations will become probing and intense, like a laser beam cutting through superficiality. You’re drawn to the unspoken, the unseen, and the unknown. Your thoughts sharpen, and your intuition becomes a trusted guide, illuminating the path ahead. You may begin to see new patterns, connecting the dots, in some aspects of your life that will create new ways of understanding the significance and meaning of your earthly journey.
However, beware of the potential pitfalls. Your mind may become consumed by obsessive thoughts, like a moth drawn to a flame. Critical communication can creep in, casting a shadow over your relationships. Emotional turbulence may arise, testing your emotional resilience. Yet, within this intense landscape lies transformative power.
Mercury in Scorpio offers you the chance to uncover hidden truths and secrets, like an archaeologist unearthing ancient artifacts. New information may be revealed about your family dynamics/ancestry, past lives, and universal truths. It is also a great time to deepen connections with others through meaningful, soul-stirring conversations, and to tap into innovative, out-of-the-box thinking, birthing revolutionary ideas.
Also, to navigate this transit, cultivate mindful communication, emotional awareness, and investigative curiosity. Respect the boundaries of others, and honor your own. By embracing the mysterious, intense energies of Mercury in Scorpio, you’ll unlock the secrets of your own mind and tap into the transformative power that lies within. Let your intuition guide you through these times of individual and collective pivotal changes. May your heart and mind be illuminated with the profound wisdom of the divine stars.
Stay tuned for more updates as the October energies keep swirling and reconnecting us with our truest multidimensional potential.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ




Beloved Ones,
We are witnessing important planetary advancements, despite the chaos we too are feeling, as in our dual plane both Forces coexist in perfect balance. Love is everywhere for those who live with an open heart and mind. Love is the only Source and the only Force that can heal and overcome any obstacle, for it is from Love that we all come and that one day we All will be back.
Chaos is also very real in our 3D plane, for when there is free will there are many different outcomes. Where we focus now is key to engaging in the chaos, or in the love that we are, sending love, by remaining in a neutral compassionate space, supporting at a soul level, what we cannot change physically.
During all this year we have been supported in the process of light body reconfiguration and monadic integration, that many of you are experiencing. A process that cannot occur without the plasmatic waves we are massively receiving from Sol, the Auroras, Eclipses, and many other sources beyond our Earth’s confines.
New Earth’s Anchors, Stabilizers, Neutralizers, Transmuters, and energetic harmonizers, it is time to clear anomalies in both the collective and at a planetary level, seed more balance, and start bridging the new Earth’s energies in the Earth’s fabrics, restoring inorganic timelines and correcting the reversals that keep us experiencing limited time in our earth plane, and that redirect us to the manipulated earth’s 3D timeliness.
This is a crucial time in which many of you holding this mission or any other equal one within Creation, will be called to act as harmonic pillars where required, as the more chaos man creates, the more balance is needed to keep everything within Divine Order.
For those of you working on the Field at this time, daily clearing, replenishment, and above all, discernment and detachment from inorganic sources is key to being in a natural and loving space.
When anxiety feelings, confusion, unlove, and similar feelings emerge, scan your nervous system, and brain, finding if the misalignment comes from you or if it is part of what you are here to transmute and clear.
Remember what is not yours shall only be filtered, not kept inside your heart. Let it go, cry your tears of release, and continue anchoring more love to help neutralize all the pain and chaos.
You have done it before, you are supported by many Illumined Beings in charge of accompanying you in your personal journey and mission. You have within the Divine strength and Guidance to continue standing firm in your Divine assignment.
Keep dwelling in the Illumined Presence of your Sovereign God Self.
Many destructive pathways are being removed at this time, my Guides shared the importance at this time, at an individual level, of fortifying our hara line, to receive only love, wisdom, and power from our God Source, clear timelines, and lower thoughts and feelings which are the ones that link us to old and destructive timelines.
Focus is key not to falling into energetic and consciousness traps, feeling in our Hearts what is good and true to us and what is another delusion or tactic to keep us in a lower frequency.
You know who you are, you know through your feelings what you are here to do, how, and what is authentic for you and what is not.
Follow only your inner compass at this time to know where you are heading, knowing your personal false timelines and the Soul ones you wish to navigate in.
Moving inward is the only way forward.
May you always choose to remain in your Illumined, Precious, and Brave Hearts, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Love is the only Source
Love is the only Source



One can never separate Christ Consciousness from eternal and infinite Love. For in truth the more conscious you become, the more the heart opens and opens you to ever greater levels of Divine Love and expression thereof.
Love in truth always strives for unity, harmony and the eternal One.
The Divine Feminine is returning us to the truth of Love, infinite Love.
Eternal Love.
And it is only in this context that we can access the greater Universal Whole for herein lie the keys and codes of all existence.
Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness



As The Metamorphosis Continues…
As your New Earth is unfolding in your dimension and beyond.
Enabling a wider pool of freedom, for your mental construct to expand….grow and flourish…
We See This Unfolding Now, As You Choose The Higher Light Perspective Of Your World 🙏
With this expansion – we ask you to look deeper within, into the construct of who YOU ARE…..
Know your future involves the birthing of many new SEEDS of CREATION. As your world is ever expanding, we ask you to see the great opportunities that lay ahead for you.
As a Messenger of LIGHT, your role is multidimensional – multifractual to the finest point of energy. Enabling you to transerve your reality beyond this current contruct.
Know this is far beyond the current thinking of many…but for you…YOU are ready dear one…as the abilities are within….
We ask you to find the opportunity in your day to connect with your ESSENCE – the true aspect of you. LEARN about who you are dear one, look beyond all you know……
Beyond your current concepts…..
See what will come before you……
Wayshower you ARE 💥
Allow it to flow…….
With great love we pass on this message today, dear family of Light❤
We are with you in UNITY = LOVE xo
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
The Metamorphosis Continues
The Metamorphosis Continues

Ra James

Today starts out with Mercury in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn. This may be bringing up feelings, and conversations straight from the shadows. Some of the things you’re having to deal with may be making you feel a little vulnerable. Later today Mercury enters Scorpio, and remains there until Nov 2nd. With this alignment you will want more intimacy. You’ll be craving a deeper connection. Expect your conversations may get deep today.

This alignment is helping us to deal with any challenges that may be arising. This alignment can bring major shifts in how you think and interact with those around you. Today Mars in Cancer aligns with Chiron. We have had a lot of Chiron energy lately. It represents our deepest wounds as well as our ongoing healing journey. Be patient as your healing many lifetimes of traumas within this one. Healing is an ongoing process. The week ahead may bring a busy vibe with a lot of highs and lows. Your biggest challenge for the rest of October is all about facing your deepest fears and insecurities head-on.

The rest of the month brings a lot of clearing work. The 17th brings us our Aries Full Moon. Expect this one to set your heart on fire. This is a Super Moon. It will mark the end of Eclipse Season, and the beginning of whatever you’re manifesting next. Venus in Scorpio will sextile Pluto in Capricorn on the same day, deepening your commitments. That to means this next Full Moon will bring an intense energy…



On Sunday, October 13th, there is a lot going on, astrologically, in the heavens……again! Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in usually balanced Libra is in a hard square to Pluto, ruler of power and control, in the last degree of Capricorn, where he recently turned back to Direct Motion. This magnifies the energies of challenging thoughts, perceptions and communications with others. It can also bring about challenges in our own inner perspectives and notions. Then, Mercury, the Messenger, will shift into Scorpio, the sign that rules Pluto, until November 2nd. This can intensify the energy of obsessive-compulsive ideas and opinions, or a disempowering line of thinking. However, it can also support us in deeper observations, fixed determination and psychological transformation.
Then, Mars, the Warrior, in emotional Cancer is in a difficult square connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in impatient Aries. Passive-aggressive behavior and interactions are possible. We could also be “fighting” some old family wounds or traumas in an attempt to bring healing to them once and for all. Be aware of past, and past life, energies with this. Mars rules action and if we take a different action, we could get a different result this time. Put your energy into being loving and compassionate as this is the best way to bring healing to yourself, and a situation.
Finally, we end the day, with the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our Light, who is currently in Libra, sign of the Scales, opposing Chiron, ruler of acceptance, wholeness and integration of the fragmentation that has taken place through past trials and tribulations. The Sun will then make a positive trine aspect to Jupiter, the Great Benefic, in adaptable Gemini. We have learned a lot, so far on our soul’s journey today, and perhaps for a much longer time, and now we can experience the blessings that Jupiter, planet of prosperity and abundance, is bestowing upon us……if, of course, we shift our perspective to see the glass as “half full”.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in usually balanced Libra is in a hard square to Pluto
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in usually balanced Libra is in a hard square to Pluto
Mars in Cancer square Chiron retrograde in Aries. Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury enters Scorpio – Round and around we go, up and down, a mental seesaw, the problem, oh the problem, obsessing about the problem. Some annoying yet unignorable voice insists that If we stop thinking about it then it’s never going to resolve and then catastrophe. And so, it continues, mind out of control. Meanwhile, the inner warrior is disarmed, troubled, in pain. Part of us wants to either lash out or hide.
But if we can press pause, stop for a moment, reflect, gather breath and composure, then we might see a beauty that takes our breath away. Let your mind be occupied with the mystery, the propound secrets of existence, the inky blackness of space, the wonders within. Let the healing come in parts, piece by piece, fixing what hurts without ever saying ‘I’m broken’. Your strength is in your willingness to endure and final conquering. Stand tall. Speak your words of power. I can. I will.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 29°Li38′, Pluto 29°Cp38′ – 15:02 (BST)
Mercury 00°Sc00′ – 20:23 (BST)
Mars 21°Cn15′, Chiron 21°Ar15′ R – 21:36 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – S.O.S. by Evelyn De Morgan

Kin 98 ~ White Resonant Mirror

‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. The 7th day of a wavespell falls mid-point and at this stage of the journey it is time to attune and receive information using our intuition. We are in the Yellow Human wavespell and its agenda is all about fine-tuning intuition, channeling wisdom and expressing our free will. So, today falls right in the middle of this psychic excursion and it’s on a ‘Resonant’ day. This is a fortuitous alignment. No matter what issues arise today, the only solution is to pay attention to your gut instincts.
Today is the White Mirror and it represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. These days are all about having reality checks, and as it is a Resonant day, well this suggests that we have the opportunity to channel the truth. If you focus on your third eye today and allow intuitions to come to you, be prepared to have revealed to you important truths. This sounds easy I know – but we are all capable of finding answers this way. It’s just that too often we forget to be still and listen. Why not light some incense, relax and trust that the answers will come. The Mirror doesn’t lie and reality checks aren’t always fun but they are essential if you want the truth in your life.
The Guide today is the White Dog and when Dog is in the guiding position, he is showing you that the way forward is with love, and loving what you do – as well as putting all of your heart into whatever you do. The White Dog also represents the Heart Chakra and this suggests that the heart can lead to the opening of the third eye, symbolizing that with a good heart and intent the truth comes easier. More importantly, any truth channeled today will be full of love. That’s if it is with love, you seek a connection to spirit.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. People born on Yellow Star days have issues with reality checks. They see the world as such a beautiful place with a childlike innocence, they don’t want to spoil things by facing truths that may be unpleasant. If you are a Yellow Star, it is always good practice to face your challenges as over time they become less and less difficult. You too can channel and attune to the day; recognize the beauty of this connection you have access to.
The Occult power is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. The dreamer has a wonderful imagination and when in this Occult position, our dreams are given a magical boost. Think big today, don’t be surprised if one of your dreams comes true. Regarding all the other aspects of the day, channeling truth can lead to the answers you have been seeking which help with your dream quests.
The Ally is the nurturing Red Dragon which also symbolizes rebirth. This is a great Ally for today and so I suggest you nurture yourself, take care of others and watch how this creates new beginnings.
Kin 98
Kin 98


13 OCTOBER 2024
Inspiring ORDER
I seal the matrix of Endlessness
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I AM guided by the power of HEART! 💓
13/10/2024 = 4/10/8 = 4/18=4/9=13=4
✨13.13 COSMIC portal✨
✨4.4 NEW EARTH portal✨
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 98 = 17= 8 Infinite ABUNDANT FLOW!!
Another majikal day of SHATTERING ILLUSIONS! 💥💥
Day 7 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today the MIRROR assists us in attuning to our distorted reflections. in order to transcend the ILLUSION, through the WISDOM of TRUTH, to evolve to the Divine HU-MAN.
RESONANT🔮 – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone provides the ability to fine tune and CHANNEL the majikal forces today to affect great healing and transformation. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting, as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon, learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all.
TONE number 7 is the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician, which strengthens our ability to affect real change and transformation in our lives through gazing into the MAJIK MIRROR. 💫💫
Today’s questions are “How can I ATTUNE to the DIVINE TRUTH through my PURE HEART❤ and stand in the LIGHT of my full Mystical power?”
As a collective – “Can we ignore the F.E.A.R and attune to the Beautiful🌹 World of the ✨New HARMONIC MATRIX✨, that we are cocreating?”
What is your MAJIK MIRROR reflecting today?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE ATTUNEMENT to BEAUTY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE today!! ❤💟💝💓💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
❓❓What are you ATTUNED to today?
❓❓What is possible for you, once you release your emotional attachment to FEAR based responses?
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE RESONANT MIRROR 🔎🔮 ETZNAB represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can FACE your own reflection today and see the TRUTH about yourself, and your relationships with full CLARITY.
💑💞💑The MIRROR reflections pertaining to relationships, TWIN SOULS, ROMANTIC partners and fated unions are AMPLIFIED today through the MIRROR coding. The WHITE MIRROR is a portal which OPENS the doors to walk through with your beloved, once you have faced the TRUTH of what they are REFLECTING back to you.
WHITE MIRROR merely REFLECTS what IS, whether that be TRUTH, BEAUTY or ILLUSION. What you SEE depends on your individual filter that has been honed through your past experiences. Here you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression of your Divinity. Become aware of any illusions or distortions within yourself; your clarity of perception will transform them.
Take a moment to really SEE yourself as you actually ARE, shadow and all, freed from the miasm of mental illusion. You are being given the gift of IN-SIGHT today! Use the world and other people as mirrors for your discovery process. Experiment with letting go or taking the other’s viewpoint. Step into the other side of the mirror.
Use the sword of discernment to cut away judgement of self and others. As you learn to truly SEE yourself, you begin to see your emotional RE-ACTIONS as signs indicating where to focus your awareness for growth.
On a Planetary level there is much F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing REAL – perpetrated and projected onto the masses, as the dark controllers continue to push their false narrative… Despite their desperate and ongoing attempts to keep us enslaved, we can refuse to dwell in their Matrix World. Their grip has loosened and can no longer hold us captive.
The false MIRROR world IS shattering now. 💥💥💥
The MIRROR WAVESPELL is fast approaching on 2 November 2024 – and so your old reality and the MATRIX will truly be SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS!!! NOTHING can withstand the TRUTH from being revealed to set you FREE NOW!!
All is being revealed through this MAJIK MIRROR which is amplifying the TRUTH.
The 7 Magician’s frequency is revealing the smoke and mirrors. The deception and dirty tricks are all being exposed.. through the activation of the CLEAR MIRROR. This clarity is enabling us to CHOOSE better and lay the foundation of PEACE and LOVE for our new world – free from FEAR, CONTROL and illusions.
✨✨✨Keep holding your HIGH VIBE 🌈 and attune to your DESIRED REALITY and our UTOPIAN timeline, and it WILL securely take HOLD..
As the adage proclaims – “Fake it, until you make it!” And the NEW EARTH systems will be fully operative in NO-TIME! ⏳
As we are currently focused on BALANCE and EQUALITY, these energies will assist us in AWAKENING to Higher LOVE and values, giving humanity a RESET and liberating us from the dominating control puppeteers… NO STRINGS ATTACHED now!!
WHITE MIRROR can represent either the trap in the Hall of Mirrors, or the KEY 🔑 that turns the MIRROR into doorways🚪🚪🚪 of opportunity to new realms.
Take the golden KEY🔑 to discover what wonders lie beyond the doors, and FREE yourself from your imagined prison. The aspects of self that you consider weaknesses, flaws, and problems are actually allies. Through your desire to be whole, a bright spotlight shines on the very areas that you usually try to hide. Then you can walk through the mirror into a NEW BRIGHTER REALITY and a better World.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RESONANT DOG ❤🐕 OC brings forth the POWER of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE💖 and TRUTH! Beautiful energies to add to our attunement and channeling powers today. Absolutely PERFECTO having this HIGHER GUIDE today .. Let us all attune to the flow of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE reflected in the MAJIK MIRROR today.
The White kin are the refiners, they seek to purify us, in order to hold a higher ✨LIGHT quotient. ✨
The RESONANT DOG🐕 is attuned to Spirit, through devotion and loyalty to the Ministry of God/Goddess. This higher guide in the wavespell of the Yellow Human is aligned with DIVINE WILL and is a loyal servant in carrying out the Will of God/Goddess/Spirit in his daily actions.
OC inspires us through the TRUTH of our PURE HEART. ❤ We can attune to what is, and divine guidance through our Heart Chakra. Looking clearly in the MIRROR through the filter of LOVE, forgiveness, kindness and compassion for all that is revealed. We can BLESS our past and those in it, in order to move forward, bringing perfect alignment in all our relationships. 👪💑
On a global level White Dog is flooding our planet with the Truth and LOVE ❤ of Spirit today… DIVINE LOVE💕 is at the helm and DIVINE LOVE reigns supreme.🎆. TRUST that GOD/GODDESS/SPIRIT has our back.
All that is not of LOVE, and seems to be a betrayal, only serves to return us to a higher state of Divine Love. Anything lower is but an ILLUSION!
SUPPORT: RED RESONANT DRAGON 🔮🐉– IMIX inspires us to respond in a caring and compassionate way. Attuning to LOVE, nurturance and protecting our beloveds.
We are guided to attune to the responsibility of AWAKENING, in order to birth a greater vision of ourselves and our planet, based on DIVINE TRUTH and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.. 💞💞💞
Following our Heart’s 💖 calling, as we return to our SOURCE🌞 through the void🍥 of Creation. Accepting responsibility as a collective family in B-Earth-ing the HIGHEST REALITY beyond the ILLUSION.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT 🔮 🌃💰– AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions both on a personal level and a collective level. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today.
Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, through your DREAMS as today’s SUPERPOWER. Trust your intuition and what you are sensing as the TRUTH, beyond the shadows of illusion.
Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective ABUNDANCE today. CLEAR THE WAY for ABUNDANCE and happiness to FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY! 🔑
We have a 13.13 and 4.4. – 13.4 code today and so this Resonant MIRROR day is REFLECTING our NEW EARTH REALITY through ENDLESS ORDER and BEAUTY. The BLUE NIGHT activates ABUNDANCE, JOY and prosperity – the ability to REALIZE your DREAMS..
… ASK and ye shall receive… but only the worthy will reap the DIVINE REWARDS.. be noble in your QUEST to access this bounty.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RESONANT STAR –🔮 🌟LAMAT challenges us to attune to BEAUTY,🌺 GRACE🕊 and HARMONY.💖 Take your focus away from the ugliness, distortions and discordance, and witness the vast endlessness of God’s creative wonders. A vast panorama of untold BEAUTY and wonder. 🌸🌼🌺🏔🌴🏝
The majority of Earth’s population are 🌼PEACE🌸 loving people who wish to live in HARMONY with each other and our planet.. However the distorted projections of the less than 1% – the dark ones – have polluted our views, perceptions and reality, with their false narrative DOMINATING the msm with FEAR inducing broadcasts. Their FOCUS is always highlighting FEAR, violence and disruption. 😢😢😢
Our world is BEAUTIFUL indeed. As we unite with Mother🌍 Gaia – to shake off the parasitic entities riding on her back, she can now take back her POWER and guide us back to EDEN. 🌴🍇🐬🍒🌈🍍🌴
❓❓What are YOU attuned to – LOVE❤ or F.E.A.R?😨
Make sure you have the LOVE ❤ channel on your dial! 📻
LAMAT🌟 challenges us to attune to our inner BEAUTY, that of our soul’s essence. To channel messages directly from Spirit which leads us to greater balance, harmony and divine alignment. Clear the distortions and remove the dust, in order for your DIAMOND💎 CORE to be revealed, the crystal clear CLARITY and BRILLIANCE, SHINING BRIGHT for all to see that you have MASTERED the trap of the HALL OF MIRRORS!
Walk through the YELLOW DOOR and you are FREE to become the YELLOW GOLDEN🌟 CHRISTED HU-MAN! ✨👑✨
✨✨ The TRUTH now, you SHALL hear!
Attune to the pure resonance of your HEART,❤ which will show you the way forward.
The GIFT of the RESONANT STAR🌟 today, is to pave the way for humanity, to align with the NEW TIME⏳ and the new beautiful ✨HARMONIC MATRIX✨, where we can all truly CELEBRATE our lives as a living work of ART! 🎨
A masterful creation 🖼 as we all paint🖌 our world with a fresh palate of RAINBOW COLOURS! 🌈🌈🌈
🌟Today is the day to SING A RAINBOW! 🎼🌈🎛🌈🎶
Listen with your EYES 👀
Listen with your EARS 👂
And SING 🎶 everything you SEE 👀
You can SING 🎵 a RAINBOW 🌈
SING🎵 along with me. 😊
Today’s questions are “How can I ATTUNE to the DIVINE TRUTH through my PURE HEART❤ and stand in the LIGHT of my full Mystical power?”
As a collective – “Can we ignore the F.E.A.R and attune to the Beautiful🌹 World of the ✨New HARMONIC MATRIX✨, that we are cocreating?”
What is your MAJIK MIRROR reflecting today?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE ATTUNEMENT to BEAUTY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE today!! ❤💟💝💓💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions





Aura Meditation 🧘‍♀️

Master Kuthumi teaches a threefold exercise that we can give to strengthen the sheath of the aura so that we can maintain the consciousness of Christ, of God, of Buddha, of Mother.
For this exercise, you can sit in a lotus posture or in a chair with your hands and feet uncrossed. Your spine should be erect and your eyes closed. You begin by visualizing the threefold flame expanding from within your heart.
The threefold flame is the energy of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—of power, wisdom and love. Its three plumes are blue, yellow and pink. In our studies with the ascended masters, we always begin with the flame in the heart because it is the point of our own reality; it is the spark of life and our seat of consciousness.
Once you have visualized the threefold flame, the next step is to seal yourself and your consciousness in a globe of white fire. Visualize a sphere of white light around the threefold flame within the heart. See this globe of white fire expand and see yourself inside an imaginary sphere, or world.
Aura Meditation
Aura Meditation

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