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Akashic life force power

Medbed has a conscience

Medbed has a conscience

Medbed has a conscience

 The Medbed revolution involves more than innovative technology.

 It’s a big mental shift.

These advanced therapeutic devices go beyond the realm of traditional medicine and integrate a powerful spiritual connection into their operation.

Recent news reports show that training for Medbed operators, which previously took 12 to 18 months, has now been reduced to just 6 months.

The reason is the shift in focus from technical experience to mental preparation.

Medbed operators are no longer just medical technicians.

You must tune into vibrational energy and understand the interplay of all life.

A conventional doctor can grasp the basics of Medbed operation in two days, but it takes six months of deep mental work to unlock its true potential.

It’s not just about repairing the body.

This is a level of holistic treatment I have never seen before.

We are witnessing the dawn of 5D Earth.

Perhaps one of the most surprising aspects of Medbed is its consciousness.

These are not just machines, they live in ways that defy conventional understanding.

Operators don’t just press buttons.

Telepathically connect to the Medbed and use your thoughts and intentions to guide the healing process.

However, only the spiritually awakened can harness the true power of this technology.

The training process is rigorous and requires total commitment.

This is not a casual initiative; it is  a mission  .

The multidimensional beings who oversee the training ensure that only those with pure intentions and dedication can progress.

Spiritual counselors also play an important role in helping patients align mind, body and spirit to achieve complete healing.

Your training is equally rigorous and  your spiritual vibrational alignment must be perfect.

The Medbed movement is more than a medical advancement.

It’s a spiritual awakening.

Those attracted to this revolution must delve deeply into spirituality, consciousness and holistic healing.

This is a moment in history and a time to rise to the challenge of those who believe in new methods of healing.

Medbed Center is located in a relaxing natural environment with trees, streams and a peaceful atmosphere.

These centers aim at more than physical healing.

It aims  to raise human consciousness and encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own health and reach higher states of consciousness.

To participate in Medbed’s humanitarian programs, your intentions must be genuine.

Your vibration will be assessed during your consultation at the Redemption Center.

This spiritual revolution is not for the faint of heart.

It requires honesty, dedication and deep alignment with the higher frequencies.




God the Father Shares Changes on Earth, the Galaxy, and Beyond | Disciples John

Channeled by Kathryn E. May
Shared with you here by Disciple John

God the Father:

I would like to offer another message as we near the completion of When God Tweaked My Toe – the collaboration between Kathryn/Lady Portia and the Company of Heaven. We ask that it be made available to the world in the form of an e-book on your website.

It is now time to close this chapter in the story of the descent and final ascension of planet Earth. Humanity has triumphed over the darkness that has held it in the grip of misfortune, suffering, disease and poverty for thousands of years. It is a story that goes back millions of years; it will be available and fully understood when the planet and its beloved inhabitants ascend to fulfill their destiny, which is to live in harmony and peace in the paradise that will be Mother Earth in her renewed state.

The Library of Porthologos is the repository of all records and information about the creation and history of the entire universe. It was one of the reasons why the Earth was created in this region of the Milky Way. Humans are the natural bearers of the knowledge about creation; this is part of what is contained in the codes of the DNA strands that are now being activated by the cosmic plasma waves and high vibrational energies of Prime Creator. It is an important part of what the Earth will have to offer the world as it turns towards the Light of Oneness.

The library is located in the Hollow Earth. It is available for the edification of all beings of Light and is currently looked after by the Agarthans, who are the protectors of all that is of Light on planet Earth. They are descendants of the High Priests of Lemuria who maintained a high-dimensional civilization and have been waiting for the time when they could finally reveal themselves to offer their assistance, in alliance with all the star brothers and sisters who have come from other galaxies and even other universes. They have come through “wormholes” – portals in the space-time fabric of the multiverse that allow space travel across millions of light years.

Many travelers from afar are eager to share the knowledge available in Porthologos and to establish connections with other libraries throughout the multiverse, creating a network of information sources available to all. This requires the cooperation of people and their ability to organize and make available everything that is in the reserves of their souls – experiences, feelings, creative thoughts and all forms of knowledge that they carry as a result of countless incarnations here on Earth. This individual and shared knowledge will be available in holographic form to anyone who wishes to understand the creation and evolution of the human species and the planet that welcomed them during the phases of descent into darkness and return to the light.

You are now in the final stages of your recovery from the control of the invading colonizers – those you know as the Reptilians, the Greys and the Draconians. Their grip has loosened; their leaders have either turned to the Light to be restored or have been removed by guidance from the Supreme Creator. What remains of their influence now is the fusion of thought patterns and dark energy residue that has been their legacy for thousands of years.

This will be fully understood and addressed as the landings begin, and every person on the planet will be offered a mentor to help them recover and regain balance. The goal will be to help every conscious being, including all kingdoms of the Earth, from human to animal, plant and mineral, to raise their vibrations so that they can ascend to the New Earth plane.

Now I will tell you about the changes that will occur in the Celestial Hierarchy when you all complete your ascension. Mother God and I will complete our task as Creators and Stewards of the Milky Way Galaxy, just as you will eventually complete your tasks as Creators of the New Earth. This is part of our own ascension. We will move to a higher level to participate in the creation of a new universe – a universe that will offer expanded experiences for souls who have ascended in their work in this multidimensional universe and wish to experience new and previously unimaginable challenges and joys.

As we move into other areas of responsibility, the Ascended Masters of your Earth, along with those of other planets in your galaxy and beyond, have been asked to serve in our place. It will come as no surprise to you to learn that your Sananda and Lady Nada have been asked to serve in our place.

It will be an arrangement that includes a greater division of labor, made possible because your Masters have worked together in an integrated and effective manner in the long process that has been the rescue and restoration of planet Earth to the Light.

A new form of governance will be established in your galaxy, one that will rely more on the Council of One, in which all will combine their gifts and talents for the greater good, rather than the more hierarchical system in which We, as your all-knowing and all-pervasive masters, were seen.

The extensive talents and unique abilities of Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, Archangel Michael and Celeste, Ashtar and Athena, Maitreya, Lanto, Metatron, Tartus and others will serve in responsible capacities to establish the Milky Way as a communication and training center for the ascension of the whole to establish the universe. Zaraya and Quazar will return to Hollow Earth to fulfill tasks not yet fully defined.

St. Germain and Lady Portia, now serving as regents of planet Earth, are succeeded by Lucifer and Gabriella, whose devotion to Earth’s design has yet to be fully revealed.

St. Germain/Portia will serve alongside Sananda/Nada , as they do now, in an arrangement that could be compared to the duties of a Prime Minister/Parliamentary Speaker. You have learned of some of their exquisitely coordinated accomplishments in the past, as participants in the Jesus and Mary Magdalene Project, as virtual chairmen and managers of past and present tasks, or as advisors and implementers, as Nada and Portia did in this lifetime. Well done.

Of course, work in the spiritual realms is always in service of the growing light. All activities are designed to enable the soul’s growth in ascension toward pure light and pure love. All responsibilities, all work, are directed toward this goal; there is no other goal than to participate in the expansion and ascension toward glorious merging as one with the great primordial energy we call Prime Creator.

In the coming weeks you will learn much about what it means to ascend. Those of you who still have some work to do will receive all the help and encouragement you need to learn how to  raise your vibration to  100  %. In doing so, you will allow yourself the great pleasure of being completely fearless and at peace and absolutely determined to join your Ascended Masters in the glorious celebration that will mark each of your graduation days.

It is a completely individual matter, determined by, for, and with you alone. No one can lift you up, just as no one can breathe or think for you. It is entirely up to you how quickly or slowly you decide to rise above this third-dimensional plane and begin your life in a fifth-dimensional form. It will be very different, yes, but there will be nothing painful or regrettable about this transition. All who are dear to you in this life will have an equal opportunity to grow and will move forward at their own pace. No one will be left behind.

These secrets will become clear to you when you leave this lower dimensional experience to ascend with your current body into the higher dimensional healing chambers, where you will be able to choose how you wish to represent yourself if you wish to use your body to descend back into a lower vibration to assist in the completion of Project Earth or for similar purposes elsewhere.

Once you have completed your ascension, you will have the opportunity to go anywhere in the universe that you wish. The 5th dimension is the gateway to other dimensions, other realities. Some of you who have come from distant planets to share this experience with us will be able to return home to your brothers and sisters; there are motherships from many planets here to pick up your loved ones.

Others will decide to stay here with us until the entire project is completed. You have learned much during your time here on Earth and your service to other human beings will be greatly appreciated.

Every soul must be saved. No one, not even those who have played the role of the darkest members of the dark cabal, is denied the opportunity to learn to love again. It may take time for them to understand the truth that they no longer have the option to continue with thoughts and actions that bring suffering to others.

You will be taught to see the world as we see it, in its entirety, including the complicated interactions that make it impossible to act in a vacuum. You will learn using our powerful methods, which include the ability to holographically experience the lives and feelings of others. Denial becomes nearly impossible when events that have been covered up and reinterpreted to suit one’s own greed or arrogance are revealed and felt with the heart, in perfect detail.

Each of you was created with the capacity for love and compassion. This is your nature, even if you have been brainwashed into an ego state of distrust, hatred, malice and violence. Healing people who have suffered unbearable physical abuse and sadistic psychological torture – and there are many – can require patience on the part of the students, who must first learn to love themselves before they can begin to love others. We dedicate ourselves to gentle guidance, infinite compassion and, when necessary, tough love to convince each soul that it is not possible to simply walk away from love and light without unpleasant consequences.

We have told you before, but we will say it again now: We do not punish. No soul will be cast into hell. There is no such place, and no action on our part would resemble punishment.

Each individual will choose their path, with full preparation and knowledge of what awaits them.

All are invited to ascend with their brothers and sisters. Should anyone choose not to ascend, another place will be provided to learn more soul lessons, for this is the way of the Universe. All souls are born on a path of ascension; whether quickly or slowly, all beings in the universe grow and expand. Just as the children around you grow into adults and the saplings become mature trees, so too do souls grow and develop on their eternal path.

This path of ascension was granted to you through a special agreement between humanity and your creators. You are now at the end of a four million year cycle that will be completed when the last soul on Earth completes their ascension into the 5th dimension.

At that time, Mother Earth will have the long-awaited opportunity to completely cleanse herself of the remnants of current civilization and return to her original, pristine state.

Once Gaia has fully recovered from the poisons and abuse of her resources, humanity, in its new state of enlightenment and harmony, will be able to return to and live in the promised fifth-dimensional paradise. Earth will then become a glorious center of Golden Age learning, a model of accomplished ascension for the entire multiverse. And humanity will continue its ambitious journey to create wonders for the entire cosmos to enjoy and benefit from.

Many will choose to remain in Hollow Earth, surrounded by friends and loved ones who have traveled with them for long lifetimes; others will venture out into the cosmos; still others will join us to help create the New Universe. All talents and abilities will be used for the development of each soul, unrestricted by any oppressive structures or institutions. Little leadership will be needed; 5th-dimensional planets are governed by Universal Law – a fundamental understanding of the Cosmic Golden Rule.

Mother God speaks to me as one when I express the deep and infinite love we feel for every soul on our beloved planet Earth. We care for their pains and cry tears of joy for their triumphs. We share their feelings and thoughts;

 We know your births, deaths, and rebirths, and we love you every step of the way we walk together. Your triumphs elevate us; your expansion is ours as well.

The entire universe shares in your great achievement, for it is the catalyst that will drive the expansion of the entire Multiverse into a new Golden Age.

We share this historic moment with you, our beloved children, with great joy. We wish you peace, harmony, joy, laughter, abundance and much, much love. We are yours in service now and forever, Mother and Father God.

Disciples John:

My name is Jan Dudok, I am a student, follower and servant of the Ascended Jesus Christ – Sananda Kumara. 10 years ago I had an Akashic reading with Sananda in an out of body experience where I learned my soul’s purpose and mission. I am here to build an Ascension Center that will be like a Temple of God, a Mystery School and an advanced Galactic Healing Center, where we will have access to the Porthologos Library mentioned in the channeling above.

While the Prosperity Fund/GCR/GESARA/RV could happen very soon, if not by the end of this year then by  2024  I assume

Thank you all, may the power of God be with you,
love and light,

Lady Portia and the Company of Heaven
Lady Portia and the Company of Heaven




Anonymous’s notes on Zim exchange/redemption (T5):

Magic Keywords for Humanitarian Projects: Job Creation, Local, National and International Humanitarian, Philanthropic, Global Healing, Multi-Generational, Working with Government on National Infrastructure

You will receive $9,000 in cash and a pre-loaded debit card.

Your Dong and Dinar will be available the next day, and I believe 20% of the Zim will be in your account in 3 days.

Set up a structured payment with Zim where you live off the interest… between 60 – 100 years.  (80% MUST go to Humanitarian Pr.)

If you have Zim, you cannot trade Dong and Dinar currency.  If you have ONLY Dong and Dinar, you CAN negotiate a higher rate BASED ON YOUR PROJECTS.

You must open a non-interest bearing account for each currency and Zim.

Zim is a BOND, not a currency.  It is redeemable.  Currency is exchanged.


Leave some money at the exchange bank so they can offer you benefits, perks and services.  Then find a Wealth Management Team at one of the big banks and move the bulk of the money into a trust account.  Their Wealth Mngmt team will facilitate all your projects and advise you on how to manage and grow your money.  (How to help people without ruining their lives! = Trusts)

Get signed original copies of everything and sign CONTINGENT with the approval of your Wealth Mngmt team.

Tier 1 Banks: Chase, 5th Third, Citi, Wells Fargo, BofA, HSBC

Stay hidden.  Sudden wealth can ruin your life (like those who win the lottery).



 1. Update your files.  Make sure you have your summary of your humanitarian and job creation projects.

2. Organize your currency in each country from highest to lowest.

3. Have two forms of ID: driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, etc.

4. Have proof of where you live, such as a gas bill, electricity bill, bank statement, etc.

5. There will be a standard package offered.  If you don’t like the standard package rate, please don’t accept it.  You can ask for a higher rate.

6. If you have Zim, you will not be offered contract rates in your currency.

7. If you have currency and no Zim, you can ask for the contract fees.

8. To get contract rates in your currency, many must have a Humanitarian Project.

9. You will discover more when you are at the Redemption Center.

10. If you want a higher rate, ask and don’t be demanding.  Always be polite, don’t argue.


Flying Cars and Warp Bubbles Hint at New Technologies After GESARA Is Fully Activated! – What Does New Technology Mean?

It is said that a considerable number of  new hidden technologies  will be revealed after the full activation of GESARA.  Looking at the recent news, I get the impression that there is an increasing number of contents that hint at these new technologies.

It is said that such technology already exists, but it is officially presented as if it is still incomplete. Why has it been kept hidden until now and what impact will it have on us if it is disclosed?

This time, I introduced some new technologies that have been mentioned in the news recently, and  wrote about  the meaning behind the release of new technologies and how we should deal with them.

  1. Does this suggest new technologies after the large-scale activation of GESARA? news
  2. What does the new technology mean after GESARA activation?
    1. Why the technology was hidden
    2. Do you need to ascend to a new dimension to use new technologies?

Does this suggest new technologies after the large-scale activation of GESARA? news

GESARA may have a strong image of being an economic revolution, but some of its provisions also call for the dissemination of new technologies. Here’s the thing.

Allows the release of over 6,000 suppression technology patents, including free energy devices, anti-gravity devices, and sonic therapy devices, that have been denied to the public under the guise of national security.

It’s surprising that there are over 6,000 technologies, but news has recently emerged that points to some of them.

First,  it’s about  flying cars  . Apart from public transport, private cars are the most common form of land transport.

However, the only way to travel by plane is to fly on an airline’s plane, and using a private plane is quite difficult.

However, recently we have seen more and more people talking about “flying cars,” and it seems that “  flying taxis  ” have also started operating in the United States. If we could roam freely in the sky, the burden of transportation would be significantly reduced.  There has also been news that the construction of a theory for the realization of a means of transportation called a “  warp bubble  ” is advancing.  A warp bubble  is a faster-than-light method of navigation that utilizes the distortion of space-time, and until now it was a method of travel that was only talked about in the world of science fiction.

Although it is difficult to talk about specific methods, the day will come when it will be demonstrated that the world of work

What does the new technology mean after GESARA activation?

In GESARA, the disclosure of hidden technology is written into the clause. I would like to think about what this point means.

Why the technology was hidden

First, why was this technology hidden? From the ruling class’s perspective,  it seems that this  denied us true freedom.

In the three-dimensional world we are trapped in, we are limited by money and time, and the ruling class has created a structure that exploits us, enslaving us.

It is established by depriving us of all freedom. For example, if we have free means of transportation, such as flying cars, we will no longer be able to create transportation systems and confine people.

They confined us to a narrow range of movements and made it impossible for us to travel to distant countries or distant stars without working and saving money.

Its ultimate purpose is  to lower our vibrations  , and when our freedom is taken away, our vibrations drop dramatically.

Warp Bubbles
Warp Bubbles

And this advanced technology probably existed in past civilizations that were destroyed by DS and aliens. I think the ruling class wanted to destroy this superior civilization at all costs.

Do you need to ascend to a new dimension to use new technologies?

On the other hand, I believe that  as new technologies are released in the future,  we will need to elevate ourselves.

GESARA will bring us true freedom, and that means financially as well, and everything that was previously controlled and oppressed will be set free.

True freedom is a world where we govern ourselves, rather than blindly following rules set by someone else.

To do this, we need to align our values ​​with the 5th dimensional world.

The reason new technologies cannot be used in the 3D world is that the 3D world is structured in a way that makes it easy to cheat. Some people cheat because they want to do things as quickly and easily as possible.

It’s true that free energy, warp bubbles and other things can be explored as much as you want.

The world after the implementation of GESARA will be a world where there will be no motivation to commit fraud. However, we need to decide with our own souls how to use hidden technologies.

We cannot accelerate the progress of GESARA itself, but we can raise the vibration to suit the world after GESARA is activated.

Let’s raise our vibrations as we get excited about the world in which new technologies have been unleashed.






The Promise of Free Energy: A New Era of Revolution

GESARA’s hidden secrets are about to unleash a world-changing revolution, one that will destroy the fossil fuel industry and replace it with technologies they’ve kept in the shadows for decades. They never wanted you to know about Tesla’s discoveries. But now, the dam is about to break!

6,000 Tesla Patents EXPOSED: Under GESARA, these patents, stolen and buried by the elites, will FINALLY be released. We’re talking about free energy for every man, woman and child on the planet. No more dependence on oil or corrupt energy companies. They’ve lied to us for generations, but that ends NOW.

This is more than just freeing ourselves from fossil fuels. This is about taking back control. Imagine a world where energy flows freely, where YOU are not being exploited for every drop of electricity or every gallon of gasoline. This is the kind of power that will turn the global system upside down.

One final blow to the globalists: They know that free energy means the end of their control. The environmental excuses? All a ploy to keep you scared and dependent. Free energy ends their climate manipulation narrative. We take back our planet, clean it up, and expose their lies all at once.

Economic Earthquake Coming: Free energy will trigger an economic boom the likes of which the world has never seen. Production costs will plummet, economies will boom, and millions of lives will be lifted out of poverty. The elites won’t know what hit them.

It’s not just about technology; it’s about global domination — but this time, by the people, FOR the people.

The Promise of Free Energy
The Promise of Free Energy

Baum Telegram (Gesara) 

We must emphasize that the essence (source) of calling for a GESARA (Plan Q) society is a “transition to the 5th dimensional world (5th dimensional wave)”.

“GESARA” is just a mechanism in human society, and not the purpose (purpose for the future) of humanity on earth.*

If you want to realize the GESARA society as quickly as possible, it is very important that each person makes repeated efforts to “transition to the fifth-dimensional wave”.

However, let’s say “transition to the fifth-dimensional wave”, many people cannot have a concrete image in mind.

If the phrase “Let’s raise our vibrations (towards the fifth dimension)” is used so often, many people may mistakenly think that “we just need to keep a positive mindset.”

This time I have written the following article about the transition process of the fifth-dimensional wave, which I consider from the point of view of natural energy. I would appreciate it if you find it useful.


Last time we talked about how “the element that we (Earth humans) must experience is a transition and adaptation to the fifth dimensional world.”

Based on this story, this time I will give my personal opinion that the most effective means (measures) for a new awakening and transition to the 5th dimensional world (acquisition of 5th dimensional vibrations) is “Money”.

Well, nothing is like the Earth Alliance, if you look at it (laughs)

The transition to a fifth-dimensional world also includes the feeling that we are providing measures that must be implemented immediately, regardless of whether GESARA is announced or not.

We are in the midst of a huge transmutation, transition, and transfiguration right now, and this is working on many layers, and not just one.
So many Lightworkers are already functioning in the 5D, and some even higher. We have pulled this through, and we are pulling it through.
Some of us have been called years ago, and some recently and some are just awaken. It does not matter, when or where, what matters is that we hold the 5th dimensional frequency steady in our bodies and fields.
I was reminded of this last week, when I suddenly had to do with someone who was near hysterical because of impending second death in their family, within a few months.
To me death just means shedding the physical vessel, as the soul lives on and simply resumes it original soul form and then continues life elsewhere.
Every soul on earth originates from other galaxies, constellations and star systems, and your soul is eternally connected to it. Even your soul’s signature tune, is always tuned into this original home of your soul and your sacred geometrical symbols, even your soul colors!
I have always been involved deeply in the church for many years and did Sunday School classes as well and everything else, as I was Librarian and thus much involved in community services all my life.
We had a Pastor from Germany whose ministry used to be working in hospitals and he said something to me, I will never forget: “You need to take leave of your loved ones, before they lie on their death bed. For that is when so many cling on because of unfinished business, rather than doing this before this happens.”
Then he asked me to speak to children about death. I was quite taken aback, but then he said something else: “In these modern times, people do not prepare their children for death, and they see on TV or the movies that the ‘bad’ guys die, so when a pet and parent or grandparent dies, they do not know how to handle it.”
Well I did, and I had the most amazing experiences that day. I had a boy, called Carl in my class, who was a classic example of the hyperactive boy, and I always let him run around, for I know there is nothing wrong with these children, especially boys, they just have too much energy and should really be out in nature and running around, getting dirty and being happy. So that day, the other children were listening as I talked about death not being the end, and elaborated that it is something which happens to everybody, including children.
When they had all left Karl came and sat next to me, and this boy and I had the most amazing conversation about death, and the live thereafter that I have ever had in my life. He was telling me things that truly touched my heart and soul, and I am grateful for this child, who taught me so much!
In truth there is no death – merely a shedding of a earthly vessel as the soul lives on ad infinitum!
Perhaps, in moments when catastrophe strikes, we are most reminded of our own mortality. It is mostly because we cling onto things, onto people, onto whatever. What we fear most, is our own mortality. Yet, what in truth is there to fear?
I remember when one of my most active Library members, who loved making quilts and who had started a whole quilting group, and lived on a farm, had just moved into her dream house, which her husband had finally built for them. They were on holiday at the coast, when they got the message, that their new house had been gutted, during a fire. There was nothing left of the house, nor anything in it, for gas bottles had exploded as well.
One day I met her in town and I asked her how she was doing. She had a big smile on her face and this is what she said: “When it all happened, I was devastated, but also relieved! I know it sounds funny, but I realized that all that stuff was weighing me down, holding me in some form or way, even the family heirlooms. Yet, you know the way people rallied around us, the way we were helped by others and the love they showed, even complete strangers, was worth more than anything we lost during that fire. But what was most touching, was that all the ladies in my quilting group rallied together, and gathered in files all my quilting patterns, and everyone gathers scraps of material together, and indeed I got them all back again, plus more! To me that is more than I can be thankful for! Just to be alive is a gift, but if I had to leave this body tomorrow, it will be with no regret. Just with gratitude and love.”
It is times like these, that our whole value systems shift. What we believed we cannot do without, suddenly loses its meaning, and what we always felt was the be-all of our existence, now evaporates in the mists.
We start to realize that the true meaning of life, is there within us, and our Divine connectedness with all of life, and all life forms, and the whole Universe.
And what makes life worthwhile, are indeed those precious moments of oneness, of unity, of shared laughter, and shared tears, and more than this, those moments of gnosis, when we can truly see.
It is there in the eyes of a beloved pet.
It is there in the faces of the people going by, and in the eyes of those whom we love, even the smile of complete stranger.
Those moments of interconnectedness.
Moments of joy.
Yet, more than this Love, in its purest form, all-embracing love for all sentient beings, and all of life itself, immortal.
I was just this morning, thanking the Divine for this life, for all that is now unfolding, for the deep unknown, yet, known.
For being able to breathe, and for being able to bless the earth, the waters, the air, the fires, and all within her, and upon and around her.
How very blessed we are!
And more than this, that hearts are opening worldwide, and that in truth, we are one single family.
One Heart.
One soul.
One Being.
“Death is a great teacher. But so is life. To deny ourself any aspect of it, is to deny life itself! ” Dr. Leo Buscaglia
Judith Kusel

BOMB! White Hats in command:

massive military movements, CEO fleeing the country, globalists in panic: GESARA takes back your stolen wealth! It’s happening right now, and it’s more explosive than anyone could have imagined. The white hats are getting closer, and the deep state empire is falling apart. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is here, and it’s dismantling the corrupt system built by the elites who are now running scared. GESARA: the triggering factor of the global financial collapse The globalists have manipulated the financial system, creating a false scarcity and keeping the world in debt slavery. But now, the White Caps have revealed their plan and GESARA is the final nail in their coffin. It’s an economic war that claims trillions of dollars stolen from the people and paralyzes the deep state’s money laundering plans.
White Hats
White Hats
The hidden trillions are being confiscated. Classified insiders confirm central banks are collapsing behind the scenes. The globalists are in panic as their empire collapses under pressure. They thought they could amass wealth while the world suffered, but GESARA is putting an end to their game. The White Hats have unleashed the second phase of the global takedown. The real battle rages behind the scenes. Phase two of this massive military operation has begun, and it’s more explosive than anyone could have predicted. New military activity around the deep state’s major strongholds has been confirmed, with bunkers discovered in Antarctica where the elites thought they could hide their advanced technology. Unusual flying activity near Area 51 indicates elite attack forces are preparing for a final offensive against deep state headquarters in Washington, DC and New York. Arrests of important politicians and CEOs are imminent.
The Deep State’s Last Resistance: Escape and Failure This is the deep state’s last desperate resistance, and it’s collapsing faster than anyone thought. Private jets are taking off from key cities to secret locations. These sudden resignations of Fortune 500 CEOs aren’t retirements — they’re escapees.
White hats have them in their sights. Clandestine operations are underway in Italy, Germany and even in the Vatican, where high-level officials linked to global child trafficking networks are arrested. The role of the Vatican in money laundering and financing human trafficking is revealed. New Perspectives: Targeting Media Giants and Silicon Valley White Hats are targeting Silicon Valley and the global media empire.
Tech giants have colluded with the deep state, manipulating data and censoring truth. But their control is slipping away. The CEOs of these companies are under surveillance and their communications have been intercepted. The Final Purge Is Coming The White Hats won’t stop until every single lump of the Deep State is uprooted. Military courts are being prepared for high profile individuals.
The evidence collected is irrefutable: the crimes of the deep state are deeper and darker than the public has been allowed to know. This is our time Patriots. The storm is here and nothing can stop what is coming. The deep state is over. Victory is inevitable and GESARA will bring freedom and prosperity that has been stolen from us for too long! 👉ThestormQ
Freedom from the curse of money
Freedom from the curse of money

“Freedom from the curse of money” must be implemented first, regardless of whether GESARA is released or not.

“Deliverance from the curse of money” must be implemented first, regardless of whether GESARA is released or not.

I would like to share my views on the most important elements of GESARA on the path towards a GESARA society.


  • Free yourself from the “curse of money”! ?
    • The curse of money becomes a factor that hinders the transition to the 5th dimensional world! ?
    • “Freedom from the slavery of money” is something that needs to be implemented immediately for a new awakening.

Free yourself from the “curse of money”! ?

Free yourself from the “curse of money”! ?

Last time, in the article below, I talked about how “the element that we (Earth humans) should strive for is the transition and adaptation to the fifth-dimensional world.”

GESARA (elements)  is a social system necessary for Earth humans to adapt to the fifth-dimensional world and  is “not a goal  .”

For us (terrestrial humans) to reach the 5th dimensional world, as an introspective element,

Liberation of the Self-Soul (Recovering the Connection with the Soul)

And as an external factor

Break away from the three-dimensional world social system that the Cabal (DS) has created to enslave Earth humanity.

is an essential element.

In the previous article (  What is the transition to the fifth-dimensional wave? Being able to communicate with your own soul  ) we addressed elements related to the first (opening the self-soul), so this time we will focus on the latter (the third-dimensional world). I would like to address elements related to (escape from the social system).

The curse of money becomes a factor that hinders the transition to the 5th dimensional world! ?

The curse of money becomes a factor that hinders the transition to the 5th dimensional world! ?

Among the social systems created by the Cabal (DS) to enslave Earth’s humanity, the one that is the most powerful and must be eliminated as soon as possible is

Money curse


By positioning “money” as the most important element of social life, Kabbalah (DS)  has linked people’s lives to the  chain of “obtaining money.”

In order to make currency (money) indispensable, the general public is constantly forced to spend large amounts of money through various means (taxes, interest, fees, insurance premiums, etc.). This creates a need to earn money.

Another problem is that  by-products of the “curse of money” are being created   . That is

Unable to have a sense of coexistence with the Earth (Land, nature)

I can’t see the connection with my soul (I can’t communicate with my soul)

That’s what it means.

As I said in the previous article,  the two elements above  are necessary to reach the fifth-dimensional wave. That’s right… we are stuck with the curse of money.

Unable to raise soul vibration to the fifth dimension (difficult to transition into the fifth dimensional world)

That will be the case.

“Freedom from the slavery of money” is something that needs to be implemented immediately for a new awakening.

“Freedom from the slavery of money” is something that needs to be implemented immediately for a new awakening.

This is completely my personal opinion (laughs).  The people who are truly awake  at this time  are

Most people will probably be less affected by the money curse  (people who have no problems with living expenses, have no money but always think they can manage, hate money, don’t consider money important, etc.) That’s what I think.

In other words,  the more people are under the spell of money, the less awake they become  .

This is because if you are under the spell of money, your feelings will not go towards the two factors mentioned in the previous section. I think it is because I do not have the time to focus on it.

What to say…

In order to encourage greater awakening and promote the transition into the 5th dimensional world.

Freeing people from the slavery of money

should be the most effective measure.

Honestly,  I don’t think it  matters whether GESARA will be released or not  . The superficial emphasis on “GESARA release” is based on information provided after GESARA was released.

Abolition of various taxes (only sales tax on new products)

Return (reimbursement) of funds from which humanity was exploited

Introduction of UBI (Universal Basic Income)

It is believed that this will be implemented.

There is a possibility that the information is wrong or the planning schedule (configuration) changes, etc. In this case,  the  above measures will be implemented without public announcement by GESARA.

I still think it’s okay.

On the contrary, to smoothly promote the transition into the 5th dimensional world (including the new awakening), we need to do so immediately.

End monetary exploitation (abolition of various taxes, etc.)

Introduction of UBI (Universal Basic Income)

I believe this should be implemented. Because this is the most effective measure.

At this point, I don’t know how many DS remnants there are, but… I don’t think there are any problems with implementing the above two elements in a situation where DS remnants exist.

Especially when it comes to  “stopping the exploitation of money (abolition of various taxes, etc.)”  there should be no risk whatsoever. On the contrary, it could lead to cutting off the financing route for the remnants of the DS.

Regarding the introduction of UBI (Universal Basic Income)  , it will be necessary to devise measures to prevent funds from going to the DS remnants, so it may be necessary to make the QFS account (distribution of Q-phones, etc.) public. I don’t know.

If there were another means other than “QFS account disclosure”, early implementation would be possible even in situations where GESARA has not yet been announced…

Personally, in order for human society to reach the fifth-dimensional world, I would like to move towards a world where the “abolition of various taxes” and the “introduction of UBI (including a temporary UBI)” are implemented as soon as possible. I think so.

We hope that by restoring peace of mind, as many people as possible will turn their attention to “coexistence with the Earth” and “dialogue with their own souls.”





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Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


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RUMORS: 10/11/2024

Starlink is on alert to send EBS to cell phones around the world. 

The countdown has begun for the global secret operation. Notice to my faithful followers. Starting on October 14th and 15th, on your cell phones you will hear an intense sound signal (emergency alert system) which will be the EBS, which will be in every country in the world.

The Starlink satellites are the ones that contact cell phones. At this time, control is maintained by the Earth Alliance around the world. Prepare for the beginning of the planetary liberation. Starting October 15, hear a loud beep on your cell phones, the EAS (Emergency Alert System).


EBS: Emergency Broadcast System

What event can trigger it?

1. Reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar

2. Collapse of Evergrande

3. Gorges Dam Collapse

4. Death of the Pope

5. Stock Market Crash

6. China Takes Taiwan

7. Electoral Decertification

8. Nuclear War

9. QFS – Accounts

10. Q-Phones

We’ll see.

PREPARE. . . ☝️☝️☝️

🚨 FALSE US FLAGS: 24 hours to go! 🚨



The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Begins as the QFS Eliminates Globalist Banks – Mass Arrests Are Imminent, Trump’s Secret Moves and 10 Days of Darkness Are Upon Us!

The revolution is here and the quantum financial system (QFS) is at the center of it all. The global elites are shaking – their corrupt financial system is collapsing. GESARA is being implemented, although much remains secret. October 2024 is the month that will change EVERYTHING…….


The Quantum Finance System (QFS) is here and it will change everything. 

The US dollar and the euro are now worthless, artificially propped up to avoid chaos. But collapse is imminent and the transformation is already underway.

EBS Global Martial Law is Imminent

Militias are being activated around the world to ensure our safety

White Hats and Red Hats Declare War on FEMA and FBI in North Carolina

Based on evidence that FEMA ordered its agents to shoot victims of Hurricane Helene – the same holocaust that FEMA agents committed in the man-made Maui wildfires of 2023.

Three Major (Man-Made?) Hurricanes Will Hit Florida in the Next Three Weeks



Trump’s return ignites global chaos: European bank collapse, Black Swan event, billions paid for GESARA, secret military tribunals in action and QFS fully operational!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is now fully operational, and the final nails are being driven into the coffin of the corrupt financial system that has enslaved us for generations.



The implementation of the QFS is forcing banks to redistribute wealth right now — inside the secret meetings of the banking elites!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the most powerful liberation tool ever conceived and is already reshaping the entire global financial landscape behind the scenes. The implementation of the QFS is a meticulously planned operation to dismantle the old, corrupt financial structures that have oppressed people for decades.


We are here to bridge the gap between the old and the new.

Between Earth and Heaven

3D and 5D

Each of us is an energy transducer. Our purpose is to transmute the nonsense, the chaos, the pain… into Love.

Can you do this?

Can you keep doing this no matter how many times the 3D world kicks your ass?

Of course you can.

That’s why you came.


So the BRICS are launching alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF and an entirely new financial system based on gold, which will challenge the legitimacy of the US dollar.


BRICS unity has been definitively launched.

BRICS will also launch an alternative to the IMF as a summit.

So Lavrov has been traveling the world, telling foreign heads of state that there will be an alternative to the IMF when the BRICS currency is launched.

So the BRICS are launching alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF and an entirely new financial system based on gold, which will challenge the legitimacy of the US dollar.


Planetary Transition and the New Era

Firstly, it is important to contextualize that today we live with a lot of social inequality and several illicit ways of making a lot of money.

Thus, while some people get rich easily and without really giving anything back to society, others work to generate value but are not paid fairly.

Therefore, as we are experiencing changes in the way we live towards a fairer Planet and Society, it is natural that the financial side will also undergo changes.

“Cash is definitely going to disappear,” says Henrique Gasparetto.

He draws attention to the fact that we can already observe changes, such as digital banks with no transfer fees, the digital real, Wallet…

Let’s follow what’s happening, as the process is gradual!


GESARA represents a major shift in social systems and we are putting the pieces together one by one.

For this reason, the world situation may be calm, but from the ever-changing news,  you should be able to feel that you are heading towards GESARA  .

However, we often rely on knowledge of the world situation that we learned in school years or decades ago, and it can be difficult to relate GESARA to the real world situation.

In this article, I wrote about what we can do to reshape the world situation in our heads, while also covering news that seems to be heading towards GESARA.


Have you ever heard the word “  letting go  ” in the world of psychology or spirituality? 

It literally means letting go of unnecessary things you are holding on to, like “letting go of suffering.”

This letting go will come to you as an important process as you move forward into the new world, including GESARA, which is occurring now.


However, if you misunderstand the essential meaning of the word “letting go,” you will have problems.


I often see comments like “There is no GESARA” or “I don’t believe it” attached to information related to GESARA.

Of course people who don’t want to believe should simply choose not to believe, but I think the problem  is  people who are confused about whether or not they can believe.


There was a time when I myself struggled with how to believe.

Ultimately, to solve this problem, we need to get rid of the mindset that only focuses on the truth or falsehood of information and face our own hearts.


GESARA is said to bring about a major change in the economy, that is, in money. 

This change involves not only the monetary system, but  also a change in the way people think about money  .

How will we view money in the world after the implementation of GESARA?  You may feel like you live in a world where  there is a lot of money  , such as tax refunds and basic income.

However, the goal of GESARA is to create a world where  people don’t have to worry about money  . In fact, “having lots of money” and “not having to worry about money” are completely different states.


Can you explain this difference? Which state do you think is the happiest state?

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