Medbed: Quantum Healing Technology for Complete Healing ~ NAVARATRI: 9 Holy Nights of Creation

Medbed: Quantum Healing Technology for Complete Healing ~ NAVARATRI: 9 Holy Nights of Creation


Medbed: Quantum Healing Technology for Complete Healing

Medbed is real and free for humanity

Imagine a future where hospitals are not places of fear, but centers of revolutionary healing.

Medbed is transforming healthcare in a way that uses free energy systems and quantum healing to destroy Big Pharma and end the suffering caused by countless diseases.

This future is closer than you think.

 A new era of healing



We are on the verge of a quantum leap.

Medbeds and other advanced quantum devices will soon replace outdated medical practices.

No more cancer, no more Alzheimer’s, no more endless drugs.

Imagine a hospital equipped with technology to rejuvenate DNA, heal body and mind, and regenerate limbs.

The old system of dependence on hospitals, surgeries and medicines will be a thing of the past.

 erase the past



Today, the third leading cause of death is hospital errors and unnecessary treatments.

With Medbed, you don’t have to worry about that.

These beds can reverse aging, heal life’s wounds, and regenerate organs and tissues.

All thanks to technology that has been used in secret space programs for over 80 years.

Now is the time to reveal these secrets to everyone.

True healing will soon be available to everyone, not just those in power.

 presidential support

On June 14, 2020, President Trump announced that “in about a year, nearly every hospital procedure will be out of date.”

Quantum Healing Technology
Quantum Healing Technology

Cities will be filled with medical beds and Tesla chambers that can cure diseases and reverse aging by up to 30 years.

This is the beginning of a new era.

No more invasive surgery and no more suffering.

 Using Medbed


Three types of medical beds will be available.

Regenerative beds that regrow lost limbs and organs, rejuvenation beds that reverse age and heal psychological trauma, and holographic beds that return the body to its ideal state without harmful surgery.

This is a fountain of youth, where healing powers are returned to people.

 Vision of a healthier tomorrow



It’s not just about health, it’s about freedom.

Freedom from Big Pharma control, freedom from the manipulation of our health.

These techniques will be introduced worldwide, marking the beginning of the Aquarian Age of Healing.

We will no longer be slaves to the system, we will no longer sacrifice our health and wealth for survival.

Medbed is coming soon and it will change everything.

Prepare for a future where we take back our health, our bodies, and our lives from those who have held us back for so long.






NAVARATRI: 9 Holy Nights of Creation

“The nine numbers figure prominently in the creation story of several traditions: for example Buddhist, Mayan, Hindu and even Genesis. In Hindu there are Nine Stages of Consciousness Evolution: The Creator works through the 9 stages of the Navaratri, the eternal nights of creation ”to connect us to the highest levels of existence”. The choice to serve the light is made in every incarnation, in every cycle and every creation.
The universe evolves in a spiral. Creation is cyclic, eternally repeating, creating a spiral. The spiral embodies the teachings of the mysteries from ancient times. The Navaratri is mapped onto the Fibonacci spiral as the world line through a sequence of squares representing worlds generating the 9 integers plus zero of the sacred mathematical language. This is not only the path of creation but also the Path of Return to Source, the Journey of the Soul. The Spiral represents the perfect path of existence. Navaratri is the promise and the process that all being must go through on the Path of Return.
The Number 9: is fundamental in the cosmology of many esoteric traditions:
• 9 is the number of nirvana, complete enlightenment
• 9 Neters, Divine creative principles in the Egyptian Mysteries
• 9 Tiers representing planes of consciousness in the Mayan pyramid of Chitzen Itza, Yucatan and the Buddhist pyramid of Borobudor, Java
• 9 Prime Numbers in the Chinese Lo Shu; also the Magic Square of Saturn
• 9 Principles of Creation in the Enneagram of mystical Sufism
• 9 Cosmic wombs of Creation in the Hindu NavaYoni Yantra, 9 Trigles make the Sri Yantra, the Universe
The 9 Nights of Creation-The Stages of Star Evolution
1st: Maha-Rati: Night of Eternity: The “Ocean of Silence”: The formless chaos of undifferentiated energy…the disordered matter decayed from the previous cycle, from which all time is formed becomes a sea of potential. “Darkness was upon the face of the deep, And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Gen.1.2
2nd: Krohda-Matri: The Second Night-The Beginning of Time: The 2nd Night begins with an inflation of light which divides from the darkness and the appearance of thought or consciousness as a plasma which hits an energy field that gives it shape and form throughout; energy/matter organizes into spirals becoming galaxies. This is the reawakening of substance at the beginning of a new creation cycle. The 1stthrob/pulse of the flashing universe.
3rd: Divya-Ratri: Night of Realization: Single stars form, condensations as a central cubic matrix in magnetic fields of turbulence; Matter and antimatter separate. Fusion ignites and the first stars explode releasing the lower elements.
4th: Siddha-Ratri: Night of Offering: Matter accretes into planetary systems around stars. This is the time of chemical creation.
5th: Vira-Ratri: Night of Courage: Star radiation begins. Photosynthesis-Life develops; The choice of 2 paths: evolution through cubic life space to higher evolutionary star seed intelligence going through this into spiraling light of double-multiple star systems of co-participation or destruction in single star systems in spiraling black cubic space where the star self-consumes.
6th: Kala-Ratri: Night of Frustration: Sudden end of the world system; Star death by gravitational collapse; nova explosion or white dwarf exhaustion.
7th: Darvna-Ratri: Night of Smoke: Star collapse-destruction of physical material…the boundary of geo-physical human evolution. Collapse changes into new orbital levels of energy creating satellites as a new creation. Physical order of the Mind must re-organize into greater space-time dimensions. Man must be connected to 8th chakra to continue with the star. In order for man to enter his greater evolution to express the Adam Kadmon and avoid the death of his physical sun, he must recognize and go beyond singular star evolution stages. [98-109]
8th: Vira-Ratri: Second Night of Courage: Collapsing stars rebirth as new beings of light releasing all that is not God, becoming totally God connected. Matter fields reorganize-high energy radiation.
9th: Moha-Ratri: Night of Delusion: Continuing collapse to intense star fields where no light can escape-Blue Lotus. Consciousness leaves the star.
10th: Maha-Ratri: Night of Splendor: All collapses into singularity of infinite density, a “Blackhole”; the star becomes portal between universes and the origin of meta-matter; the synthesis of the many into one.
According to the Keys of Enoch-Key 109: The singular star evolution modeled by the Navaraitri mirrors the spiritual evolution of man, who in order to avoid the death of his own solar nature must recognize and go beyond singular star evolution stages.”
Hurtak, J.J., Key 109, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, 1976.
NAVARATRI - 9 Holy Nights of Creation
NAVARATRI – 9 Holy Nights of Creation



What’s on the calendar? Below are the main changes

On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the gold-backed Chinese Yen will replace the US fiat dollar to determine the price of oil on Forex for international trade, and thus the US fiat dollar will cease to exist as it has no value and cannot be used for international trade.

U.S. Inc. Corp.’s fiscal year ends on Tuesday, October 1; it has not received any funding from Congress for the upcoming fiscal year and will therefore be forced to close, putting an end to the fiat monetary system. On Tuesday, October 1, all banks around the world that are not Basel III compliant (i.e., have a currency backed by gold) will be closed.

QFS Golden
QFS Golden

The Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset will be activated on Tuesday, October 1st, with at least 144 gold/asset-backed national currencies trading at a 1:1 ratio to each other, meaning NESARA/GESARA will also be activated worldwide on October 1st.

On Tuesday, October 1, LIBOR is expected to be replaced by SOFR, which backs the real value of money, marking a significant shift in financial benchmarks as it heralds the end of price manipulation worldwide. The new Republic of the United States of America will begin its new fiscal year on Tuesday, October 1, with a gold-backed U.S. note as part of the Global Currency Reset.

In the first week of October, the emergency broadcast system will be activated, while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will conduct the largest covert operation in history and EBS will broadcast 24/7 documentaries on the status of these detentions. Congress will be suspended for 30 days on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (Congress can only be arrested when it is not in session).

Workers at major ports on the East and West Coasts and in Canada will go on strike on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, severely disrupting the supply chain. Stock up on supplies. Tuesday, October 1, 2024 is the one-year anniversary of the US Debt Clock messages on Telegram. Wednesday, October 2 Mickey Mouse on the Clock Wednesday, 10 2 is the last day.”” Welcome to the big change!!

The Storm Rider



Wolverine on the global currency reset:


“He is very ready to do this.

St. Germaine (Fund) prepares to release resources.

The Tier 1 platform is currently being prepared for launch and will initially pay all members a $10,000 advance until they begin releasing all funds.

Dubai 1 has just been launched and Dubai 2 is almost complete. October 17th, we should be ready to go.”

The money goes to us!!

Simple cleanup and updated QFS.

DOD, senior and continuing locked unlock codes.

Billions of sums are being released for humanitarian projects.

Payers will pay.

As Bond teams, you will be given some tasks. The remaining groups of each level are paid in full: levels 1,2,3,4.

Banks will finalize the remaining installments of payments overnight.

The release algorithms will be ready for Monday.

Those who try to intervene and delay will be arrested and replaced within a few hours.

All devices enhance security at multiple levels and dimensions.

There will be 20 days of disclosure.

New technologies are being installed.

All our partner banks eliminate several problems.

Get ready for the Shotgun Launch!!!

The celebrations during liberation will accompany us

Keep the faith.

God bless us.


The storm is upon us. The matrix is collapsing before our eyes. Tighten up those seat belts. Exciting journey ahead. So much is happening already; things are deteriorating rapidly and the situation will only become more intense as the days go by. There’s nothing to fear. T
he more we feed fear, the more we manifest darkness. Remember, everything that is crumbling down at the moment is making room for a whole new era. All is well and proceeding according to the divine plan. This is where our energy should be going right now. Not holding on to the old and feeding expired limiting beliefs that eventually dissolve, but contributing to the creation of the new. ✨
👉The storm Q
The storm is upon us
The storm is upon us

This post is about the X9 and X7.1 we just had in the last 24 hours. I’m attempting here to teach you about something you probably are not aware of. This also is a post that might shatter your paradigms. So be it. The reality of strong weather events is they are not 100% manipulated by humans that some people on social media might have you try to believe. And the reality of strong weather events, now in 2024, is that we’ve seen lots of weather manipulation happening around the world, so most are not 100% Mother Nature either. Every storm, tornado and hurricane has energy associated with it and has the potential for manipulation, but if Laws of Physics hold up, we can also account for energy change and temperature change and localized inputs.
Humans are capable of starting a storm or degrading a storm. We all know this and this specific part is no longer really not debated anymore. Even earlier this year, the Saudis showed how they did it in videos with “electrical injections” of energy into a cloud that was already there. No chemicals needed. The resulting influence causes more clouds to form and then rain a lot more to turn deserts into grasslands. But one must still understand energy, right? Was there enough energy in the area of the storms in the first place to kick-start it into something more? If we don’t about the Physics and the details of Energy and how it’s repeatable, with both energy, electromagnetism, temperature changes and all of the possible and known influencers to a storm, then is disingenuous.
I grew up in the days of Cold Fusion at the universities. There were many claims about taking deuterium or tritium and getting extra, easy energy from water in a simplistic fashion. The problem with Cold Fusion wasn’t the idea or concept. Creativity is awesome. But to move beyond creativity and speculation, we must back it up with real evidence and processes. It was getting it to happen consistently and repeatable, so that any scientist outside of the lab could also do it. It appears on the surface and reported in papers, the initial claims were valid and within one week, the entire Scientific Community was looking into it. Then they tried to repeat the experiment many times, and couldn’t do it. It ultimately fizzed out and no Cold Fusion to this day.
For conspiracy-minded folks: Maybe the gov’t came in and swooped up the technology or maybe no one could repeat it because they messed up the recipe on purpose. Regardless, Cold Fusion–if we are to use it as a society and benefit from it–needs to be known, the processes laid out and then we can repeat the experiment anywhere we try it. The Laws of Physics helps to guide us, and yes, even within Physics, there might be unknowns or or missing elements at play, overlap with electromagnetism, how things are really working at a small scale inside of the elements, etc. It’s important to start with known foundations and work from them, because then over time, it’s possible to backtrack and find where something failed or how something may have been missing. This is often how discoveries are made as well, when you throw a lot of “known systems and processes” into a bucket that hasn’t been considered yet, mix it up and see if anything new appears on the other side.
For storm-creation, the largest missing component, or we might say puzzle piece, is the SUN itself. There is an entire science around Solar Forcing. Much of this is still missed by a good chunk of the propagandized Climate Science, especially holes in most models that do not account for Solar Forcing. Often Solar Forcing is considered from the lens of its continual impact on Earth and the solar wind that strikes one face of Earth as Earth turns. But in huge solar Events like the ones that just took place with an X7.1 and an X9, yes the energy carried on the initial Solar Flare blasts has some energy input into Earth’s system.
Where the greater and more powerful impacts happen as CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections). The plasma can fly to Earth in powerful blasts as you can see on satellite imagery. Plasma is the 4th State of Matter and it’s made up of highly charged particles and elements that slam the planet’s Magnetosphere and sends the energy down into us. This is why we’re about to have a Solar Storm tomorrow and Saturday from these massive events, because we know there are CMEs with these flares and the plasma is out in space right now flung our way. We don’t really know how dense yet, but as more imagery comes in and based on what we’ve observed from past events, we have an idea these are not long-duration events (which have more plasma usually), but are more medium-duration events with a good amount of plasma.
We also know the X7.1 blasted with less overall umph, where the X9.05 blasted with much more of a pack and with more speed, so the plasma will actually be trying to catch up with the earlier X7.1 plasma. There’s probably not going to be a merging overlap of plasma because the X9 blast wasn’t ultra-fast. Some Solar flare blasts are much more speedy too. And usually the magnitude of the blast == more speed usually as well. So if you get this picture in your head, if there’s an X1 that fires off in the future and it takes 3 days to arrive, but then a day later an X10 goes off and travels much faster, it could actually catch up with the original plasma from the X1 and merge plasma together as it flies into Earth. Or if we get an X20 tomorrow, that could actually arrive in a very quick time like even under 2 days depending on the blast. The Carrington Event, which is estimated to be around an X60 to an X80, took about a day to get here from the original observation in England.
These events are the missing keys to the mainstream Climate Science narrative that pulls wool over our eyes. Once we get impacted on Earth by a strong CME like the two that are coming tomorrow (X7.1) and Saturday (X9.05), that plasma energy injection gets brought down here into the skies above us often in the range of 3 to 7 days later. This is variable because of more science with L-shell layer and the Global Electric Circuit. Those are your key words to look up if you want to research.
So knowing what just happened, once again about next Tuesday, October 8th to about next Saturday, October 12th, we have a lot of ENERGY INJECTION into the skies above us as the energy comes down and down into the planet. This means if there are nefarious people with seeding technologies that are timing the CME plasma energy to make a storm, there’s gonna be far greater chance to form a more powerful storm generation when our own atmosphere is lit up down here above the surface. This all translates into more weather extremes that the media plays off as “Climate Change, you bad humans,” because many are ignorant and have been trained to ignore and dismiss the greatest energy inputer to Earth. Earth IS NOT A CLOSED ENERGY SYSTEM as mainstream would like you to believe.
Here is why my eyes are on the Oceans and Weather systems from Oct. 8th to Oct. 12th because of what just happened. I predicted the last 2 perfectly from the last two X-flare CMEs (the first hitting Texas several weeks ago, and then Hurricane Helene last week), let’s see if I can go 3 out of 3 next week to see what happens.






🔥 New on Patreon ~ Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥


🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to enjoy the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation



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