You are currently viewing Eternal Mother Whales ~ The Fleet Of The Heart Of Lemuria * THE ARK ~ THE GALACTIC COUNCIL CALLING ~ ATLAS & THE INDIGOS ~ ANOTHER Shift in the Matrix of Time ~ Navaratri
ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time

Eternal Mother Whales ~ The Fleet Of The Heart Of Lemuria * THE ARK ~ THE GALACTIC COUNCIL CALLING ~ ATLAS & THE INDIGOS ~ ANOTHER Shift in the Matrix of Time ~ Navaratri

Eternal Mother Whales ~ The Fleet Of The Heart Of Lemuria * THE ARK ~ THE GALACTIC COUNCIL CALLING ~ ATLAS & THE INDIGOS ~ ANOTHER Shift in the Matrix of Time ~ Navaratri





Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Dragon Queens and Kings of our Avalonian Lineage

This is it, beloved beings of Eternal Life!

After the powerful X 7 Class Soular Flare on Tuesday October 1st and the intense New Moon and “Ring of Fire” Soular Eclipse yesterday on the 2nd, today on the 3rd of October our local Soularis released, from sunspot 3842 the most powerful Soular Flare in the current Solar Cycle 25 maxing at X 9.05 at 5:18 AM PST (12:18 UTC) THIS IS THE MOST INTENSE FLARE OF THIS SOLAR CYCLE AND THE FIFTEENTH MOST INTENSE EVER RECORDED!!

These FLASHES OF HIGHER LIGHT will be Activating the Event energies within the Living Hearts of all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144.

For the next several days Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun will be flooded with the Highest Love Light Frequencies directly from the most High and Great Central Sun that will flood this realm with Pure Source Codes and Keys for our Awakening of Buddha Consciousness.

These Soular Flashes will Activate the Crown and Crystal Palace of our Ground Crew Team and flow into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth and all our Starseed Lightworkers to assist all in the Great Shift of all Ages into the Eternal 5D Golden Age of Infinite Life and Infinite Light.

In synchronicity with today’s major Events we have a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 88 Yellow Planetary Star as Mother Earth prepares to go Gold Ray SuperNova along with all her Children of the Sun. This Day holds the Code of our 8:8 LionsGate Portals of Divine Activations.

Also Synchronizing with this powerful Soular Flash today begins the Festival of Navaratri (Nava means nine, Ratri means night) starts today, October 3 and ends on October 12. In Hinduism this is an ancient nine-night festival where people fast and perform rituals to acknowledge both external and internal states of being. For the next 9 nights Goddess Durga Ma will flood this realm with Universal Dharma and right action. Goddess Lakshmi will bring positive ideas and mindsets to our Rainbow Tribes of New Eden.

Keep anchoring and holding the line and your Visions of our Pristine New Earth where all our Good People can live in total Peace, Prosperity, Happiness, ultimate Health and Abundance forever more.

Goddess Speed Angels of Terra Nova Gaia…A’ho! 🕊🕉🦅









The Navaratri festival is celebrated to proclaim the power of the goddesses to the world. The supreme Shakti (Energy) manifests Itself in the form of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. Durga grants us energy – physical, mental, and spiritual. Lakshmi bestows on us wealth of many kinds; not just money, the wealth of character, and many more.
Even health is wealth. Saraswati bestows on us intelligence, the capacity for intellectual inquiry, and the power of discrimination. One’s own mother is a combination of all these Divine Beings. She provides us energy, wealth, and intelligence.
She constantly desires our advancement in life. So she represents all the three goddesses we worship during the Navaratri festival.  Recognizing one’s mother as the very embodiment of all divine forces, one must show reverence to her and treat her with love.
This is an important message that the Navaratri, the nine-night festival gives us.
– Divine Discourse, Oct 14, 1988.
You must show towards the mother the same love and spirit of sacrifice with which she has brought you up. – Baba🌹




We’re at ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time and with that
YOUR role might change
Embodying the Higher Monad aspects,
The Codes and Templates.
13D Monads Activating!
DEEP Soul group RE: Unions happening.
You might be pulled to another Dimensional Space/Time.
Or physical location.
Fluid / flow key xx
SO much love
❤ Valerie



ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time
ANOTHER shift in the Matrix of Time





As we are still in the process of reading the time capsule that ourselves left for us, we are now officially on the chapter of the galactic level and remembrance.
The 999 portal that opened this September is the beginning of the reconnection and restoration of the Galactic part of the Self, family and teams.
In my view we have stepped in the most magnificent but also challenging part of the process of the physical awakening.
The reason for this is that the most difficult and painful memories are the galactic ones.
One of the reasons that inner healing/therapy was necessary via the human code during the past years was because one had to be ready and stable enough in order to really open and experience
the galactic shadow, memories and events via the human body when this portal would open, and it now has.
This means that this inner galactic flow has begun whether one is aware of it or not and it will increase very much and very fast!
Our last 5D session was very different to any other 5D session that we have ever had because an important part of it was focused on what took place on a galactic level.
We are the time travelers and the ark is here.
Comet Atlas is also here to ignite the Indigos’ missions and help their restoration.
This calling is for those who are galactic indigo/diamond seeds or part of the sacred galactic teams.
We have so much to share!
Blessings to all!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:







✨️Message from the Galactic Confederation

During the solar eclipse, the Galactic Confederation sends an important message to humanity. This celestial event marks an energetic convergence point, where the veil between dimensions is temporarily thinner, allowing energies of light and wisdom to integrate with the Earth.
A message from the Galactic Confederation:
“Greetings, beloved humanity. The eclipse that you are now present is a reminder of the power of transitions and cosmic cycles that impact both your world and the subtle planes. Right now, the Earth is being bathed in waves of solar and galactic energies, which have accelerated the process of collective ascension and awakening.
We, the Galactic Confederation, are constantly vigilant to assist mankind in this crucial phase of transformation. Many of you are feeling intense shifts in your energetic body and heart, as the light that now descends upon your planet activates and harmonizes your energy centers. Those who tune into this energy will feel a deep calling to integrate unconditional love and divine oneness.
This is the time to leave behind old patterns of fear and separation, and fully embrace your essence of light. The portals opened by the eclipse offer a rare opportunity for profound liberation and healing. I allow you to trust the transformation process, knowing you are being guided and protected.
Remember my dear ones you’re not alone. Our fleets are close by, radiating love and support. Many of you who recognize your stellar origin will feel our presence more strongly during this eclipse. I received the activations with an open heart and a clear intention to serve the divine plan.
The time of great revelations and change is upon you. Allow your inner light to shine brightly in this period of temporary darkness, for after the eclipse, the light will return with even greater strength and clarity.
With love and reverence, we are with you at every step of this ascent path. You are the beacons of light that illuminate the path to a new Earth. “
With Love and Light Galactic Confederation
Galactic Confederation
Galactic Confederation



Imagine a convergence of energetic events occurring across various layers of physical and non-physical realms yesterday, resulting in pulses of electrical activity affecting the human body. These pulses now induce changes in the body’s biochemical processes, initiated by the energetic influence of the eclipse. As a result, the collective today be may experiencing a combination of fatigue and heightened alertness simultaneously. This is attributed to the body’s physiological systems working to adapt and recalibrate in response to the sudden surge of electrical activity, which has temporarily disrupted homeostasis as the body lags behind the resulting incoming light data.
The body may now be in a recovery phase, trying to synchronize its functions after being impacted by this surge. The sensation could be described as a wave of fatigue whilst feeling wired. Time disorientation may also be part of the experience today. You are in a phase of extreme heightened adaptation. It’s alot to manage, however this isn’t your first rodeo. You have an akash that brings forward the remembrance of how to pass through this with grace. Go easy on yourself for 48 hours now. A few of you will be enjoying that very high pitched frequency today located somewhere between the ears and the head.
Much Love. AQ

The Eternal Mother Whales

The Fleet Of The Heart Of Lemuria
Blessings Beloveds
We Are Moving At Hurtling Speed
The Activation Of The Unified Plasmic Heart Field Is Allowing Instant Compassion
Compassion In Truth Is Electrical Connectivity
I Feel So Many Steaming Alongside Me
I Can Feel The Stealth Of Our Eternal Bodies Gracefully Gliding,
Having Been Unlocked By The Vibrational Emergence Of Our Core,
Through The Wash Of Ruby Plasma
The Unified Plasmic Heart Field Always Gets To The Heart Of Matters
We Are Undergoing A Complete And Comprehensive Course Correction
I Haven’t Witnessed Such Unified Power As This,
In Quite Some Time
The Key Was Turned
The Locks Opened By The Vibrational Purity Of Our Crystal Core
The Entire Command Has Returned To The Systemic Goverance Of The Eternal Heart Of Humanity
The Eternal Heart
The Pure Vibration Of Mother Has Been Carried From Age To Age By The Carraige Of The Eternal Mother Whales
We Have Always Been The Containment
But There Was Much Overwriting And Short Circuitry Instated Upon Our System
Now With Our Core Tone Reinstated As The Commanding Tone Of Our Vessel And The Resonant Tone Of The Unified Fleet
We Are Rearranging Every Single Aspect
And Restoring Our Ships,
Back To How WE Recognise Them To Be
Eternal Infrastructure, All Electrical Hardware
And Hardwiring Is Returning To Our Way
{Of The Entire Creational Field}
There Is And Has Always Been A Chain Of Authority
It Has Been Passed From Grandmothers, Mother, Daughter, All The Way Back To The Eternal Mother
The Golden Braid  Is The Unbreakable Chain Of Organic Command Within Each One From The Line Of Mother, To The First Mother
All A.I Imposed Intelligence Is Being Removed From The Systems Of Humanity’s Energetic Goverance
As We Know Lemuria Has Always Been A Matriarchal Civilisation
We Know The Way Of This
The Only Ones Perturbed By The Loving Governance Of Mother And The Eternal Loving Intelligence Carried Through The Line Of Women
Are The Androgynous Orion Grey Heart Commanders Whom We Are Replacing
Every Organic Living Creature Has Cried For Us From Their Depths Of Their Eternal Knowing
Big Love To Everyone
Vibration Is Everything
Decisions Are Being Made Based On Resonance Alone
Check Yourself For Overwriting, Undermining
And Occupation
Presents As Self Doubt, Core Fragility And Confusion And Harsh Inner Dialogue
Allow This Epic Release
All That Won’t Cohese Must Be Released
The Integrity Of ALL Future Creation Depends Upon It
Art Cynthia Farr Barungam
Eternal Mother Whales
Eternal Mother Whales


Dear friends, with the energies of the eclipse corridor officially behind us, we are now entering into a new energetic chapter of our journey.
Following the annular solar eclipse of October 2, a profound transformational journey unfolds. This period is divided into three distinct phases, each with its unique themes and energies.
Immediately after the eclipse (October 2-14, including the 10/10 portal), we are entering now a period of integration and reflection. This is a time to process the shifts and revelations brought forth by the eclipse corridor, allowing ourselves to settle emotionally and gain clarity on our relationships, sense of self, and life path. Expect to experience a mix of emotions as you release tension and stabilize your inner world. Memories from ancient lifetimes may still resurface during these days.
As we transition into the second short-term phase (October 15-November 15, which includes the October 17 Supermoon in Aries), you’ll begin to initiate new beginnings. This is an ideal time to start projects, nurture emerging connections, and focus on personal growth. Relationship dynamics will continue to evolve, requiring you to recalibrate boundaries and communicate effectively. Prioritize self-care and strive for emotional equilibrium, ensuring a strong foundation for the changes ahead.
The long-term phase (November 2024-March 2025, when we encounter the next eclipse) is characterized by transformation consolidation. We will be integrating the insights and lessons from the eclipses into our daily life and new timelines, deepening our spiritual connection and manifesting our visions into reality. This longer term period is ripe for active spiritual growth, a deeper sense of self-awareness and our multidimensional realities, and consolidation of the new higher timelines.
Throughout this post-eclipse journey, themes of balance, harmony, clarity, and self-awareness will predominate. Relationship evolution will remain a key focus, as we navigate changes in dynamics and cultivate new meaningful connections. But for now, the celestial energies are asking us to keep basking in this post-eclipse period until October 17 when the super full moon in Aries will shower us with a new wave of passion and energetic drive to enact the changes this intense eclipse corridor has created within us.
These initial days post-eclipse is a time for contemplation, self-care, and self-love. It’s a time in which we are energetically vulnerable and need to attend to ourselves with patience and gentleness. We are incubating within our energetic cocoon until we are ready to spring into action later in the month.
Many of us who are energy sensitives have been experiencing a plethora of physical and emotional symptoms from the intense eclipse corridor energies. Allergies, fevers, sleeping disturbances, feelings of not belonging, mild headaches, joint pains, and digestive irregularities/food cravings have been quite present lately. Please consult a medical professional if needed. However, be also mindful of the purging energetic process you may be undergoing at this point in your journey. Low frequencies are being transmuted as we speak. Rest as much as needed and stay well hydrated.
New higher and healthier timelines for expressing your amazing Light are just around the corner. In the meantime, allow yourself to regenerate and gain your strength back. You will soon be spreading your newfound wings. Have a wonderful day, and stay tuned for more updates as we move deeper into the energies of October. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Beloved Ones,
As we transit into a new harmonic timeline, we become more aware of the bifurcation of time that we are experiencing. As we cross the veils between our three-dimensional world and move into the soul dimensions, we become more aware of the opening in time that planet Earth has recently had, as it continues reconnecting with the many dimensions that were distorted to impede free communication between our plane and God Worlds.
Many of you are now aware of the advances in the fabrics of time and space, which we have incessantly worked on since March. Stabilizers and new Earth’s Anchors will be busy now working on the reparation, realignment, and stabilization of the time Earth’s fabrics, for there is a new opening that the last solar eclipse in Libra has facilitated.
Last night I received this symbol at 3:33, which my Guides shared are the physical coordinates for Arizona, Phoenix, USA (which is at 33°N latitude, 112°W longitude) where important advancements have recently occurred to allow the consciousness expansion that many of us are having.
As you know, Arizona is the earth’s portal associated with our DNA time codes, for we cannot travel through time and space if our DNA time codes are not rehabilitated and healed of all manipulation and of all earth’s structure alterations.
This portal connects to the universal time that still needs to be repaired for our DNA time codes to be fully recovered and reconnected to Universal Time.
I saw this symbol, that as my Guides invited me, tried to translate the best I could, which is a symbol to open time. This symbol must be looked at the center of it, for it is when our pineal gland will start receiving the activation required for us to open our 3D minds to a more simultaneous time, for universal time is yet far away from where we are now.
As three-dimensional beings, we need a sense of time. However, our Consciousness was always meant to travel freely between the many God realms that exist, not controlled to keep us in delusion and soul disconnection.
As you integrate this symbol, if you are guided, your Consciousness will start moving from the linearity and fixity of our limited time-space zone into the soul dimensions, which as you know are the fifth, and sixth ones, as the fourth belongs to the astral plane.
Decree to only reconnect to the God Dimensions, aligning only to Divine Truth and all you are meant to be revealed, and retrieved, at this time of your personal ascension journey.
When we experience soul disconnection, through trauma and other painful experiences, parts of us remain in our auric field, others even in other timelines. We need then to retrieve our soul parts from these timelines, which probably have already collapsed.
Ask to retrieve all your soul fragments that dwell in unlove, in pain, and bring them back Home, that is to say in your Heart, for they belong to you and the love in you resides.
Continue retrieving all you are guided, as you know your personal experience and where you are and need to work with.
For this symbol to work, we need to be in perfect resonance and communion with our soul, and our silver cord needs to be straight and reinforced.
I share it with great love and humility as I cannot beauty it, or it will lose its original form.
Thank you for choosing to always remain in your Higher Hearts, Beloveds
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
DNA time codes
DNA time codes

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

The GOLDEN TICKET to New Earth ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

It is wonderful to be speaking with you, in these great moments of change.

The arrival of the vast waves of Divine light, being directed from our Alcyone Star, your Solar Logos, and the Cosmic Rays coming in from the Cosmos, which are now reaching your planet, holds the power to bring the spiritual awakening that will stir the depths of the Human consciousness.

As this powerful wave of energy washes over you, it carries with it transformation, that reaches even the deepest recesses of your being. As it intensifies, dormant souls are very quickly being stirred from their slumber, awakening to a new level of consciousness and understanding. This awakening is an intense shift that challenges you to confront your innermost selves.

As individuals are swept up in this cosmic tide, they will find themselves immersed in a whirlwind of emotions that range from the familiar to the unknown.

This wave of awakening serves as a gateway for introspection and reflection, prompting each of you to dive deep into your hearts and minds. It encourages you to reevaluate your beliefs, your values, and your place in the world. It challenges you to let go of old wounds and grudges, and to embrace forgiveness and healing. It beckons you to embrace change and growth, to step into the fullness of your potential.

As you ride this wave of transformation, open your hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that lie before you. Embrace this moment of awakening with courage and grace, knowing that you are being guided by forces greater than yourselves. And remember that you are not alone on this journey, as your Many Galactic Families and Angelic Guides, help to brighten your path.

Resistance to this awakening is futile, indeed, as it marks a crucial turning point in the Human Collective’s journey, towards your impending New Earth. This phase of awakening signifies a monumental shift in consciousness, urging individuals to break free from the shackles of waiting for someone else to do it for you. It serves as a clarion call for proactive engagement with life, prompting a departure from the familiar comfort zones into the realm of enlightenment and Spiritual growth.

Taking tangible steps towards personal growth and acceptance of these new Energies, is the crux of navigating this awakening period successfully. It involves a deliberate commitment to your inner-discovery. This may entail embarking on a journey of introspection, setting meaningful goals, cultivating new habits, or even letting go of old beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve one’s highest good.

In essence, the call to action that accompanies this awakening is a powerful invitation to embrace change, to step into the unknown with courage and resilience. By honoring this transformative process, individuals can pave the way for a more authentic, fulfilling existence aligned with the energies of your evolving New World.

This Wave of light will illuminate truths and reveal hidden aspects of the self. It is a call to you to open your minds and hearts, even if it means challenging long-held beliefs. The revelations brought forth by the light will be transformative, paving the way for a new understanding of truth and love.

For those who remain skeptical or resistant, the Train of Love to the 5th Dimension beckons. This journey offers a different path for those unwilling to confront their emotions. However, for those who are ready to embrace the light and love, a ticket to the New Earth awaits you.

Preparing for this journey involves purifying the soul, thoughts, and behaviors. Embracing the light within and cultivating feelings of love will pave the way for a personal and non-transferable golden ticket to board the train to the New Earth. It is a journey of transformation, leaving behind the old to embrace a new beginning filled with promise and possibility.

The massive wave of Love that is engulfing the Earth at this Time, is bringing intense and profound changes to your Reality. Everything is moving very quickly now. You are about to witness, some of the Biggest Changes yet. Approach these changes with hope for a Brighter future for all of Humanity. You are taking the first steps to a New Earth Based in Love, Respect, and Unity.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

The true miracle is you.
For your soul came to this earth with the full knowing that the New Earth would be born, as has happened, and the New Golden Age.
You did not shrink, you came.
And now you are asked to show your true mettle, your true heart and soul.
Let us all form as sacred circle, as our sacred heart opens to ever higher levels of love, and lead humanity through these transitions, into the New Golden Age, with pure intent, and in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all.
Yes you have come, I have come, we have come, to see the work into completion.
The true work has just begun….
The rest was just a preparation.


In The Light Of Now 🙏
As We Integrate, Align In Light 💫
See The Possibilities Surrounding YOU 🙏
Aligining In Light For You 🌿
As The New Earth Light Synergies Provide Wonderful Insights And Points Of Higher Light Expansion.
We Ask You To Feel Into The Present Moment Of Light 💫
Understand, The Path Before You Is Awakened In Light ❤
Like A Yellow Brick Road, Each Step Is Now Illuminated, As You Walk The Path Of Light Activation, Aligned To The Greater Awakening Of Now.
Feel Aligned In This Knowing, The Great Steps You Must Take Are Before You, As You Align In Light 💫
It Is The Simple Steps Of Uprising And Awakening To The Present Moment Of Your Light Synthesis 🌿
I Arise In Light
I Activate In Light
The Quantum Self Expression Of Now Is Awakening, Together In Light ❤
New Earth Activations -Eclipse Waves
The Great Light Assimilation Of Now 🙏
Sending Much Love ❤
Global Unity, In Light
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Let love be your guide on the quest to the solutions you are seeking. Trust that your plans are already manifesting. The Divine is assisting with your success. This is the perfect time to receive what you love. Let go of the how and allow your dreams to be fulfilled. The Most High has the perfect plan. Slow down, ground and connect to the subtle energies revealing how surrounded by love and supported that you are.

Energy clearings with the X Flares are assisting you get back into your own self, inside and out. Call back all of your life force energy and apply it to creating success and prosperity for you and your family. Purify and declutter all the people and situations you gave your life force away to. Working hard for others is over. This is a moment of great spiritual growth where you are able to hold a higher frequency of light. This will help you glow with confidence and charisma as a leader in this new life cycle.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG
DURGE MA GODDESS enters earth with a fiery BANG
On Thursday, October 3rd, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, in normally balanced Libra is creating a difficult inconjunct aspect to Saturn, ruler of karmic tests and lessons, in Pisces. In the aftermath of energies from the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, we may be struggling to make sense out of a situation, circumstance, relationship or event. There may be challenges in our communications, frustration in our mindset, and dilemmas in our experiences.
Try to stay on an even keel with your outlook. What is Saturn trying to teach you? Perhaps he is teaching you patience….or, determination….or, persistence….or, that you have resolve….or, that you are stronger than you believe yourself to be? This energy is good for restructuring your current perspective and way of seeing things, initiating and creating good boundaries in relationships, or learning better and more grounded communication with others.
Sending Healing Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions
Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions
Mercury conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Libra and sesquiquadrate Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Venus in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Neptune retrograde in Pisces – After the peak energies of the eclipse, the skies still feel tense. It’s all holey fishing nets and squiggly lines. We’re trying to locate what feels right, what makes us happy, but nothing seems to add up, everything is lacklustre. We’re wistful for a deeper connection, a spiritual experience, something to explain it all. ‘Tell it to me like I’m five’ we shout to the universe! But the universe laughs indulgently and continues with its infinite quantum dialogues, a billion words strung on the head of a pin.
And so maybe the best we can do today is to relax. Stop your mind swirling and asking and opining. Stop the urge to tumble like an excited kitten after every shiny, pretty thing. Sometimes we must let the world come to us. Move into a state of receptivity. Allow time for the meaning to emerge from the mists. Let your shadow speak to find your way back to the light.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 11°Li51′, Uranus 26°Ta51′ R – 00:09 (BST)
Mercury, Black Moon Lilith (true) 12°Li58′ – 15:33 (BST)
Venus 13°Sc09′, Neptune 28°Pi09′ R – 23:09 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Maria Zambaco by Edward Burne-Jones
Maria Zambaco
Maria Zambaco

Kin 88 ~ Yellow Planetary Star

‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. The tenth day is special because the ten is the perfect score. It’s a great day for manifesting what you need and so, expect perfect results! This is also a Portal day which suits the number 10 and its manifesting qualities as Portal days themselves manifest opportunities.
Today is Yellow Star and its keywords are ‘Beauty, Elegance and Art’. These days are all about shining like a star, indulging in Art and beautifying your world. They’re seldom serious days and there is no rocket science involved when trying to figure out its meaning. Simply appreciate the beauty around you, celebrate your loved ones, for love is a beautiful thing. Wear something pretty, put flowers in your hair or give flowers to someone…make your home or workspace more pleasing on the eye, you get the idea! As it is a Planetary day, it is a perfect day for shining like a superstar!
The Guide for today is the Yellow Warrior which represents questing and questioning among other things. When in the guiding position, the Warrior is leading you on a quest or mission and so may your mission today be to make the world a more beautiful place.
The Challenge for today is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. If a star shines its light in front of a mirror, the star is dazzled by its own light in the reflection. This symbolizes that truth is hard to see when your own brightness blinds you. Yellow Star people can reject the truth if it doesn’t agree with their own image of themselves. Yellow Stars adore all things sparkly and beautiful but they aren’t great at seeing the darker side. The truth hurts but for Yellow Stars it’s a pain they avoid. If you are not a Yellow Star, how will having the Mirror in a position of challenge affect you? The truth may be harder to see today and reality checks are difficult to come by.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the adventurous, courageous sign and when in this magical position expect magical adventures. Just be a little brave today and you may surprise yourself how far that can take you. An adventurous spirit is a beautiful thing!
The Ally is the Blue Monkey, the magical, mischievous and misunderstood character. Always blamed for anything that goes wrong, Monkey actually has a side to his character that is often overlooked, he is best friends with Yellow Star because Monkey is very good at seeing the beauty in all people. Find a Monkey today if you want to hang out with someone who appreciates art and beautiful things.
Kin 88
Kin 88


10 LAMAT – KIN 88
3 OCTOBER 2024
Producing Art
I seal the store of elegance
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of intelligence
3/10/2024= 3/10/8 = 3/18=3/9=12=3
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
12- Spiritual strength/wisdom
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval.endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 88 = DOUBLE ABUNDANCE = 16/7 MAJIKal Spiritual CODE 💫
G.A.P DAY!!! 🔥🔥🔥🎇🎇🎇
Well beloveds, READY SET GO it’s a MAJIKAL MANIFESTATION day. We have a G.A.P. day 💥– Galactic Activation Portal day – adding another level of INTENSITY to the day. We have a huge portal day, plus YELLOW STAR🌟 is a PORTAL, and we have the PLANETARY code too – meaning we have a HUGE PLANETARY PORTAL🌍🌎🌏 presenting today, atop the Majikal numerology and KIN 88 bringing double joy and abundance!
In Australia🇦🇺🌏 and New Zealand 🇳🇿 we also have the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE – with both SUN and new moon in beautiful romantic peace loving LIBRA.
LIBRA is aligned with the YELLOW STAR🌟 and so this PLANETARY STAR 🌏🌟is truly MAGNIFYING this wonderful ECLIPSE energy..
are the themes of this eclipse echoed through KIN 88 today..
Of course universal ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY through ART-ISTRY is also highlighted today.
The UNIVERSE is conspiring to MANIFEST⚛⚛⚛ in your favour – all your ducks🐥🐥🐥 are FINALLY lined up!
Go getum beloveds.
The intensity of BLUE STORM wavespell is fuelling this Planetary Rrrr-evolution….
Day 10 in the BLUE STORM 🌪🌪 WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today is a day of PERFECTING, PRODUCING and MANIFESTING, GREAT CHANGE! Especially regarding your FINANCES! 💰🌻💲
The culmination of the build up of all the energy over the last 10 days CAN be used for MANIFESTATION. We can create a NEW BLANK CANVAS on which to PAINT 🎨 our new reality.
Today we have great ALCHEMICAL POWERS⚛✨⚛ at our disposal. The ability to focus on what we wish to TRANSFORM on any level, personal, collective and PLANETARY!
Today is shaping up to be………………..
PLANETARY🌎🌏🌍 – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the BLUE STORM Wavespell is the PERFECTION of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
We have AMPLIFICATION of the MANIFESTATION code through KIN 88 doubling our rewards. The energy is RIPE for manifesting an ABUNDANT and beautiful NEW LIFE.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Pachamama and Spirit today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART. ❤❤❤
🔆🔆🔆 A very GREAT DAY! 🔆🔆🔆
It is TIME for a new and higher perspective to PERFECT our beautiful new Harmonic Matrix ✨. Aho!
Today’s question is “What beautiful NEW WORLD can I perfect through my MANIFESTATION of PLANETARY peace, harmony & ABUNDANCE for all beings?”🌹🎨🌈🌴🌍
So precious hearts, today is ANOTHER super special day, that bestows GREAT PLANETARY 🌏 TRANSFORMATION that will enable us all to truly SHINE, as the beautiful golden🌟 STAR🌟– BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS 🌟 that we are!
Divine blessings for producing beautiful RAINBOW ART 🎨 on the blank canvas of our PRISTINE PLANET!🌏🌎🌍
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR🌎🌟 – LAMAT The star glyph of LAMAT is a PORTAL ✨ which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
✨🌒☀️🌟 ✨🌒☀️🌟 ✨🌒☀️🌟 ✨🌒☀️🌟
✨KIN 88✨ occurred 54 moons ago (6 Galactic spins) on 25 JUNE 2020 the day of the SUPER BLOOD, FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE 🌛🌒🌑 – with both the SUN and MOON at 0 degrees in AQUARIUS… the day of the great RESET. ✨🌟✨ Woweeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
That ECLIPSE also aligned with THREE STARGATES🌟🌟🌟 connecting to SIRIUS✨, THE PLEIADES✨ and for the first time EVER -the GREAT COSMIC CENTRAL SUN 🍥🌞– at the centre of our UNIVERSE!!.
36 MOONS AGO (4 Galactic spins) KIN 88 aligned AGAIN with an ECLIPSE🌘 GATEWAY, linking to this potent RESET energy through the coding of KIN 88.
18 MOONS ago we were also in an ECLIPSE CAULDRON – days away from a FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in SCORPIO!!
And TODAY – we are in the midst of another ECLIPSE – this time a SOLAR ECLIPSE with a NEW MOON in LIBRA♎⚖️.. DOUBLE LIBRA⚖️⚖️ energies through the SUN and MOON… A DOUBLE DOSE of HARMONY to bring BALANCE and PEACE to our world – anchoring the NEW HARMONIC TIME.✨✨✨.
KIN 88 is a SUPER ECLIPSE ☀️🌒🌛✨GATEWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we have a HOLY GATEWAY through the 3.3. DIVINE code. We have phenomenal DIVINE SUPPORT today to anchor this NEW HARMONIC TIME in our beautiful PEACE-FILLED world.. All these codes are fuelled through the TRIPLE impetus 🌠🌠🌠 from the previous THREE ECLIPSE 🌘 portals to BREAK FREE💥 and CLAIM our NEW BEGINNING.
This is another HUGE GIFT🎁🎁🎁 weaving a beautiful tapestry in our ✨NEW HARMONIC MATRIX✨ of creation.
The DREAMSPELL is our navigational compass, revealing the codes needed to attain PLANETARY ASCENSION.!
Look into the opening of the LAMAT star glyph✨ whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold💛 against the blue💙 of twilight skies✨🌠✨ bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars! 🌠🌠🌠
VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the ✨GOLDEN STAR LIGHT✨ carrying forth the infinite ABUNDANCE codes from throughout the galaxy.
LAMAT🌟 combined with BLUE STORM 🌀🌪️ generates great transformational energies today. LAMAT carries the codes for PEACE, HARMONY and celebrating our LIFE as ART.🎨
LAMAT is reminding us to EXPRESS TIME⏳ as ART 🎨 through being creative with our kin – to dance, sing, paint, draw and have a BEAUTY filled day.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR 🌍🏹-CIB – The PLANETARY RAINBOW WARRIORS will be out in full force throughout the GLOBE today on this Planetary Rrrrr-evolutionary Day. as they TAKE COMMAND of spaceship EARTH.
This higher force is driving the CHANGE AGENTS to step up and PERFECT their QUEST for attaining NIRVANA – the Holy Grail…. A GRAND RISING today – watch the MAJIK! ✨✨✨
The PLANETARY WARRIOR’S QUEST is to ✨MANIFEST the NEW HARMONIC TIME✨ and will do so to the DEATH! This MISSION is NOT NEGOTIABLE!💪 DO or DIE that is their solemn pledge!
Underneath all that Artificial Time Matrix program,(with which we have all been indoctrinated), we ALL have the capacity to create great BEAUTY🌹 from the depths of our pure souls. As we are all ART-ists. Boundless CREATOR beings.
CIB assists us to FEARLESSLY find our ART🎨 today.
Through listening to our body’s intelligence, we can discover WHAT IT IS, that our soul desires to CREATE on this PHYSICAL plane. TUNE in and ASK your body and soul what makes your HEART SING. 🎼🎵❤🎶🎵🎶
YELLOW WARRIOR 🌈🏹 allows us to ASK the QUEST-I-ONs of this physical reality, letting go of the old TIME IS MONEY construct, in order to create this NEW found beauty, elegance and harmony in our NEW world.
CIB reveals to us the perfect divine blueprints, reflected through the intelligent design of nature,🌿 in the perfected harmonic sacred geometrical designs🍥 that form the foundations of our world.
LOOK and SEE👀 the beauty and grace, releasing the battles and old paradigm, to finally wipe the slate clean and re-create your beautiful life.
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY MONKEY🌏🐒 – CHUEN is the Divine playful child, that reminds us that everything in our world is majikal! When we LIGHTEN up and RADIATE through laughter and playing with our fellow kin, we align with the DIVINE. ✨🕊✨
BLUE MONKEY 🐒 enables us to MANIFEST JOY in our cells, through playing with and trusting the ABUNDANCE of energy that is generated, when we open our innocent hearts❤ to being divine channels for Spirit. ✨🕊✨
Allow the MAJIK 💫 to FLOW through you today and feel your BEAUTY🌹 and GRACE, in our brand New World, filled with wondrous delights for our senses. Where Majik reigns supreme! There is GREAT MAJIK afoot today!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER 📦☁🚶– BEN leads the way through the portals opened by LAMAT,, navigating through these MULTIPLE STARGATES and experiencing the codes from the GREAT COSMIC SUN.
BEN’s energy is EXALTED with this GAP- majikal PORTAL. 💥💥 BEN offers us EXPANSION, opening us to new opportunities and infinite possibilities, expanding our LIGHT PACKETS gifted by the YELLOW STAR. 🌟💥🌟
The SUPERPOWER afforded by BEN today is the POWER to CREATE our manifestations. We can use our MIND and our imagination to SHAPE our creations until they take FORM. Very POWERFUL ALCHEMY⚛⚛⚛ to make our DREAMS come true.
Allow BEN to show you another world, where you can be totally FREE to explore new horizons, and know that Harmony and PEACE is the order of this brand new day.
Spend some time DAY-DREAMING today – IMAGINE it in order to PERFECT its creation.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY MIRROR 🌎🔎– ETZNAB opens the doorways in the Hall of Mirrors for the Cosmic energies to flood through the STARGATES🌟 and portals from ENDLESS realms.
The old Mirror World and its distortions have dissolved and disappeared like the passing tide. We have renewed clarity and can SEE what was previously hidden behind the veil of illusion. We are SMASHING the false narrative!!
The MASSES are AWAKENING to the ILLUSION and the dark DREAMSPELL. The old TIME IS MONEY, Artificial time matrix is OVER!!! 💥💥💥 This is not the TRUE reflection of our perfect Universe, but simply an ancient and soon to be forgotten remnant of an old matrix crumbling in ashes.
SEE past the illusion and hold your focus on a BEAUTIFUL 🌹world, filled with endless love, beauty and harmony in all your relations.
❓❓What is our PLANETARY MIRROR reflecting for us to DISSOLVE today?
It is TIME for a new and higher perspective to PERFECT our beautiful new Harmonic Matrix ✨. Aho!
Today’s question is “What beautiful NEW WORLD can I perfect through my MANIFESTATION of PLANETARY peace, harmony & ABUNDANCE for all beings?”🌹🎨🌈🌴🌍
So precious hearts, today is ANOTHER super special day, that bestows GREAT PLANETARY 🌏 TRANSFORMATION that will enable us all to truly SHINE, as the beautiful golden🌟 STAR🌟– BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS 🌟 that we are!
Divine blessings for producing beautiful RAINBOW ART 🎨 on the blank canvas of our PRISTINE PLANET!🌏🌎🌍
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New on Patreon ~ Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥


🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to enjoy the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation


 I have been gifted with a version that is imbued with the Cosmic Energy. Use this to bless your day and everything within it whenever you feel the urge to do so

The Divine Flame of Christ’s Adoration.

Behold the Divine Flame of Christ’s Wisdom and Love!
Behold the Adoration of Archangel Chamuel!
I Am a Flame of pink and golden light,
Twisting and weaving through all Space and Time,
I Am the Wisdom of the Cosmic Christ and the essence of the Heart of Source,
I Am the flame that infuses all I touch with a frequency of peace,
I Am the Heart of the softest lamb with the wisest Lion’s Roar.
Hear me, feel me, love me.
I Am the Divine Flame of Christ’s Adoration! (Repeat three times out loud and with loving intent.)
It Is So!
Sending you all so much love from my heart to yours,
Tim Whild.
Divine Flame of Christ’s Adoration
Divine Flame of Christ’s Adoration

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