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Intergalactic Alliance

Intergalactic Alliance ~ Providing medical beds to 205 countries

Providing medical beds to 205 countries

Providing medical beds to 205 countries

The Intergalactic Alliance, White Hat, NESARA and GESARA Announce the Imminent Launch of a Revolutionary Medical Bed

In a groundbreaking move, the Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings and White Hat have announced the imminent launch of a revolutionary medical bed. We are preparing to unveil technology that will redefine healthcare. Holographic medical beds are here and they will destroy everything you thought you knew about medical science.

Imagine a future where illness is no longer a death sentence and the outdated and harmful practices of modern medicine are eliminated overnight. NESARA and GESARA are leading this revolution with Tesla coils, anti-gravity devices and most importantly, medical beds. These are more than just beds. They are innovations that provide healing, rejuvenation and even DNA repair.

The deep state wants us to believe this is an illusion. They have hidden these technologies for years, keeping them locked away while taunting us by showing them off in Hollywood movies. But the veil is lifting. What has been hidden is about to be revealed to the public, and there is no stopping it. Holographic medical beds will free

Intergalactic Alliance
Intergalactic Alliance

humanity from medical slavery.

These beds rebuild your cells, regenerate your organs, and even erase the trauma they have inflicted upon you. This is not a temporary solution, this is a permanent revolution. The Deep State has long controlled the medical system to keep you weak, dependent, and sick. That ends now.

Three main types of medical beds are emerging:

Diagnostic and therapeutic beds: Scan your body in seconds, identify illnesses, and treat them instantly. No more waiting for ineffective tests or treatments.

Regeneration bed: Regenerate lost limbs, regenerate tissue, and restore optimal health. Rejuvenation bed: Experience age reversal and memory wipe. You can reclaim your mind and body from years of deception.
This alien technology, hidden by a secret space program, is finally revealed to the public. It is time for people in 205 countries to experience true healing. Not even the world’s elite can stop this. Medbeds are the future of healthcare, and that future will arrive sooner than they would like to believe.

We are on the cusp of a paradigm shift that will reveal the truth. This is just the beginning.







Be prepared – on Tuesday, OCTOBER 1, 2024:

by ValThor –  RMN

𓄸  US Inc. will be dissolved, the fiat money system will end, and the US Inc. government will be shut down. The private Federal Reserve and the IRS are closing down. The fiscal year is coming to an end and the company has been bankrupt since 2008. There are no budget approvals from Congress, it just runs at full speed on a fiat dollar.

𓄸   The Blackrock of the Cabal – the financial arm of the deep state that controls more wealth than entire nations – has already declared bankruptcy.

𓄸   45,000 ILA workers at major ports will go on strike as unions push for a 77% wage increase. Half of all U.S. goods pass through these ports. For every day of strike, it will take a week to recover, causing significant disruption to the supply chain. Stock up on supplies.

𓄸   All banks worldwide that do not comply with Basel III (their funds are backed by gold) will be closed. Basel III regulations could change the real estate market in unprecedented ways.

𓄸   During the first week of October, the Emergency Broadcast System will activate and broadcast documentaries about the state of the world 24 hours a day.

𓄸   With the activation of the QFS, governments as we know them will shrink by 90-95%. If new elections are not held within 60 days, the Global Alliance Military will take over. Forget the November elections. They are not happening, not in this timeline.

𓄸   President Trump and the Global Military Alliance have conducted the largest police operation in history. Military forces are being deployed around the world – in the US, Canada, the UK, the EU and other countries. More than 80 nations are involved. This is not a drill. They have already arrested and tried more than half a million members of the world’s elites – crimes against humanity. These criminals who prey on the world’s children will be brought to justice, and it won’t be pretty.

𓄸   NESARA GESARA begins as countries around the world activate the gold/asset-backed quantum financial system and the global currency reset. BRICS countries will lead the largest wealth transfer in history. 134 nations are abandoning the US fiat dollar and switching to gold-backed currencies. Each of these currencies trades on a 1:1 ratio.

𓄸   The new Republic of the United States of America will begin its new fiscal year with a US gold-backed obligation as part of the global monetary transition.




REDEMPTION: Here are some of the things you will want to set up in the first 30-90 days:

 1. Meetings to form the professional team

2. The professional team hired by the trust will include, but not be limited to:

1. Public accountant or general accountant

2. Accountant/Tax Strategist

3. State attorney or trustee

4. Wealth Strategist

5. CFO of Basic Trust

6. Investment consultant

7. Financial consultant

8. Insurance Consultant

9. Philanthropic Giving Specialist

10. Trustee

11. Basic Trust Board of Trustees

12. Personal assistant

13. Security Advisor

You may not need all of these people, depending on how many you have and what your plans are for the projects. Here’s an idea of ​​what you need to look for.

Remember to add any of these to the NDA appendix if you know who you will be working with after the consultation.


Remember that your security is at risk at all times, this includes going to and from your appointment, social media and all electronic devices, consult a cyber security expert and purchase a “non-internet” type phone until everything is ready. until.

We have been informed that no devices will be allowed at your appointment, please be prepared that you do not have any important information on your phone that you may need to show

Bring a small notebook to write down questions with 2 blue pens, small post-its, your glasses, calculator or anything else you may need.

Copies of your currency sheet with all forwarding notes, separated by country and denominations (serial numbers if possible) (photos work), don’t forget the copy for your appointment person. When you call to schedule your appointment, just tell them what country’s currency/bonds you have, DO NOT tell them how much or if you have a lot. If you hold Zim, get to your appointment as soon as possible

Get certified copies, some clean and clear letters from the bank.

but get copies of EVERYTHING you sign, you have a few days to dispute what you signed with your attorney/CPA, etc.

Read it twice before signing anything, just like your NDA, ask about the do’s and don’ts.

Check ALL emails (I don’t want to miss that special email)

Gather information from everyone or business cards you come into contact with, write their names if cards are not available, where you are, time, etc.

Keep an eye on your currency/bonuses at all times, do not let them leave the room or your site.

If you use a trust bank, make sure

your trust name should be discreet, do not include the word “trusted”

You will need a PO Box with a physical address, this will also be the address used for your trust.

You just need to show the bank the first and last page of your trust (but take everything), they just need to see all the parties involved and the notary

Set up TODs or PODs for each account (transfer/payout on death), you can have different TODs/PODs per account (have all your personal information with you) if you don’t have a trust

 Remember to ask politely

for contract fees for your projects (interest earning accounts if you want structured payment), interest accounts can be used for banking projects without your consent (QFS may be different)

Have a list of the cashier’s checks you will need with the exact amounts and the names of the people you want to donate to or have things you want to buy within 90 days, make sure you have this list and the amounts needed

Make sure all transactions are copied and posted to your accounts, also put additional insurance on all accounts over $250.00 (banks should pay it, but ask) make sure you don’t pay a distribution fee or negotiate that the fee is already under control

Registration for ALL accounts is for senior staff only and should not be used for training purposes.

Request a room “without a facial recognition camera”


Your currency/bonds are NOT an investment (you don’t want to pay taxes)

Get a printed copy of all transactions that occurred in your query



Set up a master trust account with as many sub accounts as you need for your different currencies/bonuses

Close the main Trust account (only) right after your appointment and open a new Trust account to receive a new bank account number so the link cannot be used again

Real-time on-site verification

Instant deposit credit with immediate access to funds with hard copy verification

Follow-up consultation with the wealth manager/private banker of your choice

Privileged ATM Card (Free) Without RFID,

Checkbook (10) but not suggested (paper trail)

Proof of Funds Letter (10)

Copy of signed NDA (bank signature also)

Full notary service

10,000 cash (stay under tax limits)

The Bank will provide a team that includes:

Tax lawyer


Wealth Manager

Financial consultant

Private bankers

Do your research before using any personal bank


Does the Vatican own BlackRock? …


  • BlackRock is MAJORLY owned by BoA [Bank of America]  – Berkshire Hathaway – owned, mainly – holds most of the Vatican properties.
  • Warren Buffet’s company,   Berkshire Hathaway,   owns 18.8% of   Bank of America  , which is the second-largest banking institution in the United States and the second-largest bank in the world by market capitalization, both after   JPMorgan Chase  . 
  • Both Bank of America and JPMorganChase  are commercial banks that are members of the   Federal Reserve Bank.
  • The failure to arrest any banker involved  is indicative of the hypocritical nature of the drug war; an individual who sells a few grams of drugs can face decades in prison, while a group of people who tacitly allow—and profit from—tons of drug trafficking escapes prison.
  • When the Chinese government attempted  to ban the opium trade, which was destroying its population, the British sent the Royal Navy to enforce the continuation of this trade, leading to the   Opium Wars  .

    Does the Vatican own BlackRock
    Does the Vatican own BlackRock
  • Drug and human trafficking, Nazis, aristocracies, Italian and Jewish mafias are all compartmentalized units of the same criminal Cabal that controls our planet  , according to the   mysterious PDF on the Black Nobility  .
  • The   Torlonia family  …  function as bankers and treasurers of the Vatican. The Torlonia family of Rome and the Hohenzollern family of Germany are the principal owners and controllers of the   Bank for International Settlements  , which was founded and run by the Nazis during World War II. The Torlonias are architects of fascism and the Hohenzollerns are architects of Nazism.
  • The Este   and   Savoy families    run the Bank for International Settlements  , which has a contract with most of the major central banks and is siphoning off wealth from nations through fraudulent loans and contracts. The Savoys live in Switzerland and   Prince Lorenz of Austria-Este   works at the Gutzwiller bank. The Bank for International Settlements should be investigated and closed down.
  • The Swiss Guard is a military corps charged with the security of the Pope and the Holy See.  The ceremonial head of the Swiss Guard is the Pope, sovereign of Vatican City. The Italian Mafias are Rome’s enforcers involved in extortion, money laundering, murder and drug trafficking, and pay their debts to the Sicilian Mafia, who in turn pay them to the Black Nobility.
  • The Mafia channels its earnings and tributes to the Black Nobility  through the Vatican’s charitable foundations, and then from the Vatican Bank they are transferred to the private accounts of the   Swiss Bank  .
  • The   Colonna   and   Torlonia   still hold the hereditary positions  of   Assistant Princes to the Papal Throne  . The Black Nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. The Vatican is used as a central point of control and the Holy See is one of the oldest and most criminal corporate entities in existence.
  • The   Erlach  families  and Brandi are Swiss tax consultants who enable corruption, bribery, criminal financing and money laundering. The   Swiss Guard   is the one that protects the Vatican City State. The Swiss cantons have had a contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state with Roman nobles claiming partial ownership  .
  • The Black Nobility shares ownership over the Holy See,  which is a corporate entity headquartered in the Vatican City State that was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini, who was placed in power by the House of Savoy. The Mussolini and Franco families became nobles after their fascist regimes.
  • The Italian nobility  , La Cosa Nostra, and the German and Austrian nobles command the Jewish Mafia.
  • Royalty and nobles have huge amounts of wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. They use the Bank for International Settlements  founded by the Nazis    to steal wealth from central banks through fraudulent tax contracts and then launder and hide the wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland.
  • Major Italian bloodlines  still active include Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Torlonia, Aldobrandini, Ruspoli, Orsini, Gaetani-D’Aragona, Bourbon-Parma, Odescalchi, Borghese, Adragni, Chigi, Medici,   Borromeo  , Doria-Pamphilj, Sacchetti, Savoy , Grimaldi and Bourbon. These lineages oversee the various sectors of society.
  • Outside this power structure is the Committee of 300,  with an inner circle made up of the leading monarchs and princes of Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire, with members from the Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy,   Hohenlohe-Langenburg  , Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orléans… and other families.
  • Many members of the Committee of 300 who do not have noble status  represent the royal families. These families are all enemies of humanity and have conspired to enslave the world for centuries. They authorize and create corporations and billionaires, run religions, states, secret societies, the Mafia, and organized crime syndicates  .
  • The UN held a meeting last Sunday  at its headquarters in New York and announced its plan to become the new Global Government, as reported by the   Coalition for Sovereignty  :
  • On Sunday morning, the United Nations  adopted   without debate   a   “Compact for the Future”   that includes a mandate for the organization and its Secretary-General to manage “complex global shocks.”
  • Although the language employed  misleadingly obscures the true purpose of this new charter, it is clear that it aims to transform the United Nations into a   world government  .
  • That’s because, with strong support from the Harris-Biden administration,  Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has made no secret of his   intention   to gain the authority to automatically order responses to climate change, pandemics, business disruptions,  cyberattacks  , asteroids and   any other   so-called “black swan events.”
  • Israel will likely be   the first to be impacted   by the  explicit inclusion of certain “conflicts” in the new Pact’s mandate, as the UN effectively ordered it to disarm last week.
  • But make no mistake: the globalists’ one-world government  —which Americans neither support nor approve of—will also come after our sovereignty and freedoms.
  • So the Vatican owns BlackRock?  It’s more like the same Black Nobility owns both and they’ve just declared a One World Government, with the enthusiastic support of the fraudulent O’Brandon Regime.





🔥 New! on Patreon: Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥



🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to for the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation


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