You are currently viewing THERE WILL BE AN ENERGY SHOCK ON EARTH – WE ARE THE PLEIADIANS HIERARCHIES OF LIGHT. The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth (5D)






Higher Energy Forces are working on your Planet and the winds of Change are heralding a next Phase of the New Cycle of Dawn Prophecies.

The Higher Realms of Light are being anchored across the Earth, Light Codes are being released onto the Planet, accelerating the Energetic Timelines across the Earth Plane whilst creating pure Spaces of Consciousness for you to Realign and Awaken.


This Event will once again herald a future process, to EMBODY YOUR UNIQUE DIVINITY.

A series of higher frequency CODE waves of light are being RELEASED on Earth now.

These Light Codes carry your Unique template of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, allowing you to access a Multidimensional aspect of the SACRED HEART and your own higher frequency.

These Sacred Heart Spaces embody an Element of Pure Consciousness Love that is an aspect of your Natural Multidimensional structure and is ready to self-realize within you.

This frequency of pure Consciousness then flows and blends naturally, infusing Complete Physical and Energetic Rejuvenation.


This frequency will begin to emerge and FLOW within each Cell awakening a Pure Transmission from within Its CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE that exists between the Cells, like a Light Switch that is turned ON.

YOU WILL BEGIN TO RESONATE within your crystalline structure which is found in your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spine and heart.

Enlightenment, Alignment of Rejuvenation with Great Joy and Love will BEGIN to EMERGE internally and simultaneously.

They will begin to pulsate and flow outward through the Earth Plane.

A natural byproduct of this is that as you become part of the Divine Consciousness State, you will realign yourself with authenticity, wisdom and Universal Knowledge.

THIS IS A TIME to Remember your Sacred Connections that have always existed within the UNIVERSAL GOD STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is a pure place of stillness, a connection to unlimited Knowledge, a vast space of unconditional Love.

Your Multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to help you navigate these changing times.

Now, you use these Sacred Connections consciously in YOUR daily life.

As the COSMIC LIGHT amplifies, it is restored WITHIN YOU.


You need to let go and allow this process of transmutation.

There are crucial times to claim ownership of your Vast Light and there will be a continual resurgence of it as YOUR Crystalline structure is upgraded.

Throughout this process Access Universal integrity, within your Heart Link.

BY USING THE WORDS OF TRUTH “I AM” you will feel a change!

“I AM” creates a resonance!

An Opening that you activate and flow into all your Crystalline Systems.

Allow these words to BE THE TOOL for a reorientation of this Sacred frequency that is restored within you.

You can truly let go and trust this unfolding of yours, ALLOWING a fully energetic shift of consciousness to unfold naturally WITHIN YOU.

Conscious detachment will allow you to fully embody the Frequency of Divinity within your cells.

This series of Cosmic Energy Waves will REVEAL everything that is not in alignment with Truth on your Planet.


Expect an ever-increasing three-dimensional drama as THE TRUTH IS REVEALED.


This will create a vast and lasting SHIFT in the Consciousness of Humanity and those of you who are on the path will play an ongoing role in maintaining an Energy Platform within your hearts to support an ongoing process of Life Change for Humanity.

The New Dawn PROPHECY says this is the time for a Great Shift to be revealed!

As the Earth moves into a Paradigm of Higher Consciousness, the Age of a New Dawning, do not be blinded by the density that is arising, by the drama that is to come.

Align yourself with your own heart, the ego cannot interfere in the development of your path.

At this moment, CONCENTRATION ON THE HEART IS NECESSARY, to maintain the Commitment to Authenticity and Truth.

CLAIM your moments within Your Heart using the words “I AM” as a Mantra of Truth,

Assisting you in this Sacred process and harnessing the amplified Cosmic flow that is Entering the Earth to Awaken your heart and Crystalline structure and enhance your Energetic Systems.

* USE CONSCIOUS BREATHING, which is breathing that is inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the mouth,

Conscious breathing says 2 things;

1) If I am willing to let go,

2) If I am willing to receive my light.

By consciously choosing to use conscious breathing, ONCE AN HOUR DURING THE DAY, you begin a natural process of RELEASING old densities, old systems and beliefs held in your Body.


We are the Pleiadians.

I am Maria Lustig144



The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth (5D)


According to Yeshua, he will not return to reign as king on this Earth, but will return with “angels” riding on “clouds” to take us to a “new Earth” that has been prepared for us, where we will be transformed in the “blink of an eye” and “perform greater miracles.”

Sound familiar? This is exactly what the Pleiadians say will happen to us in the Shift.

Yeshua taught morality, self-empowerment, and ascension, not blood magic rituals for angry gods. If you want to follow him, know what he taught.

Humans did not suddenly forget how to build similar megastructures all over the world, there was no global civilization, and advanced technology was not stolen.

The unexplained wonders of the ancient world are clues left by the Galactic Federation to raise deeper questions for awakening.

“We are here for a reason”

All Q said was about the Galactic Federation (angels of light) awakening us at the “PRECIPICE” (tribulation) before we evolve (ascension).

Humans now need to find the will to change.

Keanu’s character in “The Day the Earth Stood Still” represents Q.

“We are here for a reason”

All Q said was about the Galactic Federation (angels of light) awakening us at the “PRECIPICE” (tribulation) before we evolve (ascension).

Humans must now find the will to change.

Keanu’s character in “The Day the Earth Stood Still” represents Q. — Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) September 21, 2024

If anonymous simply rewound everything that happened with Q and played it back knowing that Q was a Pleiadian contact with Trump and the NSA, and the Galactic Federation (angels of light) were using him as a catalyst to awaken Earth before ascension (rapture), it would all make a lot more sense. — Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) September 4, 2024

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

So Many Things Converging at Once on October 1st, Endgame

1st World Oil Production Cuts Could Be Announced

OPEC+ countries could announce further oil production cuts, which could lead to higher energy prices worldwide

The Port is reportedly going on strike as unionized workers demand a 77% increase.

After a long hiatus, millions of Americans will have to start paying back student loans, impacting disposable income

. The Basel III Accord will change the housing market forever.

LIBOR is set to be replaced by SOFR.

Major corporate earnings reports and economic forecasts are due, which could significantly influence market sentiment, especially in already volatile financial markets.

New tariffs are being imposed as trade negotiations continue to be tense between major economies, impacting the prices of imported and manufactured goods.

The government shutdown also looms large.

Certain pandemic-related housing protections, including eviction moratoriums and mortgage forbearance programs, are set to expire.

Rising interest rates and global economic pressures are raising fears of a debt crisis in emerging markets, which could lead to currency issues.

October 1 marks the start of the new fiscal year for many organizations, leading to budget reallocations, layoffs or strategic shifts.

We are heading towards historic events that will change the course of this country forever. And the D********e knows there is no turning back from this point. So expect them to throw everything at us. Because to them, our future will be the end of them. And they don’t want you to have this opportunity to remove them from this planet forever. So be prepared for anything and everything. Nothing to fear. Nothing to run from. Like I told you yesterday. You hold the cards now.

Good luck.

𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧!

& Order

We are about to embark on a historic undertaking, ladies and gentlemen. We have been waiting for this moment and it is finally here. Things will start moving at an accelerated pace after October 1st. Which means that C***l will increase his desperation to maintain power. But that will not stop anything. We are about to take back full control of this nation. And we will be rewarded for persevering and getting to this pivotal point in history.

BREAKING NEWS: SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce says they are allowing regulated financial institutions to bypass the SEC rule, which will allow them to custody #Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) September 24, 2024

What does this mean for the average person?

With regulated financial institutions now authorized to hold Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, digital assets are gaining legitimacy and moving closer to mainstream adoption. This paves the way for broader acceptance into everyday financial systems.

Allowing established institutions to hold cryptocurrencies provides an extra layer of security and trust, reducing the fear of hacks and scams that have plagued unregulated exchanges. This creates a safer environment for both new and experienced investors.

Traditional banks that offer cryptocurrency custody services make it easier for ordinary people to invest in digital currencies without having to navigate complex and unfamiliar platforms. This bridges the gap between traditional finance and the world of cryptocurrencies.

Traditional banks that offer cryptocurrency custody services make it easier for ordinary people to invest in digital currencies without having to navigate complex and unfamiliar platforms. This bridges the gap between traditional finance and the world of cryptocurrencies.

As traditional banks begin to embrace digital assets, exposure to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offers individuals the opportunity to diversify their portfolios with assets that have historically provided high returns compared to traditional investments.

Cryptocurrency offers a way for people who are underserved by traditional banking systems to participate in the financial world. Regulated custodial services help level the playing field, offering new opportunities for wealth building.

This development sets the stage for the broader integration of decentralized finance within traditional financial structures, providing new ways to earn, borrow, and save that were previously inaccessible. Not to mention how this will help IQD reach the international financial market for those waiting for the rate change.




The Ascension Plan is not a Rescue Mission

By Sherry T

Evil in this duality of Earth can NEVER be defeated by force, it must be left behind. >>> This is not a plan of human white hats, but of angelic light forces.


The ascension plan is not a rescue mission; it is an earned graduation. IT IS A GIFT!!!



No one is coming to save us because we do not need saving.

The ascension plan is not a rescue mission; it is an earned graduation.

We do not need financial resets or 3D disclosure because much more is coming.

People intuitively feel that something bigger is happening, but they do not have specific information.

Evil in this duality of Earth cannot be defeated by force, it must be left behind.

This is not a plan of human white hats, but of angelic light forces.

We are the ones who will experience this.

3:02 AM September 24, 2024


Only very bad people will be left behind, and the Galactic Federation will stay behind partially to help. No one will be abandoned.


FACT, NOT FICTION: Humans do not have much time left in this dual 3D reality, no matter which way we turn.

We either ascend or we die.



Emergency broadcast and QFS to begin first week of October

What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?

We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on September 23

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

The Great Awakening has arrived.
Banks in America and Europe are failing .

Get ready, patriots,
believe in the plan.

It is a good idea to have food, water, money, medicine and supplies for at least a month.
For yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Notes

Apparently, America has been operating under martial law since before the 2020 election.
Donald Trump became the commander-in-chief of the US military, and “Biden” was played by a masked actor.

Biden was arrested in 2021, tried for treason and pedophilia, found guilty and supposedly executed at GITMO.
Since then, he has been played by actors, most notably Arthur Roberts.

The Chinese Communist Party (not the pro-democracy Chinese government) has long been involved in the takeover of the United States.
Just before the 2020 US presidential election, the Chinese Communist Party purchased Dominion voting machines and, in collusion with the Democratic Party, the CIA, and the Vatican, cast millions of votes from Trump to Biden.

The husband of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi owned Dominion stock along with other Democrats.
In addition, the Chinese Communist Party developed the Smartmatic software, and the CIA acquired Dominion voting machines.

It obtained Dominion voting machines in collusion with the Vatican, the Italian government, and other communist parties.
Colluding with other communist parties to shift votes from Trump to Biden in the 2020 election.

Trump won all but one state with over 80% of the vote, according to the official military count of the 2020 election ballots.
All of this is done so that the Democratic Party, corporate America and its privately owned corporations can maintain power. The Democratic Party, the United States Corporation and its privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS.

In other words, so that the deep state cabal can maintain control of the global financial system and use our money for their own sadistic pleasures.

President Donald Trump has long worked with the global military alliance and the BRICS countries to introduce a global currency reset and return taxpayers’ money to their citizens.

Despite the stolen 2020 election, it was supposed to happen on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
“On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, US Inc. will be dissolved. End of experiment with
gold/asset-backed quantum financial system will be locked, loaded and taken over.

Military will reveal all in emergency broadcast in the first week of October.
Several countries are also expected to adopt and implement effective quantum financial systems in the first week of October.
…John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Saturday, September 21, 2024

Global elites have been trying to stop this recreational vehicle for years.
Because the entire world economy will collapse. There will be no central bank to funnel taxpayers’ money to them. This is what they fear most.
Being citizens again.

 Currently, Sunday, September 22, 2024, military operations are intensifying in the United States and chaos is approaching.
Diddy’s arrest sparks internal conflict between the FBI, the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, which exposes tapes of Harris and Clinton having sex with minors.

The FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS are arrested as members of the deep state.
Secret military trials movement.

 Sunday, September 22, 2024 Bombshell Report! In Depth: FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, Deep State Prisons and the Military Industrial Complex! – –

 Sunday, September 22, 2024 Zimbabwe GESARA: 6 Million Zimbabweans Receive Title Certificates in Rural Areas.
Has Zimbabwe Been Liberated?

 Sunday, September 22, 2024: Explosive Update! Trump’s return will set the world on fire
: the collapse of European banks, the occurrence of a black swan phenomenon, the payment of billions of dollars of GESARA, the activation of secret military trials and the full functioning of the QFS
. to be in operation! – Daily

 Famous Hollywood icon P Diddy was arrested by the Global Military Alliance.
His arrest triggered infighting between the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

As a double agent, he ran a honeypot/blackmail operation similar to Epstein’s, providing information to the CIA and the Democratic Party.
Didi was an intelligence agent whose mission was to obtain blackmail letters for the Deep State.
It was to blackmail the Deep State in exchange for fame and fortune.

He literally sold his soul to the devil. Don’t let the Democratic Party cut ties with Diddy. He is their friend.
They have been using him to influence Hollywood and the music industry since at least the early 2000s.
He is an agent of the Democratic Party.

 FBI seizes tape of Obama with underage Justin Bieber.
They scrambled to cover up damaging footage of the Obamas and other A-listers engaging in depraved sex acts with minors.

The footage showed authorities desperately trying to protect the names of powerful people involved in P. Diddy’s blackmail.
Whistleblowers, including those close to Diddy and his inner circle, have revealed what they know about the sex crimes committed during his infamous rampage. Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22, 2024 BQQQM! Trump and the Military Spark DHS Cover-Up – The Story of P. Diddy’s Arrest Exposing Kamala Harris, Epstein and the Clintons – –

 September 30, Canada’s Reconciliation Day, Covers Up Mass Murders of Indigenous Children, Past and Present.
A Message from Kevin Annett.
This message comes from Kevin Annett, who has been leading the movement to expose and denounce genocide in Canada since 1995.

We urge people around the world to respect the expulsion and confiscation orders issued by Indigenous elders
against the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, and the United Church of Canada. People should wear black instead of orange on September 30th and boycott reconciliation events.

This video was filmed at the site of the Mushhole killing field in Brantford, Ontario.
In late 2011, Kevin helped Mohawk elders exhume the remains of their children. Please see part two separately. Latest information from ITCCS” at Posted on September 22, 2024. No more hiding reconciliation! Expel and confiscate the genocidal church! (

 Status Update Sunday, September 22, 2024: Judy Byington not reproduced: Tuesday, October 1.
will be dissolved. is dissolved and the fiat money system experiment ends. Backed by gold/assets, the QFS is locked, loaded and hijacked. Special Intel Report 9/22/24 (Video) |

possible timing

 -In the first week of October, the military will reveal all on the emergency broadcast system.
Several countries are also expected to adopt and implement effective QFSs in the first week of October. Military and reserve forces are expected to be activated in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Iceland, South America, Mexico, Africa, Malaysia and over 80 other countries. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Saturday, September 21.

URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Military GESARA, EBS, Martial Law, Deep State and the White Hats at War


BREAKING: The Deep State’s reign of global control is crumbling! The military GESARA, the Emergency Broadcast System and Trump’s White Hats are engaged in an all-out assault on the elite cabal that has manipulated governments, media and economies for generations. The hour of freedom has arrived! The secrets of the elites will be exposed and humanity will be freed from their clutches.

We are on the brink of a global blackout, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), where communication will be interrupted for ten days. The Deep State’s control over everything – media, banks, and even your thoughts – will be destroyed. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is the reality we’ve been waiting for! The White Hats will take control of the airwaves, broadcasting three explosive documentaries on every channel. For the first time, the truth about the crimes of the elites will be revealed. This is war and we will not back down!

For years, the Deep State has deceived and controlled the world, from your finances to the information you consume. They have built their power on lies, manipulating every facet of society. Now, the system they created to enslave us will be destroyed. Their control over global finance, especially through the Federal Reserve, has kept you in chains. This private cabal controls a staggering 98% of the central banks around the world – think about that for a second.

They rigged elections, created false narratives, and orchestrated events like 9/11 to protect their empire. On the very day the Human Equality Act was supposed to set us free, the Twin Towers fell and the evidence disappeared in the rubble. The patterns are too clear to deny—this is a calculated attack on humanity.

But the Deep State never anticipated a man like Trump. He was never supposed to win in 2016. They rigged the system against him, but he triumphed. Now, he and the White Hats are fighting tooth and nail to destroy the Deep State empire. But they knew Trump was a threat, and that’s why they rigged the 2020 election. They couldn’t let him finish what he started—eliminating the Federal Reserve debt and freeing us from financial slavery.

The fight is not over. The White Hats continue their mission, preparing to return Trump to his rightful place. His days are numbered, and we, the patriots, will be the ones to see the dawn of freedom.

Stay alert. The storm is coming and we are closer than ever to victory. Share this with everyone. The truth must spread like wildfire.

The world is waking up and we WILL WIN!


RUMORS: 09/25/2024


After October 1st ❗ 

US Treasuries will no longer be collateral for Basel III 🤩 Reasons why DS Corporation and the US government will be permanently dated on October 1st ❣️ The Fed will lower statutory taxes because banks will be dated on October 1st so they join Basel III 🤩 DS Co., Ltd. and the Japanese government should also officially date permanently 🙏 September 23, 2024 (09/23)


😎🇺🇸🦅🌎 Harvest time is approaching.

American patriot,

😎🇺🇸🦅🌎Imagine this movie🎥 Great media. The electricity goes out. I can’t even use the internet. He has no intention of lying. Don’t do anything. Satellites fall from the sky. Beyond oblivion. and. New technologies emerge. The electricity is turned on. Communication is restored. And you’re not invited. The credits just played. 🍿🎥⭐️


Breaking News: BlackRock is Bankrupt! 

The unbelievable collapse of a financial giant

BREAKING NEWS: BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has surprisingly declared bankruptcy, marking the death of a financial giant built on corrupt practices. Find out how global valuations and internal management are undermining this financial titan, supporting the global economy. Read more about the dramatic collapse and its far-reaching implications.

A Shocking Failure by BlackRock: The Collapse of a Financial Empire Built on Corruption!


We are facing a Global Blackout and Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation , where normal communication will be interrupted for ten days. This is Operation Stormbreaker – the largest dive operation ever. Military units have been mobilized across the world for a coordinated attack to destroy the Globalist Power Structure.


I hold all the cards for the Global Military Alliance. 

We have moved beyond the Zionists and the elites who control the world – they are not finished. There are 13 Illuminati families, Vatican, Royal Families, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Obama, Clintons – all under the control of the White Hat. Just like clones or masked actors parading around, Trump is out of control. He is not just leading America – he is ruling the world.


Liquidity for the global currency reset would be activated on the third day, October 1st. So I am thinking, hoping and believing that we can count on something actually happening this time.


When the lights go out. …Q Storm 1776 on Telegram

Black Monday: When the Lights Go Out and Starlink Space Needs to Shut Down.



Companies will die instantly under the weight of their own betrayal.

The Cabal controls us through Nuclear Energy and ownership of our financial system. Or control them with the flip of a switch


The Q movement has remained strong for seven years. It has stood the test of time.

Not only has it survived, it has been validated many times over the years. This movement continues to grow. The mainstream media attacks the Q movement to this day. [They] have been persecuting Anon as long as they have been persecuting Trump.

People can talk about alleged dates, ignore the arrests that have happened, and act like we haven’t been proven right many times, but they know we were powerful. Together we are the most powerful intelligence force the world has ever seen.

Soon people will begin to realize how precisely we act…



So before we get started, let’s first understand that before Trump was POTUS, GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it is now. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new former elite prisoners. Well, the ones who aren’t executed via military tribunal, at least. Although Joe Biden campaigned on closing GITMO.

Even though Joe Biden campaigned on closing GITMO, why hasn’t his installed military crisis actor followed through? Perhaps because Donald J. Trump is still the legitimate Commander-in-Chief (CIC) of the United States during Joe Biden’s shadow presidency?



The White Hat Military Alliance is in control


Liquidity for the global currency reset would be activated on Tuesday, October 1st. So I am thinking, hoping and believing that we can count on it actually happening this time.


Judy Note: 

I won’t be posting an update tonight for Wednesday, September 25th. It still seems pretty solid to me that everything will start happening on Tuesday, October 1st – the EBS, notification for appointments, the start of the 10-day communications blackout, a complete US government shutdown, and I don’t know what else. Readers need to brace themselves. Our world is changing.


RayRen98 (TNT)



Fnu Lnu

I would like to assure the Dinar investing community of a few things. There comes a time when common sense and logic must prevail. There will be NO travel required to exchange your Dinar for US Dollars (USD).

You will not have to go to Jordan, Egypt or Syria. There will be NO revaluation of $0.10. It was already at the rate of $3.22 to 1 Dinar when the only resource was oil.



Dr. Shabibi, the preeminent expert, has publicly stated that Iraq could sustain a rate of $16 to 1 Dinar, but let’s not get greedy. $4.80 is almost certain. Stay tuned because I will have something mind-blowing for you next time that will really make you think.


Trump had long been working with the Global Military Alliance and the BRICS Nations to implement a Global Monetary Reset and return taxpayers’ money to the people, which would happen on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.


DEFCON 1 is the most severe alert level in the United States military’s Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) system, indicating the imminent threat of nuclear war or an asteroid collision with Earth. The DEFCON system has five levels, with DEFCON 5 being the least severe and DEFCON 1 being the most severe.



The Global Currency Reset (GCR), the upcoming Iraq RV and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) are designed to dismantle the globalist financial regime!

The truth has been hidden for too long and the Global Monetary Reset (GCR) is the key to breaking the elite’s hold over us. No more sugarcoating: Iraq’s RV is not just a minor economic adjustment – ​​it’s the ticking time bomb the deep state fears most.



While the masses are fed lies, the real battle is taking place behind the scenes, and Iraq is the starting point for the greatest transfer of wealth in history…

……. The QFS is here. The trailer will come. The deep state is shaking. Are you ready?


Liquidity for the global currency reset would be activated on Tuesday, October 1st. 

So I think, hope and believe that we can be confident that this will actually happen this time.

Trust the plan

“We are in the final battle between good and evil.”

Now is the time to pray.”



Tuesday, October 1, 2024,  worldwide martial law  during mass arrests of global criminal and political elites

The U.S. government is permanently shut down, including Congress, federal employees, and state governments

All banks that are not Basel III compliant will be closed

The Federal Reserve is permanently suspending its transfers from the IRS to the new US Treasury Department

Charge sales tax only on non-food products and medicines



The new federal state of the United States of America begins

The global currency reset begins.

Be prepared



At a cryptocurrency conference, Trump commented on the US’s $35 trillion debt:

“Maybe we’ll pay off $35 trillion in crypto debt. I’ll write on a little piece of paper: ‘$35 trillion in crypto, we have no debt.’

This sounds a lot like the introduction of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and therefore NESARA/GESARA.


GITMO TV, [24/09/2024 03:05]








A Storm is Brewing

Decades of lies and manipulation by the shadow elite, who have controlled governments, media and industries, are about to be shattered. For too long, they have operated in the shadows, pulling the strings behind the scenes. But the reckoning has come. The truth is about to explode into the open, and when it does, everything will change.


Once-dismissed conspiracy theories are now becoming undeniable truths as arrests mount daily. The names of powerful figures are being exposed, and the corrupt system that has enslaved humanity for generations is collapsing. We are on the brink of a revolution—and it will be bloody.


Guantanamo awaits the Deep State. The global elite that has controlled us like a mafia is feeling the noose tighten. From DC to Hollywood, from Silicon Valley to European palaces, the arrests have begun. These are no ordinary criminals; they are the puppet masters who have orchestrated a global system of control. Their crimes include treason, corruption, and unspeakable horrors that will destroy the public’s understanding of reality when they are revealed.

A Storm is Brewing
A Storm is Brewing


More than 71,000 federal indictments have been dropped—each one is another step toward dismantling the Deep State. The military tribunals will not be lenient; this is not a political scandal, but the full exposure of a corrupt regime. Justice will be served at Guantanamo, and the penalty for treason is clear.


A global purge is underway. It’s not just happening in the US—elite groups around the world are falling. No one is safe, whether they’re politicians, royalty, or billionaires. Thousands of arrests have been made, and the guilty are being dragged into the light. The lies that have kept us enslaved are finally being exposed.


The elites didn’t just control governments and economies; they hid the future from us. Advanced technologies that could have cured disease, ended hunger, and made fossil fuels obsolete were hidden from us. But now, the truth is coming to light. The revolution is not just political; it is technological. We will no longer be slaves to their systems. When these technologies are unleashed, humanity will prosper like never before.


The indictments signal the fall of a house of cards—a collapse of the old order. This is a moment the elite never thought would come. The military tribunals are here, and justice is coming. This is not just a trial; it is the final reckoning for those who thought they were above the law.


The revolution is upon us. The old order is crumbling, and what comes next will be a world unlike anything we have ever known. The elite are cornered and have nowhere left to hide. The storm is here. Full disclosure is just the beginning.






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Autumn Equinox Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation (Libra Season).

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





25/09: So much silence is a sign of the beginning of an event

Wednesday Morning, September 25, 2024What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?We will continue to monitor the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!Well thenFrom Judy Notes on September 24I will extract the parts that interest you!Today’s messageBelieve in the plan
– we are in the final battle between good and evil.
Let us pray now.
…Q- We must stand strong and fight for the future of America! As long as we are true to
our values, true to our citizens, and true to our God, we will not fail as long as… President Trump.Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Martial law will be imposed worldwide
during mass arrests of global criminal elites and politicians.United States Government Government permanently shut down,
including Congress, federal employees, and state governments

All banks that do not comply with the Basel III Accord will be
permanently closed by the Federal Reserve. The Internal Revenue
Service will be transferred to the new US Treasury, collecting only non-food and non-drug excise taxes.

There is no need to worry if you are prepared for the start of a new US tax year and
the beginning of a global currency reset.

It is a good idea to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and daily necessities.
For yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergencies.

Note from Judy

On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the US government will shut down. The government will shut down.
End the global fiat financial system of the deep state cabal that has been stealing our taxes since the 1800s.

Central banks in Europe, America and around the world have collapsed.
Meanwhile, the gold and asset-backed quantum financial system will become liquid and fully operational on Tuesday, October 1.

In connection with the collapse of the US government, the Deep State, the Global Military Alliance has issued over 700,000 sealed indictments, arrested and sentenced to military courts, mostly children, arrested global elites and politicians who have committed “crimes against humanity” and sent them to places like GITMO. Mostly children.

The White Hat Global Military Alliance has already overtaken the Zionists and the world’s ruling elites.
It rules the world. The 13 Illuminati families, the Vatican, the Royal Family, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Gates, the Obamas, the Clintons – all under the control of the White Hats.

The Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group
have controlled the world through counterfeit money, Big Pharma and human suffering. They are devil worshippers.
They are brainwashing the masses and conditioning us through movies, music and media filled with occult symbols.

One of their many projects: On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, it was announced that a new strain of Covid, ‘XEC’, is spreading rapidly across Europe. The deep state was trying to create panic again.
There was an outbreak of bird flu in Colorado and monkeypox in Singapore.

Children trafficked by the deep state are sacrificed to satanic and pedophile rituals.
It has become a sacrifice for a worldwide pedophile ring. This is not an isolated scandal.
Hollywood, politicians, bankers and priests at the top of the Vatican are involved.

Like Trump, President Kennedy knew about the CIA’s child sex trafficking ring.
How the deep state used this to blackmail politicians. Human trafficking and pedophilia are at their highest in healthcare, media, education, and even government.

That’s why Lincoln was assassinated and JFK, Trump, and others were tried.
Because these patriots were fighting to give taxpayers’ money back to the people. That’s why the Q movement gained momentum.

And what about Hillary Clinton? I’m already heading to GITMO. She was eliminated, although her clone or actor can still be seen on TV.
Even Pelosi, Kamala, and Biden were all arrested, tried, and executed. And he was executed.
Their successors continue to uphold the illusion, but the truth is closer.

Judy’s Notes: On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the US government will shut down. The government will shut down.
End the Deep State Cabal’s fiat global financial system that has been stealing our taxes since the 1800s.
They have been stealing our tax dollars since the 1800s. Central banks in Europe, America, and around the world have collapsed.

Meanwhile, the gold and asset-backed quantum financial system will become liquid and fully operational on Tuesday, October 1st.
It will go live on the same Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. In connection with the collapse of the US government, the Deep State, Global Military Alliance has issued over 700,000 sealed indictments, made arrests, and detained places like GITMO for military trials.

Arrest global and political elites who have committed “crimes against humanity,” mostly against children, and send them to places like GITMO for military trials.

The White Hat Global Military Alliance had already overtaken the Zionists and the world’s ruling elites.
The 13 Illuminati families, the Vatican, the Royal Family, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Gates, the Obamas, the Clintons – all under the control of the White Hats.

The Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group controlled the world through counterfeit money, Big Pharma and human suffering. They are devil worshippers.

They are brainwashing the masses and conditioning us through movies, music and media filled with occult symbols. He is a devil worshipper who is brainwashing the masses.
One of his many projects: On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, it was announced that a new strain of Covid, ‘XEC’, is spreading rapidly across Europe.

The deep state was trying to cause panic again.
There was an outbreak of bird flu in Colorado and monkeypox in Singapore.
Children trafficked by the deep state are sacrificed to satanic and pedophile rituals.

This is not an isolated scandal.
Hollywood, politicians, bankers and priests at the top of the Vatican are involved.
Like Trump, President Kennedy knew about the CIA’s child sex trafficking ring.

How the deep state used it to blackmail politicians. Human trafficking and pedophilia are at their highest levels in healthcare, the media, education and even government. That’s why they assassinated Lincoln and tried to kill JFK, Trump and others.
Because these patriots were fighting to return taxpayers’ money to the people. That’s why the Q movement gained momentum.

What about Hillary Clinton? I’m already heading to GITMO. She was eliminated, although her clone or actor can still be seen on TV.
Even Pelosi, Kamala and Biden were all arrested, tried and executed.
Their successors continue to uphold the illusion, but the truth is closer.

Both sides used over 200,000 actors, clones, CGI and AI to cover it all up in this dramatic movie Save the World.
It is a dramatic movie called “Save the World”. However, this bubble of deception was set to burst with the start of the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 on November 20, 2024. Trial 2.0 begins. The world will know the depth of their sin.

 Monday, September 23, 2024 Blackout confirmed. – Phase 1 begins,

 Seven Kingdoms Alliance: Trump (USA), Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Kim (North Korea), Modi (India).
Modi (India), Bolsonaro (Brazil), Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia).
It was formed in cooperation with the 209-member BRICS alliance, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

 Monday, September 23, 2024: Coca-Cola implicated in buying children from Ukraine.
Coca-Cola implicated in buying children from Ukraine in international child sex trafficking and organ harvesting ring and adrenochrome.

 Monday, September 23, 2024: Francis becomes the last pope, Catholic Church goes bankrupt –
Asahi Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

 Monday, September 23, 2024: Bombshell report Judy Byington A great awakening is coming
to us. Banks in America and Europe have failed. The QFS is fully operational. Brace yourselves, patriots…

Possible timing

Judy Note: Since 2020, the United States has operated under martial law, with President Trump as commander-in-chief.
President Biden has been a sham. Biden disappeared before the fake inauguration in 2021.

Actors, surrogates, clones, whatever, before his fake inauguration. we were watching a movie.
He is acting to catch the bad guys. Both Q+ (understood as Trump) and his vice president were sworn in as presidents of the new United States of America.
JFK Jr., the vice president of the new United States, said that the military would take over the major media satellites.

The major media satellites also said that the global currency reset liquidity would be activated on Tuesday, October 1st.
So I hope this time it really happens.

That’s all .

the beginning of an event
the beginning of an event

October 1: The Deep State Financial System Will End!

First, there’s the big news.

Information about the deep state shutdown of the US government and the end of the global financial system on October 1st.

Judy’s Note:  On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the US government will shut down  , ending the Deep State Cabal’s fiat global financial system that has existed since the 1800s and has stolen taxpayers’ money.

As central banks in Europe, America and around the world collapse, on the same Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the gold/asset backed quantum financial system becomes liquid and fully operational.

In connection with the deep state’s overthrow of the US government, the Global Military Alliance has filed over 700,000 sealed indictments against global militaries who  committed “crimes against humanity  ,” primarily against children

The White Hat global military alliance had already overtaken the Zionists and the elites who ruled the world.
The 13 Illuminati families, the Vatican, the Royal Family, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Gates, the Obamas, the Clintons – all under the control of the White Hats.

The Federal Reserve, the Vatican, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group have controlled the world through counterfeit money, Big Pharma and human suffering.

They are Satanists who brainwash the masses, conditioning us through movies, music and media filled with occult symbols.

One of their many projects On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, it was announced that a new strain of flu “XEC” is spreading rapidly across Europe.
The deep state was trying to cause panic again with bird flu in Colorado and monkeypox in Singapore.

Children trafficked by the deep state have been sacrificed in satanic rituals and pedophile rings around the world.

This is not just an isolated scandal. It is a vast web of evil that involves Hollywood, politicians, bankers and priests at the top of the Vatican.

Like Trump, President Kennedy knew about the CIA’s child sex trafficking network and how it was used by the deep state to blackmail politicians.

Human trafficking and pedophilia are at their highest levels in healthcare, the media, education and even government.

That’s why they assassinated Lincoln and tried to kill JFK and Trump. That’s why the Q movement gained momentum.

Hillary Clinton? I’m already headed to GITMO.
She’s been eliminated, although her clone or actor can still be seen on television.

Even Pelosi, Kamala and Biden were arrested, tried and executed.
While their successors keep the illusion alive, the truth is getting closer and closer.

Both sides covered it all with a dramatic film called “Save the World,” using over 200,000 actors, clones, CGI, and AI.

However,  this bubble of deception will burst with the start of the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 on November 20, 2024. The world will know the depth of its sin.

Possible moment:

Judy Note: Since 2020, the United States  has been operating under martial law, with President Trump as Commander-in-Chief.
President Biden was a sham. Biden disappeared before the sham inauguration in 2021.
Replaced by actors, surrogates, clones, etc.

It was like we were watching a movie about how to catch the bad guys.
Both Q+ (who I understand to be Trump) and the new US Vice President JFK Jr. announced that the military would take control of major media satellites and that the liquidity of the global monetary reset would be  activated on  Tuesday, October 1st.  Think, wait and believe that we can actually expect it to happen this time.

*Comment: We have received information that the fiat currency system that has existed since the 1800s will finally end and the system will transition to a QFS gold asset-backed system.

Several GCR information sources have suggested an October 1 start date.

I look forward to the future.

Timeline Shift
Timeline Shift

October 1st is a pivotal day, where numerous critical events are converging at once:

● OPEC+ nations may announce further cuts to oil production, potentially driving up global energy prices.

● Strikes at major ports loom as union workers push for a 77% wage increase.

● After a long hiatus, millions of Americans will have to resume paying student loans, impacting their disposable income.

● Basel 3 regulations are set to take effect, which could alter the real estate market in unprecedented ways.

● LIBOR is slated to be replaced by SOFR, marking a significant change in financial benchmarks.

● Several key corporate earnings reports and economic forecasts are expected, with the potential to greatly affect already volatile markets.

● The imposition of new tariffs, as trade disputes between major economies escalate, threatens to impact the cost of imports and manufacturing.

● A possible government shutdown looms, adding further uncertainty.

● Pandemic-related housing protections, such as eviction moratoriums and mortgage forbearance programs, are scheduled to expire.

● Fears of a debt crisis in emerging markets continue to rise, fueled by climbing interest rates and global economic pressures, with potential fallout for currencies.

● As October 1st marks the start of the new fiscal year for many organizations, we could see budget reshuffling, layoffs, or major strategic shifts.

All of these factors are driving us towards historic events that could change the direction of this country forever. The Deep State is well aware that there’s no turning back after this point. Expect them to fight back with everything they have, because our future means the end of their reign. They don’t want you to reach that moment of victory.

So, be ready for anything. Fear nothing. As I mentioned yesterday, the cards are in your hands now.

Good luck.

Mr. Pool
Currency Reset Begins
Currency Reset Begins

October 1st – Currency Reset Begins!

This is followed by related information about the start of the GCR/currency reset.

The EBS claims that the truth will be revealed by the military during the week of October 1st.

And it seems that information related to the implementation of the QFS is also expected.

Here is an overview of it.

Global Currency Reset:

“On Tuesday, October 1, 2024,  the United States Inc. Corp. will be dissolved and the fiat system experiment will end.
The gold/asset-backed quantum financial system will be locked, loaded, and taken over.”…Q on. Telegram,  Saturday, September 21, 2024

“In the first week of October  ,  the military will clarify everything through the emergency broadcast system.
We also expect that in the first week of October several countries will adopt and implement a valid QFS.

Military reserves and troops are expected to operate in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Iceland, South America, Mexico, Africa, Malaysia, and more than 80 other countries.”…17th   Telegram  Letter (JFK Jr.) Saturday, September 21, 2024

Note from Judy: Tuesday, October 1st marks the beginning of the new Restored Republic of the United States and the Global Currency Reset, and the end of the fiscal year for the Cabal’s United States Corporation.

Most importantly,   Tuesday, October 1st  is the deadline for banks to become Basel III compliant (gold-backed currencies) or face closure.

Banks will play a different role as service-only centers.
In other words, the cabal, which has been officially bankrupt since  2008  , will no longer have access to U.S. taxpayer dollars starting Tuesday, October 1.

Monday, September 23, 2024:   Breaking News: DJT Executive Order and GESARA Pledge – All Here! DJT

(Article Summary)
(  GESARA: A Vision for Global Transformation)

At the center of this era of change is the Global Economic Security Reform Act (GESARA), a proposal that promises to reshape the world in ways never before thought possible. GESARA is more than just a policy initiative; it is a vision for a new world order that prioritizes justice, prosperity, and peace for all.

Key Principles of GESARA: A Blueprint for a Better World

The GESARA principles propose a radical departure from the status quo, promising a future where the burdens of the past are lifted and future possibilities are limitless.

Eliminate National Debt:   One of the most ambitious aspects of GESARA is the proposal to eliminate national debt. Imagine a world where countries are no longer saddled with enormous debt burdens and can redirect resources from debt service to improving the lives of their people. This is not just a financial reset, it is a moral imperative.

Minimum taxes:   GESARA will simplify and make the tax system fairer, with a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new products. This transition will reduce the tax burden on the average citizen, while ensuring that everyone contributes equitably to the system. This is a move towards a fairer and more sustainable economic model.

Justice for Mortgage Holders:   GESARA also promises justice for those harmed by government misconduct, including fraudulent mortgage and bank debts. By forgiving these debts, GESARA will give millions of people a fresh start, allowing them to free themselves from the chains of economic exploitation and rebuild their lives.

Return to the Constitution:  In a world where laws are often manipulated to serve the interests of those in power, GESARA’s call for a return to the Constitution is a return to justice. Moving from a corrupt maritime law to a constitution will ensure impartiality and justice.

New Leadership:   GESARA envisions a global leadership overhaul in which newly elected leaders will represent 10 percent of current governments. This infusion of fresh perspectives and ideas is essential to breaking the cycles of corruption and stagnation that have plagued global governance for decades.

World Peace:   Perhaps the boldest of GESARA’s proposals is its vision of 1,000 years of world peace. This is not just a lofty ideal, but a concrete goal to be achieved through disarmament, diplomacy and a commitment to peaceful conflict resolution.

Disarmament:  At the heart of this vision of peace is the elimination of all present and future nuclear weapons. GESARA recognizes that true security is achieved through mutual understanding and cooperation, not through threats of mutual destruction.

Gold Standard:   GESARA’s proposed return to the gold standard would restore stability and value to the financial system. In an era of fiat money and economic uncertainty, this measure provides a solid foundation for future prosperity.

Hidden Technology:   GESARA also promises to deploy 6,000 Tesla patents, including free energy technologies that could revolutionize the world. This isn’t just a technological breakthrough. Our goal is to democratize access to these advances to benefit all of humanity, not just a privileged few.

Affordable Rebuilding:   GESARA’s vision extends to rebuilding the world by delivering infrastructure and development projects at 1950s prices. This will enable all countries, regardless of their economic situation, to participate in rebuilding the planet and ensure that no one is left behind.

Distribution of the World’s Wealth:  Finally, GESARA promises to redistribute the world’s wealth, returning power to “We the People.” This is not about charity, it is about justice, about ensuring that the wealth created by the world’s resources benefits everyone, not just a few.

Wall Street, Washington DC, the Vatican and the City of London: The Fall of the Old Powers

As the principles of GESARA take hold, institutions that have long been symbols of power and influence – Wall Street, Washington DC, the Vatican, the City of London – find themselves increasingly irrelevant. These bastions of the old order, which have shaped the world according to their interests for centuries, are now facing a new reality. The people are taking back control, and the power structures of the past are crumbling.

Wall Street:  Once the heart of global capitalism, Wall Street is now seen as a relic of a bygone era. As the financial system is reformed and wealth is redistributed, Wall Street’s influence will be reduced, paving the way for a fairer global economy.

Washington, DC:  The political center of the United States has long been the center of global power. However, as the principles of GESARA were implemented, Washington DC’s influence waned and was replaced by a new form of governance that prioritized the well-being of the people over the interests of elites.

Vatican:  For centuries, the Vatican has been a symbol of spiritual authority and influence. However, as the world has moved toward a more transparent and accountable system of governance, the Vatican’s influence has diminished. The scandals and corruption that plagued the organization have been exposed, and its assets are being redistributed to serve the needs of the people.

City of London:  As one of the world’s leading financial centers, the City of London has long played a key role in global finance. But as GESARA’s vision for the distribution of global wealth takes root, the City of London’s influence is diminishing, creating a more fair and equitable global economy.)

*Explanation: The reason October 1st is in the spotlight is that Tuesday, October 1st is the deadline for banks to comply with Basel III (gold-backed currencies) or be shut down.

At that time, it appears that the transition to GCR and QFS will be broadcast over EBS.

Given the current state of political and military crises around the world, it is conceivable that there will be an escalating crisis situation for several weeks from 1 October.

It will be interesting to see what future trends in White Hat are.

We will continue the transition to a post-GESARA society for several years.

It is important to understand the post-GESARA transformation.

When will RV and GESARA be given
When will RV and GESARA be given

THOUGHTS: “When will RV and GESARA be given?”

“When will RV and GESARA be given?” 


Everyone in the intel dinar has an intelligence report, some with information that they only collect from others or that they invent in order to finance their maintenance while the RV is launched and the gesara is implemented.

I do not believe the truth in them. However, there are others who obviously have updated information and provide it in a way that keeps their readers attentive to the “movie”.

Those of us who are obviously in the business and “maybe” have first hand information know that the process is very time consuming and that we are certainly very close but it is not mentally healthy to inform those who are needy, anxious and desperate to receive false information of their payment as with over 6 years in this process those of us who are actually in the business have received a newsletter and/or information straight from our desk.

Every day I read that some gurus say “this week, we are on the edge of our seats, it is the weekend, he sat down”, and the disappointment for many is great when nothing happens.

Recently I read that several countries reported on GESARA through the official media, including Colombia, which is absolutely FALSE. I will give you my humble opinion and an “intelligence” report.

In fact, we are close, and no one knows the exact moment of the RV. There are many arrests happening, yes, they have already happened, of important political figures and businessmen, in the United States and in the world.

They have been tried and the vast majority eliminated, others will serve a sentence until they die. There is a lot of technology coming that they have hidden from us and this will be seen in the coming years, they are already evaluating assets in several places, but NOBODY has been paid, the whales will receive OUR money, because we are the ones who have the assets, they will take 80% for humanitarian projects, so will we.

But we will be supervised by the US Treasury, the IMF and other global entities. Who will continue to clean up (it is not the corrupt entity, but the one who manages it), is there intervention from the superior brothers? (OBVIOUSLY, they only need to look at the inscriptions on the gold on the weapons to see the cuniform language, which does not belong to a known language and attests to their support for the debt.).

Does the QFS exist? Of course, and those who know the business will confirm that it has been in testing for more than six years, and that until about 2 years ago the Gurus were talking about it … some of us already knew about its existence, and its implementation (are you in the business? Are you a fork?

You should know about the QFS, so you did not know its name or its technology ..).

Does the alliance exist? It is a resounding YES, and since it is a military operation EVERYTHING is absolutely planned to the millimeter.

Trump is a very important figure and has a leading role, we will see him as president again.

Biden will have a short time to announce new elections as soon as the theft of the elections becomes evident. There are three options.

1. Believe this year with the richest or

2. They expect the other states to audit.

3. All states must audit. This is not yet clear and will happen according to the plan and as it unfolds. Obviously, after this, it will be 120 days for new elections and there will certainly be the beginning of the implementation of GESARA. Not before.

It will not happen overnight, because the implementation of a new world takes time, and people will gradually wake up to this new reality (even seeing what happens, there will be many asleep).

Are there medical beds? Of course, their technology is over 20 years old and is only used by the elites, this is not yet for the rest of the world.

We are all waiting for an exact date for the RV, and the final question is when? .. Let me end with my answer according to my knowledge and a true source of intelligence.

They will never give the exact date, we can only wait, but I can say with certainty that we will only know the day and time it happens. NOT before ..

And the day it happens, those of us who have assets will NOT be able to report.

I respect all the Gurus and their information (the vast majority is true, but outside the timeline we manage), if Patrick allows me, I will continue to publish, only what I can. A big hug and never forget


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