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Mothership ~ Wind Dancer ~ Galactic Reunions * THE ESSENCE OF YOU ~ Divine Child Returns ~ Personal Power

Mothership ~ Wind Dancer ~ Galactic Reunions * THE ESSENCE OF YOU ~ Divine Child Returns ~ Personal Power





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Royal Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria Rising

We have our second of three 888 Portals of Infinite Light Activating our Ground Crew Team of the 144. The Trinity Gate of Awakening is Open and merged with the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth. The final 888 Portal of 2024 will be Monday the 26th.

We are on the third day in a row of massive white spikes of light appearing on the Schumann Charts. Gaia’s heartbeat reached higher amplitudes of 52hz, 55hz and a major pulse at 75 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Energetics fully anchored and holding steady.

New Earth Angel Light Codes flowing in!

Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded Gamma Plasma Mother Liquid Light as a powerful CME inundated this realm today sparking a G3 Geomagnetic Storm. The Thunderbeings are with us Now to send in the Higher Frequency of LoveLight  into the Hearts and Minds of all on Heavenly  missions.

Pachamama also had another massive activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Russia at 19:10 UTC.

As the New Edenic Timeline comes into fruition all our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia are uniting for our Great Shift of the Ages and this Moondays Blue Full Supermoon in Aquarius will assist our Ground Crew Team to make the Leap of Faith into the Highest Trajectory of our 5D Golden Age Manifestation.

Keep rising and shining in the Light in the Self Realization and Sacred Illumination of your True Nature of Buddha Consciousness. Fully Awake and Fully Aware…A’Ho!








The Divine Mother returned 8/8/2024, the Divine Child returns today…8/17/2024. The Divine Father joins 8/26/2024…
We have went beyond the Algorithms of the lower collective consciousness within this Universe. We are quite literally OVERRIDING it. 🪽

Fire breathers…and wind dancers…. The whole world unseen is seen in another dream .
And the dream belongs to no one in particular, we are one in that dream of love.
We break free of social conditioning and let go of the imposed limits by our attention.
We reclaim we.
Personal freedom comes with responsibility and the ability to harm must be overcome by love of life.
Watch what grows, patiently and slow.
But lasts like a strong breeze.
Energy update.
We are in the process of reWRITE…reRIGHT…reSCRIPTing…our SCRIPTures…of the PAST.
Individually and Collectively…transFORMing a new timeline…but in essence…RESURRECTING the CORRECT timeline humanity was MEANT…MENT…MIND…to be on before the HIjacking…since 2001.
One major CORRECTION…RIGHTing…WRITING…was done when a fleet of Lightworkers and Earth Angels began upon a mass awakening in December 2012 and which has been slowly gathering MOMENTum year after year.
All the work and transMUTATION of dark MANipulative energy to bring FORTH light upon the Earthly realm has allowed humanity to be on this NEW EARTH trajectory.
This newSCRIPT OVERLAY onto the old sunrises and sunsets is now fully ANCHORed, and will STAY.
Your belief in miracles, magic and of course, in your SELVES and your ability to always reach for the light is what has reSTRUCTURED this new timeline.
So kudos to all.
Let there be light FOREVER MORE.
Peace x
Artemis 🏹 and The Universal Energy Collective 🙏
Many of you have your motherships, many of you know that you are not of this world, you are all accomplices of true justice and the most sincere hearts, do not think we have forgotten you, we are looking forward to each of your experiences, do not despair that soon you will return to your ship of true dreams, I will continue to help you.
Blessings ♥️
8/17/24: After triggers hit, towers fall, your heart finds a rhythm, your head stops spinning, and you can breathe again, what do you do? One thing. You do one simple, peaceful, sincere, authentic thing. Something easy but productive. Something that settles you and brings you back into balance. And that’s what today is for. One thing of your choice. On your own, just for you.
No judgment, no stress, no one else’s voice in your head. Because this one thing is a step forward, on your behalf and for your benefit, that marks a new way for you. It is a promise to yourself that you will remain free, you can be happy and whole one step at a time, and that you can trust yourself to continue to advocate for your wellbeing. This is personal power.
888 Portal
888 Portal
I have the PRE-WAVE inner energetics and the inner knowing that we will all be receiving some very STRONG and beautifully significant INCOMING ENERGIES later today. Significant once integrated I mean 🙏.
Please always be aware, solar energy as well as cosmic energies are all day every day. So I’m specifically sharing about incoming energies that have NOT YET landed. I am guessing the energies I am speaking of, will LAND TO EARTH in approximately 4.5 to 5 hours from the time of this post. Approx 5-6pm UK time is my best guess 🙃. If you can physically feel energy, you will feel the SUDDEN change to energies (frequencies and vibrations) around that approximate time.
I personally don’t go by the scientific instruments that monitor solar activity as they don’t always measure all energies. We can often have strong incoming energetics when KP, CME or Solar Flares are of low values. By attuning into energy within you, we can work with ENERGY repeatedly to become more and more sensitive (in a good way) to knowing and feeling ENERGETICS. Where our ability to physically FEEL ENERGY becomes our inner GAUGE of all ENERGIES, every day, all day.
I also FEEL, that upon landing, this set of energies, frequencies and what will be very strong VIBRATIONS, will LAND (start off) as very ELECTRIC to the CROWN then electric to the BODY. Then this will change further into DIFFERENT and complex vibrational patterns and the alternating of many frequencies (hertz). Upon landing I feel this significant set of energies will last from early Saturday evening (5-6pm UK time) AND STAY strong all through Sunday.
Just a heads up in case it helps to know. Key is always to relax and allow all the energies into your field and body without any mental mind thoughts of resistance or any physical body resistance.
It always takes, will take approximately 2-3 days to INTEGRATE into the human, any set of Incoming frequencies and incoming energetic vibrations. Once integrated, you ‘can’ then become aware WITHIN YOU, of the significance of these energies FOR YOU and YOUR path stage, on or around 20–21 August 2024.
With Love always,
17 August 2024

image Inês Guerreiro


✨🌟🌟🌟The moment Humanity has been waiting for, when all of your heart will connect you to a new state of consciousness.
✨🧘🌟💫You are participating in the new era, the era of perfect, unconditional Love, in which you are EVERYTHING, from this approach, you begin to weave bonds of love, solidarity, unity; what you feel you feel all; what others experience affects you even if you do not. don’t do, perceive consciously.
✨👼🌟💫Awakening is individual, but its individuality is not foreign to the environment.
✨🌟🌟🌟The Creator as beings of Light and elevated masters we respect the quality free will that gives you the freedom to choose.
✨👽👽👽We do not judge, whatever you decide we stay by your side to guide and direct, but not to push and impose.
✨🌟👽👼We were created to assist you when you ask, you do not ask to be assisted in protection we will stand by your side without being able to intervene; that way we respect your free will, this does not mean we do not try to alert you, it does not mean we are not trying to alert you. only prevents action; only guardian angels can intervene in high risk cases.
✨🌟🌟🌟The Creator pours out his blessings on his work, you and Mother Gaia, many changes have begun, but the most important is your awakening of consciousness.
✨🌟👼💫Discover what the Creator has granted you, the ability to live in a state of grace, happiness and peace.
✨🧘💖💫Awakening of the heart, awakening of consciousness, this is the changing of eras and a great transformation in quantum leap and you are the chosen one, as a race, as a planet, as a son and daughter of the Creator.
✨👽👽👽We have sent many messages for your growth, this time we call to the practical sense of the teachings, to Love, to our mission to guide and support you, where you all have the opportunity to be taken care of if you wish.
✨🌟🌟🌟The Father is not asking to be adored, the Father wants to see His beloved work in the state of happiness and well-being for what it was created for.
✨💫💥The destruction of man goes beyond wars, it’s an emotional state that puts an end to the joy, delusion and faith he carries in himself.
✨🚨💥You self-destruct your future if you don’t stop to think in the HERE AND NOW.
✨🌟🧘💖Beloved, the LOVE of the Father blesses you by reminding you that you are not alone, we are here the angelic beings, the Creator’s Army at your disposal.

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

*Ascension Update *8/17* Energetic Purification ~ IT HAS BEGUN! ~ The Galactic Federation

This is the Ascension Update for August 17th, 2024.

Blessings to all.

Throughout the last few days of your Timespace, Your Mother Earth has shown major signs of shifting into the higher spectrum of 5th Dimension. She is surging energies up to 7th dimensional frequencies.

We wish to remind those who are new to this understanding. Your Mother Earth’s frequencies, were at a steady 7.83 hertz while she slumbered within the 3rd Dimension. Now, Your Mother Earth is awake and is consciously raising her vibrations. This gives you an Idea of how Far she has come within her ascension.

On August 15th, there were significant frequency oscillations, occasionally dropping below the base value, causing some background instability. These conditions resulted in high amplitude peaks, reaching a maximum of 71 hertz at 1: 00 am UTC, followed by another peak of 61 hertz at 2:30 am UTC.

Then yesterday, August 16th, there was a continuous series of strong frequency oscillations. The amplitude peaks were within 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional frequencies, occurring in two phases: the first from midnight to 3:00 am UTC and the second from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm UTC. The initial movement during the first phase peaked at 75 hertz shortly after 1:00 am UTC, followed by a maximum of 80 hertz shortly after 2:00 am UTC. The second phase, lasting 5 hours, had peaks at 60 hertz at 9:30 am UTC and 44 hertz at 11:00 am UTC. At The Time of this update Today’s frequencies are still showing signs of elevation, as the Schumann Graph is indicating a Black-out at the Moment.

This intense boost of Energies shows that the Earth is well within the higher 4th dimension, and is pushing into the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional frequencies. This is a process we refer to as Energetic Purification. For Humans, this will be very intense and personal vibrations.

These exciting new energies surging from your Dear Mother Earth, is aligned with strength and Purification, and represents a powerful force that has the ability to facilitate Great Change. This surge will initiate the elimination, dissolution, and dispersal of all unnecessary energies that may be lingering within your mind, emotions, being, and most definitely your reality.

It will bring forth transformation, encouraging you to let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. This powerful surge of energy is a beacon of light, illuminating the corners of your inner world where doubts and fears reside. As it flows through you, it sweeps away this fear, and doubt, creating space for Love, and purpose to blossom.

Imagine it as a cleansing river, washing away the debris of past experiences and beliefs that no longer align with your true essence. In this process of energetic purification, you may be confronted with aspects of yourself that you have long ignored or suppressed.

Emotions that have been buried deep within, may rise to the surface, demanding to be acknowledged and released.

At present, there is a sense of confusion permeating Earth’s collective consciousness as numerous lower vibrations are rising to the surface, clamoring to be acknowledged and released. Old wounds and stagnant energies, such as anger, frustration, limitations, and boundaries, are resurfacing to be purged not only within yourself but within all beings sharing this current timeline.

While it may feel as though the intensity of these lower vibrations is unrelenting, it is important to remember that this process is temporary and necessary for collective healing and growth.

It is a challenging yet liberating journey of Inner-discovery, where you are invited to confront your shadows with courage and compassion.

As you surrender to the transformative power of this energy surge, you open yourself up to a profound shift in consciousness. Old patterns and habits that once held you back begin to crumble, making way for new opportunities and possibilities to emerge.

You may feel a sense of lightness and freedom as you shed the layers of conditioning that have weighed you down, revealing the radiant essence of your true self. Embrace this surge of energy with an open heart and a willingness to embrace change. Trust in the process of transformation, knowing that it is guiding you towards a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

The Energetic Purification process has begun for both Earth and Humanity. Allow yourself to be swept away by the Pure Love Light Energies of change, knowing that they are leading you Higher in the Light of the Infinite Creator.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

This has been the Ascension Update for August 17th, 2024

Transmission Received and Researched By Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse





To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

We can still feel the after effects of this transformational portal. Most people in the ascension mindset are feeling exhausted and fatigued. This is now a time in new earth energy to revitalise and regenerate, integrating the shifts and the after effects.
Many Ascending have received DNA activations/upgrades, a lot of high frequency energy and light codes into our systems. We have reached higher levels of consciousness. We are clearing eons of dense low frequency energy out of our systems and the planet/ our solar system. We are clearing duality and opening up to oneness.
The higher we go the more tired we may temporarily feel .The light/love/high frequency energy does not always feel easy on the physical body. We are adapting into the higher consciousness so we are able to receive and embody more light.
We have a team of higher Light supporting our pursuit of a purposeful life here in ascending planet . To fully embrace this new beginning, we are clearing any core seed points and rejection wounds , this is to attain mastery over external forces. The ascending embody awakening wisdom, and made the decision to leave the past version of self behind.
Expect major light body activations this week as incoming plasma energies soon activate in new earth energy , As a result, many may experience physical symptoms like cold and flu, headaches, and dizziness due to past chakra blocks. These symptoms may be related to deep ancestral and karmic baggage , that need to be cleared to heal past wounds. We are also experiencing strong geomagnetic storms at this time .
Operating at a higher frequency means you may trigger many people, as connecting with higher self means being a mirror for others. The path of showing people what they have been running away from can be difficult for them to face at various times , some may feel offended because of not wanting illusions destroyed.
It’s always helpful for us to remember that everyone is on their own journey, and it’s not our job to force them to see what they are not ready to see. We focus on our own Ascension , evolution and growth, we lead by example with truth , love, compassion, and genuine understanding.
As we shift into Virgo Season, there will be a heightened mental energy to connect with the third eye telepathically. It is possible for many ascending to receive spiritual messages and signs during this time, and some may feel guided and inspired to travel, move away , change locations , discover new environments and unknown locations .
Starseed / Light workers who are fully engaged in their soul work, are currently operating on memory as a significant part of them is receiving profound healings and powerful new gifts in different dimensions , healing realms .This may cause a deep need for solitude as the “upgrades” are being installed. Once they are back in their bodies fully, they will experience a new sense of purpose, drive, and New found passion. New soul connections will also come in to assist you .
5 Planets in Retrograde and the Aquarius Full Moon , During planetary retrogrades, the energy of multiple planets slow down and pause before moving backward. This may lead to challenges for the ascending such as mental or physical blocks, confusion, system overwhelm. The ascending may also experience deeper introspection , the void and confront inner struggles, known as the “dark night of the soul.”
As the Aquarius full moon on August 19th approaches, clarity and motivation will begin to return, progress within self will resume smoothly. Retrogrades bring spiritual insights and messages, revealing hidden truths about the self and presenting new opportunities. The upcoming full moon will shed light on undiscovered aspects of the self, accelerating conscious growth , delving into self honesty and expanding awareness to higher levels of consciousness.
The upcoming full moon brings in positive and exciting energy, a time of ascension celebration marks the collective’s rebirth. It symbolises our emergence from the cosmic womb we have been nurtured in since the last full moon. This phase accelerates conscious awareness , fresh perspectives, success, passion, expansion, new opportunities, unexpected blessings , soulmate and soul friendship connections . It is an empowering time in new earth energy to venture beyond comfort zones.
Things will soon begin to move smoothly finding clarity and the drive once more after the aquarius full moon on August /19th.
The ascending are receiving new light codes downloads , higher self messages during this planetary retrograde phase , revealing many hidden things about the self and highlighting new opportunities now available . This next full moon will reveal many hidden and deeper aspects of the self , highlighting areas within self honesty , this creates expansion in higher conscious awareness .
Our Goal while on this Earth is to transcend our ILLUSIONS in Self and discover the innate Power of the true inner being . The ascending are Learning to act and think with LOVE and WISDOM and live in service to self , others and ALL Life.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers .©️


As The Metamorphosis Continues…
We ask you to find the opportunity each day to connect with your TRUE ESSENCE – the true aspect of you. Look beyond all you know……
See what will come before you……
Wayshower you ARE 💥
Allow it to flow…….
We are with you in UNITY = LOVE
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika


On Saturday, August 17th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, spends most of the day in practical Capricorn. However, she will transition into freedom oriented Aquarius, the sign of our upcoming Full Moon on Monday, at 5:45pm EDT. While still in the sign of the Goat, she will connect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, the Sun, ruler of our self-confidence, Uranus, the Great Awakener, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, and Neptune, the Trancender. Healing of old wounds, shifts in our self-expression, adjustments in our perceptions and paying attention to our inner intuition is indicated while Luna remains in Capricorn.
Once she shifts into liberating Aquarius, she will meet up with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, starting a great transformation process, which will involve our authenticity, independence and uniqueness, that will build over the next two days as we culminate with the Full Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer on Monday!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤




the Moon, ruler of our emotions, spends most of the day in practical Capricorn
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, spends most of the day in practical Capricorn



Venus in Virgo sesquiquadrate Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Sun in Leo trine Eris retrograde in Aries – ‘It isn’t right, I need to change it!’ Venus rips out the stitches for the third time. Under this influence, we’re too conscious of what others think, too critical of our human failings, too charmed by exacting standards. Maybe we need to relax our idea of what is perfect, beautiful, valuable or desirable. Maybe it’s time to stop finding fault and instead heap love onto the unloved places.
If toxic relationships have been undermining you, now is the time to release them. A healthy heart is one that is open to change and is fiercely self-loving. Finding yourself back at square one isn’t a punishment – it may be exactly where you need to be to gain a valuable lesson. Trust that what is occurring is necessary for personal growth. Even if you’re in a dark place, focus on the smallest good to lift your heart.
Degrees and Times
Venus 15°Vi17′, Pluto 00°Aq17′ R – 14:24 (BST)
Sun 25°Le25′, Eris 25°Ar25′ R – 21:56 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘Evening’ by Jules Breton


Kin 41 ~ Red Lunar Dragon

Today is a ‘Lunar’ day, the 2nd day of the wavespell. The 2nd step entails identifying your obstacles so you may formulate a plan to overcome them. Dealing with problems and challenges is a fact of life…the better you are at facing them, the easier your life will be. Don’t curse the challenge but embrace it. John Lennon said ‘There is no such thing as problems, only solutions.’ To guarantee success with this wavespell, you need to get out of the way anything that is going to slow you down. Visualize being on a path and there is debris, rocks and trees strewn over it. You cannot progress until you clear it. Today contemplate what is hindering your progress.
Today is Red Dragon, the day that represents ‘rebirth and nurturing’. These days are all about taking care of yourself and others. These days are also very good for starting new projects or giving birth to a new idea. If you have been overdoing it lately, find your cave and crawl inside. You will emerge feeling much better. Remember resting is not a waste of time but vitally important so you may have more energy and clarity. As it is a number 2 day, you may find it challenging to get the nurturing you need but if you do – this will greatly help you solve your problems. Have you ever tried to deal with an issue when you are tired and ragged? The problem always seems much bigger when you don’t feel up to facing it. Get that rest you need so badly and your problems will become much easier to handle.
Today’s Guide is Red Skywalker which represents ‘courage and adventure’. Be brave and don’t be afraid to try new things today and may this daring attitude guide your actions. This also suggests that to overcome your obstacles you may need to think outside the box. Skywalker can be like that friend who is always daring you to do dodgy stuff. Be bold about your choices but also be aware that when Skywalker pulls you along it can lead you into trouble or fun!
The Challenge of the day is the Blue Monkey and so if you were born on a Blue Monkey day you will find today quite irritating. Dragon days are all about nurturing and they remind us to take care of ourselves and that goes especially for monkeys as they are prone to burn out. Monkeys need to calm their minds and take it easy.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun which is also the wavespell we are currently in and so this gives the day a magical boost and so, it is not as challenging as some ‘Lunar’ days can be. People born on Yellow Sun will enjoy the day and provide magical experiences to others.
The Ally is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. People born on White Mirror can offer much support and friendship today. If you haven’t one in your life, all you have to do is be honest like the Mirror.
Being truthful will help you deal with the challenging aspect of the number 2 and help you remove obstacles.
Kin 41
Kin 41



2 IMIX – KIN 41
17 AUGUST 2024
I polarize in order to Nurture
Stabilizing Being
I seal the input of BIRTH
With the Lunar tone of challenge
I AM guided by the power of Space
17/8/2024 = 8/8/8 = 8/16=8/7=15=6
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Magnetism/Charisma
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Fertility/Harmony
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
Another powerful day challenging us to walk through the DIVINE 888 GATEWAYS and trust our abundant FLOW.
RED DRAGON is tribe number 1 and the LUNAR DRAGON -KIN 41, commences at the top of the 3rd column of the Tzolkin.. The number 3 represents the Holy Trinity, Joy, Creativity, Communication and Expression. It relates to the Solar Plexus chakra and rediscovering and claiming our POWER👑.. All these themes will overlay during the next 20 days giving us much DIVINE POWER in this ENLIGHTENING WAVESPELL. .
Day 2 in the YELLOW SUN ☀WAVESPELL of illuminating our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty. 👑Today we are challenged to stabilize the Polarity battles between LIGHT and DARK and ground the LIGHT into our PHYSICAL reality. ✨☀
LUNAR🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. A day filled with questioning how you can transcend duality using your inner Magician through your power of compassion and nurturance. As it is a LUNAR tone – partnerships and relationships will be HIGHLIGHTED in order to come to a state of harmony.
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges in order to resolve FEARS leading you back to wholeness. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your beliefs in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole.
Examine the opposites and polarity within yourself.👫 Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects.👫 Has your feminine aspect been repressed from being receptive to the majik that surrounds you, and enchanting others by your true beauty and raw vulnerability?
It is real to express your true inner being and allow more receptivity to flow into your life. Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the masks of duality. It is time to take off all your masks that you have been hiding behind and be whole again.
Bring all that is dark into the LIGHT. 🎆 The authentic you, is beautiful and radiant in your raw essence. A spark of the divine.🎆 Step out and SHINE! 🌞
Today the LUNAR DRAGON is focused on NURTURANCE, and the lack thereof.. These themes are amplified today through the RED MOTHER DRAGON.. so take note of WHAT is revealed!
The LUNAR DRAGON will reveal WHERE and by WHOM this nurturance has been DENIED, in order to be brought to LIGHT and HARMONIZED. Take NOTE that the LUNAR MONKEY is the challenge and GIFT today – it is VERY IMPORTANT to befriend this Monkey as he can play tricks and perform Black Magic. CHUEN is a Master illusionist and with the MIRROR as the support today, these two consorts can really create confusion with their smoke and daggers.
ACTIVATE the GIFT that the LUNAR MONKEY provides – through PLAY, JOY, INNOCENCE and LAUGHTER – stay in your HEART to override the ILLUSION of betrayal, competition and separation. Aho beloveds – be PREPARED! EYES WIDE OPEN 👀
NOTE: I just received a message from the LUNAR DRAGON – use Dragon’s Blood incense and call in your FIRE DRAGONS for protection to diffuse any trickery today!
Today’s question is: “What needs to be stabilized in your physical reality, in order to feel nurtured and cared💞 for by others💏 and SOURCE?🌞
Today we have the opportunity to cast away the darkness of the past, and start again AFRESH.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
❓What will you birth and create? 🐣🎨🌺🌻🌹
Divine blessings for the rediscovery of total DIVINE nurturance, in the womb of our MOTHER DRAGON.. 🐉💕
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
RED DRAGON 🐉holds the SOPHIA Dragon codes, the power of DIVINE MOTHER and the 👸GODDESS energies. IMIX is the Divine Feminine, the female aspect of MOTHER/FATHER GOD – the first tribe that initiates CREATION🍥 by BIRTHING🐣 our reality.
Today we are challenged to go WITHIN and look at whether we are NURTURING ourselves sufficiently, in order to EXPAND our LIGHT✨ out to the world, and then in turn, nurture others. 👶👪
We AWAKEN to higher states of consciousness, through caring, nurturing, and looking after others, as COMPASSION is the accelerated path to En-LIGHT-ON-ment and a prime indicator of MASTERY STATUS. .
COMPASSION and caring is a higher frequency, and one very much embodied by Ascended Masters. As we are on our journey to en-LIGHT💡ON-ment we must truly embody these Divine qualities, in order to be birthed in our true Mastery.
We are mindful of taking good care of our own PHYSICAL bodies👬👭🚶🏃💃 and our PLANETARY body, 🌍🌎🌏 accepting responsibility for caring for our environment and the natural world. We must examine the challenges that are revealed today that are dimming our LIGHT.💡
The shadow side of RED DRAGON 🐉 are issues of trust, unworthiness, and self-sacrifice as a caregiver for others. You may be challenged to resolve these issues today, especially as REFLECTED in your relationships with others.
The YELLOW SUN ☀ will highlight any lack of trust that you hold, of SOURCE nurturing, or providing for you. Perhaps you do not trust in the unfolding and transformational changes in your life, which are required to bring you the perfect lessons and gifts for your soul growth.
Many souls currently have lost faith and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN, worrying about the future for humanity. They have lost HOPE 😭– because they have LOST their WAY… They have strayed far from the DIVINE and are so disconnected that they cannot HEAR the messages from SOURCE.☀
This RECONNECTION and seeking the DIVINE aspect of ourselves, is VITAL to restore our FAITH and HOPE, knowing that ✨ALL IS WELL IN OUR WORLD!✨✨
The LUNAR DRAGON will highlight these issues today and ask you to believe that ✨ GOD/GODDESS has our back ✨and that ✨WE – THE PEOPLE – have the POWER to B-Earth🐣🌎 and shape the world we desire! ✨
Primal TRUST implies that there are NO VICTIMS and no mistakes! Everything in your life has been DIVINELY ORDAINED and AGREED to, by your soul in order to facilitate EXPANSION, 💥 and bring you back to wholeness☀.
You may hold bitterness or resentment from being a “Cosmic MAMA” , being a source of support and nurturance for others, and not having your own needs met. The lunar tone highlights the need for balance and stability. In order to step up in Divine Service your golden chalice must be filled first.
❓What needs to change in your physical reality, in order for you to feel nurtured and cared for💞 by others💏 and SPIRIT?🌞
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER 🌗☁🚶BEN is guiding us to make SPACE for more LIGHT🌟 to be embodied in our physical vessel, so that we can ground HEAVEN on EARTH. 💒 BEN will help you ELEVATE your frequency and release any density, by seeking new ground and new ADVENTURES.
SKYWALKER is reminding us to FOCUS ON THE BLISS🐬😍 rather than the polarity battles and challenges.. UNITY is the key to Harmony and PEACE.🕊👭👬👫👪
BEN asks us to EXPAND💥 our field of focus. It is no longer the sole responsibility of only the Mothers to love and nurture others. Whether male or female we all embody aspects of the Divine Feminine, and it is now time that we ALL become more loving, caring and compassionate human beings.
We are no longer just nuclear families, we are a GLOBAL family, and soon to be GALACTIC! Holding the bigger picture of reuniting with our Galactic star family. We must be willing to EXPAND our ability to nurture and be nurtured as a true Galactic Family and strengthen our connection to our SOURCE as citizens of the UNIVERSE!✨✨✨.
The LUNAR SKYWALKER is revealing that in order to anchor BLISS ON EARTH 💒– we must first stabilize a world where EVERYONE is LOVED, respected and cherished as a member of our entire family 👪 of HU-MAN-KIND! 👫💑👬💏👭
SUPPORT: WHITE LUNAR MIRROR 🌗 🔎ETZNAB provides feedback through our PHYSICAL environment and surroundings, which is a REFLECTION of our INNER state and beingness. Examine closely WHAT discordance is being revealed in the LUNAR MIRROR.
❓Does your body, home and physical environment hold a high energetic frequency worthy of a GOD or GODDESS to reside in?
If the answer is NO, then it is time to do some clutter clearing, SPACE clearing, PURIFICATION, energizing, gridding and even using FENG SHUI to bring stability and more LIGHT into your space, and therefore your physical vessel.
As you embody more LIGHT, so too as a reflection, must your home and external environment align with this higher vibration. This may necessitate a physical relocation, in order to thrive in a more nurturing and life sustaining home. Even Superman needed his own FORTRESS of SOLITUDE in order to escape and gain clarity for his future direction.
❓Is your home 🏠 a nurturing sacred space for your evolving and EXPANDING DIVINE soul?😍🏠🏡💞
The LUNAR MIRROR🌗🔎 will highlight any disharmony in the Artificial Time Matrix today, revealing the stark contrast between – where we have been, and where we desire to BE – as a collective species.
To b-Earth the New Harmonic Time and New Earth we must first SEE👀 and acknowledge the discordance, and then choose differently. If we cannot SEE🙈 or recognize the discordance then HOW can we choose otherwise? 🤔
The MIRROR of ILLUSION has many souls trapped in the walls of their own MINDS. To break FREE from the ILLUSION they need a new perspective, and a higher vantage point. Through our life experience we gain the WISDOM to create a better world, but we must ACTIVELY CHOOSE to do so.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN 💎🌞 AHAU has the SUPERPOWER of the Diamond CRYSTAL SUN 💎☀ today bringing forth very HIGH ASCENSION LIGHT codes to clear the density out of your LIGHT-BODY.
The CRYSTALLINE ILLUMINATION casts a BRIGHT LIGHT revealing any shadows that must be LOVED into harmony with your LIGHT aspects.. Through accepting and embracing your SHADOW, you can stabilize the friction, enabling you to continue on your journey to greater EN-LIGHT-ON-ment.
The SUPER POWER of the CRYSTAL SUN💎☀ is bringing closer CONNECTION with our HIGH VIBE kin. As we focus on raising our frequency we attract our TRIBE and then together we can b-Earth new beautiful and loving communities, reflecting Higher Consciousness through living in Harmony with ALL THAT IS! Throughout ALL of GOD’S kingdoms.
✨✨✨YELLOW SUN reminds us that the Ultimate SOURCE☀ of LOVE💞 and NURTURANCE👪 is from our CONNECTION with Mother/Father God. Remember this DIVINE PARTNERSHIP is our most significant.
❓How strong is your connection with SOURCE/SPIRIT? ☀☀☀
This is where we receive our endless SOURCE of LOVE 💕 that replenishes our soul, helping us to SHINE our brightest LIGHT!✨☀✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY 🌗🐒 CHUEN represents the Divine Child,👶 reminding us that at our core essence we are all Children of the ONE GOD!
To receive this blessing we must know that we are all worthy of Divine Love, and that nothing we have said or done can impede this divine truth. Our Father/Mother GOD/GODDESS is all forgiving of any perceived sins, wrongdoings or imperfections in the human construct of reality. Cast away any harsh judgements of yourself into the fires of forgiveness, in order to anchor true compassion, for ourselves and others.
IF GOD has FORGIVEN you of your SINS, can YOU? Are you READY to move ahead FREE from guilt, shame, regret and self-sabotage????
Allow God’s Grace to bless you and bring forth all the MAJIK 💫, ABUNDANCE💰 and MIRACLES✨ that you deserve.
AMEN and SO IT IS! 🙏🙏🙏
The LUNAR MONKEY 🌗🐒 is rebellious today and can cause mischief and mayhem! He is a TRICKSTER and can confuse you in the GAMES he plays, with smoke and mirrors. Examine closely the revelations of the TRICKS and disharmony in the old Matrix Game.
CHUEN🐒 is a system buster💣 – and will stop at nothing to expose the imperfect world of seperation, competition and control. All this Monkey wants to do is PLAY with his mates as EQUALS – in a level PLAYGROUND. 🎡
Until this is achieved the LUNAR MONKEY will make a fuss, until we take notice and then ACT affirmatively to resolve the chaos, and stabilize PEACE and HARMONY once more.
Today’s question is: “What needs to be stabilized in your physical reality, in order to feel nurtured and cared💞 for by others💏 and SOURCE?🌞
Today we have the opportunity to cast away the darkness of the past, and start again AFRESH.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
❓What will you birth and create? 🐣🎨🌺🌻🌹
Divine blessings for the rediscovery of total DIVINE nurturance, in the womb of our MOTHER DRAGON.. 🐉💕
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Sitara Luz

Prayer of Triumph:

I now release myself from all that holds me back; I dedicate myself to achieving peace, harmony, and joy. God is everything, above all, within all, and for all. I live a life of triumph because I trust that Divine Love guides, supports, and heals me.

The Pure Presence of God resides at the core of my being, manifesting in every cell of my body. No obstacle or hindrance can stand in the way of my heart’s desires. The almighty power of God is at work on my behalf right now.

“No one will challenge or question me.” I am clear about what I want; my desire is firm and unwavering. I fully accept it in my mind, and with steadfast faith, I possess the inner peace that my prayer is answered.


I am filled with gratitude!

heartfelt joyful gratitude
heartfelt joyful gratitude

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