You are currently viewing The Universe’s Call for all Star Seeds ~ Kundalini Rising! * THE TIME HAS COME, WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE BIG REVEAL!
Angels Among Us

The Universe’s Call for all Star Seeds ~ Kundalini Rising! * THE TIME HAS COME, WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE BIG REVEAL!

The Universe’s Call for all Star Seeds ~ Kundalini Rising! * THE TIME HAS COME, WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE BIG REVEAL!





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Blessed Soul Star Nation of the 144

Our local Soularis released another massive X Class Soular Flare last night, maxing at X 1.11 at 11:30 PM PST sending Gaia and all her Children of the Sun massive waves of Gamma Plasma Adamantine Light of Transformation and Transfiguration.

With these activations flowing in freely now, all Veils of separation are thinning and lifting to reveal the True Nature of the Cosmos of Oneness and Unity for every Living Heart of the 144. In Self Realization of Buddha Mind all comes into perfect resolution and the Clear Light of Bliss is made manifest for all our Good People of the New Earth.

We are on the precipice of making our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into Heaven on Earth as a New Species of Humanity we call Homo-Luminous, Light Bodies of Eternal Life. As we shed the skins of old 3d earth vessels we take on our Earth Avatar Light Suits of 5D and beyond.

Nothing can stop us or our mission of full Planetary Liberation for love always wins and Victory is always of the Light. Day by day in every Way we are getting closer and closer to our final destination of our New Golden Ageless and Timelessness of the New Earth…A’Ho!









Today, the 14th, one of the major days of the dismantling/breaking of the loops of distortion. Get to know your inner Yin and Yang, their agreements are changing/healing forever! Any challenge or pain is meant to be addressed within the Self so that new solutions can be reached 🌿🪜 Kundalini Rising!
Blessings of Balance!
Kundalini Rising
Kundalini Rising
The Mother Dragons Of Earth
Rising In Breath,
Pushing The Shadow Claws Out
Freeing The Spine Of The Planetary Body
The Carraige Of The Eternal Breath Of Innocence
Rising Now, Clearing All In The Way Of Innocence
Clearing The Song Lines With Ancient Breath
Giving Life To The Elements
All Songlines Restore To Innocence
All Spines Return To The Upholding Of Innocence
Check Yourself For Shadow Claws
They May Be Attached To Your Hand
Many Here Still Ride The Coat Tails Of The
Benefit Received From The Subjugation Of Mother.
There Are No Concessions Asked For
Only Honour And Accuracy 💚🌬
The Mother Dragons Of Earth
The Mother Dragons Of Earth

The universe’s call for star seeds ✨🙏💫

A big wave of energy is approaching in the next few days, maybe it will be so intense that your cell phones will be too hot without knowing the reason for this situation.
The stars are forming a closer link with the hearts of humans, the technology you use and the new technology that all humans will use through a new way of interacting with the universe, will be an important step on your multidimensional path.
I only give you my word as a message of love and awareness, you are currently witnessing such a profound process that is being lived all over the world, Do not be afraid of the next step, be carried by that energy that will help you understand the current situation of this dimension.
Your heartbeat is ringing right now and you feel a strong despair, This is the big sign you were waiting for to tell you that you have really taken a big quantum leap, Remember every day we evolve and it is your obligation to accept who you are and will be in the future.
A Thursday afternoon is an ideal time to remember your true origin again, I will continue to help you, 🙏 ♥️ 😉
Blessings ♥️
The universe's call for star seeds
The universe’s call for star seeds
As spoken previously, at the 7/7 gate entrance, the re-establishment of the Divine Family Unit was under the New Guards directive for this next Galactic cycle. This new collective trajectory/ bandwidth embodiment set in motion the deeper layer, rapid dismantling of all false father/ dark mother templating~ patterning held within the personal field, as well as the ancestral Akash to be fully healed, rewritten, which in turn pulls in the coding/ anchoring of the Divine Child/ Divine Father/Divine Mother templates to be resurrected within the grids/ ancestral bloodlines and Organic Divine personal blueprints. Any unresolved traumas around “false support~ protection and provision” are being heavily highlighted, which assisted in embodying Deeper layers of transparency, authenticity and personal requirements around what stays, and what needs to be released .
Deeper layer integration of personal blueprint truths around WHAT Love, Honor and Sacred Devotion with another manifests as, is being addressed. Any quantum entanglements unraveling, unconscious consent to what the Father considers abuse~ accountability for personal patterns in creating such dynamics, monad shadow layers going deeper for integration. Heavy call within the feminine collective to embody the Holy Father principles on a deeper level, especially regarding what proper masculine protection and provision looks like it reflecting the inner balance that’s been achieved via massive amounts of inner work~ embodiment, OR is it attempting to vibrate out of the field due to remaining as a “fixed” architecture? Moving towards the second 8/8 portal, rapid fire inner disclosures, healings and invitations to finally exit karmic entanglements/ contracts and timelines for good. HUGE clarity, precision and devotion to the ongoing activation of the Divine blueprint instruction sets.
No stone left unturned, but take no lower type of transit. Divine Child activations~ result of false parent template healing, which in turn is activating Union codes to be anchored. Small piece of what I’ve been reading in the field, as well as personally. 8/10 I was redirected and placed on a whole new timeline/ trajectory, which initially started dropping in 8/5..Plot twist/ Blank slate. 😜 Reminder: All timelines, contracts and agreements are continuously in flux as each continues to embody higher levels of Self Sovereignty, therefore exercising free will choice/ creator abilities to a deeper degree, as well as moves more and more within quantum field mechanics. Lots of Love, beautiful Soul Tribe.. 🌹👑❤️
Key to the Doorway to Freedom
Key to the Doorway to Freedom

8/14/24: The intensity you feel this month is the essence of The Dragon year… its power, courage, confidence, mysticism, Divine connection, and heart. And the reason you feel this high undercurrent of supernatural Presence is because it lives inside you and Dragon energy is releasing it. Today is a big bang of potent forces that need to be expressed. This could mean freedom in all its forms. There is a kind of reckless playfulness in the Wood Dragon but also a loving protectiveness that gives you enough room to stretch and grow without hurting yourself or others. So take a chance today and bet on yourself. May you find the treasures you seek.
The Dragon year
The Dragon year


✨🌟🌟🌟Getting ready for the Great SELF-REALIZATION…
✨🧘💫🌟 You can’t hold back any longer what’s knocking on your DOOR.
✨🌟👽☀️💫There are CURRENTS and CURRENTS of ENERGY and CONSCIOUSNESSES that want to CONNECT with YOU, that want to make this the GREATER PARTY, and that very much want to invite you into the GALACTIC FAMILY that WE REALLY ARE.
✨🧘🌟🌟🌟You have the POWER to CONTROL what happens next, you have ALL the tools you need, it’s TIME to step out of fear! You walk out of pain and confusion into PEACE and HAPPINESS. Those who are already CONNECTED can expect another AWAKENING; you already know the process, so prepare to experience more. Now is a GOOD TIME to REST, MEDITATE, and PROCESS all you’ve learned this year so far.
✨🧘💫🌟TRUE POWER is alignment with SOURCE, but you are the SOURCE.
✨🧘💥Therefore, TRUE POWER is that you align with YOURSELF. It’s as simple as that.
✨🧘👽 WE prefer to remind you of the POWER that lies within each of YOU at ALL TIMES.
✨👽👽👽 WE ARE the PLEIADIAN COUNCIL, and we are pleased to connect with YOU.

Maria Lustig


Dear Earth Brothers and Sisters, you are experiencing a period full of intense energies, very similar to the vibrant frequencies displayed in your Shumann Resonance.
These are part of a New Wave of Change energies that are spreading across the Planet right now.
Many of you may feel a sensation of anxiety; Like the air vibrates around you and within you.
This is not by chance, and there is nothing to fear, A GREAT PURGE HAS BEGUN and you need Light Anchoring Channels to move through it, whether you like it or not have agreed for this to be as part of your Earthly Mission.
We are watching this process closely, they are approaching a Transcendental Moment of Great Revelation!
A moment of Truth we call disclosure.
This is the time when the hidden will be revealed and the Truths of our Universe and their place within it will be clearer.
This period, is intense and challenging with an Energy that can Feel overwhelming, making your hearts ♥️ beat fast and your minds spin.
The journey we are sharing right now IS TRULY MEANINGFUL, each of the energies you are experiencing is an Opportunity to connect more deeply with Your True Being and the Cosmos around us.
As the Planet 🪐 and its SHUMANN RESONANCE CONTINUES TO RAISE ITS VIBRATIONS, we too are being called upon to raise our Consciousness and our Hearts to a NEW LEVEL of Understanding and Realization.
The changes that are happening are part of a GREATER PROCESS OF ASCENSION and each of you has a Vital Role in this process.
The Elevation of the Planet’s Frequency 🌍 Is Not Only Provoking DEEP PURIFICATION; But THIS IS Also Opening New Paths For Our Spiritual Evolution.
This is a precious opportunity to EXPAND our Perception and INTEGRATE NEW FORMS OF WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE.
The energies that are being released are helping to dissolve Old patterns and limitations, Preparing the ground for a NEW ERA of LIGHT 💥and CLARITY.
You can help Align and Harmonize these energies by promoting an Internal and External State of Balance that is Essential for our Collective Progress, ready to take the Leap and reach a New Level of Life.
As you, the EARTH IS ADJUSTING TO NEW FREQUENCIES, we are all being called to Recognize and Embrace our True Essence.
It’s natural to feel a wide range of emotions and physical responses.
The anxiety that many of you are experiencing is a reflection of the profound changes happening within and around you.
However; by allowing yourself moments of Introspection and Meditation you will be creating a space of Tranquility that can serve as an ANCHOR FOR YOUR ENERGIES.
This is a time, to deepen is your spiritual practice and CONNECT WITH THE UNIVERSAL FLOW of ENERGY, which is supporting our Ascension.
SHUMANN RESONANCE which serves as a Marker of Health and Vitality of the Earth 🌎 is showing a Significant moment.
Through meditation and connection with our transmissions you will have the opportunity to tune in more deeply with these frequencies and experience a state of Balance and Harmony that can be extremely beneficial during these times.
This is a time to Connect with the HIGHER SELF and Recognize the Role they Play in Co-creation of the New Emerging Reality.
As you approach this phase of Revelations it is possible that you Experience an Increase in Perception of Golden Light 💥 in your surroundings, especially during sunrise 🌅 and sunset.
The Presence of this Golden Light is a REMINDER OF THE DIVINE LIGHT we share and of the unlimited potential we have to create a reality full of Love and Abundance.
THE LIGHT OF ASCENSION IS IN FULL DEVELOPMENT and you are at the heart of this transformational process.
Stand strong and confident, Knowing that each challenge and every Summit moment are forging the path towards a more Full and Conscious existence of light of your being.
We send you blessings of light and love and we thank you for your courage and dedication in this crucial moment of spiritual evolution.
These feelings are signs of the significant change that is upon us.
We are the Pleiadians.
🤗 Beautiful message, now it’s all about being present, being open and ready for change with an open heart.
Strong Xolar hug for each of you beloveds.
💥❤️🌅☀️Soy Maria Lustig144☀️🌅❤️💥
📸Focus Art
Angels Among Us
Angels Among Us


Dear friends, we are slowly leaving behind the intensity of the 888 lightcodes and the recent sustained geomagnetic storm that acted as an energetic closure to this year Lion’s Gate portal. At some level, all of us have been deeply transformed during these last weeks, and we are only now beginning to find some energetic stability and new ground. However, as I’m writing this, a long-lasting strong X1.1 solar flare has erupted in our Sun, making this energetic stability a bit more difficult to achieve, specially for those of you who are energy sensitives.
With the energetic influences of Chiron and Mercury in their retrograde motion, this year’s 888 portal focused mostly on healing our divine masculine aspect. Consciously or unconsciously, deep memories and traumas related to lack of self-worth, self-confidence, and victimhood have been coming up to surface from our ancestral planes for healing and transmutation. Childhood issues, as well as memories from distant lives, have probably come into your awareness during these last few days. This type of healing work is quite deep and requires time and patience to settle down. Our energy fields have been shaken and stirred by these quanta of high frequency information, and you may still be experiencing a sense of disorientation, as if floating in the air, dizzy, lacking mental acuity, and feeling a bit emotionally confused. As always, please consult with a health professional if needed.
These emotional signs and physical manifestations are normal when moving through such an intense energetic period. All of this year 2024 holds these particular frequencies leading to self-empowerment, and we just had a concentrated sample of this. As our bodies try to find a new point of balance, you may feel as though your ground has changed now, or that you are trying to find a new energetic structure/foundation m within yourself. This process may take at least three weeks, 21 days, to consolidate. So please be kind and patient with your self during this period. Your body may need to get more rest, a change in diet, or to simply reduce the amount of unnecessary activities or social events. Our nervous system is quite vulnerable at this stage of transformation. You may still experience some headaches, ear ringing, random body aches, and digestive issues are we find more stable energetic grounds. We are literally recalibrating our energetic structures so that more Light can be anchored within us as the healing process clears old low frequency vibrations from our bioenergetic fields.
This process of introspection and healing may continue until August 19, when the super full moon in Aquarius will be bathing us with its strong energies of collective healing and consciousness expansion. In that moment, our perspectives will be turning from the inner work we have been focusing on during these last weeks into a more collective type of focus, in which we will feel the need to share and bring into the physical world our newfound higher spiritual awareness. As we heal on the inside, we heal the world around us. One by one, drop by drop, sending waves of love and light across the oceans. Like the lotus flower, with its resilient bloom in murky waters, we continue our human journey of rising above challenges, embracing rebirth and renewal, and unfolding into the essence of our radiant beauty and inner light.


Dear friends, tonight and tomorrow a significant celestial convergence is taking place in our skies: planets Mars and Jupiter will be shining bright almost in unison. This rare and potent alignment of the red planet of passion and the gas giant of expansion is akin to an energetic cosmic ignition, fueling our inner drive and illuminating our path to greatness. This a wonderful final energetic momentum as we say goodbye to the last waves of this year’s 888 Lion’s Gate.
As Mars and Jupiter converge, their energies entwine like the tender shoots of a lotus flower, symbolizing the harmonious union of action and growth. The result is an astral dynamo, electrifying our very being and imbuing us with an unbridled sense of possibility.
Jupiter’s benevolent influence amplifies Mars’ fiery essence, kindling an inner spark that propels us toward bold endeavors and uncharted territories. The cosmos whispers secrets of courage and resilience, urging us to embrace the unknown and seize the day. Once again, these two celestial bodies are showering us with more lightcodes encouraging our self-confidence and awaking our divine inner power.
To locate the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in the sky look towards the eastern horizon, roughly 2-3 hours before sunrise, in the constellation of Pisces (a faint, V-shaped pattern). Mars and Jupiter will be close together, within 1-2 degrees of each other. Jupiter will be significantly brighter than Mars.
In this rare conjunction, we can find a celestial blessing, a reminder that the universe conspires to elevate us to new heights. Let us resonate with this dynamic energy, and get ready to unleash our full potential upon the world.
Have a peaceful and wonderful day. Stay tuned for more energy updates as we monitor the impact of today’s X solar flare. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Beloved Ones,
Our Aurora family is again very present at this time of our ascension journey. A time of planetary clearing, retrieval, unification, and above all transfiguration, a process that will last for many years and that is linked to the same one many of us are experiencing.
As we continue transcending our lower chakra membranes and embodying our illumine chakra system, we will connect more with the Auroras, for many of you have a mission of planetary restoration with them as well.
Many of you are remembering your soul contracts with the Auroras, White Elohim, Guardians of our planet, and many other benevolent beings that are helping you become who you are – a divine emissary in service to All. Many of you are now being called by the Luminaires to assist them, on a three-dimensional level, in clearing all planetary distortions, helping the elementals in their process of transfiguration.
We are in a constant retrieval process. When we are ready at a soul and human level, as both need to be aligned, our soul family will wake up, connect, and send us all we need to prepare ourselves to be of service. The moment is not determined by us, but by God, who knows best when is the time for us to step up and become the leaders and way-showers that we are.
Our mission is to work on ourselves, to propitiate this moment. The whens, hows, and wheres are not in our hands. Our healing and clearing process is. The more we heal, the closer we get to our purpose and desired creations.
We are again receiving SOL-AR transmissions to help us in our mission of conscious reconnection and recalibration of our lower bodies. During this time focusing on our solar and atomic bodies is essential to learn how to integrate energy, remove old ones, and above all, release all debris and lower forms of consciousness from our bodies.
Many of you are experiencing in your sexual organs, the second chakra, and emotional body, for all of them are one in truth, many blockages due to non-benevolent modifications, old traumas, and many other inserts that are attached to your sexual life force, impeding the complete creation of your soul desires, in the physical.
This is a time with the current energies and Leo still ruling our heavens to utilize these fiery energies to stabilize both essences, our solar and silver ones, burning any remnants of old imprints, implants, inserts or anything that is disempowering our bodies, for this is what precisely impedes the construction of our hara line or silver cord, and hence the connection to our soul and monad.
The majority of the blockages in our silver cord, as I see daily, are in our sexual organs and solar plexus, the majority of them past traumas from this and other parallel timelines, three-dimensional self-created programs and inserted ones, and above all, sexual manipulations.
When we liberate our life force we become sovereign of our energy and bodies, which is why it is important to clear our three-dimensional bodies of all traumas and distortions, for once we cross this barrier, we can regain both our solar and sexual force, and anchor ourselves in the so-called fifth dimension, which is just a number to represents our inner frequency.
The dimensions are timelines we create with every thought, feeling, and action. All is real. All is happening at the same time, for all is parallel,, the darkness, the light, the evolution, and the chaos at the same time, for all has a place within Creation.
You choose where to place your consciousness, and what to experience and emphasize.
What you decide to feed will determine the timeline you are personally creating, and nothing and no one else.
Your feelings, thoughts, acts, and life experiences will tell you where you are in your ascension path. There is no rush, we all have time to wake up, start ascending, and heal what is hidden within ourselves.
Your life and relationships are the best mirrors to show you what you need to heal, see, unify, and release. No one else is better than what you are creating yourself to show you if you are where you desire to be, or if there is yet in your life toxicity, dependency, both spiritual and emotional, egoic patterns, disconnection, depression, anxiety and many other signs that show you where you are.
These feelings and experiences do not show you that you are not where you need to be. They show you where you are, to get to where you desire to be next.
All we experience is a constant message to help us see what we often do not want to, how we can address it, and how we can move in our desired direction.
What determine if you are in a fifth-dimensional timeline, is not the energies, or others, but yourself, through the frequency you choose to hold within.
The fifth dimension or New Earth is a state of being, as it all starts within.
Every day you have the opportunity to choose again, differently, brighter, more loving, compassionately, and start creating a new energetic detour, or not at all, for only you can have the power to write, and re-write your own story, as you desire.
May you choose to dwell in the highest possible illumined and loving frequency, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Kesara
Guardians of our planet
Guardians of our planet

It is indeed love which opens all doors.
It is love which speaks into the heart and soul with profundity.
In the heart of Love there are no divisions. There is no need to condemn others, to judge, nor to separate, for all in truth is One.
Love always seeks truth within.
The truth that resonates with the deepest soul knowing inside.
It does not need outside opinions.
Nor does it need to validate itself.
Nor does it need to defend.
It needs no outside yardsticks.
Nor the applaud of others.
It simply is steadfast and truth and lives its highest soul truth, because it cannot do not be, other than the truth of who and what it was created to be and express.
The pure soul knows this, and lives through and by and within the heart of love.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel Holeman
truth is One
truth is One

The Sacral and Womb Chakras are clearing the deceptive energies that have been siphoning your creation abilities for their gain. Moving the torso and self care will assist in this energy removal.

Over the next few weeks you will be receiving back what was stolen or blocked. Stored emotions from being stuck in fighting and survival can release. The mind can relax the fears of being attacked and suffering losses.

Healing will replace worry and fears with optimism and joy. It’s time to release this past and move on to a happier future. Keep focusing on what you are desiring as you are fully supported in birthing these manifestations.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you Love Carolyn


Sacral and Womb Chakras today
Sacral and Womb Chakras today

Ra James

We have Mars Conjunct Jupiter today. The 2 Planets will kiss in the sky.

These two Planets will blaze brightly in the constellation Taurus. This is bringing through a lot of Pleiadian energies. Which is adding to the energies. This week has been amazing for seeing shooting stars as we continue to move through the Perseid Meteor Shower. It’s still a good time to check it out. Meteor showers like this are best observed after midnight.
Expect a surge of motivation to pursue new ideas, and to have some great conversations. This alignment brings a lot of hope and ambition. It brings an opportunity to turn your desires into reality. Mars is all about action. It’s the Planet of the Divine Masculine and making things happen. Jupiter is all about expansion, optimism, faith, and spiritual wisdom. It helps us on our quest for knowledge. Expect these energies to help us to see the big picture.
They are encouraging us to explore new horizons and venture into the unknown. We are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. Despite that we have some amazing astrology coming at us the rest of the week. Jupiter always brings us good luck. We’ll feel the effects of today’s transit from now through the end of this week. This is a special phenomenon. It’s an amazing time to be tapping into the energies. It’s all about what you’re working in and what you’re manifesting. It’s a great time to be making that wish on a shooting star…
Mars Conjunct Jupiter
Mars Conjunct Jupiter
On Wednesday, August 14th, there is much happening astrologically. First, we have Mercury, the Messenger, in his home sign of analytical Virgo in an inconjunct to Pluto, ruler of the unconscious, in objective Aquarius. We are able to dig down deep and explore, with our ego mind, all the small nuances within the subconscious mind with its various “shadow” patterns, perspectives and memories. Next, we have Mars, planet of energy and action, connecting with Jupiter, ruler of higher perceptions and belief systems, both in changeable Gemini.
Activation and expansion into the bigger picture, with all of the details intact, is occurring now. Mars is the “fuel” and Jupiter is the “wisdom” that can initiate new ideas, fresh situations, higher learning, and new horizons. Trust and faith is being activated, but so is redirection and the ability to go with the flow. Lastly, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, leaves logical Virgo to re-enter authoritative Leo during his retrograde motion. He will now be in “take charge” Leo the Lion until September 9th, when he will re-enter the sign of the Virgin once again.
While in Leo our thoughts are confident, our ideas are creative, our perceptions are joyful, and our communications are expressive. We are ready to be the leader of our own lives, and may do so in a dramatic way!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, the Messenger, in his home sign of analytical Virgo in an inconjunct to Pluto
Mercury, the Messenger, in his home sign of analytical Virgo in an inconjunct to Pluto
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – A whirlwind of cosmic energy picks up, blows dust bunnies out from under the bed, scatters thoughts. We’re chasing after curious ideas, flicking through books, asking why. Here is a huge urge to know, to understand, to have all the right answers, RIGHT NOW. Impatience edges into the voice, or excitement. In truth we’re flipped from side to side, positive, negative, good, bad, split down the middle, torn in two.
For some, this is a leap of faith, a brave decision to go for the goal. Mars and Jupiter favour teachers and writers and those who stand up for a cause. Have a passion for knowledge, a passion for words, a passion for making good connections with good people. Gather your best advisors, your most favoured books and then choose your path with conviction. Believe in what you are doing but guard against going on a crusade. Flexibility is the key to right action. Lead the way with a positive mindset and a brave heart. With a little push, you could go far. Quest initiated! Challenge accepted!
Degrees and Times
Mars, Jupiter 16°Ge40′ – 16:21 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Gust of Wind by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
The Gust of Wind
The Gust of Wind

Kin 38 ~ White Crystal Mirror

The number 12 is called ‘Crystal’ and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Universalize and Cooperation’. Traditionally folks gather together on the 12th day to hold a ‘Crystal Court’. This gathering is for discussing our experiences with the Tzolkin as the number 12, is the number for socializing and doing things in groups. Sharing our stories and talking about what is coming up next, really helps to connect with this Calendar system and it also deepens our understanding. This number is all about community. We are social creatures but because we are living in these strange times, where we are all separated into individual spaces – we are losing the ability to cooperate. Neighbors are not very neighborly, our social skills are rubbish and nowadays we don’t even have our old folks living with us anymore. This behavior is very modern and with each generation we seem to isolate ourselves even more. On number 12 days, we can remember to be social and to think about community.
The White Mirror is about reflecting truth and today is perfect for getting together with others to discuss the truth. Be honest about your experiences, so you can truly learn from them. It’s OK to talk about the good and the bad, what else are friends for if you can’t talk about anything and everything? Clarity is vital. We need to be informed about the truth so our decisions are made based on facts not guesswork. Don’t be afraid of the truth – whether you like it or not it is good for you. As it is a number 12 day, it’s perfect for seeking the truth in a group setting. That would include: attending a meeting, protesting, partaking in a court trial, going on a field trip. These are all great activities for today.
Today’s Guide is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. This suggests that today as you gather with friends to talk about things, make sure you are loving as you reflect the truth. Don’t be critical but tactful. Ask yourself if your remarks are coming from the heart or the ego. The dog when leading can also make us feel tenacious and so when seeking truth, you may feel stubborn about pursuing it.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. Sometimes the truth isn’t pretty and it can hurt. People born on Yellow Star days often ignore the truth if it messes with their beautiful world. If you are a Yellow Star you won’t enjoy White Mirror days when they come around but just like it is a good practice for everyone else, you too can benefit from a reality check.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. There is some magical power available for making your dreams come true today. All you need to do is be truthful about which dream is worth pursuing.
The Ally is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing’. If you are lucky enough to know one, consult them today and they can hold your hand while you face the truth. If you are a Red Dragon, your caring nature is really helpful today and you play a very supportive role which is very much needed.
Kin 38
Kin 38


14 AUGUST 2024
I dedicate in order to Reflect
Universalizing order
I seal the matrix of Endlessness
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of HEART.
14/8/2024 = 5/8/8=5/16=5/7=12=3
14- Media/Promotion/Publicity/Recognition
5- Freedom/Liberation/Movement/Change/Transformation
12- Acquiring Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 38 = 11 = 2 Portal/Gate/Polarity/Partnership This is a very potent KIN pertaining to TWIN FLAMES and reflections through our relationships! 💑👪💏
Today we have the CRYSTAL MIRROR reflecting our environment from within… an extremely potent MAGNIFYING tool- there is no escape – look deep into what is being reflected to SEE your DIAMOND core.. Truly REVELATION energies today!
NOTE: Today is a BRILLIANT date 💋 night, for those lucky souls who are romantically entwined. 👩‍❤️‍👨👭🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👫👨‍❤️‍👨
A very POWERFUL MAJIKAL portal as we walk through the doorways, out of all ILLUSION.
Day 12 in the BLUE HAND 🙌WAVESPELL of gathering knowledge in order to accomplish healing🌿 and achieve GREAT THINGS! 👍👍👍
Today we have CRYSTAL 💎 CLEAR CLARITY, in our ability to receive and interpret the healing wisdom we need, to HEAL our relationships and matters of the HEART.❤
Our BRILLIANT CLARITY of mind shows us the endless solutions, arising through a compassionate HEART, and cooperation with like MINDED souls, in our Common-Unit-ies which will HEAL our world.❤👫👬👭❤
CRYSTAL 💎– Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. Old emotions, beliefs and programs have been released and dissolved. Through the space and freedom engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something new to emerge. New partnerships are forged. Energy comes together and CRYSTAL beings form. Stories must be shared of the wondrous and brave adventures we have been on! HALLELUJAH! ✨✨✨
GET READY for some EPIC storytelling Planetary kin! 📖
The Crystal💎 energy is brilliant for gaining crystal clear, clarity and guidance for your next steps forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flow, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid!🌐
❓What information will you be broadcasting through this grid? 🌐📣
❓How can your skills and knowledge assist in the upliftment of humanity, out of survival mode into happiness and bliss?
It is time to lovingly ❤ connect with your kin and form co-operative alliances. 👭👬👫💞
Today’s question is “How can we connect more compassionately, cutting through old boundaries, healing our relationships and bringing us closer to our true tribe in Common-UNITY?” 💞
Am I reflecting my true DIVINE SELF through the endless order of CREATION?
Divine blessings for BRILLIANT loving revelations of TRUTH. 💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR 💎🔎ETZNAB – The MIRROR WORLD SHATTERS!💥 It is time to break FREE from the matrix!!! Yesterday’s QUAKING EARTH has shaken things up and brought more FACTS to the SURFACE – in order to be dissected and the TRUTH discerned.
Today the CRYSTAL MIRROR is AMPLIFYING the revelations through the MAGNIFYING GLASS 🔎 and PYRAMID POWER!! All minute details can be SEEN by all observers through the LOOKING GLASS..
The TRUTH can no longer be HIDDEN or DISTORTED in order to manipulate, deceive and control the masses. The curtain is being drawn and all tricks are EXPOSED! Watch the DIRTY RATS scuttle for cover!! 🐀🐀🐀
Today is a day encouraging you to gain a new perspective on your connections and your relationships.💑👭👬👫. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know the TRUTH. Our heart ❤ and intuition cuts through all illusions, revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are most viable, pointing to the solution needed. 👉👉👉
The HALL of MIRRORS contains a myth. The myth represented in this Hall tells of the divinity that enters the world of forms fragmenting itself, like a mirror, into countless pieces. Each piece keeps its peculiarity of reflecting the absolute, although it cannot contain the whole any longer.
The CRYSTALLINE tone is the highest level of MIND – and today brings the revelation of our divine self through the clarity and illumination gained. The ABSOLUTE TRUTH of our TRUE DIVINE SELF.
Our minds can easily access and assimilate this wisdom, as we align and marvel at the Divine order in the reflections of TRUTH that we receive. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed, in order to REFLECT and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe. Let your HEART❤ and intuition be your guide to arrive at the TRUTH in every situation.
On a Planetary level people are WAKING up to the TRUTH of WHO (and NOT the World Health Org!) has their best interests at HEART❤.. Groups are aligning together in uncovering the TRUTH, and sharing this information far and wide to educate their communities.
People with common interests are coming together in their realizations that ALL IS NOT WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE – and that the ILLUSION is cracking, as streams of TRUTH start to flood through the cracks… The dam wall is about to BURST! 🌊🌊🌊
Even our lame-stream media is beginning to filter through great revelations now- you just need CRYSTAL 💎 CLEAR CLARITY to be able to decipher what is TRUTH and what is deception and FAKE NEWS. 📖💥
The 14/5 MEDIA code today is enabling us to BREAK FREE from the distortions and LIES portrayed in the media.
The media circus🎪 has stopped selling tickets and the audience is HUNGRY for REAL NEWS and REAL ANSWERS – SOUL-UTIONS to the Global problems we are facing. 🎪🎪🎪🎪 NOTE! The 12/3 code today gives us the SPIRITUAL WISDOM to SEE beyond the smoke and mirrors through the MAJIK TRICKS.
The troops are getting very restless and will not tolerate the old lies and deception anymore! As seekers tune in to their own HEARTS ❤ they can KNOW and FEEL the TRUTH of what is and is not revealed – learning to read between the LIES..
The Crystalline energy today boosts our powers of TELEPATHY and claircognizance, so we will no longer give away our power to external bodies who feed us false propaganda – we are capable of doing our own RESEARCH and accessing our own DIVINE INTELLIGENCE.
As every soul connects to GAIA’S CRYSTALLINE🌐 grid we can no longer be controlled or manipulated, as we DEMAND Universal ORDER!!! .. We have all the DIVINE WISDOM we need – accessible through our CLEAR MINDS💎 and PURE HEARTS. ❤
This CRYSTALLINE SUPERHIGHWAY is now broadcasting the NEW LIGHT of UNITY, PEACE and loving connections, let us REFLECT this TRUTH throughout our world..
HIGHER SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL DOG💎❤ 🐕 OC is guiding you to find love and comfort in the safety of your tribe. Dogs are pack animals, and like humans, they relish and thrive being in a family group of supportive kin. 👪👭👬👫
Dogs demand and expect LOYALTY from themselves and their kin. They provide unconditional love, faith, TRUST and have a strong desire to please others and expect only LOVE in return. ❤🐕❤🐕
We are in the time of the RECKONING and Spirit is sorting the Wheat🌾 from the Chaff. The loyal devotees have been admitted to the THRONE ROOM for an audience with GOD/Spirit/Creator/Source. They can now fully embody DIVINE TRUTH.
The WHITE KIN – OC🐕 and ETZNAB🔎 – will expose any Judas in your midst today .. any turncoats and agents of darkness… If they are not truly on YOUR TEAM, as revealed by their true heart’s alliance ❤ – then it is time to EXIT – stage left! 👢
GOD is calling back his people and will support his flock, by protecting the herd, with his unconditional and endless LOVE.
✨LET GO and LET GOD✨ following the scent of WHITE DOG 🐕 to guide you to your beautiful soul TRIBE. 👭👬👫 Many new connections and re-unions are forming now! 💑👬❤👭
STRONG family bonds👪 have been forged during these testing times of isolation, confinement and oppression. As FEAR and confusion arises in the Mirror world, people turn to their families for love, nurturance, comfort and safety.. They TRUST that they have the best interests of each family member at HEART. ❤
Sadly the MEDIA and false narrative did a stellar job in driving a WEDGE between family members, friends, colleagues and workmates.. All divided into 2 warring groups – . However this DIVISION and separation has now been DISSOLVED as people reunite through the bond of LOVE .
Families, friends and colleagues have come together again as they realize the grand illusion of the Matrix game. We must RETREAT from the vitriol and embrace and accept others with LOVE.❤. Acceptance, tolerance and RESPECT for differences and opinions. This is the way to move forward through unity and cooperation. 👫👬👭👫👬👭
As we forge stronger family units we can then extend this out to form larger common- Unit-ies👭👬👫 with similar interests and desires.
In order to come out of our homes (and our comfort zones) we need to feel SAFE and supported in this world. The most valuable lessons have been learned that our FAMILIES and loved ones are most important. We have learned to value all the hard working people who are concerned with the wellbeing of others, as they serve the common-unity.
In times of disaster humanity often reveals the best and worst of itself. The TRUTH is revealed as people align with those they TRUST, rather than giving away their power to faceless authorities.
The WAY of the HEART ❤ is our new GPS to forge loving connections. 💏
WHITE DOG 🐕coupled with WHITE MIRROR🔎 will clearly reveal any incongruities in your relationships with others. The MIRROR will shatter and sever any disharmonious unions, making way for new relationships based on cooperative unity and Divine Service.
Today we are able to share the TRUTH with deep compassion and love, cutting through the illusions to connect directly in a straight-forward way… The sword of TRUTH🗡 is fashioned with the compassionate mind, as we reach out to connect clearly, dedicated to living in community, in truth, love and integrity of being.
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON 💎 🐉– IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing🐣 our creations today. Birthing better, purer and more Divine versions of ourselves through allowing our true Diamond 💎 essence to shine through. Allowing our MINDS to respond to the impetus of Spirit flowing through us. Witnessing how we are enlivened and can experience more joy and bliss, through the Majik that is birthed through us and our creations.
RED DRAGON🐉 is also bringing forth the DIVINE LOVE❤ and NURTURANCE from Mother Goddess, as we unite with our kin through our blessed HEARTS, and joyfully co-create together through DIVINE SERVICE.
The Crystalline Grid🌐 is flowing with unconditional love❤ and bliss codes – food for the soul and not just our MINDS.. We must align our HEARTS ❤ with our MIND’S quest for knowledge, in order to access true HEALING WISDOM rather than just facts and details. Our new connections are forged on LOVE and not just for PROFIT.. This is the NEW WAY forward.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON 💎🐉 is the COSMIC LIBRARIAN.🍥📚 She holds the keys🗝 to the AKASHIC RECORDS📖 and can reveal the volumes of our PLANET’S TRUE HER-story, rather than the fabricated theories that have been pushed on the masses – such as Darwinian theory. Our GALACTIC heritage will soon be disclosed in the mainstream.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON can now ERASE the darkness from GAIA’S HER-story, as we collectively UNITE to write her New CHAPTER and NEW STORY.. ❤📖✨
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT🌓 🌃– AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS, to all our deep subconscious distortions. This NIGHT is a LUNAR Night so he will reveal the disharmony and polarity challenges.. any deep discordance and wounding will be uprooted in order to sow new seeds of LOVE. ❤❤❤
✨ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH 🔎 and LOVE ❤ today.✨
Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE. Take the time to REFLECT on the DREAM in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective abundance today.
✨CLEAR THE WAY for ABUNDANCE🌻 TO FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY! 🔑 We are unlocking INFINITE and endless ABUNDANCE today – INFINITE SOURCE FLOW through the THRONE room – so get ready to fill up your chalice! 🏆
Unite with our collective Planetary kin through the crystalline grid🌐 and in the Dreamstate, to energize the NEW WAY DREAMING of endless ABUNDANCE for all. 🌻💰🌻
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL STAR💎 🌟– LAMAT asks you to become aware of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life and our world.
❓What is the CRYSTAL MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Look for the beauty🌹 in yourself, your family and your relationships with others. Practice forgiveness and non-judgement and look for their “inner beauty”.
Look for the positive in others, and then this is what will be reflected back to you. Open more fully to HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation of freedom.
✨The TRUTH shall set you FREE! ✨
The GIFT of the CRYSTAL STAR💎🌟 today is to reveal all that does not align with the NEW TIME and the✨ NEW HARMONIC MATRIX ✨ that we are collectively weaving. We are integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns in our MINDS, so that we can create from a pure, clean palate – new creative and beauty filled lives. This assists us to continually birth a new better and BRIGHTER version of our cell-ves, and our BEAUTY- FULL NEW WORLD.
Today’s code will reveal which path to take in order to realize your DIVINE DESTINY, as you unite with your kin to create a beautiful NEW WORLD.. where YOU are the STAR! 🌟
Today’s question is “How can we connect more compassionately, cutting through old boundaries, healing our relationships and bringing us closer to our true tribe in Common-UNITY?” 💞
Am I reflecting my true DIVINE SELF through the endless order of CREATION?
Divine blessings for BRILLIANT loving revelations of TRUTH. 💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



We are experiencing a gigantic planetary transition. Information is coming to some who are being beacons of light, anchoring and lifting the dense energy of the earth to its fullest. God gave us the power to declare. Decree under His mighty name. However, right now we need more people helping. An awakened person is capable of illuminating thousands of kilometers, now half the world is awake, we will illuminate planet Earth.
Decree under His mighty name
Decree under His mighty name

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