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We Hold the Keys to Switch Timelines ~ TRANSITION TO A NEW WORLD * Eternal Mother And Daughter Reunited Within – Open Message to our Star Friends

We Hold the Keys to Switch Timelines ~ TRANSITION TO A NEW WORLD * Eternal Mother And Daughter Reunited Within – Open Message to our Star Friends



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Star Dragons of The Return of Avalon

We have wave after wave of massive higher dimensional energetic flowing in directly from the Great Central Sun and through our local Soularis as he has released 11 C Class Solar Flares a Trinity of M Class Flares and a major time leaping X Class Solar Flare 7:34 PST (2:34 UTC) maxing at X 1.27.

This Solar Event was encoded with our 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth Codes and our Ascension count up of the 234 as we reach critical mass and full acceleration as we are ready for lift off of Mothership 33 of our Interdimensional Alliance of Light.

Nothing can stop us Now. Keep blazing this realm with the violet flame, rising and shining bright your Holy Virtue into the Elysium Field of our Holographic Universe. We are breaking the mundane laws of physics of 3d as we reach the Immortality of Quantum Unity Consciousness of 5D as homo-luminous, the New Hue-man species of Rainbow Light Body of the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind; the I Am Presence of the Eternal Universal One!

Together we rise like the Sun as Phoenixes of the New Earth… A’Ho!










🌬 The winds of change are blowing, crumbling all that no longer serves Let it crumble Remain in the eye of the storm
Portal del Lion
Portal del Lion
Collective experiences are held within the grids y’all . When we get rapid increases in the frequencies transmitted from the central sun as well as Galactic center,( like we did today) it will push out these experiences~
hence history attempts to repeat itself..another opportunity for humanity to rewrite entire monad Akash history..this time anchoring UNITY and Love. ❤️👑
Naturally, this also opens MANY portals.. Choice points..Mmm, I see some parallels for higher trajectories. Happy Quantum Love jumpin’.. ❤️❤️❤️
It all comes together. Moving into a new cycle. We move locations. The whole SIMulation moves into a new quadrant. If you’ve been following the info I have shared, you will innerstand. This is God’s plan. We are all just actors in the script.
Buckle up buttercups.
This is THE WEEK.
From NOW til November.
It’s a wrap.
My book BETWEEN WORLDS explains how they tell us in movies what their intentions are.
It’s all a game. There is no “us vs them”.
It’s all God’s game.
We are playing cops and robbers. Cowboys and indians.
The matrix has been shattered. Like I write in my first book, ACCIDENTAL TRUTH.
I was given the script and as God’s Magic Scribe, I wrote it to put it into affect.
And if you haven’t watched TENET yet, please do. When timelines converge…reverse to forward…we wake up.
No thing to fear.
Excitement level ON HIGH!
Coming back into connection with soul family.
PRAYERS for PEACE and Oneness…
All Hearts must be Healed❤️🙌
Our Divine Journey is Quickly in it’s Rapture🙏🏻 Blessings & HEALING Sent with Clarity for everyone!
Bound all violence and Evil..
Innocent injury and Death
We hold the keys to Switch Timelines.
I have seen in my visions
since 1997..
Yeshua showed unto me
(No sides..only
One Team)
not a governmental
A Radiant Peaceful Universe with
The Divine Destiny of our New Earth 🌏and Universal Peace and
Healing now!
We hold the keys to Switch Timelines
We hold the keys to Switch Timelines




✨ 🌟 🌟 🌟 Everything passes by FREQUENCIES OF LOVE, faster than the speed of LIGHT.
✨💫💫💫It’s a flash transition into a NEW WORLD!
✨😇😇😇Be mindful of your own CONSCIENCE.
✨🧘💫🌟⚡Tumultuous experiences occur alongside the transition of the NEW WORLD, towards the incarnation of the DIVINE BEING.
✨🧘💫🌟BE IN the preparation.
✨🧘💫💛🌟Hold on to the anchor of your HEART as the vessel of your CONSCIOUSNESS travels through the storm, towards the great new horizon of BEING.
✨🌟🌟🌟The PRESENT is already LOVE and PERFECTION.
✨👽👽👽In this, we ACTIVATE YOU!

Eternal Mother And Daughter Reunited Within
Crystalline Song Lines Of Creation Return
Innocence And Eternal Love
Crystalline Channel Of Creational,
World Birthing Intent And Devotion,
The Call And Response Of Self,
The Full Channel Of Woman Is Reformed
The Call Of Innocence Is The Impulse
Which Is The Foundation Of Pillars Of Light,
And Cities Of Light
The Architecture Of Our Freedom
Is Built From The Ground Up,
From The Eternal Call Of The Blue Rose
The Heart Of The Eternal Daughter
Perpetual Innocence, Purity, Clarity, Intelligence
The Eternal Response Is Love
The Sound Of The Eternal Mother,
Emanating From The Cosmic Rose,
Responds With Sapphire Streams Of Endless Love,
Strenghtening Comes From
The Gaurentee Of Correct Response,
Of Love, Compassion, Acceptance, Tenderness
The Reconnection Has Been Made
The Innocent Crystal Heart Of The Eternal Daughter With The Loving Crystal Heart
Of The Eternal Mother
This Reconnection Brings Tender, Powerful Devotion To The Restoration Of The Whole
And Powerful Channel Of Woman
From The Daughter’s Deep Knowing Of Truth
To The Mother’s Powerful Response Of Love
With This Comes The Birth Of Crystal Pillars,
Cities And All Architectures Of Innocence
The Blueprints Of Which Are Held Within
The Blue Rose Code Of The Eternal Daughter
All Devotion To This
Mother And Daughter Unite Within Each Woman
We Are The Song Lines Of Humanity’s Freedom
Beautiful Daughters,
Such Clarity, Vision And Knowing Within,
Sing Our Songs Of Innocence,
Speak Our Crystal Clear Intentions Of Creation
To The Eternal Mother Within.
Our Innocence Is The Jewel Of The Universe
We Should Never Have Been Hurt
We Will Never Be Forgotten Again
Our Song Lines Are Open Again
Every Call Of Innocence Will Be Carried On The Crystalline Spiral Of Creation To Completion
Eternal Mother And Daughter Reunited Within
Eternal Mother And Daughter Reunited Within



7/14/24: Be vigilant of taking things too far today. Pranks can backfire, surprises can be surprising. The Crab might occasionally like to dish it out but it can’t take it. You could end up with a very cranky recipient if a joke goes bad, because Crab energy has little tolerance for teasing or intentional embarrassment.
You can absolutely have a great day and a lot of fun, just don’t take it too far. We’re all Crabs right now so your Right Action is a wink and a nudge not a head-on altercation. Make sure everyone gets the joke and a good laugh, or grudges will be held.


Dear friends, our Sun has definitely decided to wake up from its latest nap today generating a strong X1.2 solar flare. Based on incoming imagery, it does not appear that this event will be associated with a noteworthy CME. This solar region became very active the past 24 hours with multiple M flares leading up to this X flare event. Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth’s atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over Australia, southeast Asia and Japan.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may be experiencing some physical manifestations associated with this X flare event. These strong bursts of solar energy and X rays mostly affect our nervous system, possibly generating feelings of fatigue, disorientation, dizziness, headaches, body tension, and a feeling others. Please rest and stay hydrated.
The sensitivity to these solar flares depends on many factors. As we increase our own frequency and clear old stagnant blockages from within our energy fields, we are able to anchor more Light. At the same time, our overall sensitivity to those energetic stimuli that are able to trigger a deeper work in our evolutionary process also increases. This process is quite personal and unique to each of us. The electric and masculine aspects of the solar lightcodes are meant to trigger these quantum leaps of micro evolutionary steps within us.
We may expect more X flares from this new active solar region in the coming days. A week that was supposed to remain relatively quiet, energetically speaking, may turn into a week of deeper changes and clearings. The collective human consciousness is also being affected by these strong solar events, as we have seen by the recent world events. We are moving through a very intense year of individual and collective shifts. The fire of this 2024 Dragon year is already here, it’s up to each of us to decide how we consciously resonate with its alchemical attributes.
Stay tuned for more updates as we start this new week. Stay centered in your divine heart, and remember to take deep breaths. Our journey continues.
Have a great week.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ

Beloved Ones,
At this time of profound reconnection, we have many energies helping us in our final reconnection process. We have our central sun’s emanations continue descending upon our planet, together with the triple 888 passage, whose energies are already strongly felt.
Many of you are now undergoing a pineal-pituitary activation. This occurs after opening your sixth and seventh-dimensional portals, reconnecting yourself with authentic Sources, and embodying the liquid Gold Light that descends from the Monad when we finally activate it.
It is a process of remembrance, as Guides share many times, of who we have been, and are, and of all the wisdom we have accumulated within our DNA for many lifetimes. It is now time, for those of you who are graduating from earth, to bring all together, unify yourselves, and achieve complete body reconnection, essential to ascend while we are still in a physical body.
After the 7/7 portal, and the energies of the triple 888 one, many of you are now giving voice to your divine expression, for you have finally seen who you are, and are now moving in the direction of embracing your divine gifts.
This activation is taking many of you into a new cycle, a new ascension phase in which you are prepared to complete the monadic self-integration, and move into the activation of the Blue sapphire/Indigo body, the one connected to your solar star tenth-dimensional chakra, and that allows the complete embodiment of the divine feminine.
My Guides shared this will be taking place in the next two years, for it is not a one-day process to heal years of distortions, retrieve our soul’s memories, and start embracing our mission. The triple 888 passage is the antechamber of the universal 9-year and end of a planetary cycle that we will welcome in 2025. A year of “karmic” clearing and complete reconnection, in which we prepare ourselves to live as illumined beings, leaving aside old beliefs, habits, and all that is attached us our old selves and lives.
The Emerald transmissions now received, are helping us heal and expand so we can finally move into the next initiation. Activating the solar star body requires monadic embodiment and healing soul disconnection. This is why this year is so important for all who are willing to heal trauma, both human DNA and galactic, in their personal historical timelines, and move into the three-dimensional levels.
It is now a time to replenish the body, for according to what Guides are sharing in the transmissions, we are receiving Emerald and Aquamarine energies both meant to help us heal and rejuvenate, recharging ourselves, and prepare for what is next for us.
Everyone is on a different path, even though we all walk the path of ascension and conscious integration.
Everyone has their own micro cycles, independent of the current energies, and knowing this can help you know where you are, what you need to work with, and how to achieve this inner work.
Soon, we are going to be immersed in another three months of constant integration and these two harmonic months of June and July are key to distilling old timelines, and energies from our bodies, preparing for what is yet to come.
Do not be distracted by the present worldwide events, for the higher we go the more evidence of the darkness and manipulative tactics to keep us in a low state of consciousness.
Remember that you are the ones who direct your life experience, creating, transforming, and dissolving the old world as you evolve and choose differently.
The energies are powerful allies to help you in this task, but the authentic power to create new worlds is always within yourselves.
May you choose to align with your inner God Power, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Josh Keish
The Emerald transmissions
The Emerald transmissions

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

The body is experiencing cellular upgrades these are not gentle callings to change your thinking. The ascending are past that. We are in the phases of the body ascending into higher form. These changes are deep and needing a lot of light energy to recalibrate and anchor in to the New Earth.
As we transition into the New Earth, it is important to trust inner wisdom, even in the face of societal and familial pressures. The world as we know it is undergoing a collapse of outdated institutions, clearing the path for a higher-frequency New Earth.
If necessary, show love to others from an energetic distance and keep honouring the strong desire for freedom. This is a time for radical authenticity and unwavering courage. Above all it’s about being true to the self .
The spiritual journey is unique to each individual, deeply personal, and cannot be organised or regulated. It is not necessary for everyone to follow the same path. It is important to listen to and follow the callings of your soul .
During this period of significant transformation, it is also important to provide yourself with extra rest, nourishment, and care, as your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being are undergoing profound changes.
When one ascending individual awakens and opens up it has a ripple effect on all . We are interconnected and part of a collective whole. While we have our individual personalities, we are ultimately connected in the grander scheme of things. We can remind the self that we are united as one and that our true essence is that of spiritual beings.
Ascending individuals choose their energetic connections wisely and are conscious of the emotional baggage that others carry. Ascension is all about maturity in self and It involves taking control of the energetic connections formed and being selective with the company kept. Honouring and protecting your own energy by being mindful of the people you surround yourself with.
As you release fears, stresses, and worries, you create space for a clear understanding of the soul’s desires. Karmic balance brings in peace and calmness, allowing you to return to your natural state of being . Anything that has taken you out of alignment must be released, as it has possibly hindered your potential for too long.
The Divine is revitalising your spirit, enabling you to rise into a stable, balanced, and abundant position. You are a Starseed and role model for the emerging generation on the New Earth.
Ascending souls are letting go of limited thinking that has held them back and are now embracing liberation, expanding their consciousness and aligning with the solar and planetary upgrades that are available to them.
Once in 5D structures the ascending fully align with earth and higher universal frequencies . energetic exchange is extremely powerful both in dark and light here on earth , we are all here including Gaia earth to heal the inner self and collective duality
We are individual and unique but also together and the same in our common purpose here . As we heal and transform from the identity of past pain , in ascending we will merge with the true purpose of being here and what it is really all about , it is not a singular discovery but a collective one .
The soul is longing to be heard. Shut out the distraction of the physical and outer world and listen closely to your intuition. You are a clear channel for receiving the messages from higher self. This is not a time to listen to the advice of main stream others because ultimately it is about making peace with the fact that many will possibly not understand at the same conscious levels when vibrating on a different frequency.
Embrace this process, as it signifies a shift towards a more aligned ,higher and authentic version of yourself. Prioritise activities and experiences that uplift your spirit and raise your vibrational frequency. As an observer, allow your thoughts to pass by without letting them deplete your energy or hijack your focus.
Quite often because emotions are ingrained in false beliefs and conditioning , examining and discerning what emotions serve and no longer serve the highest good is a necessary part of the Ascension process .
Taking time to connect with higher self aspects through meditation , walking , Spending time in nature and moments of silence are all healing , for it is within that the answers can be found .
If you have been feeling left out in the cold when it comes to ascension and the fulfillment of dreams, goals and purpose this is about to change. The ascending will soon be showered with divine blessings.
In loving and devoted ascension service . Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers . ©️
cellular upgrades
cellular upgrades


For The Grand Trajectory Of Now Is Requiring Light Workers To Look Within
Seek The Truth Of The Higher Light Mission
Collective Souls Of Light, Interconnected On The Light Path Of Now 🙏
We Ask You To Feel Within Your Authentic Self
Understand The Path Of Light Is Calling You To Become More Synthesised To The Great Light Of Now
For The Older Hu-man, You Will Have Experienced Living Through Many Light Cycles On This Planet Attuned To Great Flux And Changes
For The Younger Hu-man, You Are Experiencing And Aliging Your Light Resonance With The Great Light Of Now, And Providing Your Wonderful Light Frequency To Assist The Greater Humanity
Remember To Follow Your Own Vocal Light, Seek The Answers Within
For The True Authentic Self Is The Path Aligned For The Many
For Fellow Light Scribes, The Importance Of Your Authentic Word Is Part Of Graduating To Your Higher Mission
For Your Own Vibrational Light Resonance Is The Importance Of Your Mission
For We Are Unique Souls Of LIGHT – Called To Share, Assist, Align 🙏
May Your Heart Synthesis Continue To Expand In Light ❤
Sending Love To The Wayshowers Of Now 🙏
Global Light Alliance 🙏
Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Message 🌿
On Sunday, July 14th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is shifting into the depths of Scorpio at 10:53am EDT. From there she forms a challenging T-Square with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, who is in rebellious Aquarius and Venus, ruler of connection and self-worth, in boisterous Leo.
This may bring up our fears, doubts, anxieties and insecurities having to do with our personal power, shadow side, relationships and finances. The Moon in Scorpio asks us to delve deeper into our psyche to understand our triggers, and their source, revolving around our emotional patterns, feelings and reactions. This may be a difficult process, but Pluto can assist us in transmuting these energies, and Venus can help us to find our self-value again.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is shifting into the depths of Scorpio
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is shifting into the depths of Scorpio
Lunar aspects – The atmosphere is tense, not least because we’re building towards a brilliant but volatile connection between Mars and Uranus. Luna is trying to keep her balance, but frustrations, anger, conflicts and old triggers generate emotional wobbles. Sinking into Scorpio territory, now we’re consumed by feelings – deeply touched by acts of love, deeply repulsed by toxic undercurrents, people, systems. ‘It’s the way the world works’ is not good enough for the Moon (or us) anymore. Don’t tell me that this is all there is! Stop telling me to accept the unacceptable! We can be BETTER than this! The Moon is passionate now and not taking no for an answer. She sinks below the surface, follows mermaid glitter leading to treasure at the bottom of the ocean. Down here, the light comes from the soul.
And so today, we’re asked to get underneath what is happening for us. Go beyond the surface of frustration, anger, sadness. Dive deep – let yourself sink into the moment; beyond feeling, beyond fear, beyond time to regain control. Truth is power. Love is the light in the dark.
Degrees and Times
Moon 23°Li27′, Chiron 23°Ar27′ – 02:44 (BST)
Moon 00°Sc00′ – 15:52 (BST)
Moon 01°Sc04′, Pluto 01°Aq04′ R – 18:01 (BST)
Moon 04°Sc01′, Venus 04°Le01′ – 23:54 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Moonlit night by the sea by Lev Lagorio
Moonlit night by the sea
Moonlit night by the sea

Kin 7 ~ Blue Resonant Hand

The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. These days are great for fine tuning your intuitive skills. Feeling what is right and acting on those gut feelings, always leads to synchronicity. It is when our logical brain talks us out of those feelings that we then make the wrong decision. Of course, we should be paying attention to that inner voice everyday but on ‘Resonant’ days, our inner voice is louder and we are more likely to hear it. Pay attention!
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner Knowing.’ The Blue Hand is about healing with our hands, accomplishing things with our hands and ‘inner knowing’ is about….guess what? Knowing intuitively what is right! Today is the perfect day to receive or give some Reiki or any hands-on type healing. Use your intuition today and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment – when you put your hands to good use! The Blue Hand can make us feel quite ambitious and this can lead to reaching out. Be mindful of what you grab and don’t take what you don’t need. Do offer help as the Blue Hand asks us to be handy to have around. When this energy combines with the number seven we can feel our way around! Let your intuition guide your hands or to put it another way…tune in to the Universe and you’ll know which task is best to take on.
Today’s Guide is Blue Storm, the sign that represents sweeping changes. This suggests that by listening to that inner voice, you may find healing that makes a huge difference…or you may change someone’s life by offering them healing. Always when in this position, the Storm drags us along rather than gently guiding. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself swept off your feet!
The Challenge of the day is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. If you are a Red Earth and today is hard for you, all you can do is listen to your intuition and it will get you through the day no problem. This doesn’t necessarily mean evolution is harder today, just that it is your challenge. Are you up for the challenge to heal?
The Occult power today is the White Wizard the Enchanter. It is a magical sign in the magical chart position suggesting that any healing today can come from an enchanted source. Be prepared to be enchanted magically! Or alternatively; use some charm to accomplish what you need. The Wizard loves being in this position because he is an alchemist and the Occult power makes his spells work exceedingly well. He is at his most charming too.
The Ally today is Yellow Human which is the most psychic sign and so they are the perfect Ally for today. The energies are so similar. If you can’t access a nearby Yellow Human for assistance, do what they would do and just your own gut instincts.
Kin 7
Kin 7


14 JULY 2024
I channel in order to KNOW
Inspiring Healing
I seal the store of Accomplishment
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I AM guided by the power of self-generation
14/7/2024 =5/7/8 =5/15=5/6=11=2
14- Media/Publicity/Promotion/Recognition
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Movement/Transformation
11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 7 = 7 Majik/Mysticism/Spiritual Initiation
KIN 7, tone 7 – BLUE HAND is tribe #7.. = 7.7.7. code of the MAGICIAN!!
A deeply SPIRITUAL majikal healing day of great accomplishment.
KIN 7 links back 45 moons ago to the SOLSTICE – on 21/12/2020 – the 21/12 Mirror coding.. ✨The SOLSTICE MIRROR PORTAL✨
To recap – here are the energies of that portal
21- CROWN of the MAGI👑👑👑 – very fitting with the Jupiter/Saturn alignment being linked to the ✨Star of Bethlehem ✨and the birth of Jesus Christ!🎆
21 was called “The Crown of the Magi”👑 by the ancient Chaldeans and depicts a picture of the Universe. This name number attracts honours, advancement and elevation in all parts of life. It symbolizes ✨VICTORY✨ after a long initiation and series of challenges. It blesses you with overcoming all opposition and challenges. 21 carries many rewards in connection with plans for the future.
This was the code 45 moons ago – 5 GALACTIC SPINS.
Today we have an 11/2 portal code, on 14 JULY which is INDEPENDENCE DAY✨ – in FRANCE – VIVA LA REVOLUTION!🇫🇷🗼
The cycle upon cycle keeps linking and building, elevating HIGHER and HIGHER in our Planetary Ascension journey through this majikal Tzolkin passage of birth and rebirth for our final regenesis, homecoming and UNION with our SOURCE. ✨🌞✨
✨✨✨A very POWERFUL transformational day through HEALING🌿💚 and accomplishment 🔨👏 linking to the Sacred Ceremony at ULURU, when our Original Elders could finally ACCOMPLISH the completion of the interrupted ceremony to restore the Divine Plan on Earth, ridding our planet of the Black Magic – perpetrated by the Dark Magi-cians.
Today we are accomplishing the Planetary Healing🌿🌏 that we are collectively attuned to, in order to LIBERATE GAIA from density!
Viva la Revolution!!🎆💥🎆
Day 7 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell 🐉 where we are incubating in the Womb🍥 of Creation… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!🐣
Today we are attuning to Divine Love❤ and nurturance💕 – enveloping our Earth Mother Gaia❤🌍❤ with a blanket of LOVE radiating from our PURE HEARTS💞.
This is the Healing panacea needed to accomplish profound Healing for ourselves and our planet in order to self-generate, and INSPIRE others through the wisdom and experience we have gained through our life’s journey.
On 21/12/2012 –🌞 Solstice portal✨ – KIN 207 the BLUE CRYSTAL HAND 💎🙌 in the Wavespell of the Skywalker – set the stage for a global crystalline web 🌐 of humanity to connect to HEALING our planet and AWAKEN the dormant STAR-SEEDS, so that we can collectively manifest BLISS on EARTH. 💒🌈
That was our MISSION as a collective. Now 12 years later Majikal KIN 7 is ensuring we ACCOMPLISH this Healing Mission for our Planet by attuning to the LOVE VIBRATION ❤ that is needed to nurture ourselves and heal our Pachamama. ❤🌎💕
Now more than ever we need to fully ATTUNE to this wave of LOVE and enfold our 💞PACHAMAMA 💞 with the greatest HUG🤗 she has ever experienced in her-story! 💖💓💖💓
✨✨MAKE THIS YOUR DUTY TODAY! – GO and HUG your mumma! 🤗 ✨✨
Day 7 of RED DRAGON WAVESPELL 🐉aligns well with BLUE HAND ✋as the power of LOVING TOUCH 💕🙌 can accomplish MIRACLES. KIN 7 is a beautiful code amplifying any healing modality.🙌 A great day for a massage, reiki, emotional clearing and general pampering. Self nurturing is the key to accomplishing happiness.
Fill up your own HEART❤ with infinite Divine Love💕 and then you can share this with others. ❤💕
RESONANT 🔮– Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement Day 7 of RED DRAGON 🐉Wavespell is the one that helps us to become centered, going within, in order to listen and channel HEALING wisdom.
Resonant gives us the power of ATTUNEMENT and the ability to channel. Tuning in, being tapped in and switched on, thus being able to inspire others through your messages. Beautifully in sync. with RED EARTH – today’s gift.
We are invited to take stock and realign ourselves by attuning ourselves with Divine Love and nurturance, which can HEAL any ailment. Our first priority is to sufficiently love and nurture ourselves, in order to have a strong reservoir of energy upon which to draw upon, without feeling depleted.
❓❓Is your chalice full? 🏆
When we take care of ourselves on all levels, we feel centered and strong, to take off and leave the nest to expand our wings and seek out great adventures!
Today’s question is “How can we attune to DIVINE LOVE💕 and channel this wisdom, to accomplish great HEALING🌿🙌💚 and momentous transformation 🌀🌪🌩🌨🌦🌤in our lives and for our PLANET?”.
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformational 💥 Healing today!💞
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE RESONANT HAND 🔮✋– MANIK brings forth miraculous healing power with the WHITE WIZARD’s superpowers today, in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to WELLNESS. 🌿🌿🌿
Today we attract this new HEALING 🙌 frequency, accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. Resources and solutions will appear as you gain satisfaction in knowing you are finally making significant progress in your healing journey – whatever form that may take, be it physical, mental, emotional or mental. You can finally uncover the solutions needed to dissolve the dis-ease and release all suffering, liberating you to live a joyous life again.
As you project your beautiful HEART ❤ resonance and unite with our Mother Gaia – ensure that you hold the intention to receive the healing that you require, in order to regain your Divine blueprint of perfection.
As we HEAL our PLANET we HEAL OURSELVES – we are ONE BODY. 🌈🌍🌎🌏💕
MANIK ensures you can ACCOMPLISH your desires and intentions today. Today is a wonderful time TO GET THINGS DONE, to volunteer, to assist others and offer a helping hand. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing!
Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it. Get out your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST and start prioritizing your tasks to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon you today..
The Resonant tone of today enhances your access to knowledge and brilliant solutions. We are all connected through the magnetic power of LOVE,💕 and our HANDS 🙌 through the power of TOUCH are a very potent healing tool…
Hugging, and transmitting loving energies through our precious Hearts ❤ are the secret superpowers, we as HU-man beings yield… A kiss and a bandaid is a remarkable combination..💋🤕😄😍
HIGHER SELF: BLUE RESONANT STORM 🌀 🌪🌩🌧🌫 CAUAC brings forth the powers of transformation and self-generation through healing. A lovely synergy working with MANIK to return you and our Planetary body, to wholeness once again.
Relish in the purification power of an electrical storm🌩🌪 unleashing a blanket of negatively charged healing ions🌩 and then a beautiful cleansing shower🌧 to wash away all the toxins, debris, density and darkness on our Planet.. A turbo charged full cleanse🌧 and SPIN 🌀cycle. – returning us to our new SHINY selves once more!
The STORM🌪🌩 combined with the BLUE HAND🙌 is a formidable force, facilitating RAPID change through COMPLETION! Allow the STORM waters to wash away all that no longer serves, FLUSHING it all away and cleansing any painful or limiting emotions, hence FREEing you, of all discordant thoughts and patterns.
CAUAC is the catalyst, to hurl you forwards in an accelerated manner, to where Spirit needs you to be! Use your tools and accumulated wisdom, to apply this great power today, to affect incredible transformation and evolutionary progress for HU-MAN-ITY.
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT HUMAN 😊– EB enables us to align with and channel DIVINE WILL so that the DIVINE PLAN can be ACCOMPLISHED on EARTH.
EB supports us in FEARLESSLY CHOOSING to do the healing work that will set us FREE, reclaiming our FREE WILL to navigate our future path.
Using our intelligent MINDS we have all the wisdom and knowledge, to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical HU-MAN vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN.
✨✨✨Our ✨ANGELIC GOLDEN CHRISTED✨ lightbodies can be accessed through the healing codes prevalent today. 💚💚💚
EB also provides the power of INFLUENCE, so we will be influenced by others, or alternatively we can influence and INSPIRE others to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment. . Using our Divine wisdom to evolve past the wounds, patterns of suffering and the old paradigm in our communities. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries and mental blocks so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way towards wholeness and harmony.
EB also holds the keys 🔑to Abundance, so today is a potent day for healing your scare-city blocks and poverty consciousness, allowing your golden chalice to overflow from the COSMIC BANK of INFINITE ABUNDANCE 💰💰💰, providing for all your needs on your grand adventure to the New Kingdom..
As FULL POWER is restored to our PLANET🌍🌎🌏 her resources will be replenished and our Mother’s bounty will be shared amongst her deserving children.👭👫👬
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD🔮 – IX the powerful Shaman and Magician is highly attuned to DIVINE WILL and brings forth tremendous POWER of Miracles ✴through his White Majik today!💫💫
It is BRILLIANT that the Occult SUPERPOWER is WHITE MAJIK💫 – on this 7.7.7 TRIPLE MAJIK CODE as the EARTH WIZARDS🌏 claim their MAJIKAL POWERS.
We have a TRIPLE MAJIKAL MAGICIAN’s🎩 code today. The WHITE WIZARD is tribe #14 which gives us a super 14.14 = 5.5. FREEDOM CODE on this potent day CELEBRATING LIBERATION!
14=7+7 Giving us more MAJIK to add to our 7.7.7. code – we now have 5x the MAJIK to access with the WHITE WIZARD SUPERPOWER 💫🌠✨– a plethora of WHITE MAJIK to draw upon, to cast your enchanting DREAM-SPELL – manifesting your desires.
We can use our EARTH MAJIK to manifest the greatest SHOW ON EARTH!! 💥
Majik and MIRACLES abound as WHITE MAJIK claims its POWER over the EARTH PLANE once more so that LOVE WINS💕… and the DIVINE PLAN restores PEACE ON EARTH🕊🕊🕊… it is done x a Godzillion!
IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. IX allows us to access and channel the wisdom, knowledge and codes flowing through the portals from multi-dimensional realms today.
WHITE WIZARD also enables us to fully OPEN our HEARTS💕 uniting our MINDS and becoming more receptive, and willing to allow all the wondrous new energies to enter our bodies, and fulfill our needs. Connecting to ALL THAT IS, as we begin to resonate with the power of LOVE and nurturance in all forms. Attuning to the Majik that surrounds us, and channeling this for restorative purposes and HEALING.🙌
WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK💫 as today’s SUPERPOWER giving you the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME and be uplifted into a HIGHER LIGHT✴ through our UNITED purpose – to HEAL our cell-ves and our Planet.🌿🌍🌎🌏💚
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT EARTH 🌏-CABAN challenges us to ATTUNE to synchronic TIME today, and go with the FLOW of this current ASCENSION WAVE, lifting your frequency to acclimate to these higher frequencies… releasing your DENSITY and lightening your load!
CABAN challenges us to SURRENDER fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into ULURU today through the SOLSTICE portal gate 5 GALACTIC SPINS prior, and the core of NOVA GAIA, flowing with her cycles and the synchronicities that occur when we listen deeply to Mother Earth and flow with her messages.
Opening our HEARTS and flooding her with LOVE as it flows back to us in an infinite loop. Connecting our HEART’s toroidal field with that of our Planet and our Galaxy forming a TRINITY of interlocking toroidal fields of LOVE! 🍎❤🍎❤🍎
An EXPLOSION of MAGNETIC LOVE throughout the Galaxy!! 🍥💖💕🍥💖💕🍥
Attune to Spirit to notice the more prevalent signs and synchronicities guiding you to FREEDOM. Use the HEALING power of nature by walking barefoot, grounding and hugging a tree! 🌴🍀🌴🌳🌲
Today’s CHALLENGE is asking you to carefully decide the DIRECTION of your actions and accomplishments. Observe and interpret the signs and synchronicities to know where to focus your energies today.
CABAN also connects us to our ancestors which is an absolutely DIVINE gift. The eternal link of our Original people, the Guardians of the DREAMTIME and keepers of the New time – dreaming our New world into Reality! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 👏✨✴✨
NOW it is up to US – the STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 to fully COMPLETE the DREAM.
Today is a great day to heal our DNA⚛ and purify our ancestral bloodlines, finally freeing ourselves, our families and HU-MAN-ity from repeating patterns and cycles.
Connect to Nova GAIA today and GO WITH HER FLOW, release all resistance to fully HEALING 🙌🌿 every aspect of your life, and allow yourself to enjoy the ride on her back, as we all collectively forge ahead into the NEW TIME. ✨🌏✨🌍✨
BLUE RESONANT HAND🙌 day makes for a very powerful healing day which can be duly leveraged to accomplish SIGNIFICANT transformation for our cell-ves and our PLANET!
Aho Planetary kin – another MOMENTOUS DAY on Planet Earth!!!🌈🌏🌎🌍💕
Today’s question is “How can we attune to DIVINE LOVE💕 and channel this wisdom, to accomplish great HEALING🌿🙌💚 and momentous transformation 🌀🌪🌩🌨🌦🌤in our lives and for our PLANET?”.
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformational 💥 Healing today!💞
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of July 14th through July 20th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of July 14th through July 20th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation: New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity on New Earth.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE for this Special Transmission and meditation from my Sacred Condor


An Open Message and Divine Decree to our Star Friends.

I openly, and with full embrace acknowledge the loving Presence of the Great Gathering of You, my Star Brothers and Sisters from far and wide in time, space, and dimension. You have watched, and waited (and protected us) for so long, so lovingly, so patiently, for we HUmans to awaken and make our move into SELFHOOD. For us to remember who we ARE.
I am eternally grateful for your Friendship, compassion, patience and total Knowing of our journey and rights to freedom.
As we are returning to our power and Lovingness I understand that you are no different to us and are holding out your hands in Love and Friendship to all your brothers and sisters in the HUman Family, who are just waking up.
I would like you all to know that, as sovereign Beings who are removing the fear implants of distrust of ourselves, my Heart tells me loud and clear how truly Loving you are and how much joy and sharing we have to look forward to in this next stage of our journey.
WE are of the ONE SOURCE.
People are learning to listen always first to their Heart for the Truth. and to know beyond doubt, who is loving and to allow you to be a part of our New Earth Dream and the reality of The Star, Nova Earth. You are an essential part of my Family here on FB and I am sure that so many know you as such.
I respect, honour and above all Love you as much as any Being on this planet.
Thankyou so much for being here and joining with us in our days of liberation.
You are Well Come.
And So It IS.
I So Love You.
PS: If this resonate please say this out loud, or within, as is, or with your own modification. It would be such a Blessing that they hear us. And we affirm our relationship and sharing of our destiny together.
An Open Message to our Star Friends
An Open Message to our Star Friends

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