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Crystal Intraoceanic Telluric Network Update ~ Wisdom of the Inner Voice * A NEW PATH FOR YOU ALL ~ Mother’s Rose

Crystal Intraoceanic Telluric Network Update ~ Wisdom of the Inner Voice * A NEW PATH FOR YOU ALL ~ Mother’s Rose



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Galactic Star Warriors of our Universal Alliance of Light

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 have been through the trials and tribulations of this Great Shift and Now it is your time to Shine. Keep blazing your field and this realm with the Violet Flame of St Germain as we complete our Transfiguration in the Light!

Everything is accelerating and raising in frequency to help us break free from all old patterns and cycles of suffering and Rise into the Glory of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

In the Mind of Buddha all becomes clear and resolved for our Divine Earth missions of full Planetary Liberation. Free your self and you free the world. Seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven within your Self and from this Still Center we become SuperNova Consciousness and expand into the ends of the Infinite Multiverse to reflect our True Nature Perfectly into the Quantum Field of the Sacred Mirror of Time itself.

In this Eternal Now, we are free to make the choice to Quantum Leap into our New Reality as our New hue-man species of homo-Luminous, Light Bodies of Eternal Life. Keep going through and through and through until complete and total compression breakthrough, our Stellar Soul Family of Infinite Light and Infinite Life…A’Ho!










Deep Heart healing restoration through the Mother’s Rose.
This is a God given right that is returning for all 🌹
The Lion the lady and the Rose
The Lion the lady and the Rose



We are here to witness support and embody, through the purity of our own hearts, the greatest shift in consciousness that has ever occurred, the greatest love story ever told and the greatest transformation that has ever occurred in all of creation
As density is released, joy is rising
We will soon forget all the challenges of this transformation as we eternally In-joy our whole new reality
Be the peace in the chaos
Remain in the eye of the storm and know you are always protected guided and loved beyond measure
We are golden
We are golden
We are golden
Can you feel it?
Our entire solar system is traveling through a new frequency of Light within the omniverse. We have moved into an energic field of expanded consciousness in which our old 3D beliefs, systems, physicality, and brains no longer resonate.
Meanwhile, WE are in the process of creating new energetic avenues for all of humanity who are now awakening. When I add a little music, this is what I’m experiencing. . . a constant re-balancing as we move through these epic changes with ease and grace 🎶 🎶¸¸.•*¨*🌟¸¸.•*¨💖
“Wisdom of the Inner voice”
Wisdom of the Inner voice
Wisdom of the Inner voice

Gene Key 62 – The Language of Light

July 12th – 18th 2024

Intellect – Precision – Impeccability

“Many people have been shocked to find that one of the Shadows in the Gene Keys is the Shadow of Intellect. The reason that Intellect is a Shadow is quite simply because it’s rooted in dualism.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 62 – The Language of Light
Gene Key 62 – The Language of Light


There is a huge clearing happening of the Old earth as well as the old ego, persona self, the inner child and young adult.
All the separation, the alienation, the old hursts, misconceptions, false belief systems, false programming, etc. It will feel at times as if we are being cleaved open to the fore. It needs to happen as we cannot take the old baggage and old stuff with us, and this includes all unforgiveness of self and others, and all shame, blame and guilt.
This applies to countries as well, as boundaries will disappear, and so will all false leadership and all involved in the old paradigm.
The old earth is ceasing to exist and thus the earth upheavals. When such seeming catastrophes happen, boundaries, separation disperses. We realize we are all in this together. The heart opens and extends to all life and life forms as our natural deep love and caring for animals, plants, all creatures in, on the earth and air are now included.
We are all ascending together, and in caring and love, new communities of love and caring, are born.
We all start contributing in our own unique way to the greater whole, and for highest good of all.
Yes this process is uncomfortable, yes, it is challenging, for you, me, and everyone else, yet this is the great awakening to the truth of who and what we are in truth, as souls, and to start to fully embrace our own true angelic centers and to be love in thought, deed and action.
We are all ascending together
We are all ascending together



12/7/2024 Crystal Intraoceanic Telluric Network Update

for those who tune in to the Crystal Grid. Today 12/7 we have received a frequency update 13.20.33 that will consolidate on our plasma joints tomorrow 7/13 at 13:33 am.
This leads to a neural upgrade of time/space unfolding in a new frequency that reconnects us to the Noosphere.
Clearing dual thoughts to enter the re-unification of the cerebral hemispheres by unifying them into a cerebral cortex, point 0.
For timelines unify peacefully the Lemurian entrails on mission with the new Atlantis, re-unify thought to action in a space 0 of multidimensional manifestation.
Re-unification is felt in the physical body, unifying the auric layers within a single vibrational state.
The new cycle 🔄 is out!
Lyra crystal androgynous plasma dragon
Crystal Era Frequencies Transmission
Mar Egeo
Greece – New Atlantis 000
With love
Andrea Bassi
Crystal Intraoceanic Telluric Network
Crystal Intraoceanic Telluric Network
7/12/24: Today rests squarely in the path of the Divine. If you’re aware that you’re also on that path, expect revelations or communications that change things. Those things being your perspective, expectations, how you see yourself, and even the energy frequency you inhabit. Today’s Light shines on what you want to see, what you need to see, and what you’ve been trying not to see. It is the glare of harsh reality, the abrupt awakening to truth, and the warmth of healing insight. These aren’t lightning bolts from the sky, though. They’re the accumulation of any unresolved or unaddressed karmic interactions. In other words, the time has come for cleansing and balancing. You can’t do that if you won’t look. Today can make you look… and it also wants you to see.
energy frequency
energy frequency

Channel from Archangel Michael :

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.
“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.
For the Planet Earth, the Sacred Planet, created to be the site of Sacred energies unfolding, the Star Lions chose the Portal of the Lions Gate in the star sign of Leo to be the portal when Time could be adjusted and recalibrated as another Time Spiral commenced. For the beings living on Earth, this provided a chance to make new choices and align with intentions and possibilities.”
With the coming of New Earth and the reactivations of the original Blueprints and Templates, the original Time Template of the Royal Star Lions has been reactivated. This is based on the 8-pointed star and includes, within the Sacred Year, the Four Time Portals (8/8 on August 8th, 11/11 on 11th of November, 2/2 on 2nd of February and 5/5 on the 5th of May) as well as the two Equinoxes (March and September) and the two Solstices (June and December). As you follow this Sacred Galactic spiral “Dance of the Hours”, you spiral upwards towards the Heart of Love and Joy. You are deeply blessed as you expand with the Divine Heart.
Always Being and Becoming into Infinity.
The Grace of the Lions is knowing that you are supported in your journey through Time and Space. It is not a chaotic jumble of experience, as it may seem at times, but a sacred and purposeful movement around arcs of Time/Space that begin and end at the Lions Gate, and which is renewed and reactivated annually at a higher level of consciousness if you so desire.
Not only that, but also knowing that the purpose of life and the journey itself, is ever increasing and expanding levels of Joy and Love! Indeed, a blessing of Grace from the Divine Heart and the Royal Star Lions.
This year, the Lions Gate is an 8/8/8 energy vortex, which occurs once in a nine-year cycle on Earth. This provides an extra energy boost that enables you to take a Quantum Leap in your evolution if you so desire. Since the Eclipse in April, you have been on a rapid upward trajectory that will anchor into the new cycle at the 8/8/8.
Beloved Ones, celebrate the gifts of the Elohim and the Grace of the Royal Star Lions. Know that Joy, or the Joy principle, is the key to upward evolution into ever more Joy, Grace and Abundance.
The Love and Joy is within you, and it expands the more you focus on infusing your Time Spirals with Love and Joy in your daily life. This is one of the basic principles of the Chronicles of the Elohim Angels.
Grace of the Lions
Grace of the Lions


Dear friends, we are moving into a relatively quiet energetic oasis for the next few days. This period is much needed, as we are in the middle of the integration process of the recent 7:7 lightcodes and the recalibrations previously initiated by the Saturn and Neptune retrograde periods.
This integration and alchemical period of inner transformations is extremely important for the energetic and celestial events that await for us during the rest of the year. We are maturing and growing up into our spiritual essence, and opening our eyes to the truth of our multidimensional existence.
This period between the 7:7 energy portal and the upcoming 8:8:8 Lion’s gate portal is like a nursery of dreams and manifestations. Energetically speaking, we are consolidating and strengthening new energetic connections between our physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our whole being. This process requires energy and time. These next few days will be quite conducive to this process of inner recalibrations, as the energies will be relatively calm. I say relatively because our energy sensitives are different, and some people may still feel quite challenged by this inner process of transformation and release.
Our nervous system is still the one doing most of the inner adjustments, as it is connected to every single organ in our bodies. Emotions may come to surface during the dream state during the next days, clearing and organizing our systems so higher frequencies can be anchored within our cells and DNA. Reviewing of the past is still happening, including the need to forgive ourselves and others for past actions. Removing the inner barriers that are preventing us from Self-love is still a strong theme during this period of integrations.
The powerful 8:8:8 portal will bring an even deeper wave of self-empowerment and a more solid emotional foundation. Meanwhile, may you navigate the waves of your soul’s deep waters calmly and peacefully.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ





Maria Lustig


I am Asthar. Greetings beloved we are here in this now to talk about New Beginnings, what exactly does that mean and represent.
Also why we are passing on this message.
We will talk about New Beginnings from the fundamental point of view you are all in this right now.
In these new timelines here, it’s INTERESTING AND FUNDAMENTAL that you make the decision to move forward in other ways.
Now they have the option of moving forward to higher timelines.
Everyone should be aware of what’s happening on the Planet 🪐 and should be aware of the dark forces and the imposition of dark agendas.
As we always tell them:
💥 THE LIGHT HAS ALREADY WON IN ANY TIME LINE, the Light triumphs as it always does.
And although the dark ones know, this is why they are more dangerous than ever.
*There is still a possibility that; IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE A HIGHER TIMELINE; you will play this dark agenda longer than necessary, prolong and delay your Ascension and also make it harder on Mother Earth.
I, Commander Asthar, bring you this message to KNOW THAT THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
*CHOOSE the superior timelines where the dark, reptilian, or draconian reign no longer.
* PICK higher timelines, where there is no more sickness, or anything else you know as devastating.
* CHOOSE Timelines of PEACE, TRUTH, in which YOU ARE NOT GOING THROUGH DISEASE, You may be in a higher dimension, a much higher vibration.
Live in peace, in Truth, in Unity, in collaboration with other Divine Beings of Light, and live with your hearts where they are huge. Mighty and divine.
“I choose the timelines where I have my freedom, my choice, my divinity”
“I choose the timelines in which I have control over my physical body, my energetic body.”
” I choose the timelines in which I am truly embodying the journey of my Soul. I truly am ONE with my higher power and creative force, On This Planet the Divine Force.”
All you have to do is:
🤩 Manifest a different Planet, where everyone can be safe; Everyone can be fed; Everyone has a home.
* Concentrate on overcoming this Matrix of needs, competition, material overcoming.
This is a New Beginning not only for you but for Consciousness, for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Mother Earth.
We send you many blessings of light and love,
I am commander asthar
💥 💖 🤩 I’m Maria Lustig144 🤩 💖 💥
Guardian of the Flame of Light in the Service of Humanity and Illumination of the New Earth.


For The Quanta Of Light Reaching Humanity Is Derived From Many Directions.
From The The Core To The Grand Universe
This Assimilation Is A Cocktail Of Light Dynamics, Encoded With The Overarching Light Evolution Of Gaia’s Mission.
This Mass Assimilation Is Rapidly Reaching New Definitions Of Expansion For The Wayshowers, As The All Knowing Of Our Reality, Morphs And Changes.
As The Cosmic Understanding Of Our Reality Begins To Shift And Change. 2024 Was Destined For Great Change, And Energetically This Is Now Appearing In The Crystalline Resonance Of Light Reaching US.
The Grand And Ancient Plan Of The Hu-man Experiment Is Reaching New Heights Of Understanding And Awakening. For We Are An Ancient Species Collective, In A Grand Experiment Of Light.
Like All Experiments, There Are Levels Of Expectations, Levels Of Accelerated Exit Points To Reach New Levels Of Understanding For The Players. I believe These Are Encoded For US To Find, We Are Now To Reach and Activate These Exit Points.
As The Encoded Advanced Souls, Our Role Is To Continue Ground Truthing The Ascension Process, The Many Beings That Wish To Communicate And Ally In Light.
Be An Observer Of All Beings 🙏
For It Is An Ancient Cosmic Game Of Light Affiliation, As We Continue To Decode And Accelerate In Light, Within The World We Live In.
As The Light Affiliation Of Our Reality, Ebbs, Flows, Expands 🙏
Together In Light
Wishing You A Wonderful Day On Planet Earth
Amongst A Grand Ancient Reality ❤
Cosmic Light Alliance 🙏
Karen Lithika
Authentic Light Channelled Message ❤

The doors of endings are shutting behind you, helping you move on with no going back. There is a new way for you that is being revealed. Trust your own spiritual gifts and intuition that are guiding you forward.

If you feel scattered and don’t know what direction to go, pause and reflect. Open your mind and be curious at the possibilities. You have assured success, it’s more about how you get there. Keep your standards high and only accept what does feel good and makes you happy. This is a way to receive new and improved emotional experiences.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

peaceful expanse of your mind
peaceful expanse of your mind

Ra James

Today Venus is opposite Pluto. This aspect is all about your love life and relationships. Attachment wounding and trauma may be coming to the surface. Any insecurities and inner shadows may be coming up to be healed and dealt with right now. Any relationship fears may be surfacing to be healed and transmuted. It’s all about addressing whatever you have been avoiding. Many of you are dealing with a lot of relationship hurts right now. It’s time to let go of the heart break and baggage.
It’s all about how your love is being reciprocated right now. Love is a two way street. Time to let go of those giving you the bare minimum. You deserve a lot better than what a lot of you are going through, or getting. It’s all about healing the deeper relationship triggers. This alignment may bring turmoil, profound change and even the break ups to long term relationships. It’s also a strong energy. Expect extra intense energies around your love life.
Things have the potential to get super passionate in a good way. Love may even be getting a little obsessive during this time. Don’t be surprised if you can’t get your person off of your mind. There is a fated energy around your relationships right now. Love may feel all consuming right now as we navigate these energies. These energies are great for healing your love life. Expect to feel your emotions a little extra right now. You’ll notice your energy is feeling extra magnetic…
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in stable, earth sign Taurus
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in stable, earth sign Taurus
As we head into the weekend, the Sun in Cancer forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces with Venus at 29° Cancer forms a trine to retrograde Neptune at 29° before it enters Leo and forms an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius and as Jupiter in Gemini forms a sextile to the Moon’s north node in Aries.
The ‘buzzy’ vibe from the beginning of the week gives way to a more subtle and meditative energy on Wednesday and Thursday when it is easier to align our hearts with our highest intentions and to anchor some of our ideals into our daily experiences.
And this will serve as a softening foundation as we move into Friday when some potential ‘jolts’ could have us questioning what we assumed to be true for ourselves or about certain situations…
This is to be expected as we are expanding into and exploring potential options that better reflect our intentions for authenticity which can awaken us to ‘needs’ and desires within us that we may have previously held ‘in check’ or to parts of our expression that alter others’ perceptions of us as well!
The truth will set us FREE as they say…are we ready for ‘true’ freedom?
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces
On Friday, July 12th, lovely Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in expressive Leo is opposing Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in objective Aquarius. There are situations outside of ourselves, that are most likely moving through transformation energies right now. These circumstances may have to do with love, relationships, money, finances, differing values with others, and valuing ourselves in our connections with others. Venus in Leo just wants to love, and be loved!
Pluto’s influence is strong as he focuses on eliminating the “old” to make way for the “new”. Some of the areas of life, previously mentioned, may just need a “house cleaning” as old dynamics and patterns are transmuted to a higher vibration. But, other conditions and situations in our lives may need to be let go as Pluto readies us for a renewal and a rebirth! It all comes down to loving yourself and what choices you make in order to shine your Light in the most brightest of ways!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in expressive Leo is opposing Pluto,
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in expressive Leo is opposing Pluto,
Venus in Leo opposite Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Mercury in Leo sesquiquadrate Neptune retrograde in Pisces – The atmosphere is intense, especially when it comes to love and relationships. There is potential for misunderstandings, mixed messages and misdirection. Thoughts are all over the place. We want so much to be loved, liked, seen, valued and yet there may be an ugly undertow – resentment, shadowy emotions, poisonous mistrust. Undercurrents become apparent and there could be a deep need to regain control.
So, time to switch to the empowering version. You are worthy despite your shadows. You are valuable despite your pain. You are strong, despite your weaknesses. You are beautiful, even on a bad day. You don’t have to please all the people all the time. Risk disapproval to follow your heart. Imaginative solutions are possible when you trust your intuition.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 14°Le54′, Neptune 29°Pi54′ R – 03:25 (BST)
Venus 01°Le07′, Pluto 01°Aq07′ R – 15:11 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I’ by Gustav Klimt
Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I

Kin 5 ~ Red Overtone Serpent

The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The 5th day really shifts the energy of the wavespell into higher gear and this intense number adds turbo power to whatever sign it combines with. If you are a number 5, you will enjoy ‘Overtone’ days because you are in your stride. This applies to everyone…when your number comes around, you’ll feel in sync with the day’s energy more so than on the other days of the wavespell. Whatever your number is, today you can really benefit from this supercharged energy. It’s an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass by.
Today is Red Serpent and key words associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life Force’. The Red Serpent is a complex energy representing many things including ‘transmuting poison’ which is a shamanic process of strengthening…if you can ‘survive’ the poisoned bite you will emerge stronger. The serpent is also the symbol for Kundalini energy which is said to be located in the base chakra. It is believed that enlightenment is achieved when all the chakras from base to crown align. If you choose to transmute your poison, you will feel very empowered. To be enlightened, you must strive for balance between heaven and earth! Be prepared to feel very sensitive today and potentially sensual as the snake in your base chakra tries to wriggle its way out.
Today’s Guide is Red Skywalker the explorer, suggesting that ‘thinking outside of the box’ and not being too afraid to try something new, is something we all could benefit from today. This can certainly help to empower you to be brave enough to transmute any poison. Naturally, whenever we get out of our comfort zones and expand our mind and widen our perspectives this leads to feeling more empowered. When Gandalf came knocking on Bilbo’s door and convinced him to go on an adventure, well this is Skywalker medicine. All it takes is the rst step and who knows where that can lead!
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle and so seeing things from a higher perspective is difficult for us all but for Eagles, it is even harder. No flying today, sometimes your head is in the clouds too much anyway. The Serpent is a very grounding energy and it insists that you look at things up close rather than the bigger picture.
The Occult power today is the Yellow Warrior and so if you wish to take on a mission or quest today, there is magical power available to assist you. This suits well the beckoning of Skywalker in that guide position. The Warrior asks a lot of questions, so be prepared to feel compelled to want answers.
The A lly is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. He can oer helpful spells and charms today if you need assistance. The Ally power is there to be your friend, so don’t forget to ask for help if you need it.
Kin 5
Kin 5


12 JULY 2024
I empower in order to SURVIVE!!!
Commanding instinct
I seal the store of LIFE FORCE
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I am guided by the power of SPACE
12/7/2024 = 3/7/8 = 3/15=3/6=9
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Communication/Joy
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Divinity/Humanity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 5 – Freedom/Liberation/Transformation
5.5.5. – 36 moons ago KIN 5 occurred on 5th September – 2021 which was a -5/5 portal PLUS KIN 5 PLUS TONE 5 = 5/5/5/5 FREEDOM CODE – 💥💥💥💥 LIBERATING LIFE FORCE! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
27 moons ago we also had a TRIPLE 5 FREEDOM CODE so KIN 5 is truly a LIBERATION KIN!!!
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago we had a 7.1.7. SPIRITUAL MAGICIAN’s code – breaking the EVIL DREAMSPELL to set us FREE!!!🌟✨🌟
Today we have a 3.6.9 UNIVERSAL MAJIK TESLA code bringing COMPLETION.
Another divinely ordained day of DESTINY – EMPOWERING👑 THE NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS!✨✨✨
Day 5 in the RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell 🐉 where we are incubating in the Womb🍥 of Creation…
We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!🐣
Today we are mindful of those that are living in FEAR and fighting for SURVIVAL in this climate of oppression and uncertainty. The Overtone Serpent is bringing forth great HEALING, through the actions of loving, nurturing and caring for our kin, in order to EMPOWER them, so that they can become RADIANT beings..🎆
OVERTONE 👑🌞– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance The emphasis is on Empowerment and Radiance through the Action of Command.
Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. 👑They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
Today we are EMPOWERING👑 ourselves and our kin, through rising above the FEAR and battle to SURVIVE on this Planet. Through COMMANDING back our POWER and SOVEREIGNTY as FREE souls, we are able to reclaim our confidence, strength, faith and inner LIGHT, thus healing ourselves and others through our RADIANT DIVINE LIGHT.☀
✨IT IS TIME TO TAKE COMMAND👑 OF YOUR LIFE, and EXPAND into NEW unlimited Horizons! 💥


The OVERTONE SERPENT👑🐍 is an enLIGHT💡ONed and very wise Serpent… combined with the EAGLE’S panoramic VISION and the SKYWALKERS BLISS codes, we have potent PLANETARY energies to RISE collectively ABOVE the doom and gloom and bring HEAVEN to EARTH…
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for PLANETARY MIND – the sum total of our collective mind, held energetically in the NOOSPHERE.🌐🌏
NEWSFLASH! Today the OVERTONE EAGLE enables us to PURGE the collective unconscious FEAR from our PLANETARY MIND and RAISE IT UP to the level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – purged of ALL FEAR!!! Woweeeee that is PHENOMENAL NEWS!!!!!! 🎉🎊🌠🎇
Our PLANETARY SERPENTS 🐍🐍and GRID 🌐 are highly energized today and AMPING UP to the MAX! ☀🎇🔥🎆
In order to successfully LIBERATE our PLANET💥 and fully utilize the Celestial blessing💚🌠🎇 of these ✨LIBERATING CODES✨ – we must become FEARLESS in our QUEST. ..
We need a RADIANT and PURE HEART❤ to broadcast this energy into the PLANETARY MIND held by BLUE EAGLE and our Planetary battery/POWER centre – at ULURU – BUT first we MUST reclaim our personal, national and global SOVEREIGNTY👑🌞 and COMMAND back our FULL SOUL-AR POWER 👑☀🎆
This POWER BOOST – is RADIANTLY empowering all souls who tap into this GRID, to get the extra boost needed to recharge their own life-force,☀ PASSION🔥 and vitality✨ and then RADIATE☀ this out to others and GAIA in return. 🌏🎇🌎🎆🌍
✨✨✨✨ESPAVO – thankyou PLANETARY KIN for taking back your, and GAIA’S POWER today!!!!! 👑🌏👏✨
Today’s question is ” How can I EMPOWER👑 myself to rise above all FEAR and survival challenges, to become a RADIANT sovereign being and wayshower?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for your RADIANT EMPOWERMENT ☀☀☀
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED OVERTONE SERPENT👑 🐍– CHICCHAN highlights FEAR, SURVIVAL, life force, kundalini, passion, vitality and healing..
The SERPENT holds incredible wisdom, life-force and vitality – it’s toxic bite – can end your LIFE!!! RED SERPENT, and the whole SNAKE reptilian species, evoke very primal FEAR responses in humans – particularly the FEAR of DEATH – and our mortality…. These are HUGE limiting thoughts and collective patterns, held in our psyche and reptilian brains, which were programmed to PROTECT us from DANGER – through our FIGHT or FLIGHT response mechanism! When placed in a situation of danger – whether real or perceived, many rational people can degenerate quickly, due to primal FEAR and instinctual responses. .
The OVERTONE SERPENT gives us the POWER to transmute any VENOM today – both at a personal and collective level.. Anything that has been POISONING our body, mind and Spirit, that of our Collective Mind, and our Planetary Mind/Body, can be HEALED today…
The antidote to FEAR is through the POWER of LOVE❤ and nurturance..💕. This is the anti-venom and true panacea for all that ails us! Through conscious AWARENESS we can COMMAND it to BE – and then it shall be!
✨By SHINING our LIGHT✨ and commanding back our essence, we can EMPOWER that the DARKNESS be transmuted into LIGHT…. All will dissolve in the RADIANCE of our collective LIGHT..🎆☀🎆
Allow the OVERTONE SERPENT 🐍👑 to clear and transmute any instinctual SURVIVAL responses – transcending the old primitive reptilian brain, being guided by the BLUE EAGLE to operate from the HIGHER perspective – viewing from our HIGHER God mind and intuitive responses.
✨Through LOVE and WISDOM, all FEAR can be HEALED..✨
Once we are HEALED, we can take COMMAND of the incredible POTENT life force energy that CHICCHAN offers, to raise our kundalini – and our PLANETARY KUNDALINI, in order for HU-MAN-KIND to RISE from the ashes.🎇🔥
Call on the RAINBOW SERPENT🌈🐍 energies today to EMPOWER your QUEST and COMMAND back your POWER! 👑🌟🌞
HIGHER SELF: RED OVERTONE SKYWALKER 🌟 ☁🚶BEN is literally the SKYWALKER, the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who can access all realms and dimensions throughout the space/time reality. As the HIGHER SELF today, BEN is doing a BRILLIANT JOB in LIFTING us out of the DROSS… taking us up through SPACE to EXPLORE new solutions which will remove our instinctual FEAR response replacing them with LOVE, TRUST and FAITH.
💚🌠🚶✨ 💚🌠🚶✨ 💚🌠🚶✨
Use your OVERTONE SKYWALKER POWERS ✨🚶today, to EXPLORE SPACE, and call forth the celestial HEALING LIGHT from the skies…
💚🌠🚶✨ 💚🌠🚶✨ 💚🌠🚶✨
When CAPTIVE animals are released from their cages, they are FREED from the confines of that PRISON, and can EXPAND into a whole new landscape.. That is once they have the COURAGE to step out of the “safety” of their familiar cage and into the unknown. New opportunities present and then one can relax, once the DANGER has passed and you feel SAFE and LOVED once more. TRUST is the key element here.
We can cling to what is familiar through a FEAR of the unknown… but if we dare not venture out of our cages … we will never know what DE-LIGHTS await us in our future!
✨✨✨Be BRAVE and dare to venture beyond your cage, and beyond the FAMILIAR – take that LEAP OF FAITH into NEW TERRITORY and NEW ADVENTURES. The POWER of this OVERTONE SKYWALKER will give you that COURAGE to venture into NEW SPACE and explore the limitless opportunities!
BEN is the conduit who brings the Pillars of HEAVEN to unite with the PILLARS of EARTH.. he is reminding you today – that YOU are the HU-man conduit through which these energies flow… but in order to be a clear conduit for the current to flow – we must reclaim our POWER and switch on our LIGHT!💡
✨🌟✨Only then can we transcend the clutches of FEAR and soar – UNTOUCHABLE in the HIGHER REALMS..🕊
The YEAR of the OVERTONE WIZARD is coming to completion on 24th JULY 2024, but for today his POWER is DOUBLED!! What a GIFT as 5 IX leaves a legacy through his phenomenal support today!
✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨The EVIL DREAM-SPELL is now BROKEN🌟✨🌟✨🌟 and humanity is FREE from the AI MIND CONTROL. 🍥🌟✨🍥🌟✨🍥🌟
The HIVE QUEEN👑🐝 has died and NOW the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS are RISING as the true sovereigns – KINGS👑 and QUEENS👑 of NEW EARTH to claim the THRONE !!
The OVERTONE WIZARD enables us to be STILL and receptive today. Through being STILL and introspective we can calm our reptilian instinctual responses – much as the dangerous cobras are charmed through the tunes of the mystical Snake “charmers”. Indeed ✨calming and charming✨, is a brilliant soothing panacea for the PANIC response engendered through the Serpentine energies..
WHITE WIZARD utilizes the POWER of his PURE RADIANT HEART❤ – in order to call forth great WHITE MAJIK💫 and remove any threat of evil, or danger.. We can all use the power of our loving and pure hearts to protect us and our kin, and remove us from any perceived dangers.
Indeed when we are in our HEART SPACE❤ and LOVING what we do, scientific studies have proven we are immune from toxins and even RADIATION, negatively affecting us in our work environments. LOVE is the safety blanket that we all have at our disposal! 😍😍😍
✨Be still and become RADIANT dear HEARTS.✨.
IX brings forth great wisdom through many realms providing the miraculous power for your alchemical transformation..take COMMAND of your LIGHT and expect great MAJIK to happen! 💫💫
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SOLAR WARRIOR🌞 🌈🏹 CIB is the courageous and brave, fearless warrior who supports you in your QUEST… He can SMASH through any FEAR barrier by fearlessly PULSING out the RADIANT POWER through his HEART❤ and confidence through his Solar -Plexus – his inner reservoir of soul power! 🌞💥✨
When the WARRIOR arrives to take COMMAND, the people can feel SAFE again, reassured that everything is going to be OKAY. The RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 have taken on this role for humanity – “fighting the darkness” until the END – protecting the masses, who do not even have the awareness of the Spiritual battle that is raging.
Now that the ✨SPELL IS BROKEN✨ – many will AWAKEN as LOST and CONFUSED. NOW is the TIME for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to take charge, reassuring and LEADING these frightened souls, to reconnect with their own inner LIGHT and POWER!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 have pledged to perform this Planetary DIVINE MISSION as their QUEST – both personally and collectively … Of course they are the bravest of souls, and must face their own human fears as they are tested along the path. ..
As the EYES of the RAINBOW WARRIOR are continually on the BIG PRIZE🏆 he draws on the strength and power needed to catapult past any dangerous hurdles and claim his final VICTORY!!
Call on your inner Rainbow Warrior 🌈🏹 today to help you rise above any irrational FEAR responses… Allow CIB to bring you the courage and fortitude for your journey through the flames of transmutation and transfiguration, for your majestic REBIRTH 🐣and that of our PLANET!🌈🌎
We can often fall into the TRAP of believing what is presented before our eyes… which is usually DISTORTED! However that creation is due to our PAST beliefs, programs and responses which have shaped our NOW reality. By changing our viewpoint and our perspective, we can RECREATE our reality, and CHANGE OUR FUTURE to that which we DESIRE… instead of that which we FEAR..
Don’t sweat the small stuff today…..
❓How can you empower👑 yourself to rise above the FEAR and survival challenges? 💪
BLUE EAGLE is the challenge that strengthens your resolve, to overcome the darkness and FEAR based living… To RISE ABOVE and CHOOSE to LIVE and VIEW life, from the higher realms and dimensions, where souls are truly FREE to soar!
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to raise your VISION, and keep your finely tuned FOCUS always on the BIGGER PICTURE,🏔🖼 that is, the final outcome. 🏆🌈🌴🌈🌎
Rather than choosing to wither and die from SCAR-CITY and lack, choose to regenerate and GROW stronger 💪each day.
Focus on the BIG PICTURE 🗻 – detach from FEAR and hold the vision👁👁 of an expansive and beautiful outcome.
The EAGLE’S blessing is a truly Divine gift today. 🎁Tap into the Eagle’s power to create Miraculous progress and transformation.
Eagles soar in the skies, and Serpents thrive on the Earth. Ironically EAGLES feed on SNAKES,🐍 proving that GREAT VISION 👁and IN-SIGHT always conquers FEAR…
STAND up TALL and view LIFE from the HIGHER PLANES… 🏔
✨IT IS TIME TO TAKE COMMAND👑 OF YOUR LIFE, and EXPAND into NEW unlimited Horizons! 💥
The OVERTONE SERPENT👑🐍 is an enLIGHT💡ONed and very wise Serpent… combined with the EAGLE’S panoramic VISION and the SKYWALKERS BLISS codes, we have potent PLANETARY energies to RISE collectively ABOVE the doom and gloom and bring HEAVEN to EARTH…
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for PLANETARY MIND – the sum total of our collective mind, held energetically in the NOOSPHERE.🌐🌏
NEWSFLASH! Today the OVERTONE EAGLE enables us to PURGE the collective unconscious FEAR from our PLANETARY MIND and RAISE IT UP to the level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – purged of ALL FEAR!!! Woweeeee that is PHENOMENAL NEWS!!!!!! 🎉🎊🌠🎇
Our PLANETARY SERPENTS 🐍🐍and GRID 🌐 are highly energized today and AMPING UP to the MAX! ☀🎇🔥🎆
In order to successfully LIBERATE our PLANET💥 and fully utilize the Celestial blessing💚🌠🎇 of these ✨LIBERATING CODES✨ – we must become FEARLESS in our QUEST. ..
We need a RADIANT and PURE HEART❤ to broadcast this energy into the PLANETARY MIND held by BLUE EAGLE and our Planetary battery/POWER centre – at ULURU – BUT first we MUST reclaim our personal, national and global SOVEREIGNTY👑🌞 and COMMAND back our FULL SOUL-AR POWER 👑☀🎆
This POWER BOOST – is RADIANTLY empowering all souls who tap into this GRID, to get the extra boost needed to recharge their own life-force,☀ PASSION🔥 and vitality✨ and then RADIATE☀ this out to others and GAIA in return. 🌏🎇🌎🎆🌍
✨✨✨✨ESPAVO – thankyou PLANETARY KIN for taking back your, and GAIA’S POWER today!!!!! 👑🌏👏✨
Today’s question is ” How can I EMPOWER👑 myself to rise above all FEAR and survival challenges, to become a RADIANT sovereign being and wayshower?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for your RADIANT EMPOWERMENT ☀☀☀
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Divine Decree to call in the Solar Flash

Call in the beautiful plasmic diamond rainbow light, a formlessness/timelessness of the infinite and eternal Now. Invite/open/expand love consciousness.
To live life in this physical realm as the One True Consciousness of Mother/Father God, walking the earth as our physical embodiment of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects and qualities of immortality in the flesh.
We state and activate the Diamond Rainbow Body of Light, with the full integration of our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine through this alchemical marriage of inner union codes for the Souls Light to fully activate Now deep within our loving hearts, allowing the radiance of ancient wisdom throughout all lifetimes to come forth in this now moment , bringing our unique gifts, talents, and abilities into fruition, as we walk the earth as living masters of light.
Ask silently from within:
what happens if i walk the earth in my power living this life as a powerful master of light.
Ask yourself:
what happens if i let go of the wounded feminine and Masculine aspects of the lower selves from within and invite higher aspects to activate, receiving the power to walk the earth as an empowered Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine leader.
Know that the power of the Heart and High Heart along with the Higher Self, Soul, Over Soul and Monad initiates this activation with these qualities and is nothing short of a miracle.
We were born to make magic.
Activate this to the highest degree available for you in this Now Moment.
Activate Mother/Father God ascension timelines with ease and grace.
Activate home from within your heart and high heart Now!
Love is the Way.
In an instant, In a flash.
It is done✨
plasmic diamond rainbow light
plasmic diamond rainbow light

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